TRUCK & TRACTOR NORWALK - AUGUST 14-16, 2020 - Monroe County Herald

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TRUCK & TRACTOR NORWALK - AUGUST 14-16, 2020 - Monroe County Herald

                                                    AUGUST 14–16,

        Thursday, August 6, 2020 • Special Section • 8 pages
TRUCK & TRACTOR NORWALK - AUGUST 14-16, 2020 - Monroe County Herald
2                                                                         Thursday, August 6, 2020                                                      Norwalk Tractor Pull

    Norwalk Tractor Pull set to
    go August 14-16

Spectators gather in the stands at the 52nd annual pull in 2018. Things might look a little different this year. Herald file photo.

Slight change of                                 Lead organizer Glenn Degenhardt said
                                               the Norwalk Lions Club, which puts on the
                                               event, couldn’t get a permit from the DNR
venue to village’s                             for its usual site on a portion of the Sparta-
                                               Elroy Bicycle Trail that runs through the
                                               village park.
west side                                        According to Degenhardt, the state
                                               won’t issue permits for events that are
                                               expected to have crowds of more than 50
  After months of working out the logistics,   people. That problem was made worse by
organizers plan to put on the 54th Annual      meetings with the National Tractor Pullers
Norwalk Tractor Pull on its originally         Association (NTPA) and its insurer, which
scheduled date.                                said it wouldn’t underwrite the event, and
  Beginning Aug. 14, Norwalk will              the NTPA dropped out.
come to life with the sound of high-             After that, pullers began urging
performance engines and billowing clouds       Degenhardt to put on the pull without the
of black smoke. Only this time, they will      NTPA’s involvement and it was back to the
be emanating from a field owned by             drawing board. What organizers came up
Muehlenkamp Family Farm located at the         ‘TRACTOR’ cont. on pg. 5
west end of Railroad Street.                                                                    Plumes of smoke will rise again amidst the COVID cancellations. Herald file photo.

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                                               Hardware, Paint                                                                           608-343-3470
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           Congratulations Norwalk Lions Club                                                                                             A destination for
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TRUCK & TRACTOR NORWALK - AUGUST 14-16, 2020 - Monroe County Herald
Monroe County Herald                                                         Thursday, August 6, 2020                                                               3

                       Celebrating 54 Years of Norwalk Tractor Pull

     Norwalk Lions Club

    TRUCK &
    AUGUST 14-15-16, 2020 • NORWALK, WISCONSIN
         FRI., AUGUST 14                                                  SAT., AUGUST 15                                     SUN., AUGUST 16
                          5PM                                                       11AM - 4PM                                             11AM
            FISH FRY - VILLAGE PARK                                  ALL SCHOOL REUNION - NEXT TO THE                              CHARCOAL CHICKEN
                                                                   PLACE BAR, CONTACT SHARON (608) 343-1475
             BEER GARDEN OPENS
                                                                                       1PM                                                11:30PM
                       5:30PM                                          DUCK RACE - VILLAGE PARK START                                     PARADE
           AMERICAN MINI PULLERS                                                      4:00PM                                     CALL ALEX (608) 343-9734
                   VILLAGE PARK                                       KID’S PEDAL PULL - VILLAGE PARK
                                                                                      5:00PM           S:
                                                                                                 TICKET 0
                                                                                                                                          12:30PM    TICKET0
                                                                                                                                                       $7.0 (8+)
                8:30PM - 12AM                                         TRUCK & TRACTOR             $10.0 (8+)
                                                                                                ADULT ETS
                                                                                                                                     TRUCK &              S
                                                                                                                                                    ADULT ETS
                                                                                                                                                       TICK BLE
     ANNIE & THE CRUSH - (NO COVER)                                     PULL CLASSES               TICK BLE
                                                                                                  AVAIL-SAITE                    TRACTOR PULL         AVAIL-SAITE
                                                                       LIGHT SUPER STOCK
                                                                   LIGHT PRO STOCK - LIMITED PRO STOCK                                     4PM
                                                                     SUPER FARM - 9500 TO HOT TO FARM
                FREE ADMISREN
                         IL D                                          3.6 DIESEL 4X4 TRUCKS - SEMIS                        DRAWING FOR 2020 POLARIS
                 FOR C H
                AGES 8 & U
                              NDER                                          HEAVY SUPER STOCK                                   570 UTV RANGER
                                 All Wee
             With Superv
                                        S                                          8:30PM - 12AM
                       NO CARRY-IN
                       A LL W E E K E N D                                     DOWN EAST - (NO COVER)                    NO REFUNDS IN THE EVENT OF RAINOUT

                                                                          CLASSES SUNDAY
             6500 OUTLAW - HOT STREET DIESEL 4X4 - 11,000 ALTERED FARM - 12,500 FARM STOCK
                                        5500 FARM - 6500 FARM - 7500 FARM - 10,000 FARM                                                        REGISTRATIO
                                          11,000 FARM - 11,500 FARM STOCK SOUTHWEST                                                           CLOSES AT 12 N
      FREE                                                                                                                                    NO EXCEPTIONPM
                                      12,000 FARM - 13,000 FARM - 14,000 FARM - STREET SEMI                                                                S!
     CAMPING                               Look at our website for Pulling Rules                            Check us out on Facebook
                                           WWW.NORWALKLIONSCLUB.COM                                       www.facebook/NorwalkLionsClub
TRUCK & TRACTOR NORWALK - AUGUST 14-16, 2020 - Monroe County Herald
4                                                                  Thursday, August 6, 2020   Norwalk Tractor Pull

Dave Madison of Mt. Tabor has a nice pull in the Outlaw class. Herald file photo.


