Trunkline - Woodside Energy

Page created by Brian Chan
Trunkline - Woodside Energy
The magazine for Woodside people | Q3 2019
Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Making powerful moves                              4
Easing pressure                                    5
Sea change looms                                   6
Farewell to respected pioneer                      7
Benefits filter through                            8
Steeling ourselves for future                      9
Greater Enfield hits ‘double century’              10


                                                            Rising to the occasion                          11
                                                            Browse completes valuable surveys               12
                                                            Innovative seismic for Senegal                  13
                                                            Cloud cover for geoscience                      14
                                                        4   Making connections/A GEM of an event
                                                            Lunar tapes land at MY

                                                            Kellie Bombardieri
                                                            t: +61 8 9348 6743

                                                            Mark Irving
                                                            Fiona Meiklejohn
                                                            Lauren Stepanovski

                                                            Rachel Aumord

                                                            James Campbell

On the cover
                                                            287 Design
Ripper Nippers: Young members of the Port
Walcott Surf Life Saving Club sport their new
                                                            Quality Press
uniforms which mark our extended involvement
with Surf Life Saving Western Australia over the            Trunkline is published four times a year by
next five years through the Woodside Nippers                Woodside Energy Ltd. Back issues of Trunkline are
Program.                                                    available for viewing on the Woodside intranet.

Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Game delivers crucial lessons                          17
A day in the life of a . . . resourcing
manager                                             18-19
Sharing services delivers dividends                   20
Upgrade smooths offshore journeys                      21
Looking out for each other/Supporting Lifeline 22
Driving the right behaviours                          23
Alliance delivers two-way benefits                    24

                                                                              Preserving knowledge/Award winner                    25
                                                                              Helping hand for homeless                            26
                                                                              Fond farewell to friends                             27
                                                                              Keeping the tradition safe                           28
                                                                              Festival a symbol of Karratha chemistry              29

                                                       21                     Keeping country healthy/Out and
                                                                              about in Broome                                      30
                                                                              Moving memorabilia                                    31
                                                                              Random Discoveries                                32-34
                                                                              Final Frame                                          35

Working sustainably is a core value at Woodside.                              Even the packaging for posted copies of this magazine
                                                                              has been upgraded (you may have noticed we are now
As our Compass states, we are here for the long term, taking                  using a biodegradable film).
care to look after each other, our communities and the
environment.                                                                  Woodside is a bustling place.

You will find numerous examples of this in the following pages…               In the past quarter, we achieved first oil on time, budget
from the cover featuring Woodside Nippers in the Pilbara                      and schedule for our Greater Enfield Project, made steady
through to efforts to enhance the efficiency of plant operations.             progress on the Burrup Hub vision and commenced a
                                                                              seismic survey in Senegal… among many other things.
Consider too the green corridor initiative, in which we are
looking to replace heavy fuel oils with LNG on vessels using the              Read on to find out more.
world’s busiest bulk commodity shipping corridor.

Notes on Petroleum Resource Estimates: All petroleum resource estimates in this publication are to be read in conjunction with the Reserves
Statement in Woodside’s most recent annual report, as updated by subsequent ASX announcements available at
Investors-Media/Announcements. This publication may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to risk factors associated with oil and
gas businesses.

Trunkline is printed on New Life Recycled coated paper, which is sourced from a sustainably managed forest and uses manufacturing processes of
the highest environmental standards. Trunkline is printed by a Level 2 Environmental Accredited printer. The magazine is 100% recyclable.

Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Making                          powerful moves
Improved                energy                 •   Fuel nozzle performance was con-
                                                   tributing to combustion instability.
                                                                                                  to provide the necessary power,
                                                                                                  the more energy efficient and less
efficiency and greater reliability – that’s
the result of more than 18 months of                                                              emissions intensive you become; that’s
review, research and teamwork at               It also determined improvements were               how reliability can support emissions
Karratha Gas Plant (KGP).                      needed within the broader organisation.            reduction.”

“Our power generation reliability              “Basically, we needed to raise the profile         Alec says this was only possible because
performance is our best ever at almost         of power generation within the business            of a cultural change.
99%,” says maintenance engineering             and build shared goals with Engineering,
team lead Pete Moar.                           Operations and Maintenance,” says                  “Improved relationships and working
                                               asset manager Breyden Lonnie.                      arrangements between Operations,
More than 220MW of electrical power                                                               Maintenance and Engineering has
(enough to power 315,000 average               “For example, completing the right                 created greater levels of understanding
homes) can be generated by KGP’s               maintenance was fundamental to                     of the divisions’ different needs, leading
10 gas turbines, six of which are older        improving power generation reliability             to enhanced trust,” he says.
heavy-duty industrial turbines, four           and this required more than just setting up
newer aero-derivative turbines.                maintenance plans: it needed the backlog           “This was critical to this improved power
                                               of priority work cleared and Engineering           performance.”
The latter boast key advantages over           support to Maintenance to ensure the
the former, including higher efficiency        correct scopes were prioritised.”                  Implementation of improvements began
and lower rates of emission (including                                                            in earnest from mid-2017.
oxides of nitrogen or NOx), and the            Pete notes that when all teams drive
key to lower emissions is premixed fuel        reliability improvement, awesome                   Since then, reliability of the aero-
delivery technology.                           outcomes are achieved.                             derivative turbines has increased
                                                                                                  by more than 10% and production
Emissions are closely related to flame         “When you have your power generation               deferment reduced by more than 90%.
temperatures; the higher the flame             system operating at high reliability, you
temperature the greater the level              gain the confidence to take a proactive            Final word to a satisfied asset manager.
of NOx emissions. But higher flame             position to shut units down to leverage
temperatures are desirable because             fuel efficiency and emissions savings,”            “This was true collaboration – not only
they produce greater power.                    he explains.                                       between Engineering teams but also
                                                                                                  with Maintenance, Operations and key
“Achieving this balance requires careful       “The fewer machines you have running               vendors,” says Breyden.
control of the fuel-to-air ratio, and highly
accurate and complex instruments
and control systems,” explains system
engineer Alec Norman.

“Too much fuel can lead to higher
combustion temperatures and thus
increased NOx; not enough fuel and
you risk flame blow-out and machine

Problems with these complex
combustion control systems can
result in the turbines “staging-down”
to operate at a lower power rating

This means additional turbines are
needed or there’s an increased risk
of production loss – a less efficient
operation and higher emissions.

In 2017, an in-depth review was
conducted which found several issues
were impacting power generation
reliability and efficiency, including

•   Critical instruments needed more
    frequent calibration                       Power people: Alec Norman, Brendan Evans, Darae Emily Jensen and Derek Wingeatt helped
•   Complex control systems needed             implement recommendations to improve the reliability and efficiency of Karratha Gas Plant’s gas
    updating                                   turbines.

