Page created by Adrian Meyer


                     VOTING DETAILS

It is your right to vote and every vote counts
                DEAN HUFFMAN & CHASE MALEY
                 @Deano_HW & @maleycmaley

   The Alberta provincial election is coming up
fast and the first step is registration. According
to instructions on the Elections Alberta website,
every person that intends to vote must register.
To register a driver’s license number or an
Alberta Identification Card number can be
presented online under the register to vote tab.
   If you are not registered to vote by the time
you make it to the polls, you can present two
pieces of identification. A piece of ID is needed
with your name and a piece with your name
and address. This can range from a Canadian
military membership or identity card, a credit or
debit card that has your legal name on the front
and a library card. For pieces of ID with your
current address, you can use a bank or credit
card statement, government cheque or cheque
stub, insurance policy or coverage card, vehicle
ownership or registration or insurance certificate
and finally your where to vote card.
   Advanced polling locations are also available
to students leaving town early or for just eager
voters. The early polling started on April 9 and
will end on April 13. Polling stations can be
found in all areas of the city. South side polling
stations can be found in the Holiday Inn on
Mayor Magrath Dr. S. and Park Place Mall. West
side locations are at the University of Lethbridge
and the north side location will be at the
Lethbridge Multicultural Moose Association.
   Out of province voting can also be a concern
for Albertans away during the vote. Elections
Alberta suggests going to the advanced polls
before traveling or applying for a special ballot.
This ballot is then mailed to your primary
residence. This also counts if you are physically
unable to appear at the poles due to disability
or injury. You can apply for a special ballot in
writing, by telephone, by fax or email, in person
and online. You must then have your ballot
       completed before 8 p.m. on April 16.
            Voting is not only a right, but also a
           privilege. Every vote counts and will

           shape our country for years to come.

What students look for in a provincial candidate?
           SETH SLOMP
                                  tax] is not an environmental
                                  issue. The government taxing
                                  us for the increased usage of
   It’s election season.          carbon, does not change the
   The time of year you see red, environment whatsoever. It’s
blue and orange signs pegged      just a money grab.”
into the ground all over the         Shields believes it’s just an-
province with names like Jason other way for the government
Kenney and Rachel Notley writ- to make more money because
ten on them.                      they are spending too much.
   But now the question all          But there is also the Liberal
Albertans face is, “Who do you and Alberta Party.
vote for?”                           The Liberals support the pub-
   Do you vote for the United     lic healthcare system, but wants
Conservative Party who want to to make it more sustainable.
maintain or increase healthcare      According to the Alberta
funding to give Albertans the     Liberal website, “Alberta pays
chance to re-                                           the most per
ceive the best            “If funding is cut, capita for
care possible
or the New           there is going to be a healthcare.”
                                                          They plan
Democratic               decrease of work.” on reducing
Party who                                               long-term
want to de-                Bonnie Shields
                                                        costs by
crease emer-                      emphasizing preventive care,
gency room wait times?            nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
   The UCP plans on keeping          On the other hand, the Al-
the public health care system     berta Party wants to decrease
while giving Albertans the high- money spent by Alberta Health
est quality care.                 Services by “charting a path to
   The NDP propose adding         financial stability, encouraging     what the people in their riding
more medical staff to decrease innovation in the healthcare            want. But I also agree with
emergency room wait times.        sector and making sure the           representative’s who also look
   Bonnie Shields, a Practical    quality of the system rises to       to do more than just what the
Nursing student at Lethbridge     meet the needs of Albertans.”        people want as long as it’s ben-
College, said in the next four       One idea the caucus has pro-      eficial to the riding.”
years, she only cared about       posed to abide by this election         Now it all comes down to
getting a job as a nurse which    is to increase the amount of         election day on April 16.
means having jobs available.      paramedics spending time in             Could we see an NDP gov-
   “If funding is cut, there is   the community rather than hav-       ernment stay in power for its
not going to be jobs available    ing them in the hospital.            second term or can Kenney
which means a decrease of            When it comes down to vot-        overtake the Notley govern-
work in the nursing program.      ing for a provincial representa-     ment and become the next
Healthcare is a huge factor.”     tive Landon Malinowski, Justice      Alberta premier?
   However, a platform she is     Studies student at the college,         People can vote before
also passionate about is repeal- said he looks for transparency.       April 16 with advanced
ing the carbon tax.                                                    poll dates starting on

                                     “I look for what the candi-
   “I’m sorry but [the carbon     date does to actually find out       April 9 until April 13.          GUIDE

