Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51

Page created by Fred Hampton
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51

VOL. 4 • NUM 51   19 de Diciembre de 2021

    Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
2                                                                              La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                    19 de Diciembre de 2021

                                                                  Let’s Talk About It
                                                                        Spurs Fan Code Of Conduct
   This grass roots publication is the life
source for a community that is not easily
afforded viable access to diverse and ac-
cessible media. San Antonio and the sur-
rounding counties have become accustomed               By Yvette Tello               wife and son in the 4th       they relazied that had to
to relevant news brought to them in both
English and Spanish since 1913.
                                                       The San Antonio Spurs         quarter. Apparently, he       happen so they ask him
                                                       promote responsible           was arrested for having       to dump the beer and he
                                                                                                                                                           By Leonard Rodriguez
                                                       drinking and positive fan     a beer at his seat during     refused and caused the is-      This column highlights inspiring sto-
                 Yvette Tello
               Interim Publisher                       behavior at AT&T Cen-         the 4th quarter. Have you     sue to get arrested. When I     ries of Latino leaders. For more than
              Ramon Chapa Jr.                          ter. The Spurs Fan Code       heard of this? Let's talk     went to the Christian Nod-      50 years, Latino men and women have
             Community Liaison                                                                                                                     positively influenced the face of United                      of Conduct and the de-        about it…                     al concert I saw someone        States society. Let us celebrate these
                Roxanne Eguia
                Editor In Chief                        tails of the Spurs alcohol                                  almost get arrested for                  outstanding hispanics.
            Nicodemus Gonzalez                         management plan that          Steve Ortiz: “Yep they        standing up during the
              Graphic Designer
             Dr. Ricardo Romo                          appear below ensure that      have signs at snack bar.      concert in their seat. They

                                                       fans have a safe and fun      They do it at a lot of con-   kept mouthing off and
                José I. Franco
                Editor Español
                                                       experience.                   certs. Also, at Metallica     throwing the finger to
                Maria Cisneros                                                       you can't drink the last 35   the police then once they
             Sales Representative
                 Roy Aguillon                          ALCOHOL SERVICE               minutes”                      threaten to arrest them did
                 Digital Editor
                                                       POLICIES:                                                   they finally stop.”
                                                                                     Manny Santana Mon-
           Community Sponsor:                          Age to Check ID: 35           tilla: “That is news to me    Paul Casares: “I do it all
                                                       Max Alcohol Drinks:           wow. A little overboard..”    the time never happens
                                                       2/person/possession                                         to us. They stop selling at
                                                       Maximum Cup Size: 25 oz       Benjamin Godina: “4th         the beginning of the 4th
                                                       Bottles: Sold with caps off   Quarter will give the         on some levels”
                                                       Liquor Sold: Yes              drinkers time to sober”                                              Elsa Gomez
                                                                                                                   Mary Svetlik Watkins:           Known for emphasizing the
                                                       CUT-OFF POLICIES:             Rob Gonzales:                 “It’s common practice in        importance of education among
                                                                                                                                                   minorities, Elsa Gomez was the
                                                                                     “Oh wow”                      most stadiums. At soccer        first Hispanic woman to become
   La Prensa Texas, Inc., is a Texas non-
profit Corporation. We are under new man-
                                                       Concession Stands:                                          - no alcohol can be sold        president of a four-year liberal
agement and not affiliated with La Prensa                                            Thomas Mc: “I mean            after the 60th minute”          art college in the nation. Born
Foundation, Inc.; La Prensa Publications,                                                                                                          and raised in New York City,
Inc.; La Familia Duran;Duran Duran Inc.;               Start of the 4th Quarter      they couldn’t have just                                       she joined the staff at the Uni-
or any of the Tino Duran family companies.
We are not responsible for, nor will we be             Hawkers:                      asked him to get rid of       Tracy Trevino:                  versity of Puerto Rico in 1962.
liable for the acts, omissions or debts of La                                                                                                      In 1983, she stepped down as
Prensa Foundation, Inc.; La Prensa Publica-                                          the beer and why did the      “ I never knew!!!               dean of the college of arts and
tions, Inc.; or any of the Tino Duran family
companies.                                             Start of the 4th Quarter      vendors sell him a beer”      That’s sad!”                    sciences to work as director
                                                                                                                                                   of academic programs at the
La Prensa Texas San Antonio is published once          Clubs/Suites:                                                                               Massachusetts Board of Re-
a week by La Prensa Texas Inc. San Antonio,
Texas (210) 686-0600. Subscription price in the                                      Genaro Garcia III: “I'd       Tess DeFlori: “Instead          gents of Higher Education. Six
U.S.A. $125 per year (52 issues). The opinions
expressed in the editorials of this publication        1 Hr. After Game Ends         have to see the clip and      of acting like an idiot,        years later, Gomez was named
represent the positions and ideology of this                                                                                                       president of Kean College in
newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and
guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions
                                                                                     know all the details to       he should have politely         New Jersey. Committed to the
of the management staff or ownership of this
                                                       Did you know you can be       make a decision. There        told the officers he would      Latino community, Gomez tries
newspaper; the contents of which they are solely
                                                                                                                                                   “to get across to Hispanics that
and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our
readers are welcome and will be published, subject     arrested for bringing beer    are signs up and even if      willingly comebecause he        it is important to stay in school-
to space availability so long as they are signed and
have a proper return address. All letters will be      down to your seat during      they don't know the serv-     didn't want to scare the        not only for themselves, but to
reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel,
                                                       the 4th quarter of a Spurs    ers would of told them. So    child. He is pathetic”          bring the Hispanic perspective
slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling,
and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa                                                                                                    higher into businesses,” she
Texas Inc. is not responsible for advertisements       game? Three days ago, I       unless he was maybe in                                        says. (Photo Courtesy https://
that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not
guarantee in any way the products or services of-      saw a video of dad being      a suite no way he would                             
fered, of which only the advertiser is responsible.                                                                                                nyregion/angry-echoes-of-cam-
All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the
United States of America.
                                                       arrested in front of his      of gotten the alcohol. So                                             pus-speech.html)
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
19 de Diciembre de 2021                 La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                      3

