Recreation & Leisure Transition Services Unit - 2020-2021 OPPORTUNITIES - Montgomery County Public Schools

Page created by Bill Hale
Recreation & Leisure Transition Services Unit - 2020-2021 OPPORTUNITIES - Montgomery County Public Schools
Transition Services Unit

Recreation & Leisure
     Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, Maryland

    2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 1 OPPORTUNITIES
    For Kids, Youth and Teens with Disabilities
Recreation & Leisure Transition Services Unit - 2020-2021 OPPORTUNITIES - Montgomery County Public Schools
Board of Education

                           Ms. Brenda Wolff

                           Ms. Karla Silvestre
                           Vice President

                           Dr. Judith R. Docca

                           Mrs. Shebra L. Evans
                           Ms. Lynne Harris
We inspire learning by
providing the greatest     Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill
public education to each
and every student.         Mrs. Rebecca K. Smondrowski

                           Mr. Nicholas W. Asante
MISSION                    Student Member
Every student will have
the academic, creative     Montgomery County
problem solving, and       Public Schools (MCPS)
social emotional skills    Administration
to be successful in        Jack R. Smith, Ph.D.
college and career.        Superintendent of Schools

                           Monifa B. McKnight, Ed.D.
CORE PURPOSE               Deputy Superintendent
Prepare all students to
thrive in their future.    Karen Stratman
                           Chief of Staff

CORE VALUES                Derek G. Turner
                           Chief of Engagement, Innovation, and Operations
Relationships              Janet S. Wilson, Ph.D.
Respect                    Chief of Teaching, Learning, and Schools

                           850 Hungerford Drive
                           Rockville, Maryland 20850
Recreation & Leisure Transition Services Unit - 2020-2021 OPPORTUNITIES - Montgomery County Public Schools
PLEASE NOTE: The organizations/opportunities listed                 Baltimore Adapted Recreation & Sports (BARS)
in this resource document do not include sponsorship,       
endorsement, or approval by Montgomery County Public                  P.O. Box 631, Parkton, MD 21120
Schools (MCPS). Parents/guardians and students are                    Phone: (478) 227-7386
expected to review organization(s) and opportunities with           BARS is open to all individuals with disabilities. Family
due care, to determine if they are appropriate and safe for         and friends are welcome to join us for all outings. With
                                                                    BARS, you can learn a new sport; support our mission;
their families/students.                                            and access the latest in adapted recreation equipment,
                                                                    stay in the loop with our e-mail blasts, Facebook page,
                                                                    and website. Have fun, meet new friends, and be crazy!
AfterAll (ARC of Montgomery County)                                 BARS is a nonprofit organization that hosts different
                                                                    sporting and recreational events throughout Maryland for                     individuals with physical and developmental disabilities.
  children-youth/youth.html                                         Events include camping, water skiing, sailing, canoeing,
  4140 Wexford Drive, Kensington, MD 20895                          cycling, wheelchair tennis, sea kayaking, snow skiing,
  Phone: (301) 984-5777 x3380                                       rock climbing, skeet shooting, and white water rafting.
A structured and closely supervised after-school and
summer program for preteens and adolescents, ages                   Bender Jewish Community Center of Greater
11–21. Program activities include computer skills                   Washington
development, arts and crafts, outdoor recreation, indoor
games, supervised homework assistance during the            
school year, and swimming in an outdoor pool during the               6125 Montrose Road
summer. Opportunities include cooking classes, YMCA                   Rockville, MD 20852
fitness classes, movies and sporting events providing                 Phone (301) 881-0100
interaction with typically developing peers. AfterAll is    
licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education.             Teens and young adults with a range of special needs
Hours: Monday-Friday, 3–6 p.m. school days; 7 a.m.–                 have fun, learn, and make new friends with a variety of
6 p.m. summer and school holidays.                                  classes that enlighten, educate, and boost self-esteem at
                                                                    the Bender JCC. Offerings include swimming, cooking,
ArtStream                                                           and summer camp programs for teens and young adults                                         with disabilities.
  8401 Connecticut Ave, Ste 1230
  Chevy Chase, MD 20815                                             Boy Scouts of America
  Phone: (301) 565-4567                                     
Interactive workshops and productions, ongoing classes,               Marriott Scout Service Center
seminars, performances, and training. Offer inclusive                 9190 Rockville Pike
performing arts classes, specifically designed for the                Bethesda, MD 20814-3897
needs of adult actors with cognitive and/or physical                  Phone: (301) 530-9360
disabilities. Classes include theater, puppetry, visual arts,       Youth with physical disabilities and youth and adults with
multimedia, music, and dance.                                       developmental or cognitive challenges are welcome in the
                                                                    Boy Scouts of America. Various accommodations exist to
Autism Speaks—Resource Guide                                        facilitate advancement. These youth do not need to join a                      special unit oriented to serving members with disabilities,
  1990 K Street, NW, Second Floor                                   although those exist and may be beneficial in some cases.
  Washington, D.C. 20006
  Phone: (202) 955-3111
Many resources, including after-school programs, camps,
therapy, doctors, etc.
Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions,
across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for
the needs of individuals with autism and their families,
through advocacy and support; increasing understanding
and acceptance of people with autism spectrum
disorder; and advancing research into causes and better
interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related

