Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC

Page created by Debbie Dominguez
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC
Home Energy
Retrofit Programs in


 Written by:

 Laura MacTaggart, UBC Sustainability Scholar, 2020

 In collaboration with:

 Dylan Heerema, Ecotrust Canada

 Allison Ashcroft, Canadian Urban Sustainability

MARCH 2021
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC

         We would like to acknowledge the first peoples whose lands we reside on as uninvited guests. The                               Glossary of terms
         UBC Point Grey (Vancouver) campus is located on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory
         of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) First Nation. Ecotrust Canada recognizes its Vancouver presence
         on xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) and Tsleil-Waututh Nation lands, and its               Equity: acknowledges the advantages and barriers that exist that limit people
         Prince Rupert presence on Coast Ts’msyan lands. The offices of the Canadian Urban Sustainability          from having equal opportunities. Equity is a process that works to correct this
         Practitioners (CUSP) network are located on unceded and occupied lək̓ʷəŋən (Lekwungen) traditional        imbalance so that all people have the opportunity to grow, contribute and
         territory of the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations.                                                    develop regardless of their identity1.

         Contributors                                                                                              Inclusion: the intentional act to ensure people with different identities are able to
                                                                                                                   fully participate in all aspects of an organization or activity.
         Supported by the Sustainability Scholars Program at the University of British Columbia (UBC), the
                                                                                                                   Diversity: the presence of differences within a given setting which may
         intent of this report is to outline best practices in income-qualified retrofit program design and make
                                                                                                                   include gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, place of
         recommendations for program improvements in British Columbia. Further support is provided by
                                                                                                                   practice, and practice type2.
         the Real Estate Foundation of B.C. and the Koerner Foundation. This report was made possible by
         the generous contribution of time, knowledge sharing and collaboration from people across various         Accessibility: providing equal access to an opportunity, resource, and public good or
                                                                                                                   service to everyone despite their ability or experience.
         sectors. Sincere thanks go to each person who participated in an interview and contributed to this
         report, including:                                                                                        Rural community: has no access to the natural gas distribution network and
                                                                                                                   experiences higher overall energy costs due to a reliance on more expensive
         Art Ladd – Efficiency Manitoba
                                                                                                                   energy sources, such as electricity3.
         Amy Seabrooke – BC Hydro
         Amy Tuck – Efficiency Manitoba                                                                            Remote community: has no natural gas or electrical grid access and is
         Areef Abraham – Community Power                                                                           typically powered by a micro-grid, often using diesel fuel4.
         Brenda Willington – BC Hydro
         Carmen Proctor – Nelson Hydro                                                                             Transactional change: work within an existing set of institutional
         Carol Suhan – FortisBC                                                                                    arrangements to reform or eliminate a single barrier to free groups to achieve
         Chuck Belk – California Department of Community Services and Development                                  the universal goal5.
         Ian Cullis – BC Non-Profit Housing Association Jennet Poffenroth – Nelson Hydro
                                                                                                                   Transformative change: to restructure the system itself rather than one
         Ned Georgy - FortisBC
         Randy Drury – 3E Thermal                                                                                  relationship or action within the system6.
         Samantha Chan – BC Hydro
         Sarah Hill – California Association for Energy Affordability
         Sonia Smith – Nova Scotia HomeWarming Program
         Warren Lister – AffordAbility Fund Trust
         Yasmin Abraham – EmPower Me
         Yvonne Di Tullio – Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines

2   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                          TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC   3
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC
       Executive summary                                     6
                                                                   PROCESS-BASED RECOMMENDATIONS
       Introduction                                          9
                                                                   1            Design program recruitment for the customers the program is trying to
                 Energy poverty in British Columbia          9                  reach and the barriers they face in accessing the program.

                 Home Energy Use in B.C.                     10    2            Create a program application process that is quick, easy, and accessible
                                                                                for eligible applicants.
                 Rural energy efficiency gap                 13
                                                                   3            Have regional program coordinators and contractors available to provide
                 Equity-based energy programs                14
                                                                                quick, efficient, and informed support throughout the application and
                                                                                installation process.
       Approach and methodology                              17

                 Jurisdictional scan                         17    4            Offer funding for comprehensive home retrofits capable of shifting
                                                                                homeowners and renters out of energy poverty.
                 Customer journey map                        17
                                                                   5            Offer curating and navigating support for program participants so they
                 Metrics                                     17                 can access and benefit from other complementary rebates and energy
                                                                                saving programs.
                 Data gaps and assumptions                   18

                 Two types of recommendations                18
                                                                   OUTCOMES-BASED RECOMMENDATIONS*
       Research summary                                      19
                                                                   6            Establish per-home targets for reductions in energy use and energy cost
                 Programs to reduce energy poverty in B.C.   19                 burden. Measure and report performance specific to these targets.

       Findings                                              25    7            Create program goals that align with provincial/state mandates on energy
                                                                                efficiency, climate change, and poverty reduction.
                 Journey map of ECAP customer experience     25
                                                                   8            Make the four dimensions of equity central in program design,
                 ECAP strengths                              32                 implementation and evaluation.
                 ECAP weaknesses                             32

       Discussion                                            34
                                                                  * For important outcomes-based recommendations that were outside the scope of this
                 Recommendations                             34   report, see Approach and Methodology.
                 Lessons learned                             41

       Conclusion and next steps                             43

       Appendices                                            44

       Endnotes                                              56

4   MARCH 2021                                                                                TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC   5
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC
For an income-qualified program to be                 Our in-depth analysis of ECAP reveals the
                                                                                                                successful, it must 1) recruit and enroll             program is not achieving meaningful reductions

