Buzzing through Math with BeeBots

Page created by Morris Fletcher
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
                                               For further information contact…

                                                Deanna Brewer
                                                    Berkley Charter School
                                                     5240 Berkley Road
                                                    Auburndale, FL 33823
                                                            Rte B

                                     2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE

n PROGRAM OVERVIEW                             n OVERALL VALUE                              n ABOUT THE DEVELOPER
     BeeBots are a fun, engaging way to             This project provides meaningful             Deanna Brewer has been an
enhance your curriculum content while          opportunities for instructional practice,    educator for 14 years. Currently, she
also providing students with 21st century      strong engagement, and excitement            is the STEM & Literacy Facilitator at
technology skills. BeeBots are coding          in learning for students. It is easily       Berkley Charter School.
robots that teach basic programming            adapted to fit the curriculum of virtually       She graduated from the University
skills to primary aged students. Students      any elementary grade level and any           of South Florida with a degree in
code simple sequences to make the              content area. It is sure to be a favorite    Elementary Education. She has also
BeeBot travel to a desired location on a       instructional tool for both students and     earned two Master’s degrees, one in
grid/mat. BeeBots are very versatile and       teachers alike.                              Reading Education from the University
can be used with almost any content.                                                        of South Florida and the second in
     In this program, BeeBots are used                                                      Educational Leadership from the
in math lessons for 1st-2nd graders                                                         American College of Education.
to enhance instructional practice and
strengthen the levels of engagement. In
                                               n LESSON PLAN TITLES
addition, they also foster critical thinking       •   BEE great with MONEY!
and problem solving skills in students of          •   It’s BeeBot TIME!
all academic levels. In these particular
                                                   •   BEE smart with NUMBERS!                           HHH
lessons, students answer questions
related to place value, currency, or time.
Then, students code simple sequences
on the BeeBot to make it travel to a
desired location on the grid. Students         n MATERIALS
test, make adjustments, and try again
until their BeeBot travels to the correct          See individual lesson plans.
answer square on the grid.
    When students use BeeBots, not
only are they learning their content
standards, but they are also learning the
basic steps of coding and programming.
For our school, having this program
allowed for us to introduce coding and
technology at a very basic level, to our
youngest students.
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
“Buzzing through Math with BeeBots”                                                 Deanna Brewer
                                       Lesson Plan No 1: BEE great with MONEY!

n SUBJECTS COVERED                              n DIRECTIONS                                  5. When everyone has signaled, all
                                                                                                 students reveal their answers. The
Math (Money)                                    1.   The teacher separates the Math              team checks their answers and
                                                     Stacks into matching pairs. Use one         celebrates/coaches as needed.
                                                     card from each pair for the stack of
                                                     “question cards” and place the other     6. The Bee Mover places the BeeBot
n GRADES                                             card from each pair under the clear         anywhere on the board, facing any
                                                     cover on the mat/grid (one in each          direction (coding becomes more
First - Second
                                                     square).                                    challenging when students have to
                                                                                                 change direction).
                                                2. There are 3 main roles and students
                                                   rotate these roles within the group        7.   The Bee Coder programs the
n OBJECTIVES                                       after each question/round.                      BeeBot to travel to the correct
Students will…                                                                                     square in which the matching
                                                BEE CAPTAIN - Captain of the round.                answer is displayed. Students can
      … identify coins and the value of                                                            work together in this step, but the
                                                   Flips over the cards, leads the team
        each coin.                                                                                 Bee Coder is the only one who can
                                                   in checking answers/coaching.
      … identify a combination of coins                                                            program the BeeBot during this
                                                BEE MOVER - Moves the bee anywhere
        and calculate their total value,                                                           round.
                                                   on the board, faces it in any direction.
        up to one dollar.                                                                     8. The roles are rotated and the rounds
                                                BEE CODER - The only student who can
      … use simple coding to program a                                                           continue.
                                                   program the bee during that round.
                                                3. The Bee Captain flips over one card        n EVALUATION/
                                                   and shows/reads it to everyone in
                                                   the group. The captain places it
                                                   on the table so it can be viewed by            Mastery is assessed by the student
  FSS / NGSSS                                                                                 matching the value of the pictured coins
MAFS.1.MD.2.a                                                                                 with the correct money value written in
                                                4. All students in the group use
      Identify and combine values of                                                          standard form.
                                                   their whiteboard or paper/pencil
      money in cents up to one dollar              to answer the problem and signal
      working with a single unit of currency.      (thumbs up) to the Bee Captain
MAFS.2.MD.3.8                                      when they have an answer.                                 HHH
      (a) Identify the value of coins and
      paper currency.
      (b) Compute the value of any
      combination of coins within one
      Construct a simple program using
      tools that do not require a textual
      programming language.