                                                                1                       RECREATION AND LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES
Celebrate Ability - After School Program                           Gaithersburg Youth Club              Olde Towne Youth Center
  school                                                             (301) 258-6440
  11815 Seven Locks Road, Potomac, MD 20854                          Email:
  Phone: (202) 441-5449                                              301 Teachers Way
  E-mail:                                  Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Our After School program runs Monday through                         Robertson Park Youth Center
Friday from 2:30 to 6:30 pm at St. James Episcopal                   (301) 258-6166
Church. Students from both private and public schools
in Montgomery County are welcome to attend the
After School Care program. You may arrange for                       801 Rabbitt Road
Celebrate Ability to be their drop-off location via MCPS             Gaithersburg, MD 20878
transportation.                                                    The Gaithersburg Youth Club (GYC) is designed
                                                                   specifically for middle school students, providing safe,
The hours following normal school hours can be
                                                                   well-supervised and fun activities for participants during
productive for kids. As a result, in After School Care, we
                                                                   their off-school hours. The GYC hosts dances and activity
provide activities that help kids maximize their potential
                                                                   nights throughout the school year and offers exciting
after having spent their whole day in a classroom. We
                                                                   trips and activities as well as educational and service
assist them with their homework, take fun community
trips, and facilitate individual and group games. We
ensure that they engage in activities that will help develop
their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical skills         Community Companions (Catholic Charities)
alongside same-age peers.                                  
City of Gaithersburg                                                 1010 Grandin Avenue
Parks, Recreation, and Culture                                       Rockville, MD 20851                                             Phone: (301) 251-2860 x604
  31 S Summit Avenue                                               After-school Program: From school dismissal to 6 p.m.,
  Gaithersburg, MD 20877                                           students ages 6 to 21 engage in social, therapeutic and
  Phone: (301) 258-6350                                            recreational activities such as arts and crafts, music,
                                                                   computers, and outdoor games. Program vans take
  E-mail:                              students on field trips, and a snack is provided. Autism
Accessible pools. A variety of programs are available              Waiver funding, Maryland Developmental Disabilities
for competitive play as well as the development of                 Administration funding, and private payment are
lifetime skills. Senior and youth services. Committed to           accepted.
making reasonable accommodations, as required by the
Americans with Disabilities Act. Requests must be made             In-home Support: We offer one-on-one support for
two weeks prior to the start of the program or activity.           students in their homes. Staff work with parents to ensure
                                                                   activities complement the student’s Individual Service
Elementary After School Program (ASP)                              Plan (ISP), while meeting important needs. Autism Waiver
                                                                   and Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration
  Activity Center at Bohrer Park                                   funding are accepted. At this time, private payment is not
  506 South Frederick Avenue                                       accepted.
  Gaithersburg, MD 20877
                                                                   Take-a-Break Program: Allowing caregivers a few
  Phone: (301) 258-6350                                            hours of respite, this program engages students in age-
  Email:                                    appropriate activities on Saturday afternoons. Activities
The Elementary After School Program (ASP) is a series              include bowling, cooking, swimming, and theater trips.
of free recreation programs that operate from September            The program operates from September to June.
through May for youth in grades 1 – 5. The programs
are held directly after school and activities include arts &       Respite Camps: Respite camps operate on days when
crafts, indoor recreation and outdoor supervised play.             Montgomery County schools are closed, including winter
                                                                   and spring breaks, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Each camp
The ASP meets once per week at each host elementary                session is customized to meet the needs of participants.
school: Magnificent Mondays are at Summit Hall, Terrific           Daily and weekly rates are available. Autism Waiver and
Tuesdays at Brown Station, Winning Wednesdays at                   Maryland Developmental Disabilities funding and private
Washington Grove, Thrilling Thursdays at Fields Road               payment are accepted.
and Fantastic Fridays at Gaithersburg Elementary unless
otherwise noted. The After School Program is only for
students who attend the host school.

TRANSITION SERVICES UNIT                                       2
Community Support Services (CSS)                                    Dreams for Kids D.C.                                   
  9075 Comprint Ct                                                    1420 N St NW
  Gaithersburg, MD 20877                                              Washington, D.C. 20005
  Phone: (301) 926-2300                                               Phone: (301) 742-7787
  E-mail:                                              Email:
CSS provides special programs to Montgomery County                  Dreams for Kids D.C. (DFKDC) is a nonprofit organization
youth with autism and other developmental disabilities.             provides activities that empower children with physical
All recreational programs emphasize community-based                 and developmental disabilities to unite with their peers
instruction, positive behavior management, and the                  and realize their potential. Clinics include waterskiing,
development of independence for each participant. The               dance, football, ice hockey, soccer, basketball, and
goal of the camps and special programs is to provide the            baseball. DFKDC’s mentorship program that provides
children we serve with the support they need to engage in           communication, leadership, and vocational skill building
leisure and recreational activities they enjoy, in their home       for young adults with developmental delays and/or
community. Programs offered include after-school program,           physical disabilities in the DC area. The program concept
Saturday program, holiday camp, and summer camp.                    derived from the need to provide DFKDC participants
                                                                    with resources to expand and grow after their time in
Department of Natural Resources—                                    DFKDC clinics. Over the course of 3 months, the program
State Park Pass                                                     offers participants both skill-building workshops on topics
                                                                    such as resume development, interviewing, and formal                       e-mail communication as well as off-site group community
  udpexplanation.aspx                                               service projects, site visits to places that employ those with
  Department of Natural Resources Licensing &                       disabilities, and opportunities to network. We seek for
  Registration Services (UDP)                                       participants to walk away with meaningful relationships,
  P. O. Box 1869​                                                   new confidence, and real skills that allow them to pursue
  Annapolis MD 21404​                                               independence and gainful employment.
  Phone: (410) 260-3220
The Universal Disability Pass is a free lifetime pass that          Equine Therapy Associates
does not require renewal. It permits the holder and         
one other person free entrance to day-use facilities                  P. O. Box 59253
at Maryland state parks and forests, where there are
service fees associated with entrance. This pass does
                                                                      Potomac, MD 20859
not cover automated gate entrance systems or service                  Phone: (301) 972-7833
charges in the park such as camping, boat launch,                     E-mail:
rentals, bus parking, other concessions, or special                 Offers lessons for individuals aged 3 and up, and focuses
charges. Identification may be requested when the pass              primarily on learning disabilities, ADHD/ADD, sequencing
is presented. In addition to entrance to a Maryland state           and processing disorders, Autism, mild to moderate Cerebral
park or forest, the pass also allows those individuals who          Palsy, emotional disabilities, hearing impairments, intellectual
possess a valid hunting license to hunt from a vehicle.             disabilities, Down Syndrome, developmental delays, strokes,
                                                                    Fibromyalgia Syndrome, speech impairments, and visual
                                                                    impairments. Financial aid available.