Monroe County Herald                                               Thursday, August 6, 2020                                                                      5

                             continued from page 2
with, Degenhardt believes, will be one of the for a 2020 Polaris 570 UTV Ranger on
biggest pulls the village has seen, with all the Sunday. (See the full schedule inside for
same pulling classes and a couple more.          times and locations)
   That’s because very few tractor pulls have      Degenhardt said the events will
gone off this year and pullers are anxious to be following sanitation precautions
test their machines.                             recommended by the health department
   “Everybody worked                                                 and will be especially
on their tractors all winter
and they just want to see   “Everybody                               diligent with high
                                                                     touch areas. He added
where they’re at,” said
Degenhardt. “Did they        worked on                               that he doesn’t believe
                                                                     attending the event
make any improvement?                                                will be any riskier than
Did they not improve it?
What changes will they
                           their tractors                            shopping at Walmart or
                                                                     any other store.
have to make?”
   He said on average
                          all winter and                                Degenhardt
                                                                     he’s hoping for a

the Saturday event will
have around 65 hooks      they just want                             big crowd since the
                                                                     proceeds go toward
(meaning        individual
competitors). “I won’t be   to see where                             student
surprised if there aren’t                                            improvement projects,
85 there this year.”
   A lot of the pullers
                             they’re at”                             but he’s just happy the
                                                                     event is going on.
who compete in the                – Glen Degenhardt,                    “If we break even,
NTPA will be there                                                   we’ll consider that a
along with competitors                Event Organizer                success,” he added.      Jeff Steinhoff is part of the track crew. Photo by Pat Mulvaney.
from Badger State,
another tractor pullers association that has
similar classes.
   To accommodate the larger field,
Saturday’s pull will begin at 5 p.m. instead
of the usual 6:30 p.m. start time. Sunday’s
session will have all local pullers, who will
be competing in 14 classes starting at 12:30
p.m. Saturdays event is $10 to enter, while
Sunday’s is $7. Children eight and under get
in free with supervision.
   The temporary grounds will have bleacher
seating for around 1,100 spectators but will
include a lot of standing room. Workers
have begun preparing the track, peeling off
the topsoil to get down to the clay.
   When finished, the track will stretch
350 feet along the field and will be 40 feet
wide. Two companies are bringing in the
sound system and lights. Besides the show
on the track, there will be the usual events
associated with the tractor pull.
   There will be bands at the park shelter
Friday and Saturday nights. The Lions
Club will be putting on a fish fry on Friday
and will be serving grilled chicken on
Sunday. An all-school reunion will take
place Saturday and a parade will wind its
way through town beginning at 11:30 a.m. Duane Wallace, left, and Gene Degenhardt watch the pull from atop their antique tractors. Photo by Pat Mulvaney.
Sunday. And, of course, there’s the drawing

                                                                                        TIRE    INC.
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                                                                                              NORWALK     WEST SALEM
                                                                                         608     823-7521                        608     786-2200
6                                                                         Thursday, August 6, 2020                                    Norwalk Tractor Pull

      Not your father’s tractor pull
Jon Muehlenkamp cuts a track into his family’s farm field on Norwalk’s west side for the 54th Annual Norwalk Tractor Pull being held Aug. 14-16. The event had to
temporarily be moved from its usual location in the Norwalk Village Park after the DNR refused to issue organizers a permit. Herald photo by Kyle Evans.

Norwalk event has changed
over its 54 year span
   The Norwalk Lions Club has been the           Over time, the event moved off the
impetus behind the village’s tractor pull      blacktop and is now held on a dirt track that
since its inception in 1967 when pulls were    takes up 400 feet of the Elroy-Sparta State
a new idea. That year 97 tractors that had     Bicycle trail that runs through the Norwalk
likely been in the fields the day before       Park.
signed up in four classes, followed the next     From those humble beginnings has
year by 107 tractors.                          sprouted an event that has placed the little
   It was held on the blacktop, with the       Monroe County berg with a population just
device being pulled little more than a         over 600 on the competitive pulling map.
concrete boat that individuals jumped on         In 2009, pullers voted the Norwalk
at designated points along the track to add
weight to slow the tractor.                    ‘PULL’ cont. on pg. 7

