Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic - Thieme Connect

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Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic - Thieme Connect
Published online: 2021-04-21

    © 2021                      IMIA and Georg Thieme Verlag KG

    Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical
    Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Praveen Indraratna1, 2, Uzzal Biswas3, Jennifer Yu1, 2, Guenter Schreier4, Sze-Yuan Ooi1, 2,
    Nigel H. Lovell3, Stephen J. Redmond3, 5
      Department of Cardiology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia
      Prince of Wales Clinical School, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
      Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
      AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Health and Bioresources, Graz, Austria
      School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

     Summary                                                              order to protect patients from unnecessary exposure to hospital       the user experience largely positive, with the average rating for
     Introduction: Mobile phone-based interventions in cardiovascu-       staff and patients. Equipment was returned or collected by a          the app being 4.56 out of 5. 26 patients have currently been
     lar disease are growing in popularity. A randomised control trial    ‘no-contact’ method. The TCC-COVID app and model of care had          enrolled for TCC-COVID. Recruitment is ongoing. All patients
     (RCT) for a novel smartphone app-based model of care, named          similar functionality to the original TCC-Cardiac app. Participants   have been safely and effectively monitored, with no major
     TeleClinical Care - Cardiac (TCC-Cardiac), commenced in February     were enrolled exclusively by remote methods. Oxygen saturation        adverse clinical events or technical malfunctions. Patient satis-
     2019, targeted at patients being discharged after care for an        and pulse rate were measured by a pulse oximeter, and symp-           faction has been high.
     acute coronary syndrome or episode of decompensated heart            tomatology measured by questionnaire. Measurement results             Conclusion: The TCC-Cardiac RCT was successfully completed
     failure. The app was paired to a digital sphygmomanometer,           were manually entered into the app and transmitted to an online       despite the challenges posed by COVID-19. Use of the app had
     weighing scale and a wearable fitness band, all loaned to the        server for medical staff to review.                                   an added benefit during the pandemic as participants could be
     patient, and allowed clinicians to respond to abnormal readings.     Results: A total of 164 patients were involved in the TCC-Car-        monitored safely from home. The model of care inspired the
     The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated several              diac trial, with 102 patients involved after the onset of the         development of an app with similar functionality designed for use
     modifications to the trial in order to protect participants from     pandemic. There were no hospitalisations due to COVID-19 in           with patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
     potential exposure to infection. The use of TCC-Cardiac during the   this cohort. The study was successfully completed, with only
     pandemic inspired the development of a similar model of care         three participants lost to follow-up. During the pandemic, 5 of       Keywords
     (TCC-COVID), targeted at patients being managed at home with a       49 (10%) of patients in the intervention arm were readmitted          Telemedicine, cell phone, mobile applications, smartphone,
     diagnosis of COVID-19.                                               compared to 12 of 53 (23%) in the control arm. Also, in               coronavirus infections
     Methods: Recruitment for the TCC-Cardiac trial was terminated        this period, 28 of 29 (97%) of all clinically significant alerts
     shortly after the World Health Organization announced COVID-19       received by the monitoring team were managed successfully in          Yearb Med Inform 2021:
     as a global pandemic. Telephone follow-up was commenced, in          the outpatient setting, avoiding hospitalisation. Patients found

    1 Introduction                                                        predispose to this. Disease progression or
                                                                          recurrence, which may not be detected in
                                                                                                                                                   Despite the large number of available
                                                                                                                                                mHealth options, the vast majority of in-
    Digital health encompasses the use of                                 the home environment until the symptoms                               terventions are not validated by means of a
    dedicated remote monitoring units, smart-                             are severe, is a main causative factor.                               randomised controlled trial (RCT). mHealth
    phone applications (henceforth referred to                            Several other factors including medication                            options in cardiovascular disease tend to be
    as ‘apps’), text messaging services, and                              non-compliance, non-attendance at cardiac                             divided into two categories – those that pro-
    wearable devices. Digital health solutions,                           rehabilitation, and failure to adopt lifestyle                        vide either education or reminders via text
    and in particular mobile-phone based                                  changes such as fluid restriction, dietary                            messaging, or those that provide telemoni-
    solutions (mHealth), have shown promise                               changes, cigarette smoking cessation, and                             toring by collecting the results of physical
    in the management of patients with car-                               physical activity may also contribute. An                             parameters such as weight, pulse and blood
    diovascular conditions. Patients admitted                             app that could address all of the above                               pressure. While models of care based on
    with acute coronary syndromes or heart                                factors and thus reduce readmissions to                               the use of custom-built telemonitoring units
    failure are prone to readmission soon after                           hospital would prove valuable in the modern                           have proven benefits in regard to hospitalisa-
    discharge. There are several factors that                             healthcare setting.                                                   tion rate and mortality in heart failure (HF)

    IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic - Thieme Connect
Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic

patients [1], these stand-alone units can be        months due to rolling recruitment. The onset         approach was to offer a solution to all eli-
cumbersome and have limited availability, as        of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subse-              gible high-risk patients, not just those who
they are generally not mass-produced. Apps          quent advice by the Australian government            would be assigned to the intervention arm.
have the advantage of using the ubiquity and        to undertake isolation and social distancing         This was an important initiative during the
power of the commercial smartphone. A               resulted in termination of enrolment and             current pandemic as it enabled a telehealth
recent meta-analysis demonstrated mobile            a modification in the running of the trial.          monitoring approach for those vulnerable
phone-based interventions were effective in         Participant follow-up was conducted re-              patients, allowing them to receive remote
reducing hospitalisations in HF patients and        motely and gathering of trial data for several       monitoring without exposing them to the risk
blood pressure in hypertensive patients [2].        secondary endpoints was hindered. These              of community and hospital cross infections.
Within this meta-analysis, it was concluded         problems affected the vast majority of RCTs          TCC-HF differs slightly from TCC-Cardiac
that the most successful apps used data trans-      across all fields of medicine that were still        in that it also incorporates symptomatology
mission (such as Bluetooth) that minimised          ongoing when the pandemic began. Despite             questionnaires and pulse oximetry, however
the burden on patients to enter and transmit        this, TCC-Cardiac demonstrated its value,            the system of data transmission, alert gen-
data, and utilised the expertise of the patient’s   particularly during this period.                     eration and response are largely unchanged
usual healthcare providers, either by alerting          Furthermore, the promising results of            from TCC-Cardiac.
them directly to abnormal readings [3] or           the technology used in the trial inspired
by having the physician contacted by the            the development of two new apps and care
research team [4].                                  models. The first was TCC-COVID, a smart-
    The objectives of this article are to (a)       phone app which allowed the transmission
describe the implementation of a novel              of oxygen saturation and symptom data                2 The TCC-Cardiac Trial
smartphone app within an RCT; (b) describe          for individuals at home diagnosed with
the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on              COVID-19, with the aim of providing reas-
                                                                                                         2.1 Methods
the conduct of the trial; and (c) describe how      surance and identifying early deterioration in       The methods of the original TCC-Cardiac
the experience with TeleClinical Care-Car-          those patients. TCC-COVID was developed,             RCT are briefly summarised here. It is an-
diac (TCC-Cardiac) guided and informed              gained ethical approvals and was deployed            ticipated that results of this pilot study will
the development of two telemonitoring               after thorough security penetration testing in       be available later in 2021. 164 in-patients
programs during the pandemic.                       a period of only six weeks. Remote monitor-          with acute coronary syndrome or HF were
    The TCC-Cardiac app, a purpose-built            ing of patients with COVID-19 via mobile             randomised 1:1 at the time of discharge, to
smartphone application, was designed to             phone technology has been deployed in other          either receiving the TCC-Cardiac app in
combine both the educational and tele-              healthcare settings. In South Korea, patients        addition to standard care, or just standard
monitoring aspects in a single app and              with mild infection admitted to a COVID-19           care alone. To be enrolled, participants must
was planned for an RCT. TCC-Cardiac is a            treatment centre recorded their own vital            have been adult patients with an admission
unique and novel model of care for several          signs and symptoms using a smartphone                to hospital for acute coronary syndrome or
reasons. Firstly, no app studied in a published     app. The recordings were integrated into the         heart failure, and were capable of providing
RCT has combined both educational and               patient’s electronic medical record and were         informed consent and operating the app on
telemonitoring components. Furthermore,             viewed virtually by the medical team who             their personal smartphone if it was compat-
RCTs for telemonitoring apps have only              conducted consultations via video-link, thus         ible (operating iOS 9 or above or Android
been described in the HF population [1, 4-8],       minimising their direct exposure to the pa-          7.0 or above).
making TCC-Cardiac the first telemonitoring         tient [11]. The Cleveland Clinic COVID-19                The TCC-Cardiac app was released on
app made available to patients with ischemic        disease monitoring program also allows               Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store
heart disease in an RCT. TCC-Cardiac is             for entry of symptoms and pulse oximetry             and was downloaded by the research team
the first telemonitoring RCT for any app            data in patients in home isolation using a           members onto the participants’ own smart-
in Australian patients with cardiovascu-            mobile app [12]. The Biovitals® Sentinel is          phone (see Figure 1), and a Bluetooth-en-
lar disease, although there are published           currently being used in Singapore and Hong           abled sphygmomanometer (A&D Medical,
Australian studies on an educational text           Kong and utilises a Bluetooth-enabled arm-           UA-651; Figure 2), weighing scale (A&D
messaging intervention [9] and a smartphone         band for tracking heart rate, blood pressure,        Medical, UC-352; Figure 3), and a wearable
app-based model of cardiac rehabilitation           temperature and pulse oximetry. The data             fitness wristband (Xiaomi Mi Band II; Figure
[10]. In February 2019, the RCT was com-            are transmitted via mobile phone to a central        4) were supplied and paired. The devices
menced at two sites in Sydney, Australia,           monitoring team [13].                                all communicated with the smartphone via
trialling a model of care that was centred              The second new program, TCC-HF, is               Bluetooth low-energy. The devices were
around TCC-Cardiac to supplement standard           similar to TCC-Cardiac, but is to be tri-            tested by twenty volunteer staff members
care, compared to standard care alone. The          alled in a single arm implementation study           prior to commencement of the trial, and no
trial aimed to enrol each participant for six       designed for vulnerable HF patients. The             major problems with data transmission were
months, with a total enrolment period of 18         rationale of the single arm, non-randomised          identified. Participants were encouraged to