                                                                                                 PAGE 2
Alberta Party makes push for 2019 election
                MICHAEL RODRIGUEZ
                                     one of moderation, or as Rho-       is the fear of splitting the vote.
                                     denizer puts it, “not right, not       “For those who want the
                                     left, but forward.”                 New Democratic Party (NDP)
   For the first time the Alberta
                                        Rhodenizer said it’s difficult   out of power, you don’t want
Party is coming into the 2019
                                     to be the moderate voice in         to risk vote splitting again.
Alberta provincial election
                                     such a divisive election.           The United Conservative Party
running candidates in all 87
                                        “There are two types of mod-     (UCP) was formed to stop vote
                                     erates. There’s the type that       splitting on the right. Some of
   The Alberta Party received its
                                     is looking to pick and choose       those voters, potentially UCP
first elected seat in the legisla-
                                     policies and be everything to       voters, would probably look
ture in the 2015 election, with
                                     everyone. People don’t really       at the Alberta Party as a more
former party leader and MLA
                                     like that. It looks like you’re     centrist and still reasonably
for Calgary-Bow Greg Clark
                                     trying to please everyone.          fiscally conservative party. The
winning his riding.
                                     We’re the other type. We don’t      party is run by a leader who
   This time, the party’s hopes
                                     try to please everyone, we          is formerly of the Progressive
are higher according to Zac
                                     just do please everyone. Most       Conservative Party.”
Rhodenizer, the Alberta Party’s
                                     Albertans want fiscal responsi-        As of April 2, CBC’s Alberta
candidate for Lethbridge-West.
                                     bility and social responsibility.   Votes 2019 Poll Tracker proj-
   “We have strong people
                                     We’re trying to come up the         ects the Alberta Party taking
across the whole province. We
                                     middle and present good, for-       six per cent of the popular vote
have 87 candidates — we’re
                                     ward-thinking ideas and show        and one seat in the Legislative
legit. We do have a shot at
                                     we reflect Alberta’s values.”       Assembly, but Rhodenizer said
forming a government, though
                                        Faron Ellis, research chair of   he thinks his party will “shock
it’s probably a long shot at this
                                     the Citizen Society Research        Alberta” with how well it does,
point. There are a few ridings
                                     Lab, said the Alberta Party is      despite polling relatively low
where I expect us to do really
                                     coming up the centre in an          compared to other parties.
       well, but ultimately it’s
                                     election that has proven very          The Alberta election takes
          about getting our mes-
                                     polarizing thus far. He said the    place on April 16, with ad-
            sage out.”

                                     biggest challenge for smaller       vanced voting taking place
              That message is
                                     parties running in this election    from now through April 13.
Alberta Liberals looking to make a change
          MEGAN MCCOY
                                     claim litigation. Khan is also the   berta Liberals are investing all
                                     first openly gay provincial can-     of their energy into creating a
                                     didate for the Liberal party.        platform that both appeals to
   With the provincial election
                                        Khan said in an updated           the voting audience and makes
quickly approaching in Alberta,
                                     platform release that policies       Alberta stronger.
the Liberal party is working to
                                     have changed within the party           For many voters in Alberta,
ensure voters know their plat-
                                     to fit the needs of voters in this   the voting choice may seem
form among a sea of alternative
                                     election.                            to be only between the New
                                        “Our 2019 policy platform         Democratic Party and the
   The Liberal party of Alberta
                                     lays out a path for job creation,    United Conservative Party, as
was founded in 1905, but the
                                     stronger public services, sus-       they are the two lead parties in
province has not had a Liberal
                                     tainable finances, equality of       the polls, however Johnathan
premier in almost a century.
                                     opportunity, respectful inclu-       Bueckert, a Liberal supporter in
   The Alberta Liberal party
                                     sion and protection of vulnera-      Lethbridge said this does not
has three pillars to their central
                                     ble Albertans.”                      have to be the case.
platform which are, freedom
                                        Khan and other members of            “You don’t have to vote NDP
of the individual, equality of op-
                                     the Liberal party believe that       or UCP just because everyone
portunity and fairness to future
                                     their platform will make life        else is. Everyone should be
                                     better for all Albertans, be-        picking the party that does the
   For many Albertans, the con-
                                     cause it is based on solutions to    most for them individually, that
sideration of the Liberal party
                                     current and foreseeable issues.      is the reason that a democracy
as a viable option for voters has
                                     The party has prioritized hiring     works.”
been clouded by a distaste for
                                     new teachers, improving the             The Alberta Liberal Party has
the federal government, but
                                     environment and protecting           over 100 initiatives it intends
the Alberta Liberals ensure that
                                     LGBTQ people.                        to implement if it wins the
the federal and provincial Liber-
                                        With intentions to allocate       election. All information on the
al parties are entirely separate.
                                     more money to mental health          party platform can be found at
   Leader of the party, David
                                     and addiction rehabilitation Ad-
Khan is a licensed lawyer based
                                     initiatives, economic growth         vanced voting begins
in Calgary, who specializes in

                                     strategies and a sustainable         across Alberta from
indigenous rights and land                                                                                 GUIDE

                                     health care strategy, the Al-        now until April 13.

