Tuesday, March 1 4:30 - 6 pm Blue Ridge Conference Room

Page created by Danny Leon
Tuesday, March 1 4:30 - 6 pm Blue Ridge Conference Room
Tuesday, March 1
         4:30 - 6 pm
Blue Ridge Conference Room

Tuesday, March 1 4:30 - 6 pm Blue Ridge Conference Room
Tuesday, March 1 4:30 - 6 pm Blue Ridge Conference Room

Western Carolina University annually acknowledges and celebrates our faculty’s
collective and individual scholarly and creative achievements. In 2022, we are proud
to mark the 33rd year of this institutional celebration. This year also is the 35th year of
the Hunter Scholar Award, which recognizes and rewards faculty who make extensive
use of library resources in their research. Each year since 2015, the University also
annually recognizes the important work of grant writers.

This year, we are delighted to feature works of 281 scholars in this bibliography. Their
works include research articles, books and book chapters, poster presentations,
literary and artistic contributions, performances, presentations, and much more. The
purpose of this bibliography is to provide a broad overview and representation of the
scope of faculty scholarship at Western Carolina University. It is not intended to be a
comprehensive list of the much greater volume of faculty accomplishments. Due to
the overwhelming number of scholarly works submitted, we have limited our list to
five scholarly and creative works for each listed faculty member.

Our goal is to inspire our academic community by highlighting and affirming the
many ways in which WCU faculty express their creativity and contribute to the
advancement of human knowledge and culture.

Sponsors of the 2022 Faculty Scholarship Celebration event are the Graduate School
and Office of Research, Hunter Library, the Office of Undergraduate Studies, Office
of the Provost, and Office of the Chancellor. Many thanks go to the members of the
Faculty Scholarship Celebration committee: Dr. Brian Kloeppel, Dr. Brandon Schwab,
Alison Krauss, Roxane Stiles, Chuck Thomas, Shamella Cromartie, Carol Hicks, and
Suzanne Melton.

Thanks also are due to the Hunter Scholar Award selection committee: Dr. Marco
Lam, Dr. Channa De Silva, Sara Steiner, and committee chair Shamella Cromartie.

Special thanks to Heidi Buchanan, Sarah Steiner, Kristin Calvert, Lauren Maynor,
Joshua Everhart, Rachel High, Caiden Constantino, and Devon Shaw for their
outstanding work on compiling this bibliography of scholars’ works.

Chuck Thomas

Dean of Library Services

Tuesday, March 1 4:30 - 6 pm Blue Ridge Conference Room
COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES                             Dr. Daniel Ross Brown
Dr. Barbara E Ballentine                                        Chernick, M., Burke, T., Lieberman, N., Brown, D.,
                                                                  Di Giulio, R. T., & Hinton, D. E. (2021). Heart
Ballentine, B. E., & Hyman, J. (2021). Bird Talk:                 Development in Two Populations of Atlantic
  An Exploration of Avian Communication. Cornell                  Killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Following Exposure
  University Press.                                               to a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Mixture.
Dr. Scott Anthony Barlowe                                         Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208,
Ginn, J., Salas Bautista, C., Barlowe, S. A., & Lehman,
  W. E. (2021). A Novel Framework for Integrating               Dr. Mark R. Budden
  Mobile Machine Learning and L2 Vocabulary                     Budden, M. R. (2021). The Gallai-Ramsey Number
  Acquisition. Journal of Computing Sciences in                   for a Tree Versus Complete Graphs. Integers: Ron
  Colleges, 36(5), 47–56.                                         Graham Memorial Volume, 21A(#A7).
Dr. Julia Barnes                                                Budden, M. R., & Clifton, J. (2021). A Weakened
Barnes, J. (2021). Life On and Off a Julia Set: A                 Version of Strict Schur Numbers. Acta Universitatis
  Complex Look at Teaching and Life. MAA SE                       Apulensis, 65, 111–122.
  Section Meeting of the Mathematical Association of            Budden, M. R., Hiller, J., Meek, T., & Penland, A.
  America.                                                        (2021). Algebraic Properties of a Hypergraph Lifting
Barnes, J., Crans, A. S., DeLong, M., Kung, D., &                 Map. Integers 21(#A77) 1-12
  Stevens, T. C. (2021). Project NEXT: Community                Budden, M. R., & Stiles, W. (2021). Anti-Ramsey
  During a Critical Transition. Count Me In:                      Hypergraph Numbers. Electronic Journal of Graph
  Community and Belonging in Mathematics. MAA                     Theory and Applications, 9(2021), 397–407.
                                                                Dr. Erin Elizabeth Callahan
Barnes, J., & Marshall, J. (2021). Critical Points of
  Iterates of Quadratic Functions. Involve: A Journal           Callahan, E. E., Philological Association of the
  of Mathematics, 14(3), 511–518.                                 Carolinas (PAC), Tarheel Latin@English: New
                                                                  Dialect Formation in the Nuevo New South,
Barnes, J., Chao, S., Epstein, R., Jamerson, K., Lai, W.,         Philological Association of the Carolinas (PAC),
  Ray, A., & Steil, L. (2021, July 6). Math Values.               Western Carolina University, Asheville, NC.
Dr. Peter Caldwell Bates                                        Steiner, S. K., Rountree, T. A., Claxton, M. M.,
Bates, P. C., Coats, A., Dell, J., Hagan, D. (2021).               Callahan, E. E., DeArmon, S., Upton, J. (2021).
  Combining Monitoring and Research to Better                      From Mountaineers to Mountain Queers: Western
  Explain Prescribed Fire Effects in the Southern                  Carolina’s Evolving Campus Archives. Appalachian
  Appalachians. Fire Learning Network.                             Studies Association Conference. Virtual.

Dr. Melissa Dee Birkhofer                                       Dr. Mae Miller Claxton

Birkhofer, M. D. (2021) Teresa Martín, Luisa Méndez,            Steiner, S. K., Rountree, T. A., Claxton, M. M.,
   La Florida, and Latinx Studies: Teaching Latinx                 Callahan, E. E., DeArmon, S., Upton, J. (2021).
   Studies in Western North Carolina. SAMLA.                       From Mountaineers to Mountain Queers: Western
                                                                   Carolina’s Evolving Campus Archives. Appalachian
Birkhofer, M. D., Williams, C., Schaefer, C., Kinter, S.,          Studies Association Conference. Virtual.
   Zuniga, Y. (2021). Centering Latinx Communities as
   US Literature and Culture. SEACS.                            Dr. Robert John Clines

