Update Monthly FERTILIZER R - JM Baxi & Co

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Update Monthly FERTILIZER R - JM Baxi & Co
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Update Monthly FERTILIZER R - JM Baxi & Co
Apr 2021 | J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update                   3

  Port Anlaysis

Fertilizers Traffic At Indian Ports (Qty In Million Tonnes)

Fertilizers traffic at Indian Ports- March 2021 (Qty in Million Tonnes)

Major Country-wise Fertilizers Imports March 2021 (Qty in Million Tonnes)


  Market Overview And Trends


Disclaimer: The information contained in this market update is drawn from wide range of newspapers, business and trade magazines,
government, company and industry association websites. While all possible care is taken to verify the correctness and authenticity of
information contained in this compilation, no claim to independent authorship of articles is implied or intended. Readers are expected
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6     J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | Apr 2021                                                                                             Apr 2021 | J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update     7

                    Fertilizers traffic at Indian Ports (Qty in Million Tonnes)                         Fertilizers traffic at Indian Ports March - 2021 (Qty in Million Tonnes)

                                            APR- FEB          APR- FEB
    PORT NAME                                                              VARIANCE Y - O - Y   Port                                                         Cargo                  QTY IN MT
                                              2020-21           2019-20

     ANGRE                                       0.022            0.017                0.006     BEDI                                                   SULPHUR                           0.055

     BEDI                                             1.193      0.924                 0.269     CHENNAI                                     ROCK PHOSPHATE                               0.028

     CHENNAI                                      0.310           0.158                 0.152    GANGAVARAM                               MURIATE OF POTASH                               0.028

     COCHIN                                      0.254            0.201                0.053                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE                              0.040
     DAHEJ                                        0.518          0.678                 -0.160                                                           SULPHUR                           0.012

     DHAMRA                                      0.493           0.295                  0.198    JAIGAD                                      ROCK PHOSPHATE                               0.035

     DIAMOND HARBOUR                             0.046           0.243                 -0.197    KAKINADA                  NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS SULPHER                                    0.027

     GANGAVARAM                                   0.951          0.936                  0.016                                             MURIATE OF POTASH                               0.053
     HALDIA                                       0.533          0.430                  0.103                                                ROCK PHOSPHATE                               0.018

     HAZIRA                                       1.682           1.015                0.667                              AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE                                     0.027
     JAIGAD                                      0.269           0.384                 -0.116                                             MURIATE OF POTASH                               0.027

     KAKINADA                                     3.037            1.411                1.626    MANGALORE                         DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                                 0.060

     KANDLA                                       3.619           3.612                0.007                                              MURIATE OF POTASH                               0.023
     KARAIKAL                                     0.435          0.220                  0.215                                                                UREA                         0.010

     KARWAR                                       0.032          0.056                -0.024     MUMBAI                               POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM                                 0.001

     KOLKATA                                     0.008           0.000                 0.008     MUNDRA                            DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                                  0.077

     KRISHNAPATNAM                                1.282           1.210                0.072                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE                               0.298
     MAGDALLA                                    0.044           0.044                 0.000                                                            SULPHUR                           0.037

     MANGALORE                                    0.791          0.442                 0.348                                              MURIATE OF POTASH                               0.026
     MORMUGAO                                     0.129          0.052                 0.077                                                 ROCK PHOSPHATE                               0.081
     MUMBAI                                       0.431           0.174                0.257                                               AMMONIUM NITRATE                               0.039
     MUNDRA                                      4.507           3.749                 0.758     VISAKHAPATNAM                               MOLTEN SULPHUR                               0.007
     PARADIP                                     4.780           4.633                  0.147                                                ROCK PHOSPHATE                               0.045
     PIPAVAV                                      1.746           1.349                0.397     Grand Total                                                                              1.056
     SANDHEADS                                   0.049           0.000                 0.049

