Time to get active? Income protection's

Page created by Greg Barker
Time to get active? Income protection's
JUNE 2019

      Time to
    get active?
Income protection's   Is KiwiSaver really   Get set for
    big problem            working?          licensing
Time to get active? Income protection's

                                                                                                                                                 ACTIVE VS
                                                                                                                                                 Mixing active and passive
                                                                                                                                                 investment strategies: the best of

        S O PH IS TICATE D
                                                                                                                                                 both worlds.

                                                                                                                                                 20 INCOME PROTECTION:
        I NVES TIN G                                                                                                                                      INSURANCE
                                                                                                                                                          How do we help those with a genuine need
                                                                                                                                                          without creating long-term beneficiaries?

        M ADE EASY
                                                                                                  UP FRONT                                           FEATURES
        FOR OVER
                                                                                                  04 EDITORIAL                                       10 GRTV
        20 Y EARS .                                                                                    What the licensing changes will mean.         	Adrian Orr on interest rates, investment
                                                                                                                                                       and insurance.
                                                                                                  05 OPINION
                                                                                                       Investment lessons from a 15-year-old.        18 REGULATION
                                                                                                                                                     	      RFA's to consider their business
                                                                                                                                                             processes as licensing looms.
                                                                                                                                                     26 INVESTMENT
                                                                                                                                                     	The impact of 5G for telecoms

                                                                                                   06 NEWS                  08 PEOPLE
Since 1998, Select has been one of
New Zealand’s leading investment                 THE SELECT WEALTH
                                                                                                  Updates from the
                                                                                                  New Zealand market.
                                                                                                                          ASSET rounds up the
                                                                                                                          main people stories
                                                                                                                          from the past month.            24
and administration platforms for                 MANAGEMENT DIFFERENCE:                           12 PROFILE
                                                                                                  	AMP Capital's Grant Hassell talks about         ADVISER
financial advisers and their clients.            > Access to best in breed investment funds.        his new global role.                            PROFILE
Select is designed to cater for the differing    > The ability to tailor and customise            22 OPINION                                        How Martin
                                                                                                                                                    Hawes became
needs of investors, and we do this by offering     portfolios to your clients’ different needs.   	Time for a KiwiSaver rethink?                   an "accidental
                                                                                                                                                    adviser" and never
a choice between ‘ready-made’ and tailored                                                                                                          looked back.
portfolios. For both portfolio choices, we
                                                 > Across the board experience and advice.
employ the investment research services          > Unparalleled and comprehensive service.
of sister company JMI Wealth Limited             > Proven and consistent returns.                 28 MIKE MOORE
(JMI Wealth). JMI Wealth constantly monitors                                                           How not to become a victim of hubris.
performance and actively makes adjustments,
                                                 To find out more call us on 0800 653 000         30 RUSSELL HUTCHINSON
where necessary, to ensure your clients’                                                               The challenges of advice strategy
                                                 or visit www.selectwealth.co.nz                       development.
investments are well-positioned.
                                                                                                  34 KIWISAVER
                                                                                                       Watch out for exit fees.                                                                       03
Time to get active? Income protection's
UPFRONT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OPINION
     From the editor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           James Walker

      Licensing will mean
              big change                                                                                                                               What a 15-year -old
               for some                                                                                                                                 can teach us
                                                                                                                                                       about investing
                                                                                                         HEAD OFFICE
                                                      records, high client-care standards and            1448A Hinemoa Street, Rotorua
                                                      strong processes and systems. Many hold            PO Box 2011, Rotorua
                                                      several qualifications.                            P: 07 349 1920
                                                                                                         F: 07 349 1926
                                                         But there is also a significant number of       E: philip@tarawera.co.nz
                                                      advisers who are working in a much less
                                                      structured way. They might be part-time,           PUBLISHER
                                                      or working in “lifestyle” businesses, fitting a    Philip Macalister
                                                      small number of clients around other things,
                                                                                                                                                    A few years back a 15-year-old                            but [at the AGM] there’s barely enough to fill   that investing becomes less of a turn of a
                                                                                                         EDITOR                                                                                               half a ballroom at a hotel,” Natalie said.       roulette wheel and more of an intelligent
                                                      or entering semi-retirement.                       Susan Edmunds                             girl, Natalie Clark, got up at the                           All investors would do well to take a          allocation of capital.
                                                         Many don’t have good business systems
                                                      in place – sometimes this only becomes             SUBEDITOR                                annual general meeting of one of                            leaf out of the then 15-year old’s book (or         Unfortunately, many investors have
                                                                                                         Dawn Adams                                                                                           phone, or iPad). Although not all of us want     moved in the opposite direction to Natalie
                                                      evident when a complaint is made and there                                                      USA’s biggest companies.                                to be activist investors, we can maximise        Clark. Rather than taking an active interest
                                                      is no record of the communications with            CONTRIBUTORS                                                                                         our returns by being active, attentive and       in their investments, they have moved to
                                                      the client to back up the adviser’s version        Daniel Dunkley, James Walker, Mike          Others – adults – would have been sure
                                                                                                                                                  to have been asking BoA’s board in depth                    interested investors looking at the long term.   invest in index funds. These index funds
                                                      of events.                                         Moore, Russell Hutchinson, Kevin
                                                                                                         Bennett, Andrew Bascand, Shane Solly,    questions about net interest margin, capital                  According to Benjamin Graham, in the           themselves do not take an active role in
                                                         But under licensing, all this will have         Michael Lang, Michael Littlewood and                                                                 short run the sharemarket is like a voting       markets, but match market movements
                                                      to change. From what we know so far, it                                                     requirements, bad debt ratios. Perhaps
                                                                                                         Michael Chamberlain.                                                                                 machine, preferencing popular companies          through machine trading.
                                                      appears that before an adviser business can                                                 because she didn’t feel the need to impress
                                                                                                                                                  her compatriots, her question was a little                  over less popular ones. However, over the           With so much capital now tied up in
                                                      even get a transitional licence, it will have to   DESIGN
                                                                                                         Amy Bennie                               more simple and pointed:                                    long run the sharemarket is more like a          backward-looking index funds, and liquidity
                                                      show that it has good record-keeping and                                                                                                                                                                 so relatively small because of it, it becomes
                                                                                                                                                     “What is the bank doing to raise the                     weighing machine, measuring how solid
                                                      complaint-handling systems. To proceed in          ADVERTISING SALES                                                                                                                                     even more important for human investors
                                                                                                                                                  share price?”, Natalie asked the Bank of                    a company is – return on equity, growth,
                                                      the new regime, advisers will have to show         Amanda Ellery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to take an active role in the future of their
                                                                                                         P: 027 420 2083                          America board .
                                                                                                                                                                                                              dividends – and ranking companies
                                                      that they are managing well-run businesses                                                                                                                                                                investments. Just like a 15-year old.
                                                                                                         E: amanda@tarawera.co.nz                    She had a vested interest – 5,000 shares                 appropriately.
                                                      as well as giving solid advice.                                                                                                                                                                                   James Walker is the head of
                                                                                                                                                  she was given as a baby.                                      Similarly, we do not look
                                                         In the future, for those who want to            SUBSCRIPTIONS                                                                                                                                                      marketing at PM Capital.
                                                                                                                                                     The next AGM she got a little more                       at investment in companies
                                                      continue to operate independently, being a         Jill Lewis
                                                                                                         P: 07 349 1920                           specific�, considering whether she should                   because they may win
                                                      competent business operator will be almost
                                                                                                         E: jill.lewis@tarawera.co.nz             use her shares to pay for her college                       a short-term popularity
                                                      as important as having good relationships
                                                                                                                                                  education, asking the CEO what the bank is                  contest. We weigh
                                                      with clients.                                      ASSET is published by Tarawera
                                                                                                                                                  doing to improve its cost structure.                        them up over the
                                                         Those who do not want to take on those          Publishing Ltd (TPL). TPL also
      New Zealand’s financial advice                  responsibilities will need to find another         publishes online money management           The point from Natalie is that she is taking             long term.
                                                                                                         magazine Good Returns                    an active interest in how her money is being                  Being an active
     sector has been talking for years                FAP to take them over. That will come              www.goodreturns.co.nz                                                                                investor means
                                                      with obligations for the FAP, and so those                                                  spent by the company in which she has
      about the need to move from                     advisers can still expect greater scrutiny
                                                                                                         and TMM – The Mortgage Mag
                                                                                                                                                  invested. She has taken being a shareholder                 taking a keen
                                                                                                                                                  seriously, thinking about her own interests –               interest in how the
     being an “industry” to becoming                  on their own behaviour to ensure the FAP’s         All contents of ASSET magazine are
                                                                                                         copyright Tarawera Publishing Ltd.       if the BoA shares will pay for college – and                business model of a
                                                      requirements are met.
              a “profession”.                            An advice profession has been a goal for
                                                                                                         Any reproduction without prior written   then overlaying that with the performance                   company is travelling
                                                                                                         permission is strictly prohibited.
                                                                                                                                                  of the company. When she didn’t know the                    and how solid it
        I’ve heard many theories about what is        years. Now it seems it’s coming, whether the
                                                                                                         ISSN 1175-9585                           answer, or was unhappy with the answer,                     will be moving into
     likely to be the defining factor that forces     entire industry is quite ready for it or not.
                                                                                                                                                  she asked more questions.                                   the future. It is
     the change.
                                                                                                                                                     “There’s a lot of people who own stock …                 only in that way
        Some argue it would take a degree
     requirement for all advisers. A level five                                                            MOVED OFFICES?
     qualification. A ban on commissions. A                                                                      Make sure you
     client-first requirement.                                                                                 don't miss an issue
        From what I can see, the thing that could                                                          by changing your address.
     finally cause the change could be entity
     licensing. And it’s just around the corner.                                                                      Go to
     Transitional licensing starts later this year.                                                             tarawera.co.nz/coa
        At the moment, there is a core group of
     professional, full-time financial advisers       Susan Edmunds
     who operate businesses with well-kept            Editor

