Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics

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Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics
                                         Treasury through
Issue 280

                                          Introducing Our 2020 Award Winners

            n A Treasurer’s Guide to
              Data Analytics

            n Building a Digital Armoury for 2021
Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics


                       Leader                                                                      AWARDS
                       Embracing Dynamic Supplier
                       Finance to Support Corporate                                                Introducing the Winners                         Eleanor Hill, Editor
                       Supply Chains
                       Colin Sharp, C2FO
                                                                                                            Banks and Vendors Take                            In three articles the Editor describes how
                                                                                                    6       Treasury to New Heights                           the winners of our Awards for Excellence,
52                     Peope in Focus                                                                                                                         2020, impressed the judges in the categories
                                                                                                   12       Pandemic Powerhouses                              of Banks and Vendors, Corporates and – for
                       Executive Interview                                                                                                                    organisations putting ESG issues at the heart
54                     Come Together: Co-creation as a                                                      Celebrating a Sustainable
                                                                                                   20                                                         of their corporate treasury function – our
                       Source of Practical Innovation                                                       Future                                            Treasury4Good Awards.
                       Pierre Fersztand, BNP Paribas

SPECIAL REPORT                                                                                     INSIGHT
                            Innovation: Delivering Real
    23                      Value in New Ways                                                     26
                                                                                                          The Resilient Treasurer: Building a
                                                                                                                                                                               A Life-Changing Digital
                                                                                                          Digital Armoury for 2021                                             Treasury Transformation:
                            Eleanor Hill, Editor
                                                                                                          Diane S. Reyes, Karen Gilhooly, Carlos                               Supporting Gavi’s Mission
                                                                                                          Gonzalez Fillad, Brian McKenney and                                  Assietou Sylla Diouf, Gavi, Aniket
Tammy Petro, Global Lead for Wholesale
                                                                                                          Stefan Hardy, HSBC                                                   Kulkarni, PwC and Christian
Payments Innovation and Fintech
                                                                                                                                                                               Mnich, SAP
Engagement at J.P. Morgan, talks to the
                                                                                                          Activate Your Liquidity to Manage
Editor about the real technology experience                                                       32      Treasury Challenges in the New
and the bank’s partnership with TMI’s                                                                                                                                          A Treasurer’s Guide to Data
                                                                                                          Normal                                                   46          Analytics: In and Beyond
Innovation Hub.                                                                                           Jean Luc Robert, Boris Lipiainen and
                                                                                                          Samuel Guillon, Kyriba                                               Treasury
                                                                                                                                                                               Dino Nicolaides and Guillaume
                                                                                                                                                                               Roudeau, Redbridge Debt & Treasury
                                                                                                          Smart Treasury: 6 Steps to Building
                                                                                                  36      a Cutting-Edge Treasury, Today
                                                                                                                                                                               Advisory and Joan Gelpi, Bank of
                                                                                                                                                                               America and Michael Aandahl,
                                                                                                          Sunday Domingo and Byron Gardiner,
                                                                                                                                                                               Ingka Group
                                                                                                          Standard Chartered

                                                                                                          Giving L’Oréal’s Beneficiaries                                       ISO 20022: What Is It and Why
                                                                                                  39      Visibility on Incoming Payments                          50          Is It So Important?
                                                                                                          Stéphanie Niemi and Wim Grosemans,                                   Stephen Lindsay, Platform Evolution
                                                                                                          BNP Paribas and Justine Dimovic, L’Oréal                             – Business Lead at SWIFT

                                                                                   Editor                          CEO & Publisher                    Treasury Management International Ltd,
                                             Treasury through
                                                                                   Eleanor Hill                    Robin Page                         Waney Edge Barn, Foxhill Lane, Playhatch,
                                                                                                                                                      Reading RG4 9QF, UK Tel: +44 (0)118 947 8057
     Issue 280

                                              Introducing Our 2020 Award Winners   Deputy Editor                   Associate Publisher                e-mail:
                                                                                   Tom Alford                      Sam Clarke                         Internet:

                                                                                   Commissioning Editor            Design & Production                EU Office: Treasury Management International Kft.
                                                                                   & Operations Manager            Glen Orford                        2161 Csomád, Verebeshegy u. 11., Hungary
                                                                                   Caroline Karwowska
                                                                                                                   Digital Design                     TMI TREASURY MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL ISSN 0967-523X is
                                                                                   Copy Editor                     Alex Tierney                       published eight times a year by P4 Publishing Ltd, Waney Edge Barn,
                                                                                   Elizabeth Hennessy                                                 Foxhill Lane, Playhatch, Reading RG4 9QF, UK. The 2021 US annual
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                 n A Treasurer’s Guide to
                   Data Analytics
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                 n Building a Digital Armoury for 2021                                                                                                INTERNATIONAL, WN Shipping USA, 156-15, 146th Avenue, 2nd Floor,
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Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics

                    For financial firms to offer their
                   clients an instant and frictionless
                                                                                                                  Stephen Lindsay,
                                                                                                                 Platform Evolution
                                                                                                                   – Business Lead
                         end-to-end payments                                                                          at SWIFT
                   experience, they must be able to                                                              ISO20022: What Is
                   communicate seamlessly. This is                                                                It and Why Is It So
                        what ISO 20022 enables.                                                                    Important?, P50

                                                                                                                                                                       working for
                     If cash is the lifeblood of the company, data                                                                                                     all staff for
                   exchange is like the circulatory system, coursing                                                                                                   zero daily
                                through the organisation.                                                                                                                 travel

          Karen Gilhooly, Managing Director, Global Head of

             Employee and Customer Engagement, HSBC
The Resilient Treasurer: Building a Digital Armoury for 202I, P26

                                                                                             Active liquidity                                             sources
       treasury is getting closer
                                                                                          platforms are what’s
          to the leadership of
                                                                                          in play in the current
             the company.

     Christian Mnich, Head of Solution
                                                                                        Jean-Luc Robert,                                                                 We have
                                                                                          CEO, Kyriba                                                                    replaced
      Management for Treasury and
     Working Capital Management, SAP                                               Activate Your Liquidity                                                              polywrap
        A Life-Changing Digital Treasury
                                                                                    to Manage Treasury                                                                  with paper
                                                                                   Challenges in the New                                                                envelopes
              Transformation, P42
                                                                                        Normal, P32

                  The promise of technology is always so glorious
                when first introduced, but we want to make sure our                                                                                       to plant
                                                                                                                                                        1,000 trees
                clients are all well-positioned to understand what’s
                                                                                                                                                          per year
                 hype and what’s real in terms of delivering value.

                               Tammy Petro, Global Lead for Wholesale Payments

                                Innovation and Fintech Engagement, J.P. Morgan
                                        Delivering Real Value in New Ways, P23                                                                                        TREE AID
                                                                                                                                                                      is a registered

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        written permission must also be obtained before any paragraph or other part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any kind.