       Executive summary                                                                                        the highest possible percentage of eligible
                                                                                                                households, 2) deliver energy savings that result
                                                                                                                                                                      in household energy bills, energy usage, or
                                                                                                                                                                      carbon emissions. ECAP customers face barriers
                                                                                                                in lasting and measurable cost savings for those      in the program application and approval
                                                                                                                paying the utility bill and 3) improve household      process, which keeps them from accessing the
                                                                                                                comfort. Thus far, programs designed and              program altogether or accessing the extent of
       Energy poverty is experienced by households        more factors than a household’s pay cheque            administered by utilities in B.C. and most other      retrofits they need for meaningful and lasting
       who struggle to meet their home energy needs       determine whether a household is likely to            jurisdictions have not achieved widespread            relief from their high energy cost burdens.
       including thermal comfort, lighting, water         experience energy poverty and to what extent.         participation, nor significant bill savings for the   Several procedural problems emerged during
       heating, and cooking7. Households with low         While more current statistics are not available,      bill holder.                                          our research, including: the ECAP application
       and moderate incomes (LMI) are more likely         higher unemployment rates and increased                                                                     and proof of income requirements; the
                                                                                                                This research project identifies common
       to experience energy poverty than those with       home energy consumption associated with the                                                                 complex program steps and various program
                                                                                                                limitations and deficiencies of these utility-
       higher combined household incomes; however,        COVID-19 pandemic are reasonably assumed                                                                    administrators; and the program recruitment
                                                                                                                funded, income-qualified programs in achieving
       energy is only one side of the energy poverty      to have increased the incidence and gravity of                                                              strategy that is reactive rather than active to find
                                                                                                                stated outcomes and impact and highlight
       equation. Disproportionately high energy           energy poverty across the province.                                                                         qualified customers. Our analysis also reveals
                                                                                                                programs that are successfully addressing
       costs caused by inefficient equipment, poorly                                                                                                                  several outcomes-based deficiencies common
                                                          A variety of home retrofit programs exist in B.C.     energy poverty in their region.
       insulated homes, and/or a high cost fuel source                                                                                                                to ECAP and similar programs. These include:
                                                          to support homeowners, renters, landlords,            This project involves a jurisdictional scan and       performance metrics that are disconnected
       are also significant determinants for households
                                                          Indigenous communities and non-profit housing         interviews with administrators of income-             from and thus meaningful decreases in energy
       experiencing energy poverty.
                                                          providers to reduce the cost of their energy bills,   qualified home retrofit programs across North         poverty are not occurring for the participants
       Specific to British Columbia (B.C.),               degrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and           America. Particular attention is given to analyzing   who manage to proceed successfully through
       approximately 15%, or 272,0008 households          decrease energy consumption. Although the             BC Hydro and FortisBC’s Energy Conservation           the gauntlet of application and approval;
       experience energy poverty. These households        target technology varies, programs commonly           Assistance Program (ECAP) — a longstanding            program goals that are not ambitious enough
       experience a median energy cost burden of          offer one or a combination of energy efficient        income-qualified energy efficiency program            to contribute to provincial energy efficiency and
       9.3%, three times that of all B.C. households.     item installation, weatherization, and energy         in B.C. A literature review and interviews with       poverty reduction targets; and, programs that
       Despite having one-half the income levels, B.C.    coaching. Program structure varies by fund            ECAP administrators and users informs a journey       are designed, implemented, and monitored
       homes in energy poverty also have home energy      source and level of funding, administrator, target    map of a homeowner’s experience through the           inequitably.
       costs that are 50% higher than the provincial      technology, target audience, and more.                program (note that ECAP is available to renters,
       average. One-quarter of households in energy                                                                                                                   Our research findings reveal common barriers
                                                          This project focuses on analyzing existing            Indigenous communities and non-profit housing
       poverty earn more that $40,000 per year                                                                                                                        to success, including lack of trust in program
                                                          income-qualified and utility ratepayer-funded         providers, but is administered and delivered
       after-tax, meaning they would not fall within                                                                                                                  administrators (especially utilities and
                                                          home retrofit programs across North America           differently so is not within the scope of this
       the general classifications of low-income nor                                                                                                                  government), ineffective recruitment strategies,
                                                          and considers an improved delivery model for          project). These interviews, the literature review
       qualify for income-qualified energy efficiency                                                                                                                 complex and time-consuming application and
                                                          energy cost burdened bill holders in B.C.             and the journey map inform process-based and
       program support. Energy poverty rates are also                                                                                                                 approval processes, and insufficient retrofit
                                                                                                                outcomes-based recommendations to improve
       higher among the traditionally marginalized                                                                                                                    support for achieving meaningful reductions in
                                                          This project focuses on principles of equitable       the reach and effectiveness of ECAP in B.C. Similar
       communities of Indigenous, racialized, recent                                                                                                                  energy poverty and energy usage. Regulation and
                                                          program design and recommends centring                home retrofit programs across North America,
       immigrant, and lone parent households.9                                                                                                                        policy are also key barriers to program success,
                                                          equity and energy poverty in program design,10        of which there are many, should also find these
                                                                                                                                                                      however these are beyond the scope of this
                                                          structure, implementation and evaluation of           lessons learned and recommendations to be
       These statistics are all to say that energy                                                                                                                    report.
                                                          these income-qualified home retrofit programs.        transferrable.
       poverty does not equal income poverty; far

6   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                 TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC             7
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC
We outline a series of recommendations for
       the improvement of income-qualified home
       retrofit programs with the goal of decreasing
       the prevalence and extent of energy poverty        Introduction
       in B.C. and transferring these lessons to other
       Canadian jurisdictions. ECAP is a longstanding
       program that has been replicated across
       North America, most recently, in Ontario with      Energy poverty in British                         definition of low-income or qualify for most any
                                                                                                            income-qualified energy efficiency program
       the launch in 2021 of the Energy Affordability     Columbia                                          support. Energy poverty rates are also higher
       Program, which replaced the Home Assistance
                                                          Energy poverty is the experience of households    among those traditionally marginalized –
       Program and the AffordAbility Fund Trust;
                                                          that struggle to meet their home energy needs     Indigenous, racialized, recent immigrant, lone
       this former Ontario program is studied in this
                                                          including thermal comfort, lighting, water        parent households.13 Nearly 18,000, or 6.6% of
       report and is the source of some better practice
                                                          heating, and cooking.11 In Canada, energy         households in energy poverty are Indigenous;
       recommendations. Report recommendations
                                                          poverty statistics12 are available through the    research by Ecotrust Canada, a collaborator
       are supported by detailed explanations and by
                                                          Equity and Energy Poverty Explorer, a tool        to this report, finds an even numbered split
       case studies, which identify trends and better
                                                          produced and published by the Canadian            of these households between urban and rural
       practice examples.
                                                          Urban Sustainability Practitioners (CUSP),        areas, however notes that households on First
       The purpose of this project is to identify         a collaborator to this report. Households in      Nation reserves are up to three times more likely
       improvements and alternatives to widely            energy poverty are measured by CUSP to be         to experience energy poverty than off-reserve
       accepted program shortcomings and                  those households spending more than 6% of         households.14
       recommend a viable path forward for an             their after-tax income on home energy bills;
       improved income-qualified retrofit program. An     this energy cost burden threshold represents      Some B.C. households face disproportionately
       income-qualified retrofit program, which centres   twice the national median, a commonly used        high energy bills due to remoteness, housing
       equity and energy poverty in its mandate and       threshold for defining quantitative measures of   quality, high energy costs, bills in arrears and
       its execution, has the potential to catalyze       energy poverty.                                   inability to improve home energy performance.15
       significant retrofit activity in B.C., decrease                                                      Many of these are exacerbated by underlying
                                                          Specific to British Columbia (B.C.),              societal inequities such as race, ethnicity,
       energy emissions, decrease energy poverty and
                                                          approximately 15%, or 272,000 households          citizenship, age, ability, and fluency with the
       improve comfort, health and well-being for a
                                                          experience energy poverty based on CUSP’s         dominant language and social norms.16 Energy
       significant number of households historically
                                                          calculations. B.C. households in energy poverty   poverty may be experienced by renters and
       underserved by ratepayer funded retrofit
                                                          have a median after-tax income of $27,000 and     homeowners alike as both may experience
                                                          spend $2,500 on their home energy bills, an       challenges in paying their home energy bills.
                                                          energy cost burden of 9.3% (3x the median for
                                                          all B.C. households of 2.7%). But, while these    Mould, inadequate heating and cooling, and
                                                          households have income levels 56% below the       poor air quality in homes experiencing energy
                                                          average B.C. household, they also have home       poverty can have serious health impacts
                                                          energy costs that are 50% higher, spending        including increased incidence of asthma,17
                                                          $830 more per year. One-quarter of households     mental illness18, and cardiovascular disease.19
                                                          in energy poverty earn more than $40,000 per      Factors such as dwelling size, age, efficiency,
                                                          year after-tax and would not fall within the      and proximity to the electrical and natural