4       trunkline | Q3 2019
Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Planned approach: Pippa Edwards, Tariq Ghori and Craig Travers discuss the successful trial at Karratha Gas Plant to cut fugitive methane emissions.

Easing pressure
Reducing              our emissions                 LNG trains at KGP and has historically              “This equates to an annual aggregate
helps the environment and reduces                   performed with significantly higher                 saving of up to 490 tonnes of methane
hydrocarbon wastage.                                fugitive emissions.                                 from the two trains – equivalent to
                                                                                                        12,000 tonnes of CO2.”
So the LNG surveillance team has been               The trial centred on reducing the
examining how to reduce so-called                   operating pressure of the amine flash tank          That’s the same as taking 2600 cars off
“fugitive” methane emissions from LNG               on each train from 650kPa to 500kPa.                the road every year.
                                                    Reducing the operating pressure                     Reducing methane emissions also
Fugitive emissions are hydrocarbons that            increases the separation efficiency                 increases the gas available for sale.
leak or are vented during processing.               between methane and amine. This
                                                    minimises the volume of methane in                  Pippa says the Karratha Laboratory and
In May 2019, the LNG surveillance                   the stack downstream and venting to                 Operations are to be congratulated for
started a trial to attempt to cut the               atmosphere.                                         their collaboration and support.
fugitive methane emissions from the
acid gas removal units (AGRU) on LNG                “Some of these operating conditions                 Following the success with Trains 4 and
Trains 4 and 5 at Karratha Gas Plant.               had not been operated at before,                    5, similar trials are now underway at
                                                    requiring a planned and systematic                  Trains 1,2 and 3.
Graduate process engineer Pippa                     approach to ensure operating conditions
Edwards explains that during the acid               were safe, sustainable with minimal trip            “We’re hoping for similar, if not greater,
gas removal process, some hydrocarbon               risk,” Pippa says.                                  success,” she says.
molecules from the feed gas are co-
absorbed into the amine solvent.                    The trial ran over several weeks and was            Lead surveillance engineer Ryan Taylor
                                                    monitored closely by panel operators                is pleased with the results.
“The AGRU are designed to recover                   to ensure system stability throughout.
these hydrocarbons into our fuel gas                All data was collected daily in manual              “Pippa has shown that innovative thinking
system with the assistance of an amine              samples by the Karratha Laboratory,                 and a focus on reducing methane
flash tank,” she explains.                          once process conditions were steady.                emissions at our operating asset can make
                                                                                                        a real difference to our environmental
“Unrecovered molecules remain in the                Pippa, who ran the trial, says the results          footprint,” Ryan points out.
amine solution until they are boiled out            were better than expected.
and vented to atmosphere with the acid                                                                  “She has combined with Operations
gases.”                                             “We found a measurable reduction in                 to safely test a new operating point
                                                    fugitive methane emission of 25% for                and help embed a carbon emissions
The AGRU system on LNG5, however,                   LNG Train 4 and 19% for LNG Train 5,”               reduction mindset at KGP.”
is designed differently to the other four           she reports.

Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Corridor of power: Chief operating officer Meg O’Neill explains to an AmCham meeting in Perth how the Green Corridor Initiative would reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.

Sea                change looms
Imagine             an energy solution             Woodside believes there is a growing               for LNG-fuelled bulk carriers for up to 27
that could take the equivalent of 1.8              place for LNG as a lower-carbon and                million tonnes of iron ore.
million cars in Australia off the road.            lower-polluting shipping fuel, and is
                                                   planning infrastructure that would                 The International Maritime Organisation’s
Woodside’s involvement in the Green                enable the export of iron ore from the             January 2020 deadline for cleaner
Corridor Initiative could see that                 Pilbara to Asia to transition to a fleet of        shipping fuels will see new rules
become a reality, with the use of LNG as           LNG-fuelled ships.                                 implemented meaning sulphur content
a marine fuel in the world’s busiest bulk                                                             allowed will drop from 3.5% to 0.5%.
commodity shipping corridor.                       By producing LNG in the Pilbara, near
                                                   to where the customer ship would be                This upheaval in the market will increase
A study by independent energy                      supplied with LNG, it avoids the “carbon           the cost of shipping fuels and support
and carbon management company                      miles” associated with transporting                owners in deciding to choose LNG for
Energetics found that if Woodside’s                LNG to an international port, before it            newbuild ships.
LNG were used in iron ore carriers                 is loaded on to a refuelling vessel to
operating from the Pilbara, life cycle             supply the customer ship.                          Craig says LNG produces almost zero
greenhouse gas emissions would be                                                                     sulphur or particulate emissions, so
up to 33% lower than if heavy fuel oil             Two years ago, Woodside formed                     would provide full compliance with the
(HFO) were used.                                   the Green Corridor Joint Industry                  IMO’s 2020 regulations as well as tighter
                                                   Project with resource companies BHP,               restrictions that may arise in the future.
If all iron ore exports from the Pilbara           Fortescue Metals Group and Rio Tinto,
were shipped using LNG fuel instead of             and shipping industry participants.                “While 0.5% is a big step change for the
HFO, the greenhouse gas savings would                                                                 shipping industry, this still allows for 500
be up to 5.8 million tonnes of carbon              According to Craig Jennings,                       times more sulphur in the fuel than is
dioxide equivalent per year.                       opportunity manager Power and New                  permitted in diesel supplied in Australia
                                                   Markets, since then there has been a               and most OECD countries,” he notes.
“That saving is equal to taking 1.8                global sea change in attitudes to the
million cars in Australia off the road,”           concept of LNG as a marine fuel.                   Woodside recognises LNG’s share
chief operating officer Meg O’Neill told                                                              of the shipping market is still small;
AmCham Australia in July.                          The bulk shipping sector now has four              but it presents the opportunity to
                                                   firm orders for LNG-fuelled bulk carriers          demonstrate industry collaboration
Meg said technology and innovation had             that will operate between the Pilbara              at its best, using Australian LNG to
given Woodside a competitive edge in               and Korea from 2021.                               fuel exports of Australian resources
the global race to deliver the next wave                                                              exports while supporting a step-change
of LNG.                                            BHP also recently announced a tender               reduction in emissions.