TMI | ISSUE 280                                                                                                                                                                         1
Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics

Embracing Dynamic
Supplier Finance
to Support Corporate
Supply Chains
By Colin Sharp, Senior Vice President EMEA, C2FO

T        he Covid-19 pandemic
         highlighted the importance of
         offering financial support to
corporate supply chains, but the Global
Supply Chain Finance Forum has also
                                             The pandemic has shone a spotlight on to
                                             the topic of supply chain finance (SCF).
                                             Demand for working capital has been at
                                             unprecedented levels for all companies,
                                             but this is particularly true for small and
                                                                                           of funding options in 2020, including
                                                                                           traditional banking, asset-backed loans,
                                                                                           factoring and a steady uptake of SCF
                                                                                           programmes. However, the cost of such
                                                                                           short-term liquidity has been rising
noted how the availability and the cost of   medium-sized businesses (SMEs), where
traditional payable finance programmes       access to capital can be challenging and
are still a challenge for many SMEs.         expensive at the best of times.
Ethical and inclusive supply chain             The results from a recent C2FO
finance is the only way to sustainably       worldwide survey to more than 8,000
help supply chains for the long-term         SMEs, highlighted a rush to a wide range
good of all participants.

2                                                                                                                     TMI | ISSUE 280
Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics

due to high demand and uncertain                  Participants in the auto industry were also   payment terms persist. A solution such
economic conditions, access for SMEs is           able to reboot after the shutdown with        as DCF solves this by enabling treasurers
often challenging.                                liquidity via C2FO.                           to offer dynamic payment terms to their
   In addition, different sectors have               We also see that DSF will be a force       customers. In turn, this empowers them
experienced varying levels of impact.             for good to support the environmental,        to avoid a structural or wholesale payment
On the one hand, industries such as               social and governance (ESG) initiatives       terms extension, and instead provide their
medical supplies, grocery retail, and             of our customers. Inclusive finance can       customers with what they need in terms of
white goods have seen spikes in demand            be used to correctly incentivise suppliers    working capital. Consequently, this helps
and have welcomed the ability of SCF to           to adopt, and fund, change towards more       them to support sales teams to win more
support the increased working capital             sustainable practices, and reduce the         business, and to more effectively support
needs of their supply chain in order to           carbon footprint in their operations. A       their channel/distribution customers. n
support the increased business volumes.           supplier scorecard measuring carbon
But on the other hand, suppliers in               reduction, for example, can be linked to
industries with significant downturns             the price of funding via SCF, meaning
have been supported during tough times            that suppliers know that when they
due to the available cash flows from SCF.         improve their performance against
Again, this is particularly true in the SME       sustainability targets then they can access
segment where average cash reserves tend          cheaper liquidity.
to be less than 30 days.
                                                  Customer financing
Promoting ethical SCF
                                                  Appetite for solutions such as Dynamic                  Appetite for
The concept of altering payment terms in          Customer Financing (DCF) is also
return for access to lower-cost finance has       growing exponentially. Treasurers have                solutions such
been around for some time and, where it           the opportunity to lay down a foundation                as Dynamic
suits both parties, is an effective solution.     for more dynamic business terms using
However, when payment terms are                   providers such as C2FO. As a result, they                Customer
pushed beyond industry norms by buyers,           will be able to steer working capital, free          Financing (DCF)
and particularly where SMEs are involved,         cash flow, obtain margin improvement,
it rightly attracts negative attention.           and achieve better risk-free yields on                is also growing
    C2FO takes a strong, ethical stance           short-term cash for their organisations.              exponentially.
on this topic. We very actively support           This can also enable a positive
corporates around the fact that SMEs need         contribution to company-wide ESG
to be a primary target for SCF to deliver         goals, all while supporting their supply
much needed liquidity and most bank-led           chain partners, customers and suppliers,
SCF programmes struggle to effectively            with much needed liquidity and where
address this particular segment.                  everyone benefits.
    An ethical alternative lies in solutions         Elsewhere in SCF, we see a trend
such as Dynamic Supplier Finance                  towards bank-agnostic platforms.
(DSF), which can act as a force for good.         These enable treasurers to connect to
In a nutshell, DSF is a flexible funding          the technology to be able to fund from
option that enables third parties to fund         multiple banks (and non-bank sources),
early payment from enterprises to their           avoiding credit capacity problems or
suppliers (enterprises can also use their         changing platform when a banking
own cash in combination with a third              partner changes. We also support the
party to create maximum benefit for all).         trend to allow cash for these programmes
During the pandemic, immense value has            to come from a combination of a buyer’s
been delivered to support companies in            own balance sheet and from banks or
this way.                                         other financial institutions, with the
    At C2FO alone, billions of dollars of vital   ability to move flexibly and seamlessly
liquidity organised through DSF helped            between cash sources to support a variety
all elements of the supply chain – but this       of goals.
was particularly well received by SMEs               Smart treasurers – and thankfully we
and other vulnerable yet vital segments.          have many of them in our customer base
For example, ventilator production was            – are starting to object to the extensive      COLIN SHARP
able to ramp up because we delivered the          use of SCF to push out payment terms
necessary working capital for suppliers           coercively, knowing that the credit may        Senior Vice President EMEA, C2FO
of medical device manufacturers.                  not always be available but the longer

TMI | ISSUE 280                                                                                                                         3
Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics
Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics
No business should be
held back by a flawed
financial system.
When every business has a fair chance to thrive, we all benefit.
But the world’s financial system doesn’t always provide access
and cost effective financing for the companies that need it most.

At C2FO, we’re doing our part to improve the availability of
financing by making working capital accessible to businesses of
all sizes, everywhere.

Our convenient, easy-to-use platform enables more than
1.1 million companies to work with their suppliers and customers
to improve cash flow by determining the best time and terms
for paying or being paid. Together with each of our clients, we’re
bringing fairness, transparency, and above all, opportunity to the
world’s growing businesses.

Visit for more information.
Transforming Treasury through Innovation - n A Treasurer's Guide to Data Analytics

Banks and Vendors
Take Treasury to
New Heights

the Winners
By Eleanor Hill, Editor

N         ew challenges called for new solutions in 2020. The judges for TMI’s
          Awards for Innovation & Excellence were impressed by banks’ and
          vendors’ ongoing commitment to digital transformation and their
creativity in finding efficient ways to operate in the Covid-19 world.

