Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank

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Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank
                                             12 SEPTEMBER // WEEDNESDAY
Transport Forum 2018
Financing the Future of Transport
in Asia and the Pacific

12–14 September 2018 • Manila, Philippines
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank
Transport Forum 2018

                                                                          DAY 1
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                                                               #ADBTF18   1
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank

             PLENARY           TRAINING          SESSIONS         INVITATION ONLY

         WEDNESDAY // 12 SEPTEMBER                                                                   DAY 1
          9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.                                High-Level Finance Plenary
          10:30 a.m.–11 a.m.                                     Coffee Break
          11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.                      Innovative Transport Technologies Plenary
          12:30 p.m.–2 p.m.                                       Lunch Break
                                Session 1: E-Vehicles
                                                               Session 2: Regional            Donor Round Table
          2 p.m.–3:30 p.m.       and New Transport
                                                                  Connectivity               Meeting (Invitation Only)
          3:30 p.m.–4 p.m.                                       Coffee Break
                                 Session 3: ADB's Sustainable Urban
          4 p.m.–5:30 p.m.                                                        Session 4: Innovative Finance
                                         Transport Program

         THURSDAY // 13 SEPTEMBER                                                                   DAY 2
                                  Session 5: Climate
          9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.                                    Session 6: Rail Transport            Partnership
                               Mitigation and Transport
                                                                                                   (Invitation Only)

          10:30 a.m.–11 a.m.                                     Coffee Break

          11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.                                    Closing Plenary

          12:30 p.m.–2 p.m.                                       Lunch Break

                                Training: Railway Asset      Training: Building Leaders in
           2 p.m.–5:30 p.m.                                                                     Training: Road Safety
                                     Management               Urban Transport Planning

         FRIDAY // 14 SEPTEMBER                                                                     DAY 3
                                                                                             Special Session:
          9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.    Training: High Technology                                 Road Asset Management
                                                                                                (Invitation Only)
          12:30 p.m.–2 p.m.                                       Lunch Break
                               Training: Nature-Based Approaches to
          2 p.m.–5:30 p.m.                                                           Training: Rural Roads
                                 Designing Transport Infrastructure

2   Transport Forum 2018
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank

                        #ADBTF18   3
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank

                                   Financing the Future of Transport
                                   in Asia and the Pacific
                                   9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

                                   By Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimates, the Asian transport sector will require more than $8.4 trillion of
                                   investment by 2030 in order to continue the region’s growth trajectory while responding to the challenges of
                                   climate change. In this opening plenary, a high-level panel with representatives from ADB, the transport ministries
                                   of developing Asian countries, and major donor organizations will delve into the opportunities that exist to close
                                   this funding gap and direct the financing towards more sustainable, resilient transport infrastructure.

                                   This opening plenary will start off the Transport Forum’s discussions about the evolving needs of developing Asia
                                   in terms of transport infrastructure and how these needs have shifted as circumstances have changed with regard
                                   to (i) financing and new types of financial mechanisms, (ii) the entry of advanced transport technology into the
                                   region, and (iii) transport as a vector and driver of overall economic and social development.

                                   WELCOMING REMARKS                                           MODERATOR
                                                     BAMBANG SUSANTONO                                     CATHY YANG
                                                     Vice-President for Knowledge Management               Anchor
                                                     and Sustainable Development                           ABS-CBN News Channel
                                                     Asian Development Bank

                                   PLENARY PANEL
                                                     TAKEHIKO NAKAO                                        LAWRENCE GREENWOOD
                                                     President                                             former Senior Managing Director
                                                     Asian Development Bank                                MetLife
                                                                                                           Senior Adviser,
                                                                                                           Bower Group Asia

                                                     MINISTER YAMA YARI                                    MEGUMI MUTO
                                                     Ministry of Public Works                              Director General, Global Environment Department
                                                     Afghanistan                                           Japanese International Cooperation Agency

                                                     EMIL SADAIN
                                                     Undersecretary for Unified Project
                                                     Management Operations and
                                                     Undersecretary for Technical Services
                                                     Department of Public Works and Highways

              4               Transport Forum 2018
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank

                                                                                                                                  DAY 1
Innovative Technology Plenary
11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                                  12 SEPTEMBER // WEEDNESDAY
As with many other development sectors, from energy to health care, advances in technology has transformed
the face of transport. New transport technology such as smartphone navigation has been seamlessly integrated
into daily life, while other concepts such as ride sharing have disrupted traditional transport concepts with both
positive and negative effects. Other technologies are on the cusp, not yet achieving widespread success, but have
the potential to utterly transform how we move, such as fully autonomous vehicles.

This plenary session will have several thought leaders working in innovative transport technology fields sharing their
professional experiences in order to predict a possible future for transport in Asia and the Pacific, and underscore
the point that the future is always closer than we believe it to be.