8   MARCH 2021                                                                          TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC       9
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC
gas networks can cause a moderate-income                plan25 to reduce household energy consumption         FIGURE 1: FORTISBC SERVICE AREA
        household to experience energy poverty. The             and GHG emissions. Provincial rebates exist to help
        age, design and efficiency of a house will impact       subsidize the cost of purchasing an electric heat
        its energy needs and comfort.20 For example,            pump.
        an individual living in a home built before 1960,
        or a mobile home, has the highest likelihood of
        experiencing energy poverty.21
                                                                Natural gas distribution in British
                                                                Natural gas distribution in B.C. is dominated by
                                                                FortisBC, with some distribution from Pacific
        Home Energy Use in B.C.                                 Northern Gas (PNG) through the northern part
        Natural gas and electricity are the two primary         of the province. B.C.’s most populated areas
        fuels used for home heating, hot water, and             are serviced by natural gas, including Metro
        cooking. Space heating accounts for approximately       Vancouver, Southwestern Vancouver Island, the
        50% of home energy use in B.C., making heating          Okanagan, Highway 97 corridor, Highway 16
        fuels and appliances a key factor in determining        corridor, Fort St. John, and Fort Nelson. There
        energy costs. 2011 data from Statistics Canada          is a notable lack of natural gas connectivity in
        revealed that 52% of homes in B.C. are heated with      many less populated areas of B.C., making rural,
        natural gas and 28% are heated with electricity.22      remote, and Indigenous communities reliant
        Moving from natural gas-fired heating to energy-        on more expensive sources of heat such as
        efficient electrical heating can significantly reduce   electric baseboard heaters, propane, or diesel
        GHG emissions while maintaining comparable              fuel. The cost of natural gas is approximately        Source:
        yearly energy spending.23 Since homes heated            one-third the cost of electricity in B.C., making
        with a natural gas furnace can produce up to 40         it the lowest-cost heating choice unless energy-      FIGURE 2: PACIFIC NORTHERN GAS (PNG) SERVICE AREA
        times more carbon pollution each year than an           efficient electric heat pumps are used.26
        electric heat pump,24 electrification of household
        heating is a central component of the CleanBC


10   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                            TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC   11
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC


        Electricity distribution in British Columbia
        Electricity production and distribution in B.C. is dominated by the crown corporation BC Hydro. All    Source:
        areas of the province are served by BC Hydro with the exception of the FortisBC service areas in the
        Okanagan, Similkameen, Central Kootenays and Boundary regions, and a handful of municipalities
        that operate their own electric utility.                                                               Rural energy efficiency gap
                                                                                                               Rural and remote households are more likely to experience energy poverty due to higher energy
                                                                                                               transmission costs, less choice of heating fuel, and larger household size27. Furthermore, these
                                                                                                               households face geographic, financial and awareness barriers that make it difficult to invest in home
                                                                                                               efficiency upgrades28.

                                                                                                               •   Geographic barriers include isolation, distance from human and financial resources, lack of
                                                                                                                   economies of scale, lack of qualified contractors willing to serve rural and remote areas.

12   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                  TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC             13
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC
•   Financial barriers include the high upfront     Often, income-qualified energy programs are          FIGURE 5: FOUR DIMENSIONS OF EQUITY TO INCLUDE IN ENERGY PROGRAM DESIGN
            cost of energy efficiency (exacerbated by       geared toward low-income households and
            travel cost to remote areas), lower median      use one of the following metrics to determine
            income, unwillingness to take-on dept for       applicant eligibility:
            energy efficiency loans, on-bill financing                                                            Procedural equity                   The inclusive and authentic engagement and representation in program
                                                            •   Low Income Cut-Off (LICO): a threshold                                                and policy design and implementation.
            options are usually unavailable in rural
                                                                determined by Statistics Canada that
            areas.                                                                                                Distributional equity               The fair distribution of program or policy benefits and burdens across
                                                                estimates the income where a household                                                members of a community, prioritizing those with the highest need.
        •   Awareness and access barriers include a             spends at least 20% greater than the
            lack of traditional marketing channels, lack        national average of their income on               Structural equity                   A recognition of the historical, institutional, and cultural structures that
                                                                                                                                                      have disadvantaged certain members in society, resulting in chronic
            of awareness of energy efficient technology         necessities such as food and shelter30. Many                                          subordinated groups.
            and skepticism of existing resources.               low-income programs across Canada use
                                                                LICO + 30% as an eligibility threshold, as the    Transgenerational equity            Decisions are made while considering their generational impact to not
        This, in part, explains the slow uptake of energy                                                                                             unfairly burden future generations.
                                                                LICO thresholds are increasingly outdated.
        efficiency products and services in rural and
        remote communities even when the changes            •   Low Income Measure (LIM): the most
        will save consumers money. In B.C., many rural          commonly used measure of low income
        and remote communities do not have access to            around the world. LIMs are a fixed
                                                                                                                        12 principles of equitable clean energy program design1
        natural gas and instead rely on more expensive          percentage (50%) of median adjusted
        options such as electric resistance radiators,          household income, where “adjusted”                      1. Listen and respond: Local governments should first listen to the communities
        wood stoves, and propane furnaces.                      indicates that household needs and size                    they seek to serve. Program design should be as responsive as possible to the
                                                                are considered. LIMs recognize that a                      needs expressed by community members, and local government staff should
                                                                household’s needs increase as the number                   be transparent about their resources. Ideally, this would build from pre-existing
        Equity-based energy                                     of members increases31.                                    community connections and engagement, and help define program goals.
        programs                                                                                                        2. Partner with trusted community organizations: Local governments should
                                                            A 2018 report by the Urban Sustainability
        There has been growing interest by government                                                                      work with community organizations to design and deliver programs, and where
                                                            Directors Network (USDN) recommends that
        and utilities to create programs that address                                                                      applicable, help build the capacity of community organizations through the
                                                            a more equitable approach to determining
        inequities in the energy system. For example,                                                                      partnership.
                                                            eligibility for an energy program should support
        in January 2021, the Government of British
                                                            both low- and moderate-income households, as
        Columbia released a request for proposals for                                                                   3. Recognize structural racism: Programs targeting LMI households will not
                                                            the latter often have higher energy consumption
        a new income-qualified energy efficiency and                                                                       necessarily serve all disadvantaged populations. Racial analysis and baseline
                                                            patterns that may cause a high energy cost
        electrification program. This program will have                                                                    data must be part of an inclusive program design process to understand and
        a budget of $10,910,000 over two years with the                                                                    address structural barriers that exist beyond income.
        potential to be extended for an additional two
                                                                                                                        4. Efficiency first: Programs should ensure LMI households can access energy
        years depending on program performance and
                                                                                                                           efficiency benefits as a key step to reducing energy burdens and increasing
        the discretion of the province29. This program
                                                                                                                           household health and comfort.
        will provide high-value incentives to LMI
        households with the goal of improving energy
        affordability and reducing GHGs from residential                                                                1 Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN). (2018). A Guidebook on Equitable Clean Energy
                                                                                                                        Program Design for Local Governments and Partners. P. 11-12. [PDF].
        buildings as articulated in the CleanBC plan.                                                                   uploads/2020/03/USDNEquitable CleanEnergyGuidebookCompressed-2.pdf