Birkhofer, M. D., SECOLAS. Creating Community                   Clines, R. J. (2021). Edward W. Said, Renaissance
   beyond Curriculum at a Rural, Regional                          Orientalism, and Imaginative Geographies of a
   Comprehensive University.                                       Classical Mediterranean. Memoirs of the American
                                                                   Academy in Rome, 65, 395–435.
Vivas, M.R. (2021). Word Mingas: Oralitegraphies
   and Mirrored Visions on Oralitures and Indigenous            Jessica Suzanne Cory
   Contemporary Literatures. (P.M. Worley & M.D.                Cory, J. S. (October, 2021). Image of My Estranged
   Birkhofer, Trans.). University of North Carolina               Grandfather at 94. Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel.
                                                                Cory, J. S. (2021). Review of Magnolia Canopy
Emily Carolyn Brier                                               Otherworld by Erin Carlyle. Tinderbox Poetry
Brier, E. C. (2021). All Y’all EDU, Down Yonder Zine              Journal, 7(2).
   Author Reading & Q&A. All Y’all EDU, Zoom.                   Cory, J. S. (2021). Blue Balls: Masculinity and
Brier, E. C. B. (Panelist). (2021). Queer Kitchen Tables:         Hypothermia in the Short Stories of Ron Rash.
   Intersections of Queerness, Food, and Women in                 Journal of the Short Story in English, 74, 123-136.
   Contemporary Appalachian Literature, Appalachian             Cory, J. S. (2021). Review of Postcolonial Love Poem
   Studies Association. Appalachian Studies                       by Natalie Diaz. The Carolina Quarterly.
   Association 2021 Conference, Online.
                                                                Cory, J. S., & McHone, J. (2021). A Tale of Two Pities:
                                                                  Life in a Dual NTTF Household. In R. Sanchez,
M. McGuire, & J. Edwards (Eds.), Speaking Up,            De Silva, C. R. (Author Only), Brasecker, K. (Presenter
   Speaking Out: Lived Experiences of Non-Tenure-             & Author) (2021). Synthesis of Europium-doped
   Track Faculty in Writing Studies. Utah State               Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using a Thermal
   University Press.                                          Decomposition Method for Potential Antimicrobial
                                                              Applications. National Meeting of the American
Dr. Jim Thomas Costa                                          Chemical Society (ACS), Virtual.
Charabidze, D., Trumbo, S., Grzywacz, A., Costa, J.         Dr. Jane Ellen Dell
  T., Benbow, M. E., Barton, P. S., & Matuszewski, S.
  (2021). Convergence of Social Strategies in Carrion       Dell, J. (2021). Lichens in Diverse Landscapes: EREN-
  Breeding Insects. BioScience, 71(10).                       NEON Flexible Learning Project. EREN-NEON
                                                              Flexible Learning Projects FMN Spring 2021.
Costa, J. T. (2021). There is Hardly Any Question in          QUBES Educational Resources.
  Biology of More Importance – Charles Darwin
  and the nature of variation. In D.W. Pfennig (Ed.),       Cannon, C., Borchetta, C., Anderson, D., Arellano, G.,
  Phenotypic Plasticity and Evolution: Causes,                Barker, M., Charron, G., LaMontagne, J., Richards,
  Consequences, Controversies (pp. 25–54). CRC                J., Abercrombie, E., Banin, L., Casapia, X. T., Chen,
  Press.                                                      X., Degtjarenko, P., Dell, J., Durden, D., Andino,
                                                              J. E. G., Hernandez-Gutierrez, R., Hirons, A., Kua,
Costa, J. T. (2021). Book Review: Darwin’s Most               C., Spenko, M. (2021). Extending Our Scientific
  Wonderful Plants: A Tour of His Botanical Legacy,           Reach in Arboreal Ecosystems for Research and
  by Ken Thompson. Quarterly Review of Biology,               Management. Frontiers in Forests and Global
  96(1), 36–37.                                               Change, 4.
Dr. Andréa M Daventry                                       Henry, W., Sierra, C., Dell, J. (2021). The Effect
Daventry, A. M. (2021). Seeing Oneself as a Source of         of Canopy Openness on saproxylic Coleoptera
  Reasons: Gaslighting, Oppression, and Autonomy.             in the Wilson Creek Watershed. Association of
  Indiana Philosophical Association, Hanover College,         Southeastern Biologists 82nd Annual Meeting.
  Indiana University Bloomington.                           Dell, J. (2021). Association of Southeastern Biologists
Daventry, A. M. (2021). Seeing Oneself as a Source of         82nd Annual Meeting, Lessons Learned through a
  Reasons: Gaslighting, Oppression, and Autonomy.             Regional Assessment of Long-term Fire Monitoring
  Southwestern Philosophical Society, Vanderbilt              Data from the Southeastern United States.
  University. Online.                                       Bates, P. C., Coats, A., Dell, J., Hagan, D. (2021).
Daventry, A. M. (2021). Atheism: The Basics. Blue             Combining Monitoring and Research to Better
  Ridge Hall series on religious and spiritual diversity,     Explain Prescribed Fire Effects in the Southern
  Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC.                 Appalachians. Fire Learning Network.

Dr. Channa Ruwan De Silva                                   Dr. Sloan Evans Despeaux

De Silva, C. R., Amarasekara, R. (Author Only),             Despeaux, S. E. (2021)/ Questions and Answers,
  Paragodaarachchi, Y. (Author Only), Hapugaswatta,           Questions et réponses: Exchange between the
  H., Jayathilaka, N. (Author Only), Amarasinghe,             Educational Times and the Nouvelles Annales de
  D. (Author Only) Wickramarachchi, S. (Presenter             Mathématiques. Spitalfields History of Mathematics
  & Author). (2021). Cytotoxicity of Annona glabra            Meetings, London Mathematical Society, London,
  Mediated Silver Nanoparticles on Human Acute                UK, Virtual.
  Monocytic Leukemia Cells, 2nd Commonwealth                Dr. Brian D. Dinkelmeyer
  Chemistry Posters, Sri Lanka.
                                                            Dinkelmeyer, B., Molecules in the Mountains,
De Silva, C. R. (Author Only), Fratarcangeli, M.              Topochemical Reactivity of Internally substitutes
  (Presenter & Author), Rathbone, M. (Presenter               dienes, Western Carolina University, NC.
  & Author) (2021). Melanocortin Stimulating
  Hormone-4 Peptide-functionalized Europium-doped           Dr. Jane M. Eastman
  Calcium Fluoride Nanoparticles for Potential
  Biomedical Imaging National Meeting of the                Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author) (2021). Eastman,
  American Chemical Society (ACS).                             J. M. (Presenter & Author), Anthropology and
                                                               Sociology Brown Bag series, Recent Research
De Silva, C. R. (Presenter & Author) (2021).                   at Watauga Town: A Collaborative Approach to
  Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Europium-based               Preservation and Discovery, Western Carolina
  Nanoparticles for Potential Biomedical Applications.         University, Anthropology and Sociology
  National Meeting of the American Chemical Society            Department.
  (ACS), Virtual.
                                                            Eastman, J. M. (Presenter & Author) (2021). 77th
De Silva, C. R. (Author Only), Paulino, G. (Presenter         Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological
  & Author) (2021). Microwave-assisted Synthesis of           Conference, Tali Tsisgwayahi (Two Sparrows Town)
  Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles with Varying Europium              and the Cullowhee Mound: Observations on a
  Metal Doping Levels for Potential Biotechnological          Cherokee Landscape, Durham, NC.
  Applications. National Meeting of the American
  Chemical Society (ACS), Virtual.

Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M.               Gainey, M. D., Powered by Students: Course-
   (Presenter & Author), Hoover, K. (Presenter Only),             Based Research Leads to the Discovery of a
   Waitt, K. (Presenter & Author), Yerka, T. (Presenter           Bacteriophage Repressor Protein with a Novel DNA
   & Author) (2021). Geophysics and Community Plan                Binding Domain, St. Louis University, Molecular
   at Watauga (31MA89), A post Contact Cherokee                   Microbiology and Immunology Department.
   Town, 77th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern
   Archaeological Conference, Durham, NC.                       Gainey, M. D. (Presenter & Author), 2021 Virtual
                                                                  SEA-PHAGES Symposium, The Search for a Novel
Dr. Scott Allen Eldredge                                          Repressor Gene in Cluster M Bacteriophages,
                                                                  Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Eldredge, S. A., Dalton, E. D., & Noltensmeyer, C.
   J. (2021). Response: Humor and Mental Health                 Gainey, M. D., (2021). Blurring the line between
   Therapy. In M.K. Cundall Jr. & S. Kelly (Eds.)                 independent and course-based undergraduate
   Cases on Applied and Therapeutic Humor (pp. 137–               research experiences at Western Carolina
   146). Medical Information Science Reference.                   University, Wake Forest University, Wake Forest
                                                                  Medical Center, Biochemistry/Microbiology and
Dr. Amy Lynn Fagan                                                Immunology, Virtual.
Dygert, N., Ji, D., Fagan, A. L., Neal, C. R., Draper, D.       Dr. Santiago Garcia-Castanon
  S., Rapp, J. F., & Lapen, T. J. (2021). Petrogenesis
  of and Subsolidus Reequilibration Within Lunar                Garcia-Castanon, S., Don Quijote, o la obra maestra
  Ferroan Anorthosites: Two Demonstrations of a                   de un autor fracasado, Vilnius University, Vilnius,
  New fO2-Dependent Model for Plagioclase-Melt                    Lithuania.
  Europium Partitioning. 52nd Lunar and Planetary
  Science Conference.                                           Dr. Brian W. Gastle

