UHD selects next president - the University of Houston ...

Page created by Beatrice Banks
UHD selects next president - the University of Houston ...
Student Run Since
                                                                                                                                               Volume One

                                                                      February 4, 2021 | Vol. 66, Iss. 1

In This Issue............
Gator Life............................2
                                           UHD selects next president
                                           By Sheryl Sellers
                                                   Following an                    Dr. Blanchard          position as Executive Vice
                                                                                                                                                  Continued on Gator Life, Page 2
                                                                                                                                                  international acclaim for
News...................................7   exhaustive search and           comes to UHD with ex-          Chancellor for Academ-                  student success.
Arts and Entertainment......13             pressing interviews of          tensive prior experience in    ic and Student Affairs
Opinions............................17     highly qualified candi-         leading academic achieve-      at CSU, Dr. Blanchard
                                           dates, the Presidential         ment and student success.      held various academ-
                                           Search Committee selected               As the lead of Cal-    ic leadership positions
                                           UHD’s next president.           ifornia State University’s     which included 17 years
                                           The Committee, chaired          Graduation Initiative 2025,    in leadership at his alma
                                           by UH-Victoria President        graduation completion          mater, Xavier University.
                                           Robert K. Glenn, Ph.D.,se-      rates recognized all-time      Among those positions, he
                                           lected Loren J. Blanchard,      highs. The program was         served as Xavier’s provost
                                           Ph.D., as the seventh           designed to ensure student     and senior vice president
                                                                                                          of Academic Affairs from
 Texas Rising stirs                        president of the university.
                                           Dr. Blanchard was con-
                                                                           success and produce grad-
                                                                           uates to lead the state’s      2008-2015. During his
 civic participation                       firmed by the UHS Board         future prosperity.             time serving at Xavier,                 Loren J. Blanchard, Ph.D., was se-
                                                                                                                                                  lected as UHD’s seventh president.
 see Gator Life, Page 2                    of Regents on Jan. 20.                  Prior to his current   the university received                 He will take office on March 15.

                                           Solar panels installed on campus
                                                    On Jan. 14, the        spotlighted Green Moun-        who’s “always believed
                                                                                                                                                               By Indira Zaldivar

                                                                                                                                                  virtually no future career
                                           College of Sciences and         tain Energy Sun Club for       we needed solar panels on               that will not be required
                                           Technology announced the        donating the $250,000 sus-     campus” said this project               to engage in sustainability
                                           finished installation of 75     tainability grant that made    was a “large joint effort.”             principles,” Morano said.
 Gators volunteer for                      solar panels outside of the     the installation possible.     Kedrienne Day, asso-                    “The panels will inspire
                                                                                                                                                  UHD students and the
 Backpack Buddies                          Sciences and Technology
                                                                           The grant also covered the
                                                                           purchase of photosynthesis
                                                                                                          ciate director corporate
                                                                                                          and foundation relations,               Houston community that
 see Gator Life, Page 3                             The STB, which is      equipment which faculty        helped write and submit                 we are moving in a more
                                           the first and only gold-cer-    and students use for re-       the proposal, Tzouanas                  sustainable direction – that
                                           tified LEED building in         search. Dean Akif Uzman,       assisted in needed calcu-               modern buildings can be
                                           the University of Houston       Ph.D., of the College of       lations, and facilities and             beautiful, functional and
                                           System has just gotten          Sciences and Technology,       upper administration were               good for the environment.
                                           greener. The solar array        described the legacy this      “instrumental in making it              Also, such technology
                                           will power two labs on          grant fulfills during the      happen.”                                saves money in the long
                                           the first floor of the STB.     celebration.                           “There will be                  run.”
                                           However, Vassilios Tzoua-               “This iconic piece
 “Jabs for Joints”                         nas, Ph.D., professor of        of renewable energy along
 rolls out in D.C.                         computer science and
                                           engineering technology,
                                                                           with several other engi-
                                                                           neering features of the
 see News, Page 8                          has said the array offers       STB prominently display
                                           potential to provide elec-      and model sustainable
                                           tricity to other facilities.    energy and materials used,
                                                    The solar array        to our local community,”
                                           also advances research          Uzman said.
                                           opportunities for faculty               “It demonstrates
                                           and students. The data col-     UHD’s commitment to
                                           lected on energy capture,       pursue sustainability in
                                           its conversion from light       urban spaces.”
 Wheels in motion:                         to electricity, and its usage           UHD Center for
 Testing at standstill                     is available to students and
                                           faculty in real time.
                                                                           Urban Agriculture and
                                                                           Sustainability Director        Sciences and Technology Building displays 75 solar panels which power
 see Opinions, Page 17                                                                                    two labs on the first floor of the STB on Jan. 27, 2020. Photo credit: Indira
                                                    On Nov. 17, UHD        Lisa Morano, Ph.D.,            Zaldivar.

                                                           The University of Houston-Downtown
UHD selects next president - the University of Houston ...
2                                                                               Gator Life                                                          February 4, 2021

                                                                                UHD president (continued)
                                                                                        Dr. Blanchard          Xavier University. His           State University Health
                                                                                is a recognized speaker        master’s degree in Edu-          Sciences Center. He held

      THE        DATELINE
      University of Houston-Downtown
                                                                                and has published a vast
                                                                                assortment of scholarly ar-
                                                                                ticles on teacher education
                                                                                and education strategies to
                                                                                                               cation Administration and
                                                                                                               Supervision was earned at
                                                                                                               McNeese State University,
                                                                                                               followed by his doctorate
                                                                                                                                                positions at the University
                                                                                                                                                of Louisiana System of
                                                                                                                                                Colleges and Universities,
                                                                                                                                                including provost and vice
    1 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002                                            provide success for stu-       in educational psycholo-         president of Academic
                                                                                                                                                Affairs for three years.
   Office: S-260 Phone: 713.221.8275                                            dents of color.
                                                                                        A first-gener-
                                                                                                               gy from the University of
                                                                                                               Georgia.                                 The Dateline wel-
  editordatelinedowntown@gmail.com                                              ation college student,
                                                                                Dr. Blanchard received
                                                                                                                       Dr. Blanchard
                                                                                                               served as associate vice
                                                                                                                                                comes Dr. Blanchard as
                                                                                                                                                he begins his position as
                        Spring 2021 Staff                                       his bachelor’s in speech       chancellor for Academic          UHD’s seventh president
                                                                                pathology education and a      and Multicultural Affairs        on March 15.
Editor.............................................................Jaida Doll   minor in psychology from       and professor at Louisiana

                                                                                                                Texas Rising stirs
Assistant Editor......................................Indira Zaldivar
Social Media Manager.............................Jema Pantoga

