Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am

Page created by Katherine Russell
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management
                          Group Meeting
             Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am

                      Te Kaunihera ā rohe o Te Taitokerau
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting
4 December 2018

      Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting Agenda

                             Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber
                                     36 Water Street, Whangārei
                        on Tuesday 4 December 2018, commencing at 11.00am

   Recommendations contained in the agenda are NOT decisions of the meeting. Please refer to
                                  minutes for resolutions.

                            Chairman, FNDC Councillor Colin Kitchen
 KDC Councillor Anna Curnow      NZ Police Representative         WDC Mayor Sheryl Mai
                                 Superintendent T Hill
 FENZ Representative                 NRC Councillor Rick Stolwerk   MCDEM Representative, Mr J
 Commander B Mosby                                                  Titmus (Observer Status)

Item                                                                                      Page



       3.1   Confirmation of Minutes - CDEM Group Meeting 4 September 2018                       4

       4.1   MCDEM Update                                                                    10
       4.2   Emergency Management System Reforms                                             16
       4.3   Proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy                                  54

5.0    GROUP
       5.1   CEG Chairs Report                                                               59
       5.2   Northland CDEM Group Work Programme                                             60
       5.3   Professional Development and Training                                           66
       5.4   Northland Welfare Coordination Group Update                                     68
       5.5   Public Information Management (PIM) Update                                      70
       5.6   Northland Lifelines Group Update                                                72
       5.7   Northland Joint Agency Emergency Coordinating Centre Scope                      72
       5.8   Northland Tsunami Siren Network Update                                          75
       5.9   Recovery Update                                                                 77
       5.10 Community Resilience Projects                                                    79

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting
4 December 2018

      5.11 Meetings Calendar 2019                  81
      5.12 CDEM, CEG & Group Appointments          84

      6.1    Kaipara District Update               87
      6.2    Far North District Update             89
      6.3    Whangarei District Update             91

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                         ITEM: 3.1
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Confirmation of Minutes - CDEM Group Meeting 4 September
 ID:              A1133539

 From:            Tegan Capp, Executive Assistant Customer Services - Community Resilience

       That the minutes of the CDEM Group Meeting held on 4 September 2018, be confirmed as a
       true and correct record.

Attachment 1: Unconfirmed Minutes from CDEM Group Meeting- 4 September 2018

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Graeme MacDonald

 Title:           Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                    4
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                           ITEM: 3.1
4 December 2018                                                                           Attachment 1

    Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting Minutes

                                Meeting held in the Council Chamber
                                     36 Water Street, Whangārei
                        on Tuesday 4 September 2018, commencing at 11.00am

                              Chairman- FNDC Councillor Colin Kitchen
                              KDC Councillor Anna Curnow
                              NZ Police Representative Inspector Marty Ruth
                              WDC Mayor Sheryl Mai
                              FENZ Representative Acting Area Commander Roger Callister
                              NRC Councillor Rick Stolwerk
                              MCDEM Representative, Mr John Titmus (Observer Status)

In Attendance:
                              23 others were in attendance.

The Chair declared the meeting open at 11:04am.

Apologies (Item 1.0)

Moved (Stolwerk/Mai)
      1. That the apologies from Superintendent Tony Hill and Commander Brad Mosby for non-
         attendance be received.

Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0)
It was advised that members should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed.

•     Confirmation of Minutes - 19 June 2018 (Item 3.1)
ID: A1102041
Report from Tegan Capp, Executive Assistant Customer Services - Community Resilience
Moved (Stolwerk/Curnow)
      1.    That the minutes of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting held on 19
            June 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                           ITEM: 3.1
4 December 2018                                                                          Attachment 1

•     MCDEM Update (Item 4.1)
ID: A1102377
Report from Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager
Moved (Stolwerk/Mai)
           1. That the report ‘MCDEM Update’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency
              Management Manager and dated 27 August 2018, be received.

•     CDEM, CEG and Group Appointments (Item 5.1)
ID: A1102381
Report from Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager
Moved (Ruth/Curnow)
           1. That the report ‘CDEM, CEG and Group Appointments ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil
              Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 27 August 2018, be received.

           2. That the following list of Group Controllers be approved pursuant to Section 26(1) of
              the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002.

•    Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group GIS Viewer (Item
ID: A1102382
Report from Shona Morgan, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer - Community Resilience
Moved (Ruth/Callister)
            1.   That the report ‘Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group GIS Viewer’
                 by Shona Morgan, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer - Community
                 Resilience and dated 27 August 2018, be received.

•     CEG Chairs Report (Item 6.1)
ID: A1102395
Report from Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager
Moved (Stolwerk/Curnow)
           1. That the report ‘CEG Chairs Report ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency
              Management Manager and dated 27 August 2018, be received.

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                           ITEM: 3.1
4 December 2018                                                                          Attachment 1

•     Professional Development (Item 6.2)
ID: A1100658
Report from Kim Abbott, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer
Moved (Stolwerk/Curnow)
            1. That the report ‘Professional Development’ by Kim Abbott, Civil Defence Emergency
               Management Officer and dated 20 August 2018, be received.

•     Community Resilience Projects (Item 6.3)
ID: A1102517
Report from Shona Morgan, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer - Community Resilience
Moved (Stolwerk/Curnow)
            1. That the report ‘Community Resilience Projects’ by Shona Morgan, Civil Defence
               Emergency Management Officer - Community Resilience and dated 27 August 2018,
               be received.

