Page created by Lee Wise

Drug Discovery - Covid - Funding and Investments - Contract Services
       Hubs and Academia - Accelerating Pipelines - Generics
Dear Reader,

                                                                                                Welcome to the 2021 edition of the United States Pharmaceutical and
                                                                                                Biopharmaceutical Industry Report.

                                                                                                Over the past year, the United States life sciences ecosystem faced
                                                                                                one of its greatest ever tests in responding to Covid-19. Fortunately,
                                                                                                thanks to years of research, development and risk taking, the industry
                                                                                                proved up to task, and proved its remarkable dynamism. Therapeutics
                                                                                                and vaccines were brought to market on timelines previously consid-

 Compliance Solutions
                                                                                                ered to be impossible and, at least temporarily, public opinion of the
                                                                                                sector spiked as the industries’ valiant efforts were brought to light.
                                                                                                Beyond the headlines, companies continued to build on the progress
                                                                                                of the previous decades, despite the many challenges Covid presented
                                                                                                for clinical trials and supply chains. Undeterred, the industry obtained

  Built from the Law
                                                                                                53 novel drug approvals, across indications ranging from precision
                                                                                                oncology to peanut allergy. With gene editing, cell-based therapies and
                                                                                                profoundly new ways of manipulating immune cells to target cancers,
                                                                                                today the industry has a far greater toolbox to treat disease than could
                                                                                                previously be imagined.

                                                                                                With many of the great uncertainties of the pandemic now behind us, it
                                                                                                is crucial for investors, pharmaceutical executives, manufacturers and
                                                                                                scientific researchers involved in the US pharma and biopharma indus-
                                                                                                try to remain unified and informed. The way in which groups across
         For over 15 years, Porzio Life Sciences has been a true companion to                   industry, academia, government and the broader health-care system
                                                                                                have come together to fight this pandemic has been inspiring to many.
   pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Our industry-leading products and
                                                                                                Continuing to partner in this way will be critical in successfully navi-
    services clarify the compliance process for companies of all sizes, whether they            gating public health challenges of the future.
   operate in one state or 40 countries. With PLS solutions “built from the law,” your
                                                                                                The following pages offer widespread coverage of the state of the US
   compliance team is empowered to take a proactive approach to risk management.                pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry, including big pharma
                                                                                                and its blockbuster drugs, emerging biotech and their innovative drug
                                                                                                pipelines, and the different service providers across the value chain,
                                                                                                from CDMOs and CROs to AI and big data platform companies. We
                                                                                                sincerely hope that you have a great conference, full of business and
                                                                                                networking opportunities at CPhI North America, and we hope you
                                                                                                enjoy reading our 2021 edition of the United States Pharma and Bio-
                                                                                                pharma Industry Report.

  AND GLOBAL LEVEL.                                                     AND AUDITING.
                                                                                                                          Alfonso Tejerina
                                                                                                                     General Manager and Director

                          porziolifesciences.com | info@porziols.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Editorial Analysis
Introduction to US Life Sciences                            Life Sciences Investment Climate                       57. Interviews with Poseida Therapeutics                                                   Contract Manufacturing and Generics                                 90. Generics
                                                                                                                       and with AVROBIO                                                                                                                                           93. Interview with Biophore                                              GBR provides unique and first-
 8. Industry rises to the occasion                          34. Funding Environment                                58. Interviews with Arena Pharmaceuticals                                                  74. Contract Services                                               94. Interview with Nivagen Pharmaceuticals                               hand analysis into all aspects
10. Interview with Regeneron                                37. Interview with J.P. Morgan                             and with Novan                                                                         74. Interview with Forge Biologics                                  95. Interview with Ascendia                                              of the US pharmaceutical and
12. Interview with Hercules Capital                         38. Interview with Signet Healthcare                   59. Interview with Landos Biopharma                                                        77. Interview with Aragen Life Sciences                             Pharmaceuticals                                                          biopharmaceutical industry
13. Interviews with Pharma and Biopharma                        Partners                                           60. Interview with Vedanta Biosciences                                                     79. Interview with Contract Pharmacal Corp.                         96. Interview with Zydus Cadila                                          after months of research.
     Outsourcing Association (PBOA) and                     39. Interview with Ernst and Young LLP                 61. Advancing Oncology                                                                     80. Interview with Quotient Sciences                                97. Interview with Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
     with LaVoieHealthScience                                   and with Burrage Capital                           64. Interview with OncoSec Medical                                                                                                                             98. Final Thoughts
14. Pricing                                                 40. Venture Capital                                        Incorporated
                                                                                                                                                                                                              81. Interviews with Touchlight Genetics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and with Cascade Chemistry                                      100. Company Directory                                                   8, 22, 34, 52, 74
16. Interview with Porzio Life Sciences LLC                 42. Interview with Arch Venture Partners               65. Interviews with Constellation                                                          82. CDMO M&A and Investment                                         102. Credits
17. Interview with ValGenesis                               43. Interview with Vertex Ventures HC                  Pharmaceuticals and with InteRNA                                                           84. Interview with Dipharma Francis                                                           UNITED STATES PHARMACEUTICALS
                                                            44. Interview with Xontogeny                           Technologies                                                                               85. Interview with New Vision                                                                  AND BIOPHARMACEUTICALS 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Industry Explorations
Industry Hubs                                               45. Hub and Spoke                                      66. Interviews with Karyopharm Therapeutics                                                    Pharmaceuticals                                                                                      Global Business Reports
                                                            47. Interview with Xoma                                    and with Foghorn Therapeutics                                                          86. Interviews with Lonza Capsules and                                                          This research has been conducted by
22. Introducing the Hubs                                    48. Interview with PureTech Health                     67. Commercializing Neuroscience                                                               Health Ingredients and                                                                      Margarita Todorova and Jason Spizer

25. Interview with BioNJ                                    49. Interview with Roivant Sciences                    69. Interview with Aphios                                                                      with Piramal Global Pharma                                                                               Edited by Mungo Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Graphic design by Gonzalo Da Cunha
26. Interview with MassBio                                                                                         70. Interview with AC Immune                                                               87. Interview with Adare Pharma Solutions
27. Interview with JLL                                      Accelerating Pipelines                                 71. Interviews with PsychoGenics                                                           88. Interviews with Clinigen Group                                                             A Global Business Reports Publication
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 For updated industry news from our
28. Originating Discovery                                                                                              and with Akili Interactive                                                                 and with CordenPharma                                                                     on-the-ground teams around the world,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          please visit our website at gbreports.com,
30. Interview with Princeton University                     52. Expanding Therapeutic Focus                                                                                                                   89. Insights on Manufacturing                                                               subscribe to our newsletter by signing up
31. Interview with MIT Technology                           55. Interview with AzurRx BioPharma                                                                                                                   and Distribution                                                                                 to our VIP list through our website,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            or follow us on Twitter @GBReports and
    Licensing Office                                        56. Interview with Insmed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               LinkedIn (gbreports)

                                                                        Olympia     Washington
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CANADA                                                                             Leading industry figures share
                                                                                                                                                           North                                                                                                                                                                    Maine                  their insights and exciting new
                                                                                                                                                           Dakota                      Minnesota                                                                                                                                                           developments with GBR.
                                                                                                                              Montana                           Bismarck                                                                                                                                                         Augusta
                                                                                                 Idaho                                                                                                                                                                                                     Montpelier

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10, 12, 42, 48, 60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Vermont Hampshire
                                                                                             Boise                                                                                                                                                                                                   New York Concord
                                                                                                                                                                                                   St. Paul
                                                                                                                                                      South         Pierre                                                                                                                              Albany                      Boston
                                                                                                                                                      Dakota                                                  Wisconsin                      Michigan