14   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                     TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC                15
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC
Approach and methodology
                  5. Reduce financial burdens: Programs should not add financial burdens
                     for LMI households and should aim to reduce financial and other burdens.
                                                                                                        Jurisdictional scan                                    The steps to create this journey map were as
                  6. Increase benefits: Programs should seek to deliver services beyond clean energy                                                           follows:
                                                                                                        A jurisdictional scan was completed between
                     technologies and capitalize on co-benefits, such as job creation or community
                                                                                                        November 2020 and January 2021 where                   1. Complete a literature review to understand
                     resilience for people of color, indigenous communities, and other historically
                                                                                                        building retrofit program managers from across            the goals, outcomes and procedures of ECAP
                     underserved and underrepresented populations.
                                                                                                        North America were interviewed virtually to            2. Create a skeleton process map including
                  7. Make it easy: Program participation should be as easy as possible for any          better understand the lessons learned from                stakeholders and key milestones
                     household with effective, efficient, and culturally competent program design,      their respective programs. A literature review
                                                                                                                                                               3. Speak with ECAP administrators and program
                     outreach, and delivery.                                                            was conducted to inform the selection of
                                                                                                                                                                  users to gather more information on program
                                                                                                        programs from across Canada and the United
                  8. Integrate with other services: Wherever possible, programs should align with                                                                 steps and points of stress
                                                                                                        States. Programs were selected based off their
                     other services for LMI households.                                                                                                        4. Create first draft of customer journey map
                                                                                                        diverse approaches to funding, outreach,
                  9. Protect consumers and workers: Programs should have carefully considered           communication, target technologies, and                   based of research and preliminary interviews
                     consumer and workforce protection elements and consumer education to avoid         payment options.                                       5. Share first draft journey map with ECAP
                     unintended consequences.                                                                                                                     administrators and program users for
                                                                                                        BC Hydro and FortisBC’s ECAP was selected as a
                                                                                                                                                                  feedback and fact checking
                  10. Beyond carve-outs: Programs should do more than set aside a small portion         local case study because it is currently the largest
                      of benefits for LMI households, and where possible, centre the needs of LMI       income-qualified home retrofit program in B.C.
                                                                                                                                                               6. Finalize edits and create final journey map
                      households and other historically underserved communities in program design
                      and delivery.
                                                                                                        Customer journey map                                   Metrics
                  11. Track progress: Programs should establish and assess against baseline equity      A customer journey map is a diagram that
                      data — both quantitative and qualitative — to inform program design, establish                                                           To ensure that all programs were analyzed
                                                                                                        depicts the stages of a customer’s experience
                      metrics, and track progress.                                                                                                             consistently, a standardized series of questions
                                                                                                        with a given program or product and can identify
                                                                                                                                                               were created to gather information on:
                  12. Long-term commitment: Programs should provide support for LMI households          gaps between the customer experience strategy
                                                                                                                                                               •   Administrative body
                      beyond installing a clean energy technology, and include structures for helping   and their reality. A journey map is data-driven
                                                                                                        and covers the steps and interactions along a          •   Funding mechanism and budget
                      with technology service, upkeep, and repair.
                                                                                                        customer’s journey. This can be beneficial to          •   Assistance amount
                                                                                                        understand how complicated or simple it is to
                                                                                                                                                               •   Jurisdiction
                                                                                                        complete a given task. For the purposes of this
                                                                                                                                                               •   Benefit design
                                                                                                        research, a journey map was completed to better
                                                                                                        understand the experience of a homeowner               •   Eligibility design
                                                                                                        participating in ECAP and to make procedural           •   Lessons learned
                                                                                                        recommendations. Renters, Indigenous
                                                                                                        communities and non-profit housing residents
                                                                                                        are not included in the scope of this journey map.

