UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained

Page created by Zachary Bradley
UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
THE OUTPOST                                                                                                                                              MONDAY, April 27, 2015 1

                                                                                                                                             Published for the employees and
                                                                                                                                          families of Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma
                                                                                                                                          Test Center, U.S. Army Garrison — Yuma,
                                                                                                                                            Cold Regions Test Center and Tropic
      U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma, Arizona 85365 Volume 41 No. 9 Monday, April 27, 2015                                                     Regions Test Center

   UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station:
              Early 1950’s sighting never explained
By Mark Schauer                                                                                                                           whom had engineering degrees, had
                                                                                                                                          just that opportunity, and this time they
   From its inception as Yuma Test Station                                                                                                had a theodolite within their reach. Yet
in 1951, Yuma Proving Ground has been                                                                                                     the object’s flight pattern was so fast
a natural desert laboratory for testing                                                                                                   and erratic they were unable to take a
equipment destined for use by Soldiers.                                                                                                   reading. It left no vapor trail this time,
   It is a place where the scientific method                                                                                              and vanished across the horizon within 10
trumps superstition and wild speculation,                                                                                                 seconds.
where unexplained phenomenon are                                                                                                              At the time, the Yuma Test Station
methodically identified and fixed. Yet, at                                                                                                headquarters staff relayed information of
least once in the proving ground’s distant                                                                                                the sighting to their superior command,
past, personnel viewed something in the                                                                                                   the Sixth Army, who in turn forwarded
sky that was never definitively explained.     In two separate sightings in April 1952, Yuma Test Station Soldiers                         it to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
   It was a bit after 3 p.m. on Thursday,      attached to the post’s meteorological team observed a flat-white                            Beyond a request for a written report
April 17, 1952, and 13 Soldiers were in        circular object emitting a vapor trail streak across the sky. Reports of                    about the sighting from the officer
the midst of a field familiarization hike      the sighting exist in long-declassified Air Force files, but no official                    who witnessed it, there is no further
three miles south of Yuma Test Station,        speculation of what the object was remains. Did the unidentified object                     documentation regarding the sighting
near what today is a vehicle mud course.       originate within the boundaries of Yuma Test Station, or from elsewhere                     or speculation as to its origin within the
We can’t say with certainty what the           in the universe? (Loaned photo)                                                             long-since declassified files.
temperature was that afternoon—YPG’s                                                                                                          Modern day members of YPG’s
weather records only go back to 1956—          reconnaissance plane. A scattering of             “I have 11 years military duty in        meteorology team doubt that the object
but presumably it was warm enough              military observers in the early 1950s          meteorology, with a substantial portion     had extraterrestrial origin. In fact, they
for the men to enjoy resting beneath a         speculated that such sightings could be        employed on weather equipment               are skeptical it originated from anywhere
shade tree in between a canal bank and         unarmed intercontinental ballistic missiles    development and upper air observations      outside the boundaries of Yuma Test
the Colorado River. Suddenly, they saw         being test fired from Russia, and duly         entailing the use of many sizes and types   Station.
almost directly overhead a flat-white          shared their concerns with agencies like       of meteorological balloons,” wrote 2nd          “It stands to reason that if you’re
circular object heading toward the             the FBI.                                       Lt. Bernard Gudenkauf in his report on      on an Army test base and you see
mountain-lined southeastern horizon,             Yet the first flight of the U2 wasn’t        the incident. “I have never observed any    something unexplained, it’s probably the
emitting an intermittent vapor trail.          until August 1, 1955. Historical accounts      other object with which this object could   Army testing,” said Gabe Langbauer,
About a quarter inch wide when judged at       of missile development show neither the        be identified.”                             meteorologist.
arm’s length from the ground, the object       US nor the USSR had intercontinental              Standing under the shade tree looking        “I hope they fully understood the
disappeared within seven seconds.              missile capability until later in the 1950s.   at the horizon where it had disappeared,    behavior of weather balloons,” said Nick
   Official records of the U.S. Air Force      And all 13 Soldiers who saw the object at      Gudenkauf told his men they should          McColl, the present-day chief of YPG’s
from the 1950s and 1960s are replete           Yuma Test Station that day in 1952 were        attempt to take a bearing on it from        meteorology team. “This thing was
with such sightings. Often, the objects        part of the post’s meteorology team, men       at least two theodolite positions if        moving awfully fast for a weather balloon,
were weather balloons or extremely             who knew full well the look and flight         they ever saw the object again. The         even if it were in a low-level jet stream.”
high altitude aircraft like the U2             characteristics of weather balloons.           following day, two of the men, both of                        SEE MYSTERy page 6

     Gracious lady leads                                           Living with                                                 Yuma Students Examine
      Garrison Human                                            Venomous Reptiles                                                Advanced Careers
   Resource team / Page 2                                            /Page 4                                                           / Page 8
UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
2 MONDAY, April 27, 2015                                                                                                                                            THE OUTPOST