                                                                                                                              Wyoming                                                                                                           Lansing                                                                             Providence
       United States
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rhode Island
        of America                                                                                                                                                                            Iowa
                                                                   Carson City                                                          Cheyenne                                                                                                                                         Harrisburg           Trenton
             International Boundary                                                                                                                            Nebraska
                                                                                                         Salt Lake City                                                                        Des Moines
                  State Boundary                                  Sacramento                                                                                                                                          Illinois
                State Capital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Columbus Ohio
                                                                                  Nevada                                                                                     Lincoln                                        Indianapolis                                                                   Dover
                                                                                                                                             Denver                                                     Springfield                                                                                    Annapolis
                                                                                                           Utah                                                                   Topeka                                                Indiana                                     Washington D.C.Maryland
                 N                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Virginia
                                                                                                                             Colorado                                                                                                                                Charleston
                                                                                                                                                                        Kansas                                                                                      Virginia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Richmond                                      Atlantic Ocean
                                                                     California                                                                                                              Jefferson                                              Frankfort
                                                                                                                                                                                                   City Missouri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       North Carolina
                                                                                                         Arizona                    Santa Fe                        Oklahoma
                                                                                                                                                                    Oklahoma                             Rock
                                                                                                     Phoenix                                                                                                                                                                     Columbia                                                                  Excerpts of ideas shared with
                                                                                                                                New Mexico                               City
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GBR during interviews with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           over 70 of the leading players
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mississippi                                  Georgia                                                                                    in the US pharmaceutical and
                                                  Pacific Ocean                                                                                                                                                                                   Montgomery                                                                                               biopharmaceutical industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Louisiana        Jackson           Alabama
                                                                                                                                                               Texas                                                                                                                                                                                       89, 98
                                                                                                                                                                                               Baton Rouge


   0      100           200           300 Miles

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gulf of Mexico
     “A year ago, we were telling people externally we thought that
       mRNA was going to become one of the biggest markets for
     our DNA platform, but that it needed a clinical inflection point.
      At that time nobody was producing at scale, but the effect of
      Covid-19 was that these platforms were completely validated
                 by the efforts of BioNTech and Moderna.”

                                   - Jonny Ohlson,
                                 Executive Chairman,
                                 Touchlight Genetics


                    Image courtesy of Vedanta Biosicences / Bearwalk Cinema
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                                         Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations

    Intro to US                                       In the US, the Trump administration
                                                      launched its vaccine taskforce named
                                                      "Operation Warp Speed," an expres-
                                                                                                                                                                                 erna’s Covid-19 vaccine was designed
                                                                                                                                                                                 in just 48 hours is astonishing. But they
                                                                                                                                                                                 are not the only ones with impressive

    Life Sciences                                     sion popularized by Star Trek.
                                                      Coincidentally, the most efficacious and
                                                                                                                               The past quarter-century has
                                                                                                                                 seen tremendous progress
                                                                                                                                                                                 stories. 53 new drugs were approved by
                                                                                                                                                                                 the FDA in 2020 (the second most of any
                                                      trusted vaccines that are now being ad-                                         in biomedical research,                    year), across indications ranging from
                                                      ministered across the US and the world                                                                                     precision oncology to peanut allergy,
    INDUSTRY RISES TO                                 are mRNA vaccines, which not long ago
                                                                                                                                     leading to an increasing                    many using innovative technologies that
    THE OCCASION                                      were considered science fiction. Even                                         understanding of cancer,                     hold the promise of uniquely impacting
                                                      as recently as one year ago, this techno-                                  heart disease, diabetes and                     patient lives.
                                                      logy still received skepticism and lacked                                  other devastating diseases.
    Shortly after winning the Nobel Prize in          Jonny Ohlson, executive chairman of
                                                                                                                                        The nation has led the                   Reaping What We Sow
    Chemistry, Jennifer Doudna comment-               Touchlight Genetics, commented: “A                                              world in such progress,
    ed that over the course of the pandem-            year ago we were telling people exter-                                        due in significant part to                   It should not be understated that the
    ic, she was reflecting on Thomas Kuhn’s           nally we thought that mRNA was going                                                                                       reason the US life sciences ecosystem
                                                                                                                                     wise investments by the
    book “The Structure of Scientific Revo-           to become one of the biggest markets                                                                                       was capable of responding in such rapid
    lutions,” published in 1962. It made a            for our DNA platform, but that it needed                                  Federal Government in basic                      fashion is because of investments made
    compelling case for “paradigm shifts,”            a clinical inflection point. At that time,                                 biomedical research. These                      decades earlier both by public institu-
    in which the accumulation of challenges           nobody was producing at scale, but the                                   breakthroughs are beginning                       tions and private entities. Perhaps a sil-
    to a supposed truth eventually over-              effect of Covid-19 was that these plat-                                                                                    ver lining of the pandemic is the ampli-
                                                                                                                                   to pay off in terms of new
    turns the accepted understanding of it.           forms were completely validated by the                                                                                     fied awareness by government officials
    This seemed to explain the observation            efforts of BioNTech and Moderna in                                                         therapies for                   and the public that the solutions in di-
    that scientific ideas and practice often          getting vaccines to market.”                                                         American patients.                    agnostic testing, drug treatments and
    bumble along for a while but then ex-             Messenger RNA is just one of several                                                                                       vaccines will come from industry as it
    perience a rapid and substantial change           new modalities that are enabling a                                                                                         translates basic science discoveries into
    that disrupts the regular way of working.         renaissance in biomedical progress.                                                                                        safe and effective products. In a press
    Over the past year, Covid-19 has up-              There are now tools for gene editing,                                                  - Christiana Bardon,                conference this March, President Biden
    ended lives around the world, leading             cell therapy, microbiome, targeted pro-                                                  Portfolio Manager,                declared: “Back in the ‘60s, we used to
    to over 3 million deaths as of April 2021.        tein degradation, both active site and                                                     Burrage Capital                 invest a little over 2% of our entire GDP
    At its peak, the US witnessed multiple            allosteric small molecules, and even                                                                                       in pure research and investment in sci-
    days where its daily death rate reached           digital therapies. All of these modalities                                                                                 ence. Today, it’s 0.7%. We’re going to
    historical highs exceeding that of 9/11.          are giving the R&D community a differ-                                                                                     change that.”
    The sense of desperation that came out            entiated toolkit to address distinctive                                                                                    More specifically, Biden has detailed
    of this necessitated a rethinking of what         conditions, which allows for tailoring                                                                                     his view that industries such as artificial
    was previously considered possible. For           and refining how we think about making                                                                                     intelligence, and biotech are central to
    many years, the life science industry has         new medicines.                                                         improve and disrupt the traditional drug            sustaining America’s competitive posi-
    had breakthrough ideas bubbling under             The life sciences sector is now at a                                   discovery and development process.                  tion in the world, therefore warranting
    the surface, but accepted truths are dif-         stage where the promises of cell and                                   Collectively, these technologies make               increased investments in medical re-
    ficult to change. For example, people             gene therapies are being delivered to                                  up their VelociSuite platform, which                search pertaining to insidious diseases
    took it as a given that it takes years to         patients; rare diseases, previously be-                                played a pivotal role in treating former            such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabe-
    develop a vaccine, that virtual medicine          lieved to be incurable, are on the preci-                              President Trump when he was hospital-               tes.
    will never scale for doctors or patients,         pice of real cures. Artificial intelligence                            ized due to Covid in October. Robert                In addition to supportive funding to in-
    and the regulatory system cannot adapt            (AI) and machine-learning approaches                                   Landry, CFO of Regeneron, outlined:                 stitutions such as the NIH, it is also es-
    to innovation quickly enough to support           are raising expectations that therapy                                  “Thanks to three decades of investment              sential that the FDA remains a priority.
    lasting change. Over the past year, the           discovery and development may not                                      in our antibody discovery and develop-              The FDA’s relationship with biotech has
    US bio ecosystem turned this orthodoxy            only be more innovative, but also more                                 ment technologies, as well as our recent            been a positive force for the industry, as
    on its head, responding heroically, and           time and cost effective.                                               experience developing a multi-antibody              they have shown that if there is a severe
    faster than ever before in so many ways.                                                                                 cocktail for Ebola, our team was ready              unmet medical need, they can work
    The rapid pace at which industry moved                                                                                   to quickly mobilize when Covid-19 hit.”             productively and collaboratively to get
    was enabled by decades of research by             Tech to the Rescue                                                     The team ultimately moved its inves-                drugs out to patients as quickly as pos-
    industry and academia, which formed                                                                                      tigational antibody cocktail against                sible. Christiana Bardon, portfolio man-
    the base for a mobilization never seen            Regeneron is an exemplar of many of                                    SARS-CoV-2 from lab to clinic in record             ager at Burrage Capital, noted: “We
    in the biological sciences. It rivaled the        these trends, as they were able to rap-                                time. This process, which would normal-             saw the FDA perform at “warp speed”
    great efforts of the Manhattan Project            idly produce a Covid antibody cocktail                                 ly take years, was achieved in under six            for Covid. But the truth is, they have
    and the Apollo moon program. The Rus-             leveraging their core capabilities for tar-                            months.                                             been doing that same day job for years
    sians even named their vaccine Sputnik,           get discovery and validation enabled by                                The development of Regeneron’s an-                  with respect to cancer and other severe
    evoking memories of the space race.               a series of technologies that accelerate,                              tibody cocktail and the fact that Mod-              unmet medical needs.”