6                                                                                TMI | ISSUE 280

Bank Awards

W              here better to start this
               celebration of innovation
               and excellence than with
the Global Bank of the Year for Cash
And Liquidity Management – HSBC.
                                              government’s appeal for private sector
                                              production of medical equipment for
                                              civilian use.
                                                 HSBC also received two Awards for
                                              outstanding achievements in China.
                                                                                             Americas too. The bank’s global network
                                                                                             encompasses more than 100 trade
                                                                                             centres and 350 experts around the world.
                                                                                             BNP Paribas provides a full range of
                                                                                             trade finance and receivables solutions,
Throughout 2020, the bank added to            Best Bank for Cash & Liquidity                 with a strong focus on sustainability.
its digital capabilities, with a new cash     Management recognised a range of new           The bank is also participating in a
flow forecasting tool and an enhanced         solutions developed by HSBC China,             number of important distributed ledger
mobile proposition. HSBC also went out        which all supported the bank’s broader         technology (DLT) consortiums and
of its way to make business as normal as      strategies. Better account rationalisation     initiatives that automate end-to-end
possible for corporate treasurers, even       was made possible by its E-Tax                 financial transactions.
during the most challenging times – and       Proposition: HSBC’s years of investment           The second Award won by BNP
continued core functions at speed –           in city tax bureaus’ connectivity enabled      Paribas was Best Bank for Cash and
processing more than 139 payments per         more corporates to take advantage of           Liquidity Management in Europe.
second throughout 2020.                       the full payment spectrum available            While US banks pulled back from
   HSBC also won two Awards in the            under China’s nationwide tax direct            lending to European companies during
North America region, the first for Best      debit system, and the bank’s Omni-             the pandemic, BNP Paribas has been
Bank for Cash & Liquidity Management.         Collect Proposition made more e-wallet         proactive in supporting the European
Here, the bank launched its Paycheck          collections possible.                          economy – notably, the bank was sole
Protection Program to help clients               HSBC was also selected as the Best          underwriter on a $10bn credit facility in
facing short-term cash flow issues as a       Bank for Trade and Financial Supply            April 2020. In June, it extended its SWIFT
result of the pandemic, and Beneficiary       Chain Management in China. The bank            gpi capabilities with the launch of the
Self-Management (BSM) proved to be            notes a shift in supply chains from West       g4CPay and Trace service, which permits
an award-winning self-service portal.         to East, pivoting towards Asia and growth      corporates to generate their own UETR
A further initiation during 2019 was real-    in intra-Asian trade, where 60% of Asian       – the end-to-end transaction reference
time payments via HSBC Bank USA NAs           trade is now intra-regional. With an           used to track payments across the SWIFT
RTP Network, where real-time payments         extensive network covering 19 markets          network. Another notable development
of up to $25,000 can be cleared and settled   in Asia Pacific (APAC), HSBC is well           is BENEtracker, a solution that allows
on a 24/7/365 basis.                          placed to provide its clients with supply      payment beneficiaries to track the status
   HSBC’s Award as Best Bank for              chain finance (SCF) solutions – one            of international payments due to them.
Trade and Supply Chain Finance in             example being its provision of the first       With the rise of e-commerce during the
North America recognised one of its           SCF for an online video company whose
major strengths: its geographic footprint     suppliers, mainly local Chinese media
provides access to 90% of global trade        companies, faced serious working capital
flows and it facilitates $760bn of            problems owing to Covid-19. Based on
trade annually. The bank’s Global Trade       the buyer’s credit relationship with HSBC,
and Receivables Finance (GTRF) function       the suppliers could obtain operating
engaged proactively with North American       liquidity at very competitive prices and
and Canadian clients to engineer              without using existing or additional bank
solutions to optimise their working           credit lines. (Read more about the bank’s
capital, ensuring that both they and their    achievements on the TMI Treasury App).
critical suppliers had access to liquidity       BNP Paribas was once again voted
                                                                                                     New challenges
during the pandemic. Examples include         Global Bank of the Year for Trade and                   called for new
optimising liquidity for a leading US         Financial Supply Chain Management.
marketer of baby and children’s clothing,     Trade finance is key to the bank’s strategic
                                                                                                    solutions in 2020.
and supporting a global manufacturer          development and it is recognised
and distributor of medical products for       as a European market leader, with a
the military as it responded to the US        strong presence across APAC and the

TMI | ISSUE 280                                                                                                                       7

                                                                                    pandemic, the bank also set up AXCEPTA                                    recently launched SCF capabilities
                                                                                    BNP Paribas Lynk2Pay, which enables                                       out of Citi Abu Dhabi Global Markets
                                                                                    merchants to accept more than 350                                         and extended its regional footprint to
          The TMI judges                                                            different payment methods while creating                                  include new markets such as Oman.
                                                                                    new sales channels. (Find out more on the                                 And here again Citi has introduced
          were impressed                                                            TMI Treasury App).                                                        significant new enhancements such
           by banks’ and                                                                Meanwhile, Citi was the recipient of                                  as the expansion of the Citi Supplier
                                                                                    three TMI Awards in 2020. As Best Bank                                    Finance/World Link where clients can
         vendors’ ongoing                                                           in Middle East and Africa for Cash and                                    access a single platform to support foreign
            commitment                                                              Liquidity Management its continuing
                                                                                    investment in digitisation proved a real
                                                                                                                                                              exchange (FX) payments within supplier
                                                                                                                                                              finance programmes.
              to digital                                                            differentiator as clients’ use of its digital                                In addition to the above accolades,
                                                                                                                                                              Citi was named Best Bank for Cash
          transformation                                                            channels during the Covid-19 crisis grew
                                                                                    significantly across the entire region.                                   and Liquidity Management in South
        and their creativity                                                        Its presence in 23 countries in the Middle                                America. Despite the fierce impacts of
                                                                                    East and Africa (MEA) region means that                                   the pandemic on the region’s economy,
        in finding efficient                                                        it serves as a core transactional bank to                                 the bank’s transactional performance
          ways to operate                                                           more than 4,000 top-tier corporates in the                                indicators continued strongly. Citi also
                                                                                    region and it is the market leader there in                               deployed a new One Receivables module,
          in the Covid-19                                                           US dollar clearing. A number of successful                                Citi Electronic Invoice Presentment and
               world.                                                               solution enhancements launched in                                         Pay (EIPP), allowing its biller clients to
                                                                                    MEA during 2020, including CitiDirect                                     have their own white-label collection
                                                                                    BE Digital Onboarding, Citi Cross Border                                  portal, and automated and enabled its
                                                                                    Payments Voyager and Citi Smart Match,                                    Passive FX Cross Border capabilities for 16
                                                                                    helped the bank win this award.                                           countries to provide clients an enhanced
                                                                                        Also in the Middle East and Africa,                                   operational experience. A further
                                                                                    Citi carried off the Best Bank for                                        innovation was Citi’s two-day, end-to-
                                                                                    Trade and Financial Supply Chain                                          end digital onboarding solution with
                                                                                    Management Award. The bank has                                            electronic signatures and streamlined
                                                                                                                                                              documentation, which has transformed
                                                                                                                                                              the onboarding process and helped
                                                                                                                                                              clients overcome obstacles due to the
                                                                                                                                                              pandemic both at home in Latin America,
                                                                                                                                                              and overseas.
                                                                                                                                                                 Deutsche Bank was this year’s winner
                                                                                                                                                              of the Award for Best Bank of the Year
                                                                                                                                                              for Trade and Financial Supply Chain
                                                                                                                                                              Management in Europe. Its global trade
                                                                                                                                                              and SCF network today covers more
                                                                                                                                                              than 80 locations in 40 countries and the
                                                                                                                                                              bank’s SCF business grew significantly
                                                                                                                                                              in the last three quarters of the year,
                                                                                                                                                              far exceeding the market average. The
      BEST BANK FOR CASH & LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT                                                                                                               judges were particularly impressed by
                                                                                                                                                              the bank’s strong partnership with the
     Europe...............................................................................................................................BNP Paribas         German government to help companies
                                                                                                                                                              struggling with the impact of Covid-19 by
     Asia Pacific...........................................................................................................Standard Chartered
                                                                                                                                                              administering the €750bn governmental
     China............................................................................................................................................ HSBC   loan scheme.
                                                                                                                                                                 Standard Chartered received two
     Middle East & Africa.......................................................................................................................Citi          awards for its operations in Asia Pacific.
                                                                                                                                                              Voted Best Bank for Cash and Liquidity
     North America............................................................................................................................ HSBC
                                                                                                                                                              Management in the region, the bank’s
     South America.................................................................................................................................Citi       achievements during the year included
                                                                                                                                                              the launch in Hong Kong of a new
     Global Bank of the Year............................................................................................................ HSBC                 scalable payment processing platform
                                                                                                                                                              which is able to sustain a peak load
                                                                                                                                                              of 150 transactions per second; the

