Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools

Page created by Marshall Fowler
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
Vance County Early College High School’s
        Journalism Team Presents...


                       September Issue
                             We howl because we’re proud!
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
The Staff
Courtney Adcox         Ainsley Jackson
Safa Alazab            Ariana Jones
Tashanta Bryant        Gerardo Lopez-Villa
Alexander Cruz         Jasmine Richardson
Miriam Zuniga-Garcia   Taylor Stevenson
Sodaytra Green         Mr. Wallace

          Table of Contents
Local Event…………………………….Adcox
Phone App Review……………………Alazab
Television Review……………………...Bryant
Restaurant Review……..……………….Cruz
Single Review………………….Zuniga-Garcia
Trivia, Birthdays and Polls……………Green
Film Review and Previews……..Jackson and
Album Review…………………………..Jones
Videogame Review………………Lopez-Villa
Social Media Review………………Stevenson
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd’s lake day
                                             By Courtney Adcox

   On August 11th, 2018, Carey Baptist       Floyds. There were fruits, vegetables,
Church had fun filled day at Kerr Lake,      pastas, and beans. For drinks we had
starting with a large lunch.                 water, lemonade, and a mango tea
                                             that was mouth watering. There were
     Liz and Curt Floyd, two of Carey Bap-   plenty of choices to make, and dessert
tist’s members, were kind enough to host     hadn’t even been mentioned.
this type of event again. They hosted the
event at their lake house, near Satter-          For dessert, several yummy
white Point. They live in a nice home,       choices were provided. There were
which has a large screened-in deck and       cakes, which were store bought and
living room, where everyone gathered         homemade. They also had brownies,
and ate lunch.                               rice crispy treats, and ice cream. The
                                             kids and some adults sat outside on
    Since the food took a while to grill,    the large screened-in deck as the deli-
the teenagers played with the little kids.   cious lunch was enjoyed.
First, they wanted to play Uno. They
played for about 30 minutes before they          People spent about 45 minutes eat-
wanted to do something else. One kid         ing lunch. After everyone finished
went inside and got a puzzle, which the      lunch, they walked through the woods
adults ended up putting together. The        to get to the lake. It was kind of hard to
children continued to play as the adults     keep all the kids together. It was scary
started talking about other church re-       because the dock was very wobbly,
lated activities. They talked about going    and nobody, including myself wanted
to Kings Dominion and about the annual       to fall in, but the adults finally got eve-
church ski trip. They talked until lunch     ryone on the dock.
was ready and all of the guests arrived.
Everyone then prayed and began to dig           After everyone got on the dock, a
in.                                          problem was noticed. There were dark
                                             clouds in the distance, and the kids
   For lunch, Mr. Floyd had grilled bur-     even knew what that meant. But, that
gers and hot dogs as our main dish.          isn’t what stopped us. The younger
There were tons of delicious toppings,       children got into the water, along with
such as relish, slaw, and many more.         a few of the adults. It wouldn’t have
They also had many sides. Some of            mattered if it was raining, because
them were bought in by the guests, and       everyone was going to be wet any-
others were provided by the                  ways. But then it was heard; a loud
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
roar of thunder. It was followed by in-
timidating bolts of lightning. Adults and
kids stayed in the water and on the
dock for about ten more minutes before
they decided to go in. Most of the kids
were upset, but they were told that
there would be another get together
soon, so they could swim.

    So people exchanged their thank
yous and goodbyes, as they all began
to leave. Even though the kids didn’t
get to swim at lake day, everyone had a
great lunch and fellowship.
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
Helpful School Apps
                                                        By Safa Alazab