                                                                                                                 civic participation
Business Manager....................................Sheryl Sellers
News Section Editor...............................Aansa Usmani
A&E Section Editor..............................Varah Thornton
Opinions Section Editor..........................Briana Garcia                                                                                                By Aansa Usmani
Faculty Advisor................................Joe Sample, Ph.D.                                                       sustainability, and      olent drug
                                                                                                                       other pertinent pro-     marijuana offenses (N/A).
                                                                                                                       gressive issues.                 For this legisla-
    The Dateline is the official student newspaper of                                                                   The first half of the   tive cycle, bills regarding
the University of Houston-Downtown. Since its first                                                                  meeting was dedi-          LGBTQ+ issues, racial
issue in 1982, The Dateline is proud to be “Student                                                               cated to educating the        discrimination, and the
Run since Volume One.” We strive to meet the needs                                                             club’s newer members on          pandemic are being intro-
of a growing university as well as the growing metro-                                                          state legislation, ranging       duced. Although official
politan city that surrounds us.                                                          On Jan. 28, UHD’s     from explanations of the         votes do not occur until
                                                                                civic participation club,      bicameral chambers to the        March or April, these bills
                       Submission Policy                                        Texas Rising, held its         Texas Legislature’s overall      can significantly impact
    The Dateline staff consists of students from the                            first meeting of 2021. Per     makeup.                          many Texans.
University of Houston-Downtown who complete all                                 UHD’s guidelines, the                   An interesting fact             HB 73 hopes to
tasks required to produce the newspaper, which serves                           meeting was entirely virtu-    about the Texas Legisla-         eradicate the “panic de-
all UHD campuses. The opinions and commentaries                                 al, with members “Zoom-        ture is how often it recon-      fense,” a bigoted legal tac-
expressed within reflect the views of the contributing                          ing” in across various parts   venes every two years after      tic used when prosecuting
writers. No opinions expressed in The Dateline reflect                          of Houston.                    an elective cycle. Despite       cases regarding LGBTQ+
the viewpoints of the University of Houston-Down-                                        Throughout the        the ongoing pandemic, the        individuals, believing that
town, its administration, or students.                                          meeting, members dis-          legislation continues with       a person’s sexual orien-
    The Dateline reserves the right to edit or modify                           cussed the importance of       additional social distancing     tation or gender identity
submissions for the sake of clarity, content, grammar,                          government - particularly      measures.                        influences the crimes they
or space limitations. All submissions become property                           the Texas State Chamber’s               Not surprising,         may have committed.
of The Dateline and may not be returned.                                        importance. Members also       both chambers are ma-                    Another bill, HB
    All paid writers must be currently enrolled stu-                            discussed how citizens can     jority GOP-led and have          38, would add protections
dents at the University of Houston-Downtown.                                    participate in government      more conservative lean-          for people of color, specif-
    Press releases, story ideas, news tips and sugges-                          while quarantined. Unlike      ings aligned with Gov-           ically Black people, in the
tions are always welcomed. We encourage all students                            other civic participation      ernor Gregg Abbott and           workplace. This bill aims
to contribute.                                                                  groups, Texas Rising           Lieutenant Governor Dan          to prohibit job-based dis-
    Any student interested in joining The Dateline                              focuses on state-based leg-    Patrick. Despite these           crimination on the texture
staff may request more detailed information sending                             islation and enacted laws,     challenges, progressive          or color of one’s natural
an email to the editors at editordatelinedowntown@                              promoting local and Texan      reform legislation has been      hair.
gmail.com.                                                                      civic efficacy.                passed by both chambers,                 These bills gained
                                                                                         After introductory    however, its fate ends up        widespread traction, and

Follow us on Social Media!                                                      ice breakers, the team dove    sealed and vetoed at the         Texas Rising hopes to
                                                                                into its agenda, discussing    Governor’s desk.                 further educate students
                                                                                previous and upcoming                   In particular, two      on the active legislation
                                                                                Texas legislation. Al-         bills would have helped          through meetings and so-
                                                                                though Texas Rising is         disenfranchised people of        cial media posts.
                                                                                nonpartisan, its topical       color, with one re-eval-                 Texas Rising meet-
                                                                                                               uating the bail system in        ings are hosted via Zoom

                                                                                discussions lean towards
                                                                                the liberal side, advocating   Texas prisons (HB 2020)          every two weeks. Follow
                                                                                for Black Lives Matter,        and the other being re-          @texrisinguhd on social
                                                                                LGBTQ+ equality, climate       duced sentences for nonvi-       media for more updates.

                                                               The University of Houston-Downtown
UHD selects next president - the University of Houston ...
February 4, 2021                                                     Gator Life                                                                        3
UHD Gators volunteer with Backpack Buddy
         On Wed.                                were distribut-     weekends. Fam-           program aims to
                                                                                                                                   By Natalie Beauchemin

                                                                                                                   and they distrib-     still children who
Jan. 27, the                                    ed to 400 stu-      ilies are given          solve.                uted 2.5 million      need to be served
Gator com-                                       dents. Family      one box per child,               As busi-      meals in the 2020     and depend on this
munity came                                       Style Box         allowing 137 fam-        nesses struggle       fiscal year. Kathy    program, so Child
prepared with                                     feeds up to       ilies to receive the     and joblessness       Lipman, corporate     Hunger Partners
masks and gloves                                  four people       boxes.                   persists through-     engagement se-        help the Backpack
to distribute food,                                for two 		                For some        out the COVID-19      nior manager with     Buddy program in
school supplies,                                                    Houston children,        pandemic, strug-      Houston Food          important ways.”
and hygiene bags                                                         school is their     gling families are    Bank highlighted               For $2.99,
to K-12 students                                                             only source     in greater need for   the need of the       the program can
enrolled in the                                                               of break-      financial assis-      program amid the      fill a bag with six
Houston Food                                                                   fast and      tance. In the era     pandemic.             meals for a child.
Bank’s Backpack                                                                lunch.        of COVID-19,                   “Due to               If you
Buddy program.                                                                 But           programs like         COVID-19, some        are interested in
         Volunteers                                                           where          Backpack Buddy        school districts do   donating or vol-
were in the Daly                                                             do these        are more import-      not allow Back-       unteering for the
Street Lot from                                                            children find     ant than ever.        pack Buddy to         Backpack Buddy
2 p.m. to 6 p.m.                                                         meals when                  The pro-      deliver to their      Program, visit
loading supplies                                                       school is not in      gram distributed      district warehouse    houstonfoodbank.
into trucks and                                                     session? That is         124,835 bags of       or the schools        org.
backseats. “Fami-        Gean Garcia                       		       the problem the          food between          directly,” Lipman
ly Style Boxes”                                                     Backpack Buddy           March and June,       said. “There are

Faculty Senate meeting
        The first Faculty       diminished by 1.6% from
                                                                         By Sheryl Sellers
                                                                       a solution contin-
Senate meeting of the           year 2020 to 2021. UHD                   Nell Sullivan,
spring semester took place
                                                                                                          Senate Updates
                                recognized the largest          Ph.D., Professor of
virtually on Jan. 19. Fac-      growth in semester credit       English, announced
ulty Senate President Ron       hours for that time frame       that she has drafted a
Beebe, Ph.D., Professor         with a 1.96% increase           letter to Interim Presi-
of Educational Research,        from the previous year.         dent Antonio D. Tillis,
introduced Daniel Villan-                Next, Dr. Beebe        Ph.D., regarding his
ueva, M.A., Associate Vice      request ed follow up from                                                   Dr. Sullivan to approach Dr. Tillis
                                                                response to the Student
President for Enrollment        the teams formed at the         Government Associa-                       regarding his denial of a no-class day
Management who present-         end of the fall semester.       tion. Dr. Tillis replied
ed a detailed PowerPoint                 Candace TenBrink,                                              during elections
                                                                negatively to the SGA’s
overview of spring enroll-      Ph.D., Assistant Professor      request for a “non-in-
ment.                           of Management, stated that      structional day” on
        Spring 2021 UHD         she and Alexander Biela-        Nov. 11 of every other
admittance applications         kowski, Ph.D., Assistant        year so students could                      Dr. Blanchard to begin as UHD President
were up 1.9% from 2020.         Professor of History, met
Most of the increase was        with David Bradley, MBA,
                                                                involve themselves                        on March 15
                                                                in the voting process
accounted for by applica-       Vice President Administra-      throughout the commu-
tions from former students.     tion and Finance and Isaac      nity. She will “tweak”
        Enrollment head-        Elking, Ph.D., Visiting         the letter to include
count at the start of the se-   Assistant Professor, on the     incoming President Lo-                     SGA asks students: Do you want more
mester identified first time    ongoing parking avail-          ren J. Blanchard, Ph.D.,
in college students enroll-     ability, or the lack thereof.                                             reading days? Or more coordinated final
                                                                with a copy to Provost
ment up by 47.1%. The           TenBrink and Bielakowski        Eric Carl Link, Ph.D.                  exam schedules?
second largest demograph-       questioned what parking                  Speaking for
ic increase came from new       availability would look         the “work from home”
transfer students, which        like post COVID-19. The         task force, Dr. Elking
was up 5.9% from 2020.          hope for a new garage was
        Among UHS               shattered, as it was deter-
                                                                will communicate with                     S/U option: Helping struggling students
                                                                the staff council and
universities, UHD came          mined to be too expensive       deliver a survey for                     though a challenging time? Or a means to
second in enrollment num-       without a high increase in
bers following UH-Victo-        parking rates. That solu-
                                                                completion to the facul-               manipulate GPA?
                                                                ty the following week.
ria with increases of 1.9%      tion, therefore, is not via-    Task force reports will
and 4.5% respectively.          ble. Continued construc-        be on the agenda for
UH followed with a 1.8%         tion will be an issue with      the Feb. 2 meeting.                                                      Whitney Barrett
increase and UH-Clear           parking, as some space
Lake enrollment numbers         will be lost. The quest for     Continued on Gator Life, Page 5