                ROBERT GUILD
                Chief Sector Officer
                Sustainable Development and
                Climate Change Department
                Asian Development Bank

                KATJA SCHECHTNER                                     BAMBANG PRIHARTONO
                Research Fellow                                      Head
                MIT Senseable Lab                        BP          Metropolitan Jakarta Transportation Authority,

                KI-JOON KIM                                          CHRISTOPH MERTZ
                Principal Transport Specialist                       Principal Project Scientist, Robotics Institute
                Transport Sector Group, Sustainable                  Carnegie Mellon University
                Development and Climate Change
                Asian Development Bank

                                                                                                                       #ADBTF18      5
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank

                                   E-Vehicles and New
                                   Transport Technology

                                   2 p.m.–3:30 p.m.

                                   In view of the global imperative to support low carbon transport and make transport sustainable, the role of electric
                                   vehicles (EV) is becoming much more important. Growing greenhouse gas emissions throughout developing Asia
                                   and the Pacific lends an imperative for countries to be strongly encouraged to accelerate a transition to electric
                                   driving as a tool for addressing climate change concerns and eliminating emissions.

                                   However, several influencing factors account for the current limited use of EV in Asia and the Pacific including the
                                   purchasing cost of technology, the need to establish an electric charging infrastructure, the lack of proper EV policy,
                                   and other obstacles. It is necessary to clearly discern what barriers stand in the way of EV use and what solutions
                                   for overcoming those obstacles are available for developing Asia and the Pacific.

                                   Speakers in this session will review the deployment of e-mobility policy and technology across the globe, and
                                   discuss the actions that can be taken in the e-mobility field to help developing Asian countries increase their usage
                                   of EVs, and bring down the existing obstacles and barriers that are preventing their widespread use.

                                                     DANIELE PONZI
                                                     Division Director
                                                     Chief of Environment Thematic Group,
                                                     Sustainable Development and Climate Change
                                                     Department, Asian Development Bank

                                                     BING-MING LIN                                               MANOJ DESAI
                                                     Division Director                                           Deputy General Manager
                                       BML           Division of Energy Storage Materials            MD          Automotive Electronics Department,
                                                     and Technology, Industrial Technology                       Automobile Research Association of
                                                     Research Institute, Taipei,China                            India

                                                     JÜRG GRÜTTER                                                DIANA YERITSPOKHYANTS
                                                     Chief Executive Officer (CEO)                               Assistant to the First Deputy Minister
                                                     Grütter Consulting                              DY          Ministry of Nature Protection

                                                     ROMMEL JUAN                                                 ROBERT BAO
                                                     President                                                   Managing Director
                                        RJ           Electric Vehicle Association                     RB         Guangzhou Xiaopeng Motors
                                                     of the Philippines                                          Technology Co Ltd

               6              Transport Forum 2018
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank

                                                                                                                           DAY 1
Regional Connectivity
2 p.m.–3:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                           12 SEPTEMBER // WEEDNESDAY
The backbone of interconnected countries is transport and the trade and travel this facilitates. In ADB’s example,
a majority of its investments to increase regional connectivity, and improve cross border trade and cooperation
is directed to transport projects. There is much to learn from the examples of regional integration, such as the
European Union’s border and transit policies, and cooperation platforms, including the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program (CAREC).

This session’s speakers will be presenting key issues and solutions for regional transport connectivity within Asia
and the Pacific, and also on examples from Europe.

                DONG-SOO PYO
                Transport and Communications Division,
                Central and West Asia Department,
                Asian Development Bank

                WEIMEN REN                                               KANG HANG LEUNG
                Director                                                 Senior Finance Specialist
                United Nations Economic and Social           KHL         Transport and Communications Division,
                Commission for Asia and the Pacific                      Southeast Asia Department
                (UNESCAP)                                                Asian Development Bank

                OLEG SAMUKHIN                                            JAY MENON
                Transport Specialist                                     Lead Economist (Trade and Regional Cooperation)
                Transport and Communications Division,                   Economic Research and Regional Cooperation
                Central and West Asia Department                         Department
                Asian Development Bank                                   Asian Development Bank

                                                                                                              #ADBTF18        7
Transport Forum 2018 Financing the Future of Transport in Asia and the Pacific - 12-14 September 2018 Manila, Philippines - Asian Development Bank

                                   Poster Session for Transport Forum 2018
                                   1:30 p.m. / Auditorium Zone D

                                   Members of the transport community will be sharing their ideas on high technology and new innovations in
                                   transport through this poster session that will take place to highlight the Transport Forum’s secondary priority—the
                                   technology shaping the future of transport and its effects on commuters, policymakers, and society at large.

                                   This poster session will be held in Auditorium Zone D, which will be reserved for this express purpose. The session
                                   itself will launch shortly before the afternoon sessions begin on Day 1 of the Forum, 12 September, giving participants
                                   the opportunity to network.

                                   INVITATION ONLY
                                   Donor Round Table Meeting
                                   2 p.m.–3:30 p.m. / Multifunction Hall 2, New Atrium, ADB Headquarters

                                   The purpose of the meeting is for ADB and its partners to discuss the changing face of the region’s transport
                                   sector and how this affects our development approach. Among the issues at the forefront include the shift of many
                                   developing Asian countries to middle income status, which opens the door to new areas of support—combining
                                   knowledge, technology, and a range of financing modalities to meet a different set of needs. What will the rapid
                                   progression of transport technologies, the rise of e-mobility, and the implementation of intelligent transport
                                   systems in the region mean for the transport sector in the future? How should climate change considerations shape
                                   transport projects and initiatives in the region?