                                                                    Fitness for Health
                                                                      11140 Rockville Pike, Suite 303
                                                                      Rockville, MD 20852
                                                                      Phone: (301) 231-7138
                                                                    Children, Adults, Seniors, Special Needs—
                                                                    Occupational therapy, physical therapy, and therapeutic
                                                                    exercise. Fitness for Health combines innovative
                                                                    exergaming systems with programs created by our expert
                                                                    integrated-movement specialists, occupational therapists,
                                                                    and physical therapists in a nurturing environment to
                                                                    help you build your gross, fine, and visual motor skills;
                                                                    cognitive function; and your self-confidence—to your
                                                                    highest potential. Goals and activities are custom-
                                                                    tailored to your comfort level. Equipment that combines
                                                                    technology and movement to create challenges that are
                                                                    fun, not intimidating. A safe, nurturing environment and
                                                                    coaching style.

                                                                3                         RECREATION AND LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES
Haven Universe                                                       Camp Live Out Loud (LOL)                                              Camp Live Out Loud (LOL) is a Saturday morning
  12208 Meadow Creek Court                                           program serving youth and young adults of all ability
  Potomac, MD 20854                                                  levels. Designed and led by a team of Ivymount
                                                                     trained educators, participants engage in a variety of
  Phone: (301) 343-7283                                              activities focusing on music, movement, sports, games,
  Email:                                        socialization, cooking, and the arts. Guest Leaders and/
Haven Universe is a nonprofit Christian organization that            or special activities will be featured each session. Tuition
hosts social events for individuals of all ages, disabilities,       includes all camp materials, art supplies, snacks, daily
faith backgrounds and their families/caregivers and                  reports, and more than 30 hours of engaging activities.
friends. Events include monthly “Saturday Night Alive”
gatherings in a local Montgomery County gym-type                     Dates & Time: Saturday mornings, 10:00 am–1:15 pm
facility, providing a variety of adaptive and engaging
sports and games, simple arts and crafts, and an optional
                                                                     Girls Club
Bible lesson—then closing with pizza. Also host monthly              This group will gather to talk about issues they care
social events in the community. All are welcome.                     about, while working on a project or enjoying an activity.
                                                                     Our focus is on friendship and developing self-advocacy
Imagination Stage                                                    skills. Program Length: 10 weeks                       Dates & Time: Saturday mornings, 11:00 am–12:00 pm
                                                                     After-school Clubs
  4908 Auburn Ave
  Bethesda, MD 20814                                                 After-school clubs at Ivymount provide extracurricular
                                                                     activity programs for students of all abilities. Groups are
  Phone: (301) 961-6060                                              designed and led by Ivymount’s Adapted PE teachers,
  E-mail:                                  Art teacher, and other highly-trained Ivymount staff.
Encourages children of all abilities to discover and                 Participants participate in the activity of their choice.
develop their full creative potential through the                    Each club will have a skill sharing, gallery display or
performing arts. Arts Access & Teen Workshops—                       scrimmage at the end of the session. Designed for
for students with cognitive/developmental disabilities.              students of all abilities, ages 6-young adult. Additional
Classes offer the same curriculum covered in general                 cost if 1:1 support is required. Clubs include Art Club,
education classes. Higher student-teacher ratios.                    Athletic Club, and Cooking Club. All abilities, ages
Pegasus Ensemble—two-year conservatory program for                   6-young adult.
students with cognitive and/or developmental disabilities,
providing the opportunity for them to further develop
their theatre arts technique and life skills, while working
                                                                     JOY Cheerleading—Special Olympics
as an ensemble.                                                      Montgomery County
Ivymount Recreational Programs                                         Practice Gym Location: Shockwave Allstars Gym                    20 Southlawn Court
  One.aspx?portalId=122337&pageId=5433897                              Rockville, MD 20850
  11614 Seven Locks Road                                               E-mail:
  Rockville, MD 20854                                                Joy Cheerleading began in 2011 with 23 cheerleaders.
                                                                     Today, the squad has grown to more than 70 members,
  Phone: (301) 469-0223
                                                                     ranging in age from 8 to 36 years old. Our amazing
  Email:                                       JOY coaches volunteer their time to work with our
Ivymount Outreach Recreational Programs are designed                 cheerleaders. SOMO’s JOY Cheerleading program
to cultivate well-being within both participants and                 is divided into 4 squads: Sparkles, Rising Stars, JOY
their families. Programs are offered after school and on             Supernovas and YAP JOY, our cheer program for young
weekends for participants school aged - adult. Programs              athletes aged 3-7. JOY Cheer coaches assign cheerleaders
are staffed by highly trained Ivymount School staff who              to squads based on their skills and abilities.
develop and implement age appropriate activities that are
fun, engaging, and memorable.                                        The JOY SuperNovas are our Elite Squad and practice
                                                                     year-round. Outside of the Special Olympics Cheer
                                                                     competition season (March-June), the SuperNovas
                                                                     are sponsored by Cheer Extreme DMV, an Allstar
                                                                     Cheerleading competition gym. Qualified Athletes can try
                                                                     out for the SuperNovas.