04         WWW.GOODRETURNS.CO.NZ                                                                                                                  � https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-latest-activist-investor-at-bank-of-america-a-ninth-grader-1461866806                                                     05
                                                                                                                                                  � https://dealbreaker.com/2016/04/9th-grader-holds-brian-moynihans-feet-to-the-fire
Time to get active? Income protection's

                                                                                                                                                                AMP advisers
           Call to ensure                                                                                                                                        break free                                          Surge in AFA
          efficient advice                                                                                                                                                                                        numbers pre-FSLAA
                                                                                                                                                                  Advisers aligned to AMP have finally
                                                                                                                                                                reached an agreement to break free from
                                                                                                                                                                their long-standing relationship.
                                                                                                                                                                  Under a new deal the AMP advisers who
                                                                                                                                                                formerly were within AMP's QFE are setting
                                                                                                                                                                up a new financial advice provider (FAP)

                                                                                                                                                                which will be autonomous from AMP.
                                                                                                                                                                  The FAP, Wealthpoint, will offer                 Authorised financial adviser                 The highest concentration per head of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 population remains around Auckland,
                                                                                                                                                                compliance and support services to                numbers grew in the last                           Wellington and Otago.
                                                                                                                                                                independent advisers.
                                                                                                                                                                  AMP no longer writes new life insurance         year for which data will                                 There were 160 AFAs aged
                                                                                                                                                                business and it has sold its in-force book to                                                               over 65 in the latest data,
                                                                                                                                                                Resolution Life.                                    be kept on them.                                         and 497 aged between
                                                                  “We note there is no definition of ‘complex’. This                                              AMP's adviser group, which operates                                                                 56 and 65. Just 187 of the total
      Government has been warned there                                                                                                                          under The Association brand, currently has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Financial Markets Authority
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1,800 were aged under 35. A
                                                              leaves open the risk that the licensing fee proposal                                                                                                has released its latest snapshot
      will need to be systems in place to                                                                                                                       about 58 AMP-aligned member businesses                                                                third had been providing financial
                                                              will fail in its objective of limiting uncertainty to                                             and 52 of them will shift to Wealthpoint. The     of the AFA market. It will be the
                                                              applicants as to the likely total amount of the fees                                                                                                last one published because the                      advice on category one products
     ensure that financial adviser licensing                                                                                                                    businesses represent nearly 200 advisers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for more than 20 years.
                                                              they will be required to pay.                                                                       The new agreements will see them                Financial Services Legislation
      costs do not blow out to the same                           “We understand anecdotally that existing                                                      operating as independents, with distribution      Amendment Act removes the                             AFAs were predominately
                                                              Financial Markets Conduct Act licence-holders                                                     agreements with AMP.                              AFA designation.                                    dealing in KiwiSaver and
       extent that some FMCA market                                                                                                                               Wealthpoint will use an approved                                                                    “other category one products”,
                                                              were charged materially more than                                                                                                                     Advisers who were AFAs before
                  licences did.                               the stated licence fee when                                                                       products list with suppliers selected             the new regime comes into force in                  although 12% said they were
                                                                                                                                                                by a product committee made up of                                                                     authorised but did not provide
                                                              hourly rates were included.                                                                                                                         June 2020 will be deemed to have
        The Ministry of Business, Innovation and                                                                                                                adviser representatives and supported by
                                                              It is important that fees                                                                         independent specialists, when required.           met the competence requirements of the    financial advice services to clients.
     Employment has provided more detail about the
                                                              represent what will                                                                                 New chairman David Gyde, of Amicus              new code.                                    Just under a third were employed by
     new licensing regime.                                    actually be charged,                                                                                                                                                                          a business that was not a QFE and 22%
                                                                                                                                                                Financial Group, said this was a key part of        The AFA data shows 140 advisers
        The cost of a full licence will range from $612       so they do not                                                                                    the Wealthpoint offer.                                                                      were shareholder or director of a firm with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  became AFAs in the year to the end
     to $922, depending on the size and structure of a        mislead applicants.”                                                                                "Decisions in this area will be driven by                                                 more than one adviser. Another 14% said
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of June 2018, the highest number in
     financial advice provider.                                   Chief executive                                                                               advisers and for the best interests of advisers   the three years the FMA has collected     they were a sole adviser practice and 8%
        The FMA will also charge an hourly rate when          Richard Klipin said                                                                               and their clients. Maintaining independence       that data.                                a sole practitioner. More than 90% said
     assessing a licence application that is more             his members wanted                                                                                and being able to effectively manage
                                                                                                                                                                potential conflicts of interest was critical to     Ninety allowed their authorisation to   they had received no complaints in the
     complex than would normally be the case for a            it to be possible to                                                                                                                                lapse, from 110 a year earlier.           past year.
                                                                                                                                                                the group."
     particular business type.                                proceed straight
        There will also be FMA levies to pay.                 to full licence
        In submissions received before the fees were set,     application, if a
     the Financial Services Council warned the hourly
     fee model could be risky.
                                                              business was
                                                              ready.                                                   Richard Klipin                                     ARE YOU READY FOR LICENSING?

