University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students

Page created by Vernon Obrien
University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students
University of South Wales
Information for outgoing undergraduate students

March 2021

Prof. Dr. Sandra Gronover

                                               Curriculum not final

                                               - In case of interest
                                                 we are clarifying
                                                    your special
                                                 subjects prior to
                                                   final decision
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University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students
Warum USW?

 USW bietet die Möglichkeit einer Spezialisierung!
 Interessante Stadt, tolles Studentenleben, super Natur
  und gute Möglichkeiten das Land zu bereisen
 Lebenshaltungskosten deutlich unter UK-Niveau – trotz
  Studiengebühren kann es bei einem Vollkostenansatz eine
  interessante Alternative aus Kostengesichtspunkten sein

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University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students
Campus Treforest Pontypridd

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University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students
University of South Wales

  One of the 10 largest universities
   in UK
 More than 33,584 students from
   all over the world
 1,030 EU students
 There are currently 219 German
   students studying at the University
   of South Wales
 175 Bachelor´s Degree
 140 Master´s Degree
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    Prof. Dr.   Hochschule Landshut                          4
University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students

   The University of South
    Wales is located just
    outside Cardiff, the
    capital city of Wales
    and Europe’s fastest
    growing capital.
   Wales has a population
    of 3.5 milion
   Part of the UK

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University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students
Overview of the Treforest Pontypridd Campus


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University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students

 English & Walsh is the official
 Pontypridd Campus is made up of
  two sites just a short
  15 minute walk from each other:
  Treforest and Glyntaff ; All teaching
  for Business School courses takes
  place at the Treforest Campus
 Here, all learning, living and leisure
  facilities are within easy reach, plus
  you’ll be close to shops, bars and
 Pontypridd community had a
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  population of approximately    32,700       durch klicken

University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students
Why Pontypridd?

 Relatively low cost of living
 Easily accessible
 Lively cities, peaceful towns, castles and historical sites
 Three national parks – beautiful mountain and fantastic beaches
 Friendly, welcoming and
 English is the language of
  education and business

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University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students
Travel by rail and flight

 Treforest Rail Station is a short walk away from each of
  the sites, with direct trains running to Cardiff every 20
     Treforest – London:         2 hours 48 minutes
     Treforest – Manchester:     4 hours 3 minutes
     Treforest – Cardiff:        21 minutes

 Cardiff International Airport
  is a 45 minute drive away
    There are direct flights
     from Munich to Cardiff (Airline Flybe)
    Flight time is des
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                          2 hours               durch klicken
   Bristol Airport is also a good alternative
   (easy to access by train or bus)

University of South Wales Information for outgoing undergraduate students
   More information about
    Pontypridd Campus,


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Impressions (October 2015) – Part 1
                                    Club in the Student´s Union (SU)


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                Several places to eat & drink on campus
Hugh sport center on campus

   There is fully equipped Sports Centre on campus and the university has
    excellent outdoor facilities providing a wide range of instructional, recreational
    and competitive programmes for those who wish to participate across a wide
    range of sports
   Outstanding new sports facilities on campus – follow link


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                                      There is a range of accommodation available ranging
                                       from hall of residences on campus and in Cardiff and
                                       private rented accommodation in Trefforest,
                                       Pontypridd and Cardiff
                                      Halls of residence rents range from approximately £105
                                       per week to £128 per week, all inclusive
                                      In the private sector there are a range of options from
                                       flats to shared houses. Rents here can range from £50
                                       per week upwards, depending on quality and location
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                                       ation-costs-2015/     durch klicken

 Prof. Dr.   Hochschule Landshut                                                             13
Tips from other LA-students (2017)

 Overall Cardiff is in average cheaper than other UK cities!
 Cheapest opions are private rooms in shared houses in
  Pontypridd – very close to the campus (starts by 100 GPB a
 „Best“ option by students opinon: Shared houses in
    Cathays is in Cardiff and a 20 minute train ride to the Pontypridd/Treforest Campus.
    The area of Cathays, given its proximity to most of Cardiff University's teaching sites
     and University Hospital of Wales, has seen a dramatic fall in owner-occupation, with a
     high proportion of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) which are let through private
     landlords and letting agencies to the large student population. 2012 figures available
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     under the Freedom      Information Act show thatdurch
                                                        over 70%klicken
                                                                  of the houses in Cathays
     are now HMOs. (Wikipedia)

General information

   At lot of assignments – less exams (Pls check the module descriptions on the
    web site – some LA students have been a little bit surpriesed on number of

   Classes are international – not so much contact to „original“ UK-students (issue
    is adressed – hope to get an improvement next year); -> best to find shared
    houses with UK students or join the sports clubs on campus

   Landshut students should decide until March if they would like to go to the
    University of South Wales and until April what is there specialisation!
    Important for planning – special track to cover financial mgmt requirments for

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Business Courses & Specialisations
                                                          Changes on partner side –
                                                            individual discussions

   The possibility to write the Bachelor thesis at USW has to be negotiated
    individually – if needed
   Please be aware: A lot of assignements and not so many exams!

