Tinnitus in Children and Teenagers - Practice Guidance - DRAFT VERSION FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION

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Tinnitus in Children and Teenagers - Practice Guidance - DRAFT VERSION FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION
Tinnitus in
Children and
Practice Guidance

                    DRAFT VERSION
                       FOR PUBLIC
                         June 2014
Tinnitus in Children and Teenagers - Practice Guidance - DRAFT VERSION FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014


1    The James Lind Alliance Tinnitus Priority Setting Partnership was set up at the instigation of the British Tinnitus
2    Association. Its aim was to identify the top ten research uncertainties for tinnitus. In 2011 and 2012, the Partnership
3    carried out an extensive, nationwide consultation of tinnitus patients and clinicians and at the 2012 British Society of
     Audiology annual conference, an appeal to address these top ten research priorities was launched. One of the top
6    ten questions is: “what is the optimal set of guidelines for assessing children with tinnitus?”
8    It was hoped that the identification of research priorities would be a catalyst for more research and encourage funders
9    and researchers alike to rise to the challenge of addressing the selected priorities. These guidelines are a response to
10   that challenge. The development of these guidelines was undertaken through the British Society of Audiology by a
11   working party of national specialists in paediatric tinnitus. The project was kindly supported by the British Tinnitus
12   Association.
14   This document presents Practice Guidance by the British Society of Audiology (BSA). This Practice Guidance
15   represents, to the best knowledge of the BSA, the evidence-base and consensus on good practice, given the stated
     methodology and scope of the document and at the time of publication.
     Although care has been taken in preparing the information supplied by the BSA, the BSA does not and cannot
20   guarantee the interpretation and application of it. The BSA cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions,
21   and the BSA accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising. This document supersedes
22   any previous recommended procedure by the BSA and stands until superseded or withdrawn by the BSA.
26   Ms Rosie Kentish
27   Consultant Clinical Psychologist
28   Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
29   Chair of the Paediatric Tinnitus Working Group
Tinnitus in Children and Teenagers - Practice Guidance - DRAFT VERSION FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014


1    Foreword!                                                                               2
     Contents!                                                                               3
5    Terminology & Abbreviations!                                                            4
6    Executive Summary!                                                                      5
8    1!   Introduction & Overview!                                                           6
     2!   Tinnitus in Children - Implications for Clinical Practice!                         9
11   3!   Assessment of Tinnitus in Children!                                                11
12        History taking                                                                     11
13        Clinical examination                                                               14
14        Audiological assessment                                                            14
15        Specialist tests                                                                   15
17        Red flags and onwards referral                                                     15
18   4!   Management Strategies!                                                             16
19        Explanation, advice and information giving                                         16
20        Tinnitus management strategies                                                     16
21        Sound enrichment: hearing aids and other devices                                   18
23        Psychological approaches to tinnitus                                               19
24        Tinnitus management in the classroom                                               20
25   5!   Development of a Paediatric Tinnitus Service!                                      22
     Appendices!                                                                             23
29   1  Service provision                                                                    23
30   2  Evidence Base                                                                        24
31   3  Child-Friendly Interview Techniques                                                  26
32   4  Key Elements of the Clinical Assessment                                              27
33   5  Signs of Tinnitus Distress                                                           27
35   6  Psychological Associations with Tinnitus                                             28
36   7  Formal Assessment Measures                                                           29
37   8  Tinnitus in the Classroom: Information Booklet                                       31
38   9  Hearing Protection                                                                   33
39   10 Further Resources                                                                    34
42   References!                                                                             35
43   Authors! !                                                                              39
Tinnitus in Children and Teenagers - Practice Guidance - DRAFT VERSION FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

     Terminology                                Abbreviations

1    Child                                      ADHD                                      PTA
2    The term ‘child’ is used throughout        Attention Deficit Hyperactivity           Pure Tone Audiogram/Audiometry
3    this document to include children up       Disorder
     to the age of 16 years.                                                              SENCO
                                                APD                                       Special Educational Needs
     Healthcare Professional                    Auditory Processing Disorder              Co-ordinator
8    This term has been used generically
9    to refer to doctors, audiologists, and     ASD                                       VAS
10   other allied healthcare professionals      Autistic Spectrum Disorder                Visual Analogue Scale
11   such as hearing therapists, teachers
12   of the deaf, nurses, counsellors,          AVM
13                                              Audiovestibular Medicine
     psychologists, psychiatrists and any
15   other professionals that may be
16   involved in the child’s care.
                                                Audiovestibular Physician
18   Parents
19   This includes mothers, fathers, carers
20                                              British Society of Audiology
     and other adults with responsibility for
21   caring for a child or young person,
22                                              BTA
     including for example, those with
23                                              British Tinnitus Association
     responsibilities for looked after
25   children and young offenders.              CBT
26                                              Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
27   Red Flags
28   Red flags are used as indicators for       ENT
29   onward referral to another specialty       Ear, Nose and Throat
30   as appropriate.
31                                              GP
32   Management                                 General Practitioner
33   This term has been used to refer to
     both assessment and treatment.             IEP
36                                              Individual Educational Plan
     Tinnitus Distress
38   This term distress is used to cover the    IHP
39   range of negative emotions that            Individual Hearing Profile
40   children and parents may feel as a
41   consequence of their tinnitus, such as     LDLs
42   annoyance, anger, fear, worry, anxiety.    Loudness Discomfort Levels
Tinnitus in Children and Teenagers - Practice Guidance - DRAFT VERSION FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

