Using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework to Guide the Evaluation Process and Make Assessment Choices in School Practice - AOTA

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Using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework to Guide the Evaluation Process and Make Assessment Choices in School Practice - AOTA
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Using the Occupational Therapy Practice
Framework to Guide the Evaluation Process and
Make Assessment Choices in School Practice
Patricia Laverdure, OTD, OTR/L, BCP                                             evaluation processes and the choice of assessment measures
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy                                     and tools in school practice
Virginia Commonwealth University                                             2. Apply the Framework to guide clinical decision making for
                                                                                client-centered and occupation-focused evaluation
Pamela Stephenson, OTD, MS, OTR/L                                            3. Examine informal, formal, and standardized assessment
Assistant Professor of Doctor of Occupational Therapy program                   measures and tools that address client factors, occupa-
Mary Baldwin University                                                         tional engagement, performance patterns, and contexts and
MaKenzie McDonald, OTDS                                                      4. Appraise and select assessment measures and tools that best
Occupational Therapy Student                                                    support educational and clinical relevance, data-based deci-
Virginia Commonwealth University                                                sion making, and evidence-based practices in school-based
This CE Article was developed in collaboration with AOTA’s Children &
Youth Special Interest Section.                                              EVALUATION IN SCHOOL PRACTICE
                                                                             Practice Guidance for the Evaluation Process
ABSTRACT                                                                     Since the passage of educational legislation entitling free and
Federal legislation, contemporary teaching and learning practices,           appropriate public education opportunities for all children,
professional guidance, and scientific evidence influence the ways            school occupational therapy has evolved from a practice
in which occupational therapists design and implement evalu-                 resembling traditional clinic-based services to one that is
ation in school settings. Evaluation is a key role of occupational           strongly grounded in supporting student participation in activ-
therapy practitioners in school settings, and one of the central             ities that occur naturally in the school setting (Handley-More
purposes of evaluation is to determine whether a student has a               et al., 2013). The shift in approach, while gradual, was guided
disability; whether that disability adversely affects the student’s          by federal legislation, contemporary teaching and learning
participation, performance, and progress in the general education            practices, professional guidance, and scientific evidence, all
curriculum; and whether the student requires specially designed              of which continue to affect the roles of occupational therapy
instruction to access and make progress in their educational                 practitioners and the ways in which they practice in school
program (Jackson, 2007).                                                     settings.
    The domain of occupational therapy as defined in the Occupa-                 Evaluation is a key role of the occupational therapy practi-
tional Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process (3rd. ed.;             tioner in school settings and one that is guided by federal and
Framework; American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014)                  state statutory regulation (American Occupational Therapy
provides an effective tool to guide the evaluation process and               Association [AOTA], 2018). One of the central purposes of
make assessment choices for school-based practitioners.                      evaluation in schools is to determine whether a student has a
                                                                             disability; whether that disability adversely affects the student’s
LEARNING OBJECTIVES                                                          participation, performance, and progress in the general education
After reading this article, you should be able to:                           curriculum; and whether the student requires specially designed
1. Recognize the influence of legislative requirements, pro-                 instruction to access and make progress in their educational
   fessional guidance, and scientific evidence on the design of              program (Jackson, 2007).