TRANSITION SERVICES UNIT                                         4
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts                              Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (KEEN)—Greater DC       
  The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts                  KEEN Greater DC-Baltimore
  2700 F Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20566                           PO Box 341590
  Office for Accessibility                                            Bethesda, MD 20827-1590
  Phone: (202) 416-8727                                               Phone: (301) 770-3200
  E-mail:                                   E-mail:
The award-winning Accessibility Office at the Kennedy               National, nonprofit volunteer-led organization that
Center strives to make the cultural arts accessible                 provides one-to-one recreational opportunities for
to people with disabilities by removing barriers                    children and young adults with developmental and
and providing opportunities. The Office focuses on                  physical disabilities, at no cost to their families and
accessibility services for patrons and visitors with                caregivers. Activities include swimming, sports, bowling,
disabilities; professional development for cultural                 sports and fitness, and music. Peer companion program
administrators; and career opportunities in the arts                for teens in addition to many events such as KEEN Prom
for people with disabilities. Going beyond mere                     and sports festivals. The following are a sample of KEEN
compliance, the Office strives to make the Kennedy                  programs offered in Montgomery County. Additional
Center a performing arts center for everyone by                     programs offered in DC and Virginia.
initiating opportunities for employees, volunteers, artists,
performers, and interns with disabilities; promoting the
                                                                    KEEN BOWLING
use of Universal Design in all renovations, for full physical         Bowlero Bethesda
access; and providing assistive listening devices, sign               5353 Westbard Ave
language interpreters, captioning, audio description, and             Bethesda, MD 20816
Braille and large-print programs for events and activities          KEEN Young Adult Athletes love to bowl, meet friends
at the Center.                                                      and engage with the community. They have so much
                                                                    fun, Bowling has become one of KEEN’s most popular
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center                                      programs. Ages: 16—21.
  aquaticcenters/kennedyshriver.html                                KEEN FIT
  5900 Executive Boulevard                                            Washington Sports Clubs
  N. Bethesda, MD 20852                                               10400 Old Georgetown Road
  Phone: (240) 777-8070                                               N. Bethesda, MD 20814
First known as the Montgomery Aquatic Center when                   Coaches help Young Adult Athletes train like pros on all
it opened in 1989, the facility was dedicated on October            the different fitness equipment. KEEN retains the gym
23, 2011 as the Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center. Eunice              facility at the club for an open gym session for Adult
Kennedy Shriver and Sargent Shriver Aquatic Center                  Athletes and their families.
(KSAC) is conveniently located in North Bethesda near
the White Flint Metro station and the I-270 corridor.               KEEN PEER COMPANION PROGRAM FOR TEENS
Although classes and programs are scheduled throughout                Rockville, MD
the week, times are also set aside for recreational and lap           TBD
swimming. Classes include diving, fitness, swimming and             KEEN Teens who enjoy more structure and independence
water safety, and competitive opportunities are available           find a home in KEEN Club. This is the only KEEN
for a reasonable fee through a swim team, dive team,                program where volunteers have to make a time
masters swimming and scuba. Learn to swim program for               commitment. High School students commit to partner
children ages 4-15 who have special needs.                          with an individual athlete for the entire school year. They
                                                                    develop unique friendships while playing more structured
The Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center is completely                    games of basketball and kickball, and they go out to
accessible with ramps, elevators, ladders and lifts.                community events, such as Washington Wizards games.
                                                                    Many volunteers find this program so rewarding they
                                                                    sign up year after year.