     Powerschool is a phone app that               Users can look at important
makes it easy for students to look at         emails first and search their mail
their grades, to get notifications about if   faster. They can also unsend any mail
they were absent, what they missed, and       sent by accident or by mistake. It pro-
to see what's due and when. Users can         vides support up to 5 accounts with
also see their teachers’ comments on          push notifications and more.
their assignments and more.
                                                   It’s very organized by how once a
     It shows grades and attendance for       user opens the app they can see their
each class a student has. The first thing     important mails first. The little tabs are
that appears once a student opens it is       on the top and whichever tab is clicked
their GPA. Then, below that is the class      on shows the user below on the right
overview. But users can edit the              of the tabs the email, promotions, and
dashboard to what order they want to          other messages.
see things in. Its very organized and
neat how it’s set up.                              This app is faster and has a more
                                              comprehensive search than other
     It is very easy for students to use      email apps. One thing that's not so
and very helpful on a phone because it’s      great about it is that it has little room
faster on a phone and quicker rather          for any customization. Other than that,
than using the website. The app is highly     the Gmail app is great and free. It can
recommend for student use because it          be downloaded on iPad, iPhone and
has helped to keep track of grades and        iPod Touch.
assessments and so much more. Power-
school is a free app and can be                    Photomath is an app that can
downloaded on iPad, iPhone and iPod           help students with math problems.
Touch.                                        Just take a pic of the equation and it
                                              will solve it for you and also shows the
    The Gmail app has about the same          step-by-step solution for students to
functions as the Gmail website but stu-       understand how it works. Users can
dents can use this app to look at their in-   also edit equations using the smart
box and send emails to anyone. For ex-        calculator. Also, they can explore
ample, sending important documents to         graphs.
your boss or teacher can be done from a            It is very organized once the app
user’s phone.                                 is opened. It has the picture scanner,
                                              with four tabs at the top of the page
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
which are the first to last a regular cal-   journey too.
culator than the camera after that the            The app is very organized. It has
solution to problems and last history of     an explore tab and it allows the user to
equations which have been solved.            bookmarked videos for later viewing. It
     What is enjoyable about this app is     also has quick access of what users
that it’s very easy and quick to use also    want to learn about anywhere anytime.
organized. Internet connection is not re-         Khan Academy app has a lot of
quired for this app, but this app could      subjects to learn about and review, but
improve by adding word problems and          the only thing it needs is to expand
how to solve them. Other than that, it is    learning contents of some subjects than
a good and helpful app. Students have        math. Overall, this is a great app not
found this app to be really helpful with     only for students but teachers to use for
some equations they couldn’t answer.         their classes. It can be downloaded on
It can be downloaded on iPad, iPhone         iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.
and iPod Touch..

    Khan Academy is an app that al-
lows users to learn and study for any
kind of subject that they might need
help on when they don't understand the
subject that they need to understand,
and more.

     Users can learn anything, and
sharpen their skills with over a 150,000
interactive exercises. They can even
keep learning even when they’re offline.
There is also an entire library of videos.
One also can celebrate their learning
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
Current T.V. Dramas
                                              By Tashanta Bryant

    Lucifer is a mature T.V show that is       against his father. He soon decided
based on the devil and his vacation on         that he wanted to take a break. Luci-
Earth. The actor that plays Lucifer Morn-      fer’s demon friend Maze was expect-
ingstar is Tom Ellis. Lucifer’s origin is      ing him to punish the people who de-
from a comic book series by the same           served it on Earth. That was one ex-
name which was written by Mike Carey.          ample of how people expected Lucifer
The first season was released on Janu-         to be.
ary 25th, 2016. The show’s network is               Tom Ellis plays Lucifer Morning-
Fox.                                           star in the T.V show with a comical ap-
     In Season one of Lucifer, the open-       proach. It’s easy to see that he has no
ing events take place five years after         problem with just going right into char-
Lucifer Morningstar left the underworld.       acter on set. You can tell when there is
During season one of Lucifer, it tells why     a serious moment happening and
Lucifer decided to take a break from the       when there’s not with his style of act-
underworld. While on earth, he opens a         ing. Another great actor in this show is
piano bar and meets a detective through        Lauren German, who plays Detective
one of his human friend’s death. While         Chole Decker. She is known to always
Lucifer is loving his time on Earth, an an-    be serious about the cases that she
gel, which happens to be Lucifer’s older       has. When she and Lucifer first met at
brother Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside), is          a homicide scene, Lucifer wanted to
trying to get him to return to the under-      help her solve the murder.
world. Another interesting character that           What the show is trying to portray
is close to Lucifer is Mazikeen (Lesley-       is “Why don’t we just all look at our-
Ann Brandt) also known as “Maze.”              selves and take responsibility for our
     The show uses dark and mysterious         actions,” as Tom Ellis said in an inter-
scenes to portray suspension, and they         view. Lucifer’s character shows that he
use a lot of cliff hangers to keep the         strongly agrees. When he’s working
viewer wanting to watch the next epi-          with the detective, he can sometimes
sode. In season one of Lucifer, the            take his own lead and beat her to the
theme that is mainly focused on is that        criminal. He does this so that he can
“You don’t always have to be the person        give them the punishment he thinks
people expect you to be.” The reason           they deserve.
this is the theme is because Lucifer did-          Another interesting, mature T.V
n’t choose to be the devil, his father         show that is popular in 2018 is CW22’s
chose for him. He was forced to go to          Riverdale. The show originated from a
the underworld because he rebelled
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
comic book series named after one of        together to solve the murder. At the end
the main characters “Archie.” The first     of the season the mystery is solved but
season of Riverdale was released            it creates more suspense on the last
January 26, 2017. The show is known         episode of the season. There were
to be mysterious and filled with drama.     other mysteries in season one about
The series can also be found on Net-        some of the other main character’s lives
flix.                                       that they all ended up finding out about.
      Season one mostly focuses on five
of the main character and their lives.
One of them is a teenage student
named “Jughead” Jones (Cole
Sprouse) in the show. “Jughead” is
known by the town by his father, other-
wise a bad way to be known. The sec-
ond one is another teenage student
named Archie Andrews (KJ Apa). The
third one is a girl named Betty Cooper
(Lili Reinhart). The fourth one is a girl
named Veronica Lodge (Camila Men-
des). She is known as the new girl in
town. Last, is a girl that goes by the
name of Cheryl Blossom (Madelaine
Petsch). Her family is sort of where the
mysteries began.
     The first episode of season one
was where the mystery began. One of
the main character’s brother dies and
the five-main character’s kind of work
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
An evening at cocula
                                                 By Alexander Cruz