6       trunkline | Q3 2019
Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Farewell to
    respected pioneer
Australia’s               oil and                 Sales agreements were signed                       Upon discharge in 1945, he enrolled at
gas industry has lost a pioneer and               with eight Japanese gas and power                  the University of Melbourne to study
Woodside a hugely respected leader                companies to underpin exports, and                 law, later becoming senior partner with
with the death in September of former             construction started on the Karratha               a major law firm.
Chairman Bill Rogers AO.                          Gas Plant’s first two LNG trains.
                                                                                                     Board positions, including stints with
He was 93.                                        Contracts were signed for a fleet of LNG           AMP and BHP, brought him into the
                                                  carriers, work started on a new offshore           world of oil and gas, eventually leading
“Bill was a remarkable man who                    platform and our rapidly growing                   to the Chair of Woodside.
leaves an incredible legacy,” said chief          company opened a new office in Perth’s
executive officer Peter Coleman.                  centre.                                            In 1998, his outstanding contribution
                                                                                                     to the legal profession and oil and gas
“Woodsiders still speak of the need               The first cargo of LNG from the NWS                industry was recognised when he became
to be resilient, determined and                   left port in 1989, marking our entry into          an Officer of the Order of Australia.
courageous. We know the value of this             shipping.
because he led the way.                                                                              His dedication to education was also
                                                  New resource discoveries and facilities            praiseworthy.
“He will forever hold a prized position in        followed, including the Goodwyn gas
Woodside’s history.”                              platform and Cossack Pioneer floating              In 1992, he became the fifth Chancellor
                                                  production storage and offloading                  of Monash University, and two years
Bill succeeded company founder Geoff              (FPSO) facility.                                   later he received an honorary Doctorate
Donaldson as Chairman of Woodside                                                                    of Laws from the university.
in 1985, and served for 14 years. During          By the time Bill stepped down as
that time he steered Woodside along               Chairman in 1999, Woodside’s portfolio             In 2016, he returned to Monash to view
our journey from small but ambitious              and reputation had grown significantly.            the Woodside Innovation Centre and
company to Australia’s largest                    The company had become known for its               address students.
independent oil and gas operator.                 independent, can-do spirit and a plucky
                                                  resolve to achieve beyond expectations.            Bill’s love of learning and respect for
He took the helm when the North West                                                                 the pioneering ways of his mother
Shelf (NWS) Project had just begun                David William Rogers, the son of John              prompted him to set up the Irene Rogers
producing domestic gas and was                    and Irene Rogers, was born in Sydney               (Lowe) Scholarship for Agriculture at the
preparing the trail-blazing move to enter         in 1926 and attended Malvern Grammar               University of Melbourne.
the LNG market.                                   School before boarding at Geelong
                                                  College.                                           In 2013, the fourth LNG tanker in the
Bill’s first year was hectic – not least                                                             Pluto fleet – the Woodside Rogers – was
because of a takeover attempt by                  After school, he enlisted in the army,             named in his honour.
Shell – and his first task was to ensure          serving as a signalman with the Central
Woodside’s survival before he could turn          Bureau Intelligence Corps in New Guinea            Bill was father of four – John (dec), Mandy,
his attention to building the company.            and the Philippines.                               James and David – and husband to Jan.

Taking the helm: Bill Rogers steered Woodside for more than a decade as Chairman; right, with wife Jan at the naming ceremony for the Woodside
Rogers LNG carrier in Korea in 2013.

Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Safe hands: Luke Gauci, Lance Hayden, Hailey Norris and Adam Nicholas review the successful collaboration which delivered a safer water handling
module for the Pluto offshore platform. Right, the module's filter coalescer bundle.

Benefits                               filter through
Continuous                improvement              in the oil and gas industry,” explains
                                                   Lance Hayden, PWH operations
                                                                                                      vendor and significantly reduced the
                                                                                                      health and safety risk to personnel as
combined with close collaboration
between contractors and Woodside has               readiness lead.                                    well as the time taken to execute the
delivered big benefits for Pluto’s future.                                                            activity,” says Luke.
                                                   “But it did present risks in health and
As production from the Pluto gas fields            safety exposure and manual handling to             “It means filter changes will take hours
matures, water is expected.                        those workers carrying out that task.”             not days.”

To mitigate the impact of potential                A safer alternative was identified, thanks         Lance says the costs associated with
water reservoir breakthrough, a water              to mechanical engineer Luke Gauci and              the change were quite negligible,
handling facility was deemed necessary             an enthusiastic engineering team with a            considering the frequency of the activity
on Pluto Alpha (PLA) offshore platform.            collective mindset of improvement and              and life of the asset.
The Pluto water handling (PWH) module                                                                 “In fact, if they are selected in other
is scheduled to be installed on PLA in             “They helped turn a vision into reality,”          projects at the front end engineering
2020, with ready for start up in 2021.             Lance says.                                        design (FEED) phase, those extra costs
                                                                                                      could be completely negated,” he notes.
Last year, Woodside awarded                        “The Woodside team worked with the
TechnipFMC a contract for the                      contractors to influence safety in design          Both the contractor and TechnipFMC
engineering, procurement, construction,            and guide them to develop a solution               are very happy with the design, and
installation and commissioning of the              that would not only conform to our                 the collaboration has produced a great
PWH module and in turn, TechnipFMC                 engineering standards but still meet               sense of accomplishment.
awarded contracts and managed                      budget and schedule.”
vendors across the globe to build the                                                                 Gordon Mathwin, general manager
module.                                            New video link technology at Mia                   production support, points out: “This
                                                   Yellagonga helped keep channels open               is a great example of how getting the
Initially, the module’s design had                 to the Malaysian sub-contractor in                 end users - Operations and Maintenance
the filter coalescer package (which                weekly sessions.                                   - involved early when making design
removes oil in water prior to discharging                                                             decisions on projects can generate
overboard) located on the extremities of           A mindset of ruling out no ideas led to a          tremendous benefits, in terms of both
the module, but further review revealed            new solution: an interchangeable bundle            full lifecycle costs of ownership as well
this position was not possible.                    arrangement for the coalescer package              as health and safety considerations for
                                                   and a filter-lifting frame for the solids          our people.
Moreover, the original design required             filters.
the manual removal of potentially more                                                                “Innovation is not always about SMART
than 100 filter elements, each weighing            An overhead monorail with electric                 technology; it can also start with an idea
up to 50kg, every 10 weeks.                        hoist minimised the amount of manual               to improve existing mechanical design
                                                   handling required.                                 - not only to improve safety but also
“The initial proposal, including a bolted                                                             to reduce OPEX cost in the production
lid arrangement, was a common set-up               “Both systems were a world first for the           phase.”