•     Recovery Update (Item 6.4)
ID: A1094830
Report from Jenny Calder, CDEM Group Recovery Manager
Moved (Stolwerk/Mai)
            1.   That the report ‘Recovery Update’ by Jenny Calder, CDEM Group Recovery Manager
                 and dated 7 August 2018, be received.

•     Welfare Coordination Group Update (Item 6.5)
ID: A1097638
Report from Claire Nyberg, Civil Defence Emergency Management - Welfare
Moved (Ruth/Curnow)
            1.   That the report ‘Welfare Coordination Group Update’ by Claire Nyberg, Civil Defence
                 Emergency Management - Welfare and dated 13 August 2018, be received.

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                            ITEM: 3.1
4 December 2018                                                                            Attachment 1

•     Northland Lifelines Group Update (Item 6.6)
ID: A1100649
Report from Kim Abbott, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer
Moved (Stolwerk/Curnow)
      1. That the report ‘Northland Lifelines Group Update’ by Kim Abbott, Civil Defence
         Emergency Management Officer and dated 20 August 2018, be received.

•     Indoor Tsunami Siren Update (Item 6.7)
ID: A1098818
Report from Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer
Moved (Ruth/Mai)
      1. That the report ‘Indoor Tsunami Siren Update’ by Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence
         Emergency Management Officer and dated 15 August 2018, be received.

•     Public Information Management (PIM) Update (Item 6.8)
ID: A1096628
Report from Murray Soljak, Public Information Manager and Susan Botting, CDEM Public
Information Officer/Council Volunteer Coordinator
Moved (Stolwerk/Curnow)
      1. That the report ‘Public Information Management (PIM) Update’ by Murray Soljak, Public
         Information Manager and Susan Botting, CDEM Public Information Officer/Council
         Volunteer Coordinator and dated 10 August 2018, be received.

•     Far North District Update (Item 6.9)
ID: A1102462
Report from Bill Hutchinson, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer
Moved (Stolwerk/Mai)
      1.    That the report ‘Far North District Update’ by Bill Hutchinson, Civil Defence Emergency
            Management Officer and dated 27 August 2018, be received.

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                        ITEM: 3.1
4 December 2018                                                                        Attachment 1

•     Kaipara District Update (Item 6.10)
ID: A1099254
Report from Sharon Douglas, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer
Moved (Stolwerk/Mai)
      1. That the report ‘Kaipara District Update’ by Sharon Douglas, Civil Defence Emergency
         Management Officer and dated 16 August 2018, be received.

•     Whangarei District Update (Item 6.11)
ID: A1098816
Report from Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer
Moved (Stolwerk/Mai)
      1. That the report ‘Whangarei District Update’ by Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence Emergency
         Management Officer and dated 15 August 2018, be received.

The meeting concluded at 12:15pm.

ID: A1133727                                                                                     9
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting - Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 11.00am
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                          ITEM: 4.1
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           MCDEM Update
 ID:              A1130741

 From:            Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

Executive summary
Attached for the information of the group is the most recent update provided by the Director of

       That the report ‘MCDEM Update’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency
       Management Manager and dated 20 November 2018, be received.

Attachment 1: MCDEM Update to CEG Chairs - October 2018

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Tony Phipps

 Title:           Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                      10
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.1
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.1
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.1
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.1
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.1
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

ID: A1133727                                                15
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                              ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Emergency Management System Reforms
 ID:              A1131004

 From:            Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

Executive summary
This report introduces the MCDEM Business Plan for the period 2018 – 2022.

       That the report ‘Emergency Management System Reforms ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil
       Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 20 November 2018, be received.

In August 2018, the Minister of Civil Defence Hon Kris Faafoi released the Governments response to
the Technical Advisory Groups recommendations. The report contains the Governments response to
the 42 recommendations in the TAG report.

The Ministry for Civil Defence & Emergency Management have developed a Business Plan for the
period 2018-2022 to outline its actions and priorities for the 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 fiscal year
within the context of a five-year work programme.

Attachment 1: Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management Business Plan 2018 - 2022

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Tony Phipps

 Title:           Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                         16
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting    ITEM: 4.2
4 December 2018                                    Attachment 1

ID: A1133727                                                53
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                          ITEM: 4.3
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy
 ID:              A1133012

 From:            Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

Executive summary
MCDEM has released the Proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy (Strategy) for consultation.
The link to the Strategy is

Attached for the information of the group is the submission from the Northland CDEM Group.

       That the report ‘Proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil
       Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 27 November 2018, be received.

Attachment 1: Northland CDEM Group submission on Proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Tony Phipps

 Title:           Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                     54
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                             ITEM: 4.3
4 December 2018                                                             Attachment 1


To:                        National Disaster Resilience Strategy submissions
                           Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management


By:                        Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management

On:                        The Proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy

1. The Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (the Group)
   appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Proposed National Disaster
   Resilience Strategy (Strategy). This submission is made in the interests of
   promoting safe and resilient communities in Northland and with the Groups
   functions and roles under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002
   (the Act) in mind.

