Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue

Page created by Angel Gonzales
Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue
Torry’s Vision                                                    Summer 2021
Image courtesy of Aberdeen City Libraries/
The Silver City Vault


  In this issue:

Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue
Torry’s Vision
Summer Edition 2021


               Community Updates

                      Greyhope Bay
                                           Welcome to the Summer edition of Torry’s Vision
5                     Big Noise Torry      community magazine.

6&7                    History Pages       Read on to find out more about Greyhope Bay, the
                                           development at the old Phoenix Centre and the Torry
8                            TRRAG         Resilience and Recovery Group.
                                           If you would like to get involved and join the editorial
9                Aberdeen Equality
                                           team or if you have ideas for the community
10&11          Community Updates           publication, you can easily get in touch with us. The
                                           staff at SHMU are able to support and train anyone
12&13              Elected Officials       living in the area who is interested in developing their
                                           ideas and skills in either writing, photography or proof
14                             shmu
                                           reading. So please don’t be shy, this is your magazine
15                 St Fittick’s Park       written, edited and designed by the good folk of Torry.
                                           If you live in Torry and would like to come along to the
                                           editorial meetings (which are online at the moment) or
                                           submit an article then get in touch with Laura at SHMU
                                           on 0752586312 or you can email her on laura.young@
                                           You can also view this magazine alongside previous
                                           editions on the SHMU website then
                                           click the ‘PRESS’ option.
                                           You can be reassured that our distribution company is
                                           taking every measure to ensure they are delivering your
                                           magazine safely and within government guidelines.
                                           Torry’s Vision is a community publication and the views
                                           expressed are not necessarily those of the editorial
                                           team or of shmu.

                                           Happy Reading.

                                        Supported by
Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue
Community centre to be open this summer
Renovations at the Bridge Centre,         2021 KCF signed the lease and took         are very excited to open the doors
Torry, has begun and the space will       ownership of the building! Along with      and hope it becomes a space that
look to open later this summer.           this came the new name: The Bridge         people are proud of.
                                          Centre. The renovation works on the
At the beginning of the year                                                         For more information email help@
conversations between the King’s          site have begun and it is great to see
Community Foundation (KCF) and            it starting to take shape. A part of the
Aberdeen City Council regarding           refurbishment will include the input
the old Phoenix building in Torry         of a café and a kitchen. In addition
restarted. Our goal is to have the        to providing the food for the café, the
centre open for the local community       kitchen will also be used for cooking
and having had the opportunity to         classes that will promote healthy
speak to residents, we have heard         eating on a budget. We will also be
great stories about what the centre       partnering with charities that provide
brought to community in the past. In      educational, employability and family
renovating the building, we want to       support. The Bridge Centre will be a
transform it into a vibrant space that    space for the community run by the
will benefit local people and provide     community. To ensure this we will be
a range of services and projects. We      engaging with local people and key
are excited to announce that in April     partners every step of the way. We

Stephen Flynn MP
The continued priority facing               pandemic, my focus will be very much         take place over the last year due to
Aberdeen and Scotland is to chart           on ensuring that jobs are protected          the pandemic and the NHS Recovery
a safe route out of the pandemic and        and that new jobs are created.               Plan will be focused on ensuring that
back to normality. There may be                                                          this backlog is overcome as quickly
                                            It’s also vital that our young people
bumps in the road, but the vaccine                                                       as possible.
                                            have opportunities available to them
roll-out continues to give us firm hope     and that families receive the support        If you have any concerns about this,
that we are on the right track.             that they need. On that front - from         or indeed any issue at all, please
In recent weeks some people have            August all three and four-year-olds,         do just contact me. My small team
been unable to attend appointments          and many two-year-olds, will be              are continuing to work hard from
for their vaccine. If you fall into         eligible for more than 1,100 hours           home to help as many people as
this category please don’t worry,           of free childcare a year and free            possible and we are always here
and simply contact the COVID-19             healthy breakfasts and lunches will          to help.
Vaccination Helpline to arrange a new       also be made available to all primary
one - on 0800 030 8013.                                                                  Contact your MP
                                            4 children in Scotland as a further
Many of you will have been working          step towards expansion to all primary        01224 213114
throughout this pandemic in key roles       school children.
across the city. As ever, your efforts      The challenge facing our NHS is    
cannot be praised enough and, as we         also understandably huge. Many
seek to recover and rebuild from the        treatments have not been able to

Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue
Greyhope Bay
The team at Greyhope Bay are          permanent solution for this historic    empowering members to join
excited to release new images of      monument could be.                      the conversation, self-organise,
their interior which show off the                                             participate and contribute to
                                      Founder Fiona McIntyre said, “Our
great views from their dolphin                                                programming and activities hosted
                                      new green-powered community
viewing centre, café and education                                            at Torry Battery. Direct benefits once

