VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School

Page created by Christine Parsons
VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School
                              Address     8 Dampier Avenue, Hope Valley 5090

                              Director    Ulysses Ramos

                              Educators   Chloe Palmer, Holly Kramer-Thompson,
                                          Kaitlin Heir, Stacey Heir

              SITE: 0449 913 996
           HEAD OFFICE: 8155 5444
VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School
Our Program                                                                                                               Excursions
The Happy Haven OSHC Vacation Care program
provides a warm, caring, fun, stimulating and                                        Fees                                • Excursion times are approximate –
interesting environment, full of exciting activities and                    1. $64.00 per child per day                    please ensure all children are at
excursions for your children to enjoy during their                                                                         OSHC by the scheduled departure
                                                               2. Childcare Subsidy (CCS) is income and means tested,
school holidays. Please ensure you read all the                                                                            time or risk missing the excursion.
                                                                  please contact Family Assistance Office (FAO) on Ph:
information provided on the program & the consent                                                                          Buses cannot wait for children who
                                                                                136 150 to be assessed.
forms to help you and your children have a trouble free,                                                                   arrive after the time listed.
fun, and successful holidays.                                   3.      Payment of fees is by Direct Debit and this is
                                                                                                                         • Children are not permitted spending
                                                                              processed a week in arrears.
Please contact us for any further information. Extra                                                                       money for excursions. Exceptions will
copies of the program are available online.                                                                                be listed on program.
                                                                                                                         • Please send a hat, suitable clothes
Warm Regards,                                                                                                              (SunSmart) and shoes (sneakers),
                                                                                                                           lunch and water bottle for all
Ulysses Ramos, Nick Michalak & Nicholas                                   General Information                              excursions. Thongs, sandals etc. are
Smith                                                                                                                      not recommended for play. If a child
              Cancellation Policy                                • Please encourage your child to read and
                                                                                                                           arrives without a hat on an excursion
 Notification of cancellations for any vacation care               prepare for Vacation Care days so they are well
                                                                                                                           day, one will be charged to your
 days, must be made two weeks prior to the day                     prepared for the activities.
                                                                 • Please send your child with a packed recess,            account, and your child will be
that has been booked. Cancellations after this date
                                                                   lunch & water bottle. Children are usually              provided a hat with their name
  will incur a full fee. This amount will be less your
                                                                   very active during the holidays and may also            written in it to keep for future
 CCS and recorded as an absent day. Note: Children
                                                                   require extra fuel to keep them going. Please           excursions.
  are approved up to 42 absence days per financial
                                                                   do not send your children with lunches that           • For many of our excursions, we join
          year, once used full fees will apply.                    need to be heated or cooked, we cannot heat             together with children from other
                                                                   or cook any food due to WH&S restrictions.              Happy Haven run sites.
                                                                 • Please label all personal items so that they can      • We adhere to educator: child ratios,
                                                                   be easily identified.
                                                                                                                           as determined by an individual risk
                                                                 • We will provide breakfast (before 8:00am) and
             Opening Hours                                         fruit and vegetable platters daily (this is not a
                                                                                                                           assessment conducted for each
                                                                                                                           excursion. These are available on the
  We are open 7:00am-6:00pm. We implement a late                   substitute to lunch). If an alternate snack is
pick-up fee policy, which is $25.00 per family for the first       provided, it will be listed at the service daily.       site iPad, in the parent area.
15mins late and $60.00 thereafter. Please phone and let
           us know if you are going to be late.
VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School
MODBURY SOUTH VACATION CARE – JULY 2021                                                       0424 979 043
                  TH                                 th                                          th                                  th
    MONDAY 5           July          TUESDAY 6 July                      WEDNESDAY 7 July                             THURSDAY 8 July                    FRIDAY 9th July
    MS GREAT BAKE OFF                    EXCURSION                               EXCURSION                              AMAZING ANIME                NAIDOC CELEBRATIONS
                                (R-3) Super Sleuths at HH Vale Park            (R-3) Wacky Warehouse
                                      (4-7) Tea Tree Gully Gym        (4-7) Amazing Race Challenge HH Vale Park

                                Arrive by: 10:00am              Arrive by: 11:00am
On your marks, get set,         Return: 4:30pm                  Return: 5:00pm                                    Join us for a day of anime fun   NAIDOC week is held each
cook! Get ready to work in      (Reception-Year 3)              (Reception-Year 3)                                where we will have a jam-        year in July and today we will
teams and create some           The children will be heading to Today the children will get to                    packed day of anime themed       celebrate the history and
delicious treats. There will    Happy Haven Vale Park for a     climb, slide and explore the                      craft, comic making, cartoon     culture of the Aboriginal and
be a bake-off battle, biscuit   Super Sleuths Day including an playground at Wacky                                drawing, games, creations        Torres Strait Islander
decorating, and blind taste     educational                     Warehouse! Make sure to                           and more! Come dressed as        peoples.
challenges. Who will be the                                     bring socks, a                                    your favourite comic
                                delivered by
winner?                                                         drink bottle                                      character!                       Children will participate in a
                                                                and your sense                                                                     range of activities throughout
                                                                of adventure!                                                                      the day to learn about their
                                (Year 4-Year 7)
                                Today the children will                                                                                            culture.
                                participate in an active, fast        (Year 4-Year 7)
                                paced circuit at Tea Tree Gully       Race your way across the world
                                Gym including a variety of            with Happy Haven OSHC as we
                                gymnastics activities that are         host the 2021 Amazing Race.
                                sure to keep everyone                   Children will be
                                entertained.                           placed into teams
                                                                        and set out on a
                                                                           mission to
                                                                      complete a series of challenges.

 Outcome: 1,2.5                  Outcome: 1,3,5                        Outcome: 1,3,5                              Outcome: 1,3,5                   Outcome: 1,2,5
VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School
   MONDAY 12th July          TUESDAY 13th July            WEDNESDAY 14th July               THURSDAY 15th July               FRIDAY 16th July
 WINTER WONDERLAND             EXCURSION                        INCURSION                       EXCURSION                STEM AND TECHNOLOGY
                            Game Room Essentials               Mobile Science                  Mitcham Cinema               EXTRAVAGANZA

                         Arrive by: 8:30:00am           Arrive By: 9:00am                Arrive by: 11:00am
Today we will create a   Return: 1:30pm                 Children will be mad             Return: 4:00pm                 Come along and see what
winter wonderland at                                    scientists today as they         Today the children will        new discoveries you can
OSHC. You can create     Game Room Essentials in        experience hands on science      spend the afternoon relaxing   make during our STEM and
some snowflakes or       Salisbury is dedicated to      experiments. Come along and      in the comfort of the          Technology Day. There will
snowmen, make a snow     bringing back the gaming       explore slime, energy, noise &   Mitcham Cinemas. Make          be a wide variety of
globe, bake snowman      entertainment of years gone    a whole lot of fun. Today we     sure you pack lots of yummy    activities throughout the day
cookies, or even make    by. With a wide range of       will also have a visit from      snacks to enjoy while you      including Lego competitions,
cloud dough.             Pinball and Arcade             Mobile Science to have a         are there!                     science experiments and
                         Machines, there’s sure to be   range of hands on fun and                                       robotics and coding!
                         something for everyone to      cool demonstrations!
                         enjoy during of 2 hour
                         private session.

                                                                                            *Movie choices will be
                                                                                           announced closer to the

 Outcome: 1,4,5           Outcome: 1,4,5                Outcome: 1,4,5                    Outcome: 1,5                   Outcome: 1,4,2
VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School VACATION CARE PROGRAM - Modbury South Primary School
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