     TUNA                                        0.788           0.633                  0.155

     TUTICORIN                                        1.219      0.868                  0.351

     VISAKHAPATNAM                                3.097           3.143               -0.046

     Grand Total                                32.265          26.960                 5.305

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8     J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | Apr 2021                                                                                    Apr 2021 | J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   9

        Major Country-wise Fertilizers Imports March - 2021 (Qty in Million Tonnes)                MAJOR FERTILIZER IMPORTERS March - 2021 (Qty in MILLION TONNES)

    COUNTRIES                                                       CARGO     MARCH 2021       IMPORTERS                                                       Cargo        March 2021

     ALGERIA                                            AMMONIUM NITRATE              0.024    BHILAI ENGG. CORPN.                              ROCK PHOSPHATE                     0.015

     BRAZIL                                               ROCK PHOSPHATE              0.035    BLACK DIAMOND                                 AMMONIUM NITRATE                     0.007

     CHINA                                        POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM                 0.001                                           DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                       0.023
                                                                                               CHAMBAL FERTILISERS AND
                                                        MURIATE OF POTASH             0.054    CHEMICALS LTD.                    NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS SULPHER                      0.027
                                                          ROCK PHOSPHATE              0.108    COROMANDAL FERTLIZERS LTD.                       ROCK PHOSPHATE                     0.016

                                   AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE                        0.027                                                     MOLTEN SULPHUR                    0.007
     INDONESIA                                                                                 COROMANDEL INTL. LTD.
                                   NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS SULPHER                        0.027                                                     ROCK PHOSPHATE                    0.082

     JAPAN                                                MOLTEN SULPHUR              0.007    GREENSTAR FERTILIZERS PVT. LTD.                  ROCK PHOSPHATE                     0.081

     JORDAN                                               ROCK PHOSPHATE              0.062    IDL EXPLOSIVES LTD.                           AMMONIUM NITRATE                     0.008

     LITHUANIA                                          MURIATE OF POTASH             0.027    INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER
                                                                                                                                                ROCK PHOSPHATE                     0.239
                                                                                               COOP. LTD.
                                              DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                   0.054
     MOROCCO                                                                                                                         AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SUL-
                                                          ROCK PHOSPHATE              0.125                                                           PHATE

                                                                                               INDIAN POTASH LTD.                     DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE                        0.114
     NAURU                                                  ROCK PHOSPHATE            0.028

     OMAN                                                          SULPHUR             0.012                                                 MURIATE OF POTASH                     0.081

     QATAR                                                         SULPHUR            0.037    LABDHI INTL.                              POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM                       0.001

     RUSSIA                                                AMMONIUM NITRATE            0.015                                                 MURIATE OF POTASH                    0.023

                                                      DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE           0.083    PARADIP PHOSPHATES LTD.                          ROCK PHOSPHATE                    0.059
                                                            ROCK PHOSPHATE            0.063                                                               SULPHUR                 0.037

     SRI LANKA                                              ROCK PHOSPHATE            0.064    RAMA PHOSPATES LTD.                              ROCK PHOSPHATE                    0.035

     TOGO                                                   ROCK PHOSPHATE            0.042    SPECIAL BLAST LTD.                            AMMONIUM NITRATE                     0.024

                                                                                               ZUARI AGRO CHEMICALS LTD.                                       UREA                0.010

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10   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | Apr 2021   Jan 2020 | J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   10   11   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | Jan 2020   Apr 2021 | J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   11

12   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | Apr 2021                                                                                             Apr 2021 | J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   13

                                                     01                                             04
                                                     IFFCO effects sharp hike in fertilizer         Belarusian Potash Company signs
                                                     prices                                         contract to supply potash fertilizers to
                                                                                                    India at $280 per tonne

                                                     Govt asks companies not to hike non-
                                                     urea fertilizer prices, look for alternative
                                                     to expensive raw materials

                                                     Puducherry, Telangana, Punjab top in
                                                     fertilizer consumption

