TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library

Page created by Carlos Kelly
TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library
TIDELINES                                                           h

                                                540 Cornish Drive Encinitas, CA 92024 encinitaslibfriends.org
                                                   OCTOBER—NOVEMBER—DECEMBER 2020

                                                                      AWAKEN THE POET WITHIN
                                                              Our writing practice group is still meeting every
Dear members,
                                                              Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Zoom. The
It has been 6 months since we closed the bookstore            Coronavirus pandemic continues to provide our
hoping this would be temporary. We are now in                 writers unique challenges and opportunities to
October wishing we could give you the good news               explore new ways to
that we have been given a date for reopening. We do           bring poetry to our
not as yet, but hope it will be soon. Please keep             community.         Toni
checking our website http://encinitaslibfriends.org for       Larson, one of our
the announcement. The Friends volunteers have been            members, described a
keeping busy all along thanks to the continuing flow          public poetry project in
of donations at our off-site location. Call 760 908           another country and
7334 for information. As you will read in Joyce               challenged our group
King’s column, our income from Internet sales is              to leave poems in
gradually increasing, even though our overall income          public places that can be safely read by others.
has decreased since the bookstore is closed. We have          No one gets out that much right now so progress
just contributed over $15,000 to the County Library           is slow, but Toni started us off by leaving a
Collection Development Fund, used solely for the              poem she wrote in a local park. Thanks Toni!
purchase of library materials. This money will be
matched by the County 100%. We also have some                 Contact       Dr.     Marit     Anderson     at
savings and an endowment fund that should allow us            drmartyanderson@sbcglobal.net if you’d like the
to continue, to some extent, our financial support to         link to attend our Saturday group.
the library in the upcoming year.

All our current Board members and officers will
remain through 2021, however, we would welcome
                                                                      Ballot Drop-Off at the
new Board members if any of you are interested.                        Encinitas Library
Please send your inquiry to janinefree@gmail.com .                        Dates: Oct. 6-Nov. 3
If you would like to know more about the Friends,
you are invited to our ANNUAL MEETING on                                 Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Thursday, October 22nd at 6:30pm. For the first time,                 Mon.-Fri.—Closed Sat./Sun.
it will be conducted on Zoom. If you would like to
attend, just send an email to FOELmeet@gmail.com                The Encinitas Library is one of 126
and you will receive the link to the Zoom meeting. I            official ballot drop-off locations
am so proud to be surrounded by a loyal and talented            designated by the San Diego County
team of volunteers, and faithful members. We all love           Registrar of Voters.
our library.
Janine Free                                                     elections/return-to-trusted-source.html
TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library
Library Updates
                                           This year "Flexibility" is the key to decision making. There are now
                                           different factors effecting decisions made about the purchasing of
                                           materials. The demand for digital materials--both e-books and e-
                                           audio books--has doubled since March.

                                           San Diego County's Public Health Officers have asked that libraries
                                           no longer make available print newspapers and magazines which are
                                           highly shared items. These will be available digitally and can be
                                           accessed through the Libby service . Due to sanitization difficulties
                                           board books for babies and toddlers will no longer be checked out
                                           and will not be purchased for the foreseeable future. There will be
                                           no more purchases of music CDs and only limited purchases of
                                           Audio books on CDs in the future. More e-audio books will be
                                           available digitally for check-out.

While it is definitely an unusual time, the Friends are still helping our Encinitas Library branch by providing
funds to purchase items to expand the collection of materials available to patrons for checking out. And to help
the library move to more "touchless" processes you will now see the new 43 inch digital sign, that was
purchased by the Friends, in the front window of the library. All new, pertinent information will be shown
there. The library staff is also planning to purchase a QR code generator so that additional information about
library happenings will be available simply by directing your cell phone at the black and white matrix

All San Diego County Library branches now offer In-Person Modified
Services on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays where face coverings
are required. Encinitas Library hours will be 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and
1:30 p.m.– 4 p.m. The midday closure allows for the thorough cleaning of
public spaces within the buildings. Walk-Up Door-Side Service is
available on Mondays and Fridays, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. for people to return
library items and also pick up items requested from the San Diego
County Library's regular collection (book, DVD or CD). If an item you
want is not available in the collection, you may find it in Link+ which is
operating again. For the safety of library staff and customers, and at the
recommendation of the Institute for Library and Museum Services and the California State Library, all returned
materials will be quarantined for at least 4 business days. It may take several days to remove the items from
your library account, but rest assured you will not be fined for those days while the materials are quarantined.

The most noticeable change with in-person service is that fewer people (maximum 25% capacity) are allowed
into the building in order to ensure physical distancing. This might cause you to experience a wait time to get
into the building. A library staff member will be at the front door to answer any questions. Some furniture and
computers have been removed to ensure physical distancing and to provide wider walkways. Directional floor
markings have been placed in the stacks and seating will be limited in some areas. The modified in-person
services will include access to computers, printers and copiers, and WiFi. Customers will be able to browse the
stacks and check out books, CDs, and movies.