Lee, P., Sims, M., Bickel, V., Colaprete, A., Elphic, R.,       Gastle, B. W. (2021). Review of Historians on John
  Fagan, A. L., Glass, B., Heldmann, J., Kleinhenz,               Gower. Speculum, 96(1), 553–554.
  J., Kring, D., Lawrence, D., Li, A., Dobrea, E. N.,           Andrew J Grandage
  Parker, T., Riedel, J., Day, B., Klaus, T., Shah, U.,
  Moye, C., … Willard, C. (2021). SCHRODINGER                   Grandage, A. J. (2021). Advancing Capital Project
  CAT: A Mobile Instrument Suite to Explore a                     Management. Journal of Public Budgeting,
  Volcanic Vent and Permanently Shadowed Region in                Accounting & Financial Management, (33), 5.
  the Schrodinger Impact Basin, Far Side, Moon. 52nd            Grandage, A. J. (2021). Treading Water: Coastal
  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.                         County Capital Planning and Adaptive Governance
Weber, R. C., Lawrence, S. J., Cohen, B. A., Bleacher,            in the Face of Sea Level Rise. American Society for
  J. E., Boyce, J. W., Collier, M. R., Draper, D., Fagan,         Public Administration,
  A. L., Fassett, C. I., Gaddis, L., Gross, J., Gruener,        Grandage, A. J. (2021). Advancing Capital Project
  J. E., Heldmann, J. L., McCubbin, F. M., Mitchell,              Management: Earned Value in the States Western
  J. L., Nahm, A. L., Needham, D. H., Noble, S.,                  Social Sciences Association, Virtual.
  Pieters, C. M., … Young, K. E. (2021). The Artemis
  III Science Definition Team Report. 52nd Lunar and            Dr. Jake Philip Greear
  Planetary Science Conference.
                                                                Schiff, J., & Greear, J. P. (2021). Environment and
Watkins, R. N., Ostrach, L. R., Valencia, S. N.,                  Population. In R. Viman-Miller & D.A. Williams
  Stadermann, A., Bleacher, L., Petro, N. E., Caswell,            (Eds.), Basics of World Politics (pp. 411–444).
  T., Fagan, A. L., Jawin, E., Meyer, H. J. H. U.                 University of North Georgia Press.
  A. P. L., Phillips, D., & O’Brien, H. (2021). The
                                                                Dr. Joseph Blake Harris
  Role of the Next Generation Lunar Scientists and
  Engineers (NextGen) Group in Lunar Science and                Harris, J. B., Bartlett, G., Joyner, T. A., Hart, M., &
  Exploration. Bulletin of the AAS, 53(2).                        Tollefson, W. (2021). Modification of the Priority
                                                                  Risk Index: Adapting to Emergency Management
Dr. Mimi Catherine Fenton
                                                                  Accreditation Program standards for institutes of
Fenton, M. C., Hungarian Fulbright Commission                     higher learning hazard mitigation plans. Journal of
  Orientation Conference, Cultural and Educational                Emergency Management, 19(2).
  Differences Between the U.S. and Hungary,
                                                                Harris, J. B. (Presenter & Author), Joyner, T. A.
  Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission, Corvin
                                                                  (Author Only), Rohli, R. V. (Author Only). (2021).
  Hotel, Budapest, Hungary.
                                                                  Tropical Cyclone Induced Storm Surge and Relative
Dr. Robert Hunt Ferguson                                          Sea Level Rise Modeling in the Lower Mississippi
                                                                  River Industrial Corridor. American Association of
Ferguson, R. H. (2021). Music Parlor Exhibit.                     Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
   Dillsboro, North Carolina, USA.
                                                                Dr. Kyle Edmund Harvey
Dr. Maria Diane Gainey
                                                                Harvey, K. (2021). Review of Itineraries of Expertise:
Schmidt, S., Tobiason, D. M., Gainey, M. D., Garlena,             Science, Technology, and the Environment in
  R. A., Russell, D. A., Pope, W. H., Jacobs-Sera,                Latin America’s Cold War. Edited by Andra B.
  D., & Hatfull, G. F. (2021). Mycobacterium phage                Chastain and Timothy W. Lorek. Hispanic American
  Nanosmite, complete genome MW578836.1.                          Historical Review. 101(3), 538–539.
Harvey, K. E. (2021). Because That’s What His Consul        Taylor, S.L., Barrett, A.J., Kopak, A.M. & Hoffmann,
  Had Ordered: The Chilean Consulate as Labor                 N.G. (2021), Increased propensity for violence
  Institution in Mendoza, Argentina (1859-1869).              among female jail detainees with PTSD, panic
  Revista Historia Crítica, 80, 81–102.                       disorder and alcohol use disorder. Drugs and Alcohol
                                                              Today, 21(4), 325 – 333.  
Harvey, K. (2021). Place, Property, and Everyday
  Mobility. History/Geography/Theory (Graduate              Dr. Rangika Surangi Hikkaduwa Koralege
  Seminar), Cornell University, virtual.
                                                            Hikkaduwa Koralege, R. (2021). Erythrocytes
Harvey, K. (2021). Introduction: The Historical               Internalize Nanoparticles Functionalized with
  Unmaking of a Transandean Borderland,                       Low Molecular Weight Protamine. Journal of
  Department of History Faculty Colloquium, Western           Nanoparticle Research, 28, 96.
  Carolina University, Virtual.
                                                            Garner, M. (Presenter & Author), Koralege, R.
Harvey, K., (2021). Beyond the Nation-State in Latin          (Author Only). (2021). Separation and isolation
  America: Transnational Flows and Subnational                of [6,6]-Closed epoxide Derivative of Fullerene
  Spaces, Unstated Mobility: The Pacific Ocean in the         Using Semi-preparative High Performance
  Andes, Colby College (virtual host), Virtual.               Liquid Chromatography. National Conference on
                                                              Undergraduate Research.
Jessica Meghan Hayden
                                                            Koralege, R. (published). Polyethylene glycol–modified
Hayden, J. (2021). Confederate Imagery in                     DOTAP:cholesterol/adenovirus Hybrid Vectors have
  Congressional Rhetoric: Divisions and Deliberation.         Improved Transduction Efficiency and Reduced
  Social Science Quarterly, 102(3), 1084–1097.                Immunogenicity. Journal of Nanoparticle Research,
Dr. Beth Huber                                                23.

Huber, B., Zero-Point Rhetoric: Realizing a New             Koralege, R. (Author Only), Goff, K. (Presenter &
  Rhetorical Theory Through Quantum Physics,                  Author) (2021). Synthesis and Characterization
  SouthEastern Association of Cultural Studies                of poly-L-lysine-graft- poly(ethylene)glycol (PLL-
  (SEACS), Charlotte, NC.                                     g-PEG) Co-polymer nanoparticles loaded with
                                                              L-asparaginase for the Treatment of Lymphoblastic
Dr. Cyndy Vasiliki Caravelis                                  Leukemia. American Chemical Society National
  Caravelis, C. (Panelist). (2021). How to Have Difficult     Meeting.
   Conversations, North Carolina Criminal Justice           Dr. Will Ernest Lehman
   Association Annual Meeting, Virtual.
                                                            Ginn, J., Salas Bautista, C., Barlowe, S. A., & Lehman,
Dr. Jeremy Hyman                                              W. E. (2021). A Novel Framework for Integrating
Fossett, T. E., & Hyman, J. (2021). The Effects of            Mobile Machine Learning and L2 Vocabulary
  Habituation on Boldness of Urban and Rural Song             Acquisition. Journal of Computing Sciences in
  Sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Behaviour. Advanced           Colleges, 36(5), 46–56.
  Online Publication.                                       Lehman, W. E., Grieb, M., & Yves-Antoine Clemmen
Ballentine, B. E., & Hyman, J. (2021). Bird Talk:             (Eds.). (2021) Work and Labor in World Languages,
  An Exploration of Avian Communication. Cornell              Literatures, and Film: Selected Proceedings of
  University Press.                                           the 24th Southeast Conference on Languages,
                                                              Literatures, and Film. Brown Walker Press.
Dr. Brian Donald Kloeppel
                                                            Lehman, W. E. (2021). S(t)imulating Conversations:
Kloeppel, B. D. (Leader). (2021). Graduate Student            Chatbots in the German Classroom, Rocky Mountain
  Recruitment Strategies Post Pandemic. Conference            Modern Language Association Annual Conference.
  of Southern Graduate Schools, Virtual.                      RMMLA, Virtual.
Kloeppel, B. D. (2021). Public Policy in the Biden Era:     Dr. Luiz Felipe Lima Da Silveira  
  What is Next for Graduate Education? Council of
  Graduate Schools, Virtual.                                Riley, W. B., Rosa, S. P., & da Silveira, Luiz Felipe
                                                               Lima. (2021). A Comprehensive Review and Call for
Dr. Al M. Kopak Jr                                             Studies on Firefly Larvae. PeerJ, 9, e12121.
Kopak, A. M. (2021). Substance use, mental health,          da Silveira, Luiz Felipe Lima, Roza, André Silva,
 chronic medical conditions and criminal justice               Vaz, Stéphanie, & Mermudes, José Ricardo M.
 contact in a nationally representative sample.                (2021).  Description and Phylogenetic Analysis of
 Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and                a New Firefly Genus from the Atlantic Rainforest,
 Practice, 7(4), 285 – 295.                                    with Five New Species and New Combinations
                                                               (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Lampyrinae). Arthropod
Proctor, S. L., Hoffmann, N. G., & Kopak, A. M.
                                                               Systematics & Phylogeny, 79, 115.
   (2021). An ultra-brief 2-item depression screening
   tool for correctional populations. Journal of
   Correctional Health Care, 27(1), 36 – 39.