         Mindful Money wants                                                                                                                                           FULL LICENSING PACKAGES
                                                                                                                                                                        FOR ALL ADVISERS
        more ethical investment                                                                                                                                        COMPLIANT SOFTWARE
              The founder of a new
                                                                                                                                                                       DETAILED SYSTEM AND
                                                            pornography and alcohol.                            oil, human rights and animal rights.
                                                              Only 2% avoided fossil fuels.                        Those highlighted concerns are
        responsible investment platform                       “The KiwiSaver scheme has been                    based on a survey done last year by
           wants to get all KiwiSaver                       important to help us all save. Now
                                                            everyone with a KiwiSaver can also ensure
                                                                                                                Mindful Money and the Responsible
                                                                                                                Investment Association.
         members to think about where                       their savings aren’t being used to harm                "The public has a right to know where
            their money is invested.                        people or destroy our environment.”
                                                              When Mindful Money users enter the
                                                                                                                their hard-earned savings are invested.
                                                                                                                Two thirds or more of New Zealand                      CONTINUING TRAINING
           Mindful Money, a new charitable social           name of their KiwiSaver fund, they                                investors have said they want
        enterprise that wants to help people invest
        ethically, launched today.
                                                            are shown the companies and
                                                            proportion of their funds that are
                                                                                                                                to avoid issues of concern
                                                                                                                                like fossil fuels, weapons,
                                                                                                                                                                        AND DEVELOPMENT
           It is a free platform allowing investors to      invested in issues of concern                                       human rights violations
        check what is in their KiwiSaver funds and
        find one that aligns with their values.
                                                            – fossil fuels, weapons,
                                                            gambling, alcohol,
                                                                                                                                and animal cruelty. Now
                                                                                                                                they can find out which
                                                                                                                                                                       AND SO MUCH MORE
           Founder Barry Coates said only 1% of             pornography,                                                         companies are making
        KiwiSaver funds had policies to                     tobacco,                                                             profits from their savings,"
        avoid sectors such as gambling,                     GMOs, palm                                                           Coates said.
                                                                                                                                                                        Call Jenny Campbell to find out more 021 622 884
06         WWW.GOODRETURNS.CO.NZ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           07
Time to get active? Income protection's

                                                                                                                                                          Prior to Gallagher Bassett she held various        service areas, including Consilium Wrap                     AMP, and sales director at Proposition,
                                                                                                                                                          senior operations management roles                 Platform, Synergy and partner firm services,                a specialist marketing agency servicing
                                                                                                        For the latest                                    with Sovereign.                                    offering support, guidance and knowledge to                 financial advisers.
                                                                                                        people news go to                                   Johnson will report to Nadine and join the
                                                                                                                                                          executive team.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             help grow their businesses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                “I started working with financial adviser
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER
                                                                                                        www.goodreturns.co.nz                               Johnson will oversee the offer,                  businesses in 2008 and in that time, I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FOR CASTLE POINT FUNDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fund manager Castle Point has revealed its
                                                                                                                                                          underwriting, new business, customer               learned what they need to succeed for their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         new chief operating officer.
                                                                                                                                                          services and claims teams, replacing Neale         clients, and how I can add real value. I’m really
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Anna Ong has joined the business.
                                                                                                                                                          Watling who’s retiring after a 17-year stint at    looking forward to working exclusively with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           She was previously with Smartshares,
     If you have a new appointment email details and a picture to editor@goodreturns.co.nz                                                                Fidelity Life.                                     advisers again with Consilium,” said Grigg.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         where she was head of risk and compliance.
                                                                                                                                                            “Neale’s a legend here and hugely                   “Consilium’s commitment to the growth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Before that, she was finance manager with
                                                                                                                                                          respected throughout the industry,”                and support of independent financial adviser
                                                                                                                                                          Tereora said.                                      clients means finding the right people to fit
     COMPLAINTS BOSS MOVES ON                         is committed to investing in a highly skilled
                                                                                                                                                            “I’d like to thank him for all he’s done at      with our company values is an important
        FairWay Dispute Resolution Service’s          and experienced investment team.
                                                                                                                                                          Fidelity Life, but it won’t be goodbye just        part of the recruitment process,” managing
     client director is moving to a new role.            “The addition of Joll, along with our recent
                                                                                                                                                          yet as Neale will continue working in the          director Scott Alman said.
        Trevor Slater said he had resigned his        hires of Paul Turnbull and Stephanie Mitchell
                                                                                                                                                          business, albeit in a part-time capacity for the      “With the considerable growth of our client
     position and taken a role as the New Zealand     adds significant depth and firepower to our
                                                                                                                                                          coming months.”                                    base, especially in the Auckland market, and
     general manager of the Resolution Institute.     research and reflects Salt’s determination
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ongoing investment in our services, we are
        He has been with FairWay Dispute              to continuously improve our investment                                                              CONSILIUM APPOINTS NEW                             excited to bring on new appointments such
     Resolution since 2017.                           capability and add to our strong long-term                                                          AUCKLAND BDM                                       as Marc, who will enhance Consilium’s ability
        Before that, he was general manager of        track record.”                                                                                        Independent financial services specialist
                                                                                                                                                                                                             to support the quality, reputation and reach of
     IDS and, earlier, FSCL.                             Joll has experience in the aviation and                                                          Consilium has a new Auckland-based BDM,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             financial advisers. Our people are the key to
        Resolution Institute describes itself as      telecommunications industries before                                                                replacing Helen Robertson.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             our success.”
     the largest dispute resolution membership        working for Goldman Sachs, JBWere, UBS                                                                The Christchurch-based firm says it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Reporting to Consilium head of partner
     organisation across Australia and New            and more recently Jarden (First NZ Capital).                                                        growing its management and client support
                                                                                                                                                                                                             firm services Ben Brinkerhoff, Grigg
     Zealand, promoting the use of EDRs and           He is a former winner of the INFINZ Analyst                                                         resources by appointing Marc Grigg as new
                                                                                                                                                                                                             joins Consilium with more than 10 years’
     advocating for the sector.                       of the Year Award.                                                                                  Auckland-based BDM.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             experience in the financial industry as                                         Anna Ong
                                                         He has replaced Andrew Bolland, who                                                                Grigg will work with clients across all
                                                                                                                                                                                                             business development manager with
                                                      recently left Salt for an opportunity at
                                                      another investment management firm.                            Adam McKenzie
                                                      MERCER APPOINTS LOCAL                              know-how to help clients achieve their
                                                      WEALTH                                             investment goals while managing risks                     If you're looking to recruit go to www.goodreturns.co.nz/jobs
                                                         Mercer has appointed a new head of              and resources."
                                                      wealth for New Zealand.                              McKenzie joins Mercer on July 1.                                                             FIND YOUR IDEAL CANDIDATE
                                                         It has handed the role to financial services
                                                      professional Adam McKenzie.                        NEW CHIEF OPERATING
                                                         Having worked with Mercer for 13 years in       OFFICER FOR FIDELITY LIFE
                                                      Melbourne and the UK, McKenzie was most              A former Sovereign manager, Katherine
                                                      recently a sales leader for the institutional      Johnson, has been appointed to the role of
                                                                                                         chief operating officer at Fidelity Life.

