Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church

Page created by Benjamin Lloyd
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church

Stewardship 2021
 Now is the Time
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Let all things now living
               a song of thanksgiving
               to God the Creator triumphantly
Katherine Kennicott Davis published this text as an anthem in
1939 under the pseudonym of John Cowley. She is best known as
the composer of the popular Christmas song, “The Little
Drummer Boy.”

The Presbyterian Hymnal includes this hymn in the Thanksgiving
section. This time of year, we remember to raise a song of
thanksgiving. Traditionally, it was a time of harvest. A time when
the larders were filled. A time to step back from our work and
count our blessings. In scripture, the first part of the harvest was
offered in thanks.

Theologically speaking, stewardship is not so much a time to raise
funds, but a time to give thanks. We count our own blessings and
respond by entrusting a bit of our abundance to the church to be
used in Christ’s name. At Trinity, a part of every gift is used to
help young people at Vera Lloyd Children’s Home, to feed the
hungry at Stewpot and Partners for Progress, to expose children to
the glory of creation as they participate in a camp at Ferncliff.

A part of your pledge is used to touch the lives of our own young
people through our Youth Ministry under the faithful guidance of
Jared Brown. It is used to bring the Good News alive through
music capably led by David Glaze. Always wearing a smile, Julie
Peak provides logistical and clerical work that keep things flowing
smoothly. Our worship services are back in person, but we also are
finding a far-flung congregation across Arkansas and even the
country through online viewership.

All of this occurs because you respond financially to the
abundance God has set before you. Thank you for your past
support and thank you in advance for your future gifts.

Thanks be to God.
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
From the Administration Committee
As we come to the close of 2021 during this Advent season,
Trinity is also preparing for the work ahead we must do to follow
God’s commandments and Jesus’ teachings. For 2021, our
contributions are not meeting our budgetary needs. Our annual
budget for 2021 is $415,584. Through November 30, we have
received $367,296. Fortunately, we have been able to draw on the
PPP funds we received in 2020 (almost $50,000) to assist us in
meeting the priority items in our budget this year. However, it
appears that we will exhaust these funds, and there are no further
grants available to us for 2022.

The annual budget includes much more than salaries, utilities and
building maintenance. Outreach and music programs have been
ongoing. Updating and improving our online worship availability
has been a priority. And as we emerge from the pandemic, we
find more opportunities that must be addressed in sharing Christ’s
love. Although the church building may have been closed for part
of the year, the church was, and is, always open. We are the
church, and as we take time to reflect on our journey over this past
year, we look forward to the future we know God is directing for
us. In this season, let’s reflect on our personal faith journey and
choose how we point our life closer to God. Committing our
time, our talents and our financial support is a powerful way to do
that. Financial stewardship is an important component of a
balanced spiritual life. Returning to God from that which God has
given to us is a tangible and meaningful way to express our faith.

If you have not fulfilled your 2021 pledge, we ask that you do so
now. If you are on track to fulfill your pledge but would like to
make additional contributions, we welcome your support!

For 2022, we have ambitious plans for our church. Christian
Education is at the forefront of our 2022 programs and is currently
in development with our new Christian Education Coordinator
now on board. Outreach recognizes the increased cost of
operating in a pandemic as The Stewpot and Partners for Progress
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
have faced increasing costs for food and supplies amidst their
ongoing financial challenges. Our commitment to Vera Lloyd
Presbyterian Family Services, veterans, Ferncliff Camp, and those
with unplanned financial needs remains steadfast. Our building
has begun to show its age and necessary maintenance and updates
are overdue. Fellowship has been a challenge during a pandemic,
but we are emerging with new ideas and plans for reconnecting
with each other and connecting with those we have yet to meet. A
new venue for Trinity – online via YouTube – has provided us
with opportunities we must expand, which will require continuous
updates to our equipment and broadcast.

Our budget goal for 2022 is $419,018. It will provide the minimal
financial resources needed to support programs that reflect our
mission. As you consider your financial support for 2022, we ask
that you prayerfully consider increasing your pledge. An increase
in giving of 13% will merely cover the absence of the grant funds.
We are prayerful that our pledges will allow us to go into 2022
with a renewed purpose of mission, congregational fellowship,
and outreach as we expand our online presence and reach out to
those beyond our neighborhood.

Your pledge may be completed and submitted in one of these
      Visit our website:
      Securely email the Church Treasurer at with a picture of your
       completed pledge card or simply with the information
       requested on the card.
      Complete the enclosed pledge card and place it in the
       offering box in the Narthex or mail it to the church office at
       4501 Rahling Road, Little Rock, AR 72223.