              8               Transport Forum 2018

                                                                                                                            DAY 1
ADB’s Sustainable Urban
Transport Program
4 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                            12 SEPTEMBER // WEEDNESDAY
This session aims to spark a lively discussion among key development partners on strategies to promote sustainable
urban transport as part of their operations, and guiding principles to ensure the sustainability of urban transport

 Part 1: Presentations by development partners          Part 2: Panel Discussion around key questions and
 on key initiatives and strategies to promote           guiding principles for SUT
 sustainable urban transport (SUT)
   • Building Leaders in Urban Transport                  • The definition of “sustainable” as it relates to areas
     Planning                                               of focus or guiding principles on sustainability,
   • MobiliseYourCity Partnership                           including social, environmental, economic, and
   • SUT Corridors: Crowding in finance for                 financial sustainability
     holistic packages of bus rapid transit,              • The added value of development partners to SUT
     parking, biking, walking, and other                    projects at different stages of the project life cycle
     infrastructure and policies for more impact          • Private sector participation for infrastructure
   • Q and A                                                financing

 Part 3: Best practices in SUT

              YONG YE
              Urban Development and Water Division,
              Central and West Asia Department
              Asian Development Bank

              STEVEN LEWIS-WORKMAN                                      CHRISTIAN METTKE
              Senior Transport Specialist                               Transport Specialist
              Asian Development Bank                                    Deutsche Gesellschaft für
                                                                        Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

              DAVID MARGONSZTERN                                        RICHARD LIU
              Principal Urban Development Specialist                    Regional Director, East and Southeast Asia
              (Transport), CWUW,                                        Institute for Transportation and
              Asian Development Bank                                    Development Policy (ITDP)

               BERTRAND GOALOU
               Senior Transport Specialist
               Agence Française de
               Developpement (AFD)

                                                                                                                 #ADBTF18      9

                                  Innovative Finance
                                  4 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

                                  Meeting developing Asia’s multi-billion dollar transport infrastructure financing needs will require approaches that
                                  go beyond typical project financing and tap new funding resources. The intersection of the public and private
                                  sectors is an area that holds a great deal of promise, and multilateral and bilateral agencies are improving their
                                  ability to develop and secure deals and agreements that are mutually beneficial. Financing agencies are also looking
                                  at expanding their own financial instruments in order to be more responsive.

                                  In this session, representatives from financing agencies and the financial sector will share their firsthand experiences
                                  on specific financing topics, such as meeting transport needs, even as those needs shift and change due to country
                                  specific conditions, as well as discussing the new opportunities arising in finance as many developing Asian
                                  countries progress to middle income status.

                                  SESSION CHAIR                                                 MODERATOR
                                                    TAKEO KOIKE                                                  LAWRENCE GREENWOOD
                                                    Director                                                     former Senior Managing Director,
                                                    Office of Public-Private Partnership                         MetLife
                                                    Asian Development Bank                                       Senior Adviser, Bower Group Asia

                                                    BRIAN MURRAY                                                 JULIAN SMITH
                                                    Chief Economist                                              Global Transportation and
                                                    AIA Group                                                    Logistics Leader, Adviser

                                                    NURYM AYAZBAYEV                                              HYEON PARK
                                                    Director’s Advisor                                           Vice Dean and Associate Professor
                                                    Asian Development Bank                                       International School of Urban Science
                                                                                                                 University of Seoul

       10                    Transport Forum 2018
                                 12 SEPTEMBER // WEEDNESDAY

                      #ADBTF18      11

                                 Climate Mitigation and Transport
                                 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

                                 ADB’s climate mitigation activities are guided in part by the “Guidance Note on Counting Climate Finance at
                                 ADB” which is further based on the joint MDB approach to counting climate finance that was issued in October of
                                 2016. These guidance notes serve as the key reference point for calculating ADB’s annual climate finance amount
                                 for contribution to the annual joint MDB climate finance reports and most importantly for tracking progress in
                                 achieving ADB’s target of climate financing of $6 billion per year by 2020.

                                 Quantifying climate finance for mitigation activities in the transport sector is particularly complex and challenging
                                 due to the need for large amounts of data; practical difficulties in getting accurate data and the need for complex
                                 calculations. Hence a simplified approach of counting the entire investment amount for “sustainable transport”
                                 projects (urban transport, railways) as the climate finance amount is being followed.

                                 The purpose of this session will be to (i) learn about best practice approaches for quantifying climate mitigation
                                 and finance for transport in selected countries, cities, and organizations; (ii) learn about the challenges in tracking
                                 climate mitigation and finance, and the possible solutions to these challenges; and (iii) understand if there is a need
                                 for the approach being followed by ADB, and its partner multilaterals, to be revised or further refined in the pursuit
                                 of accuracy.