8                                                                                                                                                                                         TMI | ISSUE 280

establishment by Standard Chartered           of 129% growth in one year. Some of the
China of more than 100 corporate              solutions developed by Santander during
cross-border cash pools in China; and         the year include integrating the global and
a digital ASEAN proposition integrating       local payments platform to provide clients
a comprehensive value-added solution          with an improved operational experience,                                                       2020 saw a hotbed
with Straight-to-Bank (S2B) Pay.              and a new supplier payments process.
Among new solutions developed by              The latter enables clients to upload a                                                            of innovation
Standard Chartered in the past 12 months      variety of formats in which to pay their                                                         among treasury
were a Faster Payment System (FPS) for        suppliers and discuss new payment terms
the Hong Kong Council of Social Service       and conditions with them, which in turn                                                             technology
(read more on the TMI Treasury App) and
a bespoke, industry-first multi-currency
                                              increases their liquidity and boosts their
                                              cash flow.
                                                                                                                                             vendors too – and
notional pool (MCNP) automation                  In addition to the Bank Awards,                                                             the banks also got
                                              the TMI judges also recognised the
devised in conjunction with UPS, giving
UPS an increased yield on cash at lower       Best MMF Provider, namely DWS.
                                                                                                                                              in on the tech act.
risk without dedicating additional            The environmental, social and
resources.                                    governance (ESG) agenda remains key to
   The bank’s second award in APAC was        DWS’ strategy. More than 30% of DWS’
for Best Bank for Trade and Financial         inflows in the first three quarters of 2020
Supply Chain Management, a category           went into its ESG funds – and the firm has
in which it has developed a clutch of         continued to launch and convert more
notable solutions. Standard Chartered         ESG funds over the past year. (Read more
delivered an electronic supplier finance      about these ESG endeavours on the TMI
solution for Puma, a global leader in         Treasury App). n
sportswear manufacture, based on a
Vendor Prepay (VPP) programme running
on Infor Nexus to support procurement
from Asian markets. Another innovative
solution was blockchain based: working
with Bao-Trans Enterprises, a wholly-
owned subsidiary of China Baowu
Steel Corporation Ltd, the bank issued
the world’s first live blockchain RMB-
denominated international letter of credit
on Contour, enabling a digital end-to-
end process at a time when physical
delivery of documentation is challenged
by Covid-19. And the bank moved the
Nissan Motor Group, the multinational              BEST BANK FOR TRADE & FINANCIAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT
automobile manufacturer, to digital
via the India Go Digital trade initiative,        Europe..........................................................................................................................Deutsche Bank
which covered all the client’s regulatory
                                                  Asia Pacific...........................................................................................................Standard Chartered
requirements and was core to the ‘go
green’ and sustainability initiative led in       China............................................................................................................................................ HSBC
conjunction with Nissan.
   Santander was voted Best Bank for              Middle East & Africa.......................................................................................................................Citi
Trade and Financial Supply Chain
                                                  North America............................................................................................................................ HSBC
Management in South America. This is
a bank which embraces innovation as a             South America......................................................... Santander Corporate & Investment Banking
key driver of its understanding of business
and invests in technology to provide              Global Bank of the Year.................................................................................................BNP Paribas
clients with the simplest method of
improving their day-to-day operations. In
Chile, the bank instituted 20 new financial        BEST MONEY MARKET FUND INNOVATION
supply chain programmes during the year
and in Colombia in May it launched the            Winner ..........................................................................................................................................DWS
‘Confirming’ campaign, which brought
SCIB Colombia the remarkable result

TMI | ISSUE 280                                                                                                                                                                                            9

Technology Awards

W             ithout doubt, 2020 saw a
              hotbed of innovation among
              treasury technology vendors
too – and the banks also got in on the
tech act. It was no surprise that the Award
                                               see what happens next.
                                                  The Best Cash & Treasury Management
                                               Solution accolade, meanwhile, went
                                               to FIS. The vendor has been extremely
                                               busy, with projects including the
                                                                                                when a CFO or treasurer logs into the
                                                                                                revamped CitiDirect platform, he or she is
                                                                                                presented with interactive solutions and
                                                                                                market intelligence that support decisions
                                                                                                related to business growth, managing risk,
for Best Accounts Payable Solution &           reinvention of the FIS Integrity SaaS            preserving capital, optimising liquidity and
Receivable Solution went to Serrala for        (software-as-a-service) solution (find out       working capital, and driving efficiencies.
the sixth year in a row. The experts in this   more on the TMI Treasury App). Other                 The New Technology Innovation
field, Serrala launched two new cloud-         improvements have been added at speed            Solution Award went to Goldman
based solutions that digitise accounts         to help clients battle the Covid-19 knock-       Sachs Transaction Banking (TxB). The
receivable/accounts payable (AR/AP)            on effects, including integration with the       bank, a newcomer to the transaction
processes and support remote working           FIS receivables management solution,             banking space, has shaken up the status
perfectly: Serrala Alevate AP and Serrala      GetPaid, to facilitate a more holistic view of   quo with the launch of its ‘banking-as-
Alevate RTP. These have added immense          cash flow forecasting. The TMI judges also       a-service’ platform. Leveraging APIs, this
value to corporate treasurers during           appreciated the effort that FIS is making in     legacy-free solution takes the best of digital
the pandemic, and will continue to do          assisting treasurers meet interbank offered      innovations and Open Banking initiatives
so long afterwards – by making AR/AP           rate (IBOR) transition by introducing new        to deliver an intuitive experience for
processes ‘touchless’.                         formulas, interest rate calculators and          corporate treasurers. The platform covers
   The Bank Connectivity accolade went         accrual methodologies.                           everything a treasurer would expect – and
to Fides. The multi-bank solutions that the       Citi was the worthy recipient of the          more – ranging from a suite of payments,
company provides mean that treasurers          2020 Customer Experience Award.                  liquidity, enhanced analytics, escrow
can simply eliminate hours of manual           The bank has totally reinvented its              products and virtual integrated accounts
spreadsheet work – and say goodbye to any      CitiDirect platform – turning it into a          (details on the TMI Treasury App).
concerns around file formatting, multiple      cloud-capable, micro-services-based                  Interestingly, the 2020 Mobile
data sources, and regulatory compliance.       modular structure that is intelligently          Technology Award also went to a
The client testimonials that formed part of    interconnected via application                   bank: HSBC. The bank has made so many
the organisation’s Award nomination were       programming interfaces (APIs). This              advances in its mobile channels that
unbeatable – and the benefits undeniable.      directly reflects the need of the clients and    it is hard to pick one area in particular
Fides’ solution set is too extensive to        provides hidden benefits such as resiliency      to highlight. Nevertheless, the TMI judges
describe in detail here (find more details     and faster recovery, while creating a            applauded the strict biometric security
on the TMI Treasury App), but the vendor       modern and responsive user experience            now in use on the HSBCnet Mobile app.
has plans to expand its solutions even         that is consistent for users of desktop          Certain new features have also proved
further and the TMI judges cannot wait to      and mobile device alike. At the front end,       extremely beneficial during the pandemic,