           Gracious lady leads Garrison
              Human Resource team  Center, the Suicide Prevention            in the Washington Air National                        In any career, something has to
By Yolie Canales
                                   Program, the Soldiers for Life            Guard with a total of 23 years of                  inspire a person to do well and be
  Some people see their job as     Transition Assistance Program,            military service, she oversees the                 successful. For Randle, it’s the
nothing more than a 9 to 5 thing.  Garrison Awards Program and the           issue of Common Access Cards                       people. “People inspire me. Seeing
They do their job and go home.     Workforce Development Program.            (CAC), Operations, Readiness and                   people grow and being able to have
But not for Chrissy Randle,        She relies heavily on Jose Arguelles      a wide variety of other military                   a positive impact on that growth is
director of Human Resources for    for the military programs because of      programs. In addition, while                       a great inspiration,” she said. She
YPG’s Garrison. You can see it in  his extensive military background         working for TRAX for the last                      believes people are here not to serve
her sparkling eyes, her friendly,  and knowledge of every aspect             eight years in Human Resources,                    themselves, but to serve others. You
welcoming smile and kind, caring   of the program. “He gets the job          she gained experience recruiting                   cannot be successful unless you’re
voice. When she speaks, the words done because he is an expert in this       engineers and working with training                serving others,” she said.
come from the heart. Truly, she is field,” she said. She relies just as      programs.                                             She also credits her parents for
the epitome of a gracious lady and heavily on Hernel Aitken, Connie            One faces many challenges as                     inspiring her, as well as her faith.
understanding boss.                Everly, Christopher Lee, Carolyn          they began new responsibilities.                      Randle points out that being kind
  In her new position, Randle’s    Lauzon, Phillip Duhart and Natallia       So far, it’s been smooth sailing                   to others is of utmost importance.
duties are to oversee the entire   Yesaulenka to run their assigned          for Randle. “To be honest, I’ve                    “I learn something from everyone I
military personnel program, the    programs because of their expertise.      faced no challenging situations                    come in contact with,” she said. “A
Army Substance Abuse Prevention      Randle strongly believes that a         during my three months here,” she                  little bit here and there helps me to
Program, the multi-use Education   supervisor is only effective when         said. “My team is knowledgeable,                   be a good person and treat people
                                              the people who make up         professional, and ready for any                    with respect and kindness.
                                              the teams do good jobs.        challenges you hand to them. They                     In her spare time, Randle enjoys
                                              In her case at YPG, she        make my job easy.”                                 spending family time with her
                                              raves about the people           She feels moving into this                       husband David, a retired Air Force
                                              under her. “Building           position was one of the best things                Combat Controller and now a
                                              positive relationships         that ever happened to her. “There                  civilian Military Freefall Instructor,
                                              with the team and people       is a great team here at YPG and the                and her children, David, 13 and
                                              in general are of the          leaders above me are great to work                 Skyler, 11.
                                              upmost importance,” said       with,” she said.
                                              Randle. “An affective
                                              supervisor, reaches out,
                                              communicates and has
                                              that face-to-face contact
                                              with others and especially
                                                                               The Outpost is an unofficial publication authorized under provisions of AR 360–1. The Outpost is
                                              the team around you.”            published every two weeks by the Public Affairs Office, Yuma Proving Ground. Views and opinions
                                                                               expressed are not necessarily those of the Army. This newspaper uses material credited to ATEC
                                                This is why, when              and ARNEWS. While contributions are solicited, the PAO reserves the right to edit all submitted
                                              she saw this position            materials and make corrections, changes or deletions to conform with the policy of this newspaper.
                                              advertised, she felt it                                 News may be submitted to:
                                              would be a ‘natural’ fit for                            The Editor, Outpost, Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma, AZ, 85365.
                                              her. She has an extensive                               Phone: (928) 328–6143/6189 or DSN 899–6143.
                                              background with military                                Visit our website at: www.yuma.army.mil
                                                                                                      or email to: yolanda.o.canales.civ@mail.mil
Chrissy Randle says her new position          programs and training,
at Garrison’s Human Resources, is a           both in her military and                                Commander: Col. Randy Murray
“natural” fit for her and looks forward civilian careers. As a four                                   Public Affairs Officer: Chuck Wullenjohn
                                                                                                      Public Affairs Specialist/Editor: Yolanda Canales
to making a positive impact on her            year veteran of the Air                                 Public Affairs Specialist: Mark Schauer
team and others.                              Force and, today, a Major                               Technical Editor, Cold Regions Test Center: Clara Zachgo
(Photo by Mark Schauer)                                                                               Marketing Specialist: Teri Womack
                                                                                                      Visual Information Manager: Riley Williams
UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
THE OUTPOST                                                                                                                                          MONDAY, April 27, 2015 3