                                                                                                                       IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic - Thieme Connect
Indraratna et al.

Fig. 1 Screenshots from the TCC-Cardiac app, demonstrating from left to right: the home page, blood pressure graph and weight graph.

                                                                                                    Fig. 3 The Bluetooth enabled digital scale used in the TCC-Cardiac trial (A&D Medical, UC-352).

Fig. 2 The Bluetooth enabled digital sphygmomanometer used in the TCC-Cardiac trial (A&D
Medical, UA-651).

IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic - Thieme Connect
Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic

                                                                          take their measurements daily. If data were                               into KIOLA. Readings that subsequently
                                                                          not received after 48 hours, participants                                 breached any of the thresholds were rec-
                                                                          were contacted by telephone to ascertain                                  ognised automatically and a central team of
                                                                          the cause, and assisted with any technical                                two clinicians were informed immediately
                                                                          issues. A technical support button was also                               by email. Thresholds could be modified at
                                                                          embedded within the app. The readings                                     any time during the trial. Alerts were re-
                                                                          from the three peripheral devices were                                    viewed during business hours and escalated
                                                                          transmitted to the smartphone via Bluetooth                               to the patient’s treating general practitioner
                                                                          and then onwards to a server where it could                               (GP), cardiologist, or HF nurse if necessary.
                                                                          be explored using a web-based application                                 Standard care, including referral to cardiac
                                                                          (called KIOLA, developed at the Austrian                                  rehabilitation, was maintained in both con-
                                                                          Institute of Technology, Figure 5). Aspects                               trol and intervention groups. Participants
                                                                          of the system including the KIOLA back-end                                were followed for six months, at which point
                                                                          have undergone separate external penetration                              they returned to the hospital for an in-person
                                                                          and acceptance testing by South Eastern                                   follow-up and returned their equipment. The
                                                                          Sydney Area Health Service. Pre-defined,                                  app also provided educational notifications
                                                                          customisable thresholds for abnormal values                               that encouraged positive lifestyle behaviours,
Fig. 4 The wearable fitness band used in the TCC-Cardiac trial            were set by the treating cardiologist at the                              such as healthy eating, physical activity, and
(Xiaomi Mi Band II).                                                      time of discharge, and these were entered                                 smoking cessation.