      Good Luck Pullers & Stay Safe                                                            Leis Excavating, Inc.
     MIKE’S TV
                                                                                                 Commercial, Industrial, Residential
                                                                                               MIKE’S      TV
                                                                                                  All Excavating Needs
                                                                                               APPLIANCE &
                                                                                                         & Road Construction
      APPLIANCE & FURNITURE                                                                                                  25068 Manhattan Rd.
                                                                                                                                Sparta, WI 54656
      “Sparta’s Other                                 Monday-Friday
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      Furniture Store”                            Saturday 8:30 a.m.-4:00                                                       608-269-5562
     119 S. Water St., Sparta
         608-269-5802                                                                                                           608-487-0933
Monroe County Herald                                                           Thursday, August 6, 2020                                                                                      7

               David & Milo Hershberger
         27830 Newport Rd., Cashton, WI 54619

  Satisfaction is our goal. Give us a try.
   We think you’ll like what you buy.
       Dovetailed Drawers            Beveled Edged Mirrors           Full Extension Slides
    Large Selection of Pulls        Many Different Stain Colors    Smooth & Durable Finish   Calling the pull in 2017 was Norwalk’s own Glen Degenhardt and legendary the
                                                                                             Kenny Mack, a Hall of Fame announcer for the National Tractor Pullers Association.
                                                                                             Photo by Pat Mulvaney.
  “Bring us your pictures or ideas
                                                                   Furniture On
    & we’ll build your dreams”
                                                                  Display In Our                                                      ‘PULL’
             Solid Wood Construction                                Showroom                                                   continued from page 6
       Kitchen Cabinets • Living Room Sets • Bedroom Sets          Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m.        Tractor Pull the number-one pull in Region            NTPA Hall of Fame announcer Kenny
     Individual Pieces • Combinations • Many Styles Custom
                    Orders • Any Wood Species
                                                                       Mon.-Sat.             3 for a regional national pull. It was the first   Mack called the competition before he
                                                                                             year Norwalk hosted such a competition.            passed away a few years ago.
                                                                                                Region 3 includes South Dakota,                    But the true reason for the success of the
                                   Live Edge Tables & Countertops Available                  Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and northern            event are the volunteers. Eleven years ago,
       Mission                     Ask About Our Butcher Block Countertops
                                                                                             Illinois.                                          the Norwalk Lions Club spent $30,000 on
                                                                                                Along with Norwalk’s new prestige on            a new shelter and kitchen and $10,000 on
      Modern                                                                                 the pulling circuit came some big changes          lights.
                                      “We Do It All”
                                                                                             to the equipment and grounds. As for                  Over the years, the Lions have donated
                                                                                             the equipment, the pulling sled has been           more than several hundreds of thousands of
                                                                                             replaced by a state-of-the-art eliminator, a       dollars in proceeds from the event toward
                                                                                             vehicle the tractors pull that transfers up to     park facilities, scholarships and Washington
                                                                                             80,000 pounds of weight to a front pad as it       D.C. trips for Brookwood students.
    Closed on Sundays Closed on these Holidays                                               is pulled down the track.                             And then there’s the community at large,
                                                                                                The track itself is a work of engineering,      which also chips in. The event never wants
     We may also be closed                   New Years Day        Ascension Day              requiring special preparation and the right        for volunteers, who include residents,
       for occasions like                    Epiphany             Thanksgiving Day           mix of clay and water to give the tractors         businesses and youth organizations.
     weddings and funerals                   Good Friday          Christmas Day
                                                                                             just the right traction.                              Apparently, that assistance includes a
                                                                                                And the pulling vehicles have come a long       little help from Mother Nature.
                                                                                             way, too, from that first event. Drivers can          The Norwalk tractor Pull has never been
      Located 6 miles east of Cashton, WI or 4 miles west                                    easily drop between $50,000 and $60,000            rained out in 53 years. It has been threatened
   Ontario, WI, off Hwy. 33, North on Newport Rd. 3-1/2 miles                                into their engines alone in the modified two-      with rain and had a transformer blow up but
                                                                                             wheel drive and four-wheel drive pickup            the event still went on.
            to white shop on the right. Approximately                                        truck competitions, while some of the                 In fact, the only time the pull was cancelled
                       18 miles from Sparta                                                  modified tractors cost well into six figures.      was in 2001 when the eliminator didn’t
                                                                                                Instead of hundreds of spectators, the          show up. That year, organizers quashed the
                                                                                             pull now attracts thousands. And big-name          disappointment with a beer special and all
                                                                                             pullers aren’t the only celebs at the event.       was forgiven.

                                                                                                  CASHTON BUILDING
                                                                                                      SUPPLY INC.
                                                                                                     — Quality & Service —
                                                                                                      523 Broadway St. • Cashton, WI 54619
                                                                                                                Phone: 608-654-7871
                                                                                               Monday - Friday 7:00 AM-4:30 PM • Saturday 8:00 AM-Noon

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8                                                                                       Thursday, August 6, 2020                                                                         Norwalk Tractor Pull


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