Souto, P. M., da Silveira, Luiz Felipe Lima, Takiya,         Nieckarz, P. P. (2021). Alone All Together: What
  D. M., & Salles, Frederico Falcão. (2021). Cryptic           COVID-19 Has Taught Us About Life in The Digital
  Diversity in the Mayfly Leptohyphodes Inanis                 Age. Popular Culture Association/American Culture
  (Pictet)(Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) Across                Association, Virtual Conference.
  Water basins in Southeastern Brazil. Systematics and
  Biodiversity, 19(7): 797-817.                              Dr. Candy Jo Noltensmeyer   

Vaz, S., Manes, S., Maia, D. G., Silveira, L., Mattos, G.,   Eldredge, S. A., Dalton, E. D., & Noltensmeyer, C.
  Paiva, P. C., Figueiredo, M., & Lorini, M. L. (2021).         J. (2021). Response: Humor and Mental Health
  Light Pollution is the Fastest Growing Potential              Therapy. In M.K. Cundall Jr. & S. Kelly (Eds.)
  Threat to Firefly Conservation in the Atlantic Forest         Cases on Applied and Therapeutic Humor (pp. 137–
  Hotspot. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 14(2),            146). Medical Information Science Reference.
  211-224.                                                   Dr. Lori Fay Oxford
Vaz, S., Guerrazzi, Maria Cecília, Rocha, M., Faust,         Oxford, L. F., MIFLC 2021, Mysticism and Multiplicity:
  L., Khattar, G., Mermudes, José, & da Silveira, Luiz         Coexisting Contradictions in El hombre, la hembra
  Felipe Lima. (2021). On the Intertidal Firefly Genus         y el hambre. Mountain Interstate Foreign Language
  Micronaspis Green, 1948, With a New Species and              Conference, Virtual.
  a Phylogeny of Cratomorphini Based on Adult and
  Larval traits (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Zoologischer       Dr. Nick Vere Passalacqua
  Anzeiger, 292, 64-91.                                      Passalacqua, N. V. (2021). Research and Publishing in
Kevin Joseph Mallary                                            Forensic Anthropology. Bioarchaeology Early Career
                                                                Conference (BECC), Zoom, United Kingdom.
Potnis, D. D., & Mallary, K. J. (January, 2021).
   Proposing an Information Value Chain to Improve           Passalacqua, N. V., Pilloud, M. A., & Congram, D.
                                                                (2021). Forensic anthropology as a discipline.
Information Services to Disabled Library Patrons Using          Biology, 10(8), 691–708.
   Assistive Technologies. Journal of Information
   Science.                                                  Passalacqua, N. V., & Pilloud, M. A. (2021). The Need
                                                                to Professionalize Forensic Anthropology. European
Dr. Diane Lise Martinez                                         Journal of Anatomy, 25(S2), 35–47.
Martinez, D. L. (2021). Agency and Environmentalism          Passalacqua, N. V., & Pilloud, M. A. (2021,
  in Appalachia. Appalachian Journal.                           April). Unethical Use of 1985 MOVE Bombing
Martinez, D. L. (2021). Global Health: Ethical                  Skeletal Remains Highlights Inequality in Death
  Challenges. Technical Communication, 68(4),                   Investigations. Forensic, www.forensicmag.com
  109–110..                                                  Passalacqua, N. V., Pilloud, M., Philbin, C. (2021).
Martinez, D. L. (2021). A Guide to EU Environmental             Caseloads in Forensic Anthropology. Annual
  Law. Technical Communication, 68(2), 108–109.                 Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic
                                                                Sciences, Houston, TX.
Martinez, D. L. (2021). The Environment: A History of
  the Idea. Technical Communication, 68(3), 122.             Dr. Andrew Daniel Penland

Martinez, D. L. (2021). On the Offensive: Prejudice in       Budden, M. R., Hiller, J., Meek, T., & Penland, A.
  Language Past & Present. Technical Communication,            (2021). Algebraic Properties of a Hypergraph Lifting
  68(3), 116.                                                  Map. Integers 21(#A77) 1-12

Dr. Diana Lynn Messer                                        Dr. Nuwan T Perera

Messer, D., Richter, S. (2021). Anatomical Basis for the     Dunn, M. (Presenter & Author), Perera, N.
  Ventral Arc of the Os Pubis: Clinical and Forensic           (Author Only). (2021). Effects of Weathering
  Implications. American Association of Clinical               on the Clear Coats Across Vehicles for Forensic
  Anatomists Annual Meeting, Virtual.                          Purposes. National Conference on Undergraduate
Dr. Niall Guy Michelsen
                                                             Opoku, A. D. (Presenter & Author), Mayer, S. (Author
Michelsen, N. G. Council of Elders, Votes at 16. Loyola        Only), Perera, N. (Author Only) (2021). Analysis
  University Chicago, Chicago, IL.                             of Biogenic Amines in Grave Soil and Cadaver
                                                               Dog Training Aids using HPL. American Chemical
Michelsen, N. G., Drop the Vote: Build Habits of Voting.       Society National Meeting, Virtual.
  Joint North Carolina Political Science Association/
  North Carolina Public Administration Conference,           Opoku, A. (Presenter & Author), Perera, N.
  Zoom, NC.                                                    (Author Only). (2021). Detection of Biogenic
                                                               Amines in Grave Soil and Cadaver Dog
Dr. Peter Paul Nieckarz Jr                                     Training Aids Using High Performance Liquid
Nieckarz Jr, P. P. (2021, July 28). What Covid Taught Us       Chromatography.  National Conference on
  About Infrastructure. Smoky Mountain News.                   Undergraduate Research.

Perera, N., Eular, H. (Presenter & Author) (2021).         Russell, V., & Gardner, T. (2021). Money, Speech, and
   Comparison of Solid Phase Microextraction                 Power: Participatory Budgeting as a Path to Free
   (SPME) and Passive Headspace Absorption/elution           Expression in Public Spending. In S. Jovanovic
   Methods in Gas Chromatographic Analysis of                (Ed.), Expression in Contested Public Spaces:
   Arson Accelerants in Fire Debris. Virtual Research        Free Speech and Civic Engagement (p. 109–
   and Scholarship Conference, Western Carolina              124).  Lexington Books.
                                                           Russell, V. (Panelist), Loker, E. (Panelist). Employing
Stone, M. (Presenter & Author), Perera, N. (Author           communication activism pedagogy to address anti-
   Only) (2021). Characterization of Vanilla Extracts        Blackness, National Communication Association
   by Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform          Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
   Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR).  National
   Conference on Undergraduate Research.                   Dr. Jennifer Slama Schiff

Brad Bradford Reisinger                                    Schiff, J., & Greear, J. P. (2021). Environment and
                                                             Population. In R. Viman-Miller & D.A. Williams
Reisinger, C. B. March for Health, Sylva, NC.                (Eds.), Basics of World Politics (pp. 411–444).
                                                             University of North Georgia Press.
Dr. Brett High Riggs
                                                           JoBeth Surface Shafran
Riggs, B. H. (2021). Eastman, J. M. (Presenter &
   Author), Anthropology and Sociology Brown               Shafran, J. S., & Rimes, H. N. S. (2021). Trump and
   Bag series, Recent Research at Watauga Town:              the Administrative State. In P.E. Rutledge & C.
   A Collaborative Approach to Preservation                  Rackaway (Eds.), Unorthodox Presidency of Donald
   and Discovery, Western Carolina University,               J. Trump. University of Kansas Press.
   Anthropology and Sociology Department.
                                                           Shafran, J. S. (Presenter & Author), Rimes, H. N. S.
Riggs, B. H. (Presenter & Author), Eastman, J. M.            (2021). Committed to Fail: Local Government
   (Presenter & Author), Hoover, K. (Presenter Only),        Managers’ Perceptions of Citizen Engagement
   Waitt, K. (Presenter & Author), Yerka, T. (Presenter      Practices. Midwest Political Science Association
   & Author) (2021). Geophysics and Community Plan           Conference.
   at Watauga (31MA89), A Post Contact Cherokee
   Town, 77th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern           Dr. Sara Snyder Hopkins
   Archaeological Conference, Durham, NC.                  Hopkins, S. S. (March, 2021). The Mountain Electric.
Dr. Heather Nicole Symon Rimes                               Online.

Shafran, J. S., & Rimes, H. N. S. (2021). Trump and        Hopkins, S. S. (2021). Why Should We Care about
  the Administrative State. In P.E. Rutledge & C.            Dying Languages? TedX Lake Junaluska, Shackford
  Rackaway (Eds.), Unorthodox Presidency of Donald           Hall, Waynesville, NC.
  J. Trump. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.      Snyder, S. L. A. (2021). Going Over and Coming
Shafran, J. S. (Presenter & Author), Rimes, H. N. S.         Back: Reclaiming the Cherokee Singing Book
  (2021). Committed to Fail: Local Government                for Contemporary Language Revitalization. In A.
  Managers’ Perceptions of Citizen Engagement                Link, A. Shelton, & P. Spero (Eds.), Indigenous
  Practices. Midwest Political Science Association           Languages and the Promise of Archives. University
  Conference.                                                of Nebraska Press.