  Reflections on the day I died (Exercise, Exercise)
By Teri Womack                                  I returned to the office and notified    dead.” (I can’t repeat what I said when       INTO the building toward my office.
                                             my colleagues that the simulated            he told me that).                             I can only hope that my subconscious
   I was shot and killed at                  attack was imminent. I then turned my          All the individual office doors were       was aware this was an exercise and
approximately 8 a.m. on Wednesday,           attention to the itinerary for the Yuma     closed and locked, so I did the same. I       that in real life, my survival instincts
March 18, 2015, at Yuma Proving              Visitor’s Bureau tour I was to escort       knew I was supposedly dead, but on the        would kick in and I would react more
Ground. Thankfully I’m still alive to        later that morning, mentally reviewing      off chance that I was only wounded, I         intelligently.
tell the tale.                               details that would ensure the tour ran      wanted to give myself a fighting chance          Lucky for me, this was only a
   The Public Affairs Office was             smoothly. I figured I had enough time       to survive. Behind my closed and              simulation that enabled me to reflect
informed of the active shooter exercise      to go to the building located right         locked door, I could hear the gunman          upon these events and the reason we
occurring that day well in advance           next door to sign out the key for the       in the hallway yelling and pounding           have exercises. One day, it just may
because our participation was crucial.       Palm Garden Conference Center, an           on office doors. Even though I knew           save my life.
We were aware of the what, when, and         important tour stop. As it was handed       it wasn’t real, it still felt isolating and      As for not surviving the event, I
where, and even the approximate time         to me, I made a comment that I had to       scary to not have any awareness of            referred to myself as “Dead Woman
it would happen. I personally knew the       hurry back to my office to avoid getting    what was happening on the other side          Walking” for the rest of the day. When
exercise was coming, but walked right        wrapped up in the exercise.                 of that door.                                 I arrived at home, my first comment
into the middle of it anyway.                   Preoccupied by thoughts of the tour,        Later that night, thinking back on         to my husband was “Talk about a bad
   Minutes before the exercise was to        I opened the door to our building and       the event, I realized how easy it was         day at work, I got shot and killed this
begin, I saw the man simulating an           saw a man running towards me dressed        for me to get immersed in the events          morning.”
active shooter outside of our building       in camouflage clothing, shouting in         of the day which led me to not pay               In case you are wondering, getting
getting ready. He was dressed in             a loud, threating tone, pointing a gun      attention to what was happening right         killed during a simulated exercise
camouflage and held a gun in his hand.       right at me. I froze. Then he shot me.      now, in that moment, right in front of        does not in any way entitle you to
Although there was a red tip of the             I hurried to my office and passed a      me. I also reflected upon my initial          simulated leave. I escorted the tour and
gun barrel alerting me to the fact that it   YPG employee working the exercise           reaction. Instead of rushing out of the       completed a full day of work.
wasn’t real, it was still frightening.       who looked at me and said, “You’re          building when I spotted the threat, I ran
                                             if needed,” said Hernandez. “In fact,
    Lead and                                 sampling that may create a functional or
asbestos testing                             cosmetic issue is first approved by the
                                             building manager or the sample is not
  taking place                               collected at all.”
                                                The Environmental Protection Act
By Yolie Canales                             requires that buildings are surveyed
                                             for asbestos and lead every five years
   For the next two to three years, nearly   throughout government agencies. Once
175 buildings at Yuma Proving Ground         sampling is completed and evaluated,
will go through extensive testing for        the results are used for subsequent
lead and asbestos. The sampling entails      construction or renovation activities.
collecting a small portion of building          Project Engineer and Construction
material and sending it to a laboratory      Officer Representative Ernesto Elias
for analysis.                                for the Yuma Project Office, said,
   Carlos Hernandez, field manager           “This type of sampling is a typical and
for Eco & Associates, the contractor         periodic operation for buildings on
conducting the sampling, says the            other installatio ns like YPG. We need
sampling will require little or no           to conduct the study to determine the
workforce disruption. “The only              levels of lead and asbestos in order for
thing they will need from the building       us to safely proceed with construction or
managers is coordination for access to       renovation decisions.”
the various buildings.”                         He summed up the sampling effort
   The sampling starts by wetting the        with a simple message. “The main
area to be sampled (when needed)             message to the workforce is that
so that no dust is created. A small          we need to get the contractor in to
portion of the material is collected and     perform its sampling as efficiently as
stored in a sealable plastic bag prior to    possible without any negative work
transportation to the laboratory. “The       interruptions.” He summed up the
minimally destructive sampling is            sampling effort with a simple message.
performed in a discreet area, and patched
UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
4 MONDAY, April 27, 2015                                                                                                                                           THE OUTPOST

 Living with venomous reptiles
   Editor’s Note: The increase of           An encounter with a rattlesnake is a potentially dangerous situation; your knowledge about
reported snake sightings is directly        reptiles and how to avoid rattlesnakes could be invaluable.
related to the increase in current          Black-tailed, and Sidewinder. All of            about 3 weeks it will be fully
temperatures. During the start of our       these snakes have rattles on their tails,       capable of producing a warning
Southwest Arizona high temperature          and though many snakes vibrate their            rattle.
season, snakes are extremely active.        tails when nervous, only rattlesnakes              Newborn rattlesnakes are
Young snakes will be seeking                can produce the characteristic buzzing          very small. They have no home
protection from predators and may           noise so often heard in movies. In the          territory and are low on the food
be found in backyards, utility sheds        warm deserts, rattlesnakes are most             chain (a lot of animals eat them).
and in buildings. As the temperature        active from March through October.              This makes for a very nervous
                                            In the spring, they are active during           little snake! In searching for
reaches its peak, all snakes will                                                           something to eat and a place
                                            daylight hours. As days become
be seeking shade cover during               increasingly hot around early May,              to live, newborn rattlesnakes
the daylight hours. In general,             rattlesnakes become more active at              turn up in the strangest places -
it is normal to see an increase in          night and spend the day in a spot of            swimming pools, potted plants,
reporting of snakes during this time        shade or a cool shelter. In addition to         even in houses.
of year, Please caution your staff          these periods of activity, rattlesnakes         GILA MONSTERS
and residents.                              can be seen “basking” (lying out in the
                                            sun) during any month of the year.                 Because they are brightly
   Most reptiles are harmless. Of the                                                       colored, slow moving and rarely
venomous reptiles of our region,               Rattlesnakes do not dig their own
                                            holes: they utilize preexisting shelters.       encountered, Gila Monsters can
only the rattlesnake is truly a safety                                                      hardly be considered dangerous
concern around your home. The Gila          Shelter sites might be abandoned
                                            burrows of other animals, brush or              to humans. They are, however,
Monster is a venomous lizard that                                                           capable of defending themselves
rarely bites humans unless handled.         woodpiles, rock crevices, or any tight
                                            place where a snake can feel safe.              with a surprisingly swift venomous        late July and August, they become
The Sonoran Coralsnake is a small,                                                          bite.
shy snake usually less than 17 inches       Rattlesnakes may have several shelter                                                     active again but are less frequently
                                            sites within the range of their hunting            The Gila Monster primarily             seen.
in length and not much bigger around                                                        inhabits the deserts and foothills of
than a pencil, - much smaller than          grounds, and sometimes they will sleep
                                            in the open. All snakes are carnivorous         the Southwest, ranging from southern
the dangerous Coralsnakes of the                                                                                                        What to do if a venomous
                                            (they eat animals). Rattlesnakes are            Sonora, Mexico, north through the
southeastern US and tropical Mexico.
Though venomous, the Sonoran                effective predators, eating rabbits,            deserts of Arizona, barely entering New bite occurs:
                                            rodents, lizards, and birds. Snakes do          Mexico, California, Nevada, and Utah.        • Remain calm and reassure the victim.
Coralsnake has a very small head and                                                                                                     • Remove all jewelry, watches, etc.
mouth and is only prone to defending        not eat every day, and sometimes many              The Gila Monster is the largest lizard      from affected area.
itself when handled. Most other snakes      months pass between meals.                      in the United States, weighing up to         • Immobilize extremity and keep at
and lizards are also likely to bite in         Rattlesnakes are born alive, rather          2 pounds and reaching a total length           level below the heart.
defense if handled but are considered       than hatching from eggs. At birth               of 20 inches, including the large tail       • Decrease total body activity as is
                                            they are fully equipped with fangs              which is used for fat storage. They feed       feasible
non-venomous and therefore harmless                                                                                                      • Move victim to medical facility
to humans. Wild animals should never        and venom; miniature copies of their            on animals that cannot easily escape,
                                                                                            like newborn rodents, and on the eggs          without delay.
be handled; it puts the handler at risk     parents requiring no parental care. A
                                            baby rattlesnake is not born with a             of reptiles and ground-nesting birds.       What NOT to do if a
and is extremely stressful to the animal.
                                            rattle on its tail; instead it has one little      Gila Monsters spend most of their        vemonous bite occurs:
                                            knob called a prebutton. Within days,           time underground. They emerge in             • Do NOT apply ice to bite area.
RATTLESNAKES                                                                                                                             • Do NOT use incision of any kind.
                                            the newborn sheds its skin, and as it           the spring, their most active season,        • Do NOT use a constriction band or
  There are fifteen species of              grows, it generates a new segment of            to search for food and mates. With the         tourniquet.
rattlesnakes in our area. Those most        its rattle with each shed. The single           onset of hot weather in late May or          • Do NOT administer alcohol or drugs.
often encountered are the Western           button on a newborn’s tail does not             early June, they return to underground       • Do NOT use electric shock treatment.
Diamond-backed, Western, Mojave,            produce a sound when rattled, but in            burrows. During the rainy season of
UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
THE OUTPOST                                                                                                                                     MONDAY, April 27, 2015 5