10                                                                                                                           TMI | ISSUE 280

including a mobile version of the Liquidity        Finastra was awarded the Trade                                           banks. This also provides retailers with
Management Dashboard and mobile                 Finance Solution accolade. The company                                      greater visibility over their supply chain
cheque deposit capabilities.                    offers best-in-class, front-to-back                                         and facilitates more effective financing
   The Award for best Portal Technology         capability for working capital finance,                                     from banks.
was scooped by ICD. The portal is a model       including buyer and seller loans, letters                                      Finally, a new Award for 2020, Best Data
in the industry for trading, reporting          of credit, collections, guarantees, SCF,                                    Management Solution, went to Deutsche
and analysis with award-winning and             government support for export credit and                                    Bank for its Corporate Bank Data Quality
industry-first tools. In 2020, ICD continued    SME loans. Finastra’s open, API-enabled                                     Platform (DQP). This is the result of a
to extend the value of its portal with          solution achieves flexible integration with                                 collaboration between Deutsche Bank’s
integrated workflows, having a multiplying      an expanding world of ecosystem partners                                    Chief Data Office (CDO) and the Corporate
effect on treasury efficiency. From March       – for digitalised documentation, data                                       Bank – and revolves around a strategy to
through August, ICD serviced 38% more           capture automation and screening. The                                       drive identification, analysis, prioritisation
integrations than in the same period the        vendor has made numerous innovations,                                       and remediation of data-quality issues. The
year before, including 88% more new             especially in relation to Covid-19. The                                     solution was built entirely in-house and
client integrations. Driven by client need,     TMI judges were particularly struck by                                      recognises that in corporate banking, the
ICD also co-innovated with Trovata,             Finastra’s work to increase trade inclusion                                 crux of intelligent decision-making lies in
HSBC and Bandwidth to establish an              for small businesses. By forming an                                         the quality of its data. The TMI judges were
API for the free flow of data across cash       alliance with Mastercard, SGeBIZ and                                        impressed to see Deutsche Bank leading
forecasting, reporting and investments.         N-Frnds, Finastra has been helping small                                    the way in creating a comprehensive global
This API integration helps users of any of      retailers to transition away from cash,                                     approach to data-quality management,
these providers meet the need for speed,        enabling them to build up a data footprint                                  and recognise this as a turning point in the
accuracy and remote access (see the TMI         that enables more effective know your                                       industry (see the TMI Treasury App to find
Treasury App to find out more).                 customer (KYC) and onboarding from                                          out more). n
   Kantox was the undisputed winner
of the FX Risk Management Solution
Award. New processes and technologies
have long been called for by treasurers
and finance departments when handling
their FX risk. And with the volatility caused
by the pandemic, this need has never
been stronger. Kantox’s Dynamic Hedging
technology answers that call by providing
a system that automates the end-to-end
FX hedging process. Thanks to Kantox’s
ongoing investment in the Dynamic
Hedging solution, corporates now have
the possibility of a real-time overview of
their exposures, full control over their             TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION AWARDS
currency management, and reduced
administrative loads.                               Accounts Payable and Receivable Solution ......................................................................... Serrala
   The Solution Innovation Award
                                                    Bank Connectivity.........................................................................................Fides Treasury Services
was picked up by Coupa for its sterling
work in reducing the headaches of                   Cash & Treasury Management Solution...................................................................................... FIS
cross-border payments. To achieve
this, Coupa has introduced integrated               Best Customer Experience..............................................................................................................Citi
SWIFT gpi for Corporates (g4C)                      New Technology Innovation Solution....................................................................Goldman Sachs
functionality. This enables faster,
traceable and transparent cross-border              Mobile Technology Solution..................................................................................................... HSBC
payments through one platform. In turn
efficiency and security are bolstered,              Portal Technology Solution...........................................................................................................ICD
helping treasurers optimise their cash              Data Management Innovation Solution.................................................................Deutsche Bank
management and planning, while
remaining compliant with regulations.               FX Risk Management Solution............................................................................................... Kantox
The solution also provides enhanced
                                                    Solution Innovation................................................................................................................. COUPA
transparency, enabling corporate
treasurers to make decisions that are even          Trade Finance Solution............................................................................................................Finastra
better informed (read more on the TMI
Treasury App).

TMI | ISSUE 280                                                                                                                                                                                  11

TMI Corporate Recognition
Award Winners 2020
By Eleanor Hill, Editor

I    n one of the toughest years for treasury in the past decade,
     treasury teams stepped up their innovation projects
     and rolled out digital best practices at speed. Here, we
celebrate their successes.