RSPB Dolphinwatch reflect
                                      space will create a spectacular
space at Torry Battery.                                                       open on site include exclusive pin
                                      vantage point for visitors to take-in
                                                                              badges, 5 free coffees and discounts
                                      views of the city, coast, harbour

is creatingthe             spring of 2020Individuals and organisations are
The community-led organisation
                                                                              on events.”
           this unique space by       and the many resident Bottlenose
repurposing shipping containers       dolphins who regularly make
as part of 5-year plan to establish   an appearance.                          invited to join Greyhope Bay as
Torry Battery as a destination. By                                            members to support their work. All
                                      We have recently launched our
building programmes of engagement                                             information can be found on their
                                      Founder Crew Membership
related to marine environment,                                                new website:
                                      which offers access to a bespoke
heritage and sustainable practice     community space that sits behind
they are beginning a community-       our new website where members
led conversation about what a         can meet other founder crew,

Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue
Big Noise Torry
Music in every corner of the community - making a Big Noise however and whenever we can

The children, staff and volunteers       The coming of spring has given us           We like to keep everyone informed
at Big Noise Torry have been busy        all a chance to hear, smell, see and        and involved in the conversation
this term keeping the corridors,         feel the ‘change’. We’ve loved being        with our weekly Facebook Live show

RSPB Dolphinwatch reflect
classrooms and playgrounds of            outside, discovering how the music          and posts on our Facebook page -
Tullos and Walker Road schools           we make can reflect the natural             check out what’s been going on at
and Lochside Academy full of             world. We really enjoyed making a

on the spring of 2020
                                                                                     Big Noise and let us know what you
music -- uplifting sounds made by        video for RSPB Dolphinfest to show          think as you see the creative young
string instruments, glockenspiels,       this - there is nothing better than         people of Torry in action!
keyboards, percussion, and various       putting your imagination to work!
                                                                                     Have you heard or seen any music
digital devices! We have been            Over the summer we’ll be inviting           being made around Torry? Perhaps
adapting the music we play to            nearly 170 young people to join             you have an idea on how Big Noise
suit our interests and to keep us        us at Torry St Fittick’s Church for         can get more involved in community
all engaged in music, because -          outdoor and indoor activities, with         events and help bring music to even
we’re sure you’ll agree - music is       free lunch and snack, lots of fun and       more people of all ages in Torry?
a language for everyone to use           loads of music making, as well as           Perhaps you want to get involved,
and enjoy.                               the chance to play in our new samba         help out or make some music
We’ve loved doing our community          band! We’ll also be taking Big Noise        yourself? Please do get in touch
orchestra ‘The Noise’, and our baby      ‘on tour’ to visit each of the ‘Fit Like’   with us, we’d love to hear from you.
and parents’ class, ‘Little Noise’ via   hubs. So, we are looking forward
                                         to sharing the magic of music with          Big Noise Torry
Zoom and now we are beginning
                                         even more children and families as          torryadministrator@
to get together face-to-face once
                                         part of this ‘Summer of Fun’. After
again. So Torry will be buzzing with
                                         all, music is for sharing.                  01224 974707
even more music.
Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue
Opening Of Aberdeen’s New Fish Market
Alan Johnstone

Aberdeen’s new fish market              but one arm, and the empty sling        at a first, second, and third asking.
opened in Commercial Road               of cloth was thrust in his pouch. No    and the women appeared to be
on 20th May 1889 and here are           more questions were asked.”             their wits’ end when, catching sight
some extracts from the Aberdeen                                                 of Baillie Mearns and Treasurer
                                        “After most of the business
Evening Express report of that                                                  Walker walking along the wharf
                                        had been transacted for the
date. The photo of the market,                                                  some distance away, they gave
                                        day, fishwives - or a few of
c.1910, is credited to the Silver                                               the Provost up as an unprofitable
                                        them - began to indulge in what
City Vault.                                                                     job, and made tracks for the new
                                        is commonly known as “high
                                                                                comers. A big burly wife, redolent
“At six o’clock this morning, the       jinks”. Forming themselves into
                                                                                of fish, seized the Treasurer, while
doors of the new Fish Market were       a band they made a raid upon
                                                                                another devoted her attention to
rolled aside, and the place thrown      the various dealers in the place,
                                                                                Baillie Mearns, the rest of
open for the transaction of public      levying blackmail upon them to
                                                                                the women forming a cordon from
business. The weather seemed            “hansel” the auspicious occasion.
                                                                                which it was impossible to escape.
to harmonise with the feelings of       They were most persistent in their
                                                                                Like birds in the fowler’s snare the
the fishermen; a mist hanging over      attentions - their efforts would have
                                                                                two surrendered to the inevitable,
the sea, and making the scene a         proved invaluable at a bazaar - and
                                                                                making but one request - that
cold and cheerless one.                 badgering and cajoling everyone
                                                                                they would be let off as cheaply
                                        unfortunate enough to fall into their
“Shortly before eight o’clock all the                                           as possible.”
                                        clutches, they invariably succeeded
fish were laid out in readiness for
                                        in their object, the sums given
the salesmen. A new feature in          varying from sixpence to half-a-
the discharging of fish has now         crown. In the case of resistance
been introduced, namely, the            to the demand, compliance was
employment of male porters.             sought by the use of the
Women were wont hitherto to help        forcible argument “Pay
in packing the barrels and making       Your Debt And Be
the fish ready for the markets. In      Respected.” Among those
this connection a rather humorous       early victimised was Mr
incident occurred this morning.         Cran, the City Chamberlain,
Every porter has to wear a badge on     who, taken aback by the
the left arm to show that he has        clamour got up around him,
been duly licensed. One of these        and bethinking him that
porters was spotted this morning        discretion in this case was
by one of the officials without his     the better part of valour,
ornament. Going up to him the           paid his shilling and bolted.
official inquired how it was he         But a special reception
was working without a badge.            was awaiting the members
“Oh,” replied the porter, “ I have      of the Town Council. The
the badge, it’s on my sleeve” ; and     Lord Provost was the
thereupon he pulled out his sleeve      first to preyed upon. His
from his pocket and displayed the       Lordship, however, would
missing ornament. The man has           not “launch out”, even

Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue

Wellington Suspension Bridge                                                                   Pat Robertson

Aberdeen was undergoing rapid            Abernethy (of the same name), who      The bridge underwent some
expansion in the early 19th century      was the engineer who supervised        restoration work in 1930 when steel
and landowners in Torry, the             the work.                              replaced the cast iron bearers and
Menzies family of Pitfodels, wished                                             wrought iron suspenders. The toll
                                         In March 1830 the trustees chose
to capitalise on the opportunities                                              house was derelict in 1964 and
                                         to name the bridge after the Duke
arising from the establishment of the                                           demolished soon after. Further
                                         of Wellington, although it was also
turnpike road between Aberdeen                                                  restoration work was done on the
                                         known as the Chain Bridge and
and Stonehaven in 1799. A series of                                             bridge in 1984 after the new Queen
                                         Craiglug Bridge. The foundation
legal disputes as to exact ownership                                            Elizabeth 2nd Bridge was finished,
                                         stone was put in place in 1829 and
of the lands ended in arbitration.                                              as this enabled the suspension
                                         the bridge was in pedestrian use
                                                                                bridge to be closed to vehicles. Due
An act of parliament was eventually      from November 1830. Six months
                                                                                to safety concerns, in 2002 it was
obtained by the Heritor’s of Nigg        later, in May 1831, it was opened to
                                                                                also closed to pedestrians. After
and the Road Trustees in 1828 for        use by vehicles.
                                                                                Aberdeen City Council engineers
a bridge to replace the Craiglug
                                         The approach roads, designed           carried out further work to preserve
Ferry. The city architect in Aberdeen,
                                         by John Smith with the bridge,         and strengthen the bridge, it
John Smith, and his rival, Archibald
                                         were three miles in length and         resumed as pedestrian walkway and
Simpson, were asked to tender
                                         incorporated a slow ramp from          cycle lane in 2008.
design proposals for the bridge and
its approach roads in June 1829.         College Street on the north side, a    The “A” listed Wellington
The design for the architectural         new road also ran from around Nigg     Suspension Bridge is an important
sections was awarded to John             to the Craiglug Ferry on the south     example of an early suspension
Smith working in collaboration           approach. An octagonal toll house,     bridge and the sole survivor of four
with Captain Samuel Brown who            also designed by John Smith, was       of its kind that crossed the River
undertook the engineering designs        sited on the northwest corner of the   Dee at various points along its
of the suspension and span. The          bridge. The north arch was added in    length in the early 19th century. At
metalwork was manufactured at the        1886 and a stone engraved with the     the time it was built the bridge was
nearby Ferryhill Foundry by James        date is mounted at the apex of the     only the second bridge to cross the
Abernethy, a cousin of James             arch to signify this.                  River Dee at Aberdeen.

Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue
Torry Resilience and Recovery Action Group

Covid has been a challenging            to identify the underlying needs of        Learning (ACC), shmuTRAIN, DWP,
time for many communities and           those accessing food services and          WEA, Lochside Academy, Kings
hardship (whether via job losses or     how support to meet those needs            Community Foundation, CFINE, the
cutbacks) has had an impact and         can be achieved. There also is work        churches, Aberdeen City Council’s
will continue to do so. The Torry       being done on how best services            Financial Inclusion Team, CAB,
Resilience and Recovery Action          can sign-post to each other. The           Social Security Scotland, Scarf,
Group (TRRAG) was formed as a           employability sub-group is aiming to       Big Noise.
response to this situation. The group   increase the overall awareness and
                                                                                   Social media has been of great use
has been working hard with partners     delivery of training and employability
                                                                                   in getting the message out there in
to promote recovery through the         and digital inclusion initiatives in the
                                                                                   times of social distancing. However,
pandemic and beyond in Torry. It        area. From one to one and small
                                                                                   feedback on our survey so far is that
soon became clear that there would      group work, at early stages to the
                                                                                   trust and face to face contact is the
be a benefit in subdividing the group   offer of more advanced training
into three strands for the time being   and employability programmes.              favoured method of the community
– food poverty, income maximisation     An option being explored: is a             in accessing support. As life begins
and employability. Meetings have        local shop front space for meeting         to open up again it is good to be
now been held with these sub-           and delivery of job-related                mindful of this in our ever increasing
groups with approx. 25 partners         courses – hopefully a vacant ACC/          digital/virtual world.
engaged. Inclusion of community         business/office space. The income          If you live in Torry and would like
reps has been harder, so this is        maximisation strand is looking at          to know more about the TRRAG
an area of focus as is mapping          educating the public on sources            just get in touch by emailing
out provision to avoid duplication      of support and longer term to look
of services.                            at a hub locally where people can          We are also looking for community
                                        access support.                            reps who would like to take part in
One finding of the food poverty
strand has been that food poverty       So far partners included are - ABZ         the meetings and contribute their
was a symptom of an individual’s        Works (ACC), Aberdeen Foyer,               thoughts of what they think would
needs and that work was required        Pathways, Family and Adult                 work best for their community.

Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue
                                                                         Warmer Homes Scotland
                                                                         scheme gets funding boost to
                                                                         help green recovery

                                                                         The Warmer Homes Scotland
                                                                         scheme is open and helping
                                                                         Scots who are struggling with
                                                                         energy bills. The Scottish
                                                                         Government has increased
                                                                         funding for the scheme to help
                                                                         support a ‘green recovery’
                                                                         from the coronavirus pandemic
                                                                         and help tackle fuel poverty
                                                                         in Scotland.

                                                                         Over 22,000 Scottish
                                                                         households have already
                                                                         benefitted since the scheme
                                                                         launched in 2015. They’ve had
                                                                         help to fund energy saving
                                                                         home improvements like new
                                                                         heating systems, wall and loft
                                                                         insulation, draught-proofing
                                                                         and even home renewables.
                                                                         After support from Warmer
New Network for Aberdeen’s                                               Homes Scotland, homes are

Equality Groups                                                          on average 20% more energy
                                                                         efficient, with households
                                                                         saving an average £300 per
Did you know that Aberdeen is         disabled people, LGBT+ people,     year on their energy bills.
Scotland’s most diverse city?         women, men, minority religions,
17% of people who live here           older people, young people,        To find out more call Home
were born outside the UK – more       and several who cross different    Energy Scotland on 0808
than twice the Scottish average       categories – and they welcome      808 2282. They’re open
of 7%. Aberdeen residents also        more groups to get involved.       Monday –Friday 8am
have many different languages                                            –8pm and Saturday 9am
                                      The Network meets once a           –5pm or go online www.
(68), religions, disabilities,
                                      month online, with an email list
sexual orientations and gender
                                      to share information between       warmer-winter
identities. This adds to the
vibrant culture of the city, but      meetings. So far, they’ve
many people from these groups         reviewed the Council’s Equality
have trouble accessing services,      Outcomes, created a contact list
and face problems like racism,        of Aberdeen’s equality groups,
homophobia, and other forms           written a guide for Council
of prejudice.                         departments to better work with
                                      these groups, and spoken with
Earlier this year, several equality
                                      Council staff about accessing
groups came together to share
                                      services post-lockdown.
information and help the Council
understand their experiences.         For more information, or if your
The Equalities Participation          group wants to get involved,
Network currently includes            please contact info@grec.
groups for ethnic minorities,
Torry's Vision Summer 2021 - In this issue

Multistorey Facebook pages show more residents interaction

With social media being more            and residents’ groups for the            enjoy, or even having a function for
popular than ever, residents in         buildings and how they can help          residents in their common rooms in
and around mainstream multi-            residents within these buildings.        the future. Now is the time to
storey buildings across Aberdeen                                                 show what you enjoy about living
                                        Having these pages set up, we can
now have a group page for their                                                  in your building. This is something
                                        hopefully highlight the positives and
building setup on Facebook.                                                      the Tenant Participation Team can
                                        negatives for living in multi-storey
                                                                                 help with.
These pages are aimed at residents      buildings. We do hope more positive
to get to know each other, inform       posts can been seen in the future.       Pages have been set up on
others of issues within their           Residents are encouraged to do           Facebook for:
buildings, advertising unwanted         their own tenant-led inspections of
                                                                                 Morven Court Residents
items to anyone who may like to         their building, having a walk around
                                                                                 Grampian Court Residents
acquire them, informing others of       making a note of repairs. Emailing
repairs that have been reported         or getting in touch with your local      The Citywide Multistorey Group
to Aberdeen Council and getting         housing officer about this can help      meets on the last Wednesday of the
involved with the local community       make a difference to the building in     month. Meetings are held through
groups, community councils and          the future and potentially get repairs   Microsoft Teams. If you would like
tenant/residents’ groups within         done quicker and get a response          to find out more about this or how
Aberdeen Council.                       from Aberdeen Council regarding          to setup a resident’s group for
                                        the progress being made.                 your multi-storey building. Please
With social distancing still around
                                                                                 get in touch with Carol Hannaford
and most meetings being held            We would love to see residents
                                                                                 (Tenant Participation Officer) at:
online. Councillors are also            show some pride in their buildings,
encouraged to join these pages          whether that means setting up a
                                                                                 for more information.
as this gives them the chance to        group of gardeners to setup a nice
engage with tenants, also tenant        outdoor space for everyone to

Would You Like To Help Make Your Community A Better Place?