                Albert Gonzales: Cover Artist                          Jordan Espinoza en su

By Dr. Ricardo Romo
   Albert Gonzales, a native of San
Antonio, spent his early childhood
and teen years living in several
southside and westside neighbor-
hoods. He studied business at
Lanier High School and gradu-                                          Por Franco
ated in 2009. His first jobs were
in banking where he worked as a                                        LULAC Toy Give-Away
teller. He left banking and served
as a clerk preparing insurance cov-
erage data for a retail pharmacy.
   Gonzales drew and sketched in
his spare time and was encour-
aged to become an artist by a
total stranger who saw some of
his drawings. He was intrigued
by the idea of becoming an artist.                                     By Ramon Chapa Jr.
Gonzales found desk work
   boring and decided to try his
                                                                       Patricia Ruiz-Healy:
hand in creating art. After quitting                                   A Promoter of Latino Art
his job, he began to paint. Unable
to support himself as an artist, he
spent months on the street sleeping
at I-HOPs and other retail stores
that remained open at night.
   Upon selling his first paintings,
he traveled to Philadelphia and                                        By Dr. Ricardo Romo
New York to visit art museums and                                      P10

study the masters. In Philadelphia,
                                                                       Texas Sisters Launch Children's Book
he saw a Henri Matisse painting of                                     Sharing Latinx Comida,
a vase with flowers that took his
breath away. He returned to San
Antonio and began a series of
   paintings that he titled "Wabi
Sabi" which he describes as a
Japanese philosophy that can be                                        Provided by
translated to the idea of embracing                                    Mexi-Modern LLC
the beauty of the imperfect, or in
simple terms, perfectly imperfect.
   His works largely represent
                                                                       The Bicycle:
flowers floating in a transparent                                      A Christmas Story
vase, and he explained that he
uses “water to tell a story of life by
keeping the water in the vase in a
   constant fluid motion even
though the vase is on a flat plane.”
One of these interpretations is in
                                                                       By Sonny Melendrez
his example, “We all have our ups
and downs in life.”
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
4                                                         La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                          19 de Diciembre de 2021