                                 MODERATOR                                                     FACILITATOR
                                                   OLLY NOROJONO                                                JÜRG GRÜTTER
                                                   Director                                                     CEO
                                                   Transport, Energy and Natural                                Grütter Consulting
                                                   Resources Division, Pacific Department
                                                   Asian Development Bank

                                                   JACQUELINE LAM                                               HANG NGUYEN THU
                                                   Deputy Regional Director for                                 Deputy Director General for Environment
                                                   South East Asia and Oceana                      HNT          Ministry of Transport, Viet Nam
                                                   C40 Cities

                                                   CHOUDHURY RUDRA CHARAN                                       FANG XU
                                                   MOHANTY                                                      Senior Transport Specialist
                                                   Environment Programme Coordinator                            World Bank
                                                   United Nations Centre for Regional

        12                  Transport Forum 2018

                                                                                                                                                               DAY 2
Rail Transport
9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

                                                                                                                                                               13 SEPTEMBER // THURSDAY
This session plans to hold a lively discussion, with audience participation on the topic of metro rail transport
especially as an option for Asian cities which are increasingly exploring mass transit options in order overcome the
challenges of traffic gridlock.

Metro rail is hailed as a solution to move people from private to public transport, but the sustainability of metros
is often challenged. The discussions during this session will (i) explore rail-based public transportation from a
variety of facets; (ii) dive into questions of sustainability along financial lines—as well as economic, social, and
environmental; and (iii) attempt to form a holistic viewpoint when it comes to rail transport’s future as an integral
component of Asian cities.

                RAVI PERI
                Director, Transport and Communications
                Division South Asia Department
                Asian Development Bank

                LIU CHIU-LIANG                                                                                  MUKUND SINHA
                    Mukund Kumar Sinha                                                                          Joint Secretary
                Systemwide Electrical and Mechanical                                                            Ministry of Housing and
                Department of Rapid Transit Systems                                                             Urban Affairs India

                RAJIV   DATT
                   Mukund Kumar Sinha belongs to the 1988 batch of Special Class Railway Apprentice of
                                                                                                        LYNN THO
                   Indian Railways. He has served across a range of strategic and operational assignment in
                Senior Advisor
                    India.                                                                                    Partner, Infrastructure Advisory Services
                           He presents heads the nodal office for urban transport in the Ministry of Housing and
    RD          National   Capital
                    Urban Affairs,   RegionofTransport
                                   Government      India. He is the Nodal officer for national level planningErnst
                                                                                                               of  and Young, Singapore
                Corporation,    India
                    Urban Transport Infrastructure, formulation of economic policies related to funding, creation
                      and operation of urban transport infrastructure. Actively involved in selection and appraisal
                      of new urban transport infrastructure projects supported by Central Government, Mukund is
                      also involved in formulation of urban transport related policies by the Government of India.

                   Prior to this assignment as Director - Planning in the Ministry of Railways, India, he was
                JAMIE    LEATHER
                   deeply involved in decisions on identification of infrastructure programs and resource
                       of Transport      Sector
                               In his earlier      Grouphe has headed the challenging Rail Road Branch in parts
                Asianof Development
                        Eastern India. These Bank
                                               were critical operational roles, and meant taking decisions on almost
                      all functions of management, be it finance, HR functions, Operations, or planning and
                      managing change, in an environment of continuously evolving technologies.

                      An alumnus of the London School of Economics, Mukund also holds a Masters in
                      management from Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India as well as a Masters
                      in public policy from Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, India.

                                                                                                                                                    #ADBTF18     13

                                 MobiliseYourCity Partnership
                                 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

                                 ADB together with Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
                                 Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), leading organizations spearheading the MobiliseYourCity Partnership, will be meeting in
                                 private to discuss next steps for their regional activities supporting sustainable urban mobility.

       14                   Transport Forum 2018

                                                                                                                          DAY 2
Doing Business with ADB
11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                          13 SEPTEMBER // THURSDAY
ADB stands ready to support our clients and showcase our knowledge, innovation, corporate strategy and
procurement reforms; all of which enable ADB to be more responsive and aligned with developing member country
(DMC) needs in the transport sector and beyond.

ADB’s Knowledge Partners in the transport sector will speak on their experiences in partnership with ADB, and the
session will conclude with presentations on the recently approved Strategy 2030 which sets out the focus areas
and agenda for ADB for the coming decade, and ADB’s more responsive Procurement Framework.

               DAVID DOLE                                                  JAEHAK OH
               Senior Capacity Building                                    President
               and Training Economist                                      KOTI
               ADB Institute

               ROB MCINERNEY                                               RICHARD LIU
               CEO                                                         Regional Director,
               iRAP                                                        East and Southeast Asia

               MILKO PAPAZOFF
               Representative of ASEAN Countries

               VALERIE HILL                                               MARCELO MINC
               Director, Strategy, Policy and Business                    Advisor, Procurement, Portfolio and Financial
               Process Division                                           Management Department
               Asian Development Bank                                     Asian Development Bank

               WOOCHONG UM
               Director General, Sustainable Development
               and Climate Change Department
               Asian Development Bank

                                                                                                               #ADBTF18     15

                                 Railway Infrastructure Asset Management
                                 2 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

                                 Best international practice on Railway Asset Management is getting more attention, since the permanent way
                                 infrastructure of railway systems are major capital investments foreseen for long service lives, a crucial element for
                                 the availability and capacity of the entire railway system and critical for efficient, reliable and safe railway operations.
                                 Therefore, special asset management considerations and maintenance strategies are essential.