8                                    U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1               Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                       9
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                              Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations

     Robert E.                                                                                                                                                                         This was particularly true in the case of Amgen’s Blincyto,
                                                                                                                                                                                       which was approved in under three months for pediatric
                                                                                                                                  With innovative thinking and                         Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. “The FDA’s thinking is that

     Landry                                                                                                                         efficient, parallel track use
                                                                                                                                    of Regeneron’s proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                                       every day that they do not approve a drug like Blincyto
                                                                                                                                                                                       there is a child who may die of leukemia,” Bardon con-
                                                                                                                                  VelociSuite technologies, the
                                                                                                                                team moved an investigational
                                                                                                                                                                                       Positive Sentiment Meets Strong Fundamentals
     Executive Vice President,                                                                                                        antibody cocktail against
     Finance and Chief Financial Officer                                                                                        SARS-CoV-2 from lab to clinic in                       Given the widespread suffering from loss and lockdowns
     REGENERON                                                                                                                                      record time.                       leading to historically high unemployment, one might
                                                                                                                                                                                       have expected the business climate to suffer. It did to
                                                                                                                                                                                       some extent, as some clinical trials were disrupted and re-
                                                                                                                                                                                       mote sales posed major challenges, but things quickly re-
                                                                                                                                                                                       bounded as the year progressed. The life sciences indus-
                                                                                                                                                                                       try, in particular, had several tailwinds at its back; namely
     Can you provide an overview of Re-                 miplimab) is achieving significant and                                 specifically to block infectivity of                    a wave of positive sentiment from society and investors.
     generon’s core brands?                             steady growth with recent FDA approv-                                  SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Cov-                  As clinical trials for Covid treatments and vaccines hit
     EYLEA (aflibercept) Injection continues            als in two new indications, non-small                                  id-19. The two potent, virus-neutralizing               milestones, and people realized life would continue, the
     to reach more patients in competitive              cell lung cancer and basal cell carcino-                               antibodies that form the cocktail bind                  life sciences industry was praised for its innovation and
     eye disease markets, with its efficacy,            ma, in early 2021. Global net product                                  non-competitively to the critical recep-                bright future, driving stock market indices like the XBI to
     safety and convenience setting a high              sales for Libtayo were US$348 million in                               tor binding domain of the virus's spike                 all-time highs, outperforming nearly all other sectors.
     bar for current and potential future en-           2020, representing 80% year-over-year                                  protein, which diminishes the ability of                In addition to positive sentiment, the fundamentals driv-
     tries. We are confident in the durability          growth.                                                                mutant viruses to escape treatment and                  ing the industry over the long term have not changed.
     and continued growth of this important             With 11 investigational therapeutics in                                protects against spike variants that have               These fundamentals include aging demographics, in-
     medicine for years to come. Annual EY-             clinic for a wide range of cancers, includ-                            arisen in the human population, as de-                  credible innovation and the supportive regulatory envi-
     LEA global net product sales reached               ing eight bispecific antibodies, we con-                               tailed in Science.                                      ronment. From that perspective, the industry is creating
     nearly US$8 billion in 2020 (net product           tinue to diversify our approach to oncol-                                                                                      many new drugs, which are going to go on to be ap-
     sales outside the US recorded by our               ogy and are positioned to lead the next                                How do Regeneron platform technol-                      proved and will be entering into a marketplace growing
     collaborator Bayer), and US$4.9 billion            wave of immuno-oncology innovation.                                    ogies drive its efficient drug discov-                  in medical need. Even more exciting is the fact that we
     in the US, still without a single price in-                                                                               ery and development engine?                             still understand a fraction of human biology, thus there
     crease since its launch in November                What factors enabled Regeneron to                                      Our core capabilities for target discovery              is no shortage of potential for farfetched breakthroughs.
     2011.                                              play such an important role in deliver-                                and validation are enabled by a series of               As Arda Ural, Americas industry markets leader-health
     Looking to the rest of our growing port-           ing Covid-19 antibody therapeutics to                                  Regeneron-invented technologies that                    sciences and wellness at Ernst & Young, put it:
     folio, more than 80% of our top-line               market?                                                                accelerate, improve and disrupt the                     “Unlike 2008-2009, this is not a fiscal crisis; it is a pan-
     growth in 2020 came from products and              Thanks to three decades of investment                                  traditional drug discovery and develop-                 demic, and there is a lot of liquidity in the overall system.”
     revenues other than EYLEA. Dupixent                in our antibody discovery and develop-                                 ment process. Collectively, these Velo-                 According to EY’s figures, biopharma alone, excluding
     (dupilumab) global net product sales               ment technologies, as well as our recent                               ciSuite technologies represent some of                  private equity, possesses approximately US$1.5 trillion of
     in 2020 (recorded by our collaborator              experience developing a multi-antibody                                 the most valuable biotechnologies ever                  liquidity to deploy. He continued: “Because of this un-
     Sanofi) were more than US$4 billion, re-           cocktail for Ebola, our team was ready to                              created, and aid our efforts to continu-                derlying strength, valuations as evident by the S&P 500
     flecting growth of 75% versus 2019. This           quickly mobilize when Covid-19 hit. With                               ously accelerate the average timeline                   Biotech or MedTech indexes, did not suffer at all. Con-
     ‘pipeline in a product’ continues to reach         innovative thinking and efficient, parallel                            from discovery to drug approval — ulti-                 sequently, IPOs and SPACs came back in a big way, and
     more patients in need with an expanded             track use of Regeneron’s proprietary Ve-                               mately allowing us to help more patients                biotech IPOs are now at an all-time high.”
     FDA indication for atopic dermatitis in            lociSuite technologies, the team moved                                 around the world, faster.
     patients ages 6 to 11 and an FDA accep-            an investigational antibody cocktail
     tance of our supplemental application as           against SARS-CoV-2 from lab to clinic in                               What drives Regeneron’s scientific                      Writing the next chapter
     an add-on treatment for children aged              record time. A process that would nor-                                 agenda and how does it stay true to
     6 to 11 years with uncontrolled moder-             mally take years was achieved in under                                 the company’s scientific roots?                         As we have witnessed with previous crises, Congress’s
     ate-to-severe asthma, with even more               six months.                                                            Regeneron was founded and has been                      positive view of pharma only lasts so long and eventually
     room to grow as it meets its potential to                                                                                 led for over 30 years by physician-scien-               politicians will go back to vilifying the industry for its high
     transform the treatment of certain type            How does Regeneron’s antibody                                          tists – a rarity in the industry – and we ap-           prices and profits. Furthermore, capital markets will not
     2 inflammatory diseases. We also made              cocktail work against new Covid-19                                     ply this science-focused mentality to our               always be as easy as they are today with well paved exit
     Dupixent treatment more convenient                 variants?                                                              work. We pursue therapeutic pathways                    ramps leading to mergers and IPOs. Nevertheless, the
     with the FDA approval of a single-dose,            REGEN-COV (casirivimab with im-                                        based on our ability to see early prom-                 far-reaching changes that the Covid-19 crisis has brought
     300 mg pre-filled syringe.                         devimab) is a cocktail of two monoclonal                               ise through genetic or deep biologic re-                will outlast the pandemic and, in the long run, the US life
     As the foundation of our oncology port-            antibodies (also known as REGN10933                                    search. From there, we have found that                  sciences industry will positively alter the lives of many. ■
     folio, our PD-1 inhibitor Libtayo (ce-             and REGN10987) and was designed                                        commercial success will follow. ■