    VIAJE CON                                                            AL


                            SE REQUIERE MÁSCARA.
      Para más detalles visite o llame a nuestra goLine al (210) 362-2020

         STONE OAK PARK & RIDE                                  Nuevo Sitio
                                                                                                            CADA VIAJE
         El servicio al partido comienza a las 5 p.m.                                   Descuentos disponibles para personas
                                                                                        mayores, estudiantes, niños y otros.
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
19 de Diciembre de 2021       La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   5

           Thank You Sammy Nieto
  Alazan Apache Courts Kids Christmas Party
By Ramon Chapa Jr.
  The Alazan Apache
Courts Kids Christmas
Party brought together San
Antonio community mem-
bers for a day of cheer and
love. For 25 years, Com-
munity Servant Sammy
Nieto, has used his own
money to provide toys to
all the children at Alazan
Apache Courts! That is
truly AMAZING! Thank
You Sammy for your amaz-
ing heart!
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
6                                                       La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                       19 de Diciembre de 2021

      ¡LA COMPAÑÍA DE MUEBLES                                                                          Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos
                                                                                          Centro de Ingenieros Civiles de la Fuerza Aérea
         DE PATIO #1 DE TEXAS                                                                                          NOTICIA PÚBLICA

         ESTÁ CONTRATANDO!                                                                                  Instalación: JBSA-Camp Bullis
                                                                                                                         San Antonio, Texas
       Puestos de producción disponibles
      en múltiples departamentos, además
                                                                                   La Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos, en coordinación con la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ), está
                                                                            llevando a cabo la Segunda Revisión Quinquenal (FYR) en la Base Conjunta San Antonio (JBSA) -Camp Bullis para acciones
                                                                            de remediación ambiental en la Respuesta a Municiones Militares Sitios del Programa (MMRP) FR001 (Sitio de municiones de

      de operadores de máquinas de coser,
                                                                            mortero de Stokes) y FR004 (Sitio de municiones de 75 mm).

                                                                                     El remedio seleccionado para los sitios de MMRP es una combinación de controles de uso de la tierra, señales de adver-

      soldadores, pintores de polvo y más.
                                                                            tencia e inspecciones anuales. El propósito de esta FYR es asegurar que el remedio esté funcionando según lo previsto y continúe
                                                                            protegiendo la salud pública y el medio ambiente. En el informe FYR se incluirá un resumen de las actividades de remediación y
                                                                            una evaluación de la protección de las remediaciones implementadas. La revisión incluye la inspección del sitio y las tecnologías

                                 Paquete de beneficios que incluye:
                                                                            de limpieza; revisión de registros de monitoreo, desempeño y mantenimiento; y evaluación de cualquier nuevo requisito reglamen-

Salarios competitivos                                                      tario relevante que se haya establecido desde que se finalizó la decisión de limpieza.

Oportunidades de avance            •Vacaciones y pago días de enfermedad          Este aviso invita a cualquier persona interesada a proporcionar comentarios por escrito y / o programar una entrevista
                                                                            para proporcionar comentarios. La FYR considerará todos los comentarios escritos recibidos durante este período de comentarios

Posiciones inmediatas disponibles •10 días festivos pagados                públicos que finaliza el 31 de diciembre de 2021. Las solicitudes de entrevista deben enviarse antes del 20 de diciembre de 2021.