Have you ever asked yourself the        meetings with relevant groups, liaise    Thursday 9 September 2021
question “Why doesn’t someone do        with City Councillors and officials.
                                                                                 Closing date for withdrawal of
something about that?” Well, you
                                        Community Council candidates must        Nominations - 4pm Wednesday 15
can start to bring about a change
                                        be named on the current electoral        September 2021
by joining your local Community
                                        register for the Community Council
Council. The elections for Community                                             Notice of Poll (or Uncontested
                                        area in which they reside as a local
Councils in Aberdeen take place in                                               Election) - Monday 20
                                        government elector. The minimum
October 2021.                                                                    September 2021
                                        age to stand for election as a
They usually meet once a month to       Community Councillor is 16 years         Polling Day (if required) 8.00am -
discuss the issues of current concern   of age.                                  8.00pm - Thursday 7 October 2021
in their area, particularly major                                                Please contact the Community
                                        Election Timetable
planning applications and steps to                                               Council Liaison Officer (CCLO),
improve our local environment.          Publication of Notice of Election -      Karen Finch on 01224 522723
                                        Wednesday 11 August                      or email communitycouncils@
They discuss and negotiate solutions
to local issues and concerns, attend    Close of Nominations - 4pm      for more

                                                                          We are a savings and loans
                                                                          co-operative open to everyone
                                                                          living or working in Aberdeen
                                                                          city, Aberdeenshire and
                                                                          Moray areas.

                                                                          For over 28 years, we have
                                                                          helped more than 10,000 people
                                                                          in the Grampian area with saving
                                                                          and accessing affordable loans
                                                                          and credit - and now we can
                                                                          help you!

Pathways in Torry                                                         If you have not already joined
                                                                          us or benefited from our savings
                                                                          or affordable loans, contact
By the time you read this           suitable vacancies that were
                                                                          us today and see how we can
hopefully our Employment            available that week. After about 6
                                                                          assist you with taking charge of
Keyworker, Stan, will be back       weeks, they applied for a position
                                                                          your financial future.
seeing people face to face at       and the client was informed he
Old Torry Community Centre,         had an interview. Stan coached        If you need a loan for e.g.
depending on restrictions staying   the client through the interview      home or garden improvements,
as they are now. Check our          process and likely questions he       your next holiday or just for
Facebook page www.facebook.         would be asked. Long story short,     Christmas, we can help. With
com/PathwaysAberdeen1A              the client performed well at the      loans from as little as £200, you
for updates.                        interview and was offered full time   can contact us through any of
                                    employment with the company!          the following ways:
For the last week or so our team
have been back in the office full   The client informed Pathways:         Website: www.
time and we have been helping       “I’m so glad that I was referred
people to find work.                to Pathways. I would still be
                                                                          Email: admin@
                                    unemployed if it wasn’t for them.
One of Stan’s clients lost his                                  
                                    Stan redone my CV and helped
job due to the Covid pandemic
                                    me look for jobs that were            Telephone: 01224 561506
and contacted Stan for help
                                    suitable for me and helped with
to look for something else.
                                    brushing up my interview skills.”     Office: 250 Union Street,
Stan completed all Pathways
                                                                          Aberdeen AB10 1TN
registration paperwork with him     If you would like similar
and reviewed the client’s CV        assistance from Stan call him
which was far too long at three     on 01224 682 939 or email him
pages. Stan reworked the CV to      at
the satisfaction of both of them
                                    PATHWAYS – Free Help To
and then through weekly calls
                                    Find Work!
they looked for and applied to


Councillor Comments
Christian Allard
Last summer saw us slowly coming          get an action plan in place for Torry.     littering and fly tipping, in the
out of lockdown with schools              I reminded officers of the council         meantime you can report those on
reopening last August. We knew it         responsibility for clearing litter, dirt   the council website. Let me thank
was not going to be easy and that         and debris from council-owned public       all individuals and groups who
it would be a slow process. One           spaces, roads and pavements. There         participate to litter picking, we have
year on, we are still dealing with a      is a duty from Aberdeen City Council       a lot of sessions organised on the
pandemic that doesn’t want to go          to show leadership in the issue. A lot     waterfront, not so many sessions
away. The virus new variants are          of our time as councillors is taken in     within our own community where we
challenging, we must stay vigilant.       reporting large objects left to uplift     live. Finally, let me thank our young
Like many who have family in              and other debris in places where           people who have had a very difficult
continental Europe, I haven’t seen        safety is an issue, for example,           start of the year studying both from
my parents for more than a year.          broken glass found in the many lanes       home and at school, it has been
This summer is not the time for us to     and paths across Torry. Audrey and         another challenging year so far for
go and see them, for our own safety       I took the matter in our own hands         them and their parents. I very much
and more importantly for theirs.          when we cleared a huge amount of           appreciate and admire them for the
                                          glass and litter from Victoria Lane        way they faced this pandemic. Your
Councillor Audrey Nicoll and I have
                                          off Victoria Road. The Council is          parents and teachers are very proud
been busy making Torry cleaner
                                          searching to find out who owns             of you.
and safer by addressing littering
                                          the lane, We would welcome any
and fly tipping. We called on a
                                          feedback from folk who might know.         Stay Safe
meeting with the council waste
and recycling manager and the             What would resolve the problem
council environment manager to            would be for everyone to stop    