                                                The University of Houston-Downtown
UHD selects next president - the University of Houston ...
4                                                        Gator Life                                                                   February 4, 2021

UHD engineering alumni revive school garden
         Despite         ber 2019, the UHD         by Flores, Palomo,        school closures,           ication, and service,
                                                                                                                                              By Angela Ybarra

                                                                                                                                       areas because of the
the pandemic and         Department of Com-        and Ybarra, as well as    unavailability of tools    over 650 members               mud that would build.
weather challenges       puter Science and         ACI student organiza-     and equipment due          of the community,              Additionally, outdoor
of spring 2020, an       Engineering Technol-      tion volunteers Rosa      to university closure,     students, faculty and          learning spaces allow
all-female team of       ogy approved their        Gomez, Tomas Gon-         time restrains that        staff, will have an            students the opportu-
structural engineer      community engage-         zalez, Marvin Men-        limited workdays to        outdoor learning               nity to explore nature
graduates of UHD,        ment proposal for the     dez, Kevin Villa.         Sundays only, and          space to utilize easier        and science in real
designed and led a       spring 2020 semester.             The final proj-   unpredictable flood-       access to the play-            life. Your completed
grant-funded, com-       The project, support-     ect involved the con-     ing that resulted in       ground and blacktop            project provides our
munity project en-       ed by faculty advisor,    struction of a concrete   excavated area and         from classrooms.”              scholars with a space
titled “Hard Hat &       Arash Rahmatian,          access walkway es-        overly saturated soil.             Jones con-             to observe plant and
Heels” that enhanced     Ph.D., contributed        sential to connect the    Further, there was a       tinued, “Before your           insect life cycles,
the Neff Early Learn-    small but impactful       ramp to the blacktop      substantial decrease       project, students had          along with many oth-
ing Center of Houston    civic projects, such as   surface for wheelchair    in volunteers because      to trudge through              er topics. Thank you
Independent School       reviving their butter-    accessibility. The        of a consistency of        muddy terrain on               for braving the heat,
District.                fly garden.               tasks to determine        unworkable condi-          days after rainy               wind, rain, cold, and
         The lead-                The first        the path placement        tions.                     weather to access the          darkness to bring this
ers include Julie        project consisted of      and excavate the area              Despite the       playground. Students           project to life! Your
Flores, past UHD         creating concrete         were initiated by peer    often difficult circum-    with wheelchairs had           service is greatly
Structural Engineer-     stepping-stones for       leaders Flores, Palo-     stances, the overall       an even more difficult         appreciated.”
ing Organization         the Neff ELC But-         mo, and Ybarra with       experience provided        time accessing these
president and vice       terfly Garden. The        the assistance of ACI     self-growth with
president, Sahi-         stepping-stones were      student volunteers To-    heightened team
ra Palomo, past          poured and smoothed       mas Gonzalez, Mau-        building, problem
UHD American             by Flores and Ybarra.     ricio Herrera, Marvin     solving, maintaining
Concrete Institute       Then, they monitored      Mendez, Nathalie          grit through project
president and vice       the letter etching done   Sapon, and Brittany       completion and the
president, and An-       by Neff ELC alumni        Zavala.                   satisfaction of one’s
gela Ybarra, former      and colleagues.                   Completion        capabilities under
UHD ACI treasurer,                The but-         of the project in-        unforeseen circum-
and past UHD SEO         terfly garden also        cluded building the       stances. The outcome
president and vice       entailed a concrete       formwork, pouring,        concluded with
president. In addi-      pathway, including        leveling, smoothing,      sincere words of ap-
tion to their former     determining the path      and finishing the         preciation and work
leadership positions,    placement, exca-          concrete; this was        ethic acknowledg-
they each hold ACI       vating the area, and      accomplished by           ment from Neff ELC
certifications: Con-     forming the pathway       Flores and Ybarra.        principal, Santrice
crete Strength Testing   by pouring, leveling,     Inevitably, challeng-     Jones.
Technician and Con-      smoothing the edges,      es were encountered                “This project
crete Field-Testing      placing grout and         because of the pan-       turned out amazing
Technician - Grade I.    leveling the area. All    demic: inaccessible       and because of your       UHD alumni and peer leaders of community service project,
         In Decem-       tasks were completed      school site due to        time, materials, ded-     Hard Hat & Heels. Julie Flores, Sahira Palomo, and Angela
                                                                                                       Ybarra. Photo courtesy of Angela Ybarra.

