UK research and the European Union The role of the EU in funding UK research

Page created by Jennifer Weaver
UK research and the European Union The role of the EU in funding UK research
UK research and
                                                                  the European Union
                                                                  The role of the EU in
                                                                  funding UK research

UK research and the European Union The role of the EU in funding UK research
The European research landscape is
complex. Both the European Union and
individual European countries fund research.
Researchers collaborate with each other
within Europe and internationally.

UK research and the European Union:
The role of the EU in funding UK research

Working group
Professor Carlos Frenk FRS
Sir Tim Hunt FRS FMedSci
Dame Linda Partridge DBE FRS FMedSci
Dame Janet Thornton DBE FRS FMedSci
Professor Terry Wyatt FRS

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Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

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2                                                  UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH
UK research and the European Union The role of the EU in funding UK research
UK research and the European
Union: the role of the EU in
funding UK research
A referendum on the United Kingdom’s                  at building capacity in the least economically
membership of the European Union (EU)                 developed regions of the EU.                         Excellent research and
will take place before the end of 2017. This                                                               innovation help us to
report sets out to show the role of the EU in         The UK was the second largest recipient in           live healthier, fuller and
funding UK research.                                  absolute terms after Germany in the most             better lives.
                                                      recent Framework Programme (FP7). If
This is the first part of a phased project            structural funds are taken into account, Poland
gathering evidence about the influence                is ranked second and the UK fourth. In the
of the UK’s relationship with the EU on               UK, universities are by far the most successful
research. It is intended to inform debate.            in attracting Framework Programme funding,
Subsequent phases will look at researcher             taking 71% of the total funds awarded to the
mobility and collaborations, and the role of          UK during Framework Programme 71. UK
EU regulation and policy.                             businesses attracted 18%2. By contrast, if we
                                                      consider the distribution of where research
Excellent research and innovation help us to          and development is conducted in the UK;
live healthier, fuller and better lives. Europe is    64% conducted by businesses and 26% in
home to world-class research, and researchers         universities3.
come from all over the world to collaborate with
researchers that are based here and to use            The proportion of research income that EU
European scientific infrastructure. Within this       funding represents for universities has been
community, the UK has created a world-leading         increasing. Since the 2010 UK spending review,
research base that interacts with the best and        universities have seen their total research
most ambitious in the rest of the world, keeping      income rise slightly, despite experiencing a
UK research at the cutting edge.                      drop in UK government funding for research
                                                      through the Higher Education Funding Council
The European research landscape is complex.           and the Research Councils. This is due to
Both the EU and individual European countries         increases in research income from other
fund research. Researchers collaborate with           sources including the EU and the private sector.
each other within Europe and internationally.
                                                      The UK’s relationship with the EU is complex
The UK contributes more overall to the EU             and the EU’s influence varies across different
budget than it receives. However, the UK is one       parts of the UK’s research ecosystem. The
of the largest recipients of research funding         evidence presented in this report focuses on
in the EU: it receives a greater amount of EU         the financial aspects of the UK’s relationship
funding for research and development than the         with Europe and should not be considered
proportion of its contribution analyses suggests      in isolation. The monetary value of a funding
is earmarked for this.                                stream is not the sole guide to its value
                                                      for research. Small amounts of funding in
There are two major routes by which the EU            areas where little funding is available, or that
directly funds research in the UK – Framework         offer researchers mobility and encourage
Programme funding and structural funds. The           collaborations can have a bigger impact than
UK is very successful in attracting Framework         their monetary values might suggest. This value
Programme funding, particularly that allocated        is difficult to quantify and we have not sought to
for excellence. The UK recieves relatively little     do so in this document.
structural funding, which is largely targeted

UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH                                                      3
UK research and the European Union The role of the EU in funding UK research
Who funds research in Europe?
                          The European Union (EU) is one of many                The European research landscape is complex.
According to estimates    research funders in Europe.                           Regional, national and international actors
by the League of                                                                interact at multiple levels.
European Research
Universities (LERU),      FIGURE 1
15% of publicly funded
research conducted        Flow of research funding in Europe.
in EU Member States
comes from, or is                                    EU Member State national governments
coordinated by, the EU
or by intergovernmental

                                                                                                           DG = Director General

                                                                        European            Research-
                                                    DG REGIO                                intensive      Flow of funds
                                                                       Commision               DGs

                                                                                                           Funding of researchers
                                                                                                           based outside EU
                                                                                                           Member States
                                                                          DG RTD

                                                                       Sectoral R&I      Programmes
                                                  and Investment
                                                                       programmes        Horizon 2020
                                                   funds (ESIF)
                                                                                         (2014 – 2020)

                                                                    EU Researchers
                                                                 Research infrastructures                   Associate
                                                                   Research institutes                      countries



4                                                  UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH
UK research and the European Union The role of the EU in funding UK research
How does the EU fund research?
The EU supports research, development                 In addition the EU provides indirect support
and innovation through several interlinked            for research, development and innovation       The EU has a total
programmes. These are estimated to provide            through specific programmes.                   estimated budget of
€120 billion5 to directly support research,                                                          €120 billion to directly
development and innovation activities over                                                           support research
the period 2014 – 2020.6                                                                             and innovation
                                                                                                     activities between
 FIGURE 2                                                                                            2014 and 2020.5

Estimated EU expenditure on research, development and innovation. 2014 – 2020.

         Structural funds for
         R&D activities
                                             €120 billion
                                                                                  Horizon 2020

         Sectoral R&D

Additional programmes indirectly supporting research and innovation activities:
• C
   ompetitiveness for Enterprises and Small          • The Life programme
  and Medium Size Enterprises (COSME)                 • The Connecting Europe Facility
• Erasmus+                                            • European Fund for Strategic Investment
• The Health programme

Source: References 1, 8, 28 and 29.

UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH                                               5
UK research and the European Union The role of the EU in funding UK research
Framework Programmes                                How is funding distributed?
Up to December 2014,      What are Framework Programmes?                      Horizon 2020 funding is mostly allocated
almost half of the        Framework Programmes (FPs) are the main EU          competitively through calls for proposals to
scientific publications   funding mechanism for research, development         which researchers and organisations can
resulting from            and innovation. The current Framework               apply. Criteria for allocating funding vary
completed Framework       Programme is called Horizon 2020.                   and include scientific excellence, alignment
Programme 7 projects                                                          with a number of strategic objectives (grand
were in high impact       Who manages them?                                   challenges), geographical and disciplinary
peer reviewed             Horizon 2020 is managed by the European             diversity and potential for commercialisation.
journals.10               Commission’s Directorate-General for                The calls for proposals are managed under a
                          Research and Innovation (DG RTD).                   number of schemes and agencies, including
                          Eight other DGs with a research dimension           the European Research Council (ERC),
                          (Energy, Communication, Agriculture,                Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCAs),
                          Education and Culture, Growth, Home                 the Small and Medium sized Enterprises
                          Affairs and the Joint Research Centre (JRC))        (SME) instrument, the European Institute of
                          share ownership and responsibility for the          Innovation and Technology (EIT), the European
                          Programme with DG Research.                         Investment Bank and partnerships with
                                                                              Member States and industries.
                          What is the budget?
                          Horizon 2020 has a budget of €74.8 billion9         What has Framework Programme funding
                          for the period 2014 – 2020. The budget              achieved?
                          and remit of Framework Programmes has               Looking at the most recent Framework
                          increased since their inception in 1984             Programme, (FP7 running 2007 – 2013), 48%
                          (see timeline on page 9).                           of projects were completed by December
                                                                              2014 and had produced over 43,000
                          Who can receive funding?                            publications, 47% of which were published
                          Universities, research organisations, small         in high impact peer reviewed journals10
                          and large businesses, charities and individual      (defined as the top 10% of the SJR index11 of
                          researchers from EU Member States are               all journals within a given scientific category).
                          eligible for Framework Programme funding.           These projects also reported more than 1,500
                          Non-EU countries also participate in                patent applications.
                          Framework Programmes.

                          What do Framework Programmes fund?
                          Framework Programmes fund a variety
                          of different research, development and
                          innovation activities across the private and
                          public sectors, spanning from fundamental
                          research to technological development.
                          These funded activities aim to broaden
                          understanding of the world, harness scientific
                          progress for economic and technological
                          development, and solve some of the ‘grand
                          challenges’ Europe faces.

6                                                   UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH
The European Research Council (ERC)

 What is the ERC? The ERC is the first                What does the ERC fund? The ERC is unique
 pan-European funding body for frontier               among EU research funding schemes in
 research12, established in 2007. The ERC             funding individual researchers solely on the
 has rapidly established itself as a world            basis of their scientific excellence and their
 leading funder of excellent research and its         proposed projects. Unlike other forms of
 funding is highly prized by researchers for          EU research funding, its grants have neither
 the status it confers and because it comes           thematic priorities nor geographical quotas.
 with relatively few restrictions attached.
                                                      What has ERC-funded research led to?
 What is the budget? The ERC budget for               As of September 2014, 48% of the scientific
 2014 – 2020 is €13 billion, 17% of the total         publications from completed ERC-funded
 Horizon 2020 budget.13                               projects were in the top 10% most highly cited
                                                      publications in their scientific discipline and
                                                      year of publication, and 11% were in the top
                                                      1% most highly cited publications worldwide.14

 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCAs)

 What are Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions?             What is the budget? The budget for Marie
 These enable researchers to work in                  Skłodowska-Curie Actions for 2014 – 2020
 different countries, sectors or disciplines.         is €6.2 billion, 8.2% of the total Horizon 2020
 They are designed to encourage the                   budget.15
 development of early stage and more
 experienced researchers by enabling them             What do Marie Skłodowska-Curie
 to spend a period of time working abroad in          Actions fund? MSCAs support international
 an academic or non-academic setting in the           training networks for PhD and early
 EU and overseas. Prior to 2014 these were            career researchers, international mobility
 known as Marie-Curie Actions. We shall refer         fellowships for experienced researchers,
 to them by their current name throughout.            international exchanges of research staff and
                                                      other programmes related to international
                                                      and intersectoral research training and
                                                      career development.16

 The SME Instrument

 What is the SME Instrument?                          What does the SME Instrument?
 The Horizon 2020 SME Instrument is a                 SMEs from a wide variety of different
 mechanism for the EU to invest in, and               sectors18 can access funding and support
 support, small and medium enterprises looking        through this scheme. These include: low
 to convert successful and innovative research        carbon technologies and energy efficiency;
 into market-leading businesses. SMEs                 transport; medicine and medical devices;
 considered to have strong potential for growth       biotechnology; nanotechnology; space;
 on an international scale will receive funding       food production; and eco innovation and
 as well as business support and mentoring.           production of raw materials. There are
                                                      currently 155 listed SMEs in the UK that
 What is the budget? The SME Instrument               are receiving SME Instrument funding.
 budget for 2014 – 2020 is €3 billion, 4% of
 the total Horizon 2020 budget.17

Sectoral research and innovation                    What activities are funded?
    programmes19                                        Research and innovation activities funded
    What are the EU sectoral research                   by the European Structural and Investment
    and innovation programmes?                          Funds include the construction of research
    Sectoral programmes fund research and               infrastructure, support for technology transfer
    innovation activities in specific sectors:          and research intensive businesses, and skills
    • Nuclear energy: Euratom Research                 programmes.
       and Training Programme (ERTP) and
       International Thermonuclear Experimental         Programmes connected to research and
       Reactor (ITER)                                   innovation activities
    • Space: Copernicus and Galileo satellites         Five other EU programmes indirectly
       programmes, complementing space                  support research, development and
       research under Horizon 2020                      innovation activities, although they do
    • Coal and steel production                        not fund these directly:
                                                        • COSME (supports Small and Medium
    What is the budget?                                    Enterprises (SMEs), including to develop
    The total research budget for these                    Research & Development capabilities).
    programmes is about €5 billion over the             • Erasmus+ (student mobility).
    period 2014 – 2020, of which the majority           • The Health Programme (supports healthcare
    (€4.5 billion) is for research into nuclear            frameworks including research hospitals).
    energy. These numbers are not exact because         • The Life Programme (supports policy
    these programmes do not all run within                 uptake of environmental research).
    the same timeframe.                                 • The Connecting Europe Facility (includes
                                                           €1.14 billion for trans-European telecoms
    Structural funds                                       infrastructures).
    What are the structural funds?
    European Structural and Investment Funds            European Fund for Strategic Investment
    (ESIF) are a set of funds targeted especially       (EFSI)21
    (though not exclusively) at building capacity       What is EFSI?
    in the least economically developed regions         The European Fund for Strategic Investment
    of the EU. In the UK, these include Cornwall,       (EFSI, also known as the ‘Junker Plan’) is
    parts of Wales and the Scottish Highlands.          one pillar of the European Commission’s
                                                        Investment Plan for Europe. It aims to mobilise
    Although a large proportion of these funds          investment to stimulate jobs and growth in
    are spent on projects such as building              Europe across a range of infrastructure and
    infrastructure, support for research and            innovation projects.
    innovation activities is also one of their
    priorities. Structural funds and Framework          What is the budget?
    Programmes have different objectives and            EFSI has a seed fund of €16 billion of EU
    awarding criteria, and support different            public funds that are intended to leverage
    activities, but funding from the two                external investment of €315 billion. €2.2 billion
    programmes is increasingly coordinated              have been redeployed from Horizon 2020 to
    and synergies are encouraged.                       form part of the seed money.