10                                     U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                   Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                                           11
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                         Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                             INTERVIEW

     Scott                                                                                                                                                                        Gil                                        What are some of the key pieces of legislature that are driving the CDMO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             business today?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             We work with congressional offices to help give them an idea of what the CDMO
     Bluestein                                                                                                               We built up a deep network that
                                                                                                                                                                                  Roth                                       sector is, and the role it plays not just in providing dosage forms for patients in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the US, but also the vast number of jobs it is responsible for in America. We got
                                                                                                                                enables us to be committed                                                                   involved in drug shortage proposals with congress and FDA, which have not yet
                                                                                                                                                                                  President                                  been moved into law but may be revisited soon. We also helped with the opioid
                                                                                                                               and dedicated to not just the                                                                 omnibus the US Congress developed and passed. In particular, even before the
                                                                                                                                   life sciences, but also the                    PHARMA & BIOPHARMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             pandemic, there were questions about the pharmaceutical supply chain and how
     CEO & CIO                                                                                                                                                                    OUTSOURCING ASSOCIATION (PBOA)
                                                                                                                                         technology verticals.                                                               to secure it from a US-centric perspective. Once the pandemic hit, we had a lot
     HERCULES CAPITAL                                                                                                                                                                                                        more involvement with federal agencies, Congress, FDA and other bodies when it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             became clear that CDMOs were going to be absolutely critical to manufacturing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             vaccines and therapeutics that were going to help get the world through Covid.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Are we seeing the value of CDMOs expand in today’s market?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             With some key exceptions, the CDMO sector is largely private equity owned. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PE model is to hold companies for five to seven years and then either sell to an-
     What were some of the key high-                  companies from the expansion stage                                     by Covid-19, is the convergence of                                                              other PE firm or merge with another company. This model has held up for decades.
     lights of 2020?                                  of their lifecycle through to the es-                                  the two sectors. Consequently, we                                                               What we have seen in recent years is an increase in valuations, partly because the
     The momentum around innovation,                  tablished stage. Hercules can finance                                  are doing more deals now across our                                                             notion that CDMOs represent a pharmaceutical investment that doesn’t carry the
     coupled with years of sound strat-               a company with a structured debt so-                                   platform where we bring our techno-                                                             direct risk of R&D pipelines. You are getting some pharma benefits (steady de-
     egy, enabled Hercules to have a ban-             lution that ranges from US$10 million                                  logy domain expertise and combine it                                                            mand and drug-driven growth), but without as much risk of collapse if a pipeline
     ner year. We had record total and                all the way up through US$200 million.                                 with our life sciences team expertise.                                                          candidate fails. That said, you don’t get the upside of those drugs succeeding and
     net investment income. Hercules also             That gives us a significant competitive                                We are looking at a lot of healthcare                                                           blowing up in the market, but CDMOs are getting steady revenue growth. ■
     ended the year with the strongest                advantage in that we can find compa-                                   tech companies along with traditional
     balance sheet we have had. We were               nies early in their evolution and help                                 drug discovery and development bio-
     able to complete several capital raises          them finance themselves through mul-                                   tech companies that are utilizing tech-
     throughout the course of 2020, and we            tiple value inflection points.                                         nologies as they look to pipeline ex-
     ended the year with nearly US$700 mil-                                                                                  pansion. We believe that having teams
     lion of available liquidity.                     What are the principal advantages                                      with expertise, not just in life sciences
     On the investment and portfolio side,
     we also had tremendous momentum
     throughout 2020, and this accelerated
                                                      of venture debt?
                                                      Regardless of the quality of the com-
                                                      pany, there are going to be setbacks
                                                                                                                             but also in technology, gives us a sig-
                                                                                                                             nificant competitive advantage.                      Donna                                      What are the key factors for companies trying to effectively communicate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with the general public?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sophisticated investors and business development executives potentially looking
     later into the year. For the third con-
     secutive year, Hercules ended up com-
                                                      and successes. What is unique about
                                                      our team is that we understand this
                                                                                                                             What is the breakdown of Hercules’
                                                                                                                             asset mix? Are there certain areas
                                                                                                                                                                                  LaVoie                                     to license in products have been the key audience, and most companies in the sec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tor have been laser focused on how to communicate the scientific/technical part
     mitting over a billion dollars of capital        reality and, rather than look at these                                 the company favors?                                                                             of their stories to those types of people. With the pandemic, an unprecedented
     to the venture technology and life sci-          financings as singular events, which                                   Our focus is on building a diversified,                                                         number of retail accounts were opened and we have seen greater interest because
     ences industries. Despite a global pan-          is what an equity raise or a standard                                  non-correlated portfolio. We focus                                                              of enthusiasm over Covid vaccine development. As a result, the character and
     demic, we had 22 IPO or M&A events               capital raise is, we look at them as long                              about 50% of our asset base on the                                                              size of the audience biotech companies communicate to have changed markedly,
     in 2020, which is a strong validation of         term financing partnerships, where we                                  technology vertical and about 50% of                 President & CEO                            and it is not something companies are accustomed to. Often biotech executives
     our model.                                       can support companies over a long pe-                                  our focus on the life sciences vertical.             LAVOIEHEALTHSCIENCE                        struggle with how to distill their message in a digestible manner. In a post-Covid
     Our portfolio companies raised nearly            riod of time.                                                          We are also significantly diversified                                                           world, this will no longer work.
     US$7 billion of equity capital. These            Venture or structured debt from Her-                                   within each of those two core verticals,
     results are a testament to the overall           cules is significantly less dilutive than                              so we have exposure to drug discov-                                                             How does LaVoieHealthScience assist in implementing a strategy?
     strength, not just of the ecosystem, but         a straight equity raise. Our team is                                   ery and development, therapeutics,                                                              You cannot run your communications for investors’ sake only. What you need to
     of the companies that we are so fortu-           not looking to manage or direct op-                                    healthcare tech, healthcare services                                                            do is build a foundation of key messaging and positioning aligned with key audi-
     nate to partner with.                            erations, we are not looking for board                                 and medical device companies. Our                                                               ences. That may be pharmaceutical partners, government authorities, health care
                                                      seats or control, we look to establish                                 largest sector concentration within life                                                        providers, and all of that communication and relationship building creates value
     What makes Hercules’ financing ap-               financing partnerships where we rely                                   sciences continues to be drug discov-                                                           for the company.
     proach unique in the industry?                   on the existing management team to                                     ery and development, because it cre-
     We are arguably the only player that             continue to make the right decisions.                                  ates the best diversified risk profile                                                          Often failure or ambiguous data is something companies must deal with.
     has been in this market consistently for                                                                                from a funding perspective. Secondly                                                            What is the best way to handle these situations?
     the last 16 plus years that has achieved         Given Hercules’ domain expertise in                                    this tends to be where the largest                                                              The number of times that we get the call after data readout and a client says, “It
     scale. We built up a deep network                both technology and life sciences,                                     market opportunities exist. The last                                                            was a homerun. We hit all the endpoints p value of x, and we are off to the races,”
     that enables us to be committed and              are you seeing a trend toward con-                                     consideration is that this is where we                                                          is very rare. Most of the time clients call to say, "We did not meet the primary end-
     dedicated to not just the life sciences,         vergence of the two areas?                                             think we can make the most difference                                                           point, but we have seen activity at this dose level in this subset of patients.” The
     but also the technology verticals. We            What we have seen over the course of                                   because it is where our capital can be                                                          challenge with that is public markets ask merely: Is endpoint achieved? yes or no,
     also have the unique ability to finance          the last 12 plus months, exacerbated                                   most useful. ■                                                                                  and what is the p value? That is how stocks trade. ■