     Executive Summary

1    • Tinnitus is a common experience in       • The focus of management should          • These guidelines acknowledge that
2      childhood.                                 be on the child and not the ear or        hyperacusis often co-exists with
3                                                 tinnitus. A holistic approach (child,     tinnitus, but hyperacusis requires
4    • The evidence base on paediatric            family and school) is required to         different assessment and
5      tinnitus is scarce. In view of this, the
6                                                 meet the needs of children who            management methods and
       underlying principles of managing          present with tinnitus.                    therefore is not covered here.
8      adult tinnitus are applied to the
9      management of children with              • Where tinnitus impact and distress      • These guidelines have been
10     tinnitus. However the aetiology,           is found to be minimal, simple            developed and promoted as a
11     presentation and management of             information counselling will              result of public and professional
12     the child’s tinnitus need to respect       frequently be sufficient, and this        consultation exercises.
13     the child’s age, cognitive and             may prevent tinnitus distress from
       linguistic ability and individual          developing.
16     circumstances. The evidence base
       for the management of childhood          • Skills for the management of
18     anxiety and pain is relevant to            children with mild to moderate
19     aspects of the tinnitus profile of         distress should be available within
20     children.                                  most paediatric audiology services.
22   • These guidelines offer a pragmatic        • Children with severe distress and/or
23     approach to the management of               complex presentations should be
24                                                 managed within regional centres of
       children with tinnitus at all levels of
25                                                 excellence (Transforming services
26     severity for children up to 16 years.
                                                   for children with hearing difficulty
28   • In general, in hearing appointments         and their families: a good practice
29     other than routine ENT audiometry           guide services) where specialist
30     and school screening, children              skills in paediatric tinnitus
31     should routinely be asked whether           assessment and therapy are
32     they ‘hear noises in their ears or          available. The exact members and
33     head’ and if they do, whether they          roles of this team will vary
       are bothered by them. The vast              according to the service.
36     majority of children are untroubled
37     by these noises and a simple            • Children should be managed in an
38     explanation and reassurance are all       appropriate paediatric setting by
39     that is required. Further assessment      health care professionals with
40     will be required for the minority of      appropriate paediatric skills and
41                                               knowledge of legislation relevant to
       children that report tinnitus distress,
42                                               the paediatric population.
43     or impact.
45   • Whenever possible, healthcare
46     professionals should involve young
47     children in the assessment and
48     management of their symptoms and
49     should not rely upon information
50     provided by parents alone.
Tinnitus in Children and Teenagers - Practice Guidance - DRAFT VERSION FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

     Introduction & Overview

                                                  Do children experience tinnitus?          Whilst the experience of tinnitus is
     Aims of the                                  A commonly held view is that tinnitus     common, most children with tinnitus
                                                  only occurs in adults, relates to an      are not bothered by it, and a simple
     guidelines                                   ageing auditory system, and occurs        explanation and reassurance are all
5    Tinnitus in children is a neglected          very rarely in children. A number of      that is required. Only a small number
6    area, from both a clinical and a             research studies internationally have     of children will require further
7    research perspective. To date,               looked at the prevalence of tinnitus in   management to help with distress or
8    research provides information about          children (see appendix 2). Although       impact upon their lives.
9    prevalence and co-morbidity of               of variable quality, findings overall
                                                  indicate that some form of tinnitus       Is tinnitus in children a clinical
10   tinnitus in children, but very little, if
11   anything, about managing non-                experience is fairly common in            concern?
12   distressing tinnitus in a children's         children (Sheyte 2010) and                There is some debate as to whether
13   clinic or effective therapies for            furthermore it may even be on the         tinnitus in children is a significant
14   alleviating the distress it can cause.       increase (Juul 2012). Tinnitus            clinical concern. Referral numbers
15   Given the lack of an evidence base,          appears to be twice as common in          for children with tinnitus are reported
16   many views about tinnitus in children        children with hearing loss compared       to be low (Baguley 2013a),
17   are held largely on the basis of             to children with normal hearing           suggesting that children do not
18   common belief or personal opinion.           (Graham 1987; Raj-Kosiak 2011).           express their distress of tinnitus or
19                                                There is some evidence to suggest         require intervention in the same way
20   These guidelines have been written           that it may be common in children         as adults; further research is needed.
21   on the basis of the evidence base            with a history of otitis media (Mills     For those children whose tinnitus is
22   where it is available, and from the          1984), and more research is needed        distressing however, tinnitus can
23   clinical experience and practice of          upon this.                                have a significant effect upon their
24   the working party members. Our aim
25   is that the practical and pragmatic
26   advice offered will enable others to
27   develop their clinical skills in tinnitus
28   management with children, and that
29   in turn this will lead to further clinical
30   developments, research, and
31   ultimately a firm evidence base for
32   the management of tinnitus in
33   children.
35   These guidelines are intended for
36   the wide range of professionals may
37   be involved in the management of a
38   child with tinnitus. This can include
39   audiologists, medical professionals,
40   nurses, hearing therapists, teachers
41   of the deaf, psychologists and other
42   mental health professionals. Some
43   sections are of more relevance to
44   specific professionals than others.
46   As an introduction, below are a
47   collection of common questions
48   about tinnitus in children:
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    physical and psychological well-           Several authors have noted that           whose tinnitus is troublesome and
2    being and their educational progress,      children tend not to spontaneously        require intervention.
3    all of which can have lifelong             tell adults about their tinnitus.
4    consequences if left untreated.            Savastano found that the number of        If a child attempts to tell adults about
5                                               children with tinnitus rose from 6.5%     tinnitus and feels dismissed, they
6    There are currently few services in        to 34% when children are specifically     may worry about why adults won’t
7    the UK available for children with         questioned (Savastano 2007).              discuss it. The child may then
8    tinnitus. It appears that where such a     Children are also unlikely to             become scared of the tinnitus, what it
9    service is available, and when             spontaneously mention it to their         might mean, or fear being ridiculed if
10   children attending audiology               parents (Raj-Kosiak et al 2011). When     they know it is not a ‘real’ sound.
11   appointments are routinely asked           directly asked, children are generally    Children will have less opportunity of
12   about tinnitus, that referral numbers      able to describe their symptoms,          discovering that others have the
13   steadily increase, and this suggests       although this may not always be in        same symptoms, including their
14   that there is an unmet need.               ways that adults are familiar with        peers.
15                                              (Section 2).
16                                                                                      Healthcare professionals should
     Is tinnitus in children the same as
17                                              Some healthcare professionals and       provide children with troublesome
     in adults?
18                                              parents are concerned that asking a tinnitus the opportunity to talk about
19   Research available is limited and of       child about tinnitus may create         the noises they hear, and offer
20   variable quality, but suggests that        awareness and anxiety, and turn non- practical advice for managing it. This
21   children with tinnitus share many          troublesome tinnitus into troublesome includes age appropriate information
22   similarities to adults with tinnitus.      tinnitus. The experience of the         about tinnitus, strategies for
23   There is some evidence that as with        working party members is that the       managing any distress and
24   the adult population, tinnitus in          opposite is the case. Asking about      difficulties in the classroom. Further
25   children is associated with higher         tinnitus provides the opportunity of    suggestions regarding advice are
26   rates of psychological difficulties        normalising the experience for the      provided in section 4.
27   such as worry, anxiety and                 child.
     depression.                                                                        Working with children often involves
                                                Asking children whether they hear       two patients, the parent and the child,
30   The impact of tinnitus upon children       noises in their ears or their head, and who may have differing information,
     is similar to adults in many ways,         whether it bothers or annoys them       perspectives, and worries about what
     effecting emotional well- being            needs to be done sensitively. Care      the child’s tinnitus means and
     (Holgers 2006); concentration and          should be taken, particularly with      clinicians cannot rely upon
     listening skills (Kentish 2000); sleep     very young children who can give        information gathered from one or
     difficulties are frequently mentioned      answers to questions even if they       other alone. Assessing and
     by children and parents (Gabriels          don’t fully understand them, in order   counselling a child with tinnitus takes
37   1996; Kentish 2000; Kim 2012) Poor         to please the adult. It is important to time and cannot be rushed. These
     sleep can in turn lead to other            be confident that the child has         two factors have implications for
     problems such as poor memory and           understood the question. Vague,         service providers in terms of the
     concentration; irritability; behavioural   fanciful, or inconsistent descriptions  amount of time required by clinicians
     problems; and can affect the whole         of noises from a child should be        working in a paediatric tinnitus
     family’s well-being.                       treated with caution.                   service.
     How does tinnitus in children differ       Non- troublesome tinnitus will            Children also have less access to
     from adults?                               probably make up a large proportion       information. Currently, information on
                                                of the tinnitus reported, and simple      websites is directed to adults and
46   Whilst children and adults with
                                                reassurance will be all that is needed.   much of it is inappropriate, especially
47   tinnitus share much in common, there
                                                However, asking about ear noises          for young children. There is an urgent
48   are differences that have important
                                                gives the healthcare professional the     need for age-appropriate literature for
49   implications for clinical practice.
                                                opportunity to identify those children    children. A discussion about their
                                                                                          tinnitus enables the child and parent
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    to learn reassuring information about     What is a child-friendly approach?
2    tinnitus and practical strategies for     A child-friendly approach means
3    managing it.                              putting the child at the heart of the
4                                              process, and providing services in
5    Can adult models of tinnitus              settings that are appropriate to the
6                                              needs of children and their families;
     management be applied to
7                                              listening respectfully to the child and
8    children?
                                               communicating at the child’s level
9    Children are not mini-adults and the      developmentally and linguistically
10   effectiveness of applying adult           and being aware of the factors that
11   models of tinnitus management to          will influence the way the child
12   children can be questioned. There is      communicates with you; and utilising
13   little or no direct research available to activities such as play, drawing and
14   answer this question. Given that          other more visual and concrete ways
15   children with distressing tinnitus        of getting across complex ideas
16   share many similarities with adults in    (Appendix 3).
17   terms of audiological symptoms,
18   impact and psychological distress, it
19   is pragmatic to assume that
20   management strategies applied with
21   adults are of relevance to children.
22   However, these treatment strategies
23   need to be adapted for use with
24   children, and as part of a child-
25   friendly approach. Children should
26   be seen by health care professionals
27   with experience of assessing and
28   managing children and with
29   appointments taking place within a
30   paediatric clinical setting as opposed
31   to being an add-on to an adult
32   tinnitus clinic. This may be difficult
33   for some services, however the
34   recommendation is in line with
35   national guidelines for paediatric care
36   (NDCS 2000; NSFC 2003; DoH
37   2008).
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