                                                                5                       RECREATION AND LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES
KEEN SPORTS and KEEN MUSIC                                        KEEN YOGA
  Tilden Middle School                                              Kennedy Krieger Institute Montgomery County School
  11211 Old Georgetown Road                                         13313 Old Columbia Pike
  Rockville, MD 20852                                               Silver Spring, MD 20904
KEEN’s core program is called “Sports,” and takes place           KEEN athletes learn and practice the basics of this gentle
in a gym, with a variety of sports equipment available.           yoga stretching program.
Athletes and coaches may throw a basketball or kick a
soccer ball, or they may take a walk around an outdoor            KEEN ZAMDANCE
track. Many athletes love to bounce on our large therapy            Columbia Country Club
balls, and others enjoy speeding across the floor on our            7900 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase, MD 20815 (1st
4-wheeled scooter boards. KEEN Sports programs are                  Sunday of the month)
broken down into age groups: kids (ages 5-12), teens
(ages 13 - 19) Unlike other KEEN programs, the music                TBD - Rockville, MD 20852 (3rd Sunday of the month)
sessions are taught by professional educator artists              KEEN ZamDance is a high impact dance fitness program
who have extensive experience not only in their field             for young adults with developmental differences.
of performance, but also in working with persons with             The program introduces a structured environment
disabilities in dance and music.                                  while allowing KEEN athletes to move at their own
                                                                  pace. Athletes are entertained by the music and dance
KEEN SWIMMING                                                     movements.
  Georgetown Prep                                                 At KEEN ZamDance, our young adult athletes are
  10900 Rockville Pike                                            assisted by volunteers for an hour of fitness, friendship
  North Bethesda, MD 20852                                        and fun! No experience necessary.
Amongst the many large, inflatable pool toys joyous and
noisy KEEN athletes and volunteers can be found having            Maryland Youth Ballet—Music and Motion
a blast in the pool. A few even like to swim a lap or two.
Like all KEEN programs, the volunteer coach works                   and-motion/
individually with their athlete to find the activities that
best meet their needs. KEEN swim sessions end with a                926 Ellsworth Drive
group Tug of War, and a water ballet rendition of the               Silver Spring, MD 20910
Hokey Pokey that is not to be missed! The JPMF Splash               Phone: (301) 608-2232
program component of KEEN Swim (in DC and MD) is                    E-mail:
specifically designed to teach kids with disabilities to          Therapeutic dance instruction for dancers with physical
be safe and have fun while in and around the water. It            disabilities through its “Music and Motion” classes. MYB
features fun games and activities to teach basic safety           has a state-of-the-art overhead track system that allows
rules.                                                            each dancer to participate without the aid of a volunteer.
                                                                  The dancers are suspended with the aid of a vest sling
KEEN TAE KWON DO                                                  and attached to a traverse rail system hung in the ceiling,
  TaeKuk (T.K.) Martial Arts                                      giving them complete range of motion. This track system
  6831 Wisconsin Ave. P102                                        gives children with disabilities the ability to reach new
  Chevy Chase, MD 20815                                           heights. Kids, ages 4 and up. Classes meet on Saturdays
                                                                  at 12:00 and 1:00 pm. Both classes accommodate students
KEEN Tae Kwon Do is a program for our youngest
                                                                  who can walk alone and students who require assistance.
athletes, letting them work on focus and concentration
                                                                  Each class is lead by a dance instructor, supported by a
as well as muscle skills. Teen-aged tae kwon do student
                                                                  physical therapist and musical accompaniment. Advanced
volunteers help each athlete participate in exercises and
                                                                  level MYB student volunteers are also present.
drills led by Master Moon. Ages: 5- 12 and 13-18.
                                                                  Fall and Spring Session (performance following Spring
KEEN TENNIS                                                       Session).
  The Bullis School
  10601 Falls Rd., Potomac, MD 20852
We never keep score at KEEN, but everyone knows
what it is at KEEN Tennis: Love – Love. The junior tennis
players at the Bob Pass 4 Star Tennis Academy bring their
special skills to KEEN, teaching athletes how to hold the
racquet and hit balls. KEEN Tennis offers kids and teens a
chance to experience something truly special.

TRANSITION SERVICES UNIT                                      6
Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park                                           MoCo Movement Center –          
  Details/Mattie-JT-Stepanek-Park-37                                  5268-A Nicholson Lane
  1800 Piccard Drive                                                  Kensington, MD 20895
  Rockville, MD 20850                                                 Phone: (301) 770-KIDS (5437)
An accessible park, located at the corner of Gaither Road             E-mail:
and Piccard Drive in Rockville, half a mile from Shady              MoCo classes offer activities specifically designed to
Grove Road and Gaithersburg. Park is on 26 acres and                target areas like physical coordination, strength, balance,
includes basketball courts (lighted), drinking fountains,           speed, endurance, self-confidence, and self-regulation.
grills, Mutt Mitt™ station, outdoor fitness equipment,              Dynamic/flexible lesson structure, depending on the
park benches, park shelter, parking, picnic tables,                 interests and strengths of each child in the group.
accessible playground equipment, soccer/multi-use field,            Professional-grade athletic facility and equipment.
tennis courts.                                                      Activities enhance self-confidence and social interaction.
                                                                    Basic and intermediate sports strategies and techniques.
Melwood Recreation Center                                           Movement skills required to participate in various
                                                                    activities. Stimulating an ongoing desire to participate
                                                                    in sports and fitness. Classes are designed for children
  9035 Ironsides Rd                                                 who work well in a 4:1 ratio and are both physically
  Nanjemoy, MD 20662                                                independent and socially able to work within a group.
  Phone: (301) 870-3226                                      Montgomery County Department of Parks
The Melwood Recreation Center plays host to year-long
activities designed for people of all abilities. Whether it’s
a summer at Camp Accomplish, therapeutic trail riding,
or traveling with Access Adventures, Melwood strives to               9500 Brunett Avenue
enrich the lives of children, youth, and adults.                      Silver Spring, MD 20901
                                                                      Contact: Program Access Office
Miracle League Baseball of Montgomery County                          Phone: (301) 495-2581                                 E-mail:
                                                                    Classes, programs and camps, event and nature centers,
  17950 Germantown Park Drive                                       public gardens, historical sites, playgrounds, athletic
  Germantown, MD 20874                                              fields, lakes, and park and trail directory.
Located in South Germantown Recreational Park, the                  PROGRAM ACCESS OFFICE
Miracle Field serves as the home for the Miracle League             Coordinates, provides, and manages modifications and
of Montgomery County, which provides children with                  accommodations for individuals with disabilities to
mental and/or physical challenges with the opportunity              successfully be included in county-wide parks and leisure
to play baseball safely. The field incorporates a cushioned         programs.
synthetic turf that allows children using wheelchairs and
walkers to “run” the bases without fear of injury. Provides         INCLUSIVE SPECIAL EVENTS AND PROGRAMS
opportunities for children with disabilities to play Miracle
League baseball, regardless of their abilities.                     Designed specifically for youth with disabilities. Programs
                                                                    include: Therapeutic Ice Skating at Cabin John Ice Rink,
                                                                    ACEing Autism at Wheaton Indoor Tennis Facility,
Montgomery Cheetahs Hockey Club                                     Sensory Sundays at the Agricultural History Farm Park.                                  While our goal is to make many of our events are
  Program location:                                                 accessible, these inclusive parks events are geared
  Cabin John Ice Rink                                               specifically towards people with disabilities and their
  10610 Westlake Drive                                              friends and family members of all abilities.
  Rockville, MD 20852
  Phone: (301) 765-8620 (Ice Rink)
Ice hockey for children and teens with developmental
disabilities, ages 5 through 18. Founded in 2006,
Montgomery Cheetah Special Hockey brings together
kids of all ages with a developmental disability to learn
the game of hockey and sportsmanship. The Cheetahs
skate on Saturday mornings at Cabin John Ice Rink and
are led by a dedicated group of volunteer coaches who
combine hockey and social skills. Our athletes are assisted
by peer mentors who help guide and support each player.