     Today, I shall be talking to you about      with pineapple. But, no this is different!
the restaurant I visited. The restaurant I       The dish came in a carved pineapple
visited was a Mexican one. At first              where they put the meat and vegeta-
glance, it looks plain but right after you       bles within the pineapple and gave
go in, the restaurant really lives to the        you the rice, beans, and lettuce on the
Mexican theme.                                   side. When seeing this, your thinking
                                                 to yourself, “Man, I wish I would have
     The service is good; they treated           ordered that,” or “Oy, I wish that I can
you with respect. Also, they know Eng-           try some of that out.”
lish so you can communicate your order
easily. They really treat you right since             Another one of the dishes ordered
they can joke around to make you feel            that night was a soup. Well, we Mexi-
comfortable.                                     cans call it “caldo.” This is chicken or
                                                 beef with broth and vegetables. You
     The food, on the other hand, was            can eat this with rice or a tortilla.
pricey, but when you get your order of
food you understand why it’s worth it.                The menu was a different story. I
The wait staff brings the food as fast as        couldn't count the number of dishes it
they can, but the chefs make sure it             contained, but I wouldn't have even
tastes good at the same time. The food I         tried to. But if I had to guess the num-
tried was a tequila fajita. It's a fajita with   ber of dishes it had, I would say there
chicken, beef, and shrimp with some              were about a good sixty different
vegetables. I saw the other foods that           dishes to try out. But we all know you
my friends and family ordered. They              got to go the original, and that is the
looked so appetizing to the point you            tacos.
wanted to dive right into them. The serv-
ers, all the while, treat the guests with            This are no hard shell tacos that
hospitality. It can't be a Mexican restau-       you would find at Taco Bell. These are
rant if they don't have the alcohol. Yes,        made with soft cooked tortillas. There
they had an bar, but patrons must be 21          are about ten types of tacos. Two, for
and older.                                       example, can be the “carne asada”
                                                 which is just the taco with meat in it.
    But we can't forget about the rest of        The other one is the chorizo. This is a
the people who have to order from the            type of Mexican sausage. These are
restaurant. The main dish that caught my         two of my favorite tacos and I recom-
eye was the pineapple fajita. When you           mend them to you to. But the menu
hear this, it sounds like just a fajita plate    continued through the list. But the
Too Good To Title September Issue - Vance County Schools
overall experience of this restaurant
was spectacular.
     The service made sure that they
gave you some laughter and your food
within a certain time. The design was
that of something of Taco Bell, but just
better. So, if you ever come back from a
long hike like I had, this is the place for
you to visit to fill your belly. I hope you
get an chance to visit Cocula in Hen-
dersonville, North Carolina and enjoy
your time like I did.
“juMping out the window”
                     with Big Sean
                                 By Miriam Zuniga-Garcia