    Air Force tests howitzer fuze at YPG
By Mark Schauer                                                                                                                  distance from the aircraft.
                                                                                                                                    “They’re trying to bust a bunker
   The C-130 Hercules cargo aircraft is                                                                                          or go through the concrete wall of
a familiar sight at YPG, ferrying cargo                                                                                          a fortress,” said Tyler Heagney, test
and personnel for parachute tests.                                                                                               officer. “These fuzes are a lot heavier
   Less familiar to the workforce,                                                                                               and designed to take the brunt of the
however, may be the AC-130, the                                                                                                  impact so the projectile itself can
C-130’s awesomely-armed variant,                                                                                                 penetrate easily.”
which, among other weapons, boasts                                                                                                  “It’s amazing how a fuze even
a 105mm howitzer fired in combat at                                                                                              survives going through something
ground targets by a two-person crew.                                                                                             like this, and then still functions,”
   As with any howitzer round, fuzes                                                                                             added Flores. “The fuze must survive,
are vitally important. They not only                                                                                             otherwise you’re just punching a hole
trigger the round’s detonation, but also                                                                                         through the target.”
have safety features to prevent a shell                                                                                             Testers can’t evaluate the
from exploding while being handled             In this test, a fuzed round is shot through a specially constructed               performance of the fuze firing from an
prior to firing, or from detonating too        plate steel target. Air Force fuzes have thicker shells to protect                aircraft, thus it is done on the ground at
soon. There are fuzes that can be set          their intricate internal workings during a pulverizing high speed                 YPG. Since the fuze is the item under
to detonate a shell at a preset time in        impact with a hardened target. (Loaned photo)                                     evaluation, testers fire the rounds off
flight, when it detects a certain distance     YPG has decades of experience testing Force as well.                              of a 105mm gun tube mounted on an
from the ground or a structure, when           fuzes for the Army and Marine Corps,     “This is an Air Force fuze, but it       8-inch howitzer’s carriage to aid in
it hits a target, or after it hits a target.   and in some special cases for the Air is mechanically identical to one of         the stability of the weapon platform.
                                                                                     the Army fuzes,” said Steve Flores,         The stability of the carriage provides
                                                                                     artillery and mine branch chief. “The       means a quicker and more efficient
                                                                                     rounds for the Air Force are based on       test, as re-aiming takes less time. The
                                                                                     Army rounds, but there are some subtle      fuzed rounds are shot through specially
                                                                                     differences.”                               constructed targets of both plate steel
                                                                                        Most important of these differences      and reinforced concrete. The first shot
                                                                                     is the Air Force fuze’s thicker shell,      in a series is done with a spotter round
                                                                                     necessary both to keep it attached to the   prior to firing the test fuzes.
                                                                                     round and protect its intricate internal       “We don’t want to waste our test
                                                                                     workings during a pulverizing high          rounds because we only have a finite
                                                                                     speed impact with a hardened target.        amount of them,” said Heagney.
                                                                                     Another key difference is the arm              The tests have a relatively small
                                                                                     distance which has been increased to        footprint, with the rounds fired at close
                                                                                     maintain a safe minimum functioning                          SEE HOWITZER page 5

                                                                                         Come And Join Us!
                                                                                                                  Red’s Bird Cage
                                                                                                                  Located in the heart of Historic Downtown Yuma
A properly functioning fuze triggers an explosion only after the
round has punched through the target. In this photo, the burst is                                              231 Main St. · 928-783-1050
beginning. (Loaned photo)
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UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
6 MONDAY, April 27, 2015                                                                                                                                            THE OUTPOST