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    Guided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act              by a top-down approach that emphasizes participation in activ-
(IDEA; 2004), teams endeavor to determine students’ educa-                 ities that occur within natural contexts. Employing a top-down
tional and functional strengths and needs and to identify the              approach is consistent with contemporary occupational therapy
services and supports required to be successful in school. The             practice guidance that considers the occupations of the student
reauthorization of IDEA in 2004 acknowledged the importance                and subsequently identifies the supports and barriers necessary
of identifying students’ strengths as well as their educational            for participation in those occupations (Goldstein et al., 2004).
needs through a robust and collaborative evaluation process of                 A top-down approach that focuses on activities, participa-
data collection, synthesis, and analysis.                                  tion, and the influence of contextual factors is also consistent
    It is important to note that educational and occupational ther-        with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability,
apy practice terminology refers to evaluation as the process of gath-      and Health: Children & Youth Version (ICF-CY; World Health
ering data, while assessment refers to the specific tests and measures     Organization, 2007). The ICF-CY provides a shared perspective
that may be used as part of that process (Jackson, 2007). Addition-        and language that can be helpful in school practice to facilitate
ally, each state defines within its practice act the specific roles and    opportunities to work across professions and contexts (Cramm
responsibilities that occupational therapists (OTs) and occupational       et al., 2012). It helps practitioners consider function in terms of
therapy assistants have in the evaluation and assessment process.          the individual’s characteristics and attributes, as well as the tasks
    To assist teams in determining students’ educational needs, the        and environments in which they typically engage. It emphasizes
evaluation process must elicit relevant functional, developmental,         ability to participate in activities typically expected with a given
and academic information (IDEA, 2004). Federal education leg-              age and context.
islation mandates that teams use various procedures that include               The Framework guides therapists in skilled observation by
multiple informants (e.g., student, teacher, caregivers, instruc-          clearly identifying the domain of occupational therapy practice
tional and administrative staff), multiple contexts (e.g., class-          and outlining the occupational therapy process of evaluation,
rooms, cafeterias, playgrounds), and multiple modes (informal              intervention, and outcome measurement (AOTA, 2014). School
and formal approaches, strategies, tests, measures) to evaluate            occupational therapy evaluation not only considers areas of
students who are suspected of having a disability. However, the            occupation, such as ADLs, education, play and work, rest and
federal law does not specify particular methodologies, tests, and/         sleep, and social participation, but also the student’s perfor-
or measures that must be used (IDEA, 2004) (this may vary by               mance skills and patterns and how these affect participation in
state and local educational authority [SEA and LEA]).                      the educational context. Through analysis of the student’s occu-
    Instead, the law emphasizes the need to design an indi-                pational performance, occupational therapists are well poised
vidualized and comprehensive evaluation process that fully                 to highlight the student’s strengths as well as their needs, and
illuminates the effects of the suspected disability on access,             inform the team’s understanding of the supports and barriers
participation, and progress in grade-level educational opportu-            that influence participation in school occupations.
nities. This process enables team members to make predictions                  Taking a structured approach to skilled observations of
about the supports and barriers necessary to achieve success in            occupational performance allows practitioners to collect and
postsecondary educational, vocational, and independent living              organize their data; identify the adaptations and instructional
occupations (IDEA, 2004).                                                  methodologies most likely to enhance participation and prog-
    From an occupational therapy perspective, this approach                ress; reduce the effect of bias in evaluation and assessment; and
empowers occupational therapy practitioners to use their profes-           articulate the distinct value of occupational therapy (Frolek
sional reasoning skills to select the most appropriate combination         Clark & Handley-More, 2017).
of methodologies (e.g., informal/formal observation, interview,
assessments, tests, measures) for each individual student being            Authentic Evaluation Practices
evaluated to effectively identify the influences on student partici-       Occupational therapists rely on clinical decision making models
pation, health and well-being, and future life outcomes.                   to design an occupation-centered, collaborative, and evi-
    In addition to federal and state educational legislative man-          dence-based evaluation in school settings. Accurate evaluation
dates, the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and             data is critical for developing a student’s individualized educa-
Process (3rd ed.; Framework; American Occupational Therapy                 tional program. Normative standardized scores alone provide
Association [AOTA], 2014) guides the evaluation process in                 little guidance in planning a student’s educational program and
school practice. Historically, a bottom-up evaluation approach             may not be relevant. In fact, even when an assessment score
that primarily considers skills deficits through the lens of a             is obtained, it is imperative that occupational therapy practi-