                                 This training session shall look at some essential aspects on asset management of the permanent way infrastructure
                                 of railways and shall provide a brief overview on the related knowledge building program of ADB’s Transport Sector
                                 Group, together with the Graz University of Technology. This knowledge and capacity building program covers a
                                 series of regional seminars on Railway Infrastructure Asset Management for DMC officials and ADB staff over the
                                 years 2018-20, to understand railway track behavior and to evaluate different asset management strategies, based
                                 on total cost of ownership (TCO) considerations.

                                                    »» Introduction of the Railway Institute of the Technical University Graz, Austria
                                   30 min
                                                       Peter Veit
                                                    »» Backgrounder on initial seminar on Railway Infrastructure Asset Management organized by
                                                       ADB at the Technical University Graz in February 2018
                                                    »» Backgrounder on plans for future ADB seminars from 2018–2020 to be held for ADB DMCs
                                   60 min              across region
                                                    »» Basics of asset management and international trends in asset management
                                                    »» Importance and main goals of modern asset life-cycle management
                                                    »» The shift from “problem rectification” to “preventive and predictive maintenance”
                                   30 min          Coffee Break
                                                    »» Identification of the most critical infrastructure components
                                   60 min           »» Strategies, evaluation models and annuity monitoring
                                                    »» Life Cycle Management an integral part of the organization
                                                    »» Q&A
                                   30 min           »» “Are (DMCs) considering this type of approach in your rail sector operations and system
                                                       improvements, and if so how can ADB provide support for such actions?”

                                                   PETER VEIT
                                                   Railway Institute
                                                   Technical University Graz, Austria

        16                  Transport Forum 2018

                                                                                                                          DAY 2
Building Leaders in Urban
Transport Planning
2 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                          13 SEPTEMBER // THURSDAY
Planning urban transport systems to address the needs of a growing population is a complex process with many
facets. Holistic urban transport solutions are often ignored in favor of fragmented, construction-focused efforts.
Well thought-out urban mobility solutions must be more than just engineering. For solutions to be truly effective,
decision-makers need to bring a multidimensional and inclusive approach to the urban transport planning process.

Leaders in Urban Transport Planning is a capacity-building program aimed at leaders and change agents to help
them develop a comprehensive approach to problems of urban transport in their cities. The program is based
on real-world case study discussions, site visits, and an interactive learning-by-doing approach. Participants are
expected to play an active role during training and are put in the situation of a decision-maker to try and find
solutions to the encountered problems. The objective is to help cities promote clean, efficient, safe, affordable, and
inclusive transport solutions for shared prosperity.

Participants will gain knowledge on important topics in urban transport such as: making decisions in a difficult
political environment, strategic planning, diagnosing key problems that cities face; integrated approach to land
use and transport planning; issues in transport oriented development, multimodal integration; demand analysis,
alternative analysis, intelligent transport systems and fare collection approaches, corridor management; governance
and financing.

Participants will be exposed to new knowledge—raised awareness, improved motivation, increased understanding
of the complexity of issues surrounding urban transport; establish structure and directions for ADB’s Transport
Sector Group; and develop a specific knowledge sharing action agenda.

                     JAMIE LEATHER                                        AJAY KUMAR
                     Chief of Transport Sector Group                      Consultant
                     Asian Development Bank
                                                              AK          World Bank

                     SANG-MIN LEE
                     Vice-President and Chief Director
     SML             of Department of Knowledge
                     Management and Strategy
                     Korea Transport Institute

Note: ADB recognizes “Korea” as the Republic of Korea
                                                                                                               #ADBTF18     17

                                 Road Safety—is ADB doing enough?
                                 2 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

                                 In 2010 the United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020
                                 – the goal being to stabilize and reduce the forecast level of road traffic deaths around the world. It was estimated
                                 that 5 million lives could be saved on the world’s roads during the decade.

                                 To guide its work on mainstreaming road safety, in January 2012 ADB developed the Road Safety Action Plan. It
                                 provides the basis for ADB to play a more proactive role to support developing countries in Asia and the Pacific in
                                 their efforts to achieve sustainable, effective, and cost-effective improvements in road safety.

                                 The UN has also set a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to reduce by half the number of road deaths and
                                 injuries, and ensure safe and sustainable cities. In line with the SDG, the UN Member States have recently agreed
                                 on 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets to focus action globally. Identifying key ways in which the ADB can
                                 help DMCs reach those targets is a priority for the future.

                                  Session 1: How successful has the Decade of Action been in reducing road deaths?

                                  • Global Overview and Trends                         • Gaps and Failures
                                  • Case Studies of Success                            • Recommendations for the future

                                  Session 2: What has ADB accomplished in road safety?