                                                                                                                                                                    it’s a
                                                      wealth business across Australia.                                                                                                                                 Pronounced
                                                         He brings to Mercer New Zealand                   Chief executive Nadine Tereora said
                                                                                                         Johnson's wealth of experience made her an                                                                     [rap]
                                                      more than 20 years’ experience in
                                                                                                         ideal candidate for the key role.                                                                              Examples
                                                      financial services.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        verb (used with object), wrapped or wrapt, wrap·ping.
                                                         Prior to Mercer, he worked at AMP,                “Kath’s passionate about putting
                                                      National Australia Bank and Aviva.                 customers first and has proven experience                                                                      1.   Wrap account: a financial platform which administers for custody, tax,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and performance reporting of global shares, property, bonds and cash
                                                         Mercer New Zealand chief executive              running large, complex operations teams in
                                                                                                         the financial services industry. I’m delighted                                                                 2.   Wrap support: the customer service experts supporting
                                                      Martin Lewington said his expertise would                                                                                                                              New Zealand’s leading financial advisers
                                                      be invaluable for Mercer’s clients locally.        to welcome her to the team.
                   Trevor Slater                         “In Australia, Adam has played an                 “She’ll play a pivotal role as we continue
                                                      important role in partnering with key clients      to set the business up for a sustainable and
                                                      to help them tackle their wealth challenges,       successful future, with the customer at the
     SALT ADDS TO RESEARCH                            and achieve the best outcomes for their            centre of everything we do.”
     TEAM                                                                                                  She will join Fidelity Life in August 2019
       Salt Funds Management has added
                                                      investments,” Lewington said.
                                                                                                         from her current role as executive general                  World leading technology
                                                         “In his new and expanded role as Head
     another senior investment professional to its
                                                      of Wealth, New Zealand, Adam will develop          manager claims at Gallagher Bassett.                        and outstanding service
     research team.
                                                      and execute our wealth business strategy,                                                                      support have made
       Tristan Joll has been appointed as a
     senior analyst/associate portfolio manager,
                                                      lead our team, work with clients and pursue                                                                    Consilium Wrap
     replacing Andrew Bolland who is joining
                                                      business development opportunities across                                                                      New Zealand's fastest
                                                      Institutional and Consumer Wealth,” he said.
     Generate KiwiSaver.
                                                         McKenzie said Mercer New Zealand’s
                                                                                                                                                                     growing platform.
       Salt managing director Paul Harrison
                                                      Wealth business was growing, with clients
     said it was staking out its position in the
                                                      looking to Mercer for its global expertise.
     research-driven active investment segment
                                                         “Our clients are increasingly looking to
     of the market.
                                                      us for our insights on a global, regional                                                                      Visit us to find out why leading independent financial advisers are using the Consilium Wrap platform.
       “We are in a rapidly changing world where
                                                      and local level to gain confidence in their
     the investment landscape is evolving at
                                                      investments while we navigate a volatile
     an exponential pace. More than ever, we
                                                      investment outlook.
     believe that active investment will add
                                                         “As the largest implemented consulting
     significant value over time to the financial
                                                      provider and largest investment consultant
     outcomes of our clients. To deliver this, Salt                                                                Katherine Johnson
                                                      in the world, we have the scale and the

08         WWW.GOODRETURNS.CO.NZ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        09
Time to get active? Income protection's

      Orr faces into
                                                                                                           interest rates mean that you would be
                                                                                                           incentivised to save less, spend more and            insurance, it was worse. The whole concept         sustainability. It's not economic growth at           people do things, well then that ends up with
                                                                                                           vice versa. I would always say, "Think hard          of frameworks, measures, activities for            the cost of it, and it's about getting those          corner solutions, quantity targeting, quality
                                                                                                           about your form of saving."                          understanding what an appropriate conduct          virtuous circles growing, and it's simply about       targeting. Why do you have to play as if it's a
                                                                                                           GRTV: SO THEY SHOULD BE THINKING                     behaviour was were absent, largely.                thinking the horizon.                                 kindergarten and kids can only do something

                                                                                                           ABOUT OTHER ASSET CLASSES?                           GRTV: IS THAT PARTLY BECAUSE A LOT                 GRTV: AND SO JUST NOT ENOUGH OF                       in the sandpit? So I meant weakest in that
                                                                                                              Orr: Absolutely. They should always be,           OF LIFE INSURANCE IS SOLD THROUGH                  THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON?                               way. I don't mean it's ... it is powerful. We're
                                                                                                           New Zealand[ers] are terrible savers. We             THIRD-PARTY DISTRIBUTION?                             Orr: I would say very little. It's this, again,    busy at the moment thinking very hard
                                                                                                           save in one form which is leveraging equity             Orr: It's a big part of the problem, or         versus that. I mean, what is it, "Why are             on the background of this about how to
                                                                                                           in the housing market, more recently we've           challenge I would say. But you can, what do        diamonds expensive and water is free?" used           bolster out people on the ground and how
                                                                                                           been kind of semi-coerced into having                you say, you can outsource the activity. You       to be the test. And it was meant to be, "Well         to do activities. By the way, you know, CBL
                                                                                                           KiwiSaver funds and so we're starting to see         can't outsource the responsibility, and this       diamonds are scarce and water is plentiful."          collapsed, so how much abuse did we take
                                                                                                           that shift.                                          has been a gap. The way that a lot of the third    Now, you know, diamonds are controlled by             through that process?
                                                                                                           GRTV: IS THAT SHIFT HAPPENING                        parties have been incentivised is through          a cartel, and water never had property rights.        GRTV: QUITE A BIT.
                                                                                                           QUICKLY ENOUGH?                                      the volume of sales, the churn. Not through        So the question is the same. The answer                  Orr: And how much, "Oh, wow. I didn’t know
                                                                                                              Orr: I'm very impressed how quickly it            the outcome for the customer through               has changed.                                          all that was happening in the background,"
                                                                                                           is happening. I think we've now got $40              their lifetime.                                    GRTV: YOU TOUCHED ON COMMISSIONS                      have we heard since? None. And so you never
                                                                                                           billion to $50 billion in those type of savings      GRTV: I THINK THE ADVISERS WOULD                   AND STUFF LIKE THAT, YOU HAVEN'T                      get applause from the regulator. You get,
                                                                                                           [KiwiSaver]. I'm not as impressed with               DISAGREE WITH YOU IN THE SENSE THAT                BEEN SUPPORTIVE OF UP-FRONT                           "What are you doing in my face?" And then,
                                                                                                           how effectively those savings are being              THEY ARE TRYING TO BUILD A CUSTOMER                COMMISSIONS, I THINK IS A CORRECT                     "Why didn't you do more?" So it's about trying
                                                                                                           utilised. There's a lot of passive, simple           BASE OF LONG-TERM CUSTOMERS WHICH                  INTERPRETATION FROM THE CONDUCT                       to get that balance.
                                                                                                           global investment.                                   THEY'RE GOING TO LOOK AFTER THROUGH                REVIEW.                                               GRTV: THE REPORT WHICH YOU DID WITH
                                                                                                           GRTV: THERE'S NOT A LOT GOING INTO                   THE PROCESS, SO THEY'RE NOT GOING                     Orr: That was one of the challenges. Again,        THE FMA, YOU SORT OF CALLED FOR
                                                                                                           THE NEW ZEALAND ECONOMY.                             TO GO OUT THERE AND NOT LOOK AFTER                 a global challenge.                                   URGENT CHANGE IN THE LIFE SECTOR.
                                                                                                              Orr: Yeah, so it's about deepening our            THEIR BEST INTERESTS.                              GRTV: YEAH. SO HAVE YOU ANY IDEA OF                   HAS THAT BEEN MOVING QUICKLY
                                                                                                           capital markets, and providing opportunities            Orr: Well they can build customers, but if      HOW YOU THINK THAT COULD CHANGE?                      ENOUGH?
                                                                                                           for investors to be able to plug and play in         there's asymmetries of information, if there          Orr: Well what we're hoping, we've received           Orr: Yes. So we've got a lot of conversations
                                                                                                           asset classes here in New Zealand. And that          are new products coming in that may or may         the reports back from the various insurance           to have ahead. You know a lot of this, you
                                                                                                           was my continuous challenge at the ANZ               not be suited, if your lifestyle is changing       companies. We're working through those                have to remember that we're so heavily
                                                                                                           super fund, where, if you gave me $100,              or your needs are changing through time,           at the moment. We did banking first, and              Australian dominated that our interviews
                                                                                                           where could I allocate it in New Zealand? We         how do you break down that asymmetry of            when I say we, us and the Financial Markets           with banks, the equivalent to that in
                                                                                                                                                                information to say, "Is this the best product?     Authority. And what we want to do is hear             Australia was a Royal Commission. An up
   Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr sat down                                                               need to create those opportunities.
                                                                                                           GRTV: I'D LIKE TO SWITCH TO A                        Is this the best time?" How do you do this?        from them about how they can have better              front blamestorming, period. We got there
                                                                                                                                                                And if people are being incentivised to sell the   structures or more sustainable structures
  with GRTV to discuss the OCR cut, investing,                                                             DIFFERENT TOPIC NOW, LIFE INSURANCE                                                                                                                           quick because we wanted to have a real
                                                                                                           AND THE CONDUCT REVIEW WHICH YOU                     latest, greatest, or different, you can have the   because we want them to run the business.             conversation to see what was under the