medical model has been common in school settings. This                     tioners and those with whom they work understand assessment
impairment-based approach to evaluation addresses primarily the            scores in relation to the student’s school performance.
problems of body structure and function thought to underlie the                Formal and informal observation strategies across contexts and
functional limitations of the disability.                                  environments in schools provide authentic opportunities to capture
    However, to meet federal requirements, practice standards,             not only capacity, or what the student can do under the controlled
and the increasingly robust body of evidence on evaluation and             conditions of an assessment, but also performance in the natural
intervention planning, the deficits-based model has been replaced          settings of daily life. Observing functional skills and performance

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components across contexts in the school setting provides critical                 and funders (Persch et al., 2013), and in settings where there
data on what students are capable of doing, how they do it, and                    may be role blurring and overlap with other professions. In
what they use to facilitate their performance and overcome chal-                   school practice, the occupational profile helps occupational
lenges and barriers. An evaluation conducted in a student’s natural                therapy practitioners articulate not only the student’s voice and
context can be designed to intentionally and flexibly address the                  the distinct value of the profession, but also practitioners’ com-
questions of the team and collaboratively capture the data that will               mitment to client-centered practice. The profile also captures
be most meaningful for decision making (Laverdure, 2018).                          the student’s perspective without making judgments.
   Understanding the student’s developmental, medical,                                Strategies for developing an occupational profile will vary
educational, and occupational history; the curriculum, class                       depending on the age, preferences, and communication and
expectations, and instruction provided; and the contextual and                     cognitive skills of each student. For young students, drawing
environmental effects on performance and participation can                         may be a helpful strategy—there is evidence that children
guide the methods of data collection used in the evaluation                        provide more detail when asked to draw their information in
process (Laverdure, 2018).                                                         addition to verbalizing it (Gross et al., 2009). Alternatively, ask-
   Data are gathered through:                                                      ing children to take photographs of the things that are strengths
• Intentional and objectively conducted skilled observation                        and challenges for them can be effective (Mahoney et al., 2015),
   that is aligned with the purpose of the evaluation and                          whereas using a semi-structured interview format can elicit
   designed specifically around what is to be observed                             meaningful information from older students.
• Interviewing inventories that specifically engage key stake-                        School occupational practitioners can use a combination of
   holders (e.g., student, caregivers, teachers, teaching staff, ser-              strategies to establish the occupational profile, convey the stu-
   vice providers) in the observation and data collection process                  dent’s voice in a meaningful way, and build a strong foundation
• Observational rating scales (e.g., matrices and rubrics, work                    for collaborative practice. Using appreciative inquiry with stu-
   samples) designed to capture the salient differences in per-                    dents (Morris & Hollenbeck, 2016; Stephenson et al., 2017) and
   formance and participation                                                      collaborative conversations with teachers (Orentlicher et al.,
• Curriculum-based assessments co-administered by occupa-                          2014) can support the collection of data to develop the student’s
   tional therapists and teaching staff                                            occupational profile (see Table 1).
• Occupation-based assessment methodologies
                                                                                   Choosing and Using Assessment Measures
Developing the Occupational Profile                                                Although not required in many SEAs and LEAs, or by federal
Developing an occupational profile is an essential element                         law, occupational therapy practitioners may supplement the
across all occupational therapy practice settings (AOTA,                           occupation-based evaluation process with formalized and/or
2014). In school practice, it offers practitioners opportunities                   standardized assessments, tools, and measures (assessments).
to elicit the voice of students to guide further evaluation, goal                  Practitioners may combine the use of assessments intentionally
setting, and intervention planning. The occupational profile is                    when necessary to validate and discriminate difference versus
a thorough inventory of the individual’s preferences, patterns,                    disorder, and to provide discriminative, descriptive, predic-
strengths, and interests, as well as a description of the supports                 tive, and evaluative information to the school team. To reduce
and barriers that affect occupational performance and partic-                      assessment bias, it is important that the occupational therapist
ipation (AOTA, 2017). The occupational profile assists practi-                     understand the type of data that the assessment will reveal, and
tioners to articulate the distinct value of occupational therapy,                  that the assessment is appropriate to age, condition, and setting
particularly in a climate of increased scrutiny from regulators                    (Laverdure, 2018). The type of information that the assessment