     The thirty year-old, Santa Monica        song, Sean knows his friend deserves
rapper Big Sean (Sean Michael Leonard         better and that he can treat her better,
Anderson) released his fourth studio al-      so he comes to the conclusion saying,
bum named I Decided on February 3,            “I think I’m ready to jump out the win-
2017. Big Sean’s single “Jump Out the         dow” as if he’s ready to try being to-
Window” was a big hit when the music          gether with Jhené. Big Sean describes
video was released on May 7. The genre        a close friend in a disrespectful rela-
of this album is Hip-Hop. “Jump out the       tionship. He wants to save her from
Window” was his fourth single off of the      the disrespect and humiliation of her
album. It was produced by KeY Wane            false lover, and he is ready to take a
with additional production by DJ              chance with her. The listener can find
Camper. It was written by DJ Camper,          this when he sings, “Know ya momma
KeY Wane, Poo Bear, and Big Sean.             didn’t raise you to take no disrespect,
This song had additional vocals by Star-      yeah.” This shows how in her relation-
rah, Jeremih, and Tommy Parker. The           ship, there’s disrespect. Listeners can
single “Jump Out the Window" was re-          also find the meaning of “Jump Out
leased May 2, 2017. The official video        the Window” when he sings, “I think
was published on May 7, 2017 right after      I’m ready to jump out the window.”
he performed the single at the MTV            This means he wants to confess his
Movie and TV Awards. The music video,         love to her.
was directed by Lawrence Lamont.
                                                   The music video begins with Sean
     Throughout this song and the beat        outside of his crush’s house telling her
of this song, the right selection of beats    he’s outside. She responds, “What are
frames over a spare, diffuse beat, and        you doing here?” Then, Sean is walk-
his words create a sense of new impor-        ing into his crush’s house, only to see
tance. Within the beat goes you’ll find       what looks like a Super Nintendo
yourself in a feeling of sadness and lov-     game left unattended and a virtual rep-
ing emotions, and you’ll experience the       lica of his lady friend stuck in a Mario
roller coaster of love. This song is played   Kart-like videogame with an evil villain.
at 136 beats per minute with an allegro       Then, he picks up the controller to play
tempo, which is 34 measures/bars per          and he turns into videogame represen-
minute and the time signature: 4/4.           tation of himself and is transported in-
                                              side the videogame. When he’s in the
   This song plays as a small portion of      game, he’s trying to rescue his damsel
Sean and Jhené’s love story. In the           in distress named “Princess.” Like in
the videogame Mario Kart, he tries to
save her from an evil villain who repre-
sent her ex-lover. The rapper even
hops over giant chess pieces, hits the
racetrack and jumps through a Ferris
wheel pods before taking a deep jump
to reunite with his Princess (who's actu-
ally not his lady, but someone stuck in
an abusive relationship) in the pixilated

     Just like in many other songs from
his album I Decided, he is still trying to
find himself. This album can be divided
into five sections: the soul-tinged, uplift-
ing ones ("The Light," "Sunday Morning
Jetpack," "Inspire Me," and "Bigger
than Me"), the trappy, trendy ones
("Bounce Back," "Moves," "Sacrifices,"
"Same Time, Pt. 1," and "Owe Me"), the
ambition-driven ones ("Halfway Off the
Balcony," and "Voices in My Head/Stick
to the Plan"), and the track featuring
Eminem "No Favors." The single,
“Jump Out the Window” will be found in
the relationship tracks ("Same Time, Pt.
1" and "Owe Me") from the album I De-
The entertainment
                                                    By Sodaytra Green
Celebrity Birthday for the Month of August      Celebrity Birthday for the Month of September

Soccer Player- Robin van Persie(Aug.6, 1983 )   Actress/Singer/dancer- Zendaya (Sept.1)
Actress- Cameron Diaz (Aug.30)                  Singer- Beyonce Knowles (Sept.4)
Actress- Angela Bassett (Aug.16, 1958)          Actor- Adam Sandler (Sept.9)
Basketball Player- Kobe Bryant (Aug.23, 1978)   YouTube Star- Connor Franta (Sept.12)
Singer- Whitney Houston (Aug.9)                 Actor- Colin Firth (sept.10)
Actress- Meagan Good (Aug.8, 1981)              Singer- Nick Jonas (sept.16)
Actor- Demián Bichir (Aug.1)                    Reality Star- Sky (sept.19)
Rapper- Joyner Lucas (Aug.17, 1988)             Rapper- 2 Chainz (sept.12)
Instagram Star- Lovely Mimi (Aug.20)            Basketball Player- Trae Young (sept.19)
Singer- Joe Jonas (Aug.15, 1989)                Model- Halima Aden (sept.19)
Actor- John Stamos (Aug.19)                     Prince Harry (sept.15)
President- Bill Clinton (Aug.19, 1946)          Actress- Jada Pinkett Smith- (sept.18)
Actress- Halle Berry (Aug.14)                   Rapper- TI (sept.25)
Actress- Jennifer Lawrence (Aug.15,1990)        Actor- Will Smith (sept.25)
Singer - Michael Jackson (Aug. 29, 1958)        Baseball Player- Freddie Freeman (sept.12)
                                                Reality Star- Chanel West Coast