     Tinnitus in Children
     - Implications for Clinical Practice
1                                               Audiological testing                          difficulties associated with hearing
2    Key points:                                • Changes in the child’s behaviour            loss – perhaps because the sound
3    • Practitioners must be alert to “soft”      that does not ‘match’ observations          has no apparent source and is not
4        signs that a child has tinnitus.         of the child outside hearing tests.         a shared experience.
5                                                 These include signs of agitation, or      • Speech perception difficulties are
6    • Compared to adults, children are           avoidance strategies in anticipation        described in background noise or
7        much less likely to spontaneously        of PTA (Section 3) and audiological         acoustically poor environments and
8        tell others about their tinnitus. When   assessment has been challenging.            in quieter listening environments, or
9        they do, their descriptions may be       The child shows low confidence in           in quiet situations only.
10       in unfamiliar terms.                     relation to audiological testing, and
11                                                their anxiety levels are high,            Worries about tinnitus
12   • Children of all ages can have a            especially in sound proofed testing       Very young children may not know
13       variety of worries about tinnitus.       rooms. These children may                 why they hear sounds in their ears, or
14                                                possibly be mistaken as having a          may believe that there is actually
15   • Parents and children should be             non-organic hearing loss.                 something there, for example bees,
16       asked about their worries and          • Difficulty with hearing aid use for no    monsters, rice crispies, or voices
17       concerns individually as these may       obvious reason. There may be a            singing inside their heads. Older
18       not be the same.                         distrust or dislike of the sound in       children can share similar worries
19                                                one ear, and perception that              that there is something in their head,
20   Professionals’ reluctance to talk            hearing is worse in this ear,             but may be worried that they are
21                                                although thresholds are similar.          losing their hearing, “going mad”, or
     about tinnitus – and its
22                                                                                          of being unable to go to university or
23   consequences                               Behaviour                                   get a job when they are older.
24   Parents are often unaware that their       • Parental reports of sleep difficulties,   Parents are often concerned that their
25   child has tinnitus (Raj-Kosiak 2011)         particularly in young children. The       child’s tinnitus might relate to hearing
26   and an audiological assessment may           child may demand sound e.g. story         loss; mental health problems, a brain
27   be the first time that a parent              tapes, music, the TV or will not fall     tumour or other neurological
28   becomes aware of it. Young children          asleep on their own or in their room.     condition (Kentish 2000). They
29   may lack the cognitive and linguistic      • The child shows distress or               frequently describe feeling helpless
30   skills to describe their tinnitus in ways    avoidance of quiet or noisy               about how to help their child. Child
31   that adults are familiar with. If their      environments.                             and parent worries therefore need to
32   tinnitus has always been present, the
                                                                                            be identified separately.
33   child may assume that everyone             School
34   shares the same experience and             • Unexplained listening difficulties,
35   remains untroubled by it. Clinically,                                                  A note about education settings
                                                  not usually generalised across the
36   older children describe reluctance to        school day, and possibly having a         Children with tinnitus report
37   tell people about tinnitus because           specific association.                     difficulties with listening and
38   they do not want to be seen as being • The child reports worry or anxiety              concentration (Kentish 2000) and it is
39   different in any way, or feel that they      about being able to hear the              unlikely that the child has
40   will not be believed if they talk about      teacher’s voice easily, and concern       spontaneously mentioned it to their
41   it.                                          about being told off for not paying       teacher. Tinnitus, like hearing loss, is
42                                                attention in class. The child may         unseen. There are no standard
43   Soft signs of tinnitus                       describe feelings of anger,               management strategies for tinnitus
44                                                frustration, helplessness, fear, or of    within the classroom, or during social
     It is important for the practitioner to
45                                                feeling disconnected from the             interaction at school. A pragmatic
     be aware of ‘soft’ signs, present in
46                                                classroom.                                and personalised approach is
     varying combinations, which are
47                                              • Children with hearing loss or a           therefore needed (Section 4).
     suggestive of unidentified tinnitus.
48                                                history of hearing loss may               It is helpful for schools and colleges,
49                                                describe difficulties with classroom      as well as students who have tinnitus,
50                                                listening that are distinct from          to have access to written information
51                                                descriptions of speech perception         about management of tinnitus; what it
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    is and how it can impact on learning
2    in the classroom. In particular, advice
3    regarding exam techniques and
4    silence management can provide
5    teaching staff with enough
6    information to help individual children
7    (Section 4).
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