    What is the budget?                                 What does EFSI fund?
    An estimated €40.2 billion of structural funds      The Commission has guaranteed that
    will be allocated to research and innovation        research and innovation projects will be
    activities over the period 2014 – 2020.20           among the activities for which EFSI will
                                                        leverage investment. However, precise
                                                        details are yet to be determined.

Who decides the EU’s priorities
for its research funding?
Decisions about the budget and strategic              negotiations that shape EU research funding.
priorities of EU research funding are agreed          However, they can participate in Framework
by the European Parliament, Commission                Programmes, contributing funds and
and Council. Countries that are not Members           accessing funding under specific conditions.
States of the EU do not have a role in the


  Timeline of EU research activities22

  Horizon 2020 (2014 – 2020) –
  €80 billion.                                   2010

  2007                                                      2007
  Seventh Framework Programme                               Treaty on the European Union
  (2007 – 2013) – €55.9 billion.                            (Treaty of Lisbon) signed. The
                                                            European Research Council (ERC)
  2002                                                      is launched.
  Sixth Framework Programme
  (2002 –2006) – €19.3 billion.                  2000       2000
                                                            The Lisbon European Council launches
  1998                                                      the European Research Area (ERA).
  Fifth Framework Programme
  (1998 – 2002) – €14.9 billion.
                                                            Marie Curie Actions launched.
  1994                                                      Renamed Marie Skłodowska-Curie
  Fourth Framework Programme                                Actions in 2014.
  (1994 – 1998) – €13.2 billion.
                                                 1990       1990
                                                            Third Framework Programme
                                                            (1990 – 1994) – €6.6 billion.
  Second Framework Programme                                1986
  (1987 – 1991) – €5.4 billion.                             Single European Act signed, which
                                                            includes a chapter on research,
  1984                                                      the first time this has been included
  First Framework Programme                                 in an EU Treaty.
  (1984 – 1987) – €3.3 billion.                             1981
                                                 1980       European Commission proposes
                                                            supplying research funding under
                                                            a single framework.
  European Economic Community
                                                            European Atomic Energy Community
                                                            (EURATOM) established, providing
                                                            funding for research into nuclear
  1951                                                      energy between countries. The Joint
  European Coal and Steel Community                         Research Centre (JRC) is launched.
  (ECSC) established, providing funding for                 The JRC now provides the European
  research in the coal and steel industries.                Commission with independent
                                                            scientific and technical advice.

Which countries can access
     EU research funding?
     All European Union (EU) Member States can
                                                           Case study Switzerland
     access EU research funding.
                                                           Switzerland is not an EU member state
     In addition, a number of mechanisms exist to
                                                           but is partially associated to the EU
     enable scientific institutions and researchers in
                                                           Framework Programme until the end
     non-EU countries to participate in, and receive
                                                           of 2016. During this time, researchers
     funding from, EU Framework Programmes.23
                                                           based in Switzerland can access some
                                                           parts of Horizon 2020 funding on the same
     Associated Countries24
                                                           basis as those in an EU Member State.
     Thirteen counties (including Norway,
                                                           Extension of this access through to 2020
     Israel and Switzerland) have ‘Associated
                                                           is dependent on Switzerland’s ratification
     Country’ status and contribute to Framework
                                                           of an agreement on free movement of
     Programme budgets proportionally to their
                                                           people related to Croatia joining the EU.
     GDP. This enables their researchers and
     organisations to apply for Horizon 2020
     projects with the same status as those from
     EU Member States. Associated Country status           Case study Norway
     is open to countries that are members of the
     European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and            Norway is not an EU member state
     current EU candidate nations. The terms of            but is an official ‘Associated Country’
     their association differ slightly by country.         meaning it participates in Framework
     They do not have a role in the negotiations           Programmes under the same conditions
     that shape EU research funding.                       as EU Member States. The nature of
                                                           the agreement signed between Norway
     Non-associated third countries                        and the EU means that terms do not
     Institutions and researchers from other               need to be renegotiated with each new
     countries can also apply and participate in EU        Framework Programme.
     Framework Programmes, under the ‘openness’
     strategy, and in some circumstances receive           As an ‘Associated Country’ Norway is not
     direct funding. Depending on the exact                represented on the European Council
     scheme, third countries might have to provide         or in the European Parliament so has
     matching funds.                                       limited ability to influence the direction of
                                                           European research funding. However, it
     Scientific and technological cooperation              does engage extensively in EU-funded
     The EU has international agreements for               research, contributing to, and receiving
     scientific and technological cooperation with         funding from, EU Framework Programmes.
     20 countries. These create a framework
     for participation in joint projects, sharing of
     facilities, staff exchanges or the organisation
     of specific events.