Dr. Travis Allen Rountree                                  Dr. Benjamin Allen Steere

Steiner, S. K., Rountree, T. A., Claxton, M. M.,           Steere, B. A. (2021). Mississippian Households
   Callahan, E. E., DeArmon, S., Upton, J. (2021).            and Communities from a Birds-Eye View. In
   From Mountaineers to Mountain Queers: Western              E.W. Malouchos and A.Betzenhauser (Eds.),
   Carolina’s Evolving Campus Archives. Appalachian           Reconsidering Mississippian Households and
   Studies Association Conference. Virtual.                   Communities. University of Alabama Press.

Vincent Russell                                            Steere, B. A. (2021, March 7). Here’s what Maya
                                                              Archaeology Can Teach Us about Development in
Dana, C., Hornbein, D., Russell, V., & Schneider, N.          Western North Carolina. Asheville Citizen Times.
  (2021). Community Rules: Simple Templates for
  Great Communities. Boulder, CO: Media Enterprise         Amanda Storm
  Design Lab at the University of Colorado.                Storm, A. (Presenter & Author) (2021).. Exploring the
Russell, V. (2021). Challenges of Co-teaching:                Unique Features and Functions of the BAM Family.
  Reflections on Social Justice Pedagogy in Prison.           ETSU Biological Sciences Invited Seminar Talk,
  Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education             East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN.
  Journal, 6(2), Article A1159.                            Dr. Jack Stuart Summers
Russell, V. (2021). Making Space for Marginalized          Summers, J. S., SERMACS 2019, The WheeTrometer
  Voices: Deliberative Activism in Participatory             project: Low Cost, Lab Built Instruments for uv / vis
  Budgeting [Doctoral dissertation, University of            / near IR Spectrophotometry. American Chemical
  Colorado Boulder]. ProQuest Dissertations.                 Society, Savannah, GA.
Jessie Irene Swigger                                           Wallen, J. R. (2021). Crystal Structure of a
                                                                 Mycobacteriophage Immunity Repressor Bound to
Swigger, J. I., Extending the Power of Public History            DNA Sheds New Light on Transcriptional Silencing.
  Through Open Access Digital Publishing. National               Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American
  Council on Public History Annual Meeting, Las                  Chemical Society, Birmingham, AL.
  Vegas, NV.
                                                               Wallen, J. R. (2021). Crystal Structure of a Cluster
Dr. Vicki Ellen Szabo                                            A2 Immunity Repressor Bound to DNA Sheds New
A.C. Kitchener, V.E. Szabo, M. Buckley, Y. van den               Light on Transcriptional Silencing. HHMI 2021
  Hurk, I. Mainland, M. Carruthers,C. MacKay &                   SEA Symposium Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
  B.A. Frasier. (2021). First Records of Grey Whale,             Online.
  Eschrichtius robustus, from Scotland. Mammal                 Dr. John Floyd Whitmire
  Communications, 7, 17-28.
                                                               Whitmire, J. F. (2021). Apocalyptic ‘Madness’:
M.P. Chowdhury, K. D. Choudhury, G.P. Bouchard, J.               Strategies for Reading Ecce Homo. In N. Martin
  Riel-Salvatore, F. Negrino, S. Benazzi, L. Slimak,             & D. Large (Eds.), Nietzsche’s “Ecce Homo” (pp.
  B. Frasier, V.Szabo, R. Harrison, G. Hambrecht,                335–360). De Gruyter.  
  A.C. Kitchener, R. A. Wogelius, M. Buckley. (2021).
  Machine Learning ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy Data                  Dr. Paul Worley
  for the Screening of Collagen for ZooMS Analysis
  and mtDNA in Archaeological Bone.  Journal of                Matiúwàa, Hubert. (2021). Where the Clouds are Scars.
  Archaeological Science, 126.                                   (P.M. Worley, Trans.). Siwar Mayu.

Szabo, V. E. (2021). North Atlantic Right Whales.              Vivas, M.R. (2021). Word Mingas: Oralitegraphies
  In Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages.                      and Mirrored Visions on Oralitures and Indigenous
  Bloomsbury Academic.                                            Contemporary Literatures. (P.M. Worley & M.D.
                                                                  Birkhofer, Trans.). University of North Carolina
Dr. Adam James Richard Thomas                                     Press.
Thomas, A. (2021). ‘A Bargain with His Brother’:               Worley, P. M., (Invited Talk) (2021). Critical
  Kinship in the U.S. and Jamaican Emancipation                  Indigenous Studies Initiative Event: Manuel Tzoc
  Wars of 1831. Journal of Global Slavery, 6(2),                 Bucup and Paul M. Worley. Colby College, Online.
                                                               Worley, P. M. (2021). La literatura actual en maya.
Thomas, A. J. R. (Presenter & Author) (2021). ‘A                 Enciclopedia de la literatura en Mexico. Foundation
  Bargain with his Brother’: Kinship in Emancipation             for Mexican Letters.
  Wars, Association for the Study of African American
  Life and History. The Black Family: Representation,          Worley, P. M., (Invited Talk) (2021). From Text to
  Identity, Diversity, Association for the Study of              Textile: Rethinking Maya Writing. University of
  African American Life and History Annual Meeting.              Toronto.
  Online.                                                      Dr. Laura Lynn Wright
Thomas, A. J. R. (Presenter & Author) (2021). Locating         Wright, L. L. (Ed.). (2021). The Routledge Handbook of
  Black Radicalism in the 1831 Emancipation                      Vegan Studies. Routledge.
  Debates. The Black Radical Tradition, African
  American Intellectual History Society Annual                 Dr. Katie Jo Zejdlik-Passalacqua
  Meeting, University of Texas, Austin, TX.                    Dunn, R., Hefner, J., Passalacqua, N. V., Zejdlik-
Thomas, A. (2021). The Story of an Atlantic Slave War,           Passalacqua, K. J. (2021). The Impact of Forensic
  Review of Vincent Brown, Tacky’s Revolt (Harvard               Anthropology Manuscripts in the American Journal
  University Press, 2020). Black Perspectives. https://          of Physical Anthropology. Annual Meeting of the
  www.aaihs.org/the-story-of-an-atlantic-slave-war/              American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Houston,
Dr. Jamie Ray Wallen
Brambley, C. A., Yared, T. J., Gonzalez, M., Jansch, A.
  L., Wallen, J. R., Weiland, M. H., & Miller, J. M.                         COLLEGE OF BUSINESS
  (2021). Sphingomonas sp. KT-1 PahZ2 Structure                Dr. Vittal Anantatmula
  Reveals a Role for Conformational Dynamics in
  Peptide Bond Hydrolysis. Journal of Physical                 Richardson, T. M., Marion, J. W., Anantatmula, V.
  Chemistry B, 125(22), 5722-5739.                                S., & Gibson, J. R. (2021). Insights from the field:
                                                                  Project execution success and failure. The Journal of
McKinney, R. (Presenter & Author), Wallen, J. R.                  Modern Project Management, 9(2).   
  (2021). Structures Of Repressor: DNA Complexes
  from Different Mycobacteriophage Subclusters                 Khan, C. B. A., Ahmed, R., & Anantatmula, V. S.
  Reveal The Molecular Details Of Heteroimmunity                 (2021). Linking complexity leadership functions
  Phenotypes. Southeastern Regional Meeting of the               to entrepreneurial orientation: Evidence from
  American Chemical Society, Birmingham, AL.                     telecommunication sector. Journal of Business and
                                                                 Entrepreneurship, 9(2), 52-67.