  and why New Zealanders are “terrible” savers.                                                            DID EARLIER THIS YEAR. THIS CONDUCT
                                                                                                           THING HAS BECOME A BIT OF A FAD,
                                                                                                                                                                same customer but you could've changed
                                                                                                                                                                their product many, many times throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   You know we're talking about ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GRTV: YOU DON'T WANT TO DICTATE TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         hood. Is this necessary or not? In banking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         we said there are lots of things you need to
                                                                                                           SUDDENLY IT HAS APPEARED OUT OF                      their life.                                        THEM HOW TO ...                                       do better, and they understood. A lot of them
  GRTV: HOW HARD WAS IT TO COME UP                   possible outcomes.                                    NEARLY NOWHERE AND WE'RE HEARING                     GRTV: SO YOU'VE TALKED ABOUT                          Orr: ... market discipline, self discipline, and   had had the panhandle anyway in Australia.
  BEFORE THE RESERVE BANK COMMITTEE                  GRTV: SO IF WE DID GET A CRISIS, WE'VE                ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME.                               LONGER-TERM THINKING AND SOCIETAL                  then regulatory discipline, that's us. That's         In insurance there's a lot more work to
  TO MAKE THE OFFICIAL CASH RATE CUT                 STILL GOT ROOM TO MOVE?                                  Orr: I think it's correct in terms of if you've   CHANGES AND THE WAY THINGS LIKE LIFE               the third cousin and the weakest of all. If           be done.
  DECISION?                                             Orr: Absolutely. I mean we don't expect to         been looking at headlines, certainly culture         INSURANCE ARE DISTRIBUTED. DO YOU                  you get market and self discipline done, say          GRTV: BUT THEY'RE MAKING PROGRESS?
     Orr: Yeah I have to say it was fun, because     be doing that but there is the interest rate          and conduct, but wrong if you think about            HAVE ANY IDEAS OF WHAT IT COULD LOOK               "How can you be more transparent to the                  Orr: I hope so.
  it was the first time we've done it through this   channel as I mentioned, negative to a point.          how we as consumers have confidence and              LIKE?                                              public? How do you reduce the asymmetries
  new committee structure. And dare I say it,        There’s buying assets directly which many             faith in that what we are being delivered               Orr: I mean I think it is a conversation        of information? How do you make people
  a problem shared is a problem halved. Our          central banks, including us, did during the           is what was on the package. So culture               that's happening globally and New Zealand          think longer term about what they actually
  collective analysis was that lower interest        GFC.                                                  and conduct is a key critical part to having         is awakening to it slowly, very similar to         do or don't need? How could you make it
  rates were needed for us to be most certain        GRTV: THERE'S BEEN TALK OF WHAT                       trust in the capital system. And the way             the environment challenge that we've had,          far simpler for people to understand what
  of getting inflation back to the midpoint, 2%,     A CUT MIGHT DO FOR THE PROPERTY                       it's embedded is really through the boards           the climate change challenge. We tend to           is the value of what you just bought?" The
  keeping employment around its maximum              MARKET AND PROPERTY INVESTORS,                        and the senior management of institutions,           interview each other. We don't tend to look        complexity of these products is immense. To
  sustainable level. Once you spent a week           WHAT'S YOUR TAKE ON THAT? DO YOU                      and that's why we put a lot of emphasis on           outside of our little small world that often.      pretend that people will read the background
  thinking about the economy, the decision           THINK IT WILL FUEL THAT MARKET?                       self-discipline. The companies themselves,           Globally, particularly post the GFC, is a          material, that they understand the nesting of
  itself became quite straightforward.                  Orr: In part I kind of hope it does. But I don't   the banks, the insurance companies have              fundamental challenge to what I would say          the different issues is wrong. We know we
  GRTV: HOW LOW CAN YOU GO WITH THE                  [think it will] actually. Our projections are         the disciplines, have the culture that is            is capitalism's traditional behaviour. When        don't.
  CASH RATE?                                         that the property market remains incredibly           necessary to take money, someone's money,            you think about capitalism, you know, I'm          GRTV: IT'S A VERY DIFFICULT ISSUE TO
     Orr: Well a nominal rate stops at zero but      subdued. Our forecasts are based on very              and to put it into long tail agreements, which       a huge fan of it, totally dedicated, but it will   BREAK DOWN FOR A CONSUMER THOUGH,
  you can actually have negative interest rates.     low house price growth, positive but in the           are very complex. So try and drive the snake         fail at times. And often it fails through a        ISN'T IT? SO HOW THEY DO THAT IS GOING
  And many countries around the world have           1 to 2% range over the projection horizon.            oil out of it and make sure that what you see        series of incentive structures that end up         TO BE THEIR CHALLENGE.
  been doing that. That's become quite normal,       A lot of that is because of the starting point        is there.                                            defeating itself.                                     Orr: But that's not an excuse for not trying.
  not extreme around the world. You can also         of house prices, the level of household debt          GRTV: IS THERE A LOT OF SNAKE OIL IN IT                 A lot of that is, for example, if I have a      I mean, a jar of peanut butter just used to
  do things other than using the interest rate to    being very high, net immigration having               THOUGH?                                              30-year strategic plan to build an amazing,        say "Peanut Butter" on the front in the 1980s.
  stimulate the economy. That's no prediction        slowed a lot, the pressure coming off and                Orr: Well with the insurance, life insurance      sustainable company I have to provide a five       Now we know on the back of the jar no one
  of ever having to use those, by the way, I         new building coming along. And then the               area. I mean the banking we didn't find any          year strategic plan to start implementing,         was killed in the making. There's certain                 To watch the full
  mean it's kind of an interesting topic because     bright-line test for investors, the investors         real sense of widespread misconduct. We              and I have to provide an annual update             allergies, and what other sugars, fats, and
  we're now at low levels of interest.               have got a bit spooked, I mean capital gains          did find a real lack of systems in the way of        to show where it's going. I have to do the         carbos went into it.                                      interview, download an
                                                                                                                                                                quarterly reporting. Then I have to do real-       GRTV: ALL THOSE SORTS OF THINGS ARE
  GRTV: DO YOU HAVE TO START THAT                    is off the table but many other factors are still     being proactive and making sure that the
                                                                                                                                                                time disclosure. I'm looking here, and I've        ON THERE. YOU SAID THAT THE WEAKEST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             audio podcast or to read
  DISCUSSION NOW TO ENGAGE PEOPLE?                   on the table.                                         products and what they're doing are what
     Orr: I never hope to try and enable people      GRTV: SAVERS AREN'T THAT HAPPY,                       was written on the packet, and that their            been driven there by a series of well-meaning      PART WAS THE REGULATION I GUESS                           the full transcript, visit
  to understand this stuff, it's kind of like me     WHAT'S YOUR ADVICE TO THEM?                           staff are incentivised to be selling the right       interventions all the way through, to the          AROUND THE CONDUCT. WHERE SHOULD
  trying to understand how a car works, I'm             Orr: Well I agree. I mean monetary policy                                                               point where I'm here. Economic growth is           THAT SIT?
  just confident that I can drive one. But we        always has a relative impact. It's either
                                                                                                           thing to the right people. It was very reactive
                                                                                                           and piecemeal.                                       sustainable when it's consistent with cultural        Orr: I mean weakest in terms of its                  goodreturns.co.nz/grtv
  have to make sure that we are ready for all        debtors versus savers and the idea is lower              For the insurance companies, the life             inclusion, when it's with environmental            influence because if you have to just make

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Time to get active? Income protection's
  By Susan Edmunds