Yvonne Allan
As I am sitting here typing this          by a band of volunteers some of            new build of a primary school and
article the sun is shining as it has      whom are from Torry.                       community facilities for the area.
been for the past few days, and it is                                                I believe our existing community
                                          On the council side we will soon
very welcome after all the rain we                                                   centres are planning their
                                          see work going on at Baxter Court. I
have had.                                                                            reopenings after this long shut down
                                          believe there is to be roofing works
Which brings me nicely on to the                                                     we have all suffered.
                                          going on there and perhaps may
Tullos Community Garden and the           have started by the time this paper        Now that we are beginning to get a
wonderful work going on in there.         reaches your door. This is just part       bit of our freedom back, I once again
Keep up the good work and long            of the ongoing commitment the city         thank all of you for how Torry is
may the sunshine for you and              council has to keeping its housing         getting itself through the pandemic,
perhaps a little rain at night to water   stock up to standard and to making         supporting each other and looking
all your wonderful plants.                sure that Torry is well embedded into      out for each other as Torry folks do.
I was very proud recently to receive      these programmes.
                                                                                     Stay well,
my Greyhope Bay Badge. This               The massive gap has appeared
is another excellent project doing                                                   Yvonne Allan
                                          where the Academy used to be
extremely well up at the Torry            and a sad end of an era. However,
Battery. Again, very well supported       we will soon see the start of the          07802 332725


Audrey Nicoll

It is an honour to have been             site. Maureen is certainly not a small    The first priority for the new Scottish
selected by the people of Aberdeen       act to follow!                            Government will be to continue
South and North Kincardine to be         Looking forward, I am excited with        navigating Scotland through the
their new MSP in the new Scottish
                                         the opportunities being an MSP will       Covid pandemic. The progress we
Parliament session. Whether or
                                         bring to reach out to people and          have all made this year has been
not you voted for me, I will do my
                                         stand up for those who need help.         fantastic, and we will hopefully
absolute best to ensure your voice
                                         Having been a councillor for Torry        continue to see restrictions lifted and
is heard and help with any issue you
may be experiencing.                     and Ferryhill since November 2019,        a return to a more normal way of life.
                                         I have been aware of local issues         In the meantime, please continue to
I must first pay tribute to my           facing residents, including “hot topic”   follow safety advice such as FACTS.
predecessor, Maureen Watt, who           issues such as proposals for an
for ten years stood up for the                                                     At the time of writing, I am still in the
                                         Energy Transition Zone in St Fitticks
constituency at every opportunity                                                  process of settling in to Holyrood
                                         Park and a housing development
in Parliament. Maureen’s impact                                                    and getting my office set up. If you
                                         application on land along the
on Torry can be seen through the                                                   need to reach me with an issue you
                                         waterfront near Victoria Bridge. I will
work she did with Scottish Water
                                         be remaining as a Councillor until        may have in the meantime, please
and local stakeholders to reduce
                                         the local elections next year and will    email me at audrey.nicoll.msp@
smell complaints, and the keyworker
                                         be donating my salary to support and I will try to get
housing development now in place
at the former Craiginches prison         local good causes.                        in touch with you as soon as I can.

Maureen Watt
Whatever your political views            think of better representatives to        MSP was helping resolve a person’s
may be, I think we can all agree         stand up for Torry and Aberdeen at        issue and getting that weight off their
that it was wonderful to see such        Parliament.                               shoulders, giving them that peace
high levels of voter turnout at the                                                of mind.
                                         As I said in a previous edition, I
Scottish Parliament election – this is
                                         decided not to seek re-election. For
democracy at its best.                                                             Although I am no longer an MSP I
                                         ten years as MSP for Aberdeen
                                                                                   will continue to keep an eye on local
I was especially delighted to see that   South and North Kincardine, I
                                                                                   issues facing people in Torry. Torry
Torry, and the people of the wider       had the privilege of working with
constituency, selected Audrey Nicoll     organisations to help make a              was effectively “home” for my office,
as their new MSP. I have known           difference to local peoples’ lives. It    and I will miss having people drop in
Audrey for some time and had many        was also a pleasure to meet with          for help or a chat.
a conversation with her on local         so many constituents from various         I am incredibly grateful for the faith
issues facing Torry since she was        backgrounds – you never knew
                                                                                   people placed in me as their MSP
elected as a local councillor. With      what issue they may be coming to
                                                                                   and wish everyone the very best of
Audrey at Holyrood, and Stephen          you to seek help on – and one of
                                                                                   luck for the future.
Flynn at Westminster, I cannot           the most satisfying parts of being an

Volunteers’                              Mike Melvin, Volunteer Coordinator at
                                          ACVO: “Woodside Free Press always

 Week                                     brightens my day and more so than
                                          ever just now.”