2. The area covered by the Group and includes the Far North, Whangarei and
   Kaipara Districts and the coastal marine area to the seaward boundary of 12
   nautical miles. The Northland region covers around 5% of the country’s total land
   area. It is a 260-kilometre-long narrow peninsula, 80 km across at its widest point
   and just 10 km wide at its narrowest point with over 3,000km of coastline made
   up of rugged cliffs, sandy beaches and sheltered harbours.

3. Northland is one of New Zealand’s least urbanised region, with around 50% of
   the population living in urban areas and an average density much lower than the
   NZ average. As a consequence of this dispersed and often isolated population,
   the general approach to Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) is one
   of centralised coordination with localised delivery. The Northland region has a
   current Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan in place for the period 2016-
   2021. The plan was developed in accordance with the Director’s Guideline for
   CDEM Group Plan Review and sets out how the Group will deliver on its
   functions and roles in relation to the National CDEM plan and the Act.

ID: A1133727                                                                         55
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                              ITEM: 4.3
4 December 2018                                                              Attachment 1

4. The Group supports the intent of the Proposed National Disaster Resilience
   Strategy but provides the following comments for consideration.

5. Purpose, visions and goal: We support these as stated in the Strategy and
   consider this to be an improvement on the previous 2015 version.

6. The Sendai Framework:

    6.1. We support use of the Sendai Framework in the Strategy and use of clear
         and measurable targets and timeframes (Page 13). However, if it is
         anticipated that regions are to compile data to inform reporting against these
         measures, it would be useful if some guidance was developed for this
         purpose. For example, targets 2 and 4 would appear to require some form of
         criteria or measure to ensure consistent data collection. We would also
         expect a strong link between the Sendai targets and the indicators used to
         measure progress toward objectives as set out in Section 8.3 and Figure 4.
         For example, Sendai targets 2 and 4 could be better represented – indicators
         under ‘inputs’ and ‘outputs’ in figure 4 could include:

         • the number of / increase in early warning systems developed (such as
            drought, flood and tsunami warning systems)

         • Resources committed to hazard identification (such as flood and coastal
            hazard mapping at a regional scale).

    6.2. We understand the indicators in Figure 4 are indicative and will be refined in
         light of the resilience index. We recommend the Ministry work closely with
         stakeholders and CDEM groups in particular to develop a clear and practical
         monitoring and evaluation regime that uses easily measurable indicators
         (see examples above). We look forward to further consultation on this.

7. Managing risks:

    7.1. We support objectives 1-6 and the associated measures of success (page
         24). The Group is especially supportive of a standardised methodology for
         assessing and managing risks – this could take the form of national and
         regional risk registers and associated plans / measures for risks with high
         likelihood and impact. This would bring greater consistency and ability to
         identify gaps in assessments and or response capacity.

    7.2. One area that could be developed further (probably under Objective 3 or 4) is
         identifying an ‘acceptable level of risk’ in collaboration with communities

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                 ITEM: 4.3
4 December 2018                                                                Attachment 1

         particularly those in hazard prone areas – this will be a fundamental element
         in responding to the effects of sea level rise and we should be as transparent
         as possible about the limitations on mitigating such risks (E.g. the costs of
         defending built development from coastal inundation).

8. Effective response and recovery:

    8.1. The Group considers local awareness is vital in response and recovery. We
         think this should be embedded in the objectives and / or success measures
         (probably in Objectives 12, 14 and 15). A measure of success could be
         added to the effect that: Increased awareness of risk by communities and
         how to respond to a variety of local disasters / hazards (a measure of this
         could be the increase in public awareness as measured by repeatable
         targeted surveys).

9. Strengthening societal resilience:

    9.1. The Group supports the objectives and measures of success in Section 7 of
         the Strategy. However we suggest that community vulnerability assessments
         (using a consistent suite of resilience criteria) at a regional or district scale
         could be completed by 2025 would be a useful outcome for objective 16.
         This would identify those communities that are particularly vulnerable to
         hazards and are a priority for resilience ‘building’ and hazard management
         planning (this is similar in nature to Objective 18 that relates to

10. Timeframes for objectives

The Group consider the measures of success for a number of Objectives could be
more ambitious in terms of the target timeframe – most aim for a completion date of
2030. We consider that the sector is sufficiently advanced that many of these could
be brought forward. Our recommendations are as follows:

    • Objective 1: we consider an agreed standardised methodology for assessing
       disaster risk could be developed by 2025 and widely used by 2030.

    • Objective 2: this measure could be brought forward to 2025 as there are no
       significant impediments to the development of governance / organisational

    • Objective 3: 2030 seems an inordinately long timeframe for development of a
       plain English lexicon for risk. There is enough knowledge / expertise to start
       this immediately with a completion date of 2020.

    • Objective 4: The climate change debate is urgent and should be progressed
       as a priority. We note in many places this has already started and the Ministry

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4 December 2018                                                              Attachment 1

        for the Environment has developed a range of guidance on the subject – we
        therefore suggest a completion date of 2025 for this objective.

    • Objective 7: Again we consider elements of this measure could be brought
       forward, particularly those relating to engagement with iwi. A goal to
       implement this measure by 2022 seems realistic.

    • Objective 8:– We see strengthening national leadership as a priority. A date
       of 2025 seems overly slow given much implementation of the other objectives
       will rely on this happening (E.g. developing national standards for emergency
       management). We strongly recommend this be achieved by 2020 and be

    • Objective 9: A target date of 2025 seems too long given the importance of this
       objective and that much of the expertise / knowledge to achieve this objective
       is available now. Clarifying roles and functions will be critical to effective
       response and it should therefore be prioritised and the completion date
       brought forward to 2020.