                                                                7                        RECREATION AND LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES
Parks has recently acquired equipment to support            
accessibility in Park events and programs. Equipment                  26528-B Ridge Road
will be utilized at our larger special events in the county.          Damascus, MD 20872
Equipment includes wheelchairs, ramps, mobility mats,                 Phone: (301) 253-1500
water bowls for service animals and assisted listening
                                                                    Listen to a snippet of a song, match it on your board,
Parks will also have a calming station (aka sensory tent,           and WIN if you call BINGO! This regular Tuesday night
cool down spot, relaxation zone) – a dedicated tent/10×10           event will be fun for the whole family and is FREE to
canopy that serves as a calming spot and can provide                participate! Reservations recommended.
various forms of organizing sensory input when a
participant is over-stimulated or upset.                            Music and gaming provided by Good Vibrations
                                                                    Entertainment! Like “Good Vibrations” on Facebook for
Additional accessible and adaptive equipment is available           additional information.
to support leisure activities such as fishing and golf and
                                                                    NFB-Newsline—National Federation for the Blind
Montgomery County Recreation and                            
Therapeutic Recreation                                                Phone: (866) 504-7300 (toll free)                             E-mail:
                                                                    Free 24-hour telephone service available nationwide for                           people who are blind, visually impaired, and/or unable
  activitiesandprograms/therapeuticrec/                             to read a printed newspaper or magazine. More than
  4010 Randolph Road                                                400 publications available. There are a number of access
  Silver Spring, MD 20902                                           methods, including touch-tone telephone; a free mobile
  Phone: (240) 777-6870                                             app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod; on demand e-mails, a
General programs and activities are available to suit               secure website, and a variety of portable players, including
all ages, interests, and skill levels. Activities include           the NLS Talking Book player and Victor Reader Stream
swimming classes, craft classes, trips, camps, children’s           2nd Generation. Offered by the National Federation of the
programs, special events, and varied offerings every                Blind and the National Museum and Library Services.
season. To accommodate special needs, individuals
with disabilities may request a mainstream companion.               Potomac Community Resources, Inc.
Companions provide additional assistance to facilitate
the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in general
Recreation Department programs. Companions do not                     9200 Kentsdale Drive
provide personal care. Placements are limited, and are not            Potomac, MD 20854
guaranteed, so early notification is essential.                       Phone: (301) 365-0561
Therapeutic programs are designed specifically for                  Potomac Community Resources (PCR) provides
individuals with disabilities and available to suit all ages,       therapeutic, recreational, social, and respite care
interests, and skill levels. Activities include swimming            programs for teens and adults with developmental
classes, craft classes, trips, camps, children’s programs,          differences. They offer a wide variety of options to appeal
special events, and varied offerings every season. Adult            to and be appropriate for as many people as possible.
clubs are designed to enhance community participation,              This is a nonprofit organization serving teens and adults
skill development, and decision-making skills. Activities           with developmental disabilities and their caregivers. PCR
include social outings to restaurants, theatres, sporting           provides social, recreational, therapeutic, and educational
events, and more.                                                   programs as well as ongoing groups for parents and
                                                                    other caregivers. Registration required.
  304 Center St, Mt Airy, MD 21771
  Phone: 301-829-0710
Mt. Airy Strikers is a league for kids with special needs
and their siblings. On Sundays starting at 11:30 AM.
$3.00 per week, per child for 13 weeks. Kids bowl 1 game
per week. Trophies are awarded at the end of the league.
League attire is available.