President- Barack Obama (Aug.4, 1961)
Skateboarder-Rodney Mullen (Aug.17, 1966)       Instagram Star- Killumantii (sept.25)
Actor- Chris Pine (Aug.26, 1980)                Model- Wade Poezyn (sept.27)
Rapper- Lil Yachty (Aug.23, 1997)               Dancer- Maddie Ziegler (sept.30)
Actress- Mila Kunis (Aug.14, 1983)              Actor-Damon Wayans (sept.4)
Actress- Melissa McCarthy (Aug.26, 1970)        Actress- Jenna Ortega (sept.27)
Rapper- Lil Pump (Aug.17, 2000)                 Soccer Player- Olivier Giroud (sept.30)
Singer- Demi Lovato (Aug.20, 1992)              Rapper- Lil Wayne (sept.27)
Actor- Jack Black (Aug.28, 1969)                Singer- Kelsea Ballerini (sept.12)
Actor- Leon Thomas III (Aug.1, 1993)            Reality Star- Shay Johnson (sept.30)
Actor- Michael Ealy (Aug.3, 1973)               Skater- Kim Yuna (sept.5)
Football Player- Tom Brady (Aug.3, )            Dancer-TheyloveeDej (sept.5)
Instagram Star- Niyahgotcurls (Aug.15, 2004)    Basketball Player- John Wall (sept.6)
Actor- Chris Hemsworth (Aug.11)                 Singer- Jungkook (sept.1)
Soccer Player- Thierry Henry (Aug.17)           Basketball Player- Brandon Ingram (sept.2)
Trivia Questions
    Question 1                                               Question 2

    Finish the famous quote: “Mama always said, “Life        Which country gave us the words “shampoo” and
    is like a box of _______. You never know what you’re     “pyjamas”?
    gonna get.”
                                                             A) India
    A) Crayons                                               B) Brazil
    B) Chocolates                                            C) Germany
    C) Cookies
    Question 3                                               Question 4

    In Finding Nemo, what is the name of Nemo’s fa-          During which century did the word “teenager” first ap-
    ther?                                                    pear?

    A) Marvin                                                A) 1700s
    B) Marlin                                                B) 1800s
    C) Martin                                                C) 1900s
                      Question 5

                      In the animated movie Madagascar 3, what do Alex and the gang join?

                      A) A Traveling Circus
                      B) The Army
                      C) A Traveling Musical Show

                    The polls for this issue were based on the results of 86 students.
 Poll 1:                                                    Poll 2:

 Which comes first: bf/gf OR your best friend?              Which do you prefer?

     79.1%                  20.9%
   Best Friend              BF/GF                                54.7%                  45.3%
                                                            Poll 4:
Poll 3:
                                                            Who is the better rapper: Nicki Minaj OR Cardi B?
Which do you prefer: Bojangles, Zaxby’s, Chick-fil-A
OR Sonic?

  39.5%          18.6%             36%        5.8%
                                                                   45.3%                      54.7%
                                                                 Nicki Minaj                  Cardi B
Movie Review and Previews
                                                    By Ainsley Jackson
                                               and Jasmine Richardson

     Million Dollar Baby is slightly old, as     boxing aspect of this film, the acting
it came out in 2004, but it is still heart-      there is also very good and looks and
warming and inspiring nonetheless.               sounds real.