Marion, J. W., Richardson, T. M., & Anantatmula,             Carr, N. K. (2021). Following Bostock, How Employers
  V. (2021). Managing Quality in Aviation Projects.            Can Lead the Way to Embrace Transgender
  Engineering Management Journal, 1-13.                        Employees in the Workplace. Denver Law Review
                                                               Forum, 1-15.
Anantatmula, V. S., & Kloppenborg, T. J. (2021). Be
  Agile Do Agile. Business Expert Press.                     Carr, N. K. (2021). One, Two, Sort the Shoe; Three,
                                                               Four, Win Some More: The Rhyme and Reason of
Dr. Bukola Bakare                                              Phil Ivey’s Advantage Play at the Borgata. Harvard
Bakare, B. (2021). Beating the Odds: Uniting Forces            Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law, 12, 37-71.
  to Remove Obstacles to Graduate Education for              Carr, N. K., No Zoom While Driving [Conference
  Latinos [Conference session]. KPMG-PhD Project               session]. 2021 Annual Conference, Pacific Northwest
  Diversity Forum, California State University, San            Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Virtual.
  Marcos, California State University, San Marcos,
  CA.                                                        Carr, N. K., One, Two, Sort the Shoe; Three, Four, Win
                                                               Some More: The Rhyme and Reason of Phil Ivey’s
Bakare, B. (2021). Case Study of a Portable Vegetable          Advantage Play at the Borgata [Conference session].
  Garden [Conference session]. NEW Leadership                  PSWALSB Annual Conference 2021, PSWALSB,
  Development Institute of the Northern Lights.,               Virtual.
  Moorhead, MN.
                                                             Dr. Ethan Cheng
Bakare, B. (2019). Definitions of Resiliency at Personal,
  Community, and Change Leadership Levels                    Cheng, Y. S., & Cho, S. (2021). Are social media
  [Conference session]. 2019 Robert Wood Johnson               bad for your employees? Effects of at-work break
  Foundation Fall Leadership Institute, Robert Wood            activities on recovery experiences. International
  Johnson Foundation, Indianapolis, IN.                        Journal of Hospitality Management, 96.
Bakare, B. (2021). Traceability Mechanism in                 Chang, K. C., & Cheng, Y. S. (2021). How online
  Perishable Food Transportation and Food                      service recovery reviews influence behavioral
  Safety: Costs and Benefits [Conference session].             intentions in the hospitality context: Regulatory
  International Professional Association of Transport          focus and loss aversion perspectives. Journal of
  and Health, MI.                                              Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 440-455.
Dr. Cherry Brewer                                            Kuo, N. T., Cheng, Y. S., Chang, K. C., & Hu, S. M.
                                                               (2021). How social capital affects support intention:
Brewer, P., & Sebby, A. G. (2021). The effect of online        The mediating role of place identity. Journal of
  restaurant menus on consumers’ purchase intentions           Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 40-49.
  during the COVID-19 pandemic. International
  Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, 1-13.               Cheng, Y. S., Kuo, N. T., Chang, K. C., & Wu, H. T.
                                                               (2021). Using Data Mining Methods to Predict
Dr. Debra Dobray Burke                                         Repeat Patronage Intention in the Restaurant
Burke, D. D. (2020). A clarion call for emotional              Industry. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality
  damages in loss of companion pet cases. Tennessee            & Tourism, 1-27.
  Journal of Law and Policy, 15(2), 250-315.                 Dr. Haiyang Chen
Dr. James Walker Busbin                                      Yuan, S., Chen, H., & Zhang, W. (2021). Impact
Busbin, J. W., DeConinck, J., & Johnson-Busbin, J. T.          of corruption on Chinese investment in African
  (2020). The increasing value of intellectual capital         countries. Chinese Management Studies.
  (IC) and the increasing competitive risk exposure          Dr. Wingyan Chung
  to IC expropriation. Journal of Competitiveness
  Studies, 28(1), 50–55.                                     Chung, W., Mustaine, E., & Zeng, D. (2021). A
                                                               computational framework for social-media-based
Wendy R Cagle                                                  business analytics and knowledge creation: empirical
Aho, W., Cagle, W., Marvel, J., Smith, M., & Wright,           studies of CyTraSS. Enterprise Information Systems,
  W. (2021). Project-based Pedagogy: The Client’s              15(10), 1460-1482.
  Perspective. International Journal for Business            Liu, J., Shen, H., Chi, H., Narman, H. S., Yang,
  Education, 162, 9-24.                                         Y., Cheng, L., & Chung, W. (2020). A low-cost
Dr. Andrew Michael Carnes                                       multi-failure resilient replication scheme for high-
                                                                data availability in cloud storage. IEEE/ACM
DeConinck, J., Carnes, D., & DeConinck, M. B. (2021).           Transactions on Networking, 29(4), 1436-1451.
  Antecedents and Outcomes of Duty Orientation
  Among Salespeople. American Business Review,               Chung, W., & Chung, L. (2021). Exploring the Use
  24(2), 5.                                                    of Nodal Centrality in Measuring Online Message
                                                               Diffusion. Proceedings of the Americas Conference
Nanci Kay Carr                                                 on Information Systems.  
Carr, N. K. (2021). Protecting the Commercial Value of       Dr. Michael James Conklin
  Iowans’ Identity Nationwide: A Response to Colon’s
  Proposed State Statute. Iowa Law Review, 106, 1-15.         Marzen, C. G., & Conklin, M. (2020). Coronavirus”
                                                                Cures” and the Courts. William and Mary Business
                                                            12 Law Review, 12, 1.
Conklin, M. (2020). No, the Firing Squad Is Not Better            Dills, A. (Author Only), Redford, A. (Presenter &
  than Lethal Injection: A Response to Stephanie                     Author), Sheehan, K. M. (Author Only) (2021).
  Moran’s A Modest Proposal. Seattle University Law                  The Impact of Drug-Induced Homicide Laws on
  Review, 44, 357.                                                   Unintentional Drug Overdose Rates [Conference
                                                                     session]. Association of Private Enterprise Education
Dr. Ya Anna Dai                                                      Annual Meeting, The Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach
Dai, Y. (2021, Dec. 17). Financial Literacy and market               Resort, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
  participation: New evidence from China [Conference              Dills, A. (Author Only), Redford, A. (Presenter &
  session]. 8th International Conference on the                      Author), Sheehan, K. M. (Author Only) (2021).
  Chinese economy: past, present and future, Institute               The Impact of Drug-Induced Homicide Laws on
  of Economics, School of Social Science Tsinghua                    Unintentional Drug Overdose Rates [Conference
  University, Beijing, China.                                        session]. Public Choice Society Annual Meeting,
Dai, Y., Chen, H. (2021). Financial Literacy and                     Public Choice Society, Savannah, GA.
  Market Participation: New evidence from China                   Dr. Leobardo Diosdado
  [Author only]. ICABE 2021, International Strategic
  Management Association, Anixis, Greece.                         Diosdado, L., & Harness, N. (2021). Household
                                                                    Financial Ratios.  
Dr. James B. Deconinck
                                                                  Diosdado, L., & Lacombe, D. (2022). Does the degree
DeConinck, J., Carnes, D., & DeConinck, M. B. (2021).               of debt obligations owed by a state’s pension plan
  Antecedents and Outcomes of Duty Orientation                      affect a resident household’s utility? Journal of
  Among Salespeople. American Business Review,                      Financial Economic Policy, 14(1), 113-137.  
  24(2), 100-115.  
                                                                  Lam, M., Wallace, S. L., Diosdado, L., & Kauffman,
DeConinck, J., & DeConinck, M. B. (2021). The                       N. L. (2021). Using Stock and Option Market
  Mediating Role of Job Embeddedness on Search                      Responses in Event Studies: Application to the
  Behavior Intentions. Global Journal of Management                 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Institute for Global
  and Marketing, 5(1), 32–42.                                       Business Research, 5(1), 47.  
DeConinck, J., & DeConinck, M. B. (2021). An                      Lam, M. (Presenter & Author), Wallace, S. (Presenter
  Investigation of Antecedents and Outcomes of                      & Author), Diosdado, L. (Author Only), Kauffman,
  Ethical Leadership in the Salesforce. Journal of                  N. L. (Presenter & Author). Using Stock and Option
  Management and Marketing Research, 25, 1–17.                      Market Responses in Event Studies: The Deepwater
Mary Beth Deconinck                                                 Horizon Oil Spill Case [Conference session]. 2021
                                                                    Spring Conference, Institute for Global Business
DeConinck, J., Carnes, D., & DeConinck, M. B. (2021).               Research Conferences, Online.
  Antecedents and Outcomes of Duty Orientation
  Among Salespeople. American Business Review,                    Dr. Hossein Fazilatfar
  24(2), 100-115.                                                 Fazilatfar, H. (2021, Nov. 11). In Defense of
DeConinck, J., & DeConinck, M. B. (2021). The                       Separability [Conference session]. 67th South
  Mediating Role of Job Embeddedness on Search                      Eastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business
  Behavior Intentions. Global Journal of Management                 (SEALSB) Conference, South Eastern Academy of
  and Marketing, 5(1), 32–42.                                       Legal Studies in Business (SEALSB), Savannah,
DeConinck, J., & DeConinck, M. B. (2021). An
  Investigation of Antecedents and Outcomes of                    Dr. Janet C. Ford
  Ethical Leadership in the Salesforce. Journal of                Ford, J., White, B. J., & Kapakos, W. A. (2021).
  Management and Marketing Research, 25, 1–17.                      Scholarship of Engagement: Haywood Gleaners:
Heidi Luebke Dent                                                   Phase 1: IT Issues (Systems Analysis, New Member
                                                                    Form, and Glean Manager Report Form) and Legal
Dent, H., White, B. J. (2021, Mar. 1-4). Virtual                    Issues Surrounding 501(c)(3) Application.
  Internships: Interdisciplinary Remote Work for
  Undergraduates During A Pandemic [Conference                    Dr. Henry Kevin Fulk
  session]. 60th IACIS Annual Conference, Virtual,                Dent, H. L., Jo White, B., Kapakos, W. A., & Fulk,
  Nashville, TN.                                                    H. K. (2021). Widen the big tent for big data:
Dr. Angela Kathryn Dills                                            Understanding business student perceptions of
                                                                    Tableau. Issues in Information Systems, 22(4),
Dills, A. K., Goffard, S., Miron, J., & Partin, E. (2021).          51–62.
   The effect of state marijuana legalizations: 2021
   update. Cato Institute, Policy Analysis, (908).                Chatterjee, S., Chakraborty, S., Fulk, H. K., & Sarker,
                                                                    S. (2021). Building a compassionate workplace
Dills, A. (Author Only), Norton, D. (Presenter &                    using information technology: Considerations for
   Author) (2021). Sincerely held beliefs: Evidence                 information systems research. International Journal
   on how religious exercise affects public school                  of Information Management, 56, 1–8.
   enrollment [Conference session]. Southern
   Economic Association annual meetings, virtual.