                                          Fay, Torry’s Vision: “It’s so easy to get involved, meet different
 The first week in June is an important   people and try new things because you’re in the middle of it.
 week for shmu as it is Volunteers’       One of the main benefits of shmu for the community is being
 Week! Everyone volunteering for          able to coordinate across areas that might have similar things
 shmu does an amazing job but             happening. People can learn from things happening in other
 particularly over the last year we       areas and someone from a different community might have a
 have been blown away by the              solution to that problem so folk can learn from each other as
 commitment and creativity our            they’re meeting folk from outside their area. “I’ve found out a
 volunteers have shown throughout         lot about my community from being involved and it’s good to be
 the pandemic.                            able to help others do that too.”
                                          Suzanne Poppe Project Administrator
 2510 shmuFM shows                        “Volunteers are the very heart of shmu.
 recorded at home                         I think it’s incredible we have so many
                                          wonderful people willing to give up their
 300 articles written by                  time to produce content for their local
                                          communities and share their stories. I am
 shmuPRESS volunteers                     also amazed at how well they have adapted
                                          to volunteering from home, although I really
 Over 70,000 magazines                    miss seeing them in the building and I hope
 printed and delivered                    it’s not too long till we can meet again”

 32 volunteers taking part                Megan Rollo Youth Support Worker “shmu volunteers to
 in training courses                      me are hardworking, creative and supportive individuals
                                          who continue to support and give voices to local
 50, 488 volunteering                     communities. The camaraderie is ever present and it is
 hours                                    amazing to see projects and ideas come to life through
 WHAT’S NEXT FOR SHMU                     their dedication and hard work. The Youth Media Team
 VOLUNTEERS?                              are important to me, they are constantly teaching me
 We have a range of things                new things and continue to amaze me every week with
 comng up for our volunteers              their perseverance over the past year and commitment
 including new courses, a mentoring       to the team. They make me so full of pride as they are so
 programme and the launch of shmu
                                          welcoming and supportive of each other, creating a safe
 community TV.
                                          space to learn and build confidence in a fun and engaging
 Want to know more about
                                          way. They are constantly making me laugh and has been
 volunteering at shmu? Email
                                          great to work with them over the wee while. Keep doing
                                          what you are doing, you are all fantastic!”

St Fittick’s Park
The Edible Garden at the old St           As we look to the future of building      the barn. During the war the whole
Fittick’s depot is really taking shape.   the St Fittick’s Edible Garden into       site was a prohibited area and the
Our Saturday morning planting             well-loved and fruitful community         family had permits to get in and out
events have proved really popular.        garden we are often asked about           past the sentry guards. Uncle Bert
At the first planting session, Bob        its history. Did you know that it was     discovered many incendiary bombs
from ‘One Seed Forward’ kindly            previously a dairy farm and called        in the fields!
donated tatties and showed a keen         South Kirkhill Farm? Fiona Singer,
                                                                                    Sadly, Alister sadly passed away
audience how to plant them in our         whose grandparents used to run
raised beds before everyone had           the farm recently got in touch to talk    earlier this year in February and we
a go themselves. Great fun and I          more about the farm’s history. It is      are glad to share a bit of history with
am pleased to report the tatties are      100 years since Albert and Georgina       you. A tree will be planted for Alister
doing well and growing fast! Next,        Corbett moved into South Kirkhill         Corbett at a memory tree planting
we held a soil testing workshop           Farm as tenant farmers. The Laird         event this autumn in the garden.
which was very interesting and well       at the time was Colonel Davidson          Please enjoy some fantastic photos
attended by the community. We             of Balnagask House. The couple            of the farm as it was and the family
have been overwhelmed by the              had 5 children, two daughters,            who lived there. Perhaps you
generous donations of seeds and           Irene and Ethel, also three sons,
                                                                                    remember them and the farm?
plants from folk. Thanks to ‘Tullos       Bert, Jimmy and Alister. Alister was
Community Garden’ and ‘Keep               named after Colonel Davidson’s            Thanks, to the Fiona for sharing
Growing Aberdeen’ who helped              son, Captain Alister Davidson.            your precious memories and photos.
plant more and gave away free             Fiona’s grandparents worked the           More of the history of the farm can
donations of seeds plants at our          farm until 1969. Barley and neeps         be found on our website https://
Saturday session last week. Our           were grown to feed the cattle and
regular garden sessions are now           the family also grew their own
running Saturday mornings 11.30am         vegetables whilst keeping chickens
and 1.30pm and Wednesday                  too. Georgina used to provide meals       To find out more about getting
afternoons 2pm -4pm. Find out             for the soldiers billeted at the bottom   involved please email us at info@
more how you can get involved on          of St Fittick’s Road during the war or www.
our Facebook page or our website.         and put on concerts and dances in