                                  • A review of actions since development of           • Utilizing ADB’s regional cooperation role to promote
                                    Road Safety Action Plan in 2012, including           the adoption of common road safety design goals
                                    audits on all road projects, Sustainable           • ADB’s Technical Assistance resources are now
                                    Transport Appraisal Rating Tool and others           available for road safety projects
                                  • The potential for influence of a programmatic

                                  Session 3: What are development partners doing on road safety?

                                  • Presentation from International Road               • UNESCAP presentation on new Asian Highway
                                    Assessment Programme (iRAP) on recent                Standards
                                    activities and partnership with ADB                • Presentation from 3M on road safety technologies
                                  • “Vaccines for Roads” presentation                  • Presentation from the MDB Working Group on Road

                                  Session 4: Closing Session

                                  • Review of opportunities, partnerships,             • Feedback from DMC
                                    and available resources for road safety            • representatives

        18                  Transport Forum 2018

                                                                                               DAY 2
           CEO                              Government Affairs and Markets Leader
           iRAP                       CMI   3M

                                                                                               13 SEPTEMBER // THURSDAY
           GREG SMITH                       SAQLAIN HAIDER
           Managing Director                Director RAMS
           Strategic Projects, iRAP
                                      YL    National Highways Authority, Pakistan

                                                                                    #ADBTF18     19

                                                   DAY 3
                                                    FRIDAY // 14 SEPTEMBER

     20                     Transport Forum 2018                         #ADBTF18   20

                                                                                                                         DAY 3
High Technology
9 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                         14 SEPTEMBER // FRIDAY
The Republic of Korea is renowned in high technology in transportation. Seoul’s transport smart cards have been
well-known in the last decade, and advanced system is being implemented. Jeju Island was famous for its beautiful
scenery, but is now becoming known for electric cars. This training session deals with the Republic of Korea’s high
tech in transport including electric cars, smart cards, and traffic predictions.

1.   Monitoring and Warning System for Drivers under High-risk Conditions
2.   JeJu: The Island of Electric Cars
3.   Advanced Transport Smart Cards: Mileage-inclusive System of Sejong
4.   Traffic Prediction for Arterials: Seoul’s Case
5.   Innovative Technology Development by MIT
6.   Advanced Traffic and Transport Analysis Models

                     KI-JOON KIM
                     Principal Transport Specialist
                     Transport Sector Group, Sustainable
                     Development and Climate Change Department
                     Asian Development Bank

                     HEE CHEOL SHIN                                         JI YOUNG PARK
                     Chief Director                                         Associate Fellow
     HCS             Department of Transport                        JYP     Korea Transport Institute
                     Research on the Fourth Industrial Revolution
                     Korea Transport Institute

                     GEUN WON AHN                                           MINJU PARK
                     Research Fellow                                        Associate Research Fellow
     GWA             Korea Transport Institute                      MP      Korea Transport Institute

                     KATJA SCHECHTNER                                       MERCEDITAS VELUZ-TUAZON
                     Research Fellow                                        President and Managing Director
                     MIT Senseable Lab                              MVT     SMDI Consultants, Inc.

                     MICHAEL MACARAIG
                     Traffic Engineer
     MM              SMDI Consultants, Inc.

Note: ADB recognizes “Korea” as the Republic of Korea                                                         #ADBTF18     21

                                   Time          Minutes                               Activity                                   Lead
                                                                     Session 1: Korea Transport Institute
                                9 a.m.             10      Welcome and Introduction                                          Heecheol Shin
                                                            • Aim and objectives of the workshop

                                                            • Introduction participants
                                                            • Latest trend of high technology in Korea
                                9:10 a.m.          30      Advanced Transport Smart Cards: Mileage-inclusive System          Geunwon Ahn
                                                           of Sejong City
                                                             • Addressing public transport reform in Seoul city
                                                             • Benefit of advanced transport smart card with mileage-
                                                               inclusive system
                                9:40 a.m.          30      Korean Experiences of Electric Mobility: Jeju Island E-mobility   Jiyoung Park
                                                           Test Case
                                                             • E-mobility actions deployed in Jeju island
                                                             • Lessons learned from e-mobility test case
                                10:10 a.m.         30      Traffic Prediction for Arterials: Seoul’s Case Study              Minju Park
                                                             • Various actions to address traffic congestion in Korea
                                                             • Development of traffic prediction system for alleviating
                                                               traffic congestion
                                10:40 a.m.         20      Coffee Break
                                11:00 a.m.         30      Monitoring and Warning System for Drivers under High-risk         Heecheol Shin
                                                             • Development of monitoring and warning system for
                                                               improving road safety
                                                             • Benefits obtained by introducing the monitoring and
                                                               warning system
                                                                          Session 2 : MIT and SMDI
                                11:30                      Introduction of the MIT and SMDI Presenters                       Ki-Joon Kim
                                11:30 a.m.         30      Innovative Technology Development by MIT                          Katja
                                                             • Drone Technology                                              Schechtner
                                                             • Artificial Intelligence
                                12:00 a.m.         30      Advanced Traffic and Transport Analysis Models                    Merceditas
                                                            • Micro and Macro simulation Models                              Veluz-Tuazon
                                                            • On-line travel demand model                                    and Michael
                                12:30 a.m.                 Closing

     22                   Transport Forum 2018
TRAINING: MobiliseYourCity

                                                                                                                          DAY 3
Workshop on National Urban
Mobility Programmes (NUMPs)
9 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                          14 SEPTEMBER // FRIDAY
The objective of this workshop is to provide practical guidance on how developing and emerging countries can
tackle urban mobility challenges towards sustainable and low carbon mobility through National Urban Mobility
Programmes (NUMPs). Participants shall explore and discuss basic elements and principles of NUMPs.