    • Objectives 13 – 16: The Group consider the timeframes for these objectives
       could be brought forward to 2025 on the basis there has been good progress
       to date and the capability is available at regional and district levels.

The other objectives tend to be ongoing and in the nature of continuous improvement
and the 2030 date seems appropriate.

Subject to the comments above, the Group supports the Proposed Strategy.
However, we note it is high-level and much more detail will be required for effective
implementation, particularly in relation to the actions needed and clear allocation of
roles. We see leadership and clear, practicable implementation planning as the key
to an effective emergency management system.

We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Proposed Strategy and look
forward to working with the Ministry on implementation.

Signed______________________                          Dated________________

On behalf of the Northland CDEM Group

ID: A1133727                                                                          58
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                             ITEM: 5.1
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           CEG Chairs Report
 ID:              A1133038

 From:            Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

Executive summary
This report provides an overview of matters relevant to the CEG Chairs functions.

       That the report ‘CEG Chairs Report ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency
       Management Manager and dated 27 November 2018, be received.

Warnings and activations
Several Weather watches and warnings have been issued during the past months, however none of
these warnings resulted in any action other than monitoring by the on-call duty personnel.

On call arrangements
As reported at the previous group meeting the group wide on call arrangements are now
operational, with a single point of contact for the on call duty officer and a duty controller. The
roster is drawn from a pool of 8 staff who operate the on call person and a total of 9 staff who are
controllers. A training has been held on Tsunami response and a Weather related sessions is
planned in the near future.

Shared Services
The shared services arrangements with each of the councils continues. Two new appointments have
been made or are in the process of being completed. Tegan Capp has been appointed as an
Emergency Management Advisor and the appointment of a second EMA for Kaitaia is in the process
of being finalised. Because of the recent NRC restructure the .5 FTE position of communications
advisor was disestablished.

National meetings
On 7 November, the Director of MCDEM held a CEG Chairs meeting in Wellington. The meeting
focused upon the proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy and on the Emergency
Management reforms. As a follow-up to this meeting I meet with the Director on 27 November to
discuss several matters that came to light during the meeting. These matters related to the reforms
and the manner in which there are being progressed and how some are approaching this.

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Tony Phipps

 Title:           Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                           59
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                         ITEM: 5.2
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Northland CDEM Group Work Programme
 ID:              A1129158

 From:            Graeme MacDonald, Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

Executive summary
Attached for the Group’s information is an overview of the Northland CDEM Group work programme
for the 2018/19 years together with an outline of the various portfolios and those that have

       That the report ‘Northland CDEM Group Work Programme ’ by Graeme MacDonald, Civil
       Defence Emergency Management Manager and dated 14 November 2018, be received.

The attached work programme provides a high-level overview of the priority areas of activity that
the Northland group are undertaking or propose to undertake. Linked to the work programme are
individual performance agreements, portfolio work programmes and specific group work
programmes i.e. Welfare and Lifelines.

Attachment 1: Northland CDEM Group Work Programme

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Tony Phipps

 Title:           Group Manager - Customer Services - Community Resilience

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                    60
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                               ITEM: 5.2
4 December 2018                                                                                                                              Attachment 1

                                                        Activity                                                                     Comment
 CDEM Group
 • Negotiate, agree, deliver and report upon the Northland CDEM shared services work programmes for the Whangarei,          FNDC, WDC full agreements in
    Far North and Kaipara District Councils.                                                                                 place. KDC new version req.
 • Review and report on the key recommendations, and outcomes of the Ministerial review and where necessary                 MCDEM business plan for review
    implement the appropriate findings at the Northland level (incorporates the MCDEM Business Plan 2018 - 2022).            and action.
 • Engage with, provide feedback and submissions to MCDEM and other national agencies on strategies, guidelines and
    documents that may have a bearing on the Northland region, in particular the Ministerial review recommendations and      MCDEM business plan. National
    actions.                                                                                                                 Strategy by 1 Nov.
 • Monitor and provide input and/or submit where appropriate on district council activities relevant to resilience/hazard
 • Develop, promote and implement a collaborative across region approach to CDEM.
 • Review the past year’s work programmes with a view to establishing those activities that should be maintained, those     Underway
    that could be reduced and those that could be omitted from future programmes.
                                                                                                                             December workshop
 Readiness and Response
 • Develop and implement an across region Exercise Programme.                                                               To be completed
 • Develop a new strategy outlining how Northland CDEM engages with communities.                                            Workshops held / underway
 • Review and maintain e CRP’s across the region.                                                                           Ongoing
 • Enhance the knowledge, understanding and preparedness of Northland’s vulnerable communities.
 • Provide capability to deliver business continuity courses on an as needed basis.
 • Implement and coordinate the region on call arrangement for Controllers and Duty Officers.                               Underway and ongoing

 Recovery framework, capacity and capability
 • Incorporate recovery as a key CDEM component.                                                                            Underway
 • Develop, promote and integrate recovery arrangements internally and externally.
 • Review existing recovery arrangements and where necessary act to strengthen or enhance the recovery structures in
    the region.

