Unlocked PC Premium Content: Oil price decline overview - Clark Hill PLC

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Unlocked PC Premium Content:
Oil price decline overview
An overview of the Saudi Arabia-Russia price dispute, US and
OPEC+ responses, the WTI oil price collapse, and the impact
of COVID-19 on the oil and gas sector

May 27, 2020

August Gebhard-Koenigstein and Zachary Goldstein
COVID-19 contributed to major oil-market disruptions
                        The outbreak of coronavirus led to a collapse in oil demand; differences in opinion over
                        how to approach depressed demand led to the disintegration of a long-standing
                        production cooperation agreement between Russia and Saudi Arabia

  Background information                                                   Cause of the oil war                  Impact and response
• Russia is not a member of the                                     • In an OPEC meeting a week prior to      • The stock market had its worst day
  Organization of Petroleum                                           the open hostilities between the two      since 2008; stock indexes plunged
  Exporting Countries (OPEC) but                                      nations, Saudi Arabia proposed a          so rapidly that trading had to be
  had a deal to collaborate with                                      cut in oil production of 1.5              temporarily halted
  OPEC, known as OPEC+                                                million barrels per day to              • Congress considered including,
• The Russians and Saudis had up                                      offset falling demand due to              but ultimately excluded,
  until recently been in an important                                 COVID-19; this would prevent the          purchasing up to 77 million barrels
  alliance meant to counter the                                       price of oil from falling further         of oil for the Strategic Petroleum
  impact of the US shale boom                                       • Russia refused, reportedly hoping         Reserve in its COVID-19 phase 3
• However, the American oil industry                                  to flood the market in order to drive     stimulus package
  has remained competitive, and                                       prices down and damage US oil           • In April 2020, OPEC+ reached a
  Russia and Saudi Arabia have                                        producers                                 deal to cut production of oil by 9.7
  become reliant on selling                                         • Saudi Arabia responded to Russia’s        million barrels each day
  cheap oil to China, which needed                                    refusal by going further than Russia
  access to low-price crude oil during                                and driving prices even lower than
  its 2015-2016 mini-recession                                        Russia was willing to go

Sources: Vox, The New York Times, NPR, The Guardian, MarketWatch, AgWeb, The Hill, Axios.

August Gebhard-Koenigstein | Slide last updated: May 26, 2020                                                                                      2
Crude oil prices declined substantially in March due to falling
demand and the Saudi Arabia-Russia price dispute
Brent crude oil closing price in US dollars, 3/2/2020 - 5/25/2020                                                                                          Details of the
                                                                                                                                                           OPEC+ oil
$60.00                                                                                                                                                     production deal
                                                                                              5/11/20: Saudi Arabia
$50.00                                                                                       announces it will cut June
                                      3/31/20: Pres. Trump                                production by an additional one                   •     OPEC+ members, including
                                    speaks with Saudi Arabian                            million barrels per day; UAE and                         Saudi Arabia and Russia, agree to
$40.00                                crown prince about oil                             Kuwait follow with additional cuts                       cut production by 9.7 million
                                             dispute                                                                                              barrels each day in May and
$30.00                                                                                                                                      •     The United States expects its
                                                                                                                                                  oil production to decline over
                                                                                                                                                  time, due in part to voluntary
                                                                                                                                                  cuts by industry
                    3/13/20: Trading sources                      4/12/20: OPEC+ members
                     report that Saudi Arabia                                                                                               •     Mexico agrees to cut production
$10.00                                                            including Russia and Saudi
                     will flood the petroleum                          Arabia announce                                                            for two months by 100,000
                      market with cheap oil                         production agreement                                                          barrels each day, fewer than
                                                                                                                                                  the 400,000 initially requested
                                                                                                                                                  by OPEC+

Trump administration responses to declining oil prices
                                                                   Fed expanded the                                                                           The DOE plans to
                                                                                                                          BLM has allowed
                  White House worked                               emergency lending                                                                          buy one million
                                                                                                                          companies to apply
                  with OPEC+ to reach                              program, opening a                                                                         barrels of oil from
                                                                                                                          for lease suspensions
                  a deal cutting oil                               pathway for oil producers                                                                  US companies for
                                                                                                                          and avoid royalty
                  production                                       to receive federal funds                                                                   the Strategic
                                                                                                                                                              Petroleum Reserve
 Sources: Markets Insider, Reuters, The New York Times, The Hill, Politico, Axios, CNBC, CNN Business, MarketWatch, High Country News.

Zachary Goldstein | Slide last updated: May 26, 2020                                                                                                                            3
On April 20, 2020, one oil price index dipped into negative
 territory due to falling demand and insufficient storage
 West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil price index in US dollars, 3/2/2020 - 5/4/2020





                                      Oil price collapse overview                                                          $10.01
  $0.00                               •    On Monday, April 20, 2020, the WTI oil price index fell below
                                           zero, meaning that in some cases companies were paying for
-$10.00                                    others to take oil contracts off their hands
                                      •    Producers have not cut oil supply at levels proportional to demand
-$20.00                                    decreases, leading to an oil glut
                                      •    There is insufficient space to store oil due to finite tank capacity
-$30.00                               •    May contracts needed to be settled by April 21, so traders
                                           rushed to offload their oil contracts

 Sources: Markets Insider, The New York Times.

 Zachary Goldstein | Slide last updated: May 27, 2020                                                                               4
Some investors fear that oil stocks are approaching global
storage capacity
Crude oil working storage capacity and net stocks, US total and by region

■ Net stocks (oil held at tank farms and refineries)   ■ Working storage capacity


600,000                                                              Net stocks in
                                                                  Cushing, Oklahoma
                                                                     were at 72% of
500,000                                                             working storage
                                                                   capacity as of May
400,000                                                                15, 2020





Sources: US Energy Information Administration, CNBC.

Zachary Goldstein | Slide last updated: May 27, 2020                                    5
Consumers may not reap the full benefits of the decline in US
gasoline prices
Weekly price of regular conventional retail gasoline in the
US, in dollars per gallon                                                                                                      Gasoline prices fell due to restrictions
                                                                                                                               on travel and the Saudi Arabia-Russia oil
FEBRUARY 24-MAY 25, 2020
                                                                                                                               price dispute
                            $2.14                                                                                              Consumers are largely limiting travel as a
                                    $2.01                                                                                      result of COVID-19 and are thus less
                                            $1.89                                              $1.87                           likely to reap the benefits of lower
                                                            $1.74                   $1.75 $1.78                                gasoline prices
                                                                         $1.66 $1.68

                                                                                                                               Due to fall-offs in gasoline demand, EPA
                                                                                                                               extended sales of winter gasoline,
                                                                                                                               which is more likely to cause smog in
                                                                                                                               summer heats

                                                                                                                               USDA did not include ethanol in the
                                                                                                                               list of farm sectors receiving COVID-19
                                                                                                                               stimulus funds from the agency; the
                                                                                                                               industry could see assistance in future
                                                                                                                               response legislation

                                                                                                                               The electric vehicle industry could
                                                                                                                               suffer from lower gasoline prices and
                                                                                                                               disruptions to lithium-ion battery supply

Sources: US Energy Information Administration, USA Today, MIT Technology Review, The Hill, Politico, DTN Progressive Farmer.

Zachary Goldstein | Slide last updated: May 27, 2020                                                                                                                     6
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