12                                                                  TMI | ISSUE 280

Corporate Recognition

W               hat a year 2020 was. As much
                as the financial crisis of
                2007/8 had provided some
insight into the management of ‘black
swan’ type events, no one was prepared
                                               management, account rationalisation and
                                               standardising the company’s cash flow
                                               forecasting methodology. The benefits
                                               of the transformation are numerous,
                                               including significant cost savings and
                                                                                                                       The treasury has no treasury management
                                                                                                                       system (TMS) and instead uses around
                                                                                                                       40 treasury apps – and thanks to the
                                                                                                                       user-friendly Microsoft PowerApps
                                                                                                                       technology, non-technical engineers
for the impacts of a global pandemic – and     improved process efficiency, freeing                                    are able to create new tools, enabling
managing treasury operations from home.        up the treasury team for more strategic                                 continuous treasury transformation. The
Nevertheless, treasury teams executed          tasks. The TMI judges were impressed by                                 TMI judges appreciated how, by embracing
their day-to-day responsibilities with         the scale of the project, its speed, and its                            technology, the Microsoft treasury team has
aplomb, and continued their efforts to         successful outcome.                                                     completely reinvented itself. The team also
become more efficient, while adapting to          Our overall winner for Treasury                                      continues to redevelop many of its already
the latest technologies.                       Transformation was Microsoft. Of course,                                best-in-class tools to further automate
   It seems fitting, then, to start our        Microsoft already has a very sophisticated                              and leverage cloud-based solutions.
celebrations of the 2020 TMI Corporate         treasury function but the team consistently                             In addition, treasury has also taken an
Recognition Award Winners with                 excels in further transformation – and                                  expanded role within the company to
the Best Treasury Transformation               this makes them a leader in the industry.                               redevelop and/or design solutions for
category. The judges awarded two Highly
Commended accolades here, the first
being Tecnica. New shareholders (in 2017)
triggered a digital transformation process
designed to upscale and streamline                            In one of the toughest years for treasury
Tecnica’s treasury workflows. The
transformation involved partnering with a                 in the past decade, treasury teams stepped up
selection of fintechs – including Piteco, to             their innovation projects and rolled out digital
fully digitise treasury management; SAP, to
establish efficient accounting and finance                            best practices at speed.
practices; and Anaplan, to implement
structured reporting capabilities.
At the same time, UniCredit was
brought onboard to advise on Tecnica’s
transformation and sought to rationalise
the company’s numerous subsidiary
accounts – establishing a complete, digital
payment factory solution, spanning the
length and breadth of Tecnica’s large sales
and production network. The Covid-19
crisis functioned almost as a stress test
for the new treasury infrastructure – and
Tecnica passed with flying colours.
   The other Highly Commended
organisation was The Hongkong and                   CORPORATE RECOGNITION AWARDS
Shanghai Hotels (HSH). Throughout
2020 HSH has undertaken an ambitious               Best Treasury Transformation ............................................................................................Microsoft
treasury transformation, with the help of
                                                   Best Treasury Transformation - Highly Commended.......................................................... Tecnica
HSBC, to achieve better efficiency, tighter
internal controls and direct economic              Best Treasury Transformation ..............................The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited
benefits for the company. The project              - Highly Commended
covered liquidity management, reporting,
systems, treasury policy, strategic cash

TMI | ISSUE 280                                                                                                                                                                         13

                                                                           bank account management, intercompany                               they needed a treasury management
                                                                           lending, subsidiary investments, SWIFT on                           system (TMS) and started the search.
                                                                           Azure, and implementing new solutions                               After a rigorous selection process, Bahri
              No one was                                                   for machine learning, to name just a                                chose FIS’ Integrity SaaS Solution and has
              prepared for                                                 few. These have set the company up for                              since achieved huge benefits including
                                                                           success, especially in a remote-working                             90% of treasury tasks being automated and
           the impacts of a                                                environment.                                                        digitised and a 40-50% improvement in
          global pandemic                                                      Next, the Award for Best Corporate                              operational efficiencies.
                                                                           Finance & Funding Initiatives went                                      The overall winner for Best TMS
          – and managing                                                   to Drax. During Covid-19, the company’s                             Implementation was Galls – a leading
                treasury                                                   liquidity remained strong, but treasury was
                                                                           nevertheless keen to pursue the economic
                                                                                                                                               US supplier and retailer of public safety
                                                                                                                                               equipment and uniforms. The organisation
               operations                                                  refinancings that were planned in advance                           had billion-dollar growth plans and
              from home.                                                   of the pandemic. While the new remote
                                                                           and virtual surroundings offered a number
                                                                                                                                               treasury needed a technology solution
                                                                                                                                               to support those ambitions, and scale
              Nevertheless,                                                of challenges, the company successfully                             with the organisation. The choice of
                                                                           explored new markets including                                      provider was a no-brainer and Bottomline
            treasury teams                                                 undertaking a term loan B (TLB) roadshow,                           TreasuryXpress was soon implemented.
             executed their                                                it also refinanced its environmental, social                        The TMS has since created a virtuous circle
                                                                           and governance (ESG) term loan, reducing                            of improvement within treasury and is
               day-to-day                                                  cost and extending maturity, launched                               enabling Galls to deliver on its goals. (Read
           responsibilities                                                and priced an inaugural euro bond, and                              an in-depth case study of this project on
                                                                           finalised the refinancing of its revolving                          the TMI Treasury App.)
             with aplomb.                                                  credit facility (RCF). Busy times!                                      The 2020 Best Supply Chain Solution
                                                                               Another treasury team that has been                             category was hotly contested, but National
                                                                           industrious throughout the pandemic is                              Oilwell Varco (NOV) scooped a Highly
                                                                           Bahri – winner of the Highly Commended                              Commended accolade. Due to the nature
                                                                           accolade in the Best TMS Implementation                             of its business, NOV required a financing
                                                                           category. Previously, Bahri’s treasury                              solution that could both supplement
                                                                           operations, in particular cash                                      its cash flow during the down cycle, but
                                                                           management, debt, payments, foreign                                 also be seamlessly scaled back during
                                                                           exchange (FX), reconciliation and bank                              the up cycle. In particular, the solution
                                                                           connectivity were manual. The team knew                             had to be extremely flexible in terms of
                                                                                                                                               time frame, since NOV did not know how
                                                                                                                                               frequently its cash flow would need to be
                                                                                                                                               supplemented. The company worked with
                                                                                                                                               UniCredit to implement a novel approach
                                                                                                                                               to receivables financing, whereby UniCredit
                                                                                                                                               offers financing based on the expected
                                                                                                                                               payment date, rather than the due date, and
                                                                                                                                               prices the financing accordingly. NOV can
                                                                                                                                               now shorten its cash conversion cycle on a
                                                                                                                                               flexible basis – and redeploy cash to where
                                                                                                                                               it’s needed most. (See the case study in issue
                                                                                                                                               273 of TMI to learn more.)
                                                                                                                                                   The winner in this category was
      CORPORATE RECOGNITION AWARDS                                                                                                             Borealis, which collaborated with C2FO
                                                                                                                                               to create a dynamic customer financing
     Best Corporate Finance & Funding Initiatives..............................................................Drax Group                      (DCF) solution. This innovation enables
                                                                                                                                               treasurers to strengthen customer
     Best TMS Implementation...........................................................................................................Galls   relationships by accelerating, or extending,
                                                                                                                                               timelines for outstanding receivables – to
     Best TMS Implementation - Highly Commended................................................................... Bahri
                                                                                                                                               suit both supplier and buyer. The judges
     Best Supply Chain Solution....................................................................................................Borealis    were impressed by the ingenuity of this
                                                                                                                                               solution and the timing for its roll-out made
     Best Supply Chain Solution - Highly Commended.................................... National Oilwell Varco                                  it a perfect innovation to help support
                                                                                                                                               supply chains throughout the Covid-19
                                                                                                                                               pandemic. The genuine co-creation of this