      Much like the plot of the movie Soul            While he was an actor in this
Surfer, though the movie is based on the         movie, Clint Eastwood also directed it.
novel Rope Burns: Stories From the Cor-          He used natural looking colors in the
ner, it’s about a girl trying to pursue her      film to make it look like a real scenario
dreams. Her name is Maggie (Hilary               that could happen. The sounds in the
Swank), an energetic girl with a fierce          movie are also very real.
spirit and a will to reach her goal, which
is to become a professional boxer. She                This movie may sound kind of
confronts Frankie Dunn (Clint East-              close to some cliché sports movies
wood), a veteran boxing trainer with a           about all of the players having ‘one fi-
relentless spirit for training, who tells her    nal chance to win the game,’ but it is
he doesn’t train girls. Despite this,            nothing close to as cheesy as that.
Maggie trains at Frankie’s gym every             The ending is tragic and unexpected,
day. After watching her for a long time,         unlike most movies about a sport
and with convincing from his long time           where the main team always wins or
friend, Eddie (Morgan Freeman), Frankie          “gets another chance to redeem them-
decides to train Maggie. This decision           selves.” The character development
will change his life and hers forever.           and plot add up to something new and
                                                 special. It’s interesting and it has a
     The acting in this movie is very good       good concept. This movie has a strong
and I like the over exaggeration of the          female role, which is important, espe-
character Danger (Jay Baruchel). He              cially in this day and age. Maggie is in-
doesn’t add much to the story, but he            dependent and fierce. She’s a fast
does add a sense of humor and witti-             learner and she doesn’t give up.
ness to the movie. Hilary Swank did a
spectacular job as Maggie in this movie.              After watching this movie, I can
She nailed the accent and was consis-            definitely say it’s up there in my list of
tent with her actions and how she spoke          favorites. It is rated PG-13 and it has a
throughout the movie. In the Academy             90% on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie
Awards, she won best actress. Hilary             is 132 minutes long and it won four
and Clint worked together well in forming        academy awards, which includes Best
a sort of father-daughter bond. For the          Picture. The filming took under forty
days and won $12,265,482 in North
America alone. Other than some strong
language, it is a good movie to watch
                                             Coming Soon
as a family if you have teenagers in the
house. This is also a good movie to
watch by yourself late at night in your
                                              to Netflix
room if you’re trying to find something
good on Netflix. I highly recommend
this movie.

                                           (Movies you may be interested in)
                                               1) Sierra Burgess is a Loser (PG-13)
                                                  Releases 9/7
                                               2) On My Skin (R)
                                                  Releases 9/12
                                               3) Nappily Ever After (NR)
                                                  Releases 9/21/18
                                               4) Private Life (NR)
                                                  Releases 9/21/18
                                               5) Hold the Dark (NR)
                                                  Releases 9/28/18

                                           Hope you Enjoy!!!!!!!!!
The Invasion of Cardi
                                                         By Ariana Jones

    The album of August is Cardi B’s In-           wealthy, from the perspective of Cardi
vasion of Privacy. The album is pro-               as well as the Migos. “Bickenhead” is
duced by Brooklyn Johnny, Darrale                  a feminist theme mainly talking about
Jones, Allen Ritter and many more. The             women who work hard for money.
label that the album is with is Atlantic.          “Bodak Yellow” confronts enemies and
The studio the album was produced in               her past life before fame. “Be Careful”
was The Cutting Room, which is located             is about infidelity and how there are
in New York City, NY. Also, the album              rumors about her current relationship
has five singles. Among female acts, the           with Offset. Cardi performed this song
album sets multiple streaming records,             on SNL so she could announce her
while all tracks entered the Hot 100.              pregnancy. “I Like It” is a bilingual
                                                   song with Latin artist Bad Bunny and J
     The lyrical themes include fame,              Balvin. “Ring” is Cardi’s emotional vul-
success, wealth, feminism, and Cardi B’s           nerability. “Bartier Cardi” is about dia-
past. The ones about fame are “Get Up              monds and sport cars. Finally, last but
10” and “Drip.” Themes of wealth are in            not least, the song “I Do” is about a
“Drip” and “Bartier Cardi.” The songs              protagonist who does whatever she
“Bickenhead” and “I Do” are based on               likes.
feminism. “Bodak Yellow” is about her
past, as well as her success. “Be Care-                 The album consists of the Hip Hop
ful” and “Ring” are both centered around           trio Migos, Chance the Rapper, Keh-
her relationship. “I like It” is the only bilin-   lani, SZA, 21 Savage, and Latin artists
gual song on the album. Most of the                Bad Bunny and J Balvin. All of the fea-
songs are or must be really good be-               tured artists compliment Cardi’s way of
cause the album reached #1 on the Bill-            rapping in different but positive ways.
board Top 100. These lines from two dif-           Singles on the album are “Bodak Yel-
ferent songs show fame, “Ain’t no runnin’          low,” “Be Careful,” “Bartier Cardi” with
up on me, went from nothin’ to glory”              21 Savage, “I Like It” with J Balvin and
from “Get Up 10” and “Won MVP, and                 Bad Bunny, and finally “Ring” with
I’m still a rookie” from the song “Drip.”          Kehlani. In this album, Cardi mainly
“Diamonds on my wrist, they drip-                  raps, while the featured artists rap
pin’ (ice)” these lines from “Drip” shows          and/or sing. The album’s sound is
wealth. “Good girls do what they told”             heavily influenced by current hip hop
from “I Do” highlights feminism. The               and rap production trends as well as
song “Get Up 10” is about Cardi’s rise to          the Latin inspired track “I Like It.”
fame. “Drip” is about jewelry and being
The album ranked #1 on the Bill-       learn more about Cardi B’s life and also
boards Top 100. “Bodak Yellow” and “I        the beats of all the songs really help the
Like It” have both reached #1 on the         lyrics stand out. If you haven’t heard
Billboards Top 100. “I Like It” was at       any of the songs, listen to them before
first #4, but after being released as a      you give your opinion. Please listen.
single it reached #1, making Cardi the
first female rapper with multiple top sin-
gles in charts history. ‘Bartier Cardi”
peaked at #14 on the US Billboard 100
and certified double platinum by the
RIAA (Recording Industry Association
of America). “Be Careful” peaked #11
on the US Billboard Hot 100. All to-
gether, Invasion of Privacy has earned
255,000 album-equivalent units in it’s
first week, with 103,000 coming from
pure album sales. It’s also platinum cer-