                                                               BA (Hons)
          BA (Hons)                BA (Hons)
                                                        Logistics, Procurement &
    International Business   Business & Management

                       BA (Hons)              BA (Hons) **
                  Marketing Managment      Human Resource Mgmt
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Course Selection –
Requirements from HAW Landshut (1)

   Details written in the BA-IB-SPO!
   SPO – 7. Änderungssatzung; Cover moduls in
      International Management
                             (42 ECTS)

      Financial Management
      Strategic Management
      Studium Generale (6 ECTS)
      Dissertation (12 ECTS)
   USW demands 60 ECTS points from USW for double degree! According to
    USW regulations!
   IMPORTANT: USW will not steer the process that you select the RIGHT
    subjects concerning the requirements of HAW Landshut. It is in the
    individual resposibility of every student!
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 For the double degree you have to fullfil requirements from 2 universities!
  More work … but you receive 2 degrees.

Course Selection –
Requirements from HAW Landshut (2)

   by Bavarian regulations a max of 12 ECTS can be given
   from the academic year (2020/21) on the dissertation at the USW will count 20
    ECTS (40 Credits)
   In general at USW dissertation has been shifted towards more practical learing
    experiences in practical projects

 Dissertation written under HAW-LA supervision (can also be done virtual)
  (Preferred option)

  additional costs (not
                         Untertitelmasters     durch klicken
                               discussed with USW)                            !
  Dissertation written under USW supervision – an additional course is needed for
  receiving the ECTS for HAW-LA - depending on time table and might lead to

Curriculum might
BA (hons) Business & Management                                                                              change – depends on
                                                                                                               partner university

                                                    BA Business & Management
              Specified Modules                            Module transfer requirements for Landshut and South Wales   ECTS
                                                           International Management (Compulsory for South Wales
 EB3SX1       International Business Management           and Landshut)
 BS3SX1       Business Ethics and Sustainability                                                                       10
 HR3SX1       Contemporary Global Leadership                                                                           10
                                                           Strategic Management (Compulsory for South Wales and
 ST3SX1       Strategic Management                        Landshut)
              Subject not defined yet, BUT USW is aware    Financial Management (Compulsory for
              about this requirement                      Landshut)
 Module                                                    Only two Option Modules for Landshut and South Wales and
              Option Modules
 Code                                                                      one compulsory for Landshut
 BS3DX3       Critical Enquiry Project                    Option for South Wales and Landshut                          20
 BS3DX2       Consultancy Project                         Option for South Wales and Landshut                          20

• Courses in blue are compulsory either for Landshut or for USW
• For Landshut students thedes    Untertitelmasters
                            USW offers                                   durch
                                         a special track to cover the field           klicken
                                                                            of Financial Management
• Students have to come back to Landshut with 60 ECTS points that can be accepted by HAW Landshut
• All information on coures is prelimanary – there might be changes still until the beginning of the semester

 16/03/2021                                                                                                                     19
Curriculum might
BA (hons) International Business & Management
                                           change – depends on
                                                                                                                partner university

                                               BA International Business & Management
              Specified Modules                            Module transfer requirements for Landshut and South Wales   ECTS
                                                           International Management (Compulsory for South Wales
 EB3SX1       International Business Management           and Landshut)
 HR3SX1       Contemporary Global Leadership                                                                           10
                                                           Strategic Management (Compulsory for South Wales and
 ST3SX1       Strategic Management                        Landshut)
 PS3S85       Global Procurement and Sourcing                                                                          10
              Subject not defined yet, BUT USW is aware    Financial Management (Compulsory for
              about this requirement                      Landshut)
 Module                                                    Only two Option Modules for Landshut and South Wales and
              Option Modules
 Code                                                                    one compulsory for Landshut
 BS3DX5       International Consultancy Project                                                                        20
 BS3DX6       International Critical Enquiry Project                                                                   20

• Courses in blue are compulsory either for Landshut or for USW
• For Landshut students thedes    Untertitelmasters
                            USW offers                                   durch
                                         a special track to cover the field           klicken
                                                                            of Financial Management
• Students have to come back to Landshut with 60 ECTS points that can be accepted by HAW Landshut
• All information on coures is prelimanary – there might be changes still until the beginning of the semester

 16/03/2021                                                                                                                          20
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management                                                                 Curriculum might
                                                                                                  change – depends on
                                                                                                    partner university

                                                Human Resource Management
Module                                                  Module transfer requirements for Landshut and South
           Specified Modules                                                                                ECTS
Code                                                                           Wales
                                                       Strategic Management (Compulsory for South Wales
ST3SX1     Strategic Management                       and Landshut)                                          10
HR3SX3     Developments in Employee Relations                                                                   10
                                                          International Management (Compulsory for South
HR3SX2     HRM 4.0 and the Future of Work                Wales and Landshut)                                    10