8       trunkline | Q3 2019
Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Steeling                            ourselves
                                                                                 for future
At    first glance there seems little       fix” or FAF which maximises value from
                                                                                            Inspection Database technology.
to connect fabric maintenance and
Woodside’s ambitious growth strategy,                                                       An international benchmarking
but senior vice president North West        “It is as simple as adding a coating            expedition in March validated (and
Shelf (NWS) and Burrup Niall Myles          applicator to inspection teams to coat          helped improve) our plans for
points to a critical link.                  immediately to prevent build-up of              preventative corrosion management.
                                            backlog and associated administrative
“One of the keys to the success of the      burden,” he says.                               Ty Chapman, general manager
Burrup Hub vision is that it leverages                                                      brownfields projects, has first-hand
existing infrastructure, so we need         “We have employed FAF on three assets           experience of the project’s successes.
to ensure our assets are capable of         already, and with instant success.”
providing a reliable revenue stream to                                                      “Its benefits include standardising key
power our ambitious growth portfolio,”      “The monetary savings from this single          learnings from large external corrosion
Niall notes.                                deliverable in the year to date is already      refurbishment projects and embedding
                                            significant.”                                   these as base business across all of our
“Even more important is that we need to                                                     assets,” Ty says.
protect those assets to ensure the safety   But FAF is just one of the seven
of people and the environment because       deliverables, suggesting total savings          “We need to be proactive and eliminate
steel keeps us safe.”                       will be substantial.                            the need for life extension projects.

But it needs our help.                      The remaining six will create further           “And being proactive means focusing on
                                            wins with a new Corrosion Management            repairing coatings rather than repairing
That’s why a review was instigated in       procedure and Dashboard for consistent          steel.”
2017 to examine the effectiveness of the    performance measurement, a review of
“inspection to maintenance” corrosion       the CM organisational accountability,           Niall says our Burrup Hub vision is a
management process.                         revised and automated Integrity                 cornerstone of our growth portfolio,
                                            Operating Windows (IOWs), Risk Based            adding: “Projects such as these involving
That review ultimately launched a           Inspection (RBI) updates, a new Area            fabric maintenance go to the heart of our
project in 2018 to refine and improve       Based Strategy approach, and an                 ability to leverage existing infrastructure
our ability to manage corrosion in an       accelerated plan to standardise new             to make that vision a reality.”
effective, timely, comprehensive and
cost-effective manner.

Its aim?

Replace reactive policies and embed
proactive practices into our corrosion
management programs with consistent
and easy-to-use processes employing
proven technology to ensure a minimal
backlog of maintenance jobs.

“Corrosion management is base
business and it’s good business,” asserts
project manager Stuart Bond.

“Our vision is to ensure one consistent,
efficient way of managing corrosion.
And we must ensure that we control
corrosion, not be controlled by

Leveraging a trial at the Karratha Life
Extension (KLE) project at Karratha
Gas Plant (KGP), the project will be
extending best practice to Woodside’s
two onshore gas plants, NWS Gas
offshore platforms and the Okha and
Ngujima-Yin floating production storage
and offloading (FPSO) facilities.

Stuart explains the project has seven       On the front foot: Ty Chapman, Stuart Bond and Andrew Lobb have worked to embed proactive
deliverables, one of which is a “find and   practices in corrosion management in place of reactive policies.

Trunkline - Woodside Energy
Greater Enfield
        hits ‘double century’
All   12 development wells are                      were not economically viable on their                completions (D&C), the business
complete, subsea infrastructure                     own,” David explains.                                partners and logistics to deliver the
installed, and production of the Greater                                                                 wells, and close collaboration between
Enfield Project (GEP) has started.                  GEP comprises three fields – the                     subsea and pipelines and D&C to remove
                                                    Laverda Canyon, Norton over Laverda                  all simultaneous operations delay from
“Our campaign set out to safely deliver             and Cimatti oil accumulations – via a                the project.”
12 development wells, make a positive               subsea tie-back to the Ngujima-Yin.
impact on the local community and                                                                        Gary Jones, vice president D&C, says he
set new best-in-basin performance                   The floating production storage and                  loved the “One Team” approach.
through continuous improvement,”                    offloading (FPSO) facility returned
reflects drilling superintendent Bob                offshore Exmouth in early May after a                “Greater Enfield set a new benchmark
Brewin.                                             major refit in Singapore.                            for collaborative well delivery,” Gary
“And that is exactly what we’ve done”.              Performance was outstanding,
                                                    according to well delivery manager Jack              “The joint team approach to production
GEP will deliver up to 10 MMboe                     Pearse.                                              attainment, getting the most out of
(Woodside share) a year – a significant                                                                  the reservoir by steering the wells to
step towards Woodside’s target of 100               “Many operators have delivered wells in              maximise reservoir intersection and
MMboe annual production by 2020.                    the area, but we were the fastest in terms           successfully deploying world-first water
                                                    of days taken per 1000m of well, which is            injection technology, was outstanding.
The wells were delivered 100 days                   the industry benchmark,” he says.
ahead of schedule, $100 million under                                                                    “Plus, the experience we’ve gained in
budget, and with zero health, safety                “We call this ‘Best in Basin’.                       drilling long wells in thin reservoirs set
and environment recordable incidents                                                                     us up for success in similar wells planned
in 2019 – protecting our people, and the            “Moreover, we also set an Australian                 for Senegal.”
environment, next to the world heritage-            record with the longest drill bit run of
listed Ningaloo Reef, off Exmouth on                3.5 km, and a world record with the                  A logistics base was established in
Western Australian’s coast.                         longest water injector reservoir ever                Exmouth, which had the dual benefits of
                                                    delivered.”                                          creating local employment and saving
“It’s like scoring a double century,” says                                                               on tool rental costs.
lead completion engineer David Kent,                “Collaboration was all important to the
adding there were no easy “runs”, either.           success of the well campaign,” notes                 As chief operating officer Meg O’Neill
                                                    lead drilling engineer Damon Clarke.                 says: “It is fantastic to have the drilling
“We had to deal with complex wells and                                                                   program completed well ahead of
super-thin reservoirs – some as narrow              “We enjoyed close collaboration                      schedule and with strong safety and
as 1m – as well as marginal fields that             between subsurface, drilling and                     environmental performance.”

Well done: Greater Enfield set records while safely delivering a dozen development wells for a project critical for the company’s growth.

10      trunkline | Q3 2019
Complex challenges: Extending the life of Okha’s riser turret mooring, top, required the removal of more than 100 cubic metres of degraded foam,
bottom. Steve Meerton and Tom Holland, right, review the lessons learnt from the challenging scope.