 Welfare Co-ordination
 • Implement the agreed Northland CDEM strategy for delivery of Welfare arrangements across the region.                     Strategy approved by CEG. Work
 • Deliver Northland Welfare Coordination Group work plan.                                                                  programme under
 • Engage with and contribute to the National Welfare arrangements, including planning and delivery.                        Underway

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                                ITEM: 5.2
4 December 2018                                                                                                                                Attachment 1

                                                        Activity                                                                     Comment
 •   Review and update Welfare plans and arrangements, with an emphasis on priority actions.                              To be completed

 EOC and ECC readiness
 • Enhance the readiness and response capability of the Group ECC.                                                        Underway (Priority High)
 • Develop and implement a consistent and harmonised across region template or format for EOC’s.

 Lifeline Utilities
 • Support and collaborate with the Northland Lifelines Group members to ensure ongoing engagement and commitment.        Quarterly meetings annually next
 • Provide support to the Lifelines Utility Group projects and meetings.                                                  on 4 December

 • Maintain and enhance Northland’s alerting capability                                                                   Underway and ongoing
 • Consolidate and improve delivery of important strategic information with key decision makers, spokespeople and the     To be actioned
    media so that they get the right information at the right time.
 • Train staff and ensure learnings/changes at a national level are conveyed within the Northland CDEM Group (including   Underway and ongoing
    governance) and the reach if/when required is understood and available to other agencies.
 • Maintain and develop social media platforms to engage with community and across agencies.                              Underway and ongoing
 • Develop, maintain and strengthen Public Information arrangements.

 Operational Systems
 • Consider, evaluate and implement technology to support readiness and response arrangements i.e. Contacts app.          Partly complete and ongoing
    CDEM GIS Portal.
 • Where necessary for larger scale technology projects develop a project outline or strategy.                            To be completed
 • Extending the reach of alerts into other platforms (websites, social media) as technology becomes available.           Underway
 • Create and maintain SOP’s and other plans to support operational capability.
 Tsunami Risk Management and preparedness
 • Develop a single region asset management plan for tsunami sirens and tsunami public information boards.                Commenced
 • Complete an across region installation of tsunami public information boards.                                           Partly complete (High Priority)
 • Engage with and provide the Ministry of Education, school boards and principals with the high-level tsunami risk       To be commenced
    management tools to enable them to disseminate the information through schools.
 • Carry out bi-annual tsunami siren testing and reporting.                                                               Complete for 2018
 • Review and implement any necessary changes in tsunami risk assessments.                                                Ongoing

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                              ITEM: 5.2
4 December 2018                                                                                                                              Attachment 1

                                                        Activity                                                                      Comment
 Relationships and engagement
 • Build upon existing relationships; and leverage and enhance new relationships with partner agencies, communities,       Iwi engagement on CEG needs to
    including with iwi and Maori communities.                                                                               be clarified.
 • Deliver the YES programme.                                                                                              Complete 2018, 2019 started.
 • Engage with national, regional and local level working groups, meetings and programmes where appropriate.               Ongoing needs review
 • Consider and report on the mechanisms available to have Iwi representation at the CEG level taking into consideration   As above
    the national review findings and any national recommendations or findings.
 • Work with PIM staff from other agencies (including those outside the region) to better understand strengths and
    reinforce logical separation of responsibilities, particularly during events.                                           Ongoing

 Professional development
 • Review and provide professional development and training opportunities including CIMS, EOC, Welfare, Governance         Ongoing and further development
    and Mayors as priorities.                                                                                               required
 • Review and report upon the national level ITF courses.
 • Provide professional development programme and opportunities for all Controllers, Recovery Managers and Welfare

 Human resources
    Recruit and induct two Emergency Management Advisors (2 X FTE’s budget and approved).                                   Part complete

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                                        ITEM: 5.2
4 December 2018                                                                                                                                       Attachment 1

                                 Portfolio’s – Area of responsibility
 Lifelines Utility Group                                                                                               Kim Abbott
 Coordination of the Northland Lifelines Utility Group activities including assisting the Project Manager to deliver
 the Lifelines Utility Group work programme. Acts as the focal point for LUG.
 Welfare Coordination Group and Work Programme
 Coordinates Welfare Coordinating Group activities and delivery of the work programme. Acts as the focal point         Claire Nyberg
 for all Welfare related matters. Chairs the WCG.
 Supported by the Alternate Group Welfare Manager.                                                                     Shona Morgan

 Shared services agreements.
 Focal points are appointed to act for each of the three councils operating shared services arrangements. The          Sharon Douglas
 focal points act as the key points of contact. Delivery of the agreed services is through the CDEM Group office       Victoria Harwood
 personnel and not exclusively by the single point of contact.                                                         Bill Hutchinson

 Professional development                                                                                              Kim Abbott
 Acts to coordinate the professional development programme including CIMS, ECC and other professionally
 delivered external provider courses. (Acts as the Groups representative on the CDAG).

 Controllers development and training of staff                                                                         Claire Nyberg
 Provides guidance, training and direction to ensure Controllers and the on-call staff are equipped with the
 appropriate tools to implement the on-call roster arrangements.