     The cover picture for the album
wasn’t exactly a picture. Cardi stated
that she didn’t even know that the pose
would be used for the album cover.
Also, many people think the album is
really good.

     I listened to some of the songs and
they are really good. Everyone should
listen to this album because you can
Fortnite for noobs
                                      By Gerardo Lopez-Villa

     Fortnite Battle Royale is an online       mode is called Squads where you and
video game released in July, 25 2017,          your 3 other teammates goes against
and developed by Epic Games. The               24 other teams of 4 players until the
main creator was Darren Sugg. Fortine          last team standing wins that match.
Battle Royale is free to play, though you
do have to make an Epic account or sign             What’s so unique about this game
your email into a Epic account.                is the fact that there is a mechanism in
                                               the game where you can build. You
    Fortnite broke many video game re-         can make walls, floors, stairs, and
cords. For example, currently Fortnite is      pyramids. You can build out of wood,
the most streamed game on Twitch. And,         brick, or metal. Wood is the fastest
a Twitch streamer by the handle Ninja          material to gather and the fastest to be
has earned the highest subscriber count        built, however it has the lowest
due to Fortnite.                               amount of health. Brick is the second
                                               fastest to gather and the second fast-
    Fortnite is available on PC, Xbox          est to be built, and its health is be-
One, PlayStation 4, iOS, Nintendo              tween Wood and Metal. Now Metal is
Switch, and just now available on An-          the most difficult to gather and is the
droid.                                         slowest to be built, but when it's com-
                                               pletely built it has more health than
      I would recommend this game to           Wood and Brick combined.
everyone because 1) it’s free to play 2)
it’s available in many platforms 3) it’s a           To kill or deal damage to other
always-changing game. The game is              players, there are weapons that you
never the same and the game always             can find on the floor that are randomly
has unique updates.                            generated or find them in chests that
                                               can be found in buildings or beside
     There are mainly three modes in           other structures in the game. Guns in
Fortnite Battle Royale. First mode is          this game do require ammo to be able
called Solo where you and 99 other             to shoot. Weapons come in 5 different
players fight it out, and last player stand-   rarities, Common (Gray), Uncommon
ing is the winner of that match. The sec-      (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple),
ond mode is called Duos where you and          Legendary (Orange). The higher the
your teammate goes against 49 other            rarity of that weapon, the better it is.
teams of 2 players to be the last team
standing to win the match. The last                When you start a game you start
with 100 health max and 0 shield mini-        skins, gliders, pickaxes, or other items.
mum. To survive against other players         Everyone had the same skin/outfit,
you will have to find meds, or shields        same pickaxes, same gliders. Also eve-
(bandages (gray), medkits (green), big        rything changed, the graphics, building
shield (blue), mini shields (green), slurp    mechanics, shooting mechanics, aim-
juice (purple), and chug-jug                  ing, sound effects, music, weapons and
(legendary)). Those can also be found         slots, pictures, and other items.
in chests.
                                                  Fortnite is highly recommended
      While the base game of Fortnite is      due to its free to play price structure,
solid, there are updates that are re-         highly competitive nature, and social
leased on a somewhat random sched-            gaming aspects. Again, Fortnite can be
ule. In Fortnite there is not like “oh that   played on Playstation 4, PC, iOS, Xbox
was last month.” In Fortnite, there are       One, Nintendo Switch, and recently on
Seasons in which in it tells you what         Android.
the meta focus is. For example, the out-
fits/skins of the players were different in
Season 2. In each season there is a
premium pack called the Battle Pass,
for a minimum $10. In the Battle Pass
you can earn skins, pickaxes, gliders,
sky trials, emotes, spray paints, v-
bucks, experience points, experience
boost, and tier upgrade. So far there
are 5 seasons and we hope to see