Rising to the occasion
Complex              and challenging               A composite wrap was applied to                     (PPE) of a full chemical suit and long
work on the Okha floating production               the most at-risk J-tubes in the RTM’s               line breathing apparatus would have
storage and offloading (FPSO) facility             compartment number 8 during the RTM                 increased an already high heat-stress
has been successfully concluded thanks             project of 2018.                                    risk to levels close to unacceptable.
to some outstanding collaboration
between Woodside and contractor                    This year’s scope aimed at mitigating               To devise a solution, project specific
Vertech Group.                                     a possible J-tube leak in compartment               heat stress trials were conducted and
                                                   number 9 – a completely sealed void                 the Health Safety Environment and
The Okha is stationed about 135 km                 space about 10m underwater, 5.5m high               Quality function worked with Vertech to
north west of Karratha above the                   and 98% filled with hardened foam.                  replicate offshore conditions, personnel
Wanaea oil field.                                                                                      exertion levels, hydration levels and
                                                   The foam had been installed to provide              PPE.
Its riser turret mooring (RTM), originally         buoyancy if the compartment were ever
installed in 1995, is due to reach its 25-         breached.                                           These trials determined time limitations
year design life at the end of 2019.                                                                   and safe PPE requirements for those
                                                   The Vertech Group was set the task of               working within the RTM, as well as
Extending that life to achieve the end             planning how to gain access, inspect                developing another 10 health and safety
of field life date of 2031 is one of Okha’s        and repair the J-tubes, and Vertech’s               recommendations.
top priorities.                                    Tom Holland reports the scope was
                                                   extremely complex.                                  When completed, the 2019 scope is
The RTM life extension project began                                                                   expected to have taken 22 weeks of
in 2016 and in that year corrosion was             “Challenges included pre-ventilating                mostly 24-hour operations of 22 workers
discovered in the J-tubes.                         the inhospitable atmosphere in                      and have resulted in more than 650 km
                                                   compartment 9, removing some 113                    of walking up and down ladders and
J-tubes are pipes which allow for the              cubic metres of hard foam and then                  consuming more than 20 million litres of
subsea flow lines and umbilicals to run            welding a manway and ventilation                    breathing air.
from subsea to Okha’s oil processing               ports,” Tom explains.
modules internally through the RTM.                                                                    “What Vertech has accomplished on the
                                                   Only then could the inspection and                  RTM project shows how we can achieve
Further mapping the following year                 refurbishment of the J-tubes be                     world-class results on complex scopes
revealed the full extent of the corrosion.         conducted.                                          when we work closely with quality
                                                                                                       contractors,” says Shannon Byers,
“Corrosion in the J-tube is the highest            He adds removing the foam was a                     maintenance superintendent 1FPSO.
risk to the life extension program and             challenge because atmospheric samples
if it leads to a complete through-wall             had indicated it had degraded over time             “Managing the HSE performance during
defect it could pose a threat to the riser         and was expelling toxic compounds.                  this activity has set the bar for how we
column itself,” explains Steve Meerton,                                                                should manage high-risk scopes in the
Okha maintenance team lead.                        Wearing personal protection equipment               future.”

Surveying the scene: Extensive consultation and collaboration internal and external has delivered the Browse development concept an enormous
amount of geophysical, geotechnical and environmental information, including seabed details never seen before.

Browse completes
    valuable surveys
The       Browse development off                  GTO drafted the survey’s scope
                                                  of work after consultation with
                                                                                                    inevitably meant schedule changes
                                                                                                    and a variety of seasonal conditions to
the coast of Western Australian
constitutes Australia’s largest untapped          internal stakeholders including the               contend with,” says Lee Woolhouse,
conventional gas resource: contingent             Browse pipeline team, geotechnical,               GTO senior surveyor.
resources of 13.7 trillion cubic feet             geohazards, marine assurance and
(Tcf) of dry gas and 390 million barrels          Health, Safety and Environment.                   “But notwithstanding the complexity,
(MMbbl) of condensate.                                                                              the health, safety and environment
                                                  Neptune Geomatics won the contract to             outcomes were outstanding.”
Little wonder, then, that everything              conduct the reconnaissance, geophysical,
involved with bringing those resources            environmental and geotechnical surveys            Browse subsea and pipelines delivery
online is of mega proportions.                    to generate sufficient information to             manager Patricia Long agrees.
                                                  make informed decisions.
For example, almost 1000 km of                                                                      “From the start, the teams have
trunkline will be needed to transport the         In Q4 last year a highly successful rapid         demonstrated Our Safety Culture by
gas from fields 450 km off the Kimberly           reconnaissance survey, using a vessel-            communicating openly about change in
coast to Karratha Gas Plant (KGP)                 mounted Multi-beam Echo Sounder                   schedule, speaking up about concerns
onshore. That requires an incredible              (MBES), covered 4660 km.                          and risks, being mindful of the remote
amount of geophysical, geotechnical                                                                 location of Browse, getting involved
and environmental surveys to acquire              “Survey results were assessed in near             by attending each mobilisation and
data for its design and approvals.                real time onboard by Woodside and                 crew change, and managing the risks
                                                  Atteris, with decisions being made about          of fatigue on a small crew for long
In July 2017, the Browse Joint Venture            the route and scouting of alternatives            durations,” Patricia notes.
engaged our geotechnical operations               as the survey proceeded,” explains Alan
(GTO) team to undertake the Browse to             Gillen, export pipeline lead.                     While final data processing is ongoing,
NWS project surveys.                                                                                preliminary data is of very high quality
                                                  This reconnaissance survey confirmed              and reveals details of the seabed not
First came a study to catalogue and               the concept BTL route was viable                  seen before.
assess the available data along the               and free of major geohazards such as
nominal Browse Trunkline (BTL) route,             canyons.                                          Senior vice president Browse Richard
from Scott Reef to the North Rankin                                                                 van Lent says: “The completion of
Complex.                                          It also enabled the creation of a preliminary     these surveys is a great achievement
                                                  environment habitat map - important               and testament to the leadership and
“But for much of the remote section               for a targeted environment survey.                collaboration between GTO, Browse
of the route, there was little or no                                                                trunkline and the HSE teams.
information available,” says Karl Perry,          More surveys followed.
GTO survey operations manager.                                                                      “It’s an important step on the path to
                                                  “The fieldwork has been extremely                 the start of front end engineering design
Australian company Atteris won the                challenging, not only because of the              (FEED) by the end of this year and
contract to carry out the trunkline               remote location but also because the              on the longer journey of bringing the
engineering and route selection.                  sheer magnitude of the survey work                Browse to NWS concept to fruition.”