Fig. 5 A screenshot of the KIOLA dashboard used in the TCC-Cardiac trial. The shaded area represents the target systolic blood pressure zone (85-140 mmHg in this example). Any reading received outside this zone will
trigger an email alert.

                                                                                                                                                                    IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
Indraratna et al.

    The primary endpoint measure was the               It was initially hypothesised that the pri-                           was not specific to the COVID-19 pandem-
incidence of 30-day all-cause readmissions.        mary endpoint of the trial may be affected,                               ic, but rather as a general improvement to
Secondary endpoints included the 6-month           given that 30-day readmission rates may be                                streamline remote follow-up. A summary of
all-cause and cardiac readmissions, length         affected by COVID-19 infections, or by a                                  the trial modifications is included in Table 1.
of hospital stay for admissions, cardiac           fall in admissions due to patients avoiding
rehabilitation completion rate, low-density        hospital attendance, even in the context of
lipoprotein (LDL) level, body mass index           a severe health emergency; this has been
(BMI), waist circumference, six-minute-            previously documented [14]. It was felt, how-
                                                                                                                             2.3 Results
walk distance (6MWD), quality of life (as          ever, that the randomised nature of the trial                             A total of 164 participants were enrolled (81
per the EQ-5D questionnaire), and medica-          would mitigate this, as it was anticipated that                           in the intervention arm and 83 in the control
tion compliance (as per the MGL question-          similar behaviour changes would apply to                                  arm). The average age was 62 years in both
naire). The study was approved by the South        both groups, and COVID-19 infection rates                                 groups. The proportion of male patients in
Eastern Sydney Local Health District Hu-           would be similar between groups. Thus, the                                the intervention and control arms was 80%
man Research Ethics Committee (HREC/18/            trial would continue with the existing partic-                            and 78%, respectively. 78% of patients in
POWH/91), and the TCC-Cardiac app was              ipants, but in a modified manner. In-person                               both groups had a diagnosis of acute coro-
registered as a medical device undergoing a        follow-up, as was scheduled to occur after                                nary syndrome and 22% in both groups had
clinical trial with the Australian Therapeutic     each participant had been in the trial for six                            a diagnosis of HF.
Goods Administration (TGA).                        months, was also terminated in order to elim-                                 Excluding those lost to follow up, 56
    Following completion of the study, the         inate COVID-19 infection risk through travel                              participants finished the study prior to the
data will be used in the training and valida-      to the hospital and close interaction with                                onset of COVID-19. 43 participants spent
tion of a machine-learning model to predict        the research team. Follow-up occurred via                                 0-3 months of their time in the trial after the
future readmissions.                               telephone, and the equipment was retrieved                                onset of the pandemic, and 59 participants
                                                   using a no-contact drop-off or collection                                 spent 3-6 months in the trial after the onset
                                                   at the hospital or at the patient’s home. A                               of the pandemic. Follow up via telephone was
                                                   user experience questionnaire, designed to                                safer and more convenient for patients, and
2.2 Impact of COVID-19                             evaluate the participants’ views on the app                               only three of 102 patients were unable to be
In late 2019, a novel coronavirus, (SARS-          itself, was delivered via an online form rather                           followed-up by telephone. No participants
CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an          than telephone for simplicity, a change that                              were admitted to hospital due to COVID-19
outbreak of acute respiratory illness in Wu-
han, China. The disease has been designated
COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019). Rapid
worldwide spread occurred in the months that       Table 1 A description of the modification of the TCC-Cardiac study after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
followed. The World Health Organisation
(WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pan-
demic on March 11th, 2020. In response, the                                          Pre COVID-19                                           During COVID-19
Australian government enforced a series of           Recruitment                     Two sites with five-days-per-week recruitment.         Cessation of recruitment on March 20, 2020.
previously unprecedented measures, includ-
ing mandatory self-isolation, closure of public      Patient care                    Cardiac rehabilitation was available to all            Future cardiac rehabilitation was cancelled on
venues and bans on international travel. Of          (usual care)                    participants if they chose to attend.                  March 12, 2020.
particular relevance to this study was the early     Follow up                       Participant returned to the hospital after six         Follow-up was done via telephone.
finding of increased mortality among patients                                        months for an in-person follow-up visit.
infected with the virus who had concomitant          Questionnaires                  Participant returned to hospital to complete           Telephone and online questionnaire options
cardiovascular disease, which encompassed                                            paper-based questionnaire.                             available.
the entire potential recruitment population
                                                     Return of                       Participant returned the equipment to staff at         Returned either by a ‘drive-by’ or no-contact
for the TCC-Cardiac trial.
                                                     equipment                       the hospital at the six-month follow-up visit.         pickup at patient’s home.
    Thus, to minimise unnecessary interaction
with vulnerable patients, enrolment for the          Secondary physical              Participant returned to the hospital after six         These endpoints were lost as it was not
trial was terminated, thirteen months after          endpoints (BP, weight,          months for an in-person follow-up visit.               considered safe to measure them.
commencement, and five months prior to               waist circumference,
                                                     LDL, 6MWT)
the planned conclusion date. It is anticipated
that many clinical trials undertaken during          Technical support               Usually performed via telephone, but the               Two participants required home visits for
this period will have been faced with similar                                        participant would attend to the hospital if            technical support. Full personal protective
challenges, and interpretation of their findings                                     telephone advice could not fix the problem.            equipment (PPE) and physical distancing
will need to take this disruption into account.                                                                                             were used.

IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic

during the trial, although data on non-hos-       reach statistical significance. Results for          infectious diseases and respiratory medicine)
pitalised mild COVID-19 infections were           the entire duration of the trial will be made        from three Sydney hospitals and biomedical
not collected. From a practical perspective,      available in mid-2021.                               engineers from the University of New South
the modifications made to the TCC-Cardiac            There was no discontinuation of app               Wales and the Austrian Institute of Technology.
trial were largely successful. The major dis-     use in any patients for technical reasons,           The TCC-COVID app was provided to partic-
advantage was the loss of physical data from      including in the 20 elderly patients (age            ipants along with a pulse oximeter (Xuzhou
the vast majority of these patients, which        above 70). User satisfaction with the app            Yongkang Electronic Science Technology
encompassed several secondary endpoints           was high, with the average rating being 4.56         Ltd; YK-84). As Bluetooth pulse oximeters
from the trial such as waist circumference,       out of 5. There was no significant difference        were not available at the time, due to manu-
six-minute walk distance and for patients in      between the user satisfaction score in those         facturing delays of Bluetooth electronic chips
the control arm, blood pressure and weight.       aged 70 or above (n=16, average rating 4.62),        in China and Japan related to COVID-19,
Nevertheless, data for the primary endpoint       compared to those younger than 70 (n=50,             participants were instructed to measure their
(30-day readmissions to hospital) and a major     average rating 4.54).                                oxygen saturation and pulse rate using the
secondary endpoint (6-month readmissions to                                                            pulse oximeter and to manually enter the
hospital) are available for all patients except   Case study:                                          readings into the TCC-COVID app twice daily.
the small number who were lost to follow-up.      The following example demonstrates how               In addition, they would complete a symptom
    Anecdotally, the TCC-Cardiac inter-           use of the TCC-Cardiac system prevented              questionnaire daily, which is integrated within
vention was incidentally helpful during           an admission to hospital in an elderly patient       the app. Examples of questions are provided
COVID-19, particularly during the transition      who was at risk of severe COVID-19 infec-            in Figure 6 and Figure 7. Unlike the original
to remote consultations. Clinicians across        tion given his age and medical condition.            TCC-Cardiac study, no blood pressure or body
Australia embraced the concept of remote                                                               weight data is recorded by the TCC-COVID
                                                  A 75 year-old man with a history of heart
consultations (15), although the obvious                                                               app. Thresholds are defined at the time of re-
                                                  failure transmitted a weight result that indi-
drawback in the majority of patients was the                                                           cruitment for the oxygen saturation level that
                                                  cated a gain of over 2 kg within one week,
lack of measurable physical data such as blood                                                         would trigger an alert, and this is customisable.
                                                  suggestive of fluid retention and decompen-
pressure, weight, and pulse rate. For patients                                                         They can be changed at any time during the
                                                  sation of his condition. Subsequently, his
using the TCC-Cardiac app, however, the                                                                study on the advice of the treating infectious
                                                  heart failure nurse was informed, who visited
results could be relayed to the GP or cardi-                                                           disease physician. Abnormal readings or con-
                                                  the patient in full personal protective equip-
ologist by the patient, thus providing a more                                                          cerning symptomatology trigger an alert to
                                                  ment (PPE) and modified his medication