14   J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update | Apr 2021                                                                                                                      Apr 2021 | J. M. Baxi & Co. FERTILIZER Update   15

                                                                                                                                       Govt asks companies not to hike non-
                                                                                                                                       urea fertilizer prices, look for alternative to
                                                                                                                                       expensive raw materials
             01           IFFCO effects sharp hike in fertilizer prices                                                       02

                                                                                                                                       The      Centre      directed   fertilizer   an official. The retail prices of non-

                          India’s largest fertilizer maker IFFCO      strong objection for tweets, news                                companies      not    to   increase   the    urea fertilizers such as di-ammonium
                          Limited (Indian Farmers Fertiliser          linking any political party or Govt                              maximum retail price (MRP) of non-           phosphate (DAP), Muriate of Potash
                          Cooperative Limited) has effected a         for an increase in price of complex         It has suggested     urea fertilizers such as DAP. It has         (MoP) and NPK are decontrolled and
                          sharp hike in fertilizer prices, with as    fertilizers. They are decontrolled.         they look to         suggested they look to alternatives          are determined by manufacturers.
Head of
                          much as a 58.33% hike in the price of di-   No linkage to any political party or        alternatives         such as single superphosphate and            The Centre gives fixed subsidies
cooperative               ammonium phosphate (DAP), and its           government (sic),” he said. Stressing       such as single       bio-fertilizer rather than importing         to the fertilizer companies. In view
says farmers              CEO staved off criticism by seeking to      that the complex fertilizer prices
                                                                                                                  superphosphate       expensive ingredients considering the        of the sharp rise in global prices of
will not have             delink the move from the government         mentioned by IFFCO are “tentative”,                              spike in their prices in the international   raw materials, domestic fertilizer
                                                                                                                  and bio-fertilizer
to pay revised            citing “decontrolled” prices and a          Mr. Awasthi said international                                   market. The chemicals and fertilizers        companies and cooperatives have
prices on “
existing stock
                          spurt in global raw material costs.
                          The IFFCO chief, however, asserted
                          that farmers would not have to pay
                                                                      prices of raw materials are yet to be
                                                                      finalised but “indeed, there is a sharp
                                                                      increase seen in the international raw
                                                                                                                  rather than
                                                                                                                                       ministry has asked the companies
                                                                                                                                       to sell the non-urea fertilizers at old
                                                                                                                                                                                    increased the increased retail prices
                                                                                                                                                                                    of DAP to Rs 1,700 per bag with effect
                                                                                                                                       rates. In a video message Minister           from April 1. Similarly, Chambal
                          the revised prices as existing stocks       material prices”. “As a manufacturing       ingredients
                                                                                                                                       of State for chemicals and fertilizers       Fertiliser and Chemicals Ltd (CFCL)
                          of 11.26 lakh metric tonnes of              unit, IFFCO had to print the cost on        considering the      Mansukh Mandaviya said, “We had              has hiked DAP rates to Rs 1,600 per
                          complex fertilizers would be sold at        the bags for dispatch of new material
                                                                                                                  spike in their       called   a   high-level    meeting    and    bag, and Indoram India Pvt Ltd to