  •   BeeBots
  •   BeeBot Mats
  •   Math Stacks: Money
  •   Whiteboards/markers or
  •   Paper/pencil

                                      2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
“Buzzing through Math with BeeBots”                                              Deanna Brewer
                                        Lesson Plan No 2: It’s BeeBot TIME!

n SUBJECTS COVERED                          n DIRECTIONS                                6. The Bee Coder programs the
                                                                                           BeeBot using the command cards
Math (Telling Time)                         1.   The teacher separates the Math            placed by the Bee Commander.
                                                 Stacks into matching pairs. Use one
                                                 card from each pair for the stack of   7.   Team c oac hes /c elebrates as
                                                 “question cards”. Place the other           needed.
n GRADES                                         card from each pair under the clear    8. Roles are rotated and the next round
First - Second                                   cover on the mat/grid (one in each        continues.
                                            2. There are 4 main roles and students
                                               rotate these roles within the group
n OBJECTIVES                                   after each question round:               n EVALUATION/
Students will…
                                                                                            Mastery of time will be assessed by
    … identify time on digital and analog   BEE CAPTAIN - Captain of the round.
                                                                                        students matching digital time with its
      clocks to the nearest hour and           Flips over the cards, leads the team
                                                                                        corresponding analog time.
      half-hour (1st graders).                 in checking answers/coaching.
    … identify time on digital and analog   BEE COMMANDER – uses command
      clocks to the nearest five minutes       cards to direct a path for the BeeBot.                 HHH
      (2nd graders).                        BEE MOVER - Moves the bee anywhere
    … use simple code to program a             on the board, faces it in
      BeeBot.                                  any direction.
                                            BEE CODER - The only
                                              student who can program
                                              the bee during that round.
                                            3. The Bee Captain flips
                                               over one card, shows
    Tell and write time in hours and           everyone, and reads it to
    half-hours using analog and digital        the group. The captain
    clocks.                                    places it on the table
MAFS.2.MD.3.7                                  so it can be viewed by
    Tell and write time from analog and
    digital clocks to the nearest five      4. The Bee Mover places
    minutes.                                   the BeeBot anywhere
                                               on the board, facing any
SC.K2.CS-CP.2.4                                direction (coding becomes
    Construct a simple program using           more challenging when
    tools that do not require a textual        students have to change
    programming language.                      direction).
                                            5. The Bee Commander
                                               uses the command cards
                                               (list down the side of the
n MATERIALS                                    mat) to direct a path to the
  • BeeBots                                    correct match/answer on
                                               the mat.
  • BeeBot Mats
  • Math Stacks: Time, Command

                                   2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
“Buzzing through Math with BeeBots”                                        Deanna Brewer
                               Lesson Plan No 3: BEE smart with NUMBERS!