                                                   By Jeremy Jones

                                               The University of Houston-Downtown
UHD selects next president - the University of Houston ...
February 4, 2021                                                          Gator Life                                                                    5
Faculty Senate (continued)
        Edmund                here?”                       exams rather than re-
                                                                                    suggesting that the
                                                                                    option be revisited
                                                                                    for the spring se-
                                                                                                            ing Latin honors and
                                                                                                            that students may
                                                                                                            game the system by
                                                                                                                                      were face to face
                                                                                                                                      classes, this year they
                                                                                                                                      are all online.
                                                                                  mester. Some students     choosing S/U to keep               Many senators
Cueva, Ph.D., Pro-                     A response          duce the reading days.
                                                                                  petitioned for the        their GPA in place.       had strong feelings
fessor of Humanities,         was, “He promised                    Dr. Sullivan
                                                                                  option for the fall       There was agreement       on the subject, and
reported on the Jan.          to be here for a very        stated that the times
                                                                                  semester.                 that some students        it was mentioned
20 confirmation of            long time.”                  do not coincide with
                                                                                           Rachael Hud-     will manipulate the       that offering an S/U
Dr. Blanchard’s ap-                    SGA presi-          class times so those
                                                                                  speth, M.S., Lecturer     system to keep their      option would change
pointment as UHD’s            dent, Alan Mudrow, a         students who work
                                                                                  of Biology, comment-      GPA in check.             the timeline for final
next president. The           part of the transition       are hurt, noting that
                                                                                  ed that there is much             Jerry Johnson,    grades, and that put-
announcement will             team, commented              the schedule is not
                                                                                  disagreement in her       Jr., Ph.D., Associate     ting the option into
appear in the Feb. 5          that this “will be his       the best for working
                                                                                  office on the subject,    Vice President for        PeopleSoft could be a
issue of UHD Mag-             baby.”                       or parenting students.
                                                                                  noting that “students     Faculty, Research and     legal, logistic night-
azine. Dr. Blanchard                   Cueva chimed        Tahereh Jafari, M.S.,
                                                                                  are still dealing with    Sponsored Programs,       mare,
will officially begin         in, “It will be a            lecturer, mentioned
                                                                                  the pandemic.” She        mentioned that from a              Mudrow re-
this role on March            glorious day for the         that she has also be-
                                                                                  continued that not        look at 30,000 uni-       sponded that students
15, the first day of          university.”                 come aware of similar
                                                                                  offering the S/U op-      versities, many are       “mostly are over-
spring break. It was                   Dr. Beebe           issues. Nathan Neale,
                                                                                  tion sounds like, “We     viewing COVID-19          whelmed with what’s
suggested that the            suggested inviting Dr.       Ph.D., Assistant Pro-
                                                                                  support you, but....”     to be worse now than      on their plate.”
Faculty Senate for-           Blanchard to the first       fessor in the College
                                                                                           Amy Baird,       when it first began.               He also assert-
mally welcome Dr.             Faculty Senate meet-         of Business, also not-
                                                                                  Ph.D., Assistant Chair    He noted that it is       ed that offering the
Blanchard and set a           ing following his ar-        ed the constraints on
                                                                                  and Associate Profes-     hard to understand        S/U option would say
date as soon as pos-          rival. Dr. Cueva will        students even with a
                                                                                  sor, offered that some    this impact on stu-       to students that UHD
sible. Additionally,          ask if there can be a        two-hour exam sched-
                                                                                  students have options     dents.                    is really in it with
updating the faculty          formal welcome from          ule.
                                                                                  through their degree              “Let’s not        you.
handbook is in prog-          the Faculty Senate.                  Mudrow will
                                                                                  plans to use P/F (pass/   assume the worst of                “Let students
ress.                                  Conversation        take the topic to the
                                                                                  fail), but the ongoing    students and make         know you’re in it with
        The Con-              moved to the final           SGA and poll stu-
                                                                                  conversation pointed      sure we make the          them,” Modrow said.
versation continued           exam schedule with           dents to determine
                                                                                  out the difficulty in     right choice,” John-               The decision
with the talk of an           comments from the            their thoughts on
                                                                                  pursuing that option      son said.                 to give students the
investiture for Dr.           senate that the time         reading days.
                                                                                  in PeopleSoft. Oth-               Dr. Baird         S/U option for spring
Blanchard.                    is not adequate. Dr.                 The next
                                                                                  er senate members         stated that things are    2021 semester could
        Considering           Beebe reminded the           discussion revolved
                                                                                  suggested that the        different now than last   be made by April,
the tenure of past            senate that the deci-        around the student
                                                                                  decision be made on a     year; students may        This item will be on
presidents, Dr. Sul-          sion was made last           option of S/U (satis-
                                                                                  department level.         have a family mem-        the agenda for the
livan conjectured,            year to reduce the           factory/unsatisfacto-
                                                                                           There was        ber that has become       Feb. 2 meeting.
“How long will he be          schedule for final           ry) or a letter grade,
                                                                                  concern about award-      sick. Last spring there

        UHD                               Local Business Spotlight                                                                    something, where
                                                                                                                                      there’s a will there is

                                               Algoo Buenoo
accounting stu-
dent, Ashley Marie                                                                                                                    a way.”
Jove, opened a                                                                                                                                The pandem-
smoothie, juice                                                                                                                       ic has minimized
and coffee bar at             By Indira Zaldivar                                                                                      the opportunities for
16314 Stuebner                sweet, protein-packed        nature drinks such as   healthy food alter-      much as they pay you      direct-contact market-
Airline Rd. on Jan. 2.        treats.                      Savage, “El Tóxico”     natives “to make an      good and give you         ing, so Jove said her
Jove’s business, Al-                  Each beverage        and “La Tóxica” may     impact and help other    a good retirement         business accounts on
goo Buenoo, attracts          contains 15 grams of         seem intriguing, the    people.”                 package, I believe we     Instagram and Face-
health enthusiasts            protein. While sig-          ingredients appeal              “It helped me,   deserve more than         book draw in most of
who seek to savor                                          to those looking for    and I feel it could      that.”                    her customers. She
                                                           a nutritious meal       help other people,”              The 24-year-      encouraged Gators to
                                                           replacement that        Jove said.               old said that at the      use social media as a
                                                           is dairy free, made              Her two kids,   right time, the oppor-    business marketing
                                                           with water or almond    Bella and one on the     tunity just happened.     tool. In the end, she
                                                           milk. Add ons such      way, are what drives     As a strong believer      said business is about
                                                           as toppings and extra   her entrepreneurship.    in opportunities, she     a “personal connec-
                                                           scoops of protein are           “I want to be    asked for and re-         tion” with customers.
                                                           free of charge. Even    able to build some-      ceived a small-busi-       “If you have some-
                                                           whipped cream is fat    thing and leave it for   ness loan to fulfill      thing in the back of
                                                           free, with zero calo-   her and my future        the business idea that    your head that you’ve
                                                           ries.                   generations because      had been stuck in her     been trying to do,
                                                                   Through her     unfortunately you        head for two years.       just do it, because
                                                           business, Jove said     can’t pass down a                “If you have      you never know what
Ashley Marie Jove, UHD student and business owner serves
beverages on Jan. 14. Photo credit: Indira Zaldivar.       she aspires to create   corporate job. As        your heart set to do      could happen.”

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6                                                               Gator Life                                                                February 4, 2021

UHD remembers Cameron Smith, Man of L.E.G.A.C.I.
By Jaida Doll
         On Dec. 30,          not studying or work-        tant Dean at College       L.E.G.A.C.I. also        of Field Education at              “[Smith] was
2020, UHD student,            ing with IT, Smith           of Public Service And      focuses on educating     UHD.                       the key to emancipat-
Cameron Demarques             was longboarding, lis-       co-founder of Men of       mentees on the appa-              With only one     ing and liberating his
Smith, and family             tening to music, creat-      L.E.G.A.C.I.               ratus of race, how that semester remaining          entire family. He was
tragically passed             ing art, playing video               Described          apparatus functions in before his gradua-           really important to the
away. Smith perished          games, or watching           by many as a smart,        society and the inter-   tion, Smith would          future of his commu-
in his home, along            anime.                       talented, and diligent     sections of individual have been the first in       nity and the future of
with mother, Vicki                     “Cam always         student, Smith spent       identity. These les-     his family to attain a     his family,” said Dr.
Pennington, and sis-          had... something             much of his time on        sons resonated with      college degree.            Robertson.
ter, Destini Smith.           brilliant going on.          campus.                    Smith.                            “He accepted              Funeral ser-
         Before his           Whether it was a new                 “School was                “He really       that part of his life      vices for Cameron
death, 21-year-old            project, a new recipe        a safe space for him.      was passionate about as a trailblazer at the        Smith, his mother,
Cameron “Skate-               to perfect, or just a        He really liked com-       social justice... It was forefront. He gave         Vicki Pennington,
board” Smith worked           new game. He was             ing [to UHD],” Dr.         always important         the best of himself        and his sister, Destini
in UHD’s IT depart-           always busy – always         Wallace commented.         for him to stand up      to his family and his      Smith were hosted by
ment, while attaining         trying his hardest to                Smith was          against the smaller      friends,” said Dr.         Carter-Conley Funer-
his degree. He briefly        accomplish the things        especially active in       ones and push back       Robertson.                 al Home on Jan. 11.
studied graphic de-           many deemed im-              Men of L.E.G.A.C.I.,       against unfair treat-             Smith was                 Smith rests
sign, before declaring        possible.” said Kayla        UHD’s Student              ment,” stated Vida       an example of dy-          peacefully at Rose-
his major in computer         Soto, friend of Smith.       Success program for        Robertson, Ph.D.,        namic change forged        wood Memorial Park,
science.                               In addition to      marginalized men.          UHD Associate            through passionate         where his urn was
         Beth Secor,          Smith’s ambition and         The program mentors        Professor of En-         and dedicated work.        buried in his mother’s
M.F.A., UHD Art               dynamism, he is often        Black and Latino           glish, Director of the            “When you         casket.
Lecturer met Smith in         remembered for his           men, providing them        Center for Critical      look at all of the situ-           “Cameron was
her course, “Creating         friendly, caring spirit      with the re-sources,       Race Studies, and        ations that he’s come      the hope of a commu-
a Graphic Novel.”             and light-hearted,           opportunities and          co-founder of Men of from and his family            nity and of a family.
         She said             positive demeanor.           personal relationships     L.E.G.A.C.I.             dynamics… if he            He was the hope of
of Smith, “Such a                      “Cameron            that are necessary to              As a member      finished his degree, he    our program [Men
wonderful, talented           never saw a bad day.         navigate an educa-         of one of the orig-      would have changed         of L.E.G.A.C.I.]. He
spirit… I feel hon-           He was one of those          tional arena system-       inal cohorts of the      the entire dynamic of      was the hope of his
ored to have been his         kids who was always          atically set against       program, Smith was       the family…. He was        people and we were
instructor.”                  upbeat,” said Jerry          them.                      always willing to lend almost there,” stated        his hope. We continue
         When he was          Wallace, Ph.D., Assis-               Men of             his time or a help-      Dr. Wallace.               to uphold his memory
                                                                                      ing hand to program               Smith’s moth-     and the legacy he left
                                                                                      mentors and fellow       er and sister, who         for us,” concluded Dr.
                                                                                      mentees.                 also perished with         Robertson.
                                                                                              “Always          him, were inspired by              Students are
                                                                                      smiling, always ready Smith’s diligence in          encouraged to reach
                                                                                      to assist, a true gift   his studies and com-       out to UHD Coun-
                                                                                      to the UHD College       mitment to improve-        seling Services to
                                                                                      of Public Service,” re- ment. They followed         process grief relat-
                                                                                      marked Dana Smith,       in his footsteps by        ing to the passing of
                                                                                      Ph.D., Assistant Pro-    pursing their own          Cameron Smith.
                                                                                      fessor and Director      higher education.