meaningful, comprehensive, and longitudinal                                                            a centralised monitoring team, who monitor
                                                  (diuretic) therapy. The patient’s condition
virtual assessment of their condition.                                                                 the readings between 8 am and 8 pm and
                                                  improved over the next several days, and an
    Furthermore, the educational notifica-                                                             contact the participant if required. The alerts
                                                  admission to hospital was thus avoided. This
tions provided to the patient by the TCC-Car-                                                          were designed as a three-tier system, with
                                                  case study highlights the preventive poten-
diac app were valuable, as patients were not                                                           emergent alerts which may trigger immediate
                                                  tial of remote monitoring, both in terms of
able to receive the educational component                                                              hospitalisation, red alerts for urgent scenarios,
                                                  facilitating early intervention and improved
of in-person cardiac rehabilitation after it                                                           and yellow alerts for semi-urgent scenarios.
                                                  health outcomes, but in reducing healthcare
was cancelled. This convenience and unique                                                             Yellow alerts encompassed a pulse of 110-119
                                                  costs through avoidance of unnecessary
functionality inspired the design of two                                                               beats per minute (bpm) or an oxygen saturation
                                                  hospital admission.
further interventions that utilised a similar                                                          93-96%. Red alerts were triggered by a pulse
model of care.                                                                                         of 120-139 bpm, and an oxygen saturation of
    Between the onset of COVID-19 related                                                              90-92%. Emergent alerts were triggered by
restrictions in Australia (March 11th 2020)                                                            a pulse of 140 bpm or above, or saturations
and the end of the trial, the monitoring team     3 TCC-COVID                                          of 89% or below. The default thresholds are
received 235 alerts for abnormal physical                                                              commensurate with advice offered by the
parameters. 29 clinically-significant alerts      3.1 Methods                                          National Institute of Health regarding target
were received from a total of 12 patients         Using a similar framework to the original            oxygen saturation for patients with COVID-19
during this period. 28 of the 29 alerts were      TCC-Cardiac app, a second app (TCC-                  [16]. Heart rate thresholds were agreed upon
successfully managed in the outpatient            COVID) was created and provided to partic-           by expert consensus in the TCC-COVID plan-
setting, with only one alert leading to hos-      ipants who were diagnosed with COVID-19              ning committee based on published reports of
pitalisation. Examining patients who were         but did not require hospitalisation and owned        COVID experiences around the world [17].
enrolled in the study for any duration of time    a compatible smartphone (operating iOS 9 or          Yellow and red alerts were also triggered by
after the onset of the pandemic, there were 5     above or Android 7.0 or above). The TCC-             certain responses within the symptomatology
of 49 patients readmitted in the intervention     COVID app was created as a result of a large         questionnaire, such as shortness of breath and
arm (10%) versus 12 of 53 readmitted in the       collaboration between a multidisciplinary            fever, or if the participant volunteered via the
control arm (23%). This difference did not        team of specialist physicians (cardiology,           app that their condition had worsened. Emer-

                                                                                                                     IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
Indraratna et al.