The European Research Area (ERA)                      An ERA Board advices the European
Work is underway to create a European                 Commission on the realisation of the ERA and
Research Area (ERA). This is intended to be:          helps develop, promote and evaluate policy
                                                      initiatives and actions. The board consists of 22
“a unified research area open to the world           high-level experts from academia, business and
 based on the Internal Market, in which               industry appointed in their personal capacity26
 researchers, scientific knowledge and                by the European Commission. The current chair
 technology circulate freely and through which        is Professor John Wood CBE FREng.
 the Union and its Member States strengthen
 their scientific and technological bases,            The European Research Area and Innovation
 their competitiveness and their capacity             Committee (ERAC) advises the EU and
 to collectively address grand challenges.” 25        Member States on research and innovation
                                                      issues that are relevant to the development
The aim of the ERA is to maximise the return          of the ERA. The ERAC is chaired by the
on research investment for both the EU and its        Commission and includes representatives
individual Member States; avoid unnecessary           of all Member States. A number of non-EU
duplication of research and infrastructure            countries that are associated to EU research
investment at national level; and improve the         and innovation programmes, including
effectiveness and efficiency of the European          Norway, Israel and Switzerland, participate
research community.                                   as observers.27

Its key priorities are:
• More effective national research systems
• Optimal transnational co-operation and
• An open labour market for researchers
• Gender equality and gender mainstreaming
    in research
• Optimal circulation, access to and transfer
    of scientific knowledge

The UK and EU research funding
      The analysis in the following section is based                     The UK is one of the largest recipients of
      on the most recent completed EU financial                          research funding in the EU and, although
      framework, that operated during 2007 – 2013.                       national contributions to the EU budget are not
                                                                         itemised, analyses suggest that the UK receives
      How much does the UK contribute to EU                              a greater amount of EU research funding than it
      research and how much does it receive?                             contributes. The UK Office of National Statistics
      Overall the UK is a net contributor to the                         (ONS) report an indicative figure for the UK’s
      EU budget. Over the period 2007 – 2013,                            contribution to EU research and development
      the UK contributed €77.7 billion to the EU                         of €5.4 billion over the period 2007 – 2013.29
      (10.5% of the total EU income from Member                          During this time, the UK received €8.8 billion
      States), and received €47.5 billion in EU                          in direct EU funding for research, development
      funding (6% of the total EU expenditure                            and innovation activities.30
      to Member States.28

     FIGURE 4

     Flow of funds between the UK and EU 2007 – 2013 (€ billion).*


                                    Share for research, development and innovation activities        Total funds

                             0             10     20       30       40         50      60       70         80

     UK contribution                                                                                       Total €77.7bn
     to the EU


     EU funding                                                                Total €47.5bn
     to the UK


     Source: References 1, 8, 28 and 29.

What types of research funding does the UK
receive from the EU?
The UK receives most of its EU research
funding through Framework Programmes and
structural funds. Over the period 2007 – 2013,
the UK received €6.9 billion of Framework
Programme 7 (FP7) funding31, of which
€1.7 billion were in European Research
Council grants32 (19%) and €1.1 billion for
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions33 (12%).
The UK was allocated €1.9 billion of structural
funds for research and innovation activities
over the same period.34


Sources of EU funding to UK research, development and innovation. 2007 – 2013.

          Structural funds
          for R&D

                                            €8.8 billion*                       47%
                                                                                FP7 – Other activities

          FP7 – ERC

                                               FP7 – Marie-Curie actions
Source: References 1 and 8.

How much research funding does the
     UK get from the EU and how does
     this compare with other countries?
     The UK is one of the largest recipients of                        In terms of funding awarded on a competitive
     research funding in the EU. Over the period                       basis in the period 2007 – 2013 (Framework
     2007 – 2013 the UK received €8.8 billion out of                   Programme 7), the UK was the second largest
     a total of €107 billion expenditure on research,                  recipient after Germany, securing €6.9 billion
     development and innovation in EU Member                           out of a total of €55.4 billion.36
     States, associated and third countries. This
     represents the fourth largest share in the EU.35

     FIGURE 6

     Distribution of EU expenditure on research, development and innovation (Framework
     Programme 7 and structural funds) in EU-28 countries. 2007 – 2013 (€ billion).

        Key       FP7                                                     Structural funds for research and innovation activites

       GER              7.14                                                                          4.94
         UK              6.94                                                        1.91
       FRA                         5.14                                                2.21
        ITA                               3.59                                                               6.07
       NED                                 3.33                         0.30
       ESP                                 3.26                                                         5.56
        BEL                                       1.81                  0.30
       SWE                                         1.71                  0.40
       AUT                                            1.18               0.36
       DEN                                           1.06              0.16
       GRE                                               1.00                           2.44
        FIN                                           0.88               0.47
        IRE                                               0.63         0.16
       POR                                                0.52                                   4.51
       POL                                                 0.44                                                         9.30
       HUN                                                 0.29                      2.13
       CZE                                                 0.29                                3.97
       SLN                                                      0.17          1.01
      ROM                                                       0.14          1.13
       BUL                                                      0.10    0.29
        EST                                                  0.09         0.68
       CYP                                                   0.09      0.04
       CRO                                                   0.09      0.12
        SLK                                                  0.08               1.30
       LUX                                                   0.06      0.02
         LIT                                                 0.06             0.99
        LAT                                                     0.05      0.75
       MAL                                                      0.02 0.08

     Source: References 1 and 8.

However these figures do not take into account                                            second only to the Netherlands. In contrast,
the relative size of each country’s economy.                                              Germany, France and Italy perform less well
Adjusting these figures for GDP shows that the                                            (see figure 7).
UK performs well for the size of its economy,


Difference between the percentage proportion of Framework Programme 7 funding received
and the percentage proportion of EU GDP for each EU Member State. 2007 –2013.



















Source: Reference 1.
GDP values from

Structural funds are allocated to build capacity                                          total EU research and development funding
in the least economically developed regions of                                            (FP7 and structural funds) for GDP. The UK,
the EU. Countries with lower GDPs therefore                                               Germany and France are shown to receive
tend to receive a greater proportion of these.                                            proportionally less overall funding when their
This is demonstrated by figure 8 that adjusts                                             GDP is taken into account.


Difference between the percentage proportion of EU funding on for research, development
and innovation (Framework Programme 7 and structural funds) received and the percentage
proportion of EU GDP for each EU Member State. 2007 – 2013.



