De lunes a viernes con OT opcional •Planes médicos, dentales y de visión
                                                                            Los comentarios, solicitudes de entrevistas y preguntas deben dirigirse a: Stephen Whatley
                                                                            Gerente del Programa de Restauración Ambiental

No se necesita experiencia         •Seguro de vida GRATIS de $15,000
                                                                            802o Escuadrón de Ingenieros Civiles
                                                                            2250 Engineer Street, Suite 7

Van Pool Disponible                •Empleador pone 4% Plan de jubilación
                                                                            JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
                                                                            Teléfono: (210) 295-4922

                                                                            Correo electrónico:

                                                                                    El informe FYR está programado para completarse en agosto de 2022. Los registros de decisión y otros informes rela-
                                                                            cionados con el esfuerzo de remediación de JBSA-Camp Bullis están disponibles para su revisión en el sitio web de búsqueda
                                                                            de registros administrativos (AR) del Centro de ingenieros civiles de la Fuerza Aérea (AFCEC):

        Llame: (830) 267-9533 x274 or x233
                                                                            Una vez que se complete el informe final de la FYR, estará disponible para el público en el sitio web de AFCEC AR para verlo
                                                                            en cualquier momento. y en el siguiente repositorio de información por un período de 30 días: Biblioteca sucursal de Parman en
                                                                            Stone Oak 20735 Roble salvaje
                                                                            San Antonio, Texas 78258

1206 Fifth St. Comfort - Cerca I-10 y HWY 87                                12:00 a. M. A 8:00 p. M. De lunes a martes

                                                                            10:00 a. M. A 6:00 p. M. Miércoles y viernes a domingo (210) 207-2703

                                                                                                        Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos
                                                                                          Centro de Ingenieros Civiles de la Fuerza Aérea
             Se Necesita Personal                                                                                      NOTICIA PÚBLICA

                 En Busca de Instalador de Gabinetes,                                                           Instalación: JBSA Lackland
                                                                                                                          San Antonio, Texas
                  para casas Nuevas de construcción.
                                                                                   La Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos, en coordinación con la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ), está
    Áreas de trabajo en WEST San Antonio, North San Antonio y áreas         llevando a cabo la Segunda Revisión de Cinco Años (FYR) en la Base Conjunta San Antonio (JBSA) Lackland para las acciones de
                                                                            remediación ambiental en los sitios del Programa de Restauración de Instalaciones (IRP). LF001 (Vertedero D-9), LF011 (Vertedero
            alrededor como Beorne, New Braunfels, Cibolo.                   D-1), LF012 (Vertedero D-2), LF013 (Vertedero D-3), LF014 (Vertedero D-4), LF015 (Vertedero D-5), LF016 ( Vertedero D-6),
                                                                            LF017 (Vertedero D-7), LF018 (Vertedero D-8), LF021 (Vertedero No. 4), LF028 (Vertedero No. 6), LF029 (Vertedero No. 5),
                                                                            LF036 (Este- Antiguo relleno sanitario municipal de residuos sólidos 12), SS043 (CS-3) y WP029 (SA-1).
          Trabajo como Sub-contratista (1099 para impuestos).
                                                                                    Se han instalado zanjas de recuperación de agua subterránea, pozos de recuperación de agua subterránea y barreras de ingeniería
        Se requiere que el instalador tenga su propia herramienta           geográfica para evitar la migración de contaminantes fuera del sitio. El agua subterránea se está abordando a través de un monitoreo
                                                                            a largo plazo, operación y mantenimiento del sistema de recuperación de agua subterránea semanal, inspecciones semanales de la
                                                                            línea de conducción de agua subterránea, muestreo anual del suelo, controles de uso de la tierra y monitoreo e informe anual de
             para el trabajo y vehículo. El pago es semanal.                cumplimiento. El propósito de esta FYR es asegurar que el remedio esté funcionando según lo previsto y continúe protegiendo la
                                                                            salud pública y el medio ambiente. En el informe FYR se incluirá un resumen de las actividades de remediación y una evaluación
                                                                            de la protección de las remediaciones implementadas. La revisión incluye la inspección de los sitios y las tecnologías de limpieza;
              Favor de llamar a Rolando para su entrevista.                 revisión de registros de monitoreo, desempeño y mantenimiento; y evaluación de cualquier nuevo requisito reglamentario relevante
                                                                            que se haya establecido desde que se finalizó la decisión de limpieza.
      Oficina in San Marcos 1600 Clovis R Barker Rd #106 78666
                                                                                   Este aviso invita a cualquier persona interesada a proporcionar comentarios por escrito y / o programar una entrevista para
                                                                            proporcionar comentarios. La FYR considerará todos los comentarios escritos recibidos durante este período de comentarios públicos
                                                                            que finaliza el 31 de diciembre de 2021. Las solicitudes de entrevista deben enviarse antes del 20 de diciembre de 2021.