     Assessment of Tinnitus in Children

1                                           taken is child-friendly. Putting the    the child and family, ascertain any
2    Key points:                            child and family at ease will help      causal or influencing factors and
3    • Tinnitus is a symptom and must be facilitate information gathering during    begin to plan the management
4      considered in the context of         the appointment. It should be           strategy. The following section
5      hearing loss and other audiological routine to ask all children seen for     outlines the key elements of the
6      or neurological symptoms.            audiological assessment whether         clinical assessment. Questions
7                                           they hear noises in their ears or       should be asked in an open, non-
8    • Children require assessment          head. For those who report tinnitus     judgemental manner to allow the
9      according to their age and level of  the level of both distress and impact   child to describe their experiences
10     cognitive and linguistic             varies enormously. Some will have       freely.
11     understanding. As far as possible,   habituated to it whilst others are
12     information must be obtained from    severely distressed and affected by     History taking
13     both child and parent. It is         their tinnitus.                         Tinnitus characteristics –
14     important to appreciate that the     Within the appointment it is as
15                                                                                  description of sounds
       parent may also be anxious or        important to address any distress the
16                                                                                  If a child reports that they do have
       distressed by the child’s symptoms. parents are experiencing as much as
17                                          the child.                              noises in their ears, asking them to
18                                                                                  tell you more about it can obtain more
     • With young children, in addition to
19                                                                                  information than specific or direct
       gathering information from the child The aim of assessment is to establish
20                                                                                  questioning. Descriptions vary, in part
       and parent, the clinician should be the level of distress and impact upon
21     able to utilise other techniques
22     such as play and drawing to gain
23     information about the child’s
24     tinnitus symptoms.
26   • Audiological assessment can be
27     difficult and anxiety-provoking for
28     children with tinnitus. Plenty of
29     time should be allowed for testing
30     and a flexible approach taken
31     where necessary to ensure
32     accurate results.
34   • Throughout the assessment, it is
35     important to note any symptoms or
36     findings that suggest an onward
37     referral is required to a specialist
38     multidisciplinary paediatric tinnitus
39     service where available; medical
40     services (ENT or AVM);
41     psychological services (CAMHS,
42     or child psychology service).
43     Signs and symptoms suggestive
44     of onward referral have been
45     highlighted as red flags at the end
46     of this section.
48   As with any other paediatric
49   appointment it is important that the
50   clinical environment and approach
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1                                                                                                  concentration and school
2                                                                                                  performance (Appendix 7).
4                                                                                                 The level of distress, the
5                                                                                                 nature of any worries and
6                                                                                                 the impact of tinnitus should
7                                                                                                 be determined separately
8                                                                                                 for parent and child if
9                                                                                                 possible. The child may
10                                                                                                have habituated to their
11                                                                                                tinnitus and be
12                                                                                                unconcerned about it, and it
13                                                                                                is the parent that expresses
14                                                                                                concern and worry about
15                                                                                                what is wrong with their
16                                                                                                child. Similarly, parents can
17                                                                                                be unaware of the impact of
18                                                                                                tinnitus and the level of
19                                                                                                distress that it causes their
20                                                                                                child.
21   depending upon the age of the child.       identify whether it is pulsatile,
22   Older children may use familiar terms      clicking, tonal, or complex.            Information should be gathered about
23   such as ‘ringing’, ‘buzzing’,                                                      tinnitus impact in all aspects of the
24   ‘‘wheezing’, ‘peeping’, ‘murmur’           The onset, duration and frequency       child’s life, at home and school. This
25   ‘humming’, ‘swishing’ and ‘whistling’      should be ascertained where             may include changes in behaviour,
26   sounds. Younger children will often        possible, together with identifying the difficulties with sleeping,
27   use creative descriptions, referring       site of the sounds (one ear, both ears, concentration, listening or exams,
28   to objects within their experience         or in the head). The child’s ability to withdrawal from usual activities,
29   such as ‘buzzing bees’, ‘car beeping’      describe these will depend on their     complaints of headaches, dizziness
30   ‘rice crispies’, ‘like drums’, ‘choo       age. Parents are sometimes able to      or ear pain. Some children describe
31   choo’ or ‘like a faraway train’. The use   help link the onset to a particular     difficulties with listening and attention
32   of emotive terms for example ‘angry        event or circumstance or may have       in class when their tinnitus is
33   bees’ helps to identify tinnitus which     noticed that the child has a particular intrusive. They may miss information
34   is distressing.                            dislike of one ear. Very young          given by the teacher, and being told
35                                              children are not always able to         off by their teacher for not paying
36   Creative descriptions of tinnitus such     provide answers to these questions.     attention is a particular worry for
37   as singing or voices can make                                                      them. These tinnitus related
38   parents more anxious about what            Tinnitus – impact and distress          difficulties may compound other
39   their child is experiencing than the       There are currently no standardised     attention and listening difficulties
40   child themselves.                          tinnitus questionnaires for use with    caused by hearing loss, APD, ADHD,
41                                              children. Standardised measures do, or speech and language difficulties.
42   Young children or those with limited       however, exist for screening            Generally speaking, children aged 6
43   language can find it very difficult to     psychological difficulties such as      or 7 years and upwards can reliably
44   describe their tinnitus. Inviting the      anxiety and depression and these        use a simple visual analogue scale
45   child to draw a picture of the tinnitus    can be of help in assessing the         (Appendix 7) to indicate tinnitus
46   can help give it a name and a visual       impact of tinnitus on the child’s well- loudness or tinnitus distress. The
47   description of the child’s experience.     being. Existing questionnaires for      scale can also be used to measure
48   Use the child’s name for the tinnitus      children with hearing loss or auditory the child’s tinnitus distress in different
49   as you talk about it in the                processing disorder can be adapted situations (such as home and
50   appointment. Older children’s              to gather qualitative information       school). The term distress describes
51   description of their tinnitus helps to     about tinnitus impact on listening,     a variety of responses such as worry,
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    annoyance, fear, and anger. In the        (Mills 1984). The child may describe    through personal music players or at
2    VAS, the child’s preferred term should    'clicking' and 'popping' sounds and     social events). If tinnitus has
3    be used. Some children find it easier     have a history of resolving otitis      occurred after such exposure,
4    to convey their distress through this     media with effusion. Tinnitus that is   appropriate advice can be given
5    method rather than trying to describe     suggestive of middle ear myoclonus      about hearing protection (Appendix
6    it verbally. A VAS rating can be          should be referred for a medical        9).
7    repeated at follow-up appointments        opinion despite the difficulties in
8    as a measure of change.                   treating this. Enquiring whether the    A line of enquiry regarding a history
9                                              child has a history of rhinitis or      of previous severe illnesses will
10   Family History of tinnitus and            hayfever will identify whether there    reveal any aetiology related to the
11   hearing difficulties                      may be a connection with a general      use of ototoxic medications;
12   It can be helpful to know if anyone       ENT condition.                          examples being: chemotherapy for
13   else in the family has tinnitus or                                                childhood cancers, or high dose
14   history of hearing problems. How that     Establishing whether there are any      intravenous antibiotics for severe
15   person has responded to their             vestibular symptoms can be difficult    infection.
16   tinnitus or hearing difficulty will       in children. Parents of younger
17   influence the child and the family’s      children may be able to give more       Other general medical problems
18   view of tinnitus, it’s impact, and ways   general information about whether       might be relevant; for example,
19   of coping with it.                        they feel their child is particularly   migraine can be associated with
20                                             unsteady. Older children will be able   auditory sensitivity and tinnitus.
21                                             to describe any feelings of dizziness
     Hearing difficulties and other
22                                             or unsteadiness and any link between Factors affecting tinnitus
23   audiovestibular symptoms                  the occurrence of these and their    Some children and their parents have