Source: References 1 and 8.
GDP values from do?tab=table&init=1&language=en&pcode=tec00001&plugin=1

UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH                                                                                                 15
Looking at Framework Programme 7 funding                  million in ERC grants over FP7 2007 – 2013,
Between 2007 – 2013,       more closely, in terms of funding from the                which was 22.4% of the total budget for the
3,454 UK-based             European Research Council (ERC) and Marie                 programmes.37 Over the same period, through
researchers received       Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), which                    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, UK-based
funding from Marie         are awarded solely on the basis of scientific             researchers received €1,086 million, which
Skłodowska-Curie           excellence, the UK was the top performer                  was 25.5% of the programme’s total budget.38
Actions to work            among participating countries.
overseas and 8,120         UK based researchers received €1,665
overseas researchers
came to work in UK
                           FIGURE 9
organisations with
Marie Skłodowska-          Distribution of European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCAs)
Curie Actions support.38   funding among participating countries. 2007 – 2013 (€ million).

                                                                                                                       ERC       MSCAs









                           Source: References 32 and 33.

16                                                         UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH
How does EU research funding
compare with UK domestic
research funding?
EU research funding through Framework                 is not captured in this as only some of these
Programme 7 represented 3% of UK                      activities fall under the ONS definition of
expenditure on research and development               research and development used to calculate
between 2007 and 2013.39 EU research and              the domestic data below. The real figure is
innovation funding through structural funds           therefore likely to be higher than 3%.


UK expenditure on research and development by source of funding. 2007 – 2013.*

            FP7 funding

            Other sources

                                          €226.3 billion                              45%

            Research Councils
                                                                                 Higher Education
                                                                                 Funding Councils

Source: References 1 and 3.

Which UK sectors receive EU research                  A total of 13 UK universities are ranked in the
funding?                                              top 25 European universities, rated in terms
Considering just Framework Programme                  of the number of participations in Framework
funding (as breakdown by sector is not                Programme 7. Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial
available for structural funds), UK universities      College and UCL occupied the top four
were among the most successful in securing            spots.41 However no UK organisation was
EU research funding, receiving 71% of total           ranked in the top 25 research organisations
Framework Programme (FP7) funding awarded             participating in FP7, and only 4 were ranked
to the UK.40                                          in the top 50.

This reflects that research architecture varies                       This distribution contrasts with where research
     across participating countries, with research                         and development is conducted in the UK.
     strength in some countries concentrated in                            64% is conducted by businesses and 26%
     research organisations (such as the Max Planck                        in universities.43 This reflects a low rate of
     Institutes in Germany) rather than universities.                      private sector participation in EU research
                                                                           funding in the UK. In the rankings of private-
     UK businesses attracted 18% of the total funds                        for-profit organisations, only 2 UK companies
     awarded to the UK through FP7. This is below                          (NEC Europe Ltd and Rolls Royce) were
     the EU average of 26.7% and much lower than                           ranked in the top 50 European companies
     countries such as Germany and France where                            in terms of FP7 participations.44
     businesses secured 33% and 27% respectively
     of the FP7 funding received by the country.42

     FIGURE 11

     Breakdown of sectors receiving Framework Programme 7 funding in the UK. 2007 – 2013.

                                                   Others                                   2%
                 8%                                                                          Public bodies
                 Research organisations

                 Other businesses

                                                             Total €6.9bn                                     71%
                 SMEs                                                                                        Universities

     Source: Reference 1.
     Data are not available about the breakdown by sector of structural funds received by the UK.

     What impact does EU research funding have                             In 2009/10 UK universities received £409
     on UK universities?                                                   million of research income from EU government
     Over the period 2007 – 2013, universities                             bodies.* By 2013/14, this had risen to £687
     received €4.9bn out of a total of €6.9bn                              million.48 * This is equivalent to the combined
     awarded to the UK through FP7 Framework                               total research income of Kings College London
     Programme.45                                                          and Imperial College (£679 million), two leading
                                                                           research-intensive universities.
     Considering the years since the UK spending
     review in 2010, the overall research income                           It is important to note that EU funding does
     of universities46 has increased by 2.7% in real                       not always cover the full cost of research
     terms (between 2009/10 and 2013/14).47 *                              overheads, meaning that recipients need
                                                                           to meet such costs from other sources of
                                                                           research income, such as Quality-related
                                                                           Research (QR) funding or endowments.


Research income of UK Universities in 2009/10 and 2013/14*.

            Overall funding

2009/10                                                                  Total £6.8bn

2013/14                                                                    Total £7.04bn


            Other public sources                                  Government science budget
            (Government departments,                              (funding from BIS distributed through the
            NHS and local authorities)                            Higher Education Funding Councils and
                                                                  the Research Councils)

  2009/10            £0.85bn                            2009/10                               £3.86bn

  2013/14            £0.89bn                      5%    2013/14                             £3.63bn           6%

            European Union                                        Private sector
            (includes both Framework Programmes                   (UK and foreign)
            and Cohesion Policy)

  2009/10        £0.41bn                                2009/10        £0.46bn

  2013/14          £0.69bn                        68%   2013/14         £0.51bn                               11%

            Other sources                                         Charities
                                                                  (UK and foreign)

  2009/10      £0.17bn                                  2009/10               £1.11bn

  2013/14      £0.23bn                            33%   2013/14               £1.11bn

Source:     Reference
        Reference 47. 47

In 2013/14, EU funding represented 9.7% of              Over the same period, income from the
total research income for Higher Education              Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Institutions in the UK. This was a real terms           (BIS)49 as a proportion of total research income
increase of 68.2% from 2009/1048.*                      for UK Higher Education Institutions has
                                                        declined by 4.5 percentage points, from 56%
                                                        to 51.5%. This is a real terms decline of 6.2%.*