                                                                            Los comentarios, solicitudes de entrevistas y preguntas deben dirigirse a: Erin Simpson
                                                                            Gerente de Proyectos de Restauración Ambiental
                                                                            Correo electrónico:

                                                                            El informe final de FYR estará disponible en el sitio web de búsqueda de registros administrativos (AR) del Centro de ingenieros
                                                                            civiles de la Fuerza Aérea (AFCEC):
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
19 de Diciembre de 2021             La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                      7

Jordan Espinoza en su cumpleaños
Celebró con su Fiesta "Baby Yoda"
                          Por Franco                      A éste festejó sé unio
                            La feliz niña Jordan        la celebración del primer
                          Espinoza festejó su sép-      campeonato ganado por
                          timo cumpleaños con el        el club Red Sox qué es
                          tema "Baby Yoda" por          dirigido y patrocinado por
                          lo qué sus felices padres     el feliz abuelo Pedro Es-
                          Joanne Espinoza y José        pinoza y su esposa María
                          Espinoza (jugador estelar     quiénes una vez más con-
                          del equipo Red Sox en         taron con el apoyó de los
                          categoría Veteranos en        esposos Obregón.
                          Liga Potranco 2021, el          José Espinoza, dijo lo
                          cuál dirige su señor pa-      siguiente. "Orgullosos
                          dre Pedro Espinoza y el       de nuestros niños qué la
                          coach-jugador Catarino        pasaron felices. A pesar
                          Obregón).                     del ambiente frio. Le fes-
                            La festejaron en grande     tejamos a Jordan, cómo sé
                          en terrenos del estadio       tenía planeado y a la vez
                          Potranco, dónde a pesar       celebramos la captura del
                          de las bajas temperaturas     campeonato. Agradecidos
                          el sábado 11 de diciembre.    con nuestras familias y
                          No fue para evitar está in-   compañeros de Red Sox".
                          olvidable fiesta qué tuvo       La colorida fiesta fi-
                          el calor familiar.            nalizó con la apertura de
                            Jordan, en compañía de      regalos qué Jordan recibió
                          su hermano menor Jett de      siendo todos de su pref-
                          2 años de edad, compartió     erencia lo qué tanto ella
                          la quiebra de piñata con      cómo sus enamorados
                          el personales Baby Yoda,      padres agradecieron la
                          pasando con sus invitados     compañía de familiares,
                          entre ellos, primos, pri-     amistades y beisbolistas
                          mas y pequeños invitados.     qué les acompañaron.
                            Así cómo de la cena           En las fotos aparecen
                          de diciosas pizzas (Los       Jordan con sus padres y
                          invitados adultos también     abuelos, y sus invitados
                          disfrutaron pizzas y more     durante la colorida fiesta
                          estilo poblano acompa-        en la qué compartió pastel
                          ñado de arroz, entre otros    y cupcakes decorados con
                          bocadillos).                  el tema "Baby Yoda".
                                                        (Fotos de Franco).
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
8                            La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   19 de Diciembre de 2021

      LULAC Toy Give-Away
By Ramon Chapa Jr.
 Thank You Mari Sando-
val-Ayala, Jeanette Flores,
Connie Rodriguez, Joey
Castellano, Joe Rodri-
guez Connie Martinez,
Max Martinez, Ramon
Chapa Jr, Loretta McAttee
and Lulac Councils 4947,
22304, 4662 and District
15 for the Incredible TOY
DREN! A lot of happy
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
19 de Diciembre de 2021                            La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                    9