TRANSITION SERVICES UNIT                                        8
Potomac Horse Center—Therapeutic Riding                                SPIRIT Club—Fitness for All                   
  camp-prorgrams                                                         10417 Kensington Parkway
  14211 Quince Orchard Road                                              Kensington, MD 20895
  North Potomac, MD 20878                                                Phone: (301) 933-3722
  Phone: 301-208-0200                                                    E-mail:
  E-mail:                                   Health and fitness group programs for teens and adults
The Potomac Horse Center offers therapeutic riding                     with developmental disabilities. Classes include:
lessons for children and adults with a wide range of
physical, and cognitive challenges, including mild to                  SPIRIT Boxing
profound developmental disabilities, learning disabilities,            Classes offer a fun, interactive way to increase your
sensory integrative dysfunction, attention deficit disorder            coordination, balance, endurance & overall strength
with or without hyperactivity, speech and language                     by incorporating the basics of boxing into your fitness
impairment, pervasive developmental disabilities, autism,              routine. While this is a non-contact class, you will still
Asperger syndrome, hyperlexia, microcephaly with                       learn many of the same skills and techniques that boxers
multiple disabilities, cerebral palsy, hypotonia, tactile              use to keep themselves in great shape.
hypersensitivity, ataxia, dyspraxia, vision impairment/
blindness, multiple sclerosis, and Angelman syndrome.                  SPIRIT Fitness
                                                                       Classes focus on building functional skills aimed to
Special Olympics Maryland, Montgomery                                  improve your capabilities throughout your day-to-day
County                                                                 life. Expected outcomes of participation in SPIRIT Fitness                                  include improved balance, strength, flexibility, endurance,
  SOMO                                                                 coordination, speed, agility, and more. Exercises are
                                                                       taught with visual demonstrations and verbal cues to
  P.O. Box 1809                                                        make sure instructions are clear and easy to follow.
  Rockville, MD 20850
  Phone: (888) 924-6985 (general information)                          SPIRIT Steps
  E-mail:                                  Is a walking / running / rolling class aimed to increase
Special Olympics Montgomery County (SOMO)                              your endurance and ability to effectively get from
provides a year-round training and competitive sports                  one place to another. SPIRIT Steps classes are led by
program for Montgomery County children and adults                      Sam Smith, RRCA certified Running Coach who has
with intellectual disabilities and/or closely related                  completed 7 full marathons. This class offered 2 different
developmental disabilities. The county provides training               paced groups so you can participate at whatever speed
and competitions in 23 sports and leadership programs.                 makes you feel most comfortable!
Eligible athletes are all children and adults, at least eight
years old, with intellectual disabilities, a cognitive delay, or       SPIRIT Yoga
a closely related developmental disability. Eligible athletes          Classes offer the many benefits of Yoga practice while
have functional limitations in both general learning and in            maintaining a sense of comfort, positivity and support.
adaptive skills. Children under the age of 8 years old may             All poses include modifications and progressions that
participate in YAP ( Young Athletes Programs) designed                 allow both beginners and experienced Yogis to have
specifically to meet the needs of pre-school age and early             a meaningful practice. SPIRIT Yoga classes focus on
elementary age children with intellectual disabilities                 increasing balance, body-awareness, flexibility, and sense
and focuses on an introduction to sports rather than on                of inner peace.
training and competition in specific sports.
                                                                       SPIRIT Zumba
                                                                       Classes offer a fun, music-based exercise experience
                                                                       aimed to improve your cardiovascular endurance,
                                                                       balance, flexibility and more, all while enjoying the many
                                                                       benefits of dance and movement. Classes offer a fun,
                                                                       high-energy atmosphere that can help push you to be as
                                                                       active as possible!

                                                                   9                        RECREATION AND LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES
Sports Plus                                                          Stepping Stones—Social Skills Groups                             
  P.O. Box 83274, Gaithersburg, MD 20883                               groups
  Phone: (301) 452-3781                                                4300 Montgomery Ave., Suite 303
  E-mail:                                      Bethesda, MD 20814
Sports Plus helps children, teens and young adults                     Phone: (301) 652-7800
realize their potential. Our programs are positive,                    E-mail:
successful places to learn sports, fitness and social skills.        Stepping Stones Therapy currently offers several
Each class has a player to coach ratio of no higher than             pragmatic (social) language groups as well as articulation
four to one, with swim classes being one to one.                     groups targeted to different ages.
For teens and young adults who have spent significant                  • Preschool & Young Elementary Social Skills
time in Sports Plus programs, our unique Teen & Young                    Group is designed for children ages 4-6 and sessions
Adult Social Program takes place monthly, with a variety                 and are held in our fun sensorimotor gym. Activities
of different activities and locations.                                   focus on social/play and language skills and draw
Sports Plus programs feature innovative techniques,                      from the Social Thinking program.
highly trained coaches with extensive sports and special               • 5-6-year-old group will be held on Saturdays at
needs experience, the participation of neurotypical                      12:30. More details coming soon!
siblings and a comfortable, supportive and productive
                                                                       • 6-7-year-old group is held on Saturdays at 10:30.
environment for participants and their parents.
                                                                         Social skills targeted include whole body listening
Participants are challenged and empowered to improve
                                                                         and maintaining attention to a task, conversation
their skills on an individual basis, so they gain confidence
                                                                         skills, making friends, emotional regulation, and
from a real and earned sense of accomplishment. Gains
                                                                         flexible thinking.
realized in programs are leveraged to more complex
situations and transferred to different settings as                    • 7-9-year-old Girls’ Group is held on Thursdays
participants progress and age.                                           at 4:15 and focuses on building conversation skills,
                                                                         social-emotional awareness, and social problem-
Sports Plus Swim Program is designed for those
                                                                         solving skills while discussing concepts like
whose capabilities fit between existing mainstream swim
                                                                         friendship, honesty, and manners.
programs and adaptive swim programs.
                                                                       • 9-12-year-old Group will be held on Wednesdays at
Sports Plus Track and Field program focuses on fitness
                                                                         5:00 in February 2020. More details coming soon!
and related training techniques and track and field events.
This program is for verbal participants, ages 5-25, with               • Middle School & Teen Social Skills Group is held
mild to moderate autistic spectrum disorders, ADD/                       on Wednesdays at 4:00 and focuses on middle and
ADHD and other developmental disabilities. who are able                  high school social skills such as conversation skills
to follow simple directions.                                             (e.g., initiating, maintaining, ending conversation and
                                                                         changing topics appropriately), types of friendships,
Sports Plus Soccer offers a uniquely structured program
                                                                         perspective taking, text and conversation etiquette,
for verbal participants, ages 5-25, able to follow simple
                                                                         appropriate body language, sarcasm/tone of voice.
directions, with mild to moderate autistic spectrum
disorders, ADD/ADHD and other disabilities. The                        • Young Adult “Guys’ Group” is a social and
SPORTS PLUS soccer program is designed for those                         communication group that has been running for over
whose capabilities fit between existing mainstream soccer                ten years! The group is run by two speech-language
programs and adaptive soccer programs.                                   pathologists and current members range in age
                                                                         from early to late twenties. The group is designed
Winter Indoor Sports Plus turns up the heat, during
                                                                         to boost expressive language (e.g., sentence length,
the cold winter months, with fun and excitement in
                                                                         vocabulary use) and back-and-forth conversational
our indoor gym and sports program. The program will
                                                                         skills including use of eye contact, appropriate
feature a variety of sports, fitness and teamwork activities
                                                                         comments, appropriate body language, and topic
and games.