12                                   U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports   U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1               13
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                                               Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                                                     EDITORIAL

     Pricing                                              Pharma is a popular target, because
                                                          out-of-pocket costs to individuals are
                                                          high relative to the rest of the world. US
                                                                                                                                 paying the same, they will leave (ie deny
                                                                                                                                 their citizens access).
                                                                                                                                 The reason the US biotech landscape
                                                                                                                                                                                        ures. For instance, pancreatic cancer is a
                                                                                                                                                                                        devastating diagnosis for which we need
                                                                                                                                                                                        breakthrough drugs; but because the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tailers, PBMs and other intermediaries. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   is not sexy, but a major solution to lower-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing US drug costs is in improving these
                                                          consumers spend roughly three times as                                 is so fertile and well funded is because               historical probability of success is much                    In our Boston study we                                        intermediation costs. We should ask why
     A QUANTUM OF INCENTIVE FOR A                         much on drugs as their European coun-                                  there is that willingness to pay. Michael              lower than in other areas of oncology (per
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 showed that patients were                                         parties who have not invested in inno-
     QUANTUM OF INNOVATION                                terparts, and 90% more as a share of in-                               Kauffman, who co-founded Karyopharm                    BIO, a drug for pancreatic cancer enter-                                                                                   vation nor taken development risks are
                                                          come according to a report from Univer-                                Therapeutics along with his wife, Sharon               ing Phase 1 trials has only a 1.1% chance                 spending 37% less time in                                        taking a big portion of the price that the
                                                          sity of Southern California. Calculations                              Shacham, remarked: “The fact of the                    of approval), investors would need to                   the clinic, and their disease                                      consumer pays.”
     Although the heroic actions of the bio-              suggest that the US market accounts for                                matter is that it is great that the US reim-           know that a drug that shows needle-                   progressed for 30% less time.                                        Improvements in this area would also
     pharmaceutical industry granted it a                 64 to 78 % of worldwide pharmaceutical                                 burses drug prices at the levels they do               moving efficacy would be reimbursed at                                                                                     make manufacturing within the US more
     temporary reprieve from intense scrutiny
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   That means less doctors’
                                                          profits. These profits drive the cycle of                              because without that engine we would                   a higher price than the average cancer                                                                                     competitive. From Nivagen Pharmaceuti-
     on pricing, it is sure to return as influen-         drug innovation that ultimately benefits                               not have such a robust biotechnology                   drug.                                                     visits, less clinic time and                                     cals’ CEO Jay Shukla’s perspective: “The
     tial leaders on both ends of the political           patients around the globe.                                             and pharmaceutical industry. We cannot                                                                          less progression. Different                                       issue we have is that the consumer does
     spectrum in the US find it politically ad-           This is frustrating to many, but the so-                               do the kind of work we want to do if we                                                                        countries put very different                                       not see the savings because there are so
     vantageous to capitalize on people’s                 lution is not to lower US revenues. RA                                 do not get sufficient return on the suc-               Increasing Transparency                                                                                                    many middlemen – the wholesaler, PBM,
     general low regard for the industry.                 Capital’s Peter Kolchinsky has done work                               cessful investments to continue to work.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               values on that                                      and insurance company – each getting a
     We often hear the phrase “sky-rocketing              elucidating the fact that this would alter                             The fear around imposing price controls                Calls for price controls come on the back                                                                                  percentage. That is what is inflating the
     drug prices” in the media and from poli-             net present value (NPV) calculations, po-                              as proposed in HR 3 is that it will stymie             of already increased scrutiny over price                           - Michael Kauffman,                                     price, and that is putting pressure on
     cy makers, but the data shows this is not            tentially turning them negative, and in                                innovation. The Department of Health                   transparency. Porzio Life Sciences LLC,                                                                                    manufacturers to operate in lower cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Co-Founder and Former CEO,
     the case. In fact, work done by the Drug             that case, innovation would cease. There-                              and Human Services has calculated that                 a provider of compliance software for                                                                                      jurisdictions. If there were a way to either
     Channels Institute reveals net drug price            fore, it is important to get other countries                           legalizing importation would shave only                transparency reporting, has unique in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Karyopharm                                      reduce the middleman's exposure, sell
     increases have been on the decline and               to pay more. Until then, EU countries are                              1% to 2% off the nation’s collective phar-             sight into this push from state and nation-                               Therapeutics                                     direct-to-consumer, or direct-to-pharma-
     in single digits for the last six years. This        like bad roommates, merely pitching in.                                maceutical bill, but the bill could result             al governments around the world. John                                                                                      cy, then the cost of manufacturing would
     includes innovative as well as generic               Since every bit of revenue helps, you do                               in investors being less willing to pursue              Patrick Oroho, the company’s executive                                                                                     not be a significant factor.”
     drugs, despite the outliers we see from              not want to turn them out (ie refuse to                                drug development for diseases in areas                 vice president and chief strategy officer,
     time to time.                                        sell them drug), but if you insist on them                             where there have been many historic fail-              observed that states have become in-
                                                                                                                                                                                        creasingly strict in requiring transparency                                                                                Social Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                        around prices, such that they want to see           Distribution inefficiencies
                                                                                                                                                                                        if a pharma company increased its price                                                                                    One of the key proposals being ad-
                                                                                                                                                                                        more than a certain percentage in a given           One of the key problems with the sys-                                  vanced by RA Capital’s Peter Kolchinsky
                                                                                                                                                                                        year. Today this trend continues to grow            tem is that affordability is a function of                             is the idea of a social contract between
                                                                                                                                                                                        stronger, as individual states in the US are        out-of-pocket costs imposed by payers                                  patients and the biopharma industry. At
                                                                                                                                                                                        requiring companies to show them how                and premiums are impacted by net drug                                  its core, the proposal is about accept-
                                                                                                                                                                                        they arrived at a price for their new prod-         prices. The manufacturer of a drug estab-                              ing that prices will be initially high on
                                                                                                                                                                                        uct. The government thinks that if they             lishes the drug’s list (gross) price, which                            branded drugs in order to pay for inno-
                                                                                                                                                                                        force companies to be transparent, then             is called the Wholesale Acquisition Cost                               vation. But in return for paying a high
                                                                                                                                                                                        they will be more reluctant to engage in            (WAC). A drug’s net price equals its list                              price up front for drugs, companies via
                                                                                                                                                                                        significant price increases.                        price minus rebates as well as such other                              government legislation, will agree to al-
                                                                                                                                                                                        Because of these more stringent dynam-              reductions as distribution fees, product                               low genericization without undue delay.
                                                                                                                                                                                        ics biopharma companies increasingly                returns, chargeback discounts to hospi-                                After a patent expires, society will enjoy
                                                                                                                                                                                        want to diversify their sources of revenue          tals, price reductions from the 340B Drug                              the benefits of the cheap, effective ge-
                                                                                                                                                                                        and they want to do it earlier than they            Pricing Program, and other purchase dis-                               neric versions for the rest of time. Similar
                                                                                                                                                                                        did before. “In the past, most companies            counts. Negotiated and statutory rebates                               to a home mortgage, what society pays
                                                                                                                                                                                        always went for approval in the US, and             to third-party payers, however, are the                                during a period of exclusivity leads to it
                                                                                                                                                                                        then launched their product first in the            largest and most significant components                                collectively owning a forever upgraded
                                                                                                                                                                                        US. Only once it was up and successful              of gross-to-net price differences.                                     standard of care and longer lives. It is es-
                                                                                                                                                                                        in the US after a number of years would             Consequently, brand-name manufactur-                                   sential, however, that during the period
                                                                                                                                                                                        you seek approvals elsewhere around the             ers earn substantially less revenue than                               in which society is paying high prices for
                                                                                                                                                                                        world, because the US provided your best            drug list prices imply, due to the gross-to-                           the branded drug that insurers make ap-
                                                                                                                                                                                        opportunity to recoup all the money you             net difference between a manufacturer’s                                propriate care affordable for all patients.
                                                                                                                                                                                        put into R&D. Now, with controls around             list and net prices.                                                   Under this proposal a middle ground is
                                                                                                                                                                                        price increases and requirements for                To address this issue of therapeutics                                  established where the innovative ecosys-
                                                                                                                                                                                        price reductions or price controls, you are         distribution, Signet Healthcare Partners                               tem would be minimally disrupted, and
                                                                                                                                                                                        starting to see parallel approvals. Com-            CEO James Gale suggests: “We should                                    society’s burden of paying high prices for
                                                                                                                                                                                        panies launching their first drug are seek-         consider the allocation of the final con-                              that innovation would not proceed be-
                                                                                                                                                                                        ing approval in the US, and also seeking            sumer price to the various parties in the                              yond the duration of patents. If success-
                                                                                                                                                                                        approval in various countries elsewhere             supply chain. There is enormous waste in                               ful, it could go a long way in ratcheting
                                                                                                                                                                                        in the world,” explained Oroho.                     the money being paid to distributors, re-                              down the rhetoric on price controls. ■