The schedule of service and frequently asked questions are available on our website. Please visit sdcl.org/
services for more information. We’ll see you at the Library!
TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library
The Bookstore has been closed since March 13, 2020. However, Janine
    Free, Els Terlouw, Lori Jones, Kathleen Warren and I have worked to
    make the Bookstore even better when we reopen. Our Management
    Team, which consists of me, Janine Free, Kathleen Warren, Donna
    Bullough and Pam Kurz, has been busy planned for a safe reopening. We
    have been accepting donations at an off-site location and thus have been
    able to heavily weed books and replace them with even better ones. We
    have adjusted some of the shelves to allow more room for popular
    sections. Extra bookcases, carts and the couch have been removed to
    provide space to socially distance. When we reopen, we will use the
    following protocols that are required by the County Health Dept. Before
    entering the Bookstore, customers will be required to use hand sanitizer which we will provide and, of
B   course, wear face masks. They will line up outside, 6 feet apart, on yellow lines which will be
    managed by a Bookstore Volunteer. Four customers will be allowed in the Bookstore at one time and
O   be limited it 20 minutes if there is a line outside. Customers are encouraged to pay with credit cards,
    but cash will be accepted. Only bills, not coins, will be given for change. The cash that we receive will
O   be quarantined for 5 days.

K                                Because of our ability to accept donations off the Library site, we have
                                 been extremely successful with Amazon Internet Sales. Each month of
S                                the pandemic we have increased our sales. In the month of August we
                                 sold 150 books and cleared over $3000 in Internet sales which has helped
T                                us to continue to support the Encinitas Library. Thanks to Janine Free and
                                 her husband Marvin who have been instrumental in keeping this process
O                                going! They have been helped by Deanna Moore, Kathleen Warren,
                                 Donna Bullough and Judy Devlin. Donations are not currently accepted
R                                at the Library. If you have donations for us, please call (760) 908-7334
    for instructions. The donation site is located very close to the Library. Donations are quarantined for 5
E   days before sorted and taken to the Bookstore.

    From a personal point of view, I want to say that I can’t wait for the Bookstore to open! We do not
    have a date yet, but we hope that it will be soon. I truly miss all of our Volunteers and customers and
N   can’t wait to see then all again. We had one of the most successful Friend’s Bookstores in the County
    because of our hard working and dedicated Volunteers. I am hopeful that this can happen again.
E   Check our website for updates. See you soon at the Bookstore! -Joyce King, Bookstore Manager
S                                        REMEMBER
                     CHECK AMAZON FOR RARE FOEL BOOKS at

                               See more ONLINE selections next page.
TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library
While our beloved bookstore has been closed due to COVID, our online store has been very busy, breaking all
previous records! We are so happy that we were able to help fill a need during this difficult time - and hope
our customers will continue to shop for rare, collectible, unusual and popular books amongst our enormous
Amazon inventory. Browse at: www.amazon.com/shops/FOEL-Bookstore .

In addition to books of all genres, we have a good selection of CDs and DVDs. You will find music, books on
tape, educational courses and rare or vintage TV shows and movies. And yes, we do carry a selection of the
most recent bestsellers. If there is a waiting list at the library, why not search our site for a competitively
priced edition? We also have a fine selection of poetry and spiritual books of all descriptions.

Here is a selection of some books that were available at the time of writing. All of these items were featured
as “Book of the Week” on our new Instagram account. Follow us at @friendsofencinitaslibrary for the latest
news about the bookstore, and everything else that the Friends are doing!

                   “A celebration of Aprons” is a                                   “The Goldfinch” by
                   whimsical, tiny book exploring                                   Donna Tart is an
                   the cultural history of aprons. The                              example of the high
                   bookmark is a tiny rolling pin!                                  quality fiction available.

                       “Newcomb’s Wildflower
                       Guide” is just one of our                                    “Wild Birds of America”
                       many nature                                                  is a lovely book to read
                       and science books.                                           in the garden, or to keep

        S D T E K Please support our                 Visit us on FACEBOOK , TWITTER or Instagram
       special business member. S D T E K                         www.encinitaslibfriends.org
       provides IT for small businesses
       and home based businesses.                        https://www.instagram.com/friendsofencinitaslibrary/
       www.sdtek.net                                     Stay tuned for Encinitas Library updates, events, and
                                                                        Bookstore happenings.
To support the Encinitas Library as it
strives to encourage literacy, lifelong
learning, and the love of reading                  For you Researchers: The Library of
throughout our diverse community.                  Congress Launches New Tool to Search
Through fundraising, we seek to enhance            Historical Newspaper Images (link below).
the library’s resources, increase the              https://www.loc.gov/item/prn-20-060/
community’s access to information and              library-of-congress-launches-new-tool-to-
knowledge, and provide a vibrant                   search-historical-newspaper-images/2020-
cultural gathering place.                          09-15/
TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library TIDELINES - Friends of the Encinitas Library
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