 Delivers specific projects as the Project Manager. (Project Manager acts as the focal point including but not
 limited to project oversight, responsibility for decisions, coordination and delivery and its implementation.
 Projects may become long term programmes.
 Projects –
 Marae Preparedness                                                                                                    Claire Nyberg
 Business Continuity                                                                                                   Kim Abbott
 Vulnerable Communities                                                                                                Shona Morgan
                                                                                                                       Victoria Harwood, Bill Hutchinson,
 Tsunami Sirens and                                                                                                    Sharon Douglas
 Tsunami signboards                                                                                                    Shona Morgan and 3 above.
 Community response plans and planning                                                                                 Shona Morgan
 Youth and Emergency Services                                                                                          Kim Abbott

ID: A1133727                                                                                                                                                   64
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                                                                           ITEM: 5.2
4 December 2018                                                                                                                           Attachment 1

 Contacts Management                                                                                          Shona Morgan
 Exercise Programme                                                                                           Shona Morgan
 Community Engagement strategy                                                                                Shona Morgan
 GIS Portal

 Coordinates and leads the regional recovery programme.                                                       Jenny Calder
 Develops the Group ECC                                                                                       Claire Nyberg and Shona Morgan

 Communications Engagement
 Acts as a focal point to engage with and provide guidance and support to communications specialists across   Murray Soljak
 agency. Provides specialist knowledge and oversees the apps/communications mechanisms.

ID: A1133727                                                                                                                                       65
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                            ITEM: 5.3
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Professional Development and Training
 ID:              A1133517

 From:            Kim Abbott, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer

Executive summary
This report provides an outline of the professional development and training undertaken by the
Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) team, both internally and externally.

       That the report ‘Professional Development and Training ’ by Kim Abbott, Civil Defence
       Emergency Management Officer and dated 28 November 2018, be received.

This has been a busy quarter with both external training delivery, national meetings and CDEM. The
next quarter is traditionally a quieter time for the Northland CDEM team in relation to training, as
many participants are away or difficult to pin down.

The first offsite CIMS4 training course was delivered in Kaikohe with 24 participants completing the
course. Predominately these were FNDC staff members and CDEM volunteers but there were also
IWI, Northland DHB, DOC and MSD represented. There is currently work being undertaken to
develop an ongoing training pathway to continue engagement.

The ability to deliver the course in the Far North allowed for many council team members who
otherwise would not have been able to train to attend. Undertaking course delivery outside of
Whangarei may be explored again in 2019 depending on demand.

Due to the long waiting list and a couple of recent small-scale events which re-engaged an interest in
organisational readiness, we negotiated with course provider Gerard Moore to deliver two back to
back CIMS4 courses in November. During this week 52 participants from more than 18 different
Northland agencies and stakeholder organisations took part in the 2-day course and undertook the

The total CIMS accredited and trained people for this year is 116. With a further 48 EOC trained over
the two-day course.

EOC training
The practical EOC exercise took place on September 27 with 48 participants who had completed
Day1 of the EOC course. This was the first of these practical exercises and while there were a great
many learnings, the feedback from participants was positive and encouraging.

Nationally there has been changes to the way that we are funded to deliver our courses to
stakeholders and CDEM staff. In the past we have been applied and then been awarded a sum for
the year which can be used as long as certain accreditations and course content is included. This

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                           ITEM: 5.3
4 December 2018

budget has gone directly to the course providers. At times this has meant that the course content
has needed to be fiddled to ensure adherence to the guidelines.

MCDEM have been working with the Ministry of Education and the Tertiary Education Commission
(TEC) to try to make it easier to use operationally. From 1 January 2019, TEC will provide the
funding directly to MCDEM. There will be a need to have a new oversight structure, and this will be
worked through with the NEMDG Capability Sub-committee. MCDEM, with guidance from the new
oversight group, will work with all 16 CDEM Groups in order to use the funding to develop the skills
of CDEM volunteers in the sector.

We will continue to engage on a national level to ensure that our training requirements are
communicated within the new structure.
We have re-negotiated with Gerard Moore as our course developer and for course delivery
throughout 2019. Confirmed dates for training delivery have been identified on the 2019 CDEM


Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Graeme MacDonald

 Title:           Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                        67
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                            ITEM: 5.4
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Northland Welfare Coordination Group Update
 ID:              A1132276

 From:            Claire Nyberg, Civil Defence Emergency Management - Welfare

Executive summary
This report is an update on the Welfare Coordination Group (WCG) activities.

       That the report ‘Northland Welfare Coordination Group Update’ by Claire Nyberg, Civil
       Defence Emergency Management - Welfare and dated 23 November 2018, be received.

The WCG meeting was held on the 2 November with updates presented by each district, the
Northland CDEM Group, Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management and each of the sub-
group representatives present. Presentations were given by speakers as detailed below.

Julia Shanahan from Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation (MBIE) gave an update on
the temporary accommodation sub-function and the work that is being done at a national level to
build stocks across NZ to respond much faster to temporary accommodation needs after an
emergency. MBIE are focusing on building relationships in the regions and doing more readiness
work in identifying potential areas where temporary accommodation can be placed within

Catherine Cooper from Auckland Council Civil Defence gave a presentation on their response to the
electricity outage in April this year. The main issue experienced for Auckland Council Civil Defence
was obtaining a good operational picture of where the power was off across the region. Many
lessons were learnt from this event which are being incorporated into welfare planning.

Sub-function updates:

Shelter and accommodation:
A workshop was held on 19 November. The purpose of this workshop was to develop relationships
with agencies who have shelter and accommodation responsibilities under the National CDEM Plan
2015 and for these agencies to contribute towards the accommodation plan for the CDEM Group.
Participants worked through a series of activities to consider Northlands diversity, principles that
should be considered for this sub-function, accommodation options available in Northland and the
hazards which might displace people from their homes.