Chatterjee, S., & Fulk, K. (2021). ICTs as Challenges        William Alexander Kapakos
  to Enacting IS Project Control: An Interpretive Case
  Study of an ERP Implementation. 54, 5934–5943.             Dent, H. L., Jo White, B., Kapakos, W. A., & Fulk,
                                                               H. K. (2021). Widen the big tent for big data:
Schwarz, A., Fulk, K., & Parekh, H. D. (2021, Dec.             Understanding business student perceptions of
  12). Exploring the “Bright Side” of Technology Use           Tableau. Issues in Information Systems, 22(4),
  [Conference session]. 42nd International Conference          51–62.
  on Information Systems, ICIS 2021 TREOs.
                                                             Dr. Norman Leroy Kauffman
Fulk, K. (2021). Understanding uses of virtual
   conference technology affordances by business             Lam, M., Wallace, S. L., Diosdado, L., & Kauffman,
   faculty members [Conference session]. Appalachian           N. L. (2021). Using Stock and Option Market
   Research in Business Symposium, Eastern Kentucky            Responses in Event Studies: Application to the
   University.                                                 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Institute for Global
                                                               Business Research, 5, 47.
Dr. Mariano Garrido-Lopez
                                                             Lam, M. (Presenter & Author), Wallace, S. (Presenter
Garrido-Lopez, M. (2021). From Turning Points to               & Author), Diosdado, L. (Author Only), Kauffman,
  Decision to Quit: Lessons Learned from a Call                N. L. (Presenter & Author). Using Stock and Option
  Center in Financial Services. ISEOR.                         Market Responses in Event Studies: The Deepwater
                                                               Horizon Oil Spill Case [Conference session]. 2021
Dr. Heidi Lynn Grappendorf                                     Spring Conference, Institute for Global Business
Grappendorf, H., Veraldo, C. M., Farrell, A., &                Research Conferences, Online.
  Grube, A. (2021). What Female Sport Management             Dr. Bob J Lahm Jr
  Professors Think: Adherence to Gender Roles
  and the Impact on Salary Negotiation. Sport                Lahm, R. J. (2021). The entrepreneurial landscape
  Management Education Journal.                                and impacts of COVID-19. Global Journal of
                                                               Entrepreneurship, 5, 41-54.
Grappendorf, H., Veraldo, C., & Morin, T. (2021).
  Leadership in Sport Management. Administration             Lahm, R. J. (2021). Small business and COVID-19: A
  and Governance in Global Sport Business.                     train wreck on “Main Street”. Appalachian Research
                                                               in Business Symposium, 2, 64-69.  
Robles, A., Grappendorf, H., & Gambus, C. (2021).
  Creating Student “Player Cards”: An Innovative             Lahm, R. J. (2021). Innovations large and small tied to
  Approach to Class Session Introductions. The                 COVID-19. Institute for Global Business Research
  Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy.              Conference Proceedings, 5(1), 40-45.
Ruihley, B., & Grappendorf, H. (2021). Recruiting            Lahm, R. J. (2021, April 14). Innovations large and
  women to a male-dominated activity: A case study             small tied to COVID-19 [Conference session]
  of women’s non-participation in fantasy sport. Case          Institute for Global Business Research (IGBR)
  Studies in Sport Management, 10(1), 20–24.                   International Conference, Internet Division.
Simmons, J. M., Cintron, A., & Grappendorf, H. (2021).       Lahm, R. J. (Presenter & Author) (2021, April 26).
  What Do Their Partners Say? An Examination of                Small business and COVID-19: A train wreck on
  Fan-Family Conflict Through the Lens of Sport Fans’          “Main Street [Conference session]. Appalachian
  Significant Others. Journal of Sport Behavior, 44(4).        Research in Business Symposium (ARBS), Boone,
Dr. AJ Johnson Grube
                                                             Dr. Jane R. Livingstone
Mukherjee, A. (Presenter & Author), Grube, A. J.
  (Presenter & Author), Capener, D. (Presenter &             Livingstone, J. R. (2021). Deductions for a gig
  Author), Hadidi, R. (Presenter & Author), Petkus,             economy. Estate Planning, 48(2), 30-40.
  E. (Presenter & Author) (2021). Managing the Post-
  Pandemic Business School [Conference session].             Livingstone, J. R. (Presenter & Author), (2021, April
  Society for the Advancement of Management                     26). Is it a Hobby or a Business? Tax Deductibility of
  International Business Conference, Society for the            Losses [Conference session]. Appalachian Research
  Advancement of Management.                                    in Business Symposium (ARBS), Boone, NC.