Table 1: Building a School-Based Occupational Profile (adapted from AOTA, 2017)

     Elements of the Occupational Profile                   Eliciting Data from Students                               Eliciting Data from Teachers

 Occupational History and Experiences              “Tell me what it’s like for you at school” “How is this   “In what activities does the student do well in your
                                                   year different from last year?”                           class?” “What factors contribute to how they perform in
                                                                                                             your class compared with last year?”

 Interests and Values                              “What do you like to do at school?” “What sort of         “What is their favorite part of the school day?”
                                                   things are important to you?”

 Strengths and Needs                               “What are you really good at?” “What is hard for you      “In what areas does the student do well academically?”
                                                   at school?” “What do you think would help you (with       “When is the student able to work successfully?” “What
                                                   this) at school?”                                         strategies are used to support success?”

 Supports and Barriers                             What or who helps you do well at school?” “What or        “What helps them be the best that they can be?” “How
                                                   who makes it hard for you to do well at school?”          does instructional help or hinder learning, occupational
                                                                                                             engagement, and performance in the classroom?”

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will provide and how the information can be used to inform                Collecting and analyzing explicit outcome data requires assess-
decision making can often be found in the assessment manual.              ment tools that are designed to be used as outcome measures and
    Discriminative assessments are designed to distinguish                are highly responsive to change. Evaluative assessments tend to
between individuals who have a particular characteristic and              capture student occupational engagement and performance skills
those who do not (e.g., developmental impairment). They are               and patterns. Examples of commonly used evaluative assessments
most often normative referenced, yield normative standard                 include the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (Law
scores, and are commonly used by occupational therapists to               et al., 1990), Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (Haley et
identify and document functional deficits and support eligibility         al., 1992), and School Function Assessment (Costeret al., 1998).
determination. The use of discriminative assessments requires
knowledge of the derivation of standard scores from raw scores;           Using the Framework to Organize Assessments
identification and comparison of standard deviations, confidence          Choosing the right assessment to enhance the occupation-based
intervals, standard error of measurement, percentile equivalents,         evaluation for the right student and condition can be daunting.
Z-scores, T-scores, standard nine, and percent in stanine in a nor-       For some, assessment choice is limited by availability. For oth-
mal distribution; and analysis of test results for planning for goal      ers, it is limited by exposure or practice. To meet the regulations
setting and effective instruction and intervention.                       set by IDEA (2004) and SEA and LEA requirements, assessment
    Discriminative assessment data enables the therapist to iden-         tools must be chosen with the same intentionality given to the
tify deviations from the norm, discuss the effects of those devi-         informal and formal authentic observational processes and
ations on performance and participation, and consider effective           occupational profile development previously described. Using
instruction and intervention to remediate and/or accommodate.             the Framework as a guide can be instrumental in identifying the
Descriptive assessments most often address client factors.                assessment tool that will reveal the data required for effective
Examples of commonly used discriminative assessments include              decision making and educational planning.
the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (Bruininks &                The domain of occupational therapy is defined in the Frame-
Bruininks, 2005) and the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales               work as the “profession’s purview and the areas in which its
(Folio & Fewell, 2000).                                                   members have an established body of knowledge and expertise”
    Descriptive assessments highlight the differences among               (AOTA, 2014, p. S3), and “occupational therapists are skilled in
individuals within similar groups. They allow practitioners               evaluating all aspects of the domain, their interrelationships,
to compare the individual they are testing with others with               and the client within his or her contexts and environments” (p.
similar characteristics. Determining the characteristics of the           S4). Drawing from the domain to guide assessment selection
descriptive sample is important to make valid comparisons, to             leads to effective and efficient data collection.
establish an occupational profile of strengths and needs, and to              Validation; discriminating between difference and disor-
guide decision making. Examples of commonly used descriptive              der; and collecting discriminative, descriptive, predictive, and
assessments include the Gross Motor Functional Classifications            evaluative information are categorized using the occupational
System (GMFCS) (Palisano et al., 1997) and the Manual Classi-             therapy domain in four main areas (see also Table 2 on p. 5):
fication System (MACS) (Eliasson et al., 2006), which are often           • Assessing Occupation: Assessments that measure engage-
used with children and youth with cerebral palsy.                             ment in meaningful activity and occupation
    Predictive assessment data supports the occupational thera-           • Assessing Performance Skills and Patterns: Assessments that
pist’s ability to predict the likely outcomes of children and youth           measure participation
based on their patterns of strengths and needs. The predictive            • Assessing Client Factors: Measures that assess body function,
qualities of many assessments may be combined with evidence                   structure, and personal factors
related to functional status, disease/disability progression, and         • Assessing Context and Environment: Measures that assess
rate of progress to further support the prediction of developmen-             the influence of environment
tal, educational, and functional outcomes. Predictive assessments             Although assessments may be categorized into more
generally have strong test-retest reliability and predictive validity     than one area of the occupational therapy practice domain,
and may be used as outcome measures. Examples of commonly                 a thoughtful approach to the choice of assessment is
used predictive assessments include the Classifications Systems           recommended.
(GMFCS and MACS) for children with cerebral palsy described                   The following examples may illuminate this concept.
above and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children for                    Example 1: A 3 year old named Sam had just been found
children born prematurely (Griffiths et al., 2107).                       eligible for special education services and had begun attending
    Finally, evaluative assessments measure change over time.             the preschool program located within his local elementary
With the stringent federal and state legal requirements for               school. The teacher noticed that Sam had difficulty regulating
accountable practice and the shift from compliance to compliance          his activity level and that his inability to sit still for circle and
plus results (U.S. Department of Education, 2016), evaluation             centers limited his ability to participate effectively and learn in
data is “instrumental in supporting the implementation of effec-          the school context. A referral to occupational therapy services
tive interventions, overcoming instructional barriers, and facili-        was made, and with parental permission the occupational thera-
tating data-based decision making” (Stephenson et al., 2017, p. 2).       pist began the evaluation process.

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Table 2: Using the Framework Domain to Categorize and Choose Effective and Efficient Assessments

                    Assessing Occupation: Assessments That Measure Engagement in Meaningful Activity

                                                                                                             Time to              Format/Type of              Format and
      Measure                    Purpose                  Constructs                      Age               Administer            Administration                Scores

 Canadian Occupa-          Identify occupa-           Measures clients’          Any age, with or        15–30 minutes           Semi-structured          Standardized scores,
 tional Performance        tional performance         perceived occupa-          without disabilities                            interview by therapist   norm-referenced
 Measure                   problems, define           tional performance in
                           priorities, and guide      three areas: self-care,
                           goal setting               productivity, and
 Miller Function and       Assess a child’s per-      Measures mild to           2.6–7.11 years          20–30 minutes per       Workbook/task            Standard scores,
 Participation Scales      formance related to        moderate delays in                                 subset, 45–60 min.      format, administered     percentile ranks,
                           school participation,      visual, fine, and gross                            for entire assessment   by therapist             age equivalents, and
                           with a focus on motor      motor skills                                                                                        progress scores
                           skill performance
 Pediatric Evaluation      Comprehensive              Evaluates capability       6 months–7.5 years,     45–60 minutes for       Questionnaire format,    Standard and scaled
 of Disability Inventory   assessment of              and performance of         physical or combined    administration and      administered by          performance scores
                           functional skill devel-    functional activities in   physical and cogni-     scoring                 parent report, profes-
                           opment and level of        the domains of self-       tive disabilities                               sional judgement, or
                           independent perfor-        care, mobility, and                                                        combination
                           mance of functional        social function
                           activities in a child’s