     FORT SAM HOUSTON                                                                        Comfort Cafe
                                                                                              Toy Drive
By Manny Mendoza             Bob Garcia who eventu-      each day of the week,        By LPT Staff                    getting clean and then los-
  It was on June 7, 1988,    ally became the MSD         MSD currently has 107          La Prensa Texas has           ing it. They began to look at
that the U.S. Army at        Founder and the plan to     Active Members, MSD          jumped on board with the        what did not work for them
                                                                                      Comfort Cafe, Serenity          and then filled the holes
Fort Sam Houston start-      establish a Rifle Team      as of December 1, 2021
                                                                                      Star, and the honorable         in their program, giving
ed to cut back on funeral    and with the support of     has performed 41,377         Judge Rosie Gonzalez for        birth to SerenityStar Recov-
support for full military    people like State Senator   Funerals at no cost to       their generous toy drive for    ery. This is not a treatment
honors for military veter-   Frank Tejeda, Medal of      the families. This year      Rosie’s Gracious Hearts.        center. This is a group of
ans at Fort Sam Houston      Honor Cleto Rodriguez,      alone, we project it will      Rosie’s Gracious Heart        recovering addicts and al-
National Cemetery. As-       and volunteers from the     be our busiest year pro-     is a dream that came to         coholics who are working a
sistant Cemetery Direc-      Veterans of Greater San     jecting over 1,900 Fu-       mind in November of 2016        12-step program alongside
tor at the time Joseph Ra-   Antonio Area, the all       nerals. MSD remains          after the tragic passing of     alternative healing methods
                                                                                      Rosie. She had worked           and have been called into
mos became concerned         military volunteer Non      Non Profit 501(c)(19)
                                                                                      with children with special      purpose. As a result, they
of the curtailment and       Profit Non Funded Fort      and non funded. MSD          needs for over 30 years for     are open to offering their ex-
brought the matter to the    Sam Houston Memorial        member’s average age is      the Northside Independent       perience, strength and hope
attention of his supervi-    Services Detachment         72. As the Commander,        School District. Rosie had      to the next addict in want.
sor then Cemetery Di-        (MSD) was established       I am so grateful and         a servant’s heart, always       Again, this is a spiritual (not
rector Steve Jorgensen.      in December 17, 1991        proud for these men          giving of her time, loving      religious) program. The six-
Joe Ramos suggested          but not without years of    and women’s dedica-          life, showed compassion         month to one-year program
the possibility of creat-    planning with finding a     tion and devotion to         to the children she worked      is not so much chemical
                                                                                      with as well as others. She     dependency treatment as it
ing a Memorial Rif le        place to house the De-      the MSD mission even         loved life, her heart contin-   is a community of addicts
Squad where members          tachment, obtaining the     though each one of them      ues to live on through the      devoted to finding our per-
from the city’s various      rifles, recruiting mem-     have serious illnesses       blessings that are shared       sonal path and discovering
Volunteer Organiza-          bers, acquiring Uniforms    and disabilities, as it is   with others through this        our purpose in recovery. In
tions could be recruited     and most importantly        often said among our         organization. We may have       such a community they are
to establish the squad.      Funds.                      members, it is our re-       lost her physically here        able to practice on a daily
Steve Jorgensen thought        On December 17, 1991,     sponsibility to pay the      with us, but her memory         basis the skills and develop
                                                                                      and legacy will live on with    the relationships we need for
it was a great idea. Joe     the MSD began Render-       final act of respect for
                                                                                      Rosie’s Gracious Heart.         sustainable recovery. They
Ramos did not know           ing Military Honors to      our veterans who all         The mission of Rosie's          are committed to healing
exactly how to go about      veterans at Fort Sam        have given a portion of      Gracious Heart is to pro-       the mind, body and spirit -
it but as he was thinking    Houston National Ceme-      their lives to protect and   vide support and services       the authentic person. They
about it, he noticed two     tery with one Squad and     preserve our liberties       to individuals with special     are different because they
uniformed soldiers ap-       21 members. 3 funerals      and to give solace to the    needs and seniors through       put your recovery back into
proaching the building.      were performed on that      families left behind.        programs and community          your hands. They are not re-
Joe Ramos approached         day and a total of 14 fu-     I want to express my       resources                       sponsible for your growth or
                                                                                        SerenityStar, a partner of    healing - you are - but will
them about his concerns      nerals during the month     appreciation to all of our
                                                                                      the Comfort Cafe, provides      show you what has worked
and the idea he had of       of December 1991. Bob       MSD Supporters and           a safe, sober environment       for them and give sugges-
forming a Rifle Squad.       Garcia was elected as its   donors because without       for families to recover from    tions on how to live differ-
They left him with the       First MSD Commander.        them we could not get        their addictions.They are a     ently. The staff is composed
idea and agreed to look        Thirty (30) years lat-    it done.                     peer-to-peer program of re-     entirely of the SerenityStar
into the possibility and     er, I am the 19th Com-        Credit given to his-       covery. SerenityStar grew       founders and former clients.
would return. The two        mander. MSD currently       torical data signed and      out of the need for sustain-    All of whom continue to
soldiers returned with       has 5 Squads, one for       unsigned.                    able recovery. Many in this     work on their programs and
                                                                                      program spent a lifetime        make their homes here.
Valorar la Paz y la Generosidad - VOL. 4 NUM 51
10                                                                   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                     19 de Diciembre de 2021