David Lyn Harkins                                            Dr. Edward J Lopez

Rogers, B. Q., O’Brien, K., Harkins, D. L., Mitchell,        Lopez, E. J., & Fedison, E. B. (2021). North Carolina’s
  T. G., & O’Neil, D. A. (2021). COVID-19 and                  Prospects for COVID-19 Economic Recovery: Top-
  OD: Unplanned Disruption and the Opportunity                 down and Bottom-up Assessments. Center for the
  for Planned Talent Development. Organization                 Study of Free Enterprise Issue Briefs, 3(3), 1-13.
  Development Review, 53(2), 61–67.                          Dr. Dara Marie Marshall
Dr. Dan Joseph Herron                                        Flasher, R. (Presenter & Author), Lau, M. (Author
Powell, L., & Herron, D. J. (2020). Teaching”                   Only), Marshall, D. (Author Only) (2021, May 24-
  Managing Disruption” Classroom Exercises. Journal             26). Profiles of Women in Accounting Academe from
  of Higher Education Theory & Practice, 20(16).                1975: An Obituary Analysis [Conference session].
                                                                2021 Spark: Meeting of the Regions, American
                                                                Accounting Association, web.
Flasher, R. (Presenter & Author), Lau, M. (Author           Lam, M. (Author Only), D’Angelo, T. (Author Only),
   Only), Marshall, D. (Author Only) (2021). Profiles         Parker, R. D. (Presenter & Author), Sugar, N.
   of Women in Accounting Academe from 1975: An               (Author Only) (2021). Cullowhee Confectionary
   Obituary Analysis [Conference session]. Academy of         Company: Valuing a Family-Owned Business
   Accounting Historians Section Webinar, American            [Conference session]. 2021 Spring Conference,
   Accounting Association, webinar.                           Institute for Global Business Research.
Dr. Jon H. Marvel                                           Dr. Charlie T Parrish
Marvel, J. H. (2021). An Investigation into Contributing    Parrish, C., & Tyler, B. D. (2021). Superclásicos
  Factors Impacting Government Response Stringency             and rivalry antecedents: exploring soccer club
  Index: A Covid-19 Study [Conference session].                rivalries in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. In K.
  Academy of Business Research Spring Online                   Bandyopadhyay, Face to Face: Enduring Rivalries
  Conference, Academy of Business Research.                    in World Soccer. Routledge.
Dr. Sean E Mulholland                                       Parrish, C., & Lam, M. (2021). Impact of the
                                                               COVID-19 pandemic on a grassroots soccer
Mulholland, S. E. (2021). Covid-19 prevalence and              organization in the United States: The case of
  empty college seats. Applied Economics, 53(15),              Asheville City Soccer Club. Soccer and Society,
  1716-1728.                                                   22(1-2), 138–151.
Mulholland, S. E. (2021). Don’t TREAD on Me: The            Parrish, C. (Presenter & Author), Otto, K. A. (Presenter
  political economy and the Effectiveness of Tire              & Author), Dodson, C. (Presenter & Author),
  Pressure Monitoring Systems on Vehicle Crashes               Gregory, L. (Presenter & Author) (2021). Talent
  [Conference session]. Free Market Institute, Texas           migration in NCAA Division I tennis: An exploratory
  Tech University, Lubbock, TX.                                study [Conference session]. 2021 College Sports
Mulholland, S. E. (2021). Don’t TREAD on Me: The               Research Institute (CSRI) Annual Conference,
  political economy and the Effectiveness of Tire              University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
  Pressure Monitoring Systems on Vehicle Crashes            Dr. Sanjay Rajagopal
  [Conference session]. Public Choice Meetings,
  Savannah, GA.                                             Rajagopal, S. (2021). Fair Disclosure Regulation:
                                                              Recent Issues and Implications. Institute for Global
Peter Ormerod                                                 Business Research, 5(1), 67–69.
Ormerod, P. (2021). Privacy Injuries and Article III        Dr. Audrey Mahlon Redford
  Concreteness. Florida State University Law Review,
  48, 133-191.                                              Redford, A., & Dills, A. K. (2021). The political
                                                              economy of drug and alcohol regulation during the
Ormerod, P. (2020). Overcoming Two Constitutional             COVID‐19 pandemic. Southern Economic Journal,
  Hurdles to Effective Digital Privacy Regulation             87(4), 1175-1209.
  [Conference session]. 2020 Appalachian Research in
  Business Symposium, Eastern Kentucky University,          Redford, A. (Presenter & Author), Wenzel, N. G.
  Richmond, KY.                                               (Author Only) (2021). The First Law of Government
                                                              Thermodynamics: Where do Bureaucrats Go After
Dr. Kadie Alexa Otto                                          a Major Deregulation? [Conference session].
Parrish, C. (Presenter & Author), Otto, K. A. (Presenter      Association of Private Enterprise Education Annual
   & Author), Dodson, C. (Presenter & Author),                Meeting, The Association of Private Enterprise
   Gregory, L. (Presenter & Author) (2021). Talent            Education, The Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach
   migration in NCAA Division I tennis: An exploratory        Resort, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
   study [Conference session]. 2021 College Sports          Dills, A. (Author Only), Redford, A. (Presenter &
   Research Institute (CSRI) Annual Conference,                Author), Sheehan, K. M. (Author Only) (2021).
   University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.                 The Impact of Drug-Induced Homicide Laws on
H. Justin Pace                                                 Unintentional Drug Overdose Rates [Conference
                                                               session]. Association of Private Enterprise Education
Pace, H. J. (2021). The “Free Market” for Marijuana:           Annual Meeting, The Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach
  A Sober, Clear-Eyed Analysis of Marijuana Policy.            Resort, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
  Lewis and Clark Law Review, 24(4), 1219–1283.
                                                            Dills, A. (Author Only), Redford, A. (Presenter &
Douglas Parker                                                 Author), Sheehan, K. M. (Author Only) (2021).
Parker, R. D. (2021). Grading Giving You the Blues?            The Impact of Drug-Induced Homicide Laws on
   Learn to Build Self-Grading Excel Assignments               Unintentional Drug Overdose Rates [Conference
   [Conference session]. AAA Conference on Teaching            session]. Public Choice Society Annual Meeting,
   and Learning in Accounting, American Accounting             Public Choice Society, Savannah, GA.
   Association, Virtual.
Parker, R. D. (2021) Beyond Publisher Materials:
   Build Algorithmic Assignments in Excel [Conference
   session]. TACTYC, Virtual Presentation.

Dills, A. K. (Author Only), Redford, A. (Presenter &                COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND ALLIED
   Author), Sheehan, K. M. (Author Only) (2021).                             PROFESSIONS
   The Impact of Drug-Induced Homicide Laws on
   Unintentional Drug Overdose Rates [Conference               Dr. Kia Asberg
   session]. Scaled Up Seminar, Center for the Study           Asberg, K. K. (Presenter & Author), Schapman, M.
   of Free Enterprise at Western Carolina University,            (Author Only), Phillips, J. (Author Only) (2021).
   Hilton Garden Inn Asheville Downtown, Asheville,              Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological
   NC.                                                           Association 2021, Southeastern Psychological
Dr. Angela Sebby                                                 Association, Virtual, Orlando, FL.  

Brewer, P., & Sebby, A. G. (2021). The effect of online        Phillips, J. (Author Only), Asberg, K. K. (Presenter
  restaurant menus on consumers’ purchase intentions              & Author), Schapman, M. (Author Only),
  during the COVID-19 pandemic. International                     Interpersonal Trauma, Attachment, and Coping
  Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, 1–13.                    Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Posttraumatic-Stress.
                                                                  Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological
Dr. Anthony Jean Weems                                            Association 2021, Virtual, Orlando, FL.  
Brundidge, L., Oshiro, K., Weems, A., Goldsmith,               Jennifer Mynes Barrett Tatum
  A. (2021). Exploring Emotional Intelligence and
  Turnover Intention Among Division I and II Women             Vaughn, M., Scales, R. Q., Stevens, E. Y., Kline, S.,
  Collegiate Athletics Administrators [Conference                Barrett-Tatum, J., Van Wig, A., Yoder, K. K., &
  Session]. College Sport Research Institute (CSRI),             Wellman, D. (2021). Understanding literacy policies
  CSRI, Virtual.                                                 across contexts: A multi-state examination of literacy
                                                                 curriculum decision-making. Journal of Curriculum
Agyemang, K., Welch, N., Weems, A. (2021). An anti-              Studies 53(3), 333–352
  racist classroom: Teaching strategies across the
  curriculum [Conference session]. North American              Tammy Lankford Barron
  Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Virtual.               Barron, T. L. (2021). Co-teaching During Covid-19.
Dr. Brian Whelan                                                 Special Education Today. Council for Exceptional
                                                                 Children. https://exceptionalchildren.org/blog/co-
Whelan, B. (2021). Brand iconisation in the social               teaching-during-covid-19
  media era. Journal of Brand Strategy, 10(2), 171-
  177.                                                         Barron, T. L. (Presenter & Author), Henry, A. (Presenter
                                                                 & Author). (2021). Nuts and Bolts of IEP for
Dr. Barbara Jo J. White                                          Elementary and Secondary Teachers. WCU BT
                                                                 Symposium, WCU, Cullowhee.  
Dent, H. L., Jo White, B., Kapakos, W. A., & Fulk,
  H. K. (2021). Widen the big tent for big data:               Barron, T. L., Marilyn, F., Dieker, L., & Shalece, K.
  Understanding business student perceptions of                  (2021). Co-Teaching in Uncertain Times: Using
  Tableau. Issues in Information Systems, 22(4),                 Technology to Improve Student Learning and
  51–62.                                                         Manage Today’s Complex Educational Landscape.
                                                                 Journal of Special Education Technology.
Drake, J. R., Crawford, A., Deale, C. S., & White, B.
  J. (2021). Tourism in the sharing economy: How               Boone-Blanchard, S., Sills-Busio, D., Mann, L., Barron,
  novelty seeking impacts travel intentions. Journal             T. L., Barker, F., & Jung Yeh, C. (April, 2021).
  of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO),                Essential but Unrecognized: More Than Money
  19(1), 92-110.                                                 Needed for Early Care and Education Industry.
                                                                 EdNC Ed Daily.
Dent, H., White, B. J. (2021, Mar. 1-4). Virtual
  Internships: Interdisciplinary Remote Work for               Dr. Derek Raymond Becker
  Undergraduates During A Pandemic [Conference
  session]. 60th IACIS Annual Conference, Virtual,             Becker, D. R., & Nader, P. A. (2021). Run Fast and Sit
  Nashville, TN.                                                 Still: Connections Among Aerobic Fitness, Physical
                                                                 Activity, and Sedentary Time with Executive
Dr. Ed William Wright                                            Function During Pre- kindergarten.  Early Childhood
                                                                 Research Quarterly, 57.
Aho, W., Cagle, W., Marvel, J., Smith, M., & Wright,
  W. (2021). Project-based Pedagogy: The Client’s              Becker, D. (Presenter & Author), Miao, A. (Author
  Perspective. International Journal for Business                Only) (2021). Family Socioeconomic Status,
  Education, 162, 9-24.                                          Physical Fitness, and Executive Function Between
                                                                 the Fall and Spring of Pre-kindergarten, Society
Lane, J. A., Burnett, S. W., Grant, T. J., Newman,               for Research in Child Development.  Society for
  R. W., Pierre, S. C. S., & Wright, E. (2010). U.S.             Research in Child Development.
  Patent No. 7,699,787. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent
  and Trademark Office. (Approved: April 20, 2010,             Dr. Ellie Jane Blair  
  Renewal: April 20, 2023).
                                                               Blair, E. J., & Williams, K. J. (Eds.). (2021). The
                                                                  Handbook on Caribbean Education. Information
                                                                  Age Publishing.  

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