14                                       U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                  Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports            U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                                  15
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                                Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                                           INTERVIEW

     John                                                                                                                                                                                Siva                                                                                                                        ValGenesis makes the end-to-
                                                                                                                                          This April, we launched our                                                                                                                                              end validation lifecycle process
     Patrick                                                                                                                               new global system, Porzio                     Samy                                                                                                                     100% digital, reducing validation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cycle time by over 50% and thus,
                                                                                                                                          GST 5.0. It combines the US
     Oroho                                                                                                                               State, federal, local, and the
                                                                                                                                           rest of the world into one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    helping life science companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  release their products to market
     Executive Vice President and                                                                                                            comprehensive system.                       CEO & Chief Product Strategist                                                                                                               more quickly.
     Chief Strategy Officer                                                                                                                                                              VALGENESIS
                                                                                                                                                                                         What are the key problems ValGenesis is solving for custom-                            One year later, the department implemented an additional Val-
                                                                                                                                                                                         ers?                                                                                   Genesis module to manage change control as a closed-loop
     What is the fundamental problem Porzio               product. At this stage, they have to put in                            nies wanted to have a global view of all                Validation is a key lifecycle process for the life science industry                    process with validation. Through this upgrade, users could cre-
     Life Sciences’ helps clients solve?                  their transparency and aggregate spend                                 their interactions with healthcare practitio-           before releasing systems for production, commencing with sys-                          ate their process flows and descriptions to capture the required
     Once a company is getting close to com-              process, but also what we call their HCP                               ners, because they are considered high-                 tem assessment, authoring requirements and risk assessment,                            justification for changes made within a validated system. Within
     mercializing its product in the US, they             engagement process. Because, if you                                    risk interactions.                                      authoring test cases, creating trace matrices, executing test                          the next twelve months, the ValGenesis solution was extended
     must get state licenses in order to distrib-         were to just pay a physician to prescribe                              This April, we launched our new global                  cases, implementing change management, performing periodic                             to a global biologics’ development division for validation docu-
     ute their product across the country. It can         your product, that is a violation of the anti-                         system, Porzio GST 5.0. It combines the                 reviews, and ending with the retirement process. In life science                       ments required in a state-of-the-art manufacturing process for
     take anywhere from nine to 15 months                 kickback statute.                                                      US State, federal, local, and the rest of the           companies, validation is predominantly a paper-based, manual                           new products and a supply center in Europe.
     to get all those in place. Early on, when            There are however, safe harbors and carve                              world into one comprehensive system.                    process compared to other processes that are automated and                             ValGenesis today streamlines the validation process for more
     a company is two years from their first              outs that allow you to hire healthcare                                 This software enables you to do reporting               digitized, whether they be laboratory information management,                          than 3,000 users across five global company sites. Real-time ac-
     product approval, they have an idea as to            practitioners who have a right to prescribe                            all over the world. You can see how many                quality management, or enterprise resource planning. Validation                        cess to validation documents and data enables various stake-
     when they are going to submit their new              your product, and pay them for their ser-                              HCPs you are engaged with, total dollars                is complicated, messy and error-prone when managed manually                            holders to achieve compliance collaboratively and efficiently.
     drug application and when they plan on               vice. There must be a documented need                                  spent, total number of transactions. You                as a paper-based process, leaving islands of data in different
     launching. At that time, they also have a            for the specific service, a fair market value                          can drill down into individual countries                formats, and resulting in huge compliance risks.                                       What are your observations in terms of the pace of cloud
     semblance of an idea about what their                fee and a contract specifying the services                             and have a heat map or bar graphs and                   ValGenesis manages each of the validation lifecycle stages as                          adoption amongst life science companies?
     distribution model is going to look like, so         and fees to be paid. Companies must                                    you can look who you are spending the                   a module and connects the dots that flow data from system as-                          Life science companies have always been more conservative
     they are already reaching out to the ma-             monitor and report what service the HCP                                most money with, be it through clinical tri-            sessment and author requirements right up to the retirement                            when it comes to the adoption of cloud technologies. These
     jor distributors, and one thing those dis-           is providing and how much they are be-                                 als, consulting work or promotional work.               stage. ValGenesis makes the end-to-end validation lifecycle pro-                       companies with fears about data privacy, data and IP protec-
     tributors will tell them is that they can only       ing paid for such services. This legislation                           We track the laws, regulations, and pend-               cess 100% digital, reducing validation cycle time by over 50%                          tion were in the habit of purchasing a commercially available
     take their product if it is properly licensed        passed under the Affordable Care Act,                                  ing legislation for clients and then we ar-             and thus, helping life science companies release their products                        software system, installing it in their internal servers, and man-
     across the country. Often, the distributors          and it is called the Physician Payments                                chive all that information so that we are               to market more quickly.                                                                aging it in compliance with a corporate IT strategy and a set of
     will tell the company to come to Porzio              Sunshine Act. It is also referred to as the                            able to show that it has been properly                                                                                                         standard operating procedures. Aside from the development of
     Life Sciences to have their supply chain             CMS Open Payments program.                                             done, all along.                                        Are there Case Studies of how clients have integrated Val-                             the software package, everything else is owned, managed, and
     and distribution model analyzed, and                 Government agencies, investigators and                                                                                         Genesis software into their workflow?                                                  maintained by the internal IT staff of the company. This results in
     to determine whether they are a virtual              prosecutors are mining the data that is                                Are there any new policies that you see                 A U.S. site for global biotechnology manufacturing and prod-                           high overhead costs to the company. The expense and capital
     manufacturer or traditional manufacturer.            reported to uncover inappropriate pay-                                 on the horizon that might impact com-                   uct supply operations had its validation documents and change                          burden of the on-premise model in many companies takes a
     Then they will determine what States they            ments that can violate the anti-kickback                               pliance?                                                control requests associated with several key products being ap-                        back seat to the inherently slow pace of deploying functionality
     need to be licensed in, and what type of li-         statute. As a result, companies are very                               One of the things happening both at the                 proved by stakeholders across company sites in the US and Eu-                          to the business.
     censes are needed. That is one of the first          concerned that they are engaging the                                   federal and state levels is price transpar-             rope. The department was facing many challenges commonly                               The cloud business model changes the game significantly. True
     areas we solve.                                      HCPs appropriately and that they are fol-                              ency. States are requiring transparency                 associated with paper-based validation. The work eventually got                        multi-tenant cloud computing-based systems can deliver signifi-
     Once that is done, we start to get ready             lowing all the rules.                                                  around prices such that they want to see                done, but with more manual effort, duplication, and time than                          cant value by sharing infrastructure and software across several
     for interactions with healthcare practitio-          At Porzio, we have been doing State re-                                if you increased your price more than                   necessary, given the technologies available.                                           customers. Pre-pandemic, some leading life science companies
     ners. When the companies are starting to             porting for life science companies in the                              a certain percentage in a given year or                 The company sought a digital validation solution that could de-                        had started their digital transformation pursuing cloud-enabled
     plan how to sell and market their product.           US since 2005. Then, in 2014 we began                                  more than a given percentage over the                   liver similar ROI improvements that it had come to expect from                         capabilities with clinical trials and data science. But the current
     They must make decisions about whether               with the nationwide reporting under the                                last three years. Now, on top of that, there            other enterprise systems such as ERP, DMS, LIMS, and MES. It                           pandemic has now created an inflection point in digital adop-
     to target physicians or advanced practice            federal Open Payments program, and in                                  are individual states in the US that are                needed a forward-looking approach that would eventually lead                           tion and technology-led business transformation.
     registered nurses, physician assistants,             2015 we started doing reporting around                                 requiring companies to show them how                    to 100% electronic validation lifecycle management.
     and other types of healthcare practitio-             the world. At that time, we had two dif-                               they arrived at a price for their new prod-             ValGenesis was configured to meet more than 95% of the com-                            What role has ValGenesis played for clients working remote-
     ners. This is important because, if you              ferent systems; Porzio Aggregate Spend                                 uct. The companies must file a disclosure,              pany’s requirements out-of-the-box and was implemented, vali-                          ly during the pandemic?
     have the right to prescribe a product in             ID, that handled the US, and Porzio GST                                as the product is launched. The govern-                 dated, and put into production in 12 weeks. ValGenesis offered                         Technology has advanced to provide new platforms to manage
     a particular state, the government is very           that handled the rest of the world. As time                            ment thinks that if they force companies                the ability to migrate from paper toward 100% electronic valida-                       manufacturing and validation processes remotely. With the help
     interested in the type of financial interac-         went on, and more and more enforcement                                 to be transparent, then they will be more               tion. The project-level implementation was deemed a success                            of the ValGenesis platform, our clients can now manage the vali-
     tions taking place between you and some-             on anti-kickback and Foreign Corrupt                                   reluctant to engage in significant price in-            based on efficiency improvements, eliminating non-value-add-                           dation process remotely or with limited onsite resources, with-
     body who has the right to prescribe your             Practices Act started taking hold, compa-                              creases. ■                                              ed activities, and enabling consistency.                                               out any disruption to their supply chain. ■