        Moving up,
                                                              AMP Capital’s head of fixed                   back on with pride.”                                relying on high term deposit rates from
                                                                                                               But Hassell says while he enjoyed                savings are over.”
                                                          income Grant Hassell is tackling                  the experience of leading the business,               He said people were more cautious these
                                                             a new, global challenge this                   he was still an investor at heart and               days than in the lead-up to the GFC, when
                                                                                                            loved investment markets. So, when the              many tried to get “juicier and juicier returns”,
                                                             year, all without leaving his                  opportunity came up to go back to fixed             taking on more risk.
                                                                  Wellington office.                        income in a global role, he jumped at it.             Hassell said the new role still allowed him

         but not
                                                                                                               AMP Capital was rethinking its                   to have input into the overall performance
                                                            At the start of 2019, Hassell moved to          organisational structure and creating a new         of AMP Capital – so anything he thought he
                                                         the role of global head of fixed income            public markets business, which its former           might have been giving up by moving out
                                                         for the fund manager, after three years            head of global fixed income went on to lead.        of the managing director role, he had not.
                                                         as managing director of the New                       Hassell said the position again looked             “I’m still involved in the direction of
                                                         Zealand operations.                                like a chance to “get out of the way of good        the business.”
                                                            The switch sees him take on a bigger            people” and progress more candidates
                                                         mandate – the New Zealand business                 through the ranks of the business. Bevan
                                                         manages about $20 billion but AMP Capital
                                                         overall has a global fixed interest portfolio of
                                                                                                            Graham took over as New Zealand
                                                                                                            managing director.
                                                                                                                                                                       The industry

        moving on
                                                         more than $50 billion.
                                                            His new team of 35 people is based
                                                                                                               You might expect that after three decades
                                                                                                            working for one business, he could have                I’m working in is
                                                         around the world: 30 in Sydney, four in
                                                         New Zealand, one in Hong Kong and three
                                                                                                            pondered a switch to a different fund
                                                                                                            manager when the time came to move on.              changing dramatically
                                                         in Chicago. It’s a group of people roughly            But Hassell says he has never seriously
                                                         the same size as that he led as AMP NZ             been tempted to look elsewhere for a role.               and AMP as a
                                                         managing director.                                 AMP Capital has proven to be flexible
                                                            Hassell started with AMP in 1987 after          with policy and practice and has been a              business is changing
                                                         finishing a degree at Victoria University and      “fantastic employer” over the years, he says,
                                                         has focused on fixed income throughout             including allowing him to step up without            to adapt to that.
                                                         his career. Through the years, he’s been           leaving town.
                                                         involved in AMP’s demutualisation, mergers            “I think the business has been very
                                                         and acquisitions including that with AXA.          generous to me allowing me to work out of              Hassell says he aims to act as a sounding
                                                         Now there’s more change with the sale of           Wellington in a global role.”                       board for portfolio managers to bounce their
                                                         the AMP Life insurance portfolio.                     Not that there haven’t been attempts to          ideas off.
                                                            In the early 1990s Hassell became a             get him to move – Hassell says one of his              “Protecting them from the noise going
                                                         portfolio manager managing fixed income            few career regrets is not taking up some            on in the industry around them so they can
                                                         money on behalf of AMP Life. In 1993 he            of the global opportunities he was offered          focus on the job they’ve got to do which is
                                                         went to the Reserve Bank on secondment             earlier. But the lifestyle offered to him and       to manage client outcomes. Supporting
                                                         for two years; managing international fixed        his family by New Zealand always won out.
                                                                                                                                                                and protecting them is a key part of what
                                                         income as part of a push for the bank to get          Now, while the new role involves some
                                                                                                                                                                I’m doing.”
                                                         more exposure to private sector expertise.         travel, he’s committing to staying in New
                                                                                                                                                                   Compared to when he stared in the
                                                         Hassell still rates the experience as a career     Zealand for at least the next 18 months until
                                                                                                                                                                business, Hassell said the market as a
                                                         highlight, working alongside people such as        his youngest daughter finishes school.
                                                                                                                                                                whole had become more transparent and
                                                         Paul Brownsey and Simon O’Grady.                      While Hassell says there are probably
                                                                                                                                                                more open about what decisions were
                                  Grant Hassell says
                                                            In 1995, he returned to AMP Capital and         more existing, volatile or lucrative areas of
                                                         worked in senior portfolio manager roles                                                               made and why. “The industry I’m working
                                                                                                            the investment world that he could dabble
                                                                                                                                                                in is changing dramatically and AMP as a
                                 lots of things remain   until 2006 when he became the head of the
                                                         New Zealand fixed income business. “A year
                                                                                                            in, he is committed to fixed income.
                                                                                                               Fixed income needed a broad skill set, he
                                                                                                                                                                business is changing to adapt to that.”

                                 the same as he takes    and a half from the global financial crisis – it
                                                         was a fascinating time to manage money
                                                                                                            said – an equity analyst might look at one
                                                                                                            stock and become very intimate with what
                                                                                                                                                                   The way active managers manage money
                                                                                                                                                                was also changing, he said.
                                     on global role.     … fascinating because of what we were              that company operated. But a fixed income              “Active managers need to do two things
                                                                                                                                                                – take bigger positions in the funds they
                                                         facing into.”                                      analyst had to do that but also understand
                                                            How the business performed through              the macro factors that might affect the             manage and keep those positions for longer.
                                                         those years was another career highlight,          decision to lend money.                             The reason I say that is there’s less volatility
                                                         he said. “Our fixed income returns were               “It’s very rewarding, stuff I really love. You   and you need to make the most of what
                                                         outstanding through that period.”                  get to fold in economics, regulatory and            there is. To get the same return from active
                                                            He only moved out of that role when the         fiscal issues, individual company balance           management you will need larger positions
                                                         top local job beckoned. Feeling a need to          sheets and wrap it up to make a decision.”          away from benchmark. Managers with
                                                         “get out of the way” to let others progress           Most people did not even realise how             proven processes and teams will continue to
                                                         through the fixed income ranks, it looked like     significant a proportion of their own               do well in this environment.”
                                                         a chance to further hone his management            investment portfolio was made up of fixed              Hassell says, while he has no plans to
                                                         and leadership skills.                             income, he said.                                    move on yet, he wants to see someone from
                                                            From when he took the managing                     One of the biggest challenges was how to         within the business ready to step up when
                                                         director position in 2015 until he stepped         get a good return when interest rates were          the time does eventually come.
                                                         down at the end of 2018, the business’s            so low, he said. “It might encourage people            “One thing I really enjoy is growing
                                                         funds under management grew from $3                to take a bit more interest in what they are        people. People are as important as assets
                                                         billion to $10 billion. “That’s something I look   doing with their investments. The days of           under management.”

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Time to get active? Income protection's
By Daniel Dunkley

               Active and
                                                                     The global debate between                   costs associated with human stock pickers.

                                                                       active and passive fund
                                                                                                                 As die-hard active managers and passive
                                                                                                                 funds argue their case, investors have
                                                                                                                                                                        The sooner the
                                                                    management has raged for                     been happy to stick to trusted investment
                                                                                                                 strategies that have served them well
                                                                                                                                                                      proponents of
                                                                     years, as traditional active                for decades.                                       active accept that
                                                                    managers make their case                        Both active and passive strategies have
                                                                                                                                                                     passive is a good