                      Assessing Performance Skills and Patterns: Assessments That Measure Participation
                                                                                                             Time to              Format/Type of              Format and
      Measure                    Purpose                   Constructs                     Age               Administer            Administration                Scores
 Children’s Assess-        Examines partici-          Five dimensions of         Children with and       30–45 minutes           Questionnaire,           Mean intensity and
 ment of Participation     pation in everyday         participation including    without disabilities,                           self-report, or          subjective enjoyment
 and Enjoyment             activities outside of      diversity of activity,     6–21 year                                       interview
                           school classes             frequency, enjoyment,
                                                      and context
 Child Occupational        Captures children and      How competent does         8–13 years (must        25 minutes              Self-report, struc-      Importance rating
 Self-Assessment           youths’ perception         a child feel engaging      have self-reflection                            tured interview          scale, priorities for
                           regarding sense of         in and completing          and planning skills                                                      change
                           occupational compe-        activities?
                           tence and importance
                           of everyday activities
 Goal-Oriented As-         Assesses functional        Measures 7 tasks           7–17 years, with or     45–60 minutes           Series of seven          Standard scores, with
 sessment of Lifeskills    motor skills required      requiring fine or gross    without disabilities                            occupation-based         option to document
                           for daily living skills    motor skills: utensils,                                                    activities               progress over time
                                                      locks, paper box, note-
                                                      book, carry tray, ball
                                                      play, manage clothing
 Participation and En-     Assess participation       Home, school, and          5–17 years, with or     25–40 minutes           Parent report ques-      Rating scale of partic-
 vironment Measure—        in the home, at            community                  without disabilities.                           tionnaire                ipation frequency,
 Children and Youth        school, and in the                                                                                                             involvement and
                           community as well as                                                                                                           desire for change,
                           environmental factors                                                                                                          and environmental
                           of participation                                                                                                               support
 Preferences for Activ-    Recreational, active       Measures activity          6–21 years, with or     15–20 minutes           Self-report or           Preferences for
 ities of Children         physical, social, skill    preference                 without disabilities                            interview                involvement in mean-
                           based, and self-im-                                                                                                            ingful activities

 School Function           Assessment of func-        Participation, task        5–12 years              60–90 minutes.          Judgment based           Raw scores, criterion
 Assessment                tional capabilities and    supports, activity                                                         questionnaire, inter-    scores 0–100 for full
                           performance of func-       performance                                                                view, or observation     grade functioning
                           tional activities that
                           support participation in
                           academic and related
                           social aspects of an
                           education program

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   The occupational therapist observed Sam’s performance and                                   routines as well as his interest and skill in playing on the play-
participation during circle and centers. She interviewed Sam’s                                 ground equipment and with the construction materials.
caregivers, teachers, and the teaching staff. She noted the ease                                  Given Sam’s sensitivity to loud sounds in the environment
with which he managed his arrival, dismissal, and snack time                                   and his tendency to shout and make loud noises himself, the
Table 2 continued

            Assessing Client Factors: Measures That Assess Body Function, Structure, and Personal Factors
                                                         Constructs                                          Time to                 Format/
       Measure                  Purpose                                                  Age                                                                      Scores
                                                         Evaluated                                          Administer            Administrations
 Bruininks-Oseretsky      Comprehensive              Fine motor precision, 4–21 years, and 11           Complete form,            Series of motor tasks     Age-based standard
 Test of Motor Profi-     assessment of gross        fine motor integra-     months                     45–60 minutes             that require a skilled    scores, percentile
 ciency                   and fine motor skills      tion, manual dexterity,                                                      professional to guide     ranks, age equiva-
                                                     bilateral coordination,                            *short form is avail-     child through as-         lents, and descriptive
                                                     balance, running                                   able, 15–20 minutes       sessment and score        categoriest
                                                     speed and agility, up-                                                       during performance
                                                     per limb coordination,
                                                     and strength
 Developmental            Identify difficulties in   Visual motor                2–99 years, and 11     10–15 minutes             Child completes a se-     Standard scores,
 Test of Visual Motor     visual motor integra-      integration, visual         months                                           ries of tasks in a test   percentiles, age
 Integration              tion. Supplemental         perception, and motor                                                        booklet. Professional     equivalents
                          versions assess            coordination                                                                 guides child with
                          visual perception and                                                                                   scripted instructions
                          motor coordination                                                                                      and manually scores
 Developmental Test of    Identify the presence      Measures 7 tasks            4–12 years             30 minutes                Child completes a         Composite scores for
 Visual Perception        and degree of visual       requiring fine or gross                                                      series of tasks in a      motor reduced visual
                          perception and visu-       motor skills: utensils,                                                      test booklet. Skilled     perception, visual
                          al-motor difficulties in   locks, paper box,                                                            professional guides       motor integration,
                          children                   notebook, carry tray,                                                        child with instructions   and general visual
                                                     ball play, manage                                                            and manually scores       perception
                                                     clothing                                                                     results.
 Gross Motor Function     Evaluates changes in       Examples of motor           5 months–16 years      45–60 minutes             Observation plus          4-point scoring
 Measure (GMFM)           gross motor function       skills evaluated in-                                                         score sheet               system
                          in children with cere-     clude rolling, walking,
                          bral palsy (GMFM-66).      jumping
                          GMFM-88 evaluates
                          gross motor function
                          in children with Down
 Manual Ability Classi-   Classifies how             Classifies what             Children with          n/a, score made in        Observations of child     Numerical classifi-
 fication System          children with cerebral     children do with both       cerebral palsy, 4–18   accordance with           and interview of          cation based on a
                          palsy use their hands      hands together              years                  observation and           parents, teachers, or     5-item scale based
                          when handling objects                                                         interviews                child used to deter-      on manual ability
                          in daily activities                                                                                     mine a child’s ability
 Peabody Develop-         Assesses motor skill       Six domains:                Birth–5 yearss         45–60 minutes.            Child participates        Standard scores,
 mental Motor Scales      development                grasping, visual-                                                            in series of tasks        percentiles for total
                                                     motor integration,                                                           administered by           motor, fine motor, and
                                                     reflexes, stationary,                                                        evaluator                 gross motor quotients
                                                     locomotion, object
 Sensory Profile          Identifies how             Caregiver and teacher       Birth–14 years, and    5–20 minutes              Standardized ques-        Each form produces
                          sensory processing         reports on child’s          11 months.                                       tionnaire completed       a sensory system
                          may affect a child’s       response to sensory                                                          by caregiver or           score, behavior score,
                          participation at           events throughout           *Five versions                                   teacher                   and sensory pattern
                          home, school, and          the day using the           available depending                                                        score. The school
                          community                  appropriate form            on the child’s age                                                         companion version
                                                                                 and setting                                                                produces a school
                                                                                                                                                            factor score
 Sensory Processing       Provides a complete        Scores praxis and           2–5 years preschool    15–20 minutes per         Parent or teacher         Norm-referenced
 Measure                  picture of children’s      social participation as     version, 5–12 years    form                      completes a rating        standard scores with
                          sensory processing         well as visual, auditory,   standard version                                 scale                     descriptions and
                          difficulties at school     tactile, propriocep-                                                                                   clinical information
                          and at home                tive, and vestibular                                                                                   provided