from page 1
                                                 what the Soldiers saw. But Heidner says
                                                 the system didn’t come to Yuma for testing        HOWITZER
                                                                                               from page 5
                                                 until 1958, the year after the Soviet Union
   By 1952, meteorology had come a long          proved it possessed intercontinental missile range as high speed cameras track every moment of a round’s flight, from firing
way since the invention of the radiosonde        capability by launching Sputnik, the world’s to impact, with a properly functioning fuze triggering an explosion only after the
in the 1920s and the advent of radar             first artificial satellite.                   round has punched through the target. Setting up the test’s steel plate targets is
during World War II, but was still far              “White Sands Missile Range was really      less time consuming than the multi-layered plywood targets used for Army fuze
less sophisticated than today. The first         busy in a post-Sputnik spasm, so some of      tests, but efficiency is always pursued with safety foremost in mind.
meteorological satellite, for example, was       the hiccups with Little John and Honest         “Above all else we want everyone to be safe and go home at the end of the
nearly a decade in the future from that          John were tested here,” said Heidner. “It     day,” said Heagney. “If it takes more time, that’s fine.”
long-ago spring day. It is unlikely that any     resulted in many upgrades like telemetry
of the enlisted men who witnessed the object     and cinetheodolites and a lot of range
had meteorology backgrounds prior to             improvements. We didn’t really have the
their time in the military. Likewise, on-post    instrumentation to accommodate missile
communication was far less integrated in the     testing prior to that: Yuma Test Station was
early days of Yuma Test Station. According       mainly a tube-launched projectile kind of
to Heritage Center curator Bill Heidner,         place.”
when the test station was re-opened in 1951,        So, what did the Met team Soldiers of
six different test activities reported back to   1952 see in the skies all those Aprils ago?
separate home stations across the United         Meteorites? Artillery shells? Missiles?
States. They didn’t share range space, and       Airplanes? Was it a case of bored Soldiers
rarely discussed aspects of their respective     far from the frontlines of raging combat in
test missions with one another.                  Korea inventing a good story? Or a sighting
   Intriguingly, the truck-mounted MGR-          of a high-performance spacecraft from
1 ‘Honest John’, the United States’ first        beyond our planet piloted by intelligent
surface-to-surface nuclear-capable missile,      beings?
was developed at Redstone Arsenal in 1951,          Any of these are possible, but the last is
and thus could theoretically have been           certainly the least likely.

  PRICING                                                                                          A munition won’t explode without a properly functioning fuze.
                                                                                                   The test fuze shown here has proven effective. (Loaned photo)

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                                                                                                   bust a bunker or go through the concrete wall of a fortress,”
                                                                                                   said Tyler Heagney, test officer. “These fuzes are a lot heavier
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                                                              • Si hablamos Español •              itself can penetrate easily.” (Photo by Mark Schauer)
UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
THE OUTPOST                                                                                                                                                                               MONDAY, April 27, 2015 7

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UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
8 MONDAY, April 27, 2015                                                                                                                   THE OUTPOST

                         Yuma students examine
By Chuck Wullenjohn
                         advanced careers at YPG
                                            to examining inert models of rockets
                                            and viewing video taken with multi-
   Career success in today’s world          million dollar high speed cameras.
involves grit and determination, as         They witnessed the scientific set-up
in past decades, but many modern            of an Army mortar test project, from
careers require education and skill         positioning data gathering equipment to
achievements never before necessary.        preparing the weapon system (though
In an effort to expose Yuma’s young         no firing took place.)
people to careers in the technical fields     “I love interacting with the
of science, technology, engineering,                            community,” said
and mathematics,                                                YPG Meteorologist
local high school,     “The kids are enjoying                   Nicholas McColl
college and                                                     as he supervised a
elementary school         this, for we’ve                       group of students
students today
made a five hour       focused on providing                     launching a weather
                                                                balloon. “The kids
visit to U.S. Army
Yuma Proving              them hands-on                         are enjoying this,
                                                                for we’ve focused
   A detailed
                          opportunities.”                       on providing
                                                                them hands-on
proving ground                                                  opportunities.”
tour took them to multiple work places        About 4000 weather balloons are         A group of students gather around a 120mm mortar at a proving
to meet with technical workers in a         launched each year at the proving         ground firing position - a must-see attraction for just about
variety of skill fields, from engineers     ground, making it one of the top          everyone. A M119 howitzer and a M109A6 Abrams main battle
and scientists to electricians and          weather balloon launch sites in the       tank stood nearby.
meteorologists. Students were able to       world. Proving ground personnel
see and touch a wide variety of things,     recently launched the huge total of
from releasing weather balloons and         225 balloons in a single week. By
sitting at the controls of helicopters,     comparison, the National Weather
                                                           SEE STUDENTS page 9

Col. Randy Murray, YPG commander, observes students trying                            Students enjoyed the opportunity of sitting in a OH-58D Kiowa
out a parachute pack as Soldiers from YPG’s Airborne Test Force                       helicopter as Abe Delgado, test officer, walks them through
describe careers in the field of air delivery.                                        various cockpit controls.
UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
THE OUTPOST                                                                                                          MONDAY, April 27, 2015 9

from page 8

  Particularly for young students, a highlight of the day was launching a weather balloon.
  Yuma Proving Ground meteorologists launch 4000 weather balloons each year, making it one
  of the busiest weather balloon launch sites in the world. (Photos by PAO Staff)
Service in Phoenix launches about 50 day job of an engineer is fantastic,” he the scientific method each day
balloons per month.                      said. “From A to Z, it felt like we saw of the year when conducting
   McColl firmly believes in the value it.”                                      this workload, whether it be
of working with young people, for the      As Cibola High School student         testing the reliability of an
effort could directly impact someone’s Austin Change shaded his eyes and         M1 Abrams main battle tank
future. “By planting the seeds now,      watched a just-launched weather         on a rugged road course, the
we’re actually helping ourselves down balloon climb into the sky, he said,       reconnaissance capabilities of
the road. Today’s activities might be    “I never considered meteorology as      the newest unmanned aircraft or
the trigger that causes someone to       a career possibility before, but it’s   the development of new artillery
formally enter the field of science, and interesting. Many doors are now         projectiles more accurate than
maybe even work at Yuma Proving          open and seeing all of this has been    anything before. Between 60 and
Ground.”                                 invaluable.”                            100 test projects take place each
   A teacher from Yuma’s Cibola            The national defense mission of       day at the proving ground.   
High School, Steven Fritz, said the      Yuma Proving Ground is to test
outstanding value of the event was the weapon systems and munitions to           A young female student
opportunity it gave students to view     ensure that they work reliably, without gets a ‘hands-on’ experience
engineers at work in a wide variety of fail, all the time. The Army’s busiest    on how a land surveyor’s
fields. “Being here to see the day-to-   test organization, YPG testers apply    equipment operates.
UFO mystery at Yuma Test Station: Early 1950's sighting never explained
10 MONDAY, April 27, 2015                                                                                                                            THE OUTPOST