                                                                                                                 performed well since the GFC, with equities
                                                                 against the proponents of newer,
                                                                  passive strategies. As new and
                                                                                                                 markets riding high here and overseas.
                                                                                                                 But with another downturn expected in              idea and advocate
                                                                 old jockey for survival, the debate
                                                                                                                 the next few years, active managers say
                                                                                                                 passive strategies might take a significant
                                                                                                                                                                   50-50, the better for
                                                                    has polarised opinion in the                 hit. Defenders of passive funds say there is         everybody.
                                                                                                                 growing evidence they can outperform when
                                                                          investment world.                      markets dip.
                                                                   As the average investor becomes savvier          As advisers ponder the mountain of                     Brent Sheather
                                                                 with the rise of technology, and investment     evidence, should they have to pick one side?     outperforms active, and the reason they can
                                                                 decisions become more transparent with          Or can a core-satellite approach, comprised      do that is because of the low fees.”
                                                                 KiwiSaver and direct investment platforms,      of both passive and active funds, deliver the      Despite his strong views, Sheather
                                                                 more money has begun to flow into low-          right mix of alpha generation, low volatility,   says advisers should take a balanced

               the best of
                                                                 cost passive funds in recent years. ASB,        and cheap market access? As passive              approach. He allocates 50% of his money
                                                                 for example, has built its KiwiSaver offering   becomes more popular, how can advisers           to active strategies. He believes investors
                                                                 almost exclusively around index funds, while    show their value to clients?                     should back active managers to unearth
                                                                 InvestNow reports significant flows into           Brent Sheather, an adviser who believes       inefficiencies, particularly in smaller and
                                                                 Vanguard and Smartshares ETFs.                  strongly in passive funds, says a growing        emerging markets. “Increasingly, people
                                                                   Yet New Zealand is widely regarded as         body of evidence suggests they can               are going all passive, and I think that’s

              both worlds?
                                                                 being slower in the uptake of passive funds     outperform active managers. “Years               wrong because we should all pay for price
                                                                 than investors in bigger markets, such as       ago, people would criticise you and say          discovery. Passive funds rely on markets
                                                                 the US and UK. Active management remains        ‘why are you paying for mediocrity?’ But         being efficient. If everyone went passive,
                                                                 popular in New Zealand despite the higher       it’s becoming well known that passive            markets wouldn’t be efficient. It’s fair

             Rather than taking a one-sided approach, advisers
               could back both active and passive strategies.

Time to get active? Income protection's
By Daniel Dunkley

   that everybody pays higher fees for some      Passive performs well in moments of                Its NZX-listed US 500 ETF, for example,              Another major player in passive-style        Dimensional products, including its core           world of investment management capability
active management, to make markets more          tranquillity, but I’d suggest we are not in        provides access to Vanguard’s flagship US         strategies is Christchurch-based platform       funds, style-specific funds geared towards         that exists is a pretty tall order ... You can
efficient.”                                      a tranquil market now. Active arguably             500 ETF. It allows investors to access the        business Consilium. The firm offers New         value companies, and regional funds. “They         access the market reliably and cheaply with
   Sheather said he would not adjust his 50-     becomes more important now because of its          Vanguard fund and avoid costly currency           Zealand advisers and clients access to          encompass the full suite of portfolio options.     well-specified funds that target risk factor
50 portfolio split even if market conditions     superior risk controls.”                           and brokerage costs, ownership fees, and          passive-style funds from US investment giant    [Dimensional’s] business has been driven           exposure,” he said.
changed. “I don’t believe active outperforms       Coplestone said advisers faced a “big            administration costs.                             Dimensional Fund Advisors. Dimensional’s        by academia, and they build funds that               Advisers faced a challenge picking the right
passive in a downturn. If you look at the        challenge” to identify the top best active            Thom Bentley, client director at               co-founder David Booth is said to be one        make sense. We are looking to access the           active manager that could justify their fee: “I
SPIVA analysis, in the US, about 90% [92%]       managers among tens of thousands of                Smartshares, said it was significantly            of the pioneers of passive investing, and is    best vehicles to deliver robust returns to         wouldn’t want to take the risk of appointing
of [large] active funds underperformed           candidates. “The [adviser] industry tries          cheaper to invest and hold Smartshares            credited with working on the very first index   our clients. These funds tend to tick a lot of                         the wrong manager but
the index.”                                      to figure out which funds are going to             ETFs than invest directly in an overseas listed   fund in 1971.                                   those boxes.”                                                               still paying a high fee
   He adds: “The sooner the proponents of        outperform, but selecting the correct asset        ETF. “Many investors and advisers don't do           Dimensional funds are designed with the         O’Brien favoured the “systematic,                                            for the pleasure. If
active accept that passive is a good idea, and                                                      the calculations when deciding whether to         help of leading economists and academics.       analytical, measured approach”                                                   I were an adviser,
advocate 50-50, the better for everybody,                                                           invest in Smartshares or through an offshore      Damon O’Brien, chief investment officer at      demonstrated by the likes of Dimensional,                                         I’d be thinking very
I think. The rationale for active is not that
you’re going to get alpha, you’re paying to              I’d be thinking                            ETF provider.”
                                                                                                       With an emphasis on low-cost international
                                                                                                                                                      Consilium, says the funds “lean on academic
                                                                                                                                                      evidence”. He added: “We like to lean towards
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “rather than a forecasting approach”. Overall,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Consilium likes to “blend some aspects of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         carefully about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          what I could
make the markets more efficient.”
   Sheather says he could be prompted
                                                       very carefully                               and domestic funds, Smartshares ETFs can
                                                                                                    be accessed online, on market via advisers,
                                                                                                                                                      sources of higher long term expected return
                                                                                                                                                      that meet three criteria; they have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                      active and passive”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         He said well-researched, widely-diversified

to buy more active funds if they traded at
a discount to net asset value. He prefers
                                                     about what I could                             and through direct retail channels such
                                                                                                    as InvestNow. Smartshares’ funds under
                                                                                                                                                      debated and academically proven, we can
                                                                                                                                                      see them in the data in markets today, and we
                                                                                                                                                                                                      funds with a value factor were sound
                                                                                                                                                                                                      investments for long-term success: “If I
investment trusts and closed-end funds for              defend.                                     management have risen from about $500             can implement them in a cost-effective way.”    was looking to plot a course over a 20 or
his active exposure.                                                                                million in April 2012 to more than $3 billion,       O’Brien said: “Dimensional had their         30 year period, and to deliver that with
   Clayton Coplestone, director of Heathcote                                                        according to a recent presentation.
Investment Partners, prefers active to                     Damon O’Brien                               Rather than spreading allocation across
                                                                                                                                                      genesis from academia, and they are in
                                                                                                                                                      the business of designing funds which are
                                                                                                                                                                                                      reliability, I would be looking at the sorts
                                                                                                                                                                                                      of strategies we recommend.
passive strategies. He believes passive                                                             an entire index, Smartshares funds are            highly consumer-friendly, low cost, widely-     We have a reasonable
investing is a “low-cost, commoditised option    class is probably going to be tenfold more         customised to be weighted to different            diversified, and have clear mandates, so        basis for our
to give you exposure to markets that are         productive than choosing active or passive.        segments of the market. Its NZ Dividend           as an investor, you know what to expect         expected returns.
technically efficient, or where you can’t add    Advisers need a screening mechanism                fund, for example, covers the 25 highest          in any market conditions. These are very           “The ability
any meaningful value”.                           to take the volume down to a more                  yielding NZ shares in the top 50, while its       valuable when you’re building portfolios for    to continually
   He adds: “The solution in those markets is    workable number.”                                  NZ Mid Cap fund is weighted to the 40             retail clients.”                                out-guess or
the cheapest option, so it’s a price game.”         He warned against the “complacency”             stocks below the top 10. Its NZ Top 50 fund          Consilium provides access to several         out-forecast the                   Damon O’Brien
   “I don't have a negative view of passive      of going all-in on passive strategies and          meanwhile has a 5% cap on individual stocks.
per se, Coplestone said. “The issue is, it’s a   abandoning active altogether. “If you’re           Smartshares is launching eight new ETFs in
matter of perspective. Supporters of passive     seeking a beta of 1, in other words, top 100       June, including five ESG equity funds, two
tell me it is the be-all and end-all,            US stocks, that is largely a price argument.       “megatrends” funds and a low-cost passive
and that usually comes with                          Find the cheapest way to access that           global aggregate bond fund.
a chosen data set. It is                               universe. But use your fee budget in            Bentley admits New Zealand has been
usually oblivious to                                     other areas of the portfolio where         slower to adopt ETFs than other countries,
the fact the equities                                     you might need some help. To              but predicts rapid growth from investors
market has enjoyed                                         carte blanche and put everything         allocating their savings and pension fund
the strongest bull                                          in passive, you’ll end up with          investments. “Uptake is growing quickly as
run since 2008.                                              mediocrity, and in the environment     more people become aware of the global
   “To be candid,                                            we are heading into, clients could     adoption of passive strategies.”
it was probably                                              be challenging the role their             Bentley said New Zealand’s perceptions
best to be                                                   adviser plays.”                        about passive investing were starting to
overweight in                                                  Despite his strong views in favour   change: “New Zealand is seen as a market
passive and                                                of active, Coplestone believed           that has favoured active managers, it is a
have a low-                                               passive and active could coexist as       small and inefficient market, so there’s a
cost option                                             part of a strong portfolio. He says         perception that active managers have a
during that                                            advisers need to identify strong active      better chance of outperforming here. To an
time.                                                funds to sit alongside their passive           extent, that has been true in the past. But
                                                   investments. “We advocate that if you’re         now, with the range of funds we have, we can
                                                 seeking beta, it’s a price option. We will have    provide cheap access to specific parts of the
                                                     a core position in low-cost beta positions,    market that have performed better than the
                                                          and active funds around the edge          index and active managers.”
                                                              that cost a bit more, and have a         He downplays the idea that passive is not
                                                                different risk profile.”            suited to more volatile markets. “What we
                                                                   For advisers looking to build    provide is pure access to the markets, and
                                                                 out their passive portfolio,       you take the ups and downs,” Bentley added.
                                                                  which products offer broad        “But Q4 last year was the first significant
                                                                   market access here and           downturn in the equities market for some
                                                                    overseas?                       time. The NZ market was down 6% in Q4.
                                                                      NZX Smartshares               Only two of 19 NZ active equity funds beat
                                                                     operates ETFs that provide     the market [according to Morningstar], but all
                                                                     access to international        of our funds did. So the fears about passive
          Thom Bentley                                               and domestic markets.          funds didn’t play out.”