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                Earn .1 AOTA CEU (one contact hour and 1.25 NBCOT PDU). See page CE-8 for details.

Table 2 continued

                  Assessing Context and Environment: Measures That Assess the Influence of Environment
                                                     Constructs                                         Time to
       Measure                Purpose                                              Age                                              Who                    Scores
                                                     Evaluated                                         Administer
 Pediatric Volitional    Play-based assess-      Motivational             2–7 years, with or       10–30 minutes            Observational           Scored on a con-
 Questionnaire           ment of a child’s mo-   strengths, weakness-     without disabilities                              assessment tool         tinuum of volitional
                         tivational strengths    es, environmental                                                                                  development
                         and weaknesses in       support, hindrances,
                         various settings        and activities of
 School Setting          Investigates student    How do environmen-       10 years and older,      40 minutes               Patient-reported out-   4-step rating scale
 Interview               environment fit for     tal factors influence    physical disabilities or                          comes based on 16       indicating need
                         students with physi-    student’s activity and   motor dysfunction                                 interview questions     for environmental
                         cal disabilities        participation?                                                                                     adjustment

occupational therapist suspected sensitivity issues that may                             influence performance, participation, roles, and satisfaction.
be affecting his attention and regulation. She completed the                             Collecting assessment data across the domains of occupational
occupational profile and chose an assessment to measure client                           therapy ensures that the occupational therapy practitioner cap-
factors (Sensory Processing Measure) to validate her suspicions                          tures all relevant data so the team can make informed decisions
and inform her intervention planning.                                                    based on the student’s developmental, learning, and functional
    The therapist’s choice of assessment to validate the data                            priorities. Data are discriminative, descriptive, predictive, and
collected from formal observation and interview and to discrim-                          evaluative, and they provide valuable information that enables
inate between difference and disorder enabled her to efficiently                         the team to consider current and future roles and occupations in
and effectively plan interventions with the classroom teacher to                         educational, community, work, and postsecondary settings.
address Sam’s attention and regulation and design approaches
his caregivers could carry over at home.                                                 REFERENCES
    Example 2: Johnny, a fourth grader with Duchenne’s mus-                              American Occupational Therapy Association. (2018). Guidelines for occupa-
cular dystrophy, had recently begun to struggle with performing                            tional therapy services in early intervention and schools. American Journal of
classroom activities and managing his self-care skills inde-                               Occupational Therapy, 71(Suppl. 2), 7112410010p1–7112410010p10. https://
pendently. The occupational therapist, who had been seeing
                                                                                         American Occupational Therapy Association. (2017). AOTA Occupational
Johnny for some time, recognized that task modification would                              Profile template. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(Suppl. 2),
be an important consideration for Johnny as he got older and his                           7112420030p1.
disease progressed.                                                                      American Occupational Therapy Association. (2014). Occupational thera-
    Although she had a good understanding of Johnny’s occupa-                              py practice framework: Domain and process (3rd ed.). American Journal
                                                                                           of Occupational Therapy, 68(Suppl. 1), S1–S48.
tional engagement, his performance patterns and skills, and the                            ajot.2014.682006
client factors that influenced his performance and participation,
                                                                                         Bruininks, R. H. & Bruininks, B. D. (2005). Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor
she identified a need to gather more data on the effect of the                              Proficiency (2nd ed.). Minneapolis, MN: AGS Publishing Circle Pines.
environment on Johnny’s performance and participation. She                               Coster, W., Deeney, T., Haltiwanger, J., & Haley, S. (1998). School Function
chose to administer an assessment tool aimed at eliminating                                Assessment (SFA). San Antonio, TX: Therapy Skill Builders.
barriers for environmental fit for students with physical dis-                           Cramm, H., Aiken, A. B., & Stewart, D. (2012). Perspectives on the Interna-
abilities (School Setting Interview) to inform her priorities for                           tional Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health: Child and Youth
                                                                                            version (ICF-CY) and occupational therapy practice. Physical & Occupational
task and environmental modification. Explicitly identifying the                             Therapy in Pediatrics, 32, 388–403.
areas of need and using the Framework to choose assessments
                                                                                         Eliasson, A. C. C., Krumlinde-Sundholm, L., & Rosblad, B. (2006). The Manual
to collect discriminative, descriptive, predictive, and evaluative                          Ability Classification System (MACS) for children with cerebral palsy: Scale
information enabled the occupational therapist to design effec-                             development and evidence of validity and reliability. Developmental Medicine
tive accommodations and modifications to support Johnny’s                                   and Child Neurology, 48, 549–554.
needs in the classroom.                                                                  Folio, R., & Fewell, R. (2000). Peabody Developmental Motor Scales. Austin,
                                                                                            TX: Pro-ed.
                                                                                         Frolek Clark, F., & Handley-More, D. (2017). Best practices for documenting occu-
Summary                                                                                     pational therapy services in schools. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press
When data are collected systematically in natural and least
                                                                                         Goldstein, D. N., Cohn, E., & Coster, W. (2004). Enhancing participation for
restrictive environments, and the domains defined within the                               children with disabilities: Application of the ICF enablement framework
Framework are used to guide the evaluation process, the analysis                           to pediatric physical therapist practice. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 16,
of occupational performance effectively describes the student                              144–120.
and his/her patterns of daily living, interests, and needs. The                          Griffiths, A., Morgan, P., Anderson, P., Doyle, L., Lee, K., & Spittle, A. (2017).
                                                                                            Predictive value of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children—Second
data inform the team of how the student engages in desired                                  Edition at 4 years, for motor impairment at 8 years in children born preterm.
or required occupations, and they illuminate the factors that                               Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 59, 490–496.