                          the old rates. In fact, he asserted that    by our plants. Price mentioned in
                                                                                                                  prices in the
                          the new prices were “only tentative”
                          and used for printing on bags for
                          fresh production of fertilizers. “The
                                                                      the letter is only tentative cost to
                                                                      be mentioned on bags which is a
                                                                      mandatory requirement,” he said.            market.
                                                                                                                                       directed fertilizer companies not to
                                                                                                                                       increase the price of DAP, MoP and
                                                                                                                                       NPK and fertilizer companies agreed
                                                                                                                                                                                    Rs 1,495 per bag from Rs 1,200 per
                                                                                                                                                                                    bag. The largest cooperative IFFCO,
                                                                                                                                                                                    which had printed a new rate of Rs
                          material with new rates is not for sale     “IFFCO ensure (sic) that there is                                with it.” He also tweeted that there         1,700 per bag on the fresh stock of
                          to anyone,” IFFCO Managing Director         enough material with old rates. I have                           won’t be any increase in prices of           DAP, on Thursday clarified it was a
                          & CEO U.S. Awasthi said. The new            instructed our marketing team to sell                            fertilizers as the government gives          tentative cost and not meant for sale
                          prices are to kick in from April 1, as      only previously packed material with                             priority to the interest of the farming      to farmers. It said it would continue
                          per the memo revising maximum               old rates to farmers. We always take                             community. Sources said the Friday’s         selling the old stock of 11.26 lakh
                          retail prices of different products         decisions on farmer’s first approach,”                           meeting was attended by top officials        tonne of complex fertiliser at an old
                          sent out by the co-operative firm’s         Mr. Awasthi concluded. Communist                                 and representatives of the fertilizer        rate of Rs 1,200 per bag.retail prices
                          marketing services department on            Party of India (Marxist) leader Sitaram                          companies. “They have assured us             of DAP and other complex fertilizers.
                          April 7. The development assumes            Yechury called for a withdrawal of                               not to increase the price. Every effort      KRIBHCO,       MCFL,       Zuari    Agro
                          significance, coming after the end of       what he termed an “unprecedented                                 is being taken to ensure that there is       Chemicals,    Paradeep      Phosphates
                          voting in four Assembly elections. A        fertilizer price hike”. “This one & a                            no additional burden on farmers,” said       have
                          section of farmers is protesting the        half times fertilizer price hike is yet
                          government’s new agricultural laws          another of those that never happened
                          even as high fuel prices are feeding        in the last 70 years! Destroys not only
                          into high retail inflation. Apart from      our agriculture & farmers but crores
                                                                                                                                                                                      Source: Times of India
                          the over 58% hike in DAP, the new retail    of lives with consequent rise in
                          prices for different formulations of        food prices… Obstinately refusing to
                          NPKs (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash          repeal agri laws, in India’s interest, as
                          and Sulphur) fertilizers were raised        demanded by lakhs of our annadatas
                          in the range of nearly 46% to 51.9%.        for over 4 months, BJP govt, by
                          Responding to the backlash on social        this hike, insults over 350 martyrs
                          media, Mr. Awasthi wrote a series           in this struggle. Intensify people’s
                          of tweets on Thursday afternoon to          resistance. Withdraw this hike,” he
                          defend the move. “We at #IFFCO, take        said on Thursday evening