The workshop provides direction to developing economies and cities on how to break out of the low quality, high-
risk, low profit, low investment spiral in which so many urban transport systems in the world are nowadays caught.
Target group are senior members of public authorities (local and national) working on urban transport issues.

By the end of the workshop, participants will:

• be familiar with the basic principles and elements of NUMPs as well as the MobiliseYourCity initiative;
• have learnt different case studies and best practices in national urban transport policies, institutional frameworks
  and financing strategies;
• be aware of options how to incentivise better urban mobility planning and stimulate investments via a NUMP.

• What are the approaches around the world with regard to national policies, programs and legislative frameworks
  that enable implementation of sustainable urban mobility actions?
• How to enhance institutional coordination between various national and local government institutions, private
  sector stakeholders and civil society, and strengthen human capacity?
• What can be done in the future in order to improve financing of urban mobility systems to deliver positive
  results in climate change mitigation and quality of life?

                 MELISSA CRUZ

                 ROBIN KAENZIG                                                CHRISTIAN METTKE
                 RK Ltd                                                       Transport Specialist
     RK                                                                       GIZ

                 BERTRAND GOALOU

                                                                                                               #ADBTF18     23

                                     Time                                   Activity                                   Lead

                                 9 a.m.          Welcome and Introduction                                      Christian Mettke
                                                  • Aim and objectives of the workshop                         Bertrand Goalou
                                                  • Introduction participants
                                                  • Introducing MobiliseYourCity

                                 9:15 a.m.       Reflecting on Sustainable Urban Mobility                      Bertrand Goalou
                                                   • Guiding principles
                                                   • Lessons learned

                                 9:30 a.m.       The Rationale of National Urban Mobility Programmes           Robin Kaenzig
                                                 (NUMPs)                                                       Christian Mettke
                                                   • What is a NUMP? What are key elements?
                                                   • Why are NUMPs relevant?
                                                   • Phases of NUMP development

                                 10 a.m.         Institutional Set-Up and Governance of                        Robin Kaenzig
                                                   • Examples of different institutional models on local and
                                                     national level to manage urban and transport planning
                                                   • Barriers of implementation
                                                   • Strength and weaknesses of different models

                                 10:30 a.m.      Coffee Break

                                 11 a.m.         Financing NUMPs                                               Robin Kaenzig
                                                   • Overview of national financing programs
                                                   • Overview of local financing opportunities (and enabling
                                                     national policies)
                                                   • Barriers of implementation
                                                   • Strength and weaknesses of different opportunities

                                 11:30 a.m.      Country Experiences - Reflection                              Melissa Cruz
                                                  • Towards a NUMP: Linking policy, institutions and finance   Bertrand Goalou
                                                  • Good and best practice from the countries                  Christian Mettke
                                                  • Lessons learned – group exercise – barriers and how to
                                                    overcome them

                                 12:30 p.m.      End of Workshop

     24                   Transport Forum 2018

                                                                                                                      DAY 3
Special Session: Road Asset Management
9 a.m.–12:30 a.m.

                                                                                                                      14 SEPTEMBER // FRIDAY
ADB is organizing a special, invitation only session to discuss the new thinking and approaches for addressing the
challenges of road asset management in developing Asia.

                                                                                                           #ADBTF18     25

                               Nature-Based Approaches to
                               Designing Transport Infrastructure
                               2 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

                               Linear transport infrastructure is known to be one of the major types of development infrastructure fragmenting
                               natural forests and resulting in depletion of natural resources. This is especially so in Asia where the pace of socio-
                               economic development is rapidly increasing. However, this does not have to be the case. There is a host of planning
                               tools, methods and design options that can help minimize negative ecological impacts and enable economic
                               development to take place hand in hand with nature conservation.

                               ADB is increasingly supporting bigger and more complex projects often involving roads and railways crossing
                               through or near important ecological habitat areas. This demands the application of best practices of nature-based
                               approaches to designing the road or railway.

                               The purpose of the training is to train relevant ADB Executing Agency officials and ADB staff on: (i) typical ecological
                               impacts of linear transport infrastructure; (ii) design and planning to avoid, minimize and mitigate impacts; (iii)
                               mitigation options to avoid and minimize impacts; and (iv) share examples through case studies.