16   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                         TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC         17
Transforming Income-Qualified Home Energy Retrofit Programs in - BC
Data gaps and assumptions                                     consideration. The energy cost burden data         Research summary
                                                                      derived from Census by CUSP could be used as
        A diverse body of energy cost assistance programs
                                                                      an interim measure to analyse the number and
        exist in Canada and the United States. These
                                                                      percentage of households in energy poverty:
        can be administered privately, by a utility, or by
                                                                                                                         Programs to reduce energy                            Hydro has recommended that this program not
        municipal, provincial, state, or federal government.              a. Included or excluded from these                                                                  continue past the three-year pilot project and
        For the purpose of this research, we selected a                   retrofit programs as a result of current
                                                                                                                         poverty in B.C.                                      it is likely to be terminated by the end of April
        subset of programs that exhibit unique strategies                 income-qualification thresholds to assess      Programs that are designed to reduce the             2021.
        for energy cost reduction. Although we were                       appropriateness of this threshold.             incidence of energy poverty typically fall into
        unable to review all energy cost assistance                                                                      two major categories: one-time emergency             Ongoing support programs in B.C.
                                                                          b. Facing additional barriers to
        programs in Canada and the United States, this                                                                   relief funds and ongoing supports for those
                                                                          participation and energy bill relief due to                                                         Indigenous Communities Conservation
        report assumes that the selected programs are a                                                                  experiencing chronic hardships paying bills.
                                                                          their tenure (market renters and non-                                                               Program (ICCP)
        representative sample.                                                                                           British Columbia has fewer programs to support
                                                                          market renters).                                                                                    Offered by BC Hydro and FortisBC, the
                                                                                                                         utility ratepayers compared to other provinces,
        This report draws on qualitative and quantitative                                                                despite having a high rate of energy poverty33.      Indigenous Communities Conservation Program
                                                                          c. Based on building age, type,
        data alike. Each case study had varying degrees                                                                  Early energy efficiency programs were available      (ICCP) seeks to provide free energy-saving
                                                                          neighbourhood, or demographic group so
        of publicly available data and not all requests                                                                  on a first-come-first-serve basis and as such, saw   products and train First Nation community
                                                                          as to improve engagement and support
        for private information were successful. As such,                                                                uptake by higher income homes34. More recent         members to lead energy-saving efforts in their
                                                                          through the application and approval
        not all programs were compared with the same                                                                     energy efficiency programs can be classified as      community. ICCP was developed to more
        metrics.                                                                                                         those serving low-income households or those         appropriately serve First Nations in B.C. as they
        There are many important recommendations that                                                                    serving households of any income level.              complete home renovations. ICCP helps build
        can be made to improve income-qualified home
                                                                  Two types of recommendations                                                                                capacity and increase the energy efficiency of
        retrofit programs, some of which were outside             This report includes both process-based and            One-time emergency relief programs in                homes on reserve. BC Hydro and FortisBC offer
        of the scope of this report. In particular, two           outcomes-based recommendations for low-                B.C.                                                 rebates for larger home efficiency upgrades
        recommendations that are not explored in this             income home retrofit program administrators.                                                                including insulation, ventilation, windows,
                                                                                                                         Customer Crisis Fund
        report and require further research include:              Process-based recommendations are made with                                                                 doors, furnaces, heat pumps, water heaters
                                                                  the support of the customer journey map which          This three-year pilot project offered by BC          and new appliances36. ICCP offers two options
        1. Increasing program supports for income-                illustrates the steps that an ECAP customer follows    Hydro began in 2018 to offer one-time financial      to assist First Nations in completing home
           qualified renters in B.C. The issue of the “split      and the associated points of friction or stress.       assistance for residential customers facing a        upgrades — one or both may be selected
           incentive” that arises when tenants pay for            Also, these recommendations are supported by           temporary financial crisis that prevented them       depending on the renovations they are planning
           utility bills in energy-inefficient rental suites is   our jurisdictional scan of programs across North       from paying their energy bill. A temporary           on completing37.
           a long-standing and complex one.                       America and their lessons learned. Outcomes-           financial crisis could include but is not limited
                                                                                                                                                                              First Nations can receive salary support,
                                                                  based recommendations look beyond a single             to a loss of employment, loss of benefit income,
        2. Creating program eligibility criteria based on a                                                                                                                   installation training and free energy-savings
                                                                  program to more holistic and transformative            unanticipated medical expenses, or a death in
           customer’s energy cost burden (ratio of utility                                                                                                                    products including energy efficient lighting, high
                                                                  changes that should be made for improved design        the family. For those households that have fallen
           spending to household income), rather than                                                                                                                         performance faucets and showerheads, and
                                                                  and delivery of low-income energy efficiency and       behind on their energy bill and are in danger of
           income qualification alone. This approach                                                                                                                          basic draft proofing.
                                                                  weatherization programs in British Columbia.           having their energy disconnected, these were
           requires that program administrators have
                                                                                                                         eligible for a one-time grant of up to $600 for      First Nations and selected contractors can
           access to two types of potentially sensitive           Recommendations are further categorized by their       electrically heated homes and $500 for non-          receive rebate application support and training
           information (utility bills and income                  level of difficulty, level of impact and the type of   electrically heated homes35. Unfortunately, BC       to install insulation, air sealing, and ventilation.
           verification) and requires more in-depth               change.

18   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                         TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC            19
Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP)                                                               FIGURE 6: AVAILABLE UPGRADES

        At a glance:
                                                                                                                      HOUSING TYPE                          AVAILABLE UPGRADES A PERSON MAY RECEIVE

                                                                                                                      Single-family detached home           Tier 1 retrofits:

          Location                       British Columbia (B.C.), Canada                                              Townhome                              LED light bulbs

                                                                                                                      Rowhome                               Water-efficient showerheads
          Operational                    2008 - present
                                                                                                                      Duplex                                Faucet aerators
          Funder                         BC Hydro, FortisBC and Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. (PNG)
          Administrator                  BC Hydro and FortisBC                                                                                              Clothing drying rack or clothesline

          Target audience                Low income home owners and renters (LICO + 30%)                                                                    Hot water pipe wrap

                                                                                                                                                            Carbon monoxide detector
          Target technology              Energy efficiency and weatherization
                                                                                                                                                            Tier 2 retrofits:
          Eligibility                    Income qualification and home ownership (renters can apply with a
                                         signed agreement from their landlord)                                                                              ENERGY STAR fridge replacement

                                                                                                                                                            High efficiency gas furnace replacement
                                         savings-based-on-income/free-product-install-and-advice.html                                                       Insulation in walls, attic, or crawl space*

                                                                                                                      Manufactured home / mobile            Tier 1 retrofits:
        Summary: ECAP is an income-qualified program         successful applicants will be contacted by It’s          home
                                                                                                                                                            LED light bulbs
        whose goal is to reduce energy consumption,          On Electric, a program contractor, to arrange a
        reduce energy bill cost and increase comfort         site visit to assess home energy needs. During                                                 Water-efficient showerheads
        in low-income households in B.C.38. Three            the site visit, the It’s On Electric contractor will                                           Faucet aerators
        streams of ECAP exist: for individual applicants;    assess the home and appliance condition and
                                                                                                                                                            Door weatherstripping
        bulk applications for non-profit housing             energy efficiency, and install Tier 1 retrofits
        organizations; and bulk applications for First       such as LED light bulbs, water efficient shower                                                Tier 2 retrofits:
        Nations. This program is separate from FortisBC      heads, outside door weatherstripping and                                                       ENERGY STAR fridge replacement
        and BC Hydro’s Energy Savings Kit (ESK)              faucet aerators. After the initial site visit, low-
        program which offers free basic energy-saving        efficiency homes will be contacted for Tier              Apartment                             Tier 1 retrofits:

        items to income-qualified homes in B.C.              2 retrofits that include large appliances and            Condominium                           LED light bulbs
                                                             deeper weatherization. Wait times for ECAP                                                     Water-efficient showerheads
        ECAP includes energy coaching and two tiers
                                                             depend on the season, geographic location, and
        of weatherization and energy efficient product                                                                                                      Faucet aerators
                                                             contractor availability. There are now energy
        installations. The level of support that a
                                                             evaluators across the province and there is the                                                Door weatherstripping
        household will receive is dependant on housing
                                                             capacity to visit a remote location within a short     Source:
        type, home efficiency, home safety, and heat
                                                             time period if there are several applicants from       install-and-advice.html
        source (electric or natural gas).
                                                             that community. Figure 6 outlines the possible         * Includes the installation of a ventilation system and complete blower door guided air sealing
        Customers can apply online or by mail and            upgrades a home may receive based on housing