       YUMA’S FUN CENTER                                                                              April 2015:
                                                                                       Alcohol Awareness Month
                                                                                    NCADD has chosen a theme designed to highlight the pervasive impact
                                                                                  that alcohol, alcohol-related problems and alcoholism have on individuals,
                                                                                  on families and children, in the workplace and in our communities:
                                                                                  NCADD Alcohol Awareness Month 2015, “For the Health of It: Early
                                                                                  Education on Alcoholism and Addiction.”
                                                                                    FAST FACTS: The Scope of the Problem
                                                                                    • 22.6 million people (9.2 percent of the U.S. population ages 12 and
               Side By Sides                                                          older) have an alcohol or drug problem. (National Survey on Drug Use
                                                                                      and Health--NSDUH)
                                                                                    • 2.4 million adolescents have an alcohol or drug problem. (NSDUH)
                                                                                    • 50 percent of adults have a family member with alcoholism. (NSDUH)
                                                                                    • Approximately 1 in 4 children under 18, live in a family with
                                                 2015 Polari                          alcoholism, and many more live in a family with drug addiction.
                                                                  s ® Slingshot       (NSDUH)
                                                                                    • Alcoholism is the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death in the
                                                                                      nation. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
                                                                                    Alcoholism and drug dependence cost the nation over $276 billion a
                                                                                  year, resulting principally from lost productivity and increased health care
                                                                                  spending. (NAAA)
                                                                                    Question: What is alcohol?
             or all   ages 6+                                                       Answer: Alcohol that is consumed is ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and is
     ATV’s F                                                                      produced by the fermentation of yeast, sugars and starches. Alcohol is a
                                                                                  central nervous system depressant drug and ethanol is the intoxicating
                                                         Motorcy                  ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor.
                                                                   cles             Question: What is a “standard drink” of alcohol?
                                                                                    Answer: A standard alcohol drink contains about 14 grams of pure
                                                                                  alcohol (0.6 ounces):
                                                                                    • 12-ounces of beer or cooler
                                                                                    • 8-ounces of malt liquor
                                                                                    • 5-ounces of wine
                                                                                    • 1.5-ounces or “shot” of distilled spirits/liquor (e.g., rum, gin, vodka, or
                                                                                    Note: These are approximate, as different brands and types of alcoholic
                                                                                  beverages vary in their actual alcohol content.
                      Full line oF power equipment                                  Question: Isn’t beer or wine safer to drink than liquor?
                Service • Parts • Accessories • Factory Trained Techs               Answer: No. One 12-ounce beer has about the same amount of alcohol
                                  Pick-up & Delivery                              as one 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5-ounce shot of liquor. What matters is
                       Maintenance and repairs on all brands                      the amount of alcohol consumed, not the type of alcoholic drink.
                                                                                    Question: How does alcohol affect a person?
           Financing Available!                                                     Answer: As a central nervous system depressant drug, alcohol is rapidly
                                               Tue.-Fri, 9-6, Sat. 9-4            absorbed by the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream, and
                                               Sun. & Mon. “Gone Ridin”           then circulated to every organ in the body (including the brain).
                                                                                    Question: How does alcohol leave the body?
                                               1999 Arizona Ave.                    Answer: Once absorbed into the bloodstream, the kidneys eliminate
00059223        w w w. l i b e r t y m o t o r s p o r t s . c o m                                                                   SEE AWARENESS page 11
THE OUTPOST                                                                                                                                       MONDAY, April 27, 2015 11

 from page 10
                                                                                           You put your family’s
5 percent of alcohol in the urine, the lungs exhale 5 percent of alcohol
                                                                                               health first.
(detectable by breathalyzer) and the liver breaks down the remaining 90
percent of alcohol. Alcohol is broken down (metabolized) by the liver at
the average rate of one standard drink per hour and nothing can speed this
up, including drinking coffee.
                                                                                             We do the same.
  Question: Why do people react differently to alcohol?
  Answer: A variety of factors affect how people react to alcohol:
  • Age, gender, race or ethnicity.
  • Physical condition (weight, fitness level, etc.).
  • Amount of food eaten before drinking alcohol.
  • How quickly they drink the alcohol.
  • Use of other drugs, legal (prescription medicines) or illegal (marijuana
  • Family history of alcohol problems.                                              Central 284 W. 32nd Street                              928-341-4563
  Question: What does “getting drunk” mean?                                         Location Yuma, AZ 85364                              6am-11pm 7 Days a Week
  Answer: “Getting drunk” or becoming intoxicated results from drinking
more alcohol than the body can break down, leaving the alcohol to
circulate throughout the body. Alcohol intoxication can be harmful or risky                     Two other locations to serve you:
for a variety of reasons:
  • Impaired brain function resulting in poor judgment, reduced reaction
    time, loss of balance, coordination, motor skills, or slurred speech.
  • Alcohol causes dilation of blood vessels producing a feeling of warmth                                                                                    Foothills Location
    but results in rapid loss of body heat.                                                                                                                  11142 S. Scottsdale Drive
  • Increased risk of certain cancers, stroke, and liver diseases (e.g.,                                                                                         Yuma, AZ 85367
                                                                                                                  Valley Location                                 928-345-6830
    cirrhosis).                                                               Prime Care Kids: 2377 S. 22nd Dr., Yuma, AZ
  • Damage to a developing fetus if consumed by a pregnant women.                  Mon. - Fri.: 5pm - 11pm          928-343-0488                                 Monday - Friday
                                                                             Sat. - Sun. & Holidays: 9am - 3pm Clinic Hours: 7am - 7pm                            7am - 7pm
  • Increased risk of motor-vehicle traffic crashes, violence, and other                                          Monday thru Friday
    injuries.                                                                  Where parents can bring their sick children
  Question: How do I know if it’s okay to drink alcohol or how much?                       to be seen by a pediatrician.
  Answer: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services recommend that if you choose
to drink alcohol, do not exceed 1 drink per day for women or 2 drinks per
day for men.
  According to the Dietary Guidelines, the following people should not
drink alcohol:
  • Children and adolescents under the age of 21.
  • Individuals of any age who cannot limit their drinking.
  • Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant.
  • Individuals who plan to drive a car, operate machinery, or take part in

    other activities that require attention, skill, or coordination.
  • Individuals taking prescription or over-the-counter medications that
    can interact with alcohol.
  • Individuals with certain medical conditions.                                                                                          Scan with your
                                                                                                                                          smart phone to
  • Persons recovering from alcoholism.                                                                                                  view website with
                                                                                                                                         more information.