Community Contacts
Aberdeen City Council Helpline - 0800 0304 713    Torry Medical
                                                  YOUR   LOCAL Practice
                                                                 ELECTED OFFICIALS ARE:
                                                  8am – 6pm
Virtual School Helpline - 01224 523322            Local Councillors
                                                  Contact: 0345 337 9977
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0800 9177 650              Councillor Ciaran McRae
Drinkline - 0300 123 1110                         01224 346630
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0800 9177 650              Holburn Medical Practice
Drinkline - 0300 123 1110
                                                  01224 400800
Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111                      Local Councillors
                                                  Councillor Gordon Graham
Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111                      01224 523594
Alcohol and Drugs Action Helpline                 Councillor Alan Donnelly
01224 594700 or 07927192706                       07747795870
Alcohol and Drugs Action Helpline                 Councillor Jackie Dunbar
Narcotics  Anonymous                    
01224 594700   or 07927192706                     01224 522522
0300 999 1212                           
Narcotics Anonymous                               Councillor Christian Allard
0300 999 1212                                     Councillor David Cameron
Emergency - G-Dens - 111                          07876760760
                                                  Councillor Yvonne Allan
Emergency - G-Dens - 111
NHS 24 Emergency - 111                  
                                                  Councillor John Wheeler
NHS 24 Emergency - 111
POLICE                                            07500999593
                                                  Audrey  Nicoll MSP
Non-Emergency - 101
Non-Emergency - 101
ELECTRICITY                                       Councillor Steve Delaney
If you have a power-cut - 105                     01224 346614
ELECTRICITY                                       DOMESTIC ABUSE SUPPORT
If you have a power-cut - 105                     Domestic Abuse is not acceptable. It is not your fault
Gas Emergency - 0800 111 999
GAS                                               and  you are ABUSE
                                                  DOMESTIC      not alone.  Domestic Abuse is when you
Gas Emergency - 0800 111 999                      are hurt, bullied or frightened by: Your husband or
Scottish Water Emergency - 0800 0778 778          Domestic Abuse is not acceptable. It is not your fault
WATER                                             wife, your boyfriend or girlfriend,
HOUSING                                           and you are not alone.Domestic Abuse is when you
Scottish Water Emergency - 0800 0778 778          your current or ex-partner
Emergency Repairs - 03000 200 292                 are hurt, bullied or frightened by: Your husband or
HOUSING                                           Their behaviour
                                                  wife, your        can or
                                                             boyfriend   be;girlfriend,
                                                                             controlling, physical, sexual,
Family  Planning
                 - 0345
                     - 03000
                        337 9900
                             200 292              financial or emotional.
                                                  your current  or ex-partner
Mental Health Aberdeen
Family Planning          - 01224
                - 0345 337  9900 573892           Help
                                                  Their and    support
                                                         behaviour   can be; controlling, physical, sexual,
Mental    Space
       Health    - 0800 838
              Aberdeen       587 573892
                         - 01224                  There  areorservices
                                                  financial              available to support you, and
Samaritans   - Need
Breathing Space       to talk
                   - 0800   838 587               they are still open. You do not have to wait for an
                                                  Help and support
01224 574 488 or 116 123                          emergency to get help. Tell someone you trust
Samaritans - Need to talk                         There are services available to support you, and
01224 574WORK
            488 or 116 123                        or contact:
                                                  they are still open. You do not have to wait for an
Adult Protection - 0800 731 5520                  Police  Scotland
                                                  emergency      to get help. Tell someone you trust
Adult Child Protection
      Protection   - 0800Team
                           731 5520               If
                                                  or contact: danger and it is an emergency, call 999.
                                                     you are  in
01224 306877 or 0800 731 5520                     For non-emergencies call 101
Joint Child Protection Team                       Police Scotland
Aberdeen   City or
01224 306877    Carers
                   0800 Service  - 01224 914036
                          731 5520                National
                                                  If you are Domestic     Abuse
                                                              in danger and    it is Helpline  Free and
                                                                                     an emergency,   call 999.
Age Scotland - 0800 1244 222                      confidential    advice. Open
                                                  For non-emergencies call 101    to all. 24 hours a day.
VSA Carers Support - 01224 358631
                                                  Telephone: 0800 027 1234. Website:
Age Scotland
CFINE          - 0800 1244 222
       01224 596156                               National Domestic Abuse Helpline Free and
Financial Advice at CFINE 01224 531386            Grampian
                                                  confidentialWomen’s      Aid to all. 24 hours a day.
                                                                  advice. Open
CFINE 01224 596156
Pathways 01224 682 939                            Telephone: 01224
                                                                0800 027 1234.Website:
                                                                        593381.    Website:
Financial Advice at CFINE 01224 531386
Citizens Advice 01224 586255            
Pathways 01224 682 939                            Grampian Women’s Aid
Citizens Advice 01224 586255                      Rape   Crisis01224
                                                  Telephone:       Grampian
                                                                                   Website: 01224 590932.
Mastrick Doctors                                  Website:
01224 662933                                      Rape Crisis Grampian Telephone: 01224 590932.
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