                                                                        Source: The Hindu

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                                                                                                                                      Belarusian Potash Company signs contract to
                              Puducherry, Telangana, Punjab top in
                                                                                                                                      supply potash fertilizers to India at $280 per
                              fertilizer consumption
                 03                                                                                                           04

                              Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar          of the net cropped area and about                            Belarusian   Potash    Company     and     potash market. “We would like to
                              Pradesh, West Bengal and Karnataka         ₹7,000/farmer resulting in excessive                         Indian Potash Limited (IPL), India’s       thank our strategic partner in India,
  Notwithstanding             are also among the top 10 States           use of fertilizers, especially nitrogen,                     major importer of fertilizers, have set    the IPL company. We appreciate the
                              using fertilizers. Punjab, Haryana         at the cost of micro-nutrients and         “This agreement   a new price for supplies of Belarusian     level of long-standing mutual trust
     its small size
                              and Telangana also feature among           manure,” said a report. As a result of     is another step   potash fertilizers to the Indian market    and respect between two companies,”
   and population
                              the top five States using pesticides,      the excessive and imbalanced use of        in the harmonic   – $280 per tonne on CFR terms,             the press service stressed. The
     compared to              with Maharashtra leading the chart         fertilizers, the amount of food grain
                                                                                                                    and steady        BelTA learned from the press service       public joint-stock company (OAO)
  other States and            followed by Uttar Pradesh. Tamil           produced per kg of fertilizer applied
                                                                                                                    development of    of Belarusian Potash Company. “This        Belarusian Potash Company was
  UTs, Puducherry             Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and West              declined from 13 kg in the 1970s to
                                                                                                                                      agreement is another step in the           established in 2013. It is the exclusive
                                                                                                                    the Indian and
  tops the chart in
   consumption of
   major fertilizers
                              Bengal are other States that use
                              pesticides excessively.
                                                                         just 4 kg by 2010, according to the
                                                                         reportExperts fear that imbalanced
                                                                         use of chemical fertilizers, coupled
                                                                                                                    global potash
                                                                                                                                      harmonic and steady development of
                                                                                                                                      the Indian and global potash markets,”
                                                                                                                                      the press service noted. Belarusian
                                                                                                                                                                                 exporter of potash fertilizers made
                                                                                                                                                                                 by OAO Belaruskali. It has maintained
                                                                                                                                                                                 confident leadership on the world
                              Use of chemical fertilizers                with low addition of organic matter
   from 2015-16 to                                                                                                                    Potash Company stressed that the           market of potash fertilizers for years.
                              According to the Ministry of               and neglect of micro and secondary
    2019-20 (in kg/           Agriculture, as per latest information     nutrients over the years, will result
                                                                                                                                      parties   reached     this   agreement     Since its establishment, Belarusian
  hectare) followed                                                                                                                   thanks to their rational approach to       Potash Company has sold Belarusian
                              available, the use of chemical             in      multi-nutrient     deficiencies
    by Telangana              fertilizers in the country during 2017-    and deterioration of soil health,                            doing business and commitment to           potassium to almost 140 countries
                                                                                                                                      ensure balanced development of the
     and Punjab.              18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21           particularly in intensively cultivated
 Interestingly Bihar          (upto kharif 2020) was 54.38 million       areas.
                              tonnes, 56.21 million tonnes, 59.88
is in a neck-to-neck
                              million tonnes and 33.85 million           Impact on soil health
  competition with                                                                                                                                                                 Source: ENG Belta
                              tonnes of fertilizer products (Urea,       The All India Coordinated Research
 Haryana in the use           Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP),               Project on ‘Long Term Fertilizer
      of fertilizers.         Murate of Potash (MOP), Complexes          Experiments’ over five decades
                              and Single Super Phosphate),               indicates that continuous use of
                              respectively.’The data presented by        nitrogenous fertilizer alone had a
                              the States and UTs to the Central          deleterious effect on soil health
                              government show that Maharashtra,          and crop productivity showing
                              Madhya Pradesh and Kerala are              deficiencies of other major and micro
                              among the States using less amounts        nutrients. Even with recommended
                              of fertilizers.                            doses of NPK and more, deficiency
                                                                         of micro and secondary nutrients
                              According to the Impact Study of Soil      has become yield limiting factors
                              Health Card Scheme conducted by            over the years. Deficient nutrient
                              the National Institute of Agricultural     may also affect plant growth and
                              Extension      Management,         India   cause plant physiological disorders.
                              consumes       about      25.6   million   There is also the possibility of nitrate
                              tonnes of fertilizers, mostly nitrogen     contamination in groundwater above
                              (17 million tonnes) followed by            the permissible limit of 10 mg NO3-N
                              phosphorous (6 million tonnes) and         /L due to excessive/over-use of
                              potassium (2.5 million tonnes).“India      nitrogenous fertilizers, particularly
                              spends about ₹1 lakh crore on              in light-textured soils that have a
                              fertilizer subsidy. It is estimated that   consequence      on     human/animal
                              subsidy amount is about ₹6,500/ha          health if used for drinking purpose

                                                                           Source: The Hindu business Line

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 J. M. Baxi & Co. Monthly Fertilizer Update

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