14                                                                                                                                                                          TMI | ISSUE 280

solution between Borealis and C2FO was           could provide enhanced visibility and could                                  were set at high single digit annually for
also noteworthy, with the idea being fuelled     also be set up quickly and integrated with its                               its two core businesses and it required
by a great relationship and a willingness to     existing software platform. It was especially                                all-round support from staff functions,
push the boundaries of best practice. Bravo!     important that it had strong fraud and                                       including treasury. The Group’s global
(Find out more about DCF and its benefits        cybersecurity protocols, such as allowing                                    operations collect large amounts of USD,
on the TMI Treasury App.)                        easy monitoring and tracking of users.                                       mainly in the US but also across Asia, and
    Another category that saw many               J.P. Morgan’s API solution was a perfect                                     non-US suppliers are being increasingly
great corporate entries in 2020 was Best         fit and provided treasury with real-time                                     paid in USD to achieve a natural hedge.
API Project. The judges awarded two              visibility into its balances and transactions                                This has increased the need for a seamless,
Highly Commended accolades, with the             globally. To simplify the user experience,                                   real-time and fully-integrated USD
first going to French health insurance           the API also utilises an Excel plug-in,                                      ‘sweeping’ solution. There was no one-size-
provider Mutuelle Ociane Matmut. For             enabling Autoneum to retrieve treasury                                       fits-all solution for GN, so the company
health insurers, processing reimbursement        data at the click of a button. This has greatly                              worked with Bank of America, Kyriba and
claims into the thousands every day can be       improved its reconciliation and forecasting                                  Deloitte to implement a cash management
a huge resource drain – taking up valuable       processes, while providing insight into its                                  solution comprising domestic and cross-
time and effort, representing huge costs to      cash positions. (Read the case study on                                      border USD cash pools, and a POBO/
the organisation. Ociane Matmut wanted           TMI’s Innovation Lab to find out more.)                                      ROBO structure for third-party transactions
to simplify and automate the process and             Best Cash & Liquidity Management                                         combined with an in-house-bank.
approached one of its banks – BNP Paribas        Project was a very competitive category in                                   The solution demonstrates best practice
– which was able to offer its new corporate      2020, but GN Group took away the Highly                                      and innovation on many levels.
application programming interface                Commended accolade. GN is embarking                                             The worthy winner in this category was
(API)-based, real-time payment solution.         on a strategic growth path underpinned                                       Microsoft for its Subsidiary Investment Tool
For Ociane Matmut the benefits of utilising      by innovation and global partnerships.                                       for restricted markets. Due to currency,
an API network are twofold: the automation       Revenue growth targets from 2017 to 2019                                     capital controls, and liquidity needs to
of invoice processing, and the ability to
make instant payments. This solution
encompasses the spirit of innovation and
excellence entirely.
    The second Highly Commended                                 While established treasury functions
accolade was picked up by Bharti Airtel,
parent of Airtel Kenya, for its work to
                                                            have been busy improving, we have also seen a
integrate treasury’s internal systems                       number of new treasury functions being set up.
with those of Standard Chartered via
an API. Airtel Kenya wanted to improve its
operational efficiency and eliminate delays
in the allocation of e-value to its agents.
With its old process, Airtel was only able to
deliver e-value to an agent’s wallet within
60 to 90 minutes after receiving payment.
Following the API implementation, the
delivery time has improved significantly.
The solution provides real-time information
to Airtel’s treasury team and by integrating
with Airtel’s systems, Standard Chartered
can deliver a real-time feed to Airtel Kenya
for each payment. This, in turn, immediately
triggers an automatic transfer of e-value to
                                                       CORPORATE RECOGNITION AWARDS
an agent’s wallet without the need for any
user or operator action.
                                                      Best API Project...................................................................................................................Autoneum
    The overall winner in the Best API Project
category was Autoneum which worked with               Best API Project - Highly Commended....................................................................Ociane Matmut
J. P. Morgan on an API project to increase
visibility over its account data. Because of          Best API Project - Highly Commended...............................................................Bharti Airtel Kenya
its international footprint, gaining real-time
                                                      Best Cash & Liquidity Management Project....................................................................Microsoft
visibility over Autoneum’s cash balances in
its global subsidiaries was a challenge and           Best Cash & Liquidity Management Project - Highly Commended.............................GN Group
was impacting its treasury management.
Autoneum needed a treasury solution that

TMI | ISSUE 280                                                                                                                                                                                     15