                                                                                                         w w w. p r i m e c a r e y u m a . c o m                               00060328
12 MONDAY, April 27, 2015                                                                                                                    THE OUTPOST

 Safety laws for children, pets, vehicles
Submitted by Paul J. Kilanski,        neglect.                                                                                          Traffic Laws
Family Advocacy Program                 Law                                                                                             Against
Manager                               specifics vary                                                                                    Leaving a Pet
                                      with each                                                                                         Unattended in
  Many states now have safety laws
                                      state, but in                                                                                     a Car
against leaving children and pets
                                      most instances                                                                                      It only takes a
unattended in a vehicle. Depending
                                      are geared                                                                                        few minutes for
on the state and circumstances, the
                                      towards kids                                                                                      an unattended
guilty can be issued a traffic ticket
                                      six years old                                                                                     car’s interior
and fined, or, in extreme cases,
                                      and younger                                                                                       to jump from
charged with manslaughter and
                                      (Kentucky’s                                                                                       comfortable to
sentenced to a lengthy jail term.
                                      law protects                                                                                      dangerous for
  Safety Laws Against Leaving a
                                      kids eight and                                                                                    dogs and cats.
Child Unattended in a car since
                                      younger). The                                                                                     On especially
1998, 529 children have died in the
                                      length of time                                                                                    hot and sunny
United States from hyperthermia
                                      a child can                                                                                       days, cracked
(heat stroke) after being left inside
                                      be left alone                                                                                     windows
unattended vehicles. These numbers
                                      depends on                                                                                        provide no relief,
have prompted 19 states to legislate                                        for more than 15 minutes, while
                                      state. Florida makes it illegal to                                           causing unattended pets to die from
or propose safety laws against this
                                      leave a child inside a car unattended Tennessee’s makes it a crime after     heatstroke and suffocation.
                                                                            five minutes.                            The fact that this occurs all to
                                                                              Penalties are based on harm to       often has spurred 14 states and
                                                                            the child. Michigan, for example,      many state jurisdictions to impose
                                                                            charges the following:                 laws against leaving pets unattended
                                                                               • No injury to child: A             in running or parked vehicles.
                                                                                 misdemeanor punishable by           To learn about your state’s
                                                                                 imprisonment for not more than    laws regarding unattended pets in
                                                                                 93 days and/or a fine of up to    vehicles, you can:
                                                                                 $500.                                 • Check your state’s vehicle code.
                                                                               • Serious physical harm to              • Contact your local DMV.
                                                                                 child: A felony punishable by         • Contact any local law
                                                                                 imprisonment for not more than          enforcement agency.
                                                                                 10 years and/or a fine of up to     Take Action Against Safety Law
                                                                                 $5,000.                           Violations
                                                                               • Death of the child: A felony        Call 911 if you sense that a child
                                                                                 punishable by imprisonment for    or pet left unattended in a vehicle
                                                                                 not more than 15 years and/or a   is in grave danger. Don’t hesitate.
                                                                                 fine of up to $10,000.            Don’t go in search of the car owner.
                                                                              Most state laws give authorities     Dial 911 and let authorities handle
                                                                            the legal right to use any means       the situation.
                                                                            possible to free an unattended child     Have you ever found a child or pet
                                                                            deemed to be in danger.                left unattended in a vehicle? How

                                                                                                                   did you handle the situation?
THE OUTPOST                                                                                                                              MONDAY, April 27, 2015 13

      Why the color blue?
Submitted by Paul J. Kilanski,        slippery water in “the bathtub”…I       from the tip of her little fingers to     our most precious gift of all…
Family Advocacy Program               felt sick…I didn’t understand…Are       her wrist. It was only then that the      our children. Please wear a blue
Manager                               my granddaughters all right, was        “search was on” for Michael.              ribbon…put one on your car…give
                                      all I thought. Where are they? I had      We learned that he had been             one to your friends…tell them what
  During the last several years,                                                                                        it means…you may be saving a
the blue ribbon has been widely       only one child. She was a beautiful     killed, wrapped in a sheet, stuffed
                                      little girl. She was the light of our   in a tool box and dumped into a           child’s life! If you suspect anything
recognized as a national symbol
of child abuse awareness. This        eyes. We knew she had entered into      dismal swamp three months earlier. is happening to your children…
movement began in the spring          a stormy marriage, for we brought       My grandchildren had suffered and your grandchildren…the child next
                                      her home several times in the five      battled so much throughout their          door…PLEASE ACT! If you don’t
of 1989 when a concerned                                                                                                get any results or a response, please
grandmother, Bonnie Finney, of        years the marriage lasted.              young lives that it sickened me.
                                         We suspected heavy use of            My life was turned into physical          try again. You may not hear their
Norfolk, VA took a stand against                                                                                        screams…you may not see their
child abuse after experiencing        drugs…BUT…in those five years,          and mental chaos. My efforts to
                                      three beautiful, healthy children       understand became a plea to stop          bruises…so check for the pain and
the death of her grandson. She                                                                                          screams in their eyes.
tied a symbolic blue ribbon to her    were born. I loved them dearly and      abusing children. I tied a blue
                                      they loved me. The children were        ribbon on my van antenna to make             Bonnie Finney, Norfolk, VA
van as a signal to her community
of her personal commitment to         16 months, three years and four         people wonder. It caught on locally
involve everyone in the battle to     years old. After the ordeal at the      with restaurants,
stop child abuse. Bonnie’s own        hospital, my grandson was placed        businesses, the police
grandson, Michael Wayne “Bubba” in a foster home for three weeks.             department and radio
Dickenson, was a tragic young         He cried when they came to take         and television stations.
victim and his death gave her         him back to his mother. He told his     They all started
the strength to encourage others      foster mother, “my momma doesn’t        supporting me in my
to help in the fight against child    love me,” and he begged to stay. I      efforts to make a real
abuse and neglect. The spirit of her ached for his dilemma. I was not         awareness campaign.
blue ribbon grew and it inspired a    physically able to care for him. The      Why the color
statewide community based effort      courts seemed to believe that home      blue? I never intend
to join forces in this tragic battle. was the best place for him…but I        to forget the battered,       automobiles                 rooms for rent
  In her own words: “It’s been        knew better and I told…no, begged       bruised bodies of                                        Room For Rent in Yuma. Nice
                                      them not to return him to his mother.   my grandchildren.              Find your next ride
so long since I sat by Michael’s                                                                            RevUpSouthwest.com
                                                                                                                                            area, central location,
                                                                                                                                          swimming pool. $475/mo.
side in the hospital. Of course I     But I was overruled. My instinct as     Bruises are black then                                     Includes utilities. 750-6684