12      trunkline | Q3 2019
seismic               Innovative
for Senegal
Woodside’s                    first                A multi-azimuth seismic survey is
                                                   analogous to illuminating a theatre
                                                                                                  “Currently the subsurface teams are
                                                                                                  using 2007 vintage 3D seismic that has
major field activity as operator of our
offshore joint venture in Senegal is a             stage with multiple spotlights from            only been shot in an east west pattern,”
ground-breaking four-month seismic                 various angles. Together, they make            Greg notes.
survey which began in late July and is             the stage much brighter and the results
proceeding smoothly.                               leave no shadows.                              “This new 2019 3D multi azimuth seismic
                                                                                                  will be shot over the same area only in
Woodside has a 35% interest in the                 The advanced technology is expected            north south directions as well as SW-
Rufisque Offshore, Sangomar Offshore               to better reveal the complexity of each        NE and SE-NW patterns. We will then
and Sangomar Deep Offshore blocks                  reservoir layer in the field and should        have an unprecedented view of how the
(collectively known as the RSSD blocks)            enable better targeting of the “sweet          reservoir sands have been deposited
where SNE Field is located. The Phase 1            spots” in the planned 2021 drilling            and how they are connected.”
development area is situated about 100             campaign.
km south of Dakar, the country’s capital                                                          The survey has also been expanded
with water depth exceeding 1 km.                   “This survey will also provide the basis       beyond SNE to cover our offset
                                                   for an improved full field reservoir           exploration and appraisal areas and is
This seismic survey will enable                    model and a reliable baseline survey           expected to finish mid-November.
optimisation of long horizontal wells              for future time-lapse or 4D seismic
to deliver first oil in 2022. It employs           monitoring opportunities,” Hasan               Data processing will take about nine
the latest geophysical technology                  explains. Importantly, 4D will also            months and the results will keep the
including Full Waveform Inversion (FWI)            help locate undrained hydrocarbons,            subsurface team busy prior to the
to improve the imaging of the SNE                  optimise infill wells to ensure                drilling of the Phase-1 development
complex reservoirs.                                maximum recovery, and inform future            wells.
                                                   development phases.
“We have acquired our first multi-                                                                One Senegalese who will be watching
azimuth broadband 3D seismic survey                Senegal vice president Greg Mogan              the results with keen interest is
in an attempt to illuminate the complex            says it will transform our understanding       Moustapha Dia who arrived at Mia
subsurface of our giant field from                 of the many and complex reservoir              Yellagonga in May on a three-month
different angles,” principal geophysicist          structures located 3 km below the sea          secondment from Senegal.
Hasan Sidi says.                                   level.
                                                                                                  After graduating from university,
                                                                                                  Moustapha honed his skills at an
                                                                                                  American oil and gas company
                                                                                                  exploring in Senegal onshore before he
                                                                                                  joined Petrosen, Senegal’s national oil
                                                                                                  company and a participant in the SNE
                                                                                                  joint venture.

                                                                                                  During the secondment, Moustapha was
                                                                                                  exposed to our reservoir management
                                                                                                  processes, received training and got
                                                                                                  an understanding of the geological
                                                                                                  workflows from discovery to

                                                                                                  He carried out subsurface
                                                                                                  interpretations, seismic interpretations
                                                                                                  and reviewed the appraisal wells
                                                                                                  to assist with the SNE Phase 1 oil
                                                                                                  development well contingency plans.

                                                                                                  “Moustapha also was fortunate to
                                                                                                  participate in a week-long Queensland
                                                                                                  geological field trip - a training
                                                                                                  opportunity to understand how
                                                                                                  geological analogues are used to
                                                                                                  constrain subsurface uncertainty in
Senegal switch: Moustapha Dia from Petrosen, a participant in the SNE joint venture, discusses    Woodside’s fields,” says SNE modelling
seismic surveys with principal geophysicist Hasan Sidi during his secondment at Mia Yellagonga.   lead Damien O’Rourke.

Geoscience gathering: Executive vice president Exploration sustainability and global new ventures Shaun Gregory welcomes Trygve Randen from
Schlumberger Software Integrated Solutions to the Geoscience Conference. Right, the conference attracted more than 180 people.

                                         Cloud cover
          for geoscience
Woodside               has signed a              The agreement with Schlumberger was
                                                 unveiled at the Woodside Geoscience
                                                                                                   and technical professionals to share
                                                                                                   technical stories and insights.
ground-breaking alliance with oilfield
services provider Schlumberger.                  Conference by Shaun Gregory, executive
                                                 vice president sustainability, exploration        Keynote speaker in the morning was
The partnership centres on DELFI –               and global new ventures.                          Erica Smyth, chair of the National
Schlumberger’s cloud-based cognitive                                                               Offshore Petroleum Safety and
environment for exploration and                  Shaun believes DELFI will help                    Environmental Management Authority.
production activities.                           Woodside achieve our growth strategy              Erica talked on “Our energy future”,
                                                 by reducing time to final investment              the demand for mineral resources and
Subsurface technology manager Darryl             decision and lowering technical unit              the need for an enhanced focus on
Harris says DELFI provides an open               costs.                                            recycling.
                                                 Trygve Randen, president of                       Professor Simon Lang delivered the
“It’s analogous to all the apps on your          Schlumberger Software Integrated                  afternoon keynote address with his
smartphone being able to talk to each            Solutions (SIS), spoke at the conference          usual passion on his role and areas of
other and access all of the same data,”          and declared he was impressed by                  research as the director of the Centre
Darryl explains.                                 Woodside’s innovative character.                  for Energy Geoscience at the University
                                                                                                   of Western Australia.
“DELFI is set to further our technical           “Woodside made the perfect partner
capabilities in evaluating subsurface            for DELFI because it has the same                 Closing presentations, by Tom Ridsdill-
opportunities.                                   pioneering mindset as our company,”               Smith, vice president Geoscience, and
                                                 Trygve said.                                      Darryl gave an opportunity for them to
“We’ll get access to all Schlumberger’s                                                            both reflect on the day, and also to look
programs with unlimited licensing. It’s          “Changing the way our industry works              ahead and discuss Woodside’s activities
incredible access to Schlumberger’s              requires working with an innovative               in a rapidly changing and challenging
technology that we haven’t had before.”          company like Woodside to push the                 energy future.
Principal geologist Stuart King adds:                                                              Stratigraphy manager and co-organiser
“It’s a way of managing different                The Geoscience Conference has become              Neil Marshall says he was very pleased
subsurface geological and geophysical            an annual event on the Woodside                   with the success of the conference and
data sets so that any piece of software          calendar and this year’s conference               its turnout.
or app can access the well data, seismic         was held late August in Perth with the
data and the like that it needs without          theme “Technology and innovation in               “We had more than 180 attendees and
having to import that data into the app.         geoscience”.                                      there were three parallel sessions of
                                                                                                   technical presentations delivered by
“A lot of people believe big data, fast          It was organised by the geoscience                Woodside geoscientists,” reports Neil.
computing and artificial intelligence is         technology (GT) and subsurface
the way of the future and that if we are         functional excellence (SFE) teams as a            “These were 15 minutes each
at the pointy end of that revolution, we         forum for all Woodside geoscientists              and produced an astounding 58
can gain a competitive advantage.”                                                                 presentations.”