TRANSITION SERVICES UNIT                                        10
Upcounty Community Resources                                        ZamDance                               
  P.O. Box 2982                                                       Zamdance is currently held at:
  Germantown, MD 20875                                                Z Sweat (Randolph Hills Plaza)
  Phone: (240) 614-0444                                               4834 Boiling Brook Pkwy
Private, nonprofit that offers innovative programs, events,           North Bethesda, MD 20852
and social opportunities for members of the community                 Phone: (202) 469-2533
with developmental and intellectual differences. Weekend              E-mail:
enrichment / respite program features vocational training           ZamDance is a high-impact dance fitness program for
held one Sunday per month. Respite Hours and DDA                    children and adults with developmental differences. The
funding accepted for this program. Therapeutic programs             program introduces a structured environment, while
incorporate drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and               allowing students to move at their own pace. The students
crafts, and singing, playing, moving, and creating music.           are entertained by the music and dance movements. The
Community programs include a walking workout club,                  classes also keep the students happily engaged, while
rock band jam nights, and a social skills night out for             they learn different dance steps such as Merengue, Jazz,
young adult males with autism. Social activities include            and Hip-Hop. ZamDance has programs at ZSweat studio
community outings, sporting events, dances, bingo night,            and Fitness for Health.
and more. Programs include Literacy, Let’s Read, book
club, social programs, caregivers club, work programs,
weekend enrichment, therapeutic programs and fitness

  155 Gibbs Street, Suite 300
  Rockville, MD 20850
  Phone: (301) 315-8200
Provides visual art education and experiences for
children, starting at age 5. Goals are to promote creativity
and have fun. Students should be able to work with
minimal assistance, or be accompanied by an adult who
can provide help.
The VisAbility Art Lab is a supported art studio for
emerging adult artists with autism and other intellectual
and developmental disabilities who have a strong interest
in making art part of their professional careers.
Participants create art at their own pace, observe and
learn art techniques from VisArts studio artists, and
work with the VisArts curatorial staff on developing
exhibitions. They also interact with members of the
public attending art classes, camps, gallery tours, and
artist talks. Artists work in a variety of media including
ceramics, digital art, painting, drawing, and sculpture,
and join the studio for full-day or half-day sessions.
Our vision for this program is to create a place where
artists with disabilities can discover and develop their
talents and thrive within a larger creative community.
Artists work and learn alongside their peers and
participate in creative and professional opportunities at
VisArts. Building on the strengths of each participant, the
VisAbility Art Lab expands the personal and professional
horizons for its members and increases the connections
between artists, both with and without disabilities.

                                                               11                       RECREATION AND LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) prohibits illegal discrimination based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national
origin, religion, immigration status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, family/parental
status, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, poverty and socioeconomic status, language, or other legally or
constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations. Discrimination undermines our community’s long-standing efforts to create,
foster, and promote equity, inclusion, and acceptance for all. Some examples of discrimination include acts of hate, violence,
insensitivity, harassment, bullying, disrespect, or retaliation. For more information, please review Montgomery County Board
of Education Policy ACA, Nondiscrimination, Equity, and Cultural Proficiency. This Policy affirms the Board’s belief that each
and every student matters, and in particular, that educational outcomes should never be predictable by any individual’s actual
or perceived personal characteristics. The Policy also recognizes that equity requires proactive steps to identify and redress
implicit biases, practices that have an unjustified disparate impact, and structural and institutional barriers that impede
equality of educational or employment opportunities.

 For inquiries or complaints about discrimination against For inquiries or complaints about discrimination against
 MCPS staff *                                             MCPS students *
 Office of Employee Engagement and Labor Relations                            Office of the Chief of Staff
 Department of Compliance and Investigations                                 Student Welfare and Compliance
 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 55, Rockville, MD 20850                          850 Hungerford Drive, Room 162, Rockville, MD 20850
 240-740-2888                                                                240-740-3215                               
 For inquiries or complaints about sex discrimination under Title IX, including sexual harassment, against students or staff*
 Title IX Coordinator
 Office of the Chief of Staff
 Student Welfare and Compliance
 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 162, Rockville, MD 20850

*Inquiries, complaints, or requests for accommodations for students with disabilities also may be directed to the supervisor
 of the Office of Special Education, Resolution and Compliance Unit, at 240-740-3230. Inquiries regarding accommodations
 or modifications for staff may be directed to the Office of Employee Engagement and Labor Relations, Department of
 Compliance and Investigations, at 240-740-2888. In addition, discrimination complaints may be filed with other agencies,
 such as: the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Baltimore Field Office, City Crescent Bldg., 10 S. Howard Street,
 Third Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201, 1-800-669-4000, 1-800-669-6820 (TTY); or U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil
 Rights, Lyndon Baines Johnson Dept. of Education Bldg., 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100, 1-800-421-
 3481, 1-800-877-8339 (TDD),, or

This document is available, upon request, in languages other than English and in an alternate format under the Americans
with Disabilities Act, by contacting the MCPS Office of Communications at 240-740-2837, 1-800-735-2258 (Maryland Relay),
or Individuals who need sign language interpretation or cued speech transliteration may contact the MCPS
Office of Interpreting Services at 240-740-1800, 301-637-2958 (VP) or MCPS also
provides equal access to the Boy/Girl Scouts and other designated youth groups.

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