20   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                          TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC             21
ECAP measures of success include39:                      funds program costs for high efficiency furnace       from a First Nation are encouraged to support       Renewables component. The primary goal of
                                                                 installation and weatherization for homes             their Band members with their application and       LIWP is to reduce GHG emissions in low-income
        1.     Number of customers served
                                                                 heated by natural gas. BC Hydro funds the             are offered payment of $25 per application they     households and to help vulnerable communities
        2.     Achieving program budget
                                                                 installation of Energy Star fridge installation and   assisted in submitting41.                           become more resilient to the effects of
        3.     Number of energy-saving items installed
                                                                 weatherization for homes heated by electricity.                                                           climate change. LIWP is part of California
        4.     Deemed energy savings                                                                                   Outreach: Since ECAP began in 2008, the
                                                                                                                                                                           Climate Investments, a statewide initiative
        5.     Customer satisfaction                             Eligibility: Applicants must be customers of BC       advertising and engagement strategies
                                                                                                                                                                           that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars
                                                                 Hydro, City of New Westminster, FortisBC or a         have evolved. Previous attempts for broad
                                                                                                                                                                           towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
        Funding: ECAP provides free energy efficiency            municipal electricity customer and must meet          advertisement led to several non-low-income
                                                                                                                                                                           strengthening the economy, and improving
        and weatherization products and installation             federal LICO income qualification + 30%* as           applicants who were subsequently rejected for
                                                                                                                                                                           public health and the environment42.
        for income-qualified customers. FortisBC                 outlined in Figure 7.                                 the program. Though some is done together,
                                                                                                                       BC Hydro and FortisBC do most of their ECAP
        FIGURE 7: INCOME QUALIFICATION GUIDE                                                                                                                               3E Thermal
                                                                                                                       advertising separately to their respective
                                                                                                                       customers. Targeted advertising occurs              3E Thermal is a consultant agency who provides
                                                                                                                       through social service organizations such as        free expert project management support for
             1 person                                            $34,400                                               organizations that offer free tax clinics for the   energy efficiency and weatherization projects for
                                                                                                                       Federal Community Volunteer Income Tax              multi-family dwellings in Vermont, USA. 3E aims
             2 persons                                           $42,800                                                                                                   to standardize the outcomes for “deep retrofits”
                                                                                                                       Program. Furthermore, participants of BC Hydro
                                                                                                                       and FortisBC’s income qualified program for         in energy efficiency and weatherization projects
             3 persons                                           $52,600
                                                                                                                       free ESKs are sent information on ECAP and are      to improve their quality and sustainability.
             4 persons                                           $63,800
                                                                                                                       encouraged to participate. Other advertising
                                                                                                                       occurs through social media, direct mail
                                                                                                                                                                           The Nova Scotia HomeWarming Program
             5 persons                                           $72,400
                                                                                                                       through the Ministry of Children and Family         The HomeWarming Program offers free energy
             6 persons                                           $81,700                                               Development, utility and CleanBC websites,          assessments, insulation, draft-proof, and
                                                                                                                       leaflets in energy bills, and customer emails.      installation of energy efficient products to
             7 or more persons                                   $90,900
                                                                                                                                                                           income-qualified homeowners across Nova
                                                                                                                       Programs in other jurisdictions                     Scotia. HomeWarming is proudly sponsored
        Source:        For more information on each program, see the       by Nova Scotia Power and the Province of
                                                                                                                       Appendices at the end of this report.               Nova Scotia as part of a broad, province-wide
        * Values are updated annually
                                                                                                                                                                           initiative to provide energy efficient upgrades to
                                                                                                                       Low-Income Weatherization Program                   income-qualified homeowners.
        Partners: Across British Columbia, several               application as they file their taxes. There are
        social service organizations and non-profit              many community organizations who create their         (LIWP)
        societies are partners of ECAP and may help              own systems to support local homeowners to            The California Low-Income Weatherization
        to spread awareness or provide support                   apply to ECAP.                                                                                            The Nelson Hydro EcoSave program is a City of
                                                                                                                       Program (LIWP) is administered by the
        during the application process. FortisBC offers                                                                                                                    Nelson initiative and began as a pilot program
                                                                                                                       Department of Community Services and
                                                                 Recently, BC Hydro and FortisBC have increased                                                            in 2011 to encourage homeowners, who were
        financial incentives to community organizations                                                                Development (CSD) and offers robust energy
                                                                 resources to support energy efficiency and                                                                also Nelson Hydro customers, to retrofit their
        per application received through their                                                                         program components including: Single-
                                                                 weatherization for First Nations housing projects                                                         homes to become more energy efficient.
        organization40. One such partner includes the                                                                  Family Farmworker Housing Energy Efficiency
                                                                 through rebates and ICCP. To increase the                                                                 The goal of this program is to reduce energy
        Federal Income Tax program that encourages                                                                     & Solar PV; Community Solar Pilot Program;
                                                                 number of on-reserve ECAP applicants, staff                                                               consumption and GHG emissions. The program
        low-income homeowners to fill out an ECAP                                                                      and a Multi-Family Energy Efficiency and

22   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                       TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC         23
offers support through the process of having           from LED lighting, to replacing inefficient
        energy evaluations, energy coaching, support           appliances, and high impact energy upgrades
        in accessing rebates and contractors and on-bill       such as insulation or heat pump system
        financing for energy efficiency retrofits in single-
        family homes in the Regional District of Central
                                                               upgrades43.                                        Findings
        Kootenay (RDCK) in B.C.                                Energy Affordability Program
                                                               The Energy Affordability Program (previously
        AffordAbility Fund Trust (AFT)                         the Home Assistance Program) is an energy          Journey map of ECAP                             as well as program users and community
                                                                                                                                                                  administrators. Please note that this map is
        The AffordAbility Fund Trust (AFT) operated            efficiency and weatherization program offered      customer experience                             accurate to the best of our knowledge and at the
        from 2017 to 2021 to provide support to reduce         to income-qualified households in Ontario.
                                                                                                                  Included on the next several pages is the       time this report is written, however the program
        the cost of electricity bills for Ontario residents    The goal of this program is to reduce the home
                                                                                                                  journey map of an ECAP customer as they move    is subject to change on a yearly basis which may
        who do not qualify for low-income home energy          energy costs for income-qualified households
                                                                                                                  through the program. This map is intended to    impact the customer experience. Also, this map
        programs. The Ontario government made a                in Ontario and to increase home comfort. Two
                                                                                                                  demonstrate the program process, showcase       outlines the customer experience for property
        one-time contribution of $100 million for the          tiers of retrofits are available, energy savings
                                                                                                                  program strengths and pinpoint procedural       owners and does not reflect the experience of
        creation of the AffordAbility Fund Trust which         kits (ESK) that are tailored to a home’s unique
                                                                                                                  points of stress that can be improved. This     renters, Indigenous community members or
        was overseen by an Independent Board of                needs and comprehensive support that includes
                                                                                                                  journey map is based off interviews with ECAP   non-profit housing associations participating in
        Trustees. Program operations were managed by           free items such as LED light bulbs, an efficient
                                                                                                                  administrators from BC Hydro and FortisBC       ECAP.
        Hydro One Networks, while Local Distribution           refrigerator, and a window air conditioner.
        Companies (LDCs) delivered the program                 Further measures are available to homes heated
        benefits to homes in their area. The program           by electricity.
        offered energy saving measures that ranged