                                                                                                                                           4 Discussion
                                                                                                                                           COVID-19 has resulted in large changes to
                                                                                                                                           society, and also healthcare. In-person medical
                                                                                                                                           consultations are becoming less common, as
                                                                                                                                           patients avoid hospitals and medical clinics,
                                                                                                                                           where they may encounter COVID-19 positive
                                                                                                                                           individuals in crowded environments. As such,
                                                                                                                                           healthcare needs to adapt. Medicine has been
                                                                                                                                           highly reliant on physical examination and
                                                                                                                                           manual collection of data from patients, but
                                                                                                                                           remote consultations, which may even become
                                                                                                                                           the norm, need to be optimised so the patient
                                                                                                                                           can derive the most benefit from them. Mobile
                                                                                                                                           apps and other technologies that provide data
                                                                                                                                           to the clinician can provide a substitute for the
                                                                                                                                           standard physical examination. If measure-
                                                                                                                                           ments such as blood pressure and weight are
                                                                                                                                           done daily, these may even be superior data
                                                                                                                                           to those manually collected in the clinic. This
                                                                                                                                           is because longitudinal data is presumed to
                                                                                                                                           be more accurate due to a larger sample size
Fig. 6 A screenshot of the physical activity symptomatology question   Fig. 7 A screenshot of the fever symptomatology question from the   of readings, and also trends in the data can
from the TCC-COVID questionnaire.                                      TCC-COVID questionnaire.                                            be established. In the case of blood pressure,
                                                                                                                                           remote measurements can obviate the ‘white-
                                                                                                                                           coat’ effect of increased blood pressure of
                                                                                                                                           patients when measured in the clinic environ-
gent alerts require a response by the monitoring                       ongoing. The system is designated to be used                        ment [18]. For these reasons, clinicians should
team within 15 minutes, red alerts within 60                           for all patients in the south-eastern Sydney                        consider the role of digital health technology
minutes and yellow alerts within 180 minutes.                          catchment area, comprising a population of                          in the provision of healthcare to patients both
    If there is sufficient clinical concern,                           approximately 1 million residents. Late in                          during the pandemic and beyond, either for
the participant could be instructed to attend                          2020 it was also extended to monitor areas of                       those whom are diagnosed with COVID-19, or
the emergency department via ambulance.                                Melbourne in the state of Victoria.                                 those with other medical conditions for whom
Additionally, educational push notifications                                                                                               attending hospital where clinics may represent
around COVID-19 and methods to prevent                                                                                                     an infection risk for the patient.
transmission of infection are also provided                                                                                                    Across medicine, the conduct of RCTs
automatically on a daily basis by the app.                             3.2 Results                                                         that commenced prior to the COVID-19
The entire enrolment process is conducted                              At the time of writing, 26 participants have                        pandemic are likely to be affected. Effects
remotely, by utilising a combination of email,                         been enrolled in the TCC-COVID study at                             may include termination of recruitment, or in
telephone and video-link for the consent pro-                          four separate sites. 17 (65%) patients are                          certain cases, termination of the entire trial.
cess, thus ensuring participants and research                          male, and the average age is 42 years. All                          Modifying the operation of clinical trials in
team members do not physically meet, to                                participants have been safely monitored, with                       a way that preserves the original intention
negate the risk of COVID-19 transmission.                              no adverse events since enrolment began in                          of the trial, and the safety of participants,
Pulse oximeters are delivered by a no-contact                          May 2020. The app and KIOLA server had                              should be considered in these circumstanc-
delivery method. Whereas in the original                               functioned as intended, with no major errors.                       es, particularly in the field of mHealth and
TCC-Cardiac study, research team members                               Staff responsible for monitoring patients, all                      digital health, where ongoing participation in
downloaded the app and demonstrated device                             of whom had not previously been involved in                         the trial may be of significant added benefit.
use at the patient’s bedside, for TCC-COVID                            an mHealth model of care, reported a steep                              There are many exciting future possibil-
instructional videos were created and posted                           initial learning curve in adjusting to this meth-                   ities for the management of chronic disease
online to educate participants on how to                               od of service delivery. Participant satisfaction                    using telemonitoring and wearable devices.
download the app and use the pulse oximeter.                           has been high, with an average rating of 4.5                        Several reviews of wearable and mHealth
The study was approved by the St. Vincent’s                            stars currently on the basis of preliminary                         technologies that would be relevant in the sit-
Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee                               questionnaire data. Detailed results will be                        uation of a pandemic have already appeared in
(2020/ETH01008). Recruitment is currently                              available at the conclusion of the study.                           the literature [19, 20], but given the immedia-

IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic

cy of the COVID-19 pandemic, the narrative          This experience demonstrated that while                        trial. J Med Internet Res 2014;16(12):e282.
has been centred around future possibilities.    COVID-19 may be superficially seen as dam-                    9. Chow CK, Redfern J, Hillis GS, Thakkar J, Santo
                                                                                                                   K, Hackett ML, et al. Effect of Lifestyle-Focused
In this paper we present specific adaptations    aging to the RCT, the trial was adapted, and                      Text Messaging on Risk Factor Modification in
of telehealth and app-based solutions in the     an innovative response arose as a result. The                     Patients With Coronary Heart Disease: A Random-
evolving situation of COVID-19. For exam-        COVID-19 pandemic has required existing                           ized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2015;314(12):1255-63.
ple, given the benefits of the TCC-Cardiac       healthcare models to adapt. mHealth and                       10. Varnfield M, Karunanithi M, Lee CK, Honeyman
                                                                                                                   E, Arnold D, Ding H, et al. Smartphone-based
model of care, it is planned to distribute a     other digital health solutions have never been                    home care model improved use of cardiac reha-
modified version of the app (TCC-HF) to          as critical as they currently are. It is likely                   bilitation in postmyocardial infarction patients:
outpatients with HF in the communities           that as clinicians and policy-makers become                       results from a randomised controlled trial. Heart
served by the hospitals that participated in     attuned to the benefits of these interventions,                   2014;100(22):1770-9.
                                                                                                               11. Bae YS, Kim KH, Choi SW, Ko T, Jeong CW, Cho
the original TCC-Cardiac study. There are        their use will continue to increase, even                         B, et al. Information Technology-Based Manage-
possibilities for the remote monitoring of       beyond the end of the pandemic.                                   ment of Clinically Healthy COVID-19 Patients:
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the program has now included a new centre           view and Meta-Analysis. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth                   Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69(36):1250-7.
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in this city as a result.                        3. Logan AG, Irvine MJ, McIsaac WJ, Tisler A,                     Context of COVID-19: Changing Perspectives in
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The TCC-Cardiac trial was originally de-            a telemonitoring-facilitated collaboration between             al. Clinical characteristics of 113 deceased patients
signed to help improve outcomes for patients        general practitioner and heart failure clinic on               with coronavirus disease 2019: retrospective study.
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of this novel digital health innovation during      outcome of heart failure patients after an episode
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the pandemic inspired the development of            trial. J Med Internet Res 2009;11(3):e34.                  Correspondence to:
two new apps (TCC-COVID and TCC-HF),             7. Seto E, Leonard KJ, Cafazzo JA, Barnsley J, Masi-          Dr. Praveen Indraratna
which would be deployed in a single-arm             no C, Ross HJ. Mobile phone-based telemonitoring           Department of Radiology
fashion to assist patients either diagnosed         for heart failure management: a randomized con-            St. Paul’s Hospital
with COVID-19, or outpatients with HF who           trolled trial. J Med Internet Res 2012;14(1):e31.          1081 Burrard Street
                                                 8. Vuorinen AL, Leppanen J, Kaijanranta H, Kulju M,           Vancouver, V6Z 1Y6, Canada
represent a high-risk population both in terms      Helio T, van Gils M, et al. Use of home telemon-           Tel: +1 604 771 1839
of hospital readmission, and severe morbidity       itoring to support multidisciplinary care of heart         Fax: +1 604 806 8283
or mortality from COVID-19 infection.               failure patients in Finland: randomized controlled         E-mail:

                                                                                                                             IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
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