          “…from everyone who has been given much,
 much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted
      with much, much more will be asked.” (Luke 12:48)

                                                 Wanda Hartnuss
                                              Administration Chair
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity Presbyterian Church
      Asking Budget 2022

                            Final 2021   Asking 2022
TOTAL BOARD OF DEACONS          1,000          1,000

TOTAL MEMBERSHIP DIVISION         500            500

 Worship                         1,775          1,775
 Music Ministry                  7,000          7,000
TOTAL WORSHIP                   8,775          8,775
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
EDUCATION DIVISION         Final 2021   Asking 2022
 Adult Ministry                 1,000          1,000
 Young Adult Ministry             500           500
 Youth Ministry                 4,000          4,000
 Children's Ministry            4,140          4,140
 Nursery Caregivers             4,000          4,000
TOTAL EDUCATION DIVISION      13,640         13,640
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity - Stewardship 2021 Now is the Time - Presbyterian Church - Trinity Presbyterian Church
OUTREACH DIVISION              Final 2021   Asking 2022
  Discretionary Fund                1,500          1,500
  Stewpot                           4,000          4,000
  Ferncliff Camp                    1,500          1,500
  Vera Lloyd Children's Home        2,500          2,500
  Mission Projects                  2,120          2,120
  Partners for Progress             2,500          2,500
  General Benevolences              8,000          8,000
  Presbyterian Village                500           500
 Total Mission                     22,620        22,620
 Marketing/Media                     500            500
TOTAL OUTREACH DIVISION           23,120         23,120
Final 2021   Asking 2022
TOTAL FELLOWSHIP DIVISION       3,000          3,000
BUILDING & PROPERTY DIVISION         Final 2021 Asking 2022
 Banking Costs                             250          250
 Building Maintenance                     8,100        8,100
 Computer Supplies                         400          400
 Copier Expenses                         12,000       12,000
 Fire Protection                           125          125
 Furnishings                               500          500
 Workers Compensation Insurance           1,375        1,375
 Insurance (Building)                     7,900        7,900
 Janitorial Services & Supplies           1,000        1,000
 Landscape Maintenance                   10,000       10,000
 Mortgage Payments                       26,785       26,785
 Pest Control                              850          850
 Printing/Postage                         3,000        3,000
 Session/Presbytery Expenses               350          350
 Security                                  300          300
 Supplies - General Administration        3,500        3,500
 Telephones/Internet                      5,700        5,700
 Utilities - Water & Electricity         18,500       18,500
TOTAL BUILDING & PROPERTY              100,635      100,635
ADMINISTRATION DIVISION                         Final 2021 Asking 2022
 Staff Compensation
  Minister - Salary                                 57,318       57,318
           - Housing Allowance                      27,200       27,200
           - Utilities                               4,500        4,500
           - Auto                                    4,000        4,000
           - Education Reimbursement                 2,000        2,000
           - TOTAL                                  95,018       95,018
  Part Time Director of Music Ministries            30,900       30,900
  Full Time Director of Youth & YA Ministries       44,770       44,770
  Part Time Christian Education Coordinator          9,811       13,000
  Part Time Secretary                               30,765       30,765
 Total Staff Compensation                         211,264      214,453
 Other Staff Expenses
  FICA/MED                                           8,863        9,108
  SETA                                               6,810        6,810
  Employment Taxes Total                            15,673       15,918
  Clergy Insurance/Pension                          32,937       32,937
  Staff Insurance/Pension                            5,040        5,040
  Insurance and Pension Total                       37,977       37,977
Total Other Staff Expenses                         53,650       53,895
TOTAL ADMINISTRATION DIVISION                     264,914      268,348

                                                415,584      419,018
Stewardship 2022
Please prayerfully consider your financial support for our church
and complete the enclosed pledge card.

You may return your pledge card by:

      Visit our website:

      Securely email the Church Treasurer at with a picture of your
       completed pledge card or simply with the information
       requested on the card

      Complete the enclosed pledge card and place it in
       the offering box in the Narthex or mail it to the church
       office at 4501 Rahling Road, Little Rock, AR 72223

                 Trinity Presbyterian Church
               4501 Rahling Road  Little Rock, Arkansas 72223
                     501.868.5848 Office  501.868.3815 Fax
       Website  Email
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