24   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                  TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC   25
                                                                                                                                              TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC

                                                                                                                    1. RECRUIT
                                                                                                               Customer hears and learns
                                                                                                                     about ECAP
                                                                                                               Main contact for customer:
                                                                                                               Contractor: It’s On Electric
            Customer hears about ECAP                   Customer wants to learn more                       Customer consults others
      Word of mouth                                Word of mouth                                    •May speak with others in the home,
      •Social service organization                 •Ask friends and family                           neighbors, friends or their social
      •Friends and family                          •Social service organization                      service organization representative.
      Online souces                                Online                                           Frequently asked questions
      •BC Hydro, FortisBC or CleanBC               •BC Hydro, FortisBC or CleanBC                   •Should we apply?
       websites                                     websites                                        •Is it worth it?
      •Social media                                Phone                                            •How easy is it?
      •BC Hydro or FortisBC e-newsletter           •Call It's On Electric to learn more             •Am I eligible?
      •Local government websites and
      •Energy bill insert
      •ESK participant mail
               Recommendation: Design program recruitment for the customers the program is trying to reach and the barriers
                                                      they face in accessing the program.
                         ECAP Customer Experience Map
Program               Outreach &                      Proof of                                                           Tier 2
                                                                                            Tier 1
barriers              awareness                       income                              eligibility                  eligibility
      Recruit                         Enrol                         Assess                         Perform                        Improve
   Note: This map outlines the customer experience for individual homeowners or renters applying to ECAP. There are different processes for
   group applicants either from a First Nation or from non-profit housing that are not represented in this map.

                                                                                                                                              MARCH 2021
                                                                                                                                                         TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC

                                    Customer receives
                                    letter indicating                                                              3. ASSESS
                                       Common reasons                                                         Customer is accepted in to
                                       -Above the income                                                     phase one of ECAP to receive
                                       qualification limit                                                    light retrofits and a home
                                       -Does not meet other                                                           assessment
                                       -Letter includes why                                                  Main contact for customer:
                                       customer Is ineligible                                                Contractor: It’s On Electric
                                       and other ways to save
       Contractor, BC                  Customer                      Customer is                                                    Decide if home is
     Hydro and FortisBC                                                                            Contractor visits
                                     receives letter                contacted by                                                       eligible for
         evaluate                                                                                 customer's home
        applications                 of acceptance                    contractor                                                     deeper retrofit
• Maximum 4-6 week          • It's On Electric will help   • Customer and                 • Light efficiency retrofits      • Household efficiency
  wait                        online applicants              contractor schedule            take place                        data is assessed by a
                              whose applications             appointment for home         • Data collection on home           third-party for
                              were incomplete.               visit                          efficiency                        eligibility for a second
                                                           • Appointment wait time        • Advise for behavioural            home visit and efficient
                                                             depends on season,             changes to reduce                 item instalation.
                                                             geographic location and        energy
                                                             contractor availability.
             Recommendation: Have regional program coordinators and contractors available to provide quick, efficient and informed
                                              support throughout the application and installation process.
                                                                                                                         2. ENROL
             Customer decides not
             to apply
                                                               Lose customers who                               Customer gathers required
               Reasons                                         cannot provide proof                            documentation and applies to
               -Does not meet low-                                                                                       ECAP
                                                               of income or do not
               income qualifications
               -Language, awareness,                           feel comfortable                                  Main contact for customer:
               time or cultural barriers                                                                         Contractor: It’s On Electric
                                                           Customer finds and provides
          Customer decides to apply                                                                                 Submit application
                                                                proof of income
  • Can apply online or by mail                     • Must provide one of the
  • Support available for applicants                  documents listed on ECAP
    applying through community                        application for proof of income
    service organizations. Ex. Revenue
    Canada Volunteer Income Tax
    Support Program
  • It's On Electric is available to
    support application
                Recommendation: Create a program application process that is quick, easy and accessible for eligible applicants.

                                                                                                                                                         MARCH 2021
                                                                                                                                                 TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC

                                                                                                              5. IMPROVE
                                                                                                         Customer has completed ECAP
                                                                                                            and can offer feedback
                                                                                                         Main contact for customer:
                                                                                                         Contractor: It’s On Electric
                                                                                                         Secondary contact:
                                                                                                         Contractor: Ecofitt
    Customer receives                 Customer receives                            Customer
                                                                                                                         Customer tells
    owner manuals &                   email summary of                            completes
                                                                                                                       others about their
      learns about                    services and items                       program feedback
        appliances                    they have received                            survey
                               • Email sent from Ecofitt             • Participants of phase 1               • Program experience review
                                                                       only complete an optional               with BC Hydro or FortisBC
                                                                       paper survey (left during               (only for some participants)
                                                                       first home visit)                     • Conversations with family
                                                                     • Participants of phase 1                 & friends
                                                                       and 2 are contacted by It's
                                                                       On Electric for a phone
                                                                       survey that can be finised
      Recommendation: Offer curating and navigating support for program participants so they can access and benefit from
                              other complementary rebates and energy saving programs.
                                                           Customer hears
                                                           they are not eligible                           4. PERFORM
                                                           for more retrofits
     No follow up if
     not eligible for                                         Common reasons
                                                                                                       Customer is accepted to phase
                                                              -Health, safety, or
     second home visit                                                                                    two of ECAP and receives
                                                                                                       deeper retrofit and installation
       Common reason                                          barriers
                                                                                                        of energy efficient appliances
       -Home is above                                         -Home is above
       ECAP efficiency                                        ECAP efficiency                        Main contact for customer:
       baseline                                               baseline                               Contractor: EcoFitt
                                                                                                     Secondary contact:
                                                                                                     It’s On Electric (for those receiving
                                                                                                     a fridge installation)
                                                                 Customer is
        Customer is                 Customer
                                                                confirmed to                   Schedule                        Deeper retrofit
       contacted for a           receives second
                                                                receive more                   retrofit(s)                        occurs
         second visit               home visit
• Customer and Ecofitt    • More in-depth home       • 1 follow-up message          • Schedule retrofits             • Be present at
  contractor schedule       assessment occurs          and consent form to            with Ecofitt or their            instalation (optional)
  home visit                by an Ecofitt              be signed for each             subcontractors
                            contractor to assess       additional retrofit          • Fridge instalations are
                            whether home is                                           completed by It's On
                            eligible for                                              Electric
                            insulation and a new
              Recommendation: Offer funding for comprehensive home retrofits capable of shifting homeowners and renters

                                                                                                                                                 MARCH 2021
                                                           out of energy poverty.