14      trunkline | Q3 2019
Making                            connections
Setting          sustainable digital              monitors and meeting connectivity as         Chief operations officer Meg O’Neill
foundations and standardising digital             part of the Q2 upgrade.                      says: “The success of our Connected
services and working environments                                                              Sites program is underpinned by the
across our operations are key factors in          Offshore installation manager Tom            fact that ‘our IT just works’ on whichever
ensuring those who work at Woodside               Walsh says the team appreciated the          Woodside asset you are in the world.
have opportunity to contribute their              seamless switchover of work stations
best — wherever they are.                         while the asset was operating.               “Getting this base layer right before we
                                                                                               grow is crucial.”
“Our connected site experience must               Meanwhile, as part of the Connected
add value, be front-line focused, flexible        Sites program, TechZone has spread its
and reliable to enable our workforce,”            wings beyond Mia Yellagonga.
says Cameron Robertson, strategic
technology manager.                               TechZone, which allows for drop-in visits
                                                  by Woodsiders needing IT assistance,
Woodside’s senior leaders have backed             now provides coverage to all Burrup
a major new program, Connected Sites,             sites and can be found across Karratha
to enable teams to perform to their best          Gas Plant, the King Bay Supply Base,
ability with the very best IT equipment.          Burrup Materials Facility and Pluto LNG
“The aim is to ensure our digital
infrastructure enables our people to              Lisa Saunders, Karratha digital lead,
perform today while being future proof            says: “They can be seen dispensing
for our growth plans,” explains Scott             training, advice and IT support while
Marshall, who kicked off Connected                wearing their distinctive purple vests
Sites in his previous role as adviser to          with the TechZone brand.”
senior vice president North West Shelf
(NWS) and Burrup.                                 Cameron says that by the middle of
                                                  2020 all Woodside assets in the North
Goodwyn was the first offshore asset              West of WA and offshore Australia            Supporting role: As part of the Connected
to benefit and its workers received               will benefit from the first stage of         Sites program, TechZone’s assistance has been
new devices including laptops, curved             Connected Sites.                             rolled out across Woodside’s assets.

A         GEM of an event
Technology                 helped                 “It was quite unlike any other GEM event     he had to overcome in his move from
                                                                                               Pakistan to Australia. He talked of his
spread the good word at a July GEM                we’ve held,” enthused GEM co-chair
(Gender Equality Matters) event with              Fiona Chow.                                  delight and gratitude that Woodside
our video conferencing system Webex                                                            provides prayer rooms at KGP.
helping connect Woodsiders at Karratha            “Our people used the Webex technology
Gas Plant (KGP) and Mia Yellagonga.               to tell their stories and experiences.”      Lauren Werchon, a fourth year
                                                                                               instrument electrician (inlec) apprentice,
Entitled Humans of Karratha, the event’s          Bilal Saleem, an instrument and controls     shared the challenges she faced as a
purpose was to showcase diversity and             engineer, described he challenges            mature age apprentice and mother. She
connect people.                                                                                drew a laugh from the audience when
                                                                                               she told of how excited she had been to
                                                                                               have the offshore team cook and clean
                                                                                               “when all I have to do is work”.

                                                                                               Sherry Duhe, GEM sponsor and chief
                                                                                               financial officer, said that in her
                                                                                               extensive travels she had noticed that
                                                                                               “inside, everyone is the same”.

                                                                                               The event was deemed a great success,
                                                                                               with Webex helping bring together a
                                                                                               collection of Woodsiders and helping
                                                                                               them learn a little bit more about each
Doubling up: Thanks to the Webex technology, materials coordinator platforms Carly Wieland
simultaneously addresses the Karratha and Perth turnout of the Humans of Karratha GEM event.

Lunar tapes
             land at MY
One       small step for man, one giant         “We also wanted to remind Woodsiders        NASA’s principal investigator into lunar
leap for mankind.                               of the struggle required to achieve great   dust and is now an adjunct professor
                                                results.”                                   of physics at the University of Western
These famous words, spoken by                                                               Australia.
astronaut Neil Armstrong as he took             The historic tapes, previously owned by
the first steps by a human on the moon,         NASA, were used to capture Professor        The tapes, which resemble film reels,
remind us of a significant milestone in         O’Brien’s research in moon dust. They       were kept by him when NASA no longer
achieving the impossible.                       were showcased at an event at Mia           had use for them.
                                                Yellagonga in July, celebrating the 50th
And Woodside has been able to a secure          anniversary of the 1969 moon landing.       Brady notes that eventually NASA
a scientific data tape that helped put                                                      needed to revisit the lunar dust data.
Armstrong on the moon.                          “We first came across Professor O’Brien
                                                when Woodside was developing the            “The only issue was that the technology
“The moon landing was a significant             concepts for the North West Shelf           used to read the information on the
achievement that celebrated innovation          project in the 1970’s,” says Brian          tapes was now extinct,” he says.
and this tape is directly linked to             Haggerty vice president innovation
mankind’s greatest adventure,” says             capability.                                 “Professor O’Brien’s manager came
graduate geologist Brady Gower.                                                             up with a solution to re-engineer an
                                                “Back then, he was the Foundation           old piece of technology to read the old
The tape was sold to Woodside by                Chairman of the Western Australia           tapes and that research is now being
Professor Brian O’Brien, who helped             Environmental Protection Authority.         used for future space expeditions.”
solve some of the many mysteries of
lunar dust.                                     “More recently, we became aware of          The scientific data is now stored
                                                Professor O’Brien’s connection to the       electronically - a prime example of
“We bought the tape as it is a symbol of        historic data tapes and we invited him      innovation.
the efforts of innovation, collaboration        along to the event.”
and acceleration to achieve milestones                                                      Brady, who helped to organise the
in history,” says Brady.                        Professor O’Brien was previously            anniversary event, highlighted the
                                                                                            event’s significance in the importance
                                                                                            of storytelling and the importance of
                                                                                            sharing our learnings and experiences.

                                                                                            “Revisiting past technology and
                                                                                            learnings to help with future problems is
                                                                                            a key takeaway from this event,” he says.