UHD student, Cameron Demarques Smith. Photo courtesy of Carter-Conley Funeral Home.
View Smith’s obituary and tribute wall at www.carterfuneral-houston.com/obituaries.

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February 4, 2021                                                          News                                                                          7
CNN airs Kamala Harris special report
By Sara Garcia
                                                                                                                                               The report
                                                                                                                                       also gives us a chance
                                                                                                                                       to get to know her
         CNN’s Senior    to attend Howard            ey, the incumbent.        nothing significant       history,” remarked            husband, Doug
Political Correspon-     University where            Making history again      enough to sustain her     Phillips.                     Emhoff, the nation’s
dent Abby Phillip        she joined the oldest       by becoming the first     run.                               Phillips’ CNN        first Second Gentle-
anchored an hour-        Black sorority, Alpha       Black-Asian woman                  On Dec. 3,       report highlights the         man. A clip of Doug
long special report,     Kappa Alpha Inc. Her        to hold that office.      2019 she announced        intricacies and experi-       rushing the stage to
Kamala Harris:           sorority sister, Jill       When her mother           the suspension of         ences of Harris’ child-       save his wife from
Making History, that     Louis, explained that       was diagnosed with        her campaign. Her         hood throughout the           a protestor who got
aired on Sunday, Jan.    the sorority’s culture      cancer, Harris took       relationship with         Civil Rights move-            too close exposes his
17 at 10 p.m. ET. The    was full of possibili-      time to be with her       Beau Biden made it        ment. The interviews          instinct to protect her.
special report takes     ties and support. After     but continued her         easy for Joe Biden        paint a picture of a          They laughed it about
viewers through the      graduating in 1986,         fight against mortgage    to choose her as his      young adult, and later        during the interview
history-making life      Harris returned to San      companies that were       running mate. Togeth-     as a prosecutor with          with Phillips but ad-
of Kamala Harris.        Francisco to attend         foreclosing on homes      er, they went on to       a passion for social          mitted it was a scary
Abby details the         Law School. She             during the mortgage       defeat Donald Trump       equality and justice.         time for them.
steps and missteps       failed her first attempt    crisis. While in nego-    in the 2020 presiden-     Her sister makes it                   The CNN
of Harris’ journey to    at the bar, but she         tiations, she teamed      tial election making      very clear that their         special report gives
breaking barriers and    heeded the words of         up with other State       her the first Black-      confidence is rooted          viewers a good sense
making history as the    her mother, “Get up,        Attorneys General         Asian woman to hold       in their late moth-           of who Madam Vice
first black women        dust yourself off and       like Beau Biden,          the office of Vice        er. The interviews            President Kamala
of Asian descent to      keep going.” Harris         Delaware’s Attorney       President making her      are story after story,        Harris is and always
make her way to the      went on to pass the         General. She was          husband, the first Sec-   firsthand accounts            has been. Phillips’
highest office in our    exam the second time        victorious in her fight   ond Gentleman. On         that paint the picture        report instilled con-
Nation and became        and became a Prose-         and brought a sig-        Nov. 7, 2020 Kamala       of a woman born with          fidence in Harris, her
the first Madam Vice     cutor.                      nificant relief bill to   Harris delivered her      a calling to serve her        advocacy, and her
President-Elect.                  As the Dep-        Californian’s home-       acceptance speech in      country and repre-            consistent record.
         Interviews      uty for the City            owners. She reformed      which she makes a         sent those who often          Her beliefs are ce-
with her sister, Maya    Attorney’s Office,          the schools’ truancy      promise that although     remain unheard. Story         mented in the love
Harris, childhood        she headed the Fam-         problem which was         she is the first woman    after story of her            of her mother. And
friend, Carole Por-      ily and Children            intended to target so-    to hold the office, she   advocacy and years of         her promise to speak
ter and her moth-        Services Division           cial inequality howev-    would not be the last.    hard work to reform           up on behalf of those
er’s friend, Lenore      and launched a Sex          er the law backfired,              “The first in    the criminal system           who are not always
Pomerance, uncover       Traffic Task Force.         and, in some cases,       so many ways and          paint the picture of a        heard or seen is exact-
the unique childhood     Her determination           parents were jailed       so many times, and        woman determined              ly what the country
experiences and          to work within the          and criminally prose-     now Kamala Harris,        to break all the glass        needs.
moments that formed      system to make real         cuted.                    once again has made       ceilings.
Harris’ beliefs. Grow-   change continued to                  During this
ing up in Berkeley,      grow. In 2004 she ran       time, her best friend,
California, born right   for District Attorney       Chrisette Hudlin sets
in the middle of the     in San Francisco.           her up on a blind date
Civil Rights move-       With the help of her        with Doug Emhoff, an
ment, Kamala embod-      mother, she won the         attorney, and single
ied the movement that    election, and became        father of two. They
gave her the courage     the first Black-Asian       fall in love and marry
to be proud of who       woman to hold that          just over a year later.
she was. At the age      office. She quickly                  In 2016,
of seven, her moth-      made headlines for          Vice President Joe
er Shymala Harris        not pursing the death       Biden swore in the
divorced her father      penalty for the shoot-      newly elected Sen-
and became a single      er of a police officer,     ator again the first
mom of two. Harris       stating her office is       Black-Asian woman
expressed what it was    there to “seek justice,     representing Califor-
like to grow up with     not vengeance.” She         nia. She teamed up
a tight knit family      created the “Back on        with Republicans to
made up her mother’s     Track” initiative that      pass reform on the
friends and neighbors,   helped young people         cash-bail system but
rather than blood        re-enter society after      failed to pass her An-        Connect with a Recruiter to Learn More
siblings.                being released from         ti-Lynching Bill. In
         As a            prison.                     2019 Kamala Harris
grade-schooler,                   Seven years        announced her candi-
Harris was bussed to     later, she ran for          dacy for President of
a prominent school       Attorney General            the United States. Her
an hour away. That       of California and           campaign had several
education led her        defeated Steve Cool-        viral moments, but                                              P E AC E C O R P S .G OV/ WO R K