                                                             ARTICLE CODE CEA0219 | FEBRUARY 2019                                                                       CE-7
CE Article, exam, and certificate
               Continuing Education Article                                                                             are also available ONLINE.
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Gross, J., Hayne, H., & Drury, T. (2009). Drawing facilitates children’s reports
   of factual and narrative information: Implications for educational contexts.
   Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 953–971.
Haley, S. M., Coster, W. J., Ludlow, L. H., Haltiwanger, .J. T., & Andrellos, P. A.
                                                                                       Article Code CEA0219
  (1992). Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory: Development, standardiza-
  tion, and administration manual. Boston, MA: Trustees of Boston University.          Using the Occupational Therapy Practice
Handley-More, D., Wall, E., Orentlicher, M. L., & Hollenbeck, J. (2013). Work-
  ing in early intervention and school settings: Current views of best practice.       Framework to Guide the Evaluation
  Early Intervention & School Special Interest Section Quarterly, 20(2), 1–4.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. Pub. L. 108-
                                                                                       Process and Make Assessment Choices in
   446, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400–1482.                                                        School Practice
Jackson, L. L. (Ed). (2007). Occupational therapy services for children and youth
   under IDEA (3rd ed.). Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.                                     To receive CE credit, exam must be completed by
Laverdure, P. (2018). Collecting participation-focused evaluation data across the      February 28, 2021.
   school environment. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 3(2), 5–7.
Law, M., Baptiste, S., & McColl, M. (1990). The Canadian Occupational Perfor-          Learning Level:    Beginner
   mance Measure: An Outcome Measure for Occupational Therapy. Canadian                Target Audience: 	Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy
   Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57, 82–87.
Mahoney, W. J., Soares, P. D., Yoder, W. L., Lewis, A. T., Hristodoulopoulos, J.,
  Osisioma, P., & Ayala-Castellano, E. (2015). Through the eyes of a child:            Content Focus:     Professional Issues; Occupational Therapy Interventions
  Using photography for occupational profiles with young children. OT Prac-
  tice, 20(3), 11–13.
Morris, M., & Hollenbeck, J. (2016). Evaluating student participation: Focus on
                                                                                       1.   Occupational therapy practice in schools has shifted its focus
  strengths in your school-based evaluation. OT Practice, 21(1), CE-1–CE-8.                 from impairment to supporting student participation in activi-
Orentlicher, M. L., Handley-More, D., Ehrenberg, R., Frenkel, M., & Markowitz,              ties that occur naturally in the school setting because of:
  L. (2014). Interprofessional collaboration in schools: A review of current evi-
  dence. Early Intervention & School Special Interest Section Quarterly, 21(2), 1–3.
                                                                                            A. Federal legislation, contemporary teaching and learning
                                                                                               practices, professional guidance, and scientific evidence
Palisano, R., Rosenbaum P., Walter, S., Russell, D., Wood, E., & Galuppi, B.
   (1997). Development and reliability of a system to classify gross motor                  B. Federal mandates that require standardized measures
   function in children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine and Child                  and assessments
   Neurology, 39, 214–223.
                                                                                            C. The Framework, which requires all intervention be occu-
Persch, A. C., Braveman, B. H., & Metzler, C. A. (2013). P4 medicine and
   pediatric occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67,               pation based
   383–388.                                        D. Internal and external evidence
Stephenson, P., Laverdure, P., Seruya, F. M., & Cosbey, J. (2017). Not just for
   children: Facilitating behavior change in school-based practice. SIS Quarterly
   Practice Connections, 2(4), 2–4.                                                    2. One of the central purposes of evaluation in schools is to
U.S. Department of Education. (2016). RDA: Results Driven Accountability. Retrieved       determine:
   from                    A. Functional strengths and needs
World Health Organization. (2007). International classification of functioning,
  disability and health—Children & youth version. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.
                                                                                            B. The services and supports required to be successful in
                                                                                            C. Whether a student has a disability; and whether that
                                                                                               disability adversely affects the student’s participation,
 How to Apply for                                                                              performance, and progress in the general education
 Continuing Education Credit                                                                D. Eligibility for occupational therapy services
 A. To get pricing information and to register to take the exam online for the
    article Using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework to Guide the             3. To assist teams in determining students’ educational needs,
    Evaluation Process and Make Assessment Choices in School Practice, go to              the evaluation process must include the following three, or call toll-free 800-729-2682.                                components:
 B. Once registered and payment received, you will receive instant email                    A. Functional, community, and academic skills
    confirmation.                                                                           B. Relevant functional, developmental, and academic
 C. Answer the questions to the final exam found on pages CE-8 & CE-9 by                       information
    February 28, 2021.                                                                      C. Independent living, postsecondary, and work skills
 D. On successful completion of the exam (a score of 75% or more), you will                 D. Math, reading, and writing skills
    immediately receive your printable certificate.