ECAP strengths                                        ECAP weaknesses                                        Participation in the ECAP Tier 1 is                  True to these limitations, by BC Hydro’s own
                                                                                                                     low                                                  admission, participation in the ECAP Advanced
        ECAP is intended for LMI households across B.C.
                                                              Savings from ECAP Tier 1 are small                                                                          Weatherization program has been “too low
        to receive free energy efficient items, appliances,                                                          In 2019, an information request to BC Hydro
                                                              BC Hydro estimates that between 2012 and                                                                    to enable statistical analysis”55, but based on
        and weatherization to improve the comfort and                                                                revealed their estimate that just 17,000
                                                              2016, Tier 1 ECAP participants saved between                                                                an information request to program managers
        decrease the energy bill cost in their home. The                                                             households (excluding FortisBC electric
                                                              642 and 899 kWh per year per home. These                                                                    appears to be between 300-400 homes per year
        direct install method of the program means that                                                              customers) had participated in the ECAP
                                                              averages were applicable across all regions,                                                                between both BC Hydro and FortisBC (based
        utilities can set very high installation standards                                                           program since its inception in 2008, or around
                                                              building types, and heating fuels.47 Therefore, at                                                          on 2018-2019 data).56 This translates to a rate
        that are vetted by some of the best building                                                                 5% of eligible households in its entire history.51
                                                              the current Step 1 electricity rate48, these savings                                                        of around 0.1% of eligible households per year,
        scientists. Tier 2 retrofits are completed by                                                                It is unclear whether these statistics are
                                                              would translate to between $60-$85 per year.                                                                which is so low as to be almost negligible.
        an independent contractor to provide quality                                                                 completely up to date. However, between
        assurance and ensure that their high standards        Even at the higher Step 2 rate, savings would
                                                                                                                     2017-2019, it is known that just over 10,000
        are met 100% of the time. As a result, the quality    amount to just $89-$125 per year. In the case
                                                                                                                     households participated in ECAP Tier 1 52.
        of ECAP’s installation work is above the general      that energy savings resulted from a decrease
        market standard, which means that equipment           in natural gas consumption, savings would be           There are over 384,000 households that are
        is properly commissioned and will last longer.        significantly less, approximately one-third of         eligible for low-income programs based on BC
                                                              these numbers.                                         Hydro’s criteria. Therefore, even considering
        The partnership between BC Hydro, PNG                                                                        these more optimistic numbers, ECAP Tier 1 is
        and FortisBC means the program can serve              In comparison, the average electricity
                                                                                                                     currently reaching only around 1% of eligible
        electrically and natural gas-heated homes. Also,      consumption across BC Hydro’s service area
                                                                                                                     households per year. In its current forecast of
        this partnership helps homeowners to decrease         is 900 kWh per month.49 An annual electricity
                                                                                                                     program participation, BC Hydro estimates
        their natural gas and electricity consumption.        bill for the ‘average’ customer is therefore
                                                                                                                     that this rate will continue at just over 1% per
        Recently, the ECAP program has evolved to             around $1,130 per year, excluding fixed charges.
                                                                                                                     year during the period of 2020-2022, reaching
        serve more rental households — a traditionally        However, homes that heat using electric
                                                                                                                     perhaps 13,000 homes during these three years.
        difficult to reach segment of the market. BC          baseboards or electric furnaces, often located
                                                                                                                     At these low rates, it will take many decades
        Hydro estimates that up to 75% of participants        in rural and remote households, typically pay
                                                                                                                     to reach all the homes that are eligible for the
        from 2017-2019 were renters or tenants44.             much more over a year, with many households
                                                              that suffer from high rates of energy poverty
        ECAP has evolved over the past 12 years to            averaging bills that exceed $3,000/year.
        be more inclusive of Indigenous community                                                                    Savings from ECAP Tier 2 may
        applicants, which is essential as at least 17,000     An annual savings of less than $100 from               be higher, but participation is
        Indigenous households experience energy               participation in ECAP does not address the core        negligible
        poverty in the province45. A recent example           need facing these households. These savings
                                                                                                                     ECAP’s advanced weatherization, or Tier 2
        of this is FortisBC’s partnership with the Fort       are also largely insignificant when compared to
                                                                                                                     stream claims to offer a higher level of savings
        Nelson First Nation and the Osoyoos Indian            the steady rise in electricity rates in B.C., which
                                                                                                                     to customers. However, issues like mould or
        Band. The on-reserve housing councils of              have increased by almost 50% in the last decade
                                                                                                                     structural damage in homes precludes them
        these First Nations worked with FortisBC              and are set to further rise 6-8% over the next five
                                                                                                                     from participation in ECAP Tier 254. As a result,
        to arrange free home energy assessments,              years.50
                                                                                                                     many of the homes that could benefit most from
        weatherstripping and installation of energy                                                                  the Tier 2 interventions are rendered ineligible
        efficient items for community members46.                                                                     for the advanced weatherization they need.

32   MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                      TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC      33

       Discussion                                                          1                       Design program recruitment for the customers the program is trying to
                                                                                                   reach and the barriers they face in accessing the program.

       Legend                                                              2                       Create a program application process that is quick, easy and accessible
                                                                                                   for eligible applicants.

                         Transactional change: work within an existing
                         set of institutional arrangements to reform
                         or eliminate a single barrier to free groups to   3                       Have regional program coordinators and contractors available to provide
                                                                                                   quick, efficient and informed support throughout the application and
                         achieve the universal goal57.                                             installation process.

                         Transformative change: to restructure the         4                       Offer funding for comprehensive home retrofits capable of shifting
                                                                                                   homeowners and renters out of energy poverty.
                         system itself rather than one relationship or
                         action within the system58.

                                                                           5                       Offer curating and navigating support for program participants so they
                                                                                                   can access and benefit from other complementary rebates and energy
                         Low difficulty: changes that can be
                                                                                                   saving programs.
                         implemented in 0-2 years and require relatively
                         low effort and/or institutional changes.

                         High difficulty: changes that require 2+ years    OUTCOMES-BASED RECOMMENDATIONS

                         to implement and require high effort and/or       6                       Establish per-home targets for reductions in energy use and energy cost
                         institutional changes.                                                    burden. Measure and report performance specific to these targets.

                         Low impact: changes that result in low impact
                                                                           7                       Create program goals that align with provincial/state mandates on energy
                         to success indicators such as program cost,                               efficiency, climate change and poverty reduction.
                         energy savings and participation.

                                                                           8                       Make the four dimensions of equity central in program design,
                         High impact: changes that result in a large                               implementation and evaluation.
                         impact on success indicators such as program
                         cost, energy savings and participation.

34   MARCH 2021                                                                                   TRANSFORMING INCOME-QUALIFIED HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMS IN BC           35
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