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8                                                                 News                                                                    February 4, 2021

Amanda Gorman presents as youngest inaugural
poet in US history
         On Jan. 20,        inherit, / it’s the past    GirlMagic, trending
                                                                                     America in 2036.
                                                             By Ann Margaret Lummus Even hinted at this
                                                                                     within her inaugural
                                                                                                            in literature and on
                                                                                                            the stage carries the
                                                                                                            tone of the late Maya
                                                                                                                                            recited poem at the
                                                                                                                                            president’s 46 inaugu-
                                                                                                                                            ration. Her book can
former Youth Poet           we step into / and          across social media       speech.                   Angelou, whom Gor-              be found on theaman-
Laurate and Harvard         how we repair it.”          platforms, and fig-               “We the suc-      man idols wearing a             dagorman.com and
graduate Amanda                      Gorman ap-         ures such as Oprah        cessors  of a country     ring of a caged bird            other participating
Gorman, 22, took to         peared with a bright        and former President      and a time where a        honoring Angelou at             retailers. Copies may
the podium as the           smile and often for         Barack Obama noted skinny Black girl de-            the inauguration.               be pre-ordered now
youngest inaugural          interviews and the          “a young woman            scended from slaves                Gorman fol-            until available Sept.
poet in U.S. history.       inauguration she wore       to rise” and “a mo-       and raised by a single    lows the frontlines of          21. In recent news,
Her poetry perfor-          signature colors red        ment for the history      mother can dream of       history through social          Gorman announced
mance of “The Hill          and yellow. During          books”. In the fol-       becoming president.”      media accounts on               the next time we will
We Climb” has ignit-        an interview with           lowing days, Gorman               A confi-          Twitter, Facebook,              see her perform “The
ed her platform.            PBS Houston Public          has star struck the na- dence which seems           and Instagram. Pub-             Hill We Climb” will
         A resonating       Media, she shared           tion, people are eager to threaten people,          lishing with Penguin            be during Super Bowl
new voice for, civil        her preparation for         to know who Gorman she shared that some             Random House                    LVI preshow Feb.
rights activist, Black      the inauguration, “I        is.                       classmate during a        Gorman’s poetry                 7 as the first poet to
women, and Gen- Z.          was around halfway                   Gorman is on workshop suggested            collection “The Hill            perform at the Super
According to the As-        through, we had the         the same platform         her work was too          We Climb and Other              Bowl.
sociated Press, “Gor-       insurrection at the         of current women in       confident. Gorman         Poems” includes her
man says the inaugu-        Capitol. And I don’t        activism like Alexan- responded, “Too con-
ral officials told her      want to say that my         dria Ocasio-Cortez.       fident is code for I’m
she had been recom-         poem took a drastic         Specifically, a leading not comfortable for a
mended by the in-           left turn, because it       example in the rising     Black woman who is
coming first lady, Jill     was already going           waves of Generation       using her voice with
Biden.” Biden, Ph.D.,       towards a location,         Z and its ambition to     a pen to be existing in
made a contrasting          but those events just       make change. Gor-         the same classroom”.
decision to pick Gor-       solidified for me how       man has stated “I                 Gorman is
man since President         important it was to         love as we call it Gen humble towards her
Biden’s plan of unity       have a poem about           Z because they’re         experience, encour-
for the U.S. resonates      unity and the new           relentless and they’re aging that there are
in Gorman’s poem.           chapter of America in       highly critical”.         many other activist
         “The hill we       this inauguration.”         Gorman’s statement        voices in her genera-
climb / If only we                   In response,       does not heed astray      tion. But, for African
dare / It’s because         Madam Vice Presi-           in her own ambition       American youth, Gor-
                                                                                                            Amanda Gorman at recites her original poem entitled “The
being American is           dent Kamala Harris          to be president of        man is one to keep an     Hill We Climb” as President Biden watches from the behind.
more than a pride we        tweeted #Black-             the United States of      eye on. Her influence     Photo courtesy of Getty Images.

D.C. encourages vaccination with “Jabs for Joints”
 By Salvador Hernandez
         The               goal to bring       to take it. The            begin in          centers will open        cannabis should            United States.”
pandemic                 an incentive          initiative has been         March, as        throughout D.C.          be consumed                         This
has affected             to skeptics in        coined “Joints               that is when       In an interview       safely and                 initiative has
individuals              the form of a         for Jabs,”                    vaccine              with Forbes,       responsibly, and           been replicated
through a                complementary          and it will                                          Nikolas         the pandemic               in Michigan with
number of ways           bag of                                                                       Schiller,      has made this              the cannabis
be it mentally,          marijuana with                                                             co-founder       incredibly difficult       dispensary
physically or            their vaccine                                                             of DC             for many adults            Greenhouse of
work-wise.               shot.                                                                   Marijuana           to share their             Walled Lake in
However, a                        Marijuana                                                    Justice,              homegrown                  collaboration with
light at the end         activist, Adam                                                      commented on            cannabis. When             UBaked Cannabis
of the tunnel            Eidinger, and his                                                  the groups goal to       enough adults are          Company offering
can be seen as           organization,                                                      stop the spread of       inoculated with            pre-rolled joints
vaccines roll out        DC                                                                 the pandemic and         the coronavirus            to those who get
to various parts         Marijuana                                                                 elaborated        vaccine, it                vaccinated.
of the country.          Justice, have                                                             on the            will be time to
Many have been           spearheaded                                                        groups advocacy          celebrate – not
skeptical of the         the initiative to                                                  to change local          just the end of the
vaccine, however,        bring attention                                                    and nationwide           pandemic, but the
marijuana activists      and encourage                               Whitney                marijuana policy.        beginning of the
in D.C. have             individuals weary                           Barrett                        “DCMJ            end of cannabis
made it their            of the vaccine                                                     believes that            prohibition in the

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February 4, 2021                                                       News                                                                            9
FBI investigates HPD officer involved in Capitol riot
By Brittney Dizzine
         On Jan. 13,       videos of Pham inside      to me by]... .a mem-       cers that was there...    vidual will be charged    the siege as they lead
Houston Police Chief,      the Capitol.               ber of this commu-         everyone has a First      with federal charges,     the massive investi-
Art Acevedo, stated                 The agents        nity...showing the         Amendment right....       and rightfully so.”       gation. Local federal
that Houston Police        explained to Pham          officer...with a Trump     But I still wanted to             Washington        agencies are provid-
officer Tam Dinh           that making false and      flag, face covered and     make sure that they       D.C. will release         ing support in the
Pham attended infa-        fraudulent statements      the first thing I did, I   didn’t pass beyond...I    potential criminal        investigative process.
mous Trump rally in        to a represetative         went to that person’s      can tell you that         charges involving
Washington, D.C. on        of the federal gov-        Facebook confirmed         there’s a high proba-     Pham and other in-
his personal time. Af-     ernment is a crime,        it was one of our offi-    bility that this indi-    dividuals engaged in
ter further investiga-     leading the disgraced
tion, law enforcement      officer to admit to fol-
found that Pham, an        lowing the rioters to
18-year service vet-       the Capitol Rotunda.
eran with the depart-      Pham briefly spoke
ment, traveled alone       to the media when he
to the nation’s Capitol    arrived home Thurs-
and participated in the    day afternoon.
Jan. 6 insurrection on              “Please, just
the Capitol Building.      give my family priva-
         “As investi-      cy,” Pham said. “It’s a
gations continue, I        challenging time.”
am highly confident        As of Jan. 14, Pham
that the officer will be   has resigned from the
facing federal crimi-      HPD.
nal charges,” Acevedo               Acevedo said
said.                      after the resignation,
         According to      “There is no excuse
the documents, Pham        for criminal activity,
admitted to being in       especially from a
Washington for “busi-      police officer.
ness reasons” but                   “I can’t tell
denied going to the        you the anger I feel
Capitol. FBI agents        at the thought of a
received Pham’s con-       police officer and
sent to review photos      other[s]... thinking
on his cellphone and       they get to storm
noticed no photos          the Capitol...our
from his Washington        commitment here in
trip. According to         the Houston area is
the affidavit, agents      always to the rule of
checked the folder of      law...It saddens me to
deleted photos, and        report that we have
found photos and           that one officer...[sent    Whitney Barrett