                                                                                                     PAGE 4
NDP ready to take on challenge of a second term
                RYLEY MCCORMACK

   The Alberta NDP feels they
maintain a platform of doing
what they believe is best for
the people of Alberta.
   The NDP government has
struggled to build pipelines
due to disputes between oil
companies, environmentalists,
the federal government and
indigenous communities.
   This has caused friction be-
tween a large part of the public
and the NDP, because a lot of
Alberta’s economy is supported
by the oil and gas industry.
   The NDP has a plan, includ-       be done.”                          Albertan, not just the wealthy.
ing significant investment in           $18 million from the carbon     Investing in health care and
renewable energy infrastruc-         tax has come back into Leth-       education is absolutely vital for
ture. According to the NDP’s         bridge to diversify the econo-     sustaining a healthy, productive
platform statement, it has           my.                                population. Their care and at-
created $10 billion in private in-      The NDP has taken a strong      tention to inclusion and LGBTQ
vestments and will create 7,000      stance on social issues, such as   rights will ensure we continue
jobs by 2030.                        supporting the LGBTQ commu-        to be a society that values and
   Some don’t trust the NDP          nity, passing an act to support    protects all members.”
and their platform, believing        gay-straight alliances in 2017.       Hann continues, “as some-
the Notley government is hurt-          The NDP is also pushing for     one with a chronic health con-
ing the economy by shifting fo-      the ban of conversion therapy,     dition, I am dependent upon
cus away from the oil industry.      a controversial practice that      government health care fund-
   A lot of people were also up-     attempts to brainwash some-        ing. I believe that by checking
set over the carbon tax, believ-     one to think being part of the     UCP on the ballot, people will
ing it doesn’t’ work to help the     LGBTQ community is wrong.          be signing the death warrant
environment, or is harmful to           If the NDP remains in office,   for vulnerable individuals in this
the public’s savings.                they plan to continue working      province.”
   Maria Fitzpatrick, MLA for        on health care with a focus on        Hann and other supporters
Lethbridge East stands by the        solving the opioid crisis.         of the NDP feel that tax cuts to
carbon tax.                             They continue to stand by       corporations don’t do a lot to
   “Since we implemented our         the effectiveness of supervised    help the economy and prefer
climate change leadership            consumption sites to help peo-     higher taxes for the wealthy
plan, which included the car-        ple through addictions.            to fund social programs like
bon levy, our emissions have            Karen Hann, a local NDP sup-    healthcare and education.
        been reduced by seven        porter, is involved in activism       NDP’s platform has a strong
          megatonnes. That’s an      and social justice movements.      emphasis on social issues and
           incredible start and         “I’m voting NDP because the     sustainability to work towards a
           it’s an example it can

                                     party is one that values every     better future for Albertans.