How does the EU fund research
                        facilities and major equipment?
                        Research often needs specialised                     The EU supports transnational and virtual
Framework Programme     infrastructure, including equipment and              access, networking, and joint research
7 earmarked €1.85       buildings, or less tangible infrastructure           activities. These create opportunities for
billion for research    such as databases, archives, collections             new and existing groups of researchers and
facilities, and the     and computing systems.                               scientists to collaborate across disciplines and
Framework Programme                                                          countries, as well as platforms where science
for 2014 – 2020         These can be of great scientific value but are       and industry can come together. Users can
(Horizon 2020) will     sometimes expensive, and as a result are             be researchers from academia, business,
support them with       often shared and used by scientists from many        industry and the public sector from countries
about €2.4 billion.50   different countries. Access to and networking        participating in the programmes. The EU has
                        between different pieces of research                 supported 3,539 UK based researchers to
The EU has supported   infrastructure represent an important part           access 1,055 European research facilities
3,539 UK based          of the European and international research           between 2007 and 2013.51
researchers to access   landscape. Different countries, including
1,055 European          the UK, play host to the headquarters of             In addition, 107 UK national research facilities
research facilities     international research facilities.                   received support from the EU to grant
between 2007                                                                 access to international researchers, fostering
and 2013.51             Most of the cost of shared research facilities       collaborations and exchange of ideas.52
                        is borne by participating countries, but the
                        EU often provides funding for activities             EU funding is also available to create and
                        such as planning, strategic coordination,            coordinate Europe-wide networks of research
                        networking and transnational access. The             facilities in the same research area.53
                        Framework Programme for 2007 – 2013
                        (FP7) earmarked €1.85 billion for research           Pan-European research facilities
                        facilities, and the Framework Programme              A number of pan-European research
                        for 2014 – 2020 (Horizon 2020) will                  facilities exist. They are often distributed
                        support them with about €2.4 billion.50              across multiple sites within the EU and
                                                                             beyond, with headquarters in one of the
                        National research facilities                         participating countries. They are funded
                        Most research facilities are built, funded and       by participating countries.
                        managed at the national level. Although
                        national research facilities will serve mostly       The EU does not directly fund the construction
                        their own national research community, their         of these research facilities but can support the
                        research value can be greatly increased              associated planning and coordination. It does
                        by creating international networks and               this through the European Strategic Forum on
                        granting reciprocal access to researchers            Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
                        based elsewhere.

20                                                 UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH
Pan-European research facilities in the UK
 The European Strategy Forum on
                                                      The UK hosts the headquarters of 6 pan-
 Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)54
                                                      European research facilities, with facilities
 The European Strategy Forum on Research
                                                      distributed across multiple participating
 Infrastructures (ESFRI) is a multi-disciplinary
                                                      countries.56 These are:
 forum to support coherent and strategic
                                                      • High Power Laser Energy research Facility
 decisions regarding the planning and
                                                         (HiPER) – Harwell, Oxfordshire (Central
 implementation of new or improved
                                                         Laser Facility)57
 research infrastructures in Europe, and
                                                      • ELIXIR (European Life-science Infrastructure
 to facilitate multilateral initiatives to best
                                                         for Biological Information) – Hinxton
 support this approach.
                                                      • Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure
                                                         (INSTRUCT) – Oxford
 The ESFRI membership consist of two
                                                      • Infrastructure for Systems Biology-Europe
 delegates from all EU Member States as
                                                         (ISBE) – London (Imperial College)
 well as a number of additional Associate
                                                      • Square Kilometre Array (SKA) – Manchester
 Nations and a representative of the
                                                         (Jodrell Bank)
 European Commission. The current ESFRI
                                                      • European Social Survey (ESS ERIC) –
 Chair is Prof John Womersley, the Chief
                                                         London (City University)
 Executive of the UK’s Science and
 Technology Facilities Council. The Forum
                                                      The UK also hosts 10 facilities58 that are
 is a self-regulated body, operating in an
                                                      part of pan-European research facilities
 open method of coordination, mainly on
                                                      headquartered in other European countries
 the basis of consensus.
                                                      and is a member of pan-European research
                                                      facilities entirely based beyond its borders,
 It does not allocate funding nor does it
                                                      such as the European Hard X-Ray Free
 give “direct recommendations” for funding.
                                                      Electron Laser (European XFEL) based
 However the ESFRI plays a major role in
                                                      in Germany.
 the decision-making processes regarding
 the strategy and implementation of new
                                                      The EU’s role in the UK’s engagement with
 research infrastructure development
                                                      intergovernmental research efforts
 and improvements.
                                                      Intergovernmental organisations are part of
                                                      the European research landscape providing
 Under the Framework Programme for 2007
                                                      valuable facilities and infrastructures. Each of
 – 2013 (FP7), the EU granted such projects
                                                      these organisations has its own institutional
 about €300 million and further support is
                                                      arrangements and membership rules, and the
 planned under the research programme
                                                      EU plays a different role in each. Some, such
 Horizon 2020. Support is also provided for
                                                      as the ITER fusion experiment, are directly
 conceptual design studies for new research
                                                      managed by the EU. Others predate the EU
 facilities that demonstrate a clear European
                                                      itself and receive only a marginal part of their
 dimension and interest. Sixteen design study
                                                      budget from the EU, such as CERN.
 projects are funded by the EU under the
 Framework Programme for 2007 – 2013.55
                                                      The six boxes below outline some of the
 Structural funds can sometimes be used
                                                      most prominent European intergovernmental
 to fund the construction phase.
                                                      research organisations, providing details
                                                      about their function, location, membership
                                                      and funding, and the role of the EU in
                                                      their operation.

The Large Hadron Collider.   European Organisation of Nuclear Research (CERN)
CERN ©2014 CERN.

The ALICE project,           What is CERN? The European Organisation            nations from outside of Europe have non-
investigating the basic      of Nuclear Research (CERN) is an                   member status to CERN, meaning they do
constituents of matter,      intergovernmental research organisation,           not participate in organisational decision
is a collaboration           operating the largest particle physics             making but have co-operation agreements
between more than            laboratory in the world. It provides particle      to participate in specific projects.
1000 scientists from         physicists with state of the art equipment
30 countries.60              like particle accelerators and detectors,          Who funds it? In 2014 CERN received €1.2
                             such as The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)            billion in funding, 90% of which came from
                                to carry out ground breaking research.          its member nations.61 The UK contribution
                             CERN organises and sponsors international          to CERN funding in 2014 was roughly €126
                             research collaborations, promoting contacts        million (the third highest contributing member
                             between scientists and interchange with            nation behind Germany and France). In 2014,
                             other laboratories and institutes. The             the EU provided 1.6% of CERN’s funding.62
                             experiments conducted at CERN are
                             the result of large-scale international            What’s the role of the EU in it? The EU is
                             collaborations. For example, the ALICE             not directly involved in the organisation
                             project60, investigating the basic constituents    of CERN activities and policy but has held
                             of matter, is a collaboration between more         ‘Observer Status’ at CERN since 1985. While
                             than 1,000 scientists from 30 countries.           the direct investment from the EU at CERN is
                                                                                relatively low, EU-funded research projects
                             Where is it located? CERN is situated astride      conduct work at CERN and collaborate with
                             the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva.               researchers who conduct work at CERN.63
                                                                                During the seven years of EU Research
                             Which countries are involved in it? The            Framework Programme 7 (2007 – 2013),
                             UK is one of 22 member nations of CERN,            CERN participated in successful proposals
                             which includes 19 EU Member States as well         for 87 new EU projects, 36 of which are
                             as Switzerland, Norway and Israel. Many            coordinated by CERN.64