NAACP calls for city council member to resign
         The City of       nia Trump. Travis          her qualifications.        meeting will educate      suggestions on what
                                                                                                                                         By Priscila Batres
                                                                                                                                     Ph.D., who is leading
Houston City Council       commented on the           Travis continued,          the council members       type of disciplinary      this meeting and a
and Council Ethics         post by questioning        bringing Vice Presi-       and members of the        actions to take against   member of the city
Chair called for a         Michelle Obama’s           dent Kamala Harris         public about the type     Travis.                   council expressed the
meeting to review          intellect and insinuat-    into the conversa-         of free speech poli-             Travis re-         importance of this
free speech policies       ing that she attended      tion, implying she         cies that apply to city   sponded to the actions    meeting.
after Republican           Harvard University         attained her position      council members. An       taken against him                 “We’ve seen
Council Member             through affirmative        through inappropriate      additional team and       and stands by his         at our nation’s Cap-
Greg Travis shared a       action. Travis also        romantic affairs. The      ethics commission         comments. “I don’t        itol what words can
controversial Face-        commented that             post gained so much        will review Travis’s      mind Democrats. I         do to incite fear and
book post and subse-       former Secretary of        negative attention that    comments and deter-       just don’t like ex-       destruction and what
quent comments in          State Hillary Clinton      the Houston chapter        mine if he violated       treme liberalism. The     responsibility means.”
December 2020.             attained her political     of NAACP and Black         any of these policies.    comments made had
         he post com-      position because of        Lives Matter Hous-         If the team deter-        nothing to do with
pared the two former       her husband, former        ton called for Travis’     mines a violation, the    gender or race, just
first ladies, Michelle     President Bill Clin-       resignation.               council will ask the      extreme liberalism.”
Obama and Mela-            ton, rather than with              The council        ethics committee for             Letitia Plumer,
                                                 The University of Houston-Downtown
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10                                                                             News                                                                      February 4, 2021

Biden and Harris attend national COVID-19 memorial
By Lauren Anderson
         On Jan. 19,         mother or grandfather          imagine new possibil-                   Boston also            “My father spent the            He also said that he
cities all over the          who was our whole              ities, and to open our         had many sites light            last week of his life           understands the grief
United States took           world, a parent,               hearts just a little bit       up in amber. The                in a hospital three             of losing loved ones
part in a memorial           partner, sibling, or           more to one another.”          Grant AME Church                blocks away from                since he has lost his
service to remember          friend who we still                     Other cities          also put up ribbons             us, and we couldn’t             first wife, daughter,
the over 400,000 peo-        cannot accept is no            take part in the me-           outside the church to           be with him,” Jersey            and son in the past.
ple that lost their lives    longer here. And for           morial in their own            represent the thou-             City resident Sabila                     Biden stated at
to COVID-19 in the           many months, we                ways. The mayor of             sands who had died              Khan told CBS2.                 the memorial service
U.S. Before his inau-        have grieved by our-           New York City and              during a brief memo-            “Remember the faces             in Washington D.C.
guration, then-Presi-        selves,” Harris said           his wife spoke at the          rial service.                   behind the numbers              that, “To heal, we
dent-elect Joe Biden,        during her speech at           Statue of Liberty,                      In Chicago,            to remember that they           must remember. It’s
along with Vice Pres-        the memorial service.          and the Empire State           other than illumi-              had names. They had             hard sometimes to
ident-elect Kamala                   She continued,         Building lit up in red         nating buildings in             lives. They loved.              remember, but that’s
Harris, also took part       “Tonight, we grieve            to remember those              amber, city officials           They had families               how we heal. It’s
in the memorial at the       and begin healing              lost.                          asked residents and             that they’ve now                important to do that
Reflecting Pool near         together. Though we                     Buildings in          small business owners           left behind, and they           as a nation. That’s
Lincoln Memorial in          may be physically              San Fransisco, such            to shut off their lights        died horrible, lonely           why we’re here today.
Washington, D.C.             separated, we, the             as City Hall and Coit          and set out a candle            deaths. That’s what I           Between sundown
         Hundreds of         American people, are           Tower, and buildings           in their driveway or            want the country to             and dusk, let us shine
luminaries lined the         united in spirit, and          in San Diego, such             balcony, also with a            remember.”                      the lights in the dark-
edge of the Reflecting       my abiding hope, my            as California Tower            moment of silence.                      President               ness, along the sacred
Pool. An art display         abiding prayer, is that        and Spreckels Organ                     In Jersey City,        Biden stated that               pool of reflection, and
created by the Pres-         we emerge from this            Pavilion, were illu-           family members held             honoring the misfor-            remember all whom
idential Inaugural           ordeal with a new              minated by an amber            photos of their loved           tune of the past year           we lost.”
Committee shone 56           wisdom, to cherish             light for the memori-          ones as they mourned            would be the center
pillars of blue light        simple moments, to             al.                            in front of City Hall.          of his administration.
from the National
Mall to represent
America’s states and
territories. A bell at
National Cathedral
also rang 400 times,
each ring signify-
ing 1,000 victims of
         “We gather
tonight, a nation in
mourning, to pay
                                                                                                          Representative Katherine M. Clark of Massachusetts, House Speaker Nancy
tribute to the lives we     President Biden speaks during the COVID-19 memorial on Jan. 19. Photo cour-
                                                                                                          Pelosi, and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer. Photo courtesy of Erik S.
                            tesy of Salwan Georges/The Washington Post.
have lost, a grand-                                                                                       Lesser/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock.