24   It is important to establish whether      tinnitus should be noted.            already noticed things that make
25   the child has noticed any change in                                            tinnitus better or worse. Parents may
26   their hearing, or any other ear          Although the management of            have noticed that their child’s tinnitus
27   symptoms such as pain or a feeling       hyperacusis is beyond the remit of    is affected by illness, stress,
28   that their ears are blocked. It can be   these guidelines, it is important to  tiredness, or important life events, or
29   difficult to distinguish a change in     identify whether the child has any    improves during school holidays.
30   hearing level from a feeling that        intolerance to loud sounds and        Older children may describe times of
31   tinnitus makes it difficult to hear, so  responds to this inappropriately.     the day, or places or situations when
32   careful questioning is required to                                             they notice their tinnitus is worse, (for
33   avoid any ambiguity. Appropriate         Medical and neurological history      example at bedtime or the end of the
34   management of any new hearing loss       Any history of trauma, both head and school day), or times and places
35   or change in an established hearing      noise trauma should be noted. A       when they do not notice their tinnitus.
36   loss may help reduce the child's         child who has had a significant head Tinnitus rarely exists in a vacuum –
37   tinnitus.                                injury may well have had further      other aspects of a child’s life will
38                                            investigations performed, but should affect their experience of tinnitus and
39   A history of otological disease (e.g.    nevertheless be referred to an ENT    will inform the management plan.
40   chronic middle ear disease) or risk      surgeon or an audiological physician. Medical or care needs, social care
41   factors for otological problems (e.g.    With both younger and older children, support, educational support, and
42   cleft palate) should be noted.           prolonged exposure to loud sound      psychological support are relevant.
43   Tinnitus in children often occurs in     should be enquired about ( for        Any external stresses can be
44   children with otitis media with effusion example, listening to loud music      carefully and delicately asked about
45                                                                                  for example family issues, divorce,
46                                                                                  bereavement, or problems at school
47                                                                                  such as bullying. Children with
48                                                                                  tinnitus often present for help at a
49                                                                                  time of transition, for example,
50                                                                                  moving to a new school, exams, or
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    times of change in family dynamics.          Current coping strategies for            middle ear disease, occluding wax or
2    This information may not be                  tinnitus                                 foreign bodies.
3    forthcoming initially, and some              How the child and the parent have
4    children and families may open up            managed the tinnitus so far provides     Audiological assessment
5    more or see the relevance of the             information regarding tinnitus           From involving the child in the history,
6    questions once a full explanation of         severity, impact and family coping       hopefully they will be feeling
7    tinnitus and the links between anxiety       style. Children are often remarkably     comfortable in the clinic prior to
8    and stress have been given. It is            resourceful at finding ways to           starting any testing. The child may
9    important to remain open to such             manage their tinnitus, for example by    have previously found audiometry
10   discussions throughout the                   avoiding silence, or ways to distract    stressful due to their tinnitus and
11   assessment.                                  themselves. Information should also      therefore be apprehensive about
12                                                be sought about how the parent has       further testing.
13   Other significant stressors or               tried to help their child, for example
14   difficulties in the child’s life may be of   by distracting the child, giving         It is important to establish accurate
15   more concern than tinnitus, and a            painkillers, and involving the school.   hearing thresholds, both air
16   referral onward should be                    This information is important for        conduction and bone conduction
17   considered. Again, an explanation of         planning tinnitus management where       where necessary. Age-appropriate
18   the links between anxiety, stress and        poor or ineffective coping strategies    audiometry, ear-specific wherever
19   tinnitus will help children and their        have failed.                             possible, following BSA
20   families understand the relevance of                                                  recommended procedures should be
21   this.                                                                                 completed. Carrying out audiometry
                                                  Appendix 4 summarises the key
22                                                                                         when the tester is in the room with the
                                                  elements of the clinical
23   A combination of tinnitus and hearing                                                 child is preferable to sitting the child
24   loss have been found to place                                                         within the test booth and having the
25   children at greater risk for mental                                                   tester outside. This way the tester can
26                                                Clinical examination
     health difficulties, substance abuse,                                                 observe the child more closely
27   and school problems (Brunnberg               Otoscopy should be performed by          throughout the test and it is less
28   2008). Where healthcare                      someone who is confident in              daunting and 'clinical' for the child.
29   professionals are concerned that             excluding the presence of external or    Children with tinnitus can find
30   significant psychological factors are                                                 audiometry testing difficult,
31   associated with the child or
32   teenagers tinnitus distress, it may in
33   some circumstances be appropriate
34   for some healthcare professionals
35   with appropriate training and
36   competence to sensitively enquire
37   about any alcohol or drug use.
38   Substance abuse can be indicative
39   of stress and other social and
40   psychological difficulties that may be
41   significant. A referral onwards to a
42   local mental health service such as
43   CAMHS service can be suggested to
44   the child and parent for help with the
45   underlying psychological disorders.
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    particularly close to thresholds and at   testing to confirm normal hearing         Red flags supporting a referral to
2    frequencies around the tinnitus           thresholds.                               an ENT surgeon or AVP
3    sound. Observing the child                                                          • Ear discharge
4    throughout the test, looking for signs    It is not recommended to carry out        • Persistent ear pain or headache
5    of anxiety such as a change in            LDLs or any tinnitus matching tests.      • Dizziness/vertigo
6    breathing pattern, fidgeting or           There is no evidence for either the       • Unilateral or pulsatile tinnitus
7    repeated swallowing allows the tester     diagnostic or therapeutic benefit of      • Head injury
8    to offer reassurance throughout.          these in children.                        • Middle ear myoclonus
9    The child should be allowed to carry                                                • Abnormal findings in otoscopy
10   out the test in their own time. Pushing   Specialist tests                          • Progression of known hearing loss
11   the child and constant reminders to       In cases where there is a complex         • Identification of any unmanaged
12   listen can increase their anxiety         medical history referral onto an ENT        hearing loss, conductive or
13   making the test harder and their          surgeon or AVP is necessary for             sensorineural
14   responses more erratic. Some              further specialist neuro-otological
15   children find that wearing the            tests or blood tests.
16                                                                                       Red flags supporting a referral to
     headphones for audiometry makes           Imaging is recommended if pulsatile
17   their tinnitus sounds more audible.                                                 CAMHS or child mental health
                                               tinnitus, unilateral tinnitus, or
18   Letting them know that this is normal     asymmetrical bone conduction is           services
19   can be reassuring and reduce              identified. Vestibular schwannomas        • Depression and significant anxiety
20   anxiety. The use of frequency             have been identified in children as       • Reports of self-harm or suicidal
21   modulated tones (warble tones) for        young as 13 years. Other serious            thoughts
22   testing is helpful if the tinnitus is a   pathologies have been identified in       • Reluctance to attend school or
23   steady tone and vice versa. It can be     even younger children. If imaging is        socialize with peers
24   helpful to encourage the child to tell    indicated an initial referral to an ENT   • Reluctance to engage in normal
25   you if the test sounds are like their     surgeon or AVP would be                     activities
26   tinnitus noises. For some children it     recommended.                              • Significant family emotional issues,
27   may be necessary to carry out sound                                                   e.g. bereavement
28   field testing, if wearing headphones      Red flags and onwards referral
29   causes too much interference from         Throughout the history and
30   their tinnitus, to obtain a more          audiological assessment it is
31   accurate idea of their binaural           important to be aware of signs or
32   hearing.                                  symptoms that would require an
33                                             onward referral to another agency for
34   Tympanometry should always be             further management. Where a referral
35   carried out regardless of whether any     is necessary this should be done in
36   hearing loss is detected as the           conjunction with any tinnitus
37   presence of middle ear effusion can       management plan. Good links with
38   exacerbate the perception of tinnitus     ENT and CAMHS or Clinical
39   with or without any associated            Psychology are necessary to ensure
40   hearing loss. Using tympanometry to       smooth care pathways for these
41   look at eustachian tube function can      children.
42   be useful in those children reporting
43   cracking/popping sensations.
44   Where a child has found audiometry
45   difficult and has given erratic
46   responses measuring transient
47   otoacoustic emissions can be useful
48   to establish normal cochlear function.
49   In some cases it may be necessary
50   to carry out electrophysiological
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