    Fortnite was never the same as it is
today. Back in Season 1 there were no

                                                      Trivia Question Answers
Snapchat vs. instagram
                                             By Taylor Stevenson

     Instagram (released October 10,          stories behave in almost an exact
2010 created by Kevin Systrom) and            manner. You can put stickers, cap-
Snapchat (launched in 2012, created by        tions, location tags, drawings, and
Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and               more on your photos or videos.
Reggie Brown) are both some of the
most popular social media platforms at             Though the story features act the
the moment. The platforms are both            same, we can still compare the con-
used for sharing photos and videos with       tent of the stories. On Instagram, you
friends. Though having a few differ-          can add music over your story and
ences, they may be more similar than          also you can use polls, which is a
you think.                                    clever thing to allow on the stories.
                                              Both of the features are not available
    On Instagram, you open the app to         on Snapchat (yet), but Snapchat kills
your homepage, where you can see con-         the Geotag (which is your loca-
tent from people you follow, and their In-    tion) game. The decoration, the font,
sta Stories. You can get to the explore       and the colors play a major factor in
page, which is where you can see popu-        geotags and Instagram geotags are
lar posts, access your device’s camera,       just white with purple ombréd letters.
a notification page, and your profile by      Snapchat definitely takes the gold
clicking the assigned button at the bot-      when it comes to this.
tom of the screen.
                                                   Face filters are something Snap-
     When you open up Snapchat, it            chat has also had for a while. Includ-
takes you right to the camera. If you         ing the classic dog filter, the heart
swipe left you will be taken to the Dis-      crown, and the flower crown. All of
cover page where you can see your             these were attempted to be made by
friends stories, and discover channels’       Instagram and they just weren’t the
stories. If you swipe right from the cam-     same. The graphics and quality of the
era, you end up on the chat page and          filter are increasingly better on Snap-
this is where you can see all of your         chat than Instagram. In addition to
friends names.                                this, the face filters on Instagram are
                                              just too cartoonish and make you look
    Snapchat has had the Story feature        fake, while most of the Snapchat filters
for since the app’s debut, but Instagram      (that aren’t meant to be goofy) are
decided to tag along in 2017 adding           really just pretty.
“Insta Stories” to their app. Overall, the
Stickers take a huge part in decorat-    message and it doesn’t say that you un-
ing your photos. It brings your picture to   sent it, but that's the only way to get rid
life, and so the stickers are a pretty es-   of the message. Honestly, both Insta-
sential factor. Instagram has some           gram and Snapchat are killing the DM
pretty simple stickers, gifs, and emojis     game.
that you can place on your photos.
Snapchat provides static stickers, ani-           Snapchat also has added a feature
mated stickers, gifs, emojis, bitmojis,      called Snap Map which you can see
and you can even cut out your own            where your friends are and when they
stickers using the cut tool on a picture     were last on the app. You can choose if
that you have taken. Snapchat really         you would like your location to be
provides more options, but Instagram         shared with people or not. If you decide
applies their options more easily which      to share it, your location will be repre-
is good. However, the one you prefer is      sented by your Bitmoji. If you don't
totally up to you.                           have a Bitmoji you will be represented
                                             on the map as a plain colored avatar.
    Direct messaging (DM) is a bit more      Instagram doesn't really have a feature
similar than you may think. DMs on           like this yet, but you can tag your loca-
Snapchat can be saved in the chat, or        tions in your photos on your profile.
they delete as soon as the person
reads them and exits out. They have             Instagram and Snapchat are both
also added a “delete message” feature        amazing social media sites that you can
for when you accidentally send that text     communicate with friends and share
to the wrong person (this is an actual       updates about you and your life. Both
lifesaver). Although it tells the receiver   apps have great individual qualities. No
that you have deleted a message, they        matter which you prefer you have a
can’t read it. Instagram DMs are really      good app to rely on.
similar. The only way a message will go
away on Instagram is if you unsend the
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