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             Earn .1 AOTA CEU (one contact hour and 1.25 NBCOT PDU). See page CE-8 for details.

4. The Framework and the ICF-CY align because they:                        8. Which of the following is true in relation to evaluating students
     A. Provide a shared perspective and language that can be                 under IDEA (2004)?
        helpful in school practice to facilitate opportunities to               A. All students suspected of having a disability must be
        work across professions and contexts                                       evaluated using the same evaluation tools and measures.
     B. Consider the occupations of the student and subse-                      B. Occupational therapy practitioners must use a standard-
        quently identify the supports and barriers necessary for                   ized tool as part of their evaluation.
        participation in those occupations                                      C. Various tools and strategies must be used in the evalua-
     C. Focus on activities, participation, and the influence of                   tion process.
        contextual factors                                                      D. IDEA mandates that only academic information must be
     D. Help practitioners consider academics in terms of the                      collected during the evaluation process.
        individual’s characteristics and attributes, as well as the
        tasks and environments in which they typically engage              9. Evaluation data can be collected through all but which one of
                                                                              the following:
5. Observing functional skills and performance components                       A.   Skilled observation
   across contexts in the school setting:                                       B.   Interview inventories
     A. Provides critical data on what students are capable of                  C.   Observational rating scales
        doing, how they do it, and what they use to facilitate                  D.   Functional development charts
        their performance and overcome challenges and barriers
     B. Guides interview questions for caregivers and teaching             10. Which one of the following tools assesses client factors and
        staff                                                                  identifies the presence and degree of visual perception and
     C. Provides standardized scores required to qualify for occu-             visual-motor difficulties in children?
        pational therapy services                                               A.   Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency
     D. Fulfills the IDEA requirement for comprehensive                         B.   Gross Motor Function Measure
                                                                                C.   Developmental Test of Visual Perception
                                                                                D.   Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration
6. Which one of the following is true in relation to occupational
   profiles in school-based practice?
                                                                           11. Occupational therapy practitioners may choose to supplement
     A. School-based practitioners do not need to develop occu-                the occupation-based evaluation process with formalized and/or
        pational profiles with children.                                       standardized assessments, tools, and measures (assessments) to:
     B. Children need strong verbal language skills to participate              A. Reduce assessment bias
        in building an occupational profile.
                                                                                B. Validate and discriminate between difference and disor-
     C. The occupational profile includes consideration of the                     der and provide discriminative, descriptive, predictive,
        child’s interests, values, and preferences.                                and evaluative information to the school team
     D. Occupational profiles should only be used with middle                   C. Meet the IDEA requirement for standardized evaluations
        and high school students.
                                                                                D. Establish the scores required to meet occupational thera-
                                                                                   py eligibility requirements
7.   Which of the following best describes a top-down approach to
     evaluation in school-based practice?                                  12. Which one of the following attributes is consistent with the
     A. Occupational therapy practitioners primarily use assess-               Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire?
        ment tools that identify performance skills deficits and                A. Investigates student environment fit for students with
        subsequently use this data to plan interventions.                          physical disabilities
     B. Practitioners focus on identifying unique client factors at             B. Develops patient-reported outcomes based on 16 inter-
        the start of the evaluation process.                                       view questions
     C. Practitioners are guided by the federal mandate to use                  C. Takes only 10 to 30 minutes to complete
        various evaluation tools and strategies to identify stu-
                                                                                D. Has a four-step rating scale indicating need for environ-
        dents’ areas of need.
                                                                                   mental adjustment
     D. Practitioners first consider the school-based occupations
        in which students need to participate and then refine the                       Now that you have selected your answers, you are
        specific evaluation process.                                                     only one step away from earning your CE credit.

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