     Management Strategies

1                                               intended as a prescriptive approach      our ears sometimes make when they
2    Key points:                                to tinnitus management but rather as     are working, in the same way that a
3    • A good explanation of tinnitus           a tool-kit to guide professionals in     tummy rumbles or the sound we
4      forms the basis to all management        developing appropriate management        make when breathing. A fun
5      plans.                                   plans for each child.                    approach can be to ask the child
6                                                                                        (and parent) to listen out for any
7    • Management uses a set of tools           Explanation, advice and                  sounds that their bodies are making.
8      rather than rules.                       information giving                       Once they have noticed for example,
9                                                                                        the sound of their breathing, then one
10   • Children with significant                                                         can compare this to the sound that
                                                A thorough audiological and medical
11     psychological difficulties should be                                              ears sometimes make.
                                                assessment means that concerns of
12     referred on to an appropriate child      child and parent can be answered by
13     mental health service or child                                                    Explaining tinnitus to older
                                                reassurance that the child’s hearing
14     psychology service.                                                               children and parents:
                                                is normal, or hasn’t changed
15                                                                                       Older children are more likely to have
                                                (assuming this is the case), there are
16   • Advice and strategies need to be                                                  developed the linguistic and
                                                no underlying medical causes for the
17     provided to support the child at                                                  cognitive skills to understand,
                                                child’s tinnitus (nothing seriously
18     school where tinnitus impacts the                                                 through explanation, the complex
                                                wrong) and that tinnitus will not
19     child’s classroom performance.                                                    relationship between tinnitus
                                                damage the child’s hearing.
20                                                                                       symptoms and thoughts, emotions,
21   Effective tinnitus management                                                       physiological reactions, and life
                                                Normalise tinnitus:
22   strategies individualise care. No                                                   events. There are a number of
                                                Children are generally surprised and
23   single treatment protocol or care                                                   tinnitus models used for counselling
                                                pleased to discover that lots of other
24   pathway will fit the needs of all                                                   adult tinnitus patients but these are
                                                children hear noises in their ears and
25   children and their families and each                                                generally too complex and ‘wordy’
                                                they are not alone in experiencing it.
26   child will manage their tinnitus and                                                even for older children and need to
27   distress in their own individual way.                                               be simplified and made child-friendly.
                                                Develop a sense of control:
28   The level of distress the child                                                     This can be done for example, by
                                                Suggestions can be given for simple
29   presents with does not equate                                                       replacing words used in models with
                                                practical strategies, for example the
30   prescriptively to a particular strategy,                                            images of thoughts, worries or
                                                use of environmental sound, coping
31   device or need for onward referral.                                                 feelings. Again, images must be
                                                thoughts, or strategies that can be
32                                                                                       ones with which the child can identify
                                                used in the classroom. However,
33   Effective management needs to                                                       as being within their realm of
                                                helping the child to come up with
34   address the impact of tinnitus upon                                                 experience. If children can produce
                                                their own strategies and solutions to
35   the child’s health: their psychological                                             their own images, this will be even
                                                the difficulties they experience is
36   well-being, educational progress,                                                   more meaningful to them and
                                                often more effective in giving them a
37   and any life stressors both at home                                                 increase feelings of ownership. A"
                                                sense of control over their tinnitus.
38   and at school that exacerbate tinnitus     This can include identifying times       detailed"example"of"this"approach"is"
39   distress. It is important for healthcare   when tinnitus is better or worse, and    the"Child"Friendly"Tinnitus"Model"
40   professionals to identify children in                                               (Emond"2013)"and"this"has"been"
                                                help the child develop a sense that
41   need of psychological support, and                                                  found"to"be"helpful"in"explaining"
                                                “there are things they can do about
42   to refer onwards to appropriate            it”.                                     Bnnitus"distress"to"parents"also.
43   services where necessary.
                                                Explaining tinnitus to young             Tinnitus management strategies
45   It is recognised that currently, each      children:                                Relaxation
46   paediatric tinnitus service will vary in   Very young children appreciate very
47   its make-up in terms of the                                                         There is no current evidence for the
                                                simple explanations that are within
48   professionals involved, access to                                                   use of relaxation in the management
                                                their realm of experience and they
49   devices, skill-sets and roles. The                                                  of tinnitus in children. Published
                                                can relate to. For example, tinnitus
50   following suggestions are not                                                       studies relate specifically to
                                                can be explained as the sound that
51                                                                                       relaxation training in adults and
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    suggest there is little evidence of its   appropriately. Thus in delivering the     environmental sound to the bedroom
2    effectiveness as a stand-alone            techniques, on-going guidance and         (e.g. fans or gentle music) Parents
3    approach. However, on the basis that      help must be provided to ensure that      should be encouraged to develop a
4    stress can exacerbate tinnitus,           relaxation techniques are carried out     good bedtime routine for their child,
5    relaxation is widely suggested as part    in a way that offers maximum benefit      which includes avoiding mentally
6    of a holistic approach to tinnitus        to your agreed management plan.           stimulating activities before bedtime
7    management for adults and is                                                        such as TV or computer games.
8    consistently suggested by approved      Mindfulness Techniques