Care and protection services for children and young people:
The sub-function meeting was well attended by supporting agencies and stakeholders. There was
good discussion round the sub function as a whole with Oranga Tamariki in Northland moving their
focus towards the wellbeing of children as opposed to just the ‘care and protection’ of children. This
aligns better with the Ministry for Children’s new purpose under changes to legislation.

Oranga Tamariki have also continued on with co-delivery of the Civil Defence Introduction which has
been presented to new staff at Kaikohe, Kaitaia and Whangarei with good staff attendance.

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4 December 2018

Psychosocial Support:
Northland District Health Board held a meeting with the purpose of realigning the group and
identifying any priority work going forward.

Financial Assistance:
The meeting for financial assistance concentrated on updating the Enhanced Taskforce Green (ETFG)
documentation. MSD is also updating some of their other financial assistance documentation.

Local Welfare Manager meetings
Monthly meetings and training sessions are being held with Local Welfare Managers and their
welfare teams in each of the districts. The approach has been to bring it back to basics with a
number of new staff in each of the district teams.

WCG induction
The second round of WCG member induction was carried out in November with 15 people
attending. The intention is to hold a WCG induction once a year to ensure new members have an
understanding of the welfare function and their responsibilities as members of the WCG.

Group Welfare Managers Forum
The Group Welfare Managers (GWM’s) Forum was held in Wellington over two days with the second
day including attendance by National Level Welfare Services Agencies. The agenda for the first day
concentrated on updates from each of the regions, including a presentation from the Tairawhiti
floods. This was followed by workshops on determining vulnerability and the work that
Nelson/Tasman and Canterbury Groups have been doing. There were also workshops on the role of
Navigators, their role descriptions and funding and working with diversity in our communities and a
number of updates from other welfare projects and related sectors.

The second day included work on the CIMS review in relation to the Welfare Function and the
welfare registration and needs assessment. The MCDEM Business Plan 2018-2020 has listed under
priority 1 government decision/initiative to ‘scope a system to capture and store welfare registration
and needs assessment data using common standards and robust process for data collection’. Input
to this system was being sought from the welfare sector to inform this work stream. The outcome
was a general consensus from the GWM’s that any system needs to have the wellbeing of people at
the heart of the emergency response system and not just be a system to collect numbers to satisfy
central government ministries.

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Graeme MacDonald

 Title:           Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                       69
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                            ITEM: 5.5
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Public Information Management (PIM) Update
 ID:              A1128012

 From:            Murray Soljak, Public Information Manager

Executive summary
This report summarises key developments in public information management since the previous

       That the report ‘Public Information Management (PIM) Update’ by Murray Soljak, Public
       Information Manager and dated 13 November 2018, be received.

Public alerting – Emergency Mobile Alerts and Hazard app
The national working groups for the two alerting platforms continue to result in above-average co-
operation between alerting agencies, review and consensus-building around thresholds for use,
development of standardised messaging and identification of inconsistencies/areas of doubt.

The second annual nationwide test of EMAs was scheduled to take place on Sunday 25 November,
with MCDEM committed to testing the system annually, in part to help ensure that New Zealanders
maintain familiarity with the system, and how it will behave on their device during an emergency.

Online and phone surveys were commissioned to identify any systemic issues with handsets sold in
New Zealand, and to provide feedback to the manufacturers, and to measure the penetration of the

In the leadup to the test, MCDEM’s expectation was that that half of phones will receive the alerts
(up from last year’s figure of around one-third), with the increase largely due to the ongoing older
handsets with newer, EMA-capable devices. A shortened message of less than 90 characters will be
used, as advised by the mobile operators to have the best chance of the message being received.

Groups including Northland have a role in providing supporting publicity for the test in their own
regions, with MCDEM providing a range of resources and handling all technical enquiries.

Emergency Services Family Fun Day (Caring For Northland)
The Group was again represented alongside partner agencies at the Emergency Services Family Fun
Day at Kensington Park, Whangarei, in early November. This event primarily attracts young families
and the calibre of the displays improves each year, with the emphasis being on providing an entry-
level snapshot into the work of each of the agencies.

For Northland CDEM, it is also an opportunity to network with our partner agencies.

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                           ITEM: 5.5
4 December 2018

Media/social media
Recent topics on the Northland CDEM Facebook page have included the EMA test and Emergency
Services Day, World Tsunami Awareness Day, ShakeOut and tsunami siren testing. The scope of the
Civil Defence network is also reinforced by sharing relevant content from partner agencies (recently
FENZ, Refining NZ, Northpower, Top Energy and Northland DHB).


Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Graeme MacDonald

 Title:           Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                      71
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                            ITEM: 5.7
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Northland Lifelines Group Update
 ID:              A1133341

 From:            Kim Abbott, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer

Executive summary
The next Northland Lifelines Utilities Group (Lifelines) meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 5th
December. This meeting is expected to be well attended with a good representation of the member

The National Lifelines Forum was held in Wellington with Northland Civil Defence Emergency
Management (CDEM) and Northland Lifelines representatives attending the two days.

       That the report ‘Northland Lifelines Group Update’ by Kim Abbott, Civil Defence Emergency
       Management Officer and dated 28 November 2018, be received.