HR3SX4     Employee Engagement: Rhetoric's and Reality                                                          10
HR3DX5     HRM Critical Enquiry Project                                                                         20
           Subject not defined yet, BUT USW is aware
           about this requirement
                                                            Financial Management (Compulsory for Landshut)     10

• Courses in blue are compulsory either for Landshut or for USW
• For Landshut students thedes    Untertitelmasters
                            USW offers                                   durch
                                         a special track to cover the field           klicken
                                                                            of Financial Management
• Students have to come back to Landshut with 60 ECTS points that can be accepted by HAW Landshut
• All information on coures is prelimanary – there might be changes still until the beginning of the semester

BA (Hons) Marketing Management                                                                           Curriculum might
                                                                                                       change – depends on
                                                                                                         partner university

                                                      Marketing Managment
Module                                                     Module transfer requirements for Landshut and South
           Specified Modules                                                                                        ECTS
Code                                                                              Wales
                                                         Strategic Management (Compulsory for South Wales
ST3SX1     Strategic Management                         and Landshut)
MK3S86     Public Relations and Reputation Management                                                                10
                                                              International Management (Compulsory for South
MK3SX1     Professional Selling and Business Development     Wales and Landshut)

MK3SX2     Omni-Channel Marketing Strategy
           Subject not defined yet, BUT USW is aware about
           this requirement
                                                                Financial Management (Compulsory for Landshut)      10

BS3DX2     Consultancy Project

BS3DX3     Critical Enquiry Project

•                           deseither
  Courses in blue are compulsory    Untertitelmasters
                                         for Landshut or for USW        durch klicken
• No dissertation possible! Has to be written under the supervision of Landsut University!
• Students have to come back to Landshut with 60 ECTS points that can be accepted by HAW Landshut
 •   All information on coures is prelimanary – there might be changes still until the beginning of the semester

Curriculum might
BA (Hons) Logistics, Procurement & Supply Chain
                                              change – depends on
                                                partner university

                                     Logistics, Procurement & Supply Chain Management 2+1
Module Code Specified Modules                              Module transfer requirements for Landshut and South Wales   ECTS
            Supply Chain Management Risk and
PS3S73      Sustainability
            Strategic Procurement and Commercial
PS3S84      Relationships
                                                         International Management (Compulsory for South Wales and
PS3S85      Global Procurement and Sourcing             Landshut)
                                                         Strategic Management (Compulsory for South Wales and
ST3SX1      Strategic Management                        Landshut)
            Subject not defined yet, BUT USW is aware    Financial Management (Compulsory for Landshut)
            about this requirement
PS3S82      Dissertation Part A
PS3S81      Dissertation Part B                                                                                        10

• Courses in blue are compulsory either for Landshut or for USW
• For Landshut students thedes    Untertitelmasters
                            USW offers                                   durch
                                         a special track to cover the field           klicken
                                                                            of Financial Management
• Students have to come back to Landshut with 60 ECTS points that can be accepted by HAW Landshut
• All information on coures is prelimanary – there might be changes still until the beginning of the semester

Preconditions & Academic year

   Preconditions for Landshut students (outgoings)
      English level B2 (certified by HAW Landshut)
      120 ECTS points
          Students have to have 120 ECTS points, otherwise they cannot be accepted in Cardiff.

          On an individual basis it would be possible to compensate missing exams from the 1st or 2nd
           year at HAW Landshut by other subjects e.g. PLV, vhb - but in total 120 ECTS are needed!

      Students can start in September (regular) or January (based on
       individual agreements)

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Application Procedure

   Applications should be made online and via your international coordinator.
   Once USW receive the application you will be issued with a “conditional offer” that will
    read “120 ECTS on entry.”
   This means that you will have to have successfully completed 120 ECTS. Your
    international coordinator will confirm this to USW.
   You will then be issued with an “unconditional offer” that you will need to accept
   Once this is done you will be contacted by the university about start dates,
    accommodation etc.
   We would like the applications to be with us by the end of March

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How much will it cost to go to USW?

 USW is approx. £ 13.500 p.a.
 4.500 GBP scholarship for Landshut students
 Approx. £ 9.000 tuition fees equal to 10.500 EUR;

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                                         * Just an information – at the end USW fixes the tuition fees and grants

As some changes at the partner occure

 Students interested to got to University of South Wales –
  Please contact me in advance, so that we can discuss
  individual wishes and circumstances!

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16.03.2021   Hochschule Landshut | Prof. Dr. Sandra Gronover   27
Prof. Dr. Sandra Gronover                   Tel.    +49 (0)871 – 506 411
 Hochschule Landshut des     Untertitelmasters
                                                          (0)871 – 506 506
 Am Lurzenhof 1                    
 84036 Landshut                    
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