9    sources promoting information on        Evidence for the effectiveness of           Case example: Luke, aged 15,
10   current practices, e.g. the BTA:        mindfulness techniques in the               watched TV in his bedroom to
11   Information & Publications. It is       management of tinnitus is still in its      distract from the tinnitus sounds at
12   reasonable to assume that the same      infancy but pilot studies indicate          night. He watched documentaries
13   principle applies to children.          positive findings in treating chronic       about servicemen in Afghanistan and
14   Lamontagne et al. report findings       tinnitus and its co-morbid symptoms         was then unable to relax. Luke was
15   which indicate “that relaxation may     in adults (Gans 2013).                      encouraged to use others sounds to
16   be learned by children and may be       Mindfulness practice may therefore          aid relaxation as and to distract him
17   beneficial in coping with               prove useful for children in learning       from his buzzing sounds.
18   stress” (Lamontagne 1985).              how to manage stress and anxiety,
19                                           which may in turn relate to more            Although the child’s sleep difficulties
20   It is important to identify the causes  effective tinnitus management. It has       may be ascribed to the tinnitus, other
21   of worry or stress and the intervention been introduced in some UK schools          explanations should be considered,
22   needed to reduce it. As part of this    and at the time of writing an evidence      for example a more general sleeping
23   relaxation can be one useful self-      base for its effectiveness is beginning     problem due to a poorly established
24   management tool reducing                to emerge. (Kuyken 2013).                   bedtime routine, or long standing
25   physiological arousal in response to    Mindfulness is also being introduced        sleep onset anxiety – namely,
26   stress and promoting a sense of calm in schools through the .b program for          difficulty falling asleep due to
27   and well-being.                         11-18 year olds and Paws.b for              excessive fears and worries. Children
28                                           reception to year 6 children                with more general sleep difficulties
29   Simple breathing exercises can be       (Appendix 10).                              may benefit from referral to a local
30   carried out anywhere, and in a variety                                              sleep clinic or other community
31   of situations. There are a variety of   Sleep                                       service via their GP.
32   more formal techniques, including       Sleep difficulties are commonly
33   diaphragm breathing; however            reported by children with tinnitus and      Noise exposure and evasion
34   techniques need to be suitable for      their parents. As a starting point, it is   Within the framework of the PINCHE
35   the child’s age. Breathing exercises    important to find out what tinnitus         project it was concluded that noise
36   change the rhythm and technique of      sounds the child hears, what they           can have auditory effects on children
37   how we breathe, and it is important to think those sounds are, and any              (PINCHE 2006). However, most
38   bear in mind certain potential          worries that the child has about the        effects are long term and cumulative
39   difficulties such as hyper-ventilation, sounds.                                     and therefore the effects of noise
40   or any other medical conditions                                                     upon children and subsequent
41   which may give rise to problems and Case example: Jack, aged 9, worried             hearing loss or tinnitus experience,
42   may be contraindications for the use                                                viewed from a life-course
                                             a great deal, and this included fears
43   of breathing exercises. Visualisation                                               perspective.
                                             about people breaking into the house
44   techniques are also frequently used     at night. He said that his tinnitus
45   to help children relax. These can be                                                The use of hearing protection is not
                                             sometimes sounded like the stairs
46   either self-directed or guided                                                      routinely recommended apart from in
                                             creaking, and this made him feel very
47   (Apeendix 10).                                                                      particular circumstances where noise
48                                                                                       levels are unusually loud, such as a
49   It must be noted that in learning                                                   concert. Protecting ears from such
                                          Many children are helped by
50   relaxation techniques progress needs introducing quiet, soothing                    loud sound levels needs a careful
51   to be reviewed and supported
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    approach, and as far as possible an       listening, and often as a by-product      his favourite console game makes.
2    understanding of the individual’s         to this function tinnitus perception is   He plans his next move in the game
3    personal preferences. For example -       reduced and its impact lessened.          and it helps him to sleep.
4    advising volume restricted                Hearing aid fitting may be
5    headphones for someone with a love        counterproductive in certain cases        Devices
6    of loud music is unlikely to be           due to ear canal occlusion by the         The principle of sound based-therapy
7    successful, but talking about filtered    hearing aid mould (Gabriels 1996).        can include the use of everyday
8    ear plugs and their use by the music      Access to open fitting technology         devices. Sweetow and Sabes
9    industry may have more weight. It is      where appropriate may of course           describe wearable sound generators,
10   equally important that the child is       minimise this concern.                    music, hearing aids, radio, TV, fans
11   provided with a good explanation of                                                 and relaxing sounds as devices for
12   noise induced hearing impairment          Children with severe to profound          sound–based therapy (Sweetow
13   where appropriate (Appendix 9).           hearing loss and tinnitus may find        2010). The device should provide
14                                             tinnitus more noticeable when they        sounds that can be incorporated into
15   Case example: Ellie, aged 16, with a      take off their hearing aids at bed time   the background sound environment.
16   ringing tinnitus was very worried that    and environmental sound will be of        Sounds should offer a filter between
17   she might have noise damage after         little use. Alternative strategies that   quiet surroundings and tinnitus
18   PTA testing in an adult setting           aim to normalise tinnitus and reduce      sounds rather than mask tinnitus.
19   revealed 6 kHz dip binaurally. Re-        associated worry and distress are
20   testing in paediatric setting showed      required.                                 Sound enrichment is also often used
21   this as an artefact. It was more likely                                             as a tool to aid relaxation and to
22   that Ellie could hear her tinnitus on     Case example: Matthew, aged 11,           lessen anxiety. With adults, sounds
23   testing this frequency.                   has a severe bilateral loss. He is only   such as white noise, sea waves, rain
24                                             aware of tinnitus at bedtime when         noise, wind sounds or pulse tones
25   Sound enrichment: hearing aids            trying to sleep. Matthew hears his        are frequently used. Research is
26   and other devices                         tinnitus and has worked on this noise     needed to identify which sounds are
27                                             being the same noise a character in       most meaningful and effective for use
     Hearing aids
     There is limited research indicating
     the effectiveness of hearing aid use
     for tinnitus management across the
     paediatric population. Studies have
     looked at whether there is correlation
     between the level of hearing
     impairment and impact of tinnitus.
     Their conclusions suggest that those
     with moderate sensori-neural hearing
     loss tend to report tinnitus more
     readily than those with severe to
     profound loss (Coelho 2007).
     It is generally deemed sensible to
     offer hearing aids to children with
     tinnitus where a loss is present and
     in the adult population it has been
     suggested that a hearing aid device
     helps to lessen tinnitus impact in a
     number of ways, not least the
     reduction in listening fatigue (Beck
     2011). Hearing aids are used
     primarily to enable improved
Draft version for public consultation - June 2014