The final 2018 Lifelines meeting is scheduled for the afternoon of the Northland CDEM Group
meeting. The agenda includes:
    • Watercare – Building Risk and Resilience (Nigel Toms)
    • Refining NZ – Responding to the Pipeline Failure (Julian Young)
    • NZ Lifelines Council Update (Dave Brunsden)
    • Northland CDEM Update, GIS Operational Viewer Update and National MCDEM Update
    • Discussion around the 2019 Work Program, confirmation of meeting dates and gauging
       commitment to a Lifelines exercise in the coming year.

The National Lifeline Utilities Forum was held in Wellington on October 15 -16. A number of staff
representing the key agencies from across the country attended, including staff from Northland
CDEM, the Northland Transport Alliance (NTA) and the Northland Lifelines Chair.
Presentations included updates on current research projects, including Alpine Fault Magnitude 8
(AF8), South Island Alpine Fault Earthquake Response (SAFER) framework, East Coast Life at the
Boundary (East Coast LAB) projects. Business continuity planning, the resilience of current
infrastructure and supply chains were also discussed throughout the forum.
Fred Morgan, our regional Lifelines Utility Coordinator (LUC) has resigned from NRC to spend more
time with his extended family. Thanks to Fred for his work and for volunteering to this role for the
past 18 months. It is expected that this role will be filled early in the new year.

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Graeme MacDonald

 Title:           Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                        72
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                            ITEM: 5.7
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Northland Joint Agency Emergency Coordinating Centre Scope
 ID:              A1133496

 From:            Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer

Executive summary
The Whangarei District Council are currently progressing the Civic Centre project, where WDC council
departments spread across Forum North and Walton Plaza will be amalgamated into one building.

The WDC Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) is currently based within Council Chambers at Forum
North. In the future, the EOC will be moved and based from another location.

The sites being investigated for the WDC Civic Centre are all located within the Whangarei Central
Business District and lie within either flood or tsunami hazard zones. Hence the future location of the
Council EOC will be required in a separate location out of a hazard area.

This has given rise for an opportunity to investigate the possibility of a Northland Joint Agency
Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC).

An initial discussion between the Northland CDEM Group office and the WDC has outlined the points
to investigate below:

    • A joint agency centre, approaching interested parties. Northland Civil Defence Emergency
       Management (of which the four councils are part), NZ Police, Fire and Emergency NZ, St John,
       Northland Emergency Services Trust (NEST)
    • A centre used for business as usual activities for agencies
    • A training facility

The Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct is a large scale example of joint agency
emergency coordination centre. Large open atrium for joint emergency response with surrounding
agency offices and meeting rooms. See photos below:

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Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                        ITEM: 5.7
4 December 2018

The WDC have raised this at the Annual Plan workshop with Councillors during November. There are
funds allocated towards a new WDC EOC which could contribute towards a joint centre.

Further investigations will be made and interested parties sought.

      That the report ‘Northland Joint Agency Emergency Coordinating Centre Scope’ by Victoria
      Harwood, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer and dated 28 November 2018, be

Authorised by Group Manager
 Name:            Graeme MacDonald

 Title:           Civil Defence Emergency Management Manager

 Date:            28 November 2018

ID: A1133727                                                                                     74
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting                                              ITEM: 5.8
4 December 2018

 TITLE:           Northland Tsunami Siren Network Update
 ID:              A1133505

 From:            Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer

Executive summary
This report is an update on Northland tsunami siren network developments

       That the report ‘Northland Tsunami Siren Network Update’ by Victoria Harwood, Civil Defence
       Emergency Management Officer and dated 28 November 2018, be received.

Tsunami Siren Testing
The Northland Tsunami Siren network was tested on Sunday 30 September at 10.00hrs for 10 minutes
and again at 10.30hrs for 30 seconds.

Members of the public, community response group volunteers, school children, council staff and
contractors all assisted with monitoring the 191 sirens across the Northland region. From the testing,
there were five faults and one siren to be moved to increase its audible coverage. The faults are being
repaired by Northpower and Top Energy respectively. The next siren testing date is Sunday 7 April

There is a good relationship between the Northland CDEM Group and Northpower, staff catch up on
issues and developments on a regular basis.

New Tsunami Siren Locations and Replacements – Tsunami Asset Management Plan
New locations for further tsunami siren installations are being investigated and assessed. New sirens
within the Whangarei district should be installed between Christmas and the next siren testing in April,
if possible. There is budget available for a further 13 sirens to be added to the network in the
Whangarei district.

The Far North is renewing some of its current sirens which have deteriorated and come to the end of
their lifespan. Three sirens have so far been replaced with new ones from the 61 installed.

A Tsunami Siren Asset Management Plan has been created to forecast budget requirements from
councils annual and long-term plans, to maintain and update the siren network and keep it in good
working order. The initial sirens were installed in 2011-2012 with a lifespan of 7-10 years, several of
the originally installed sirens are nearing the end of their expected lifespan. The plan also records the
locations, ages, installation dates, life span and repairs of each siren.

Northland Tsunami Siren Locations
The Northland Regional Council GIS tsunami information mapping tool has been updated with all
locations of the Northland tsunami sirens. The GPS coordinates have been tidied up, making their
location on the mapping accurate for the public.

ID: A1133727                                                                                          75
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