n SUBJECTS COVERED                        n DIRECTIONS                               5. When ever yone has signaled,
                                                                                        the captain leads the group to
Math (Number sense, place value)          1. The teacher chooses 6-8 matching           reveal their answers and the team
                                             pairs of cards from the Math Stacks        coaches/celebrates as needed.
                                             Place Value set. Shuffle the cards
                                                                                     6. Students then use their whiteboards
                                             and place all of them under the clear
n GRADES                                     cover on the mat/grid (one card per
                                                                                        to write the directional commands
First - Second                                                                          needed for the BeeBot to travel
                                                                                        to the correct square. The Bee
                                          2. There are 3 main roles and students
                                                                                        Commander uses the command
                                             rotate these roles within the group
                                                                                        cards instead of a whiteboard or
n OBJECTIVES                                 after each question round:
                                                                                        paper/pencil during this round.
Students will…                            BEE CAPTAIN - Captain of the round.        7. Team discusses possible paths
    … be able understand the value of        Flips over the cards, leads the team       (more than one correct answer is
      the ones and tens in a two-digit       in checking answers/coaching               possible and encouraged).
      number.                             BEE COMMANDER – uses command               8. The Bee Coder chooses any
    … be able to understand the value        cards to direct a path for the BeeBot      command path and programs the
      of the one, tens, and hundreds in                                                 BeeBot to travel from the original
                                          BEE CODER - The only student who              square to its corresponding match.
      a three-digit number.                  can program the bee during that
                                                                                     9. Roles are rotated and the rounds
    … use simple code to program a           round.
                                          3. The Bee Capt ain plac es the
                                             BeeBot anywhere on the board
                                             and announces the question that is
                                                                                     n EVALUATION/
n STANDARDS                                                                             ASSESSMENT
  FSS / NGSSS                                in the square to the team.
                                          4. Students use their whiteboard or            Mastery of Place Value will be
MAFS.1.NBT.2.2                               paper/pencil to record the answer       assessed by students matching the
    Understand that the two digits of a      which corresponds to the correct        correct values and representations of
    two-digit number represent amounts       match. Students signal to the           two-digit and three-digit numbers.
    of tens and ones.                        captain when they are ready to
MAFS.2.NBT.1.1                               reveal answers.
    Understand that the three digits
    of a three-digit number represent
    amounts of hundreds, tens, and
    Construct a simple program using
    tools that do not require a textual
    programming language.

  • BeeBots
  • BeeBot Mats
  • Math Match: Place Value Ten
    Frames Match Cards
  • Whiteboards/markers or
  • Paper/pencil
  • Command Cards

                                 2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
“Buzzing through Math with BeeBots”                                        Deanna Brewer
                                                  Materials Budget

                                       Materials Budget
    SUPPLIER                   ITEM # AND DESCRIPTION                              COST     QUANTITY       TOTAL COST BeeBot Learning Station (BeeBot and Mat BUNDLE)          $139.95         2            $279.90
 		                     BeeBot Command Cards                                        24.95         1              24.95
 EAI Education          Math Stacks Classroom Game                                  39.95         1              39.95
 		                     Ten Frames Match Games: Grade 1-2                           24.95         1              24.95

                                                                                              Subtotal        $369.75
                                                                                     Tax if applicable
            Deanna Brewer
  Teacher__________________________________________                             Shipping if applicable         $30.00
           Berkley Charter School
  School___________________________________________                                          TOTAL
                                                                                           BUDGET             $399.75

                                2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
“Buzzing through Math with BeeBots”                                     Deanna Brewer

 Deanna Brewer/ T2T/ 1st time Developer

Student Name________________________________________________________________

                         Novice             Apprentice         Practitioner       Expert
       Math              Student does not   Attempt is made,   Student attempts   Solution shows
       Understanding     have a solution.   but solution       solution, but      deep
                                            indicates the      may have some      understanding of
                                            problem is not     difficulty fully   the problem.
                                            understood.        understanding.
       Procedures and    Many errors in     Could not carry    Solution was       Applied
       Computation       mathematical       out all            found, but some    procedure with
                         procedures and     procedures         support may        ease to
                         the problem        needed to          have been          accurately to
                         couldn’t be        compute the        needed.            correctly solve
                         solved.            problems.                             the problem.
       Programming       Student was        Student can        Student can        Student can
                         unable to          program the        consistently and   program the
                         successfully       BeeBot, but was    successfully       BeeBot with
                         program the        not consistently   program the        multiple
                         BeeBot.            successful.        BeeBot.            solutions.

    10. Any additional worksheets, information, etc.

       Bee Bot Job Tent Cards (printable cards to rotate student roles during BeeBot activities).

                        2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
“Buzzing through Math with BeeBots”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Deanna Brewer
  Addl Information - BeeBot Job Tent Cards to Rotate Student Roles



                                                                   2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Buzzing through Math with BeeBots
“Buzzing through Math with BeeBots”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Deanna Brewer
  Addl Information - BeeBot Job Tent Cards to Rotate Student Roles



                                                                     2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
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