1    with children. Sounds that are            Case example: Mia, aged 16, was           relevant training in these therapeutic
2    soothing to children and evoke            about to sit 3 hour art exam at school    techniques.
3    pleasant associations are likely to be    in silence. Using sound generators at
4    both age dependent and personal.          this time helped her to focus on exam      Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
5    There are many ways to access             and allowed her to be with other           CBT techniques for tinnitus
6    environmental sounds, such as soft        classmates whilst sitting the exam.        management have a good evidence
7    music and the nature sounds such as                                                  base in adults (Cima 2012). There is
8    those mentioned above. Many              Psychological approaches to                 accumulating evidence indicating
9    children will have access to such        tinnitus                                    that CBT techniques result in
10   sounds in downloadable formats.          There is often a complex relationship clinically significant improvements in
11   Apps on tablets such as relaxation                                                   children with anxiety although its
                                              between tinnitus, emotional well-
12   melodies or the material produced by                                                 efficacy compared to other active
                                              being, stress and the context of the
13   companies such as                        child’s life. It seems clear that worries interventions with very young children
14   www.relaxkids.com can be                 and anxiety about the tinnitus result in has yet to be consistently determined
15   downloaded and also played in CD         increased awareness (Halford 1991). (Stallard 2009). Little is known about
16   format.                                                                              the effectiveness of CBT with children
                                              Psychological disorders such as
17                                                                                        under 7 years of age and the younger
                                              anxiety and depression may arise
18   Wearable sound generators                                                            the child the greater the focus upon
                                              from tinnitus but equally they may
19   The use of sound or wearable sound also reflect other stressful events in            behavioural aspects (Stallard 2002)
20   generators originates in the             the child’s life, yet be attributed to the Older children are more able to work
21   neurophysiological model of tinnitus                                                 with cognitions.
                                              tinnitus by the child (i.e. “if only my
22   management. A 2012 study reports         tinnitus went away, then everything
23   significant improvement using sound would be better”). Parents and the               Case example: Max, aged 14, was
24   generators as part of Tinnitus                                                       not attending school on a regular
                                              child can be helped to understand
25   Retraining Therapy for children          that other difficulties in the child’s life basis and was very anxious about his
26   (Bartnik 2012). However, we know                                                     hissing tinnitus. He did not sleep well
                                              may co-exist with, or exacerbate
27   little from the study about the                                                      because of the anxiety and had
                                              tinnitus distress.
28   counselling input and other strategies                                               begun to miss days of school at a
29   used alongside the devices, or its       Treatment for psychological disorder time and to sleep through the day. He
30   benefits compared to other treatment needs to be provided by a trained               went out with friends at night. CBT
31   strategies for children. Further                                                     techniques were used to help reduce
                                              mental health practitioner, and
32   research is required to determine        services such as CAMHS (Child and his anxiety and objectify his reasons
33   whether there are specific child                                                     for non-attendance in school which
                                              Adolescent Mental Health Service
34   populations more likely to benefit                                                   helped him and his parents manage
                                              Tier 3), local Child Psychology
35   from wearable sound generators, for      Service or other similar local services the situation more effectively.
36   example children with complex            may be the appropriate place to
37   special needs, ASD, limited language provide psychological support. Early Narrative Therapy
38   and communication skills.                                                            Narrative therapy refers to techniques
                                              identification and treatment of
39                                                                                        developed largely by Michael White
                                              psychological difficulties are
40   Sound generators may prove helpful                                                   and his colleagues, and is used with
                                              essential (Appendices 5 and 6).
41   for children who like to use sound                                                   people of all ages. The word narrative
42   therapy for their tinnitus but may be in For treating the co-morbid                  in the context of therapy means
43   a situation where they are unable to     psychological symptoms associated listening to others stories. Over time,
44   use environmental sound or music                                                     individuals develop narratives or
                                              with tinnitus distress there are a
45   players.                                 number of widely used psychological stories about themselves that help
                                              therapies, such as CBT and Narrative make sense of their lives and what
47                                                                                        happens to them. These ‘stories’ in
                                              Therapy. Their effectiveness in
                                              alleviating tinnitus distress in children turn have the effect of filtering future
                                              has not been evaluated and they can experiences, selecting what
50                                                                                        information gets focused in or
                                              only be provided by staff with
51                                                                                        focused out. Information is selected
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