support local operations, the company                                   created solutions to hedge risk that has not                     HSBC to implement a one-stop cross-
had accumulated significant levels of                                   originally been catered for in the banking                       border technology platform to assist
cash held around the globe in restricted                                market. Impressive indeed.                                       international investors to benefit from its
markets. Treasury needed a tool to help                                    Meanwhile, the Best Working Capital                           new exchange traded fund (ETF) product.
gain visibility over all of this cash and invest                        Project Award went to the well-deserving                         This solution not only satisfies all regulatory
any excess liquidity appropriately. In true                             treasury team of PTT Exploration                                 requirements but has also provided an
Microsoft style, the team set about building                            and Production Public Company                                    enhanced experience for end-customers,
an in-house tool using PowerApps and                                    Limited (PTTEP). Due to a period of                              while increasing cash velocity and
held on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This                                 expansion at the company, the treasury                           streamlining payments and reconciliation.
has enabled treasury to integrate the data                              team was looking for ways to transform its                          The winner in this category was Danone.
from subsidiary investments with other                                  cash management and liquidity structure,                         The company has undertaken a huge
important data elements. And almost                                     with the aim of improving controls,                              technology programme with Kyriba
overnight treasury was able to gain visibility                          automating and digitising processes,                             to solve issues of manual inefficiency.
over more than a billion dollars of cash held                           gaining higher visibility on account                             The success of this project is far too large
in restricted subsidiaries globally.                                    balances and generating cost savings and                         to explore in detail, but it involved: rapid
   The Best Risk Management Project                                     operational efficiencies, wherever possible.                     deployment Kyriba to maximum areas
2020 was another clear win for Drax.                                    During 2020 the company has successfully                         of operations; seamless integration of
The treasury team continues to strive for                               centralised its treasury processes to                            individual functional blocks with Kyriba;
excellence in the corporate derivative                                  Thailand and undertaken a complete                               end-to-end automation; enabling pricing
space, innovating and adapting to the                                   transformation of its treasury and liquidity                     visibility and transparency; systemic
market to hedge the risk in the best                                    structure, with the help of Bank of America.                     integration to reduce manual workload;
way possible. Throughout the difficult                                  Overall, this has resulted in vastly improved                    and the ability to customise in response
conditions resulting from the Covid-19                                  working capital management.                                      to future to business demands. With clear,
crisis, treasury continued to risk-manage                                  A new category for 2020 was Treasury                          quantified dollar savings in its FX hedging
its portfolio, which is recognised as one                               Technology Problem Solving, as the                               process and 240-plus FTE days saved due
of the top corporate derivative portfolios                              TMI judges witnessed a wealth of                                 to improved automation, treasury has
in Europe, by developing new bespoke                                    creativity in this year’s submissions.                           truly solved problems and added value to
solutions with banks – including NatWest                                Highly Commended in this category was                            the organisation.
markets – to manage its risks in a targeted                             Shanxi Securities International Asset                               Another new category, inspired by
and innovative way. The team even co-                                   Management Ltd, which worked with                                some groundbreaking submissions,
                                                                                                                                         was Treasury Technology Trailblazer.
                                                                                                                                         Highly Commended in this category
                                                                                                                                         was Bandwidth, which has worked
                                                                                                                                         with ICD and Trovata to create an
                                                                                                                                         entirely integrated treasury workflow.
                                                                                                                                         This API-driven innovation is a light-
                                                                                                                                         touch technology solution that will help
                                                                                                                                         the company achieve its growth plans,
                                                                                                                                         while being flexible enough to leverage
                                                                                                                                         the latest technological developments.
                                                                                                                                         ICD and Trovata worked together on
                                                                                                                                         the integrated workflow concept, with
                                                                                                                                         input from Bandwidth’s treasury, but
      CORPORATE RECOGNITION AWARDS                                                                                                       with virtually no resource requirements
                                                                                                                                         from the corporate’s side. The three-way
     Best Risk Management Project......................................................................................Drax Group        collaboration sets a precedent for a future
                                                                                                                                         where treasury leverages a seamless
     Best Working Capital Solution Project..................................... PTT Exploration and Production
                                                                                                                                         ecosystem of specialist technology
                                                                                            Public Company Limited
     Treasury Technology Problem Solving..................................................................................Danone         solutions. (Find out more in the case study
                                                                                                                                         on the TMI Treasury App.)
     Treasury Technology Problem Solving .................................................................Shanxi Securities                 The winner in this category, was once
     - Highly Commended                                                                                International Asset               again Microsoft. The team’s work with
                                                                                                          Management Ltd                 Microsoft PowerApps has been quite
     Treasury Technology Trailblazer.........................................................................................Microsoft   incredible and sets a completely new path
                                                                                                                                         for the development of treasury tools.
     Treasury Technology Trailblazer - Highly Commended............................................... Bandwidth                         The TMI judges were also highly impressed
                                                                                                                                         with the Dashboard functionality in the
                                                                                                                                         TreasuryGo Intercompany Loan tool as

16                                                                                                                                                                     TMI | ISSUE 280

well as the Treasury Go Bank Account          Solution saw China Three Gorges                                           innovative physical cash pooling
Manager tool, which enables everything        Corporation take home the Highly                                          solution that was the first of its kind in
a treasurer could want around bank            Commended accolade. The company                                           South Africa. The ambitious project has
account management. The team at               worked with Bank of China (Hong Kong)                                     unleashed a host of improvements –
Microsoft truly continues to push the         to implement a three-layered cash pool                                    from interest cost savings to simplifying
boundaries of treasury technology and sets    that utilises various double tax and treasury                             the reconciliations process. There
the bar higher each year.                     centre tax incentives in Hong Kong.                                       were challenges along the way with
   While established treasury functions       This project truly demonstrates a best                                    this undertaking, such as securing
have been busy improving, we have also        practice global cash management model                                     regulatory approval for the project, but in
seen a number of new treasury functions       for a state-owned enterprise on its ‘going                                collaboration with BNP Paribas, Aspen’s
being set up – in record timescales and       global’ journey. In order to support the                                  treasury team has created a healthy
with cutting-edge technology in place.        rapid growth in overseas investment and                                   environment in which its cash can now
One example of this leapfrogging came         business expansion, it is crucial for these                               flourish. (An in-depth case study on this
from Siemens Energy, which was Highly         corporations to ensure the control of funds                               ground-breaking project is available in
Commended in the Best New Treasury            overseas and enhance the efficiency of                                    issue 276 of TMI.)
Function category. Siemens Energy             treasury management outside mainland                                         A reflection of innovation in the
was spun off from Siemens Group in            China. This is the perfect example of                                     market, Best KYC Solution was won
September 2020. In preparation, Siemens       such development.                                                         by Pepper Group, which has been an
Energy built up its treasury landscape from      The overall winner was Aspen                                           early mover with SWIFT’s KYC Registry.
scratch to an outstanding, digital treasury   Pharmacare, which worked in partnership                                   Given the variety of countries it operates
department – all in less than a year.         with BNP Paribas to implement an                                          in, Pepper employs a multi-bank model
Challenges included building up the new
treasury function in parallel to running
day-to-day treasury operations at the
parent company, Siemens AG. An existing
hedging portfolio of several thousands
of transactions also had to be transferred
                                                          The Drax treasury team continues to
from Siemens AG to Siemens Energy                     excel and, alongside its award-winning risk
without material impact on the business.
In addition, FIS Quantum needed to be
                                                    management and financing activities, has driven
rolled out in a seamless manner. There                the sustainability agenda and explores new
was no room for error or delay, but the
project was achieved in circa 11 months,
                                                                  technology avenues.
thanks to treasury’s determination and the
support of FIS. (Find out more on the TMI
Treasury App.)
   Our winner was Fareva, which
worked with BNP Paribas to establish
a dedicated treasury function from the
ground up, putting in place essential
cash management plumbing alongside
leading-edge cash centralisation and
optimisation projects. With the company
expanding rapidly, with 39 sites across 12
countries, teaming up with BNP Paribas
meant that Fareva could roll out a TMS
that includes SWIFTNet connectivity,               CORPORATE RECOGNITION AWARDS
across all of those locations alongside
projects such as bank fee harmonisation,          Best New Treasury Function .................................................................................................... Fareva
and a working-capital-related project.
An enhanced cash pooling structure has            Best New Treasury Function - Highly Commended..............................................Siemens Energy
also been implemented, centralising
cash through BNP Paribas. All of this was         Best Cash Pooling Solution ................................................................................ Aspen Pharmacare
achieved with just two full-time employees        Best Cash Pooling Solution - Highly Commended................. China Three Gorges Corporation
on Fareva’s side, making the success even
more impressive. (Read the case study in          Best KYC Solution .........................................................................................................Pepper Group
issue 276 of TMI for the full details.)
   Meanwhile, the Best Cash Pooling

TMI | ISSUE 280                                                                                                                                                                             17
You can also read