22                                                    UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)

 What is the European Synchrotron                     Which countries are involved in it?
 Radiation Facility? The European                     The ESRF has 21 partner nations, including
 Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)                mostly EU Member States as well as a
 operates one of the most powerful X-ray              number of non-EU countries from Europe
 sources in the world, producing X-rays 100           and abroad, such as Russia, Norway,
 billion times brighter than the X-rays used          Switzerland, Israel and South Africa.           Image
                                                                                                      The Canadian
 in hospitals.65 This allows research scientists
                                                                                                      Light Source, ESRF
 visiting the facility to investigate the inner       Who funds it? Since it was formed in 1994,      ©
 molecular structure of materials and living          it is estimated that the ESRF has received      Courtesy: National
 matter, carrying out innovative research in a        around €2 billion of total investment, the      Synchrotron Radiation
 very wide variety of scientific fields including:    majority of which comes from its individual     Research Center.

 chemistry, material physics, archaeology             member nations. The UK provides funding
 and cultural heritage, structural biology and        to the ESRF through the Science and
 medical applications, environmental sciences,        Technology Facilities Council. The investment
 polymer science, information science and             from the UK in 2014 was €6.3 million, the
 nanotechnologies. It is estimated that around        fourth highest individual member contribution
 6,500 academics visit the ESRF each year.            behind Germany, France and Italy.66

 Where is it located? The facility is located         What’s the role of the EU in it? While the
 in Grenoble, France.                                 ESRF does not receive direct funding from
                                                      the EU, much of the research conducted at
                                                      the ESRF forms part of EU-funded projects
                                                      or as part of collaborations involving
                                                      EU-funded researchers.67

UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH                                                 23
European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)
                      and European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

                      What are the EMBO and EMBL? EMBO is                  EMBL is funded by 21 European member
                      an organisation of more than 1700 leading            nations, including most EU Member States,
                      researchers that promotes excellence in the          and by Australia and Argentina as associate
                      life sciences. Its major goals are to support        member states. EMBL funding comes
Image                 talented researchers at all stages of their          predominantly from its individual member
Scientist examining
                      careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific        nations, of which the UK was the third
culture sample.
                      information, and help build a European               highest individual contributor in 2014 after
                      research environment where scientists can            Germany and France. Roughly one third of
                      achieve their best work.68                           EMBL’s budget of € 210 million in 2014 was
                                                                           contributed by third party funding.70
                      The European Molecular Biology Laboratory
                      (EMBL) was created in 1974 following plans           What’s the role of the EU? EMBO and EMBL
                      elaborated by EMBO. Now an independent               both act independently from the EU, but
                      organisation, the EMBL conducts basic                work closely together and synergise their
                      research in molecular biology, engages               activities with the European Commission.
                      in technology development and provides               EMBL’s collaboration with the EC began
                      infrastructure, facilities, training and services    with a cooperation agreement first signed
                      for researchers.                                     in 1995. Today cooperation is based
                                                                           on a Memorandum of Understanding
                      Where are they located? EMBO and EMBL’s              implemented through biannual work plans.
                      headquarters are located in Heidelberg,              The agreement grants the EC ‘observer
                      Germany. In addition, EMBL operates                  status’ in EMBL. While EMBL does not
                      outstations in 4 European countries,                 receive direct funding from the EU, the EU
                      including the European Bioinformatics                funding programmes for research remain
                      Institute in Hinxton, UK.                            the biggest external funding source of EMBL
                                                                           and with €13.5 million accounted for 30%
                      Which countries are involved in their                of external funding awarded to EMBL in
                      funding and governance? Funding and                  2014. 30% of EMBL’s research faculty hold
                      support for EMBO programmes of activities is         ERC grants and in the years 2012-2014
                      provided by the European Molecular Biology           EMBL coordinated 20 and participated
                      Conference (EMBC), an inter-governmental             in 88 collaborative projects funded by
                      organisation with 27 member nations,                 the European Commission Framework
                      including mostly EU Member States as well            Programmes.
                      as Norway, Switzerland, Israel and Turkey. In
                      2014, the UK provided 14.6% of total member
                      nation contributions to the EMBC.69

24                                               UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH
European Southern Observatory (ESO)

 What is the European Southern                        Which countries are involved in it? There
 Observatory? The European Southern                   are 16 ESO member nations, along with the
 Observatory (ESO) (more formally known as            host state of Chile, including EU Member
 the European Organisation for Astronomical           States, non-EU countries (Switzerland) and
 Research in the Southern Hemisphere) is an           non-European countries (Brazil is in the
 intergovernmental organisation, focussed             process of ratifying its membership).              Image
 on the design, construction and operation of                                                            ESO telescope at La Silla
 powerful ground-based observation facilities         Who funds it? In 2014, ESO received €140.6         Observatory, Chile. ©Iztok
                                                                                                         Bončina/ALMA (ESO/
 for astronomy. This enables European                 million in funding from its member nations,
 researchers to conduct ground-breaking               of which the UK provides 15.7% (third highest
 astronomical research that would not be              contributor after Germany and France).72
 possible in their home nations. ESO work has
 paved the way to pioneering observations             What role does the EU play in it?
 and discoveries such as identifying extra-           The ESO operates independently from
 solar planets and black holes in the Milky           the EU and is controlled by its own
 Way. ESO is the most productive astronomical         directorates and governing council. The
 observatory in the world. In 2013, over 840          ESO plays a central role in a number of
 refereed papers were published based on              EU-funded research networks. For example,
 data from ESO-based studies.71 The ESO also          the OPTICON (The Optical Infrared Co-
 promotes the mobility and co-operation of            ordination Network) project has received
 European scientists, for example by hosting          €10 million in EU funding and involves
 externally-funded (e.g. Marie Skłodowska-            several UK universities.73 The project aims
 Curie Actions) researchers and maintaining a         to bring together members of national and
 programme of international conferences.              international agencies and organisations to
                                                      help improve the quality of facilities and the
 Where is it located? Based in Garching, near         standard of training and development for
 Munich, Germany, the ESO operates three              astronomy research.
 observing sites in the Atacama Desert region
 of northern Chile.