                                                                                            “Having the chance to meet Professor
                                                                                            O’Brien was an opportunity not to be

                                                                                            Both Brians share more than just the
                                                                                            name – they share the same interest in
                                                                                            pioneering the impossible.

                                                                                            “The moon landing anniversary
                                                                                            comes at a time where we’re on the
                                                                                            cusp of scientific and technological
                                                                                            breakthroughs for Woodside,” says

                                                                                            “The link to the pioneering spirit and
                                                                                            embracing opportunities ahead, no
                                                                                            matter how hard they may seem, is
                                                                                            something that resonates with all

                                                                                            One of many tapes can now be found in
Over the moon: Brian Haggerty, Brian O’Brien, Brady Gower and Guy Holmes marked the 50th    the Technology home zone on Level 20
anniversary of the moon landing with an event in Mia Yellagonga.                            of Karlak.

16      trunkline | Q3 2019
Game on: Left, Imtiaza Maroef and Perrine Lombart learn about Licence to Operate under the guidance of change manager Noelle Loh; right, project
 lead Stephen Standley says the board game is best played between people with different roles.

Game delivers
   crucial lessons
Boards           games don’t have to             two teams, plus a game master who is in            discussing the proposed questions
be reserved for rainy days on holidays or        charge of the answer book.                         with Maintenance, Engineering and
non-television nights for the kids.                                                                 regulatory compliance to ensure the
                                                 “It’s essentially a learning exercise              answers were correct.
A new board game devised at Woodside             because you have to get to know each
has a purpose more serious than                  of the other players and their role in             Then a pilot was trialled in Karratha in
accumulating miniature plastic houses            regulatory maintenance.                            July and the game started to be rolled
along Park Lane or avoiding snakes and                                                              out in August among Maintenance,
climbing ladders.                                “So it’s best played with people                   Operations and Engineering.
                                                 who have different roles within the
It’s called Licence to Operate and it aims       company.”                                          Six copies of Licence to Operate have
to advance the cause of “regulatory                                                                 been ordered and the idea is that
required maintenance”.                           Stephen and his team were looking                  eventually everybody in those three
                                                 at how best to communicate the                     disciplines will have played it at least once.
Regulatory required maintenance refers           importance of compliance and safety
to maintenance activities to be carried          but had difficulty landing on the right            “This was certainly one of the more
out in order to comply with regulatory           formula.                                           engaging and effective learning
obligations specified within an Act of                                                              experiences I have undertaken of late,”
Parliament, a regulation or a prescribed         Videos and presentations were created              reports Karratha Gas Plant operator
standard.                                        but the team wanted participants to                Damien Muller who took part in the July
                                                 immerse themselves in the scenarios                trial.
“The aim of Licence to Operate is to             rather than be passive spectators.
generate conversations with your peers                                                              “The inclusion of Ops, Engineering
about safety and compliance,” explains           “So we thought, how about doing                    and Maintenance in the session
Stephen Standley, the project lead for           something more collaborative, where we             certainly helped with each discipline
the Regulatory Maintenance Project               can teach people to find the answer with           bringing their part in the process to the
which came up with the idea for the              the resources that we have created?                experience.”
board game.                                      How about making it a collaborative
                                                 learning experience,” Stephen recounts.            Change manager Noelle Loh developed
“You make your way through the game                                                                 the game and is happy with the
by answering the questions about our             “We were looking at an electronic game             feedback.
new regulatory required maintenance              but there’s something special about the
framework, and there’s even a jail like in       look and feel of a physical board game.            “We hope that this experience – excuse
Monopoly.”                                                                                          the pun – is a game changer when it
                                                 “We’re very happy with the product.”               comes to learning at Woodside, as we
The game takes around 90 minutes to                                                                 continue to encourage people to adopt
complete and requires three players in           A great deal of time was spent                     new ways of working,” Noelle says.

A day in the life of a ...
           resourcing manager
Helping            candidates along           business degree – a double major in
                                              human resources management and
                                                                                         people who are passionate about the oil
                                                                                         and gas industry.”
the path to a rewarding career while
simultaneously satisfying Woodside’s          accounting.
need for a talented diverse workforce to                                                 Outside work, Nicole is an enthusiastic
meet its growth strategy is all in a day’s    First job after graduation was as          netball player. And she loves to travel.
work for Nicole Magill.                       recruitment administrator for a company    “It’s what I work hard for,” she says with
                                              working on a Woodside contract before      a laugh.
Nicole’s role as resourcing manager           she moved to Vancouver, Canada, where
both fulfils her desire to help people and    she gained experience as a recruitment     Below is a typical work day.
utilises her skills in networking.            agency consultant – and got a taste for
                                              snowboarding.                              7:30am: On the bus ride to work I take
“In the case of graduates, you are                                                       the opportunity to check and respond to
essentially setting up somebody’s             In 2011 Nicole returned to Australia and   some emails on my phone. It makes for a
lifelong career and securing their            worked at BHP as a resourcing specialist   productive 20 minutes.
future,” she says.                            on site.
                                                                                         8am: First up is a meeting to discuss
“With more experienced recruits, it’s         “I enjoyed it but I wanted to return to    updating the team’s structure and
perhaps a little less significant; but        the oil and gas sector and the city, and   Woodside’s resourcing model. As
you’re still helping support their families   after two years I applied for a job as a   manager, my role is to focus on the
and fulfil their ambitions.”                  resourcing adviser at Woodside,” she       strategy to ensure we can deliver the
                                              says.                                      company’s needs for its growth strategy.
It’s a far cry from her first calling.                                                   To achieve this, we’ve run a production
                                              She began supporting Production’s          recruitment campaign to display what
At 17, Nicole moved from her hometown         external talent requirements and in        Woodside has to offer. It’s the biggest
of Collie in Western Australia’s south        2016 stepped into an acting team lead      campaign we’ve run since Pluto LNG
west to study nutrition at university in      position.                                  plant came on stream in 2011 and more
Perth.                                                                                   than 5500 applications were received.
                                              The next year, Nicole was appointed        We recruit the best global talent – high-
On deciding that career path wasn’t           resourcing manager.                        potential, high-performing diverse
for her, she switched to an office job                                                   talent who will be at Woodside for a
combined with studying for a business         “I give my team guidance on recruitment    long time or will finish their careers
certificate.                                  up to executive level across the whole     here. The campaign opened in April
                                              organisation,” she explains.               and ran for six weeks with the theme
And she furthered this new-found                                                         “growth for us means opportunities for
interest in the corporate world with a        “I love being able to connect with         you”. We’ve recently completed our

18      trunkline | Q3 2019
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