                                                 BRUCE DUNN
                                                 Director, Environment and Safeguards
                                                 Division Sustainable Development and
                                                 Climate Change Department
                                                 Asian Development Bank

                                                 KATE NEWMAN                                                  NORRIS DODD
                                                 Vice-President, Forest and Freshwater                        International Wildlife Expert - Consultant
                                                 Public Sector Initiatives                                    Asian Development Bank

                                                 VINOD MATHUR                                                 YUB RAJ DHAKAL
                                                 Director                                                     External Environment Monitor
                                                 Wildlife Institute of India (WII)                            Project Directorate
                                                                                                              Department of Roads, Nepal

                                                 MOFIZUR RAHMAN                                               KARMA YANGZOM
                                                 Project Director                                             Senior Environment Specialist
                                                 SASEC Chittagong – Cox’s Bazaar Rail Project                 Asian Development Bank

     26                   Transport Forum 2018

                                                                                                                    DAY 3
   Time      Minutes                        Activity                           Responsible Person
 2 p.m.        5       Introduction and Welcome                            Bruce Dunn, Director,
                                                                           Environment and Safeguards
                                                                           Division Sustainable
                                                                           Development and Climate
                                                                           Change Department, ADB

                                                                                                                    14 SEPTEMBER // FRIDAY
                                                                           Karma Yangzom,
                                                                           Senior Environment Specialist,
 2:05 p.m.     60      Ice breaker game “Choosing the most efficient       WWF – US, PH
                       route for a road”
 3:05 p.m.     30      Typical ecological impacts of Linear                Vinod Mathur, Director
                       Infrastructure and Key principles and methods       Wildlife Institute of India
                       for conducting ecological assessments               (WII)

 3:35 p.m.     20      Q&A
 3:55 p.m.     10      Tea Break
 4:05 p.m.     30      Mitigating ecological impacts in linear transport   Norris Dodd, International
                       infrastructure                                      Wildlife Consultant, ADB
 4:35 p.m.     20      Q&A
 4:55 p.m.     20      Case study examples on application of mitigation    Yub Raj Dhakal, Environment
                       measures in Transport projects                      Officer Department of Road,
                         1. NEP: SASEC Road Improvement Project
                         2. BAN: SASEC Chittagong – Cox’s Bazaar Rail      Mofizur Rahman, Project
                            Project (CCBRP)                                Director, Bangladesh Railways

 5:15 p.m.     15      Q&A
 5: 30         5       Closing

                                                                                                         #ADBTF18     27

                               Rural Roads—Rural Access
                               and Transport
                               2 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

                               This training session aims to generate an appreciation of the essential role of rural transport and access for achieving
                               efficient transport development and SDGs, and provide training on:

                               •   Linkages between rural access and the SDGs.
                               •   Better integration of rural access provision and preservation with the effective transport of people and freight.
                               •   The use of knowledge tools to better inform the design, management and finance of rural transportation.
                               •   Examples of improving road network efficiencies by better rural integration.

                               An overview of linkages between rural access and the SDGs, Maysam Abedin

                               Latest Rural Transport Research in Support of Sustainable Development Goals, Jasper Cook

                               Improving road network efficiencies by better rural integration: Two case studies from the ADB-financed Basic
                               Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Projects, Viet Nam, Quang Ngoc

                               SESSION CHAIRS                           SPEAKERS
                               MICHIKO KATAGAMI                         RANJITH PEMASIRI                                  TA QUANG NGOC
                               Principal Natural Resources and          Consultant                                        Consultant
                               Agriculture Specialist                   Asian Development Bank                            Asian Development Bank
                               Agriculture, Rural Development and
                               Food Security Unit                       JASPER COOK                                       CHARLES RODGERS
                               Asian Development Bank                   Chief Technical Adviser                           Senior Climate Change Adaptation
                                                                        Research for Community Access                     Advisor (Consultant)
                               CHEN CHEN                                Partnership (ReCAP)                               Asian Development Bank
                               Senior Advisor to the Vice-President
                               Asian Development Bank                   MAYSAM ABEDIN                                     DAVID FAY
                                                                        Asia Regional Technical Manager                   Unit Head Project Administration
                               JIANGBO NING                             ReCAP                                             Pacific Subregional Office
                               Principal Transport Specialist                                                             Asian Development Bank
                               Transport and Communications
                                                                        AARON BATTEN
                                                                        Senior Planning and Policy Economist
                               Central and West Asia Department
                                                                        Strategy, Policy and Business Process Division,
                               Asian Development Bank
                                                                        Strategy, Policy and Review Department
                                                                        Asian Development Bank
                               RANDALL JONES
                               Senior Economist
                               South Asia Department
                               Asian Development Bank

     28                   Transport Forum 2018
About the ADB Transport Forum

                                This biennial flagship knowledge sharing event organized by the Transport Sector Group of the Asian
                                Development Bank (ADB) has become the premier platform for policy dialogue in Asia and the Pacific. It
                                brings together key transport and urban development officials from ADB’s developing member countries,
                                international experts, development partners, researchers, and representatives from civil society and the
                                private sector. Various issues and challenges relating to transport in the region are discussed. The ADB

                                Transport Forum is also a venue for sharing innovations, best practices, financing options, and solutions to
                                advance sustainable transport in Asia and the Pacific.

                                About the Asian Development Bank

                                ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while
                                sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 67 members—48 from
                                the region. Its main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity
                                investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance.

                              ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK
                              6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City
      30                         Transport Forum 2018
                              1550 Metro Manila. Philippines
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