knew something was wrong as I         a grandmother did not count.            eventually turn blue.                  Cars
                                         I never saw Michael again. My        Therefore, blue serves                Trucks
sat there. I saw fear on his face,                                                                                   RV's
the bruises on his body, and the      16 month old granddaughter was          as a constant reminder            Fifth Wheels
healing cigarette burns on his        hospitalized after being beaten         to me to fight for our          Travel Trailers
hands. His doctor did not believe     severely…her leg was broken in          children. Join with                and more !
my daughter’s story…”he fell in       four places. and her hand burned        me…we must protect              New Vehicles Daily

     Next Outpost deadline is noon April 30th
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                                                                                                             alerts for new inventory

                 Sexual Assault Hotline: 920-3104
                Report Domestic Violence: 328-2720
14 MONDAY, April 27, 2015                                                                                                                                     THE OUTPOST

      CHAPLAIN’S CORNER                                                                        VIEWPOINTS                By Mark Schauer

       Go out                                                                                  The silver screen permeates our society, inspiring many. We asked
                                                                                                     members of the workforce about their favorite movie.

      and Play
                                           children, spouse or friends causes you
                                           to think twice about simply staying in.                               John Devine
                                             For example, the other day my                                       Weapons Operator:
                                           family  and I went to Martinez Lake and                               The Man From Snowy River It is a western set in the
By Chaplain (Maj.) Douglas                                                                                       1880s with Kirk Douglas playing two brothers. It was
Thomison                                   rented  two paddle boats. On the lake
                                           we spent time together, got some good                                 filmed in Australia, and has a lot of good scenery and
                                           “peddle power” exercise, and made                                     classical music in it. There is a great scene where the
   Good day Yuma Proving Ground.
                                           memories. It was truly time well spent.                               wild horses go over a cliff to escape being chased by
I hope you are enjoying springtime                                                                               riders, and the main character is the only one brave
in Southwest Arizona. Say, have you          Staying active, and especially
                                                                                                                 enough to follow. I’ve seen it 90
heard the recent motivational pitch        with  others, really is a “win-win”
                                                                                                                 or 100 times.
aimed at kids to “get out and play?”       proposition. You see, you get to be
                                                                 active and fit and                                                   Ariel Melchor
The underlying
thought is for kids      “Therefore encourage at the same time                                                                            Test Officer:
                                                                                                Tombstone The one in the ‘90s with Kurt Russell
to go outside and         one another and build spend quality time                                  and Val Kilmer. The experiences and attitudes
play for at least an                                             with others, and                 aren’t what you would expect from an outlaw: it
hour per day to get        each   other     up,  just     as     time with others                showed that they still have a heart. It really got to
and stay in good          in fact you are doing.” can be uplifting.                              me how a lawman and an outlaw worked together
physical shape. It is                                            It’s interesting that                                                 like brothers.
hard for some of us        1 Thessalonians 5:11. when we want
to imagine that kids                                             to lay around the                               Natalia Yesaulenka
need motivation to go out and play,        house to recharge our batteries we                                    Education Center Coordinator:
but I guess they do. I also read a recent typically don’t maximize our time and                                  Erin Brockovich As the original movie poster said,
report that said for all (kids and adults) gain energy. Rather, try spending time                                “she brought a small town to its feet and a huge
people it is best to workout/exercise      with others which I believe will do                                   company to its knees.” This movie depicts a strong
with others rather than doing it alone. much more to replenish your reserves.                                    woman who never stopped believing. She displays
With these thoughts rolling around         The Bible says, “Therefore encourage                                  a type of confidence that is inspiring to many
in my head, it caused me to think of       one another and build each other                                      women.
staying active with friends and family. up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1
   Now, sometimes on a Saturday            Thessalonians 5:11.
morning you want some “me”                   Yuma Proving Ground, let’s try
time. You are perfectly happy with         encouraging each other in productive
watching television or the like. In fact, ways. Do enjoy the mild mornings
sometimes it is real easy to say “no” to and gentle evenings of spring. Finally,
any extracurricular activities. However, please don’t forget to go out and play
sometimes a little prodding from your with others. Have a blessed day!

        We can make it happen

                   10602 Camino Del Sol, Yuma, Az 85367

                             (928) 342-9851
THE OUTPOST                                                                                                                                                                              MONDAY, April 27, 2015 15

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16 MONDAY, April 27, 2015                                                                                        THE OUTPOST

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