16                                       U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                   Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports            U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                     17
       ”The outbreak of Covid-19 challenged us to rapidly innovate
        and continuously iterate to address the pandemic and its
         far-reaching impacts, and Massachusetts led the way in
       developing tests, therapies, and vaccines that have helped
                            combat the virus”

                               - Kendalle O’Connell,
                                President and COO,


                              Image courtesy of CordenPharma
FA C T S H E E T                                                                                                                                          Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                                                  FA C T S H E E T

                                               Massachusetts                    Source: MassBio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   New Jersey          Source: Choose New Jersey

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Quest Diagnostics
                                                                                                                               50+ biotech companies,
                                                                                                                              2 million+ s.f. in lab space,                                                                                          Allergan
                                                                                                                           UMass-Lowell and 11 other colleges
                                             50+ biotech companies, WPI,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Quintiles                                               Stryker Orthopaedics
                                               UMass-Worcester, and 16                                                                                                                                                          Ferring                                   BD
                                                    other colleges
                                                                                                                                                                                                              GlaxoSmithKline                                                                              Bayer Healthcare
                                                                                            NORTHEAST                                                                                                                                                                                                          AbbVie
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Daiichi Sankyo                                                                                     Parexel

                                                                                                                                           250+ biotech companies,                                                                                                                                                       Frontage Laboratories
                                                                                                                                        the top 4 NIH-funded hospitals                                                                                                                                                    Cambrex Corporation
                                                                                                      BOSTON                              in the U.S., and 48 colleges                                                               Pfizer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Pfizer                 Novartis                 GlaxoSmithKline
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Valeant                                                                                    Biotrial
                                                          WORCESTER                                     CORE                                NIH funding US$3.711 billion,                                                                                                              Zoetis
                                                                                                                                              35.2 million square feet,                                                                                                    Celgene                         Merck
                                                                                                                                                (according to CBRE)                                                    Janssen                                                                             Daiichi Sankyo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Eli Lilly
                        WEST                                                     128/SUBURBS                                                                                                                             Roche                                                                                  PTC Therapeutics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Catalent                                                    Pfizer
                                                                                                                                     SOUTHCOAST                                                                                                                                                             Novo Nordisk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bristol-Myers Squibb                                                                 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Johnson & Johnson                                                            Sandoz
                                                                  The immediate western suburbs                                                                                                                                                                                                         Parexel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bristol-Myers Squibb                        Otsuka
                                                                  include 75+ biotech companies,                                                                                                                                                                                                     Aurobindo
                                                                             15 colleges,                                                                                                                                                                     Janssen                   PPD
            Home of UMass-Amherst and                                 3 million s.f. of lab space
                 21 other colleges.
                  Area known as
              The Knowledge Corridor                                                                                             Strong med device and biopharma
                                                                                                                               manufacturing capacity, with numerous                                                                                           AND BIOTECH CLUSTERS
                                                                                                                                land sites in BioReady communities
                                                                                                                                           and 10 colleges

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         #2 REGION
                                                                          for NIH Funding                                                                                                                                                                              for NIH Funding

20                                  U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                         Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                    U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                          21
EDITORIAL                                                                                                                              Global Business Reports    Industry Explorations                                                                                                                               EDITORIAL