A look at the UCP Platform
           DARA KENDELL
            @darakendell            Albertans who need assistance.
                                    The party also promises to sup-
   The election is days away        port Albertans with disabilities,
and the United Conservative         build affordable housing and
Party (UCP) has released its full   support Alberta’s indigenous
campaign platform.                  people.
   The platform focuses on five        The UCP also want to focus
simple things. Job creation, re-    on health care for Albertans
pealing the carbon tax, stand-      and decreasing wait times for
ing up for Alberta, getting the     surgeries. According to alber-
fiscal house in order and pro-, “A United
tecting quality health care and     Conservative government will
education.                          make patients the priority and
   Highlights from the job cre-     deliver a world-class health care
ation has the UCP committing        system, which Albertans already
to repeal the carbon tax and        pay for and deserve.”
creating 6,000 jobs for Alber-         The party says they want to
tans. The job creation tax cut      get pipelines built and stand up
will cut taxes from 12 per cent     for a fair deal in Canada. They
to eight per cent for employers     say they will create a “realistic”
with the hope to create 55,000      budget. This includes reducing
jobs and jumpstart the econo-       the premier’s salary by 10 per
my by $12.7 billion. This plan      cent and MLA’s salaries by five
includes the opportunity to         per cent.
re-energize oil and gas, build         Other areas of focus for             “We feel that will be the best
public infrastructure and a red     the UCP include bringing             step to get that graduated step
tape reduction plan.                back Grade Three Provincial          to get young people that first
   “We have said that we will       Achievement Tests, making            job, without over complicating
get rid of the carbon tax be-       grade 12 diploma exams worth         the system,” Neudorf added.
cause we believe it does not        50 per cent of students grades          The UCP also wants to bring
work,” said Lethbridge East         and building more schools.           back the education act, which,
candidate Nathan Neudorf at            “We need to modernize the         in short, would remove Bill 24
an election forum on April 2.       curriculum, we should include        which makes it illegal for teach-
   The second part of the plan      issues like ensuring in the sex-     ers to tell parents when stu-
focuses on making life better       ual education curriculum that        dents join a GSA, they would
for Albertans. Highlights of        consent is taught as a critical      bring back Bill 10 instead.
this section include creating a     principle,” UCP leader Jason            “It neither supports man-
patient-centered health care        Kenney said during the Alberta       datory disclosure, nor does it
system, maintaining or increas-     Leaders debate on April 4.           compel silence. It trusts teach-
ing health care funding and            The UCP also plans to intro-      ers to react in the individual
promoting experiential and          duce a youth job creation wage       case every single time as for
vocational learning from high       for workers who are 17 years or      what is best for that student,”
school through post-secondary.      younger, only paying them $13        Neudorf said.
They also promise to partner        an hour as well as discussing if      Find your voting          2019

with non-profits and charities      servers should make less than        station at elections.
to create a brighter future for     minimum wage.              

                                                                                                    PAGE 6
Former Lethbridge MLA finds similarities between 1993, 2019 elections
                SKYLAR PETERS                                                 chance when we started,
                 @skpeters17                                                  but all of a sudden at the
                                                                              doors people were com-
   One former Leth-                                                           ing in and changing our
bridge MLA sees the                                                           minds.”
vote in the upcoming                                                             Dunford went on to
Alberta general election                                                      serve four terms as the
coming down to the                                                            MLA for Lethbridge-West,
wire, just as it did for                                                      working alongside Liberal
him 26 years ago.                                                             MLA Ken Nichol in the
   Clint Dunford sees                                                         Lethbridge-East riding for
many parallels between                                                        three of those.
the 2019 and the 1993                                                            Among several notable
election that brought                                                         accomplishments, Dun-
him into the Legislative                                                      ford says his most mem-
Assembly.                                                                     orable was one where he
   The United Conserva-                                                       disagreed with party poli-
tives have a substantial                                                      cy to stand up for what he
gap in the polls between                                                      believed in.
them and the NDP as it                                                           Dunford publicly dis-
stands today. Dunford                                                         agreed with the cutting
sees the race between                                                         of kindergarten funding
party leaders as more of                                                      during a question-and-an-
an open audition than                                                         swer period and feared
NDP defending its seat.                                                       he was going to be disci-
   Dunford added he                                                           plined by Klein.
thinks the NDP had to                                                            “I happened to run into
question some of their                                                        Ralph in the hall before
own decisions over the                                                        a question period and
past four years in order                                                      he told me, ‘Clint, I un-
to retain some voters.                                                        derstand. Good for you.’
   “While I don’t com-                                                        That’s all that was said
pletely agree with Ra-                                                        about it. There was no
chel Notley, I do think                                                       scandal. We played our
she is trying to be like                                                      cards right and we had
Peter Lougheed. Any-                                                          our funding back in kin-
one who is trying to be                                                       dergarten.”
like Peter Lougheed is                                                           Dunford says he has
taking a big step.”                 race in the 44 consecutive years   never forgotten that moment
   Dunford’s entrance into the      of power in Alberta. Despite no    because Klein showed appre-
Alberta Legislative Assembly        change in leadership with Ralph    ciation for Dunford sticking to
was by the slimmest of margins      Klein remaining Alberta’s pre-     what he believed in.
– 112 votes separated him from      mier, the Progressive Conserva-       No matter who emerges as
his nearest competitor.             tives lost eight seats while the   the next Premier of Alberta,
           Dunford was a mem-       Liberals quadrupled theirs.        Dunford hopes that they exem-
 2019      ber of the Progressive      “We knew it was going to        plify the leadership of Klein and
           Conservatives that
        GUIDE                       be close,” reminisced Dunford.     Lougheed before them for the
           survived the closest     “We never thought we had a         sake of all Albertans.
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