Biden signs executive orders
         President Joe       Accord, which he               It is also important
                                                                                                  By Priscila Batres
                                                                                           helps teachers pay off
                                                                                                                           Customs Enforcement
                                                                                                                           and Border Patrol,
                                                                                                                           and stopping con-
                                                                                                                                                           the pandemic, send-
                                                                                                                                                           ing another round
                                                                                                                                                           of stimulus checks,
Biden and Vice Pres-         did hours after his            to highlight that his          their student loans.            struction of the U.S.           rebuilding the econo-
ident Kamala Harris          inauguration. The              administration has                     For immigra-            Southern border wall.           my, safely re-opening
recently assumed             Biden Administra-              committed not to               tion, Biden plans to                     The Biden ad-          schools, and vacci-
office, and many             tion’s plans in fight-         accept contributions           roll back all Trump             ministration has many           nating at least 100
campaign policies are        ing climate change             from big oil and gas           Administration’s                plans for his term,             million people by
going to be followed         include pressuring             corporations.                  policies. Biden’s               and they range from             summer. Controlling
in the first 100 days.       Congress to pass                        Regarding             executive orders                supporting essential            the pandemic is the
Some of the plans the        legislation that will          education, the Biden           signed on his first             workers, ending the             top priority, and as
Biden administration         invest in clean energy,        Administration wants           day of presidency               opioid crisis, to in-           president, Biden has
hopes to achieve             climate research, and          to help educators—             include implement-              vesting in infrastruc-          already signed multi-
range from climate           innovation. Further            alongside first lady,          ing comprehensive               ture. For more details          ple executive orders
awareness to immi-           incentives include the         Dr. Jill Biden, who            immigration reform              of these followings             that have gained
gration reform poli-         rapid deployment of            has been a teacher for         for the 11 million un-          plans or any other, it          positive press. Time
cies, but what exactly       clean energy inno-             over thirty years. The         documented people,              can be found on his             will tell how the rest
are those plans?             vations across the             Biden Administration           giving a pathway to             website joebiden.               of these goals will be
         Biden’s first       economy focusing on            plans to raise teacher         citizenship for DACA            com.                            met.
order was for the            communities which              wages, and funding of          recipients and TPS                       Biden’s top
United States to re-         have been affected             Title I, which focuses         holders, and moni-              priorities for his first
join the Paris Climate       by climate change.             on school funding and          toring Immigration              100 days are: curbing

                                                         The University of Houston-Downtown
February 4, 2021                                                                    News                                                                11
Kamala Harris makes ‘herstory’
         Former Cali-         1986, she attended the first person of color to as vice president, her
                                                                                                                ris were elected failed to show evi-
                                                                                             By Savannah Mims the next pres-
                                                                                                                ident and vice
                                                                                                                                         dence of this claim.
                                                                                                                                                   On Dec. 14,
                                                                                                                president of the 2020, the Electoral
fornia Senator Kama-          University of Califor- ever hold the position. husband became the          United States, though College confirmed the
la Harris made history        nia, Hastings College In another first, Harris first second gentle-        official counting of            Biden-Harris ticket
as the first ever Black,      of the Law in 1989.    was the first woman,     man in American            the popular vote did            did win the Novem-
Asian American, and                    After her     Black, and South         history.                   not end until a week            ber 2020 election. De-
woman to take the of-         admittance to the      Asian American to be              In 2016, Har-     and a half later.               spite a protest turned
fice of vice president        California Bar, she    elected to the position ris was elected to the               This kicked            riot at the United
on Jan. 20. Harris            worked in the District of attorney general      United States Senate       off a flurry of lawsuits States Capitol on Jan.
began her eagerly             Attorney’s Office in   of California in 2011. as the junior senator        by then incumbent               6, lawmakers count-
awaited term as vice          Alameda County,        While working as         from California. In        President Donald J.             ed the state certified
president alongside           California. She was    attorney general, Har- January 2019, Kama- Trump, who believed electors, clearing a
the newly elected             later appointed to the ris worked focused       la Harris announced        there were voting               final hurdle for Pres-
President Joseph R.           Unemployment Insur- on LGBTQ+ rights,           her candidacy for          irregularities resulting ident Joe Biden and
Biden, Jr.                    ance Medical Board     criminal justice         the president of the       in the election being           Madame Vice Pres-
         Her journey to       and the California     reform, and public       United States. In          “rigged” and “stolen.” ident Kamala Harris
vice presidency began         Medical Assistance     safety.                  December 2019, she         The courts deter-               to be sworn in on Jan.
when she attended             Commission before               Kamala          withdrew her candi-        mined his lawsuits              20.
Howard University             becoming Assistant     Harris met her future    dacy due to lack of
in 1981 as a political        district attorney in   husband, Douglas         fundraising. In March
science and eco-              San Francisco. Af-     Emhoff, an entertain- 2020, she endorsed
nomics major. While           terwards, she began    ment lawyer, through Joe Biden for presi-
at Howard, Harris             working for the San    a blind date, though     dent.
interned in the mail-         Francisco City Attor- she did admit, “to                 In August
room to then Cali-            ney and began run-     Googling him first.”     2020, Biden an-
fornia Senator Alan           ning the Family and    The couple married in nounced Harris as
Cranston. Additional-         Children’s Services    2014 resulting in her    his running mate,
ly, she led the debate        Division.              becoming a stepmoth- making her the third
team and joined the                    In 2002,      er to Emhoff’s two       woman nominated for
Alpha Kappa Alpha             Harris was elected as children from a previ- the position of vice          Kamala Harris was sworn in as the 49th vice president of the
sorority. After gradu-        the district attorney  ous marriage. Upon       president. On Nov. 3, U.S. at the inauguration on Jan. 20. Photo courtesy of Saul
ating from Howard in          of San Francisco, the Harris’s inauguration 2020, Biden and Har- Loeb/Pool via AP.

Biden reverses Trump’s                                                                Georgia elects Democrat
trans military ban
By Sergio Presa Jr.
                                                                                      senators The 2020
                                                                                                                  By Madiha Hussain
                                                                                                                 elections due to Sen.      Harris (D) will serve
         On Jan. 25,         of the promise Biden      researches and ad-             presidential election      Johnny Isakson’s (R)       as a tie-breaker. As a
President Biden              made during the           vocates for LGBTQ              results were remark-       retirement in 2019,        result, it will be eas-
rolled back the previ-       campaign trail, along     causes said, “This is          able, especially for       leaving both sena-         ier to bring Demo-
ous administration’s         with many other           the triumph of evi-            those in Georgia.          tor seats available.       cratic-led legislation
ban on transgendered         reversals of Trump        dence-based policy             The 2020 elective          The regular run-off        to the Senate floor.
individuals serving          policies.                 over discrimination.”          cycle was the first        election was between                With Vice
in the United States                 The order                 After signing          time in 28 years that      David Perdue (R)           President Harris’
military.                    stated that both the      the order, the pres-           Georgia voted for a        and Jon Ossoff (D).        inauguration, the top-
         Biden’s             Departments of De-        ident stated, “What            Democratic presi-          The special run-off        ic of representation
reversal of the ban          fense and Homeland        I’m doing is enabling          dential candidate. In      election was between       in politics has be-
put into place by            Security need to re-      all qualified Amer-            addition, it was the       Kelly Loeffler (R)         come commonplace.
the Trump Admin-             examine the service       icans to serve their           first time in 15 years     and Rev. Raphael           Ossoff and Warnock
istration allows any         members’ records          country in uniform.”           that the state held a      Warnock (D).               will become the first
American who is fit          who were unable to                Human rights           Democrat Senator.                  Ossoff and         Jewish and Black
to serve, the opportu-       re-enlist or who were     organizations have                      The run-off       Warnock both won           senators from Geor-
nity to do so, regard-       discharged. Aaron         applauded the ban’s            elections that oc-         their respective           gia, respectively.
less of their gender         Belkin, the execu-        reversal. The White            curred in Georgia on       positions, meaning                  The results of
identity. This move          tive director of the      House said, “Presi-            Jan. 5, 2021, were         that the Democrats         the Georgia elec-
comes as a reminder          Palm Center, which        dent Biden believes            significant for sev-       now have control           tions will drastically
                                                       that gender identity           eral reasons. Under        over the Senate.           change the Senate’s
                                                       should not be a bar            normal circumstanc-        The Democrats and          productivity in the
                                                       to military service,           es, only one run-off       Republicans both           years to come.
                                                       and that America’s             election would have        share half the seats in
                                                       strength is found in           taken place. Instead,      the Senate, but Vice
                                                       its diversity.”                there were two             President Kamala
Image courtesy of Media Matters for America.

                                                     The University of Houston-Downtown
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