 The ITER Organisation

 What is ITER? ITER is an international-              Who funds it? What’s the role of the
 scale research and engineering project               EU in it? The EU’s commitments to the
 intended to demonstrate the scientific and           ITER Agreement were agreed through
 technological feasibility of nuclear fusion as       the European Atomic Energy Community
 an energy source and pave the way for a              (EURATOM) Treaty. The EU is contributing
 functioning fusion power plant.                      45% of the construction phase (buildings,          Image
                                                      machine components and assembly) cost and          The ITER Facility, St
 Where is it located? In 2010, construction           34% of the cost of operation, deactivation and     Paul-Les-Durance, France
 began of the world’s largest experimental            decommissioning of the facility for the ITER
 tokamak nuclear fusion reactor at a location         project, with the other six parties contributing
 adjacent to CEA-Cadarache nuclear research           approximately 9% each. The current cost
 centre in the south of France.                       estimates for the European contribution to
                                                      ITER construction phase (2007-2020) amount
 Which countries are involved in it? The              to €6.6 billion.75 UK industry has so far been
 parties developing ITER are China, the EU,           awarded over €170 million worth of contracts
 India, Japan, the Russian Federation, South          as part of the ITER project (ranked third
 Korea and the USA, with the partners signing         behind France and Italy).76
 the ITER Agreement in 2007.74 This scale of
 global scientific collaboration is comparable
 only with the International Space Station.

UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH                                                    25
European Space Agency (ESA)

                           What is the European Space Agency?                  The UK provided €322 million towards
                           The European Space Agency (ESA) is an               this current ESA budget, the fourth highest
                           independent intergovernmental organisation          individual contributor behind Germany,
                           devoted to conducting aero-space research           France and Italy.
                           and exploration. ESA’s activities have
Launch of Flight           included human spaceflight missions (such as        What’s the role of the EU in it? ESA is not
VA224 of the Ariane 5      experiments conducted on the International          an agency or body of the EU. However, ESA
mission. ©ESA/CNES/        Space Station) and unmanned space                   maintains close ties with the EU and the
                           exploration (such as the Rosetta spacecraft for     two organisations have jointly developed
Video du CSG, S. Martin
                           studying comets), as well as the design, testing    a European Space Policy.78 Roughly 23%
                           and operation of satellites for commercial and      of ESA’s funding in 2015 was provided by
                           scientific purposes such as earth observation       the EU, which is more than any individual
                           and telecommunication projects.                     member nation.

                           Where is it located? ESA headquarters               ESA’s relationship with the International
                           are based in Paris but it also has research         Space Station (ISS) The ISS is an
                           facilities in a number of locations around          international collaborative project involving
                           Europe including the European Centre for            the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan
                           Space Applications and Telecommunications           and 10 of the 21 ESA member nations
                           (ECSAT) at Harwell in Oxfordshire, UK.              (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy,
                                                                               the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and
                           Which countries are involved in it?                 Switzerland). These ESA members contribute
                           ESA comprises 22 member nations, mostly             approximately 8% of the total estimated
                           EU Member States as well as Norway                  costs for the development, construction
                           and Switzerland. Canada is an Associate             and maintenance of the ISS.79 The UK is not
                           Member of ESA.                                      involved in the construction of the ISS but
                                                                               takes part in some of the research projects
                           Who funds it? In 2015 ESA received total            carried out on board, such as the ESA
                           funding of €4.4 billion, 73% of which was           Programme for Life and Physical Sciences in
                           contributed by individual member nations.77         Space (ELIPS).80

                          Other intergovernmental research facilities
                          The UK takes part in other intergovernmental
                          organisations. These provide research
                          infrastructures to European researchers
                          and include:
                          • European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT)
                          • Copernicus (formerly Global Monitoring for
                             Environment and Security or GMES)
                          • Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)
                          • European Centre for Medium-Range
                             Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
                          • European Organisation for the Exploitation
                             of Meteorological Satellites (EUMESAT)

26                                                   UK RESEARCH AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: THE ROLE OF THE EU IN FUNDING UK RESEARCH
What role does the EU play
in supporting researchers to
collaborate and partner with
other countries?
Collaborations are vital for science, and             Currently, ten JPIs are operational and the
scientists want to work with the best in their        UK takes part in all of them.82 These are:
field irrespective of their geographical location     • Neurodegenerative Disease Research
and institutional affiliation.                           (JPND)
                                                      • Agriculture, Food Security and Climate
Researchers often seek to collaborate.                   Change (FACCE)
Institutional frameworks can enable, facilitate       • A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life
and promote these. For example, researchers           • Cultural Heritage and Global Change:
in different countries might operate on                  A Challenge for Europe
different funding cycles, which makes                 • Urban Europe
collaborations difficult. By pooling resources        • Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe
together and distributing them centrally, EU             (CliK’EU)
funding can overcome these challenges,                • More Years, Better Lives – The Potential
lowering the cost of collaborations and                  and Challenges of Demographic Change
simplifying them.81 Most EU funded research           • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
is intrinsically collaborative, bringing together     • Water Challenges for a Changing World
expertise from different sectors and countries        • Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans
to share knowledge and expand networks.                  (OCEANS)

A number of specific EU initiatives seek to           Four joint programmes have been initially
promote and support such collaborations:              proposed under Horizon 2020:83
                                                      • European and Developing Countries
Joint Programming Initiatives                            Clinical Trials Partnership 2 (EDCTP2)
Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) aim to           • The European Metrology Programme for
pool national research efforts to make better            Research and Innovation (EMPIR)
use of Europe’s limited public research and           • Eurostars 2 (support for high-tech SMEs)
development resources and tackle common               • Active and Assisted Living Research and
European challenges more effectively in a                Development Programme
few key areas.

JPIs are public-public research partnerships
between participating countries within the
European Research Area (ERA). Participating
countries agree, on a voluntary basis and in a
partnership approach, on common strategic
research agendas, to be implemented jointly.
The ERA-NET Cofund financially supports
the preparation, establishment, design and
implementation of these partnerships but the
operating costs of the partnership come from
participating member states.

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