Time to get active? Income protection's
  By Susan Edmunds

                                                                          Advisers who are currently                   be standard to all and others specific to a         not worth going through years of change
                                                                                                                       particular business.                                only to want to scale down their businesses,
                                                                          working as RFAs are being                       The FMA is considering two standard              anyway, Vidler said.
                                                                           told to think about their                   conditions for transitional licensing:                 Application fees for full licences will range
                                                                                                                       Requiring adequate written records and an           from $612 to $922 plus an hourly rate for
                                                                           business processes as                       internal process for resolving complaints.          complex applications.
                                                                            licensing approaches.                      These are two aspects of a financial advice            “The FMA will be required to consider a

                                                                                                                       business that are currently covered by the          wider range of factors, including whether an
                                                                         Transitional licensing will open later this   code of conduct for authorised financial            applicant is capable of effectively providing
                                                                      year for those who want to operate as a          advisers but will not be in the new code.           financial advice services,” MBIE said.
                                                                      financial advice provider (FAP) under the           It is likely there will be additional standard      "In addition, the application process will
                                                                      new advice regime.                               conditions for full licences.                       vary depending on the business model
                                                                         All financial advisers will need to work         The record-keeping standard would                adopted by the applicant. For example,
                                                                      for a FAP as an adviser or a nominated           require businesses to demonstrate how               the Amendment Act introduces additional
                                                                      representative by the time the new regime        they gave regulated financial advice to retail      requirements on financial advice providers
                                                                      starts mid next year.                            clients, had complied with the FMC Act, the         that engage financial advisers or nominated
                                                                         Adviser coach Tony Vidler said licensing      Financial Markets Conduct Regulations and           representatives, so those firms will need to
                                                                      would not be a major hurdle for AFAs but         the new code.                                       go through additional assessment during
                                                                      could be a significant step up for some RFAs        Records would have to be kept for                the licensing process. While the process
                                                                      who did not have the business processes          seven years.                                        will be more robust than that used during
                                                                      in place.                                           "This is to ensure licence-holders (and          transitional licensing, applicants will still
                                                                         He said people would need to think            any authorised bodies) continue to meet             use a streamlined licensing system, leading
                                                                      about their strategic objectives for their       the requirements assessed at licensing and          to an efficient process and relatively low
                                                                      businesses and the degree of control they        so we can effectively monitor compliance            estimated average processing times."
                                                                      wanted to have in terms of such business         with their obligations. In addition, this              MBIE said the model of a flat application
                                                                      decisions as branding and products.              requirement will ensure adequate                    fee and hourly rate wold be most cost-
                                                                                                                       information is available for retail clients         effective for the FMA. If the hourly rate was
                                                                                                                       about the financial advice services provided        not an option, the flat fee would have to
                                                                             There’s a fair                            to them," the FMA said.                             be higher.
                                                                                                                          The complaints process standard would               The FMA receives an annual appropriation
                                                                       amount of RFAs out                              require an internal process for resolving           of $36 million, the majority of which is

                                                                      there who have a heck                            complaints from clients.
                                                                                                                          FMA said this would mean a process that
                                                                                                                                                                           funded through a levy charged to financial
                                                                                                                                                                           service providers.
                                                                        of a lot to do.                                meant complaints were acknowledged as
                                                                                                                       soon as practicable; retail clients were given
                                                                                                                                                                              MBIE said all financial service providers
                                                                                                                                                                           would continue to pay $460 plus GST on

                          As the new licensing regime comes into
                                                                                                                       information about the process and how it            initial registration under the new regime.
                                                                                  Tony Vidler                          worked; complaints were resolved and a                 Financial advisers would be
                         play some advisers will step up and thrive                                                    response provided as soon as possible; and
                                                                                                                       a written record kept of all complaints.
                                                                                                                                                                           levied independently.
                                                                                                                                                                              Its preferred option is then to introduce a
                            while others may hang up their hats.         Those who had been part of a QFE or
                                                                      were AFAs would have appropriate systems
                                                                                                                          "This will ensure client complaints
                                                                                                                       are adequately dealt with and there is a
                                                                                                                                                                           base annual levy for FAPs with an additional
                                                                                                                                                                           amount for every nominated representative,
                                                                      already, he said. But that was not true for      record of any issues arising in relation to         or when the FAP gave advice on its
                                                                      everyone, particularly people who had been       the financial advice service. It will also          own accord.
                                                                      operating as a “lifestyle practice” or part-     enable us to effectively monitor whether               That would start at $225 a year then $137
                                                                      time.                                            licence holders and authorised bodies are           per nominated representative, or $737 if the
                                                                         “There’s a fair amount of RFAs out there      complying with their obligations. Having this       FAP gave its own advice.
                                                                      who have a heck of a lot to do.”                 as a licence condition (even though external           Advisers would pay $265.
                                                                         The FMA said it would ask transitional        dispute resolution schemes may also require
                                                                      licence applicants for information about the     it) means we can take appropriate regulatory
                                                                      types of services and products they dealt        action against the licence holder and any
                                                                      with and who was providing advice.               authorised body if they do not comply," the
                                                                         It would consider whether directors and       FMA said.
                                                                      senior managers were fit and proper for             "An internal process for resolving client
                                                                      their roles, whether there was any reason        complaints does not have to be complex or
                                                                      to believe obligations would not be met and      expensive. However, it must meet the four
                                                                      whether the business was registered on           requirements in the proposed condition.
                                                                      the FSPR.                                        How you comply with this condition will
                                                                         "Transitional licensing provides us with      depend on your personal preferences and
                                                                      a better sense of who is operating in the        the nature and scale of your business.”
                                                                      market – enabling us to anticipate the              The Ministry of Business, Innovation and
                                                                      number of full licence applications and          Employment expects 900 RFAs and AFAs
                                                                      resources needed for ongoing monitoring          to drop out as part of the transition to the
                                                                      and supervision."                                new regime. Vidler said that number could
                                                                         Full licensing would be more robust.          be too low.
                                                                         Conditions of licensing would be imposed         Many older advisers would decide it was                                            Tony Vidler
                                                                      by the legislation or the FMA. Some would

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