     Introducing                                                                                                                                                       veloped around Cambridge, 18 of the top 20 big pharma
                                                                                                                                                                       companies have a presence in Massachusetts. Kendalle
                                                                                                                                                                       O’Connell, MassBio’s president and COO, pointed out: “We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       27,000 life sciences graduates each year and the world’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       highest concentration of scientists and engineers per square
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       mile – and our vigorous ecosystem, fostered by Government
     The Hubs                                                                                                                                                          are seeing unprecedented levels of collaboration between
                                                                                                                                                                       biotech companies and large biopharma organizations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       support, world-renowned research universities, leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in the area of cell and gene therapy and advantageous lo-
                                                                                                                                                                       which MassBio is dedicated to facilitating. One of the first                                    cation, life sciences companies continue to be attracted to
                                                                                                                                                                       Covid-19 vaccines was borne out of a partnership, and we                                        New Jersey.”
     REMOTE WORK COMPELS NEW                                                                                                                                           believe that new ways of connecting early-stage companies                                       On the manufacturing front, President Biden’s preference for
     PERSPECTIVES ON CLUSTER                                                                                                                                           with established biopharma organizations will accelerate sci-                                   prioritizing manufacturing in America also stands to benefit
                                                                                                                                                                       ence and improve patient lives.”                                                                New Jersey, as it is home to approximately 139 biomanu-
                                                                                                                                                                       Similarly, in New Jersey, of the over 800 different programs                                    facturing facilities. Already, and late in 2020, Governor Phil
                                                                                                                                                                       addressing Covid, 70 are being developed by companies                                           Murphy signed the Economic Recovery Act of 2020, which
                                                                                                                                                                       based in the Garden State. The first FDA-approved saliva                                        includes an incentives package of new and revised programs
     We all know the cliched stories of friends who have moved                          America’s biopharma industry is dominated by clusters; criti-                  test was developed early on by Rutgers University, and Pfiz-                                    to support innovation industries, such as biopharma.
     away to pursue their dreams: actors head to Hollywood,                             cal masses in one or a few places of unusual competitive suc-                  er, which has a large presence in New Jersey, delivered the                                     John Huang, CEO of TheWell Bioscience, a biomedical
     bankers to New York City, and winemakers to the vineyards                          cess in particular fields. This teaches us that, paradoxically,                first vaccine – with additional vaccines coming from legend-                                    technology company that helps scientists build a robust 3D
     of Sonoma. The life sciences version of this is to head for                        the enduring competitive advantages in a global economy                        ary New Jersey companies including J&J, Sanofi and GSK.                                         microenvironment that can closely mimic the natural extra-
     Cambridge, the Bay area or back where it all began with JNJ                        lie increasingly in local things, like knowledge, relationships,               There were also scores of smaller companies, such as Onco-                                      cellular matrix for multiple 3D cell models such as organoids,
     in 1866 in New Jersey. In theory, more open global markets,                        motivation, that distant rivals cannot match. By being in close                Sec working on a vaccine, with Soligenix, Insmed and BioAe-                                     tumor spheroids and cell co-culture, believes New Jersey to
     faster transportation and virtual communication should di-                         proximity, it promotes both competition and cooperation.                       gis all working on their own contributions to addressing the                                    be an ideal location for a company such as his: “New Jer-
     minish the role of location in competition. Afterall, the in-                      These clusters in New Jersey, Boston and the Bay area, com-                    coronavirus and many others like them. Additionally, 40% of                                     sey provides a unique opportunity to establish an excellent
     dustry just had one of its most productive years ever despite                      bine a unique blend of biomedical science, venture capital,                    all new FDA approvals in 2020 came from companies with a                                        industrial network. Geographically, New Jersey is ideal, as
     large portions of staff operating remotely. But if location                        entrepreneurial talent, risk-taking culture, and geographic                    footprint in New Jersey.                                                                        it connects to many biotech hubs and resources. We have
     matters less, why, then, is it true that the odds of finding                       density. Other regions have some or all of these elements,                     BioNJ founding president and CEO, Debbie Hart, comment-                                         made great connections in the area, and the driving distance
     a world-class biotech company in Boston are much higher                            but not in the same magnitude or with the same momentum.                       ed: “Known for our strong presence of big Pharma, including                                     to clients is reasonable. New Jersey has a great talent pool
     than in most any other place?                                                      Post-Pandemic, however, it could be the case that the gap                      8 out of top 10 R&D companies, incredible talent pool – with                                    to take advantage of with many great universities in the area.
                                                                                        is narrowing. An egalitarian trend toward greater dispersion
                                                                                        of life science business activity has gained momentum as re-
                                                                                        mote work has taken hold. This prompted some to seek out
                                                                                        areas with lower cost of living, ostensibly higher quality of
                                                                                        life and lower taxes. James Sapirstein, president and CEO
                                                                                        of Florida-based AzurRx BioPharma, expressed his view on
                                                                                        this trend, noting: “AzurRx is a small company, and we never
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               New Jersey’s Life Sciences Industry and
                                                                                        felt it had to reside in the most expensive area in the coun-
                                                                                        try. In the biopharmaceutical industry, the feeling has always
                                                                                        been that companies need to operate in the “biotechnol-
                                                                                        ogy hubs” in and around Boston or San Francisco, because
                                                                                        that is where the talent is, as well as university partnerships
                                                                                        and venture capitalists.” He continued: “VCs like to have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Making a Difference Together
                                                                                        the management teams running their portfolio companies
                                                                                        located in the same cities as their own offices. Private equity                     The discovery and development of new therapies and cures by New Jersey life sciences companies allow Patients to live longer,
                                                                                        does not feel that way, and certainly retail investors do not                       healthier, more productive lives – benefiting the health care system, the economy and society as a whole. And Because Patients
                                                                                        feel that way. Therefore, I think VCs will back off of the tra-                     Can’t Wait®, BioNJ’s mission is to bolster the medical innovation coming from New Jersey’s life sciences ecosystem.
                                                                                        ditional model now that they see companies that are highly
                                                                                        functional working remotely.”                                                       New Jersey: A Life Sciences Powerhouse
                                                                                        As a result, Sapirstein believes that companies will start                          • Nearly 3,300 life sciences establishments – home to 13 of the top 20 global biopharma companies
                                                                                        gravitating towards tax-free geographies, such as Florida
                                                                                                                                                                            • #2 state with large and specialized employment in drugs and pharmaceuticals
                                                                                        and Texas. While anecdotes of people fleeing big cities for
                                                                                        sunnier skies are pervasive, biopharma is not an industry that                      • 139 FDA-registered biopharma manufacturing facilities (leading the nation!)
                                                                                        can be easily moved from one place to another. In fact, it                          • More than 30% of all cell and gene therapies in development
                                                                                        can be argued that the pandemic validated the importance                            • Over 40% of all FDA drug approvals in 2020 came from a company with a footprint in NJ
                                                                                        of being in these clusters. According to MassBio, Massa-                            • Home to the first FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine and saliva test!
                                                                                        chusetts led the way in developing tests, therapies and vac-
                                                                                        cines that have helped combat Covid-19. More than 95 life
                                                                                        sciences companies with a presence in Massachusetts have                                 Thank you to New Jersey’s life sciences industry for providing new hope for Patients around the world. Because Patients Can’t Wait®
                                                                                        been involved in this effort, many of which are the small and                                            For more information on BioNJ, New Jersey’s life sciences trade association, please visit www.BioNJ.org.
                                                                                        emerging biotech companies that make up the backbone
                                                                                        of the cluster. Because of the robust startup community de-

22                                  U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1      Industry Explorations   Global Business Reports                     U N I T E D S TAT E S P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S A N D B I O P H A R M A C E U T I C A L S 2 0 2 1                23
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