                                              Patricia Ruiz-Healy:
                                            A Promoter of Latino Art
By Dr. Ricardo Romo                    to devote herself to learning more
   On November 18, Ruiz-Healy          about art. She visited all of the
Art opened its exhibition Ruiz-        London museums and read exten-
Healy Art: Quinceañera com-            sively about the artists and their
memorating the fifteen-year an-        works. She explained that as the
niversary of the art gallery in San    second youngest of eight children
Antonio, Texas. Ruiz-Healy Art         she had a very high curiosity level.
is unique among art galleries in          After a year in England, Patricia
America. It is owned and man-          returned to Mexico where she
aged by a Latina woman who has         continued her college studies. Fol-
survived in a highly competitive       lowing her marriage to Spanish-
business and actually expanded–-       language television personality
-opening an additional gallery in      Juan Ruiz-Healy in 1983, she
New York City. Ruiz-Healy Art          moved to Miami, Florida with
is one of the very few galleries       her husband. The Ruiz-Healys
in the United States specializing      moved to San Antonio in the
in Latino, Mexican, and Latin          early 1990s. Patricia enrolled at
American art. Over the past ten        the University of the Incarnate
years, the gallery has also partici-   Word in San Antonio where she
pated in prestigious national and      majored in business with a minor
international art fairs. The story     in art. During the decade of the
of Patricia Ruiz-Healy, founder        90s, the Ruiz-Healys frequently
of the gallery, began years ago        visited Oaxaca, a state with
in Mexico.                                extraordinary art. They made
   Growing up on a ranch in So-        friends there and bought the
                                                                                               Graciela Iturbide: Mujer ángel Desierto de Sonora, México, 1979.
nora, Mexico, Patricia never envi-     works of Oaxacan artists Fran-
sioned a life in the United States     cisco Toledo, Sergio Hernandez,
                                                                                                    Iturbide’s photo in the exhibition, Ricardo Romo, 2021.
or a business career in the arts.      and Rodolfo Morales, three of          Armendariz and Carlos Rosales-        politics.” The mixed media work        Ecole Nationale Superieure des
Following her graduation from          Mexico’s most famous contem-           Silva from El Paso. Two artists,      also includes a dark blue cloth that   Beaux-Arts. He is known for his
high school, she entered a beauty      porary artists.                        Chuck Ramirez and Jesse Amado,        represents a chicharron [fried pig     landscapes in which he “depicts
contest which led to her selection        Patricia Ruiz-Healy first began     hail from San                         fat], a delicacy popular in South      the limitless abundance of the
as Ms. Sonora and eventually Ms.       to think about opening an art gal-        Antonio, part of the expansive     Texas.                                 Mexican natural world.” Pedro
Mexico. After her competition in       lery in 2004. She became a mem-        Texas Borderlands. Three Mexi-           Another participant in the          told Patricia Ruiz-Healy that “The
the Ms. Universe competition, she      ber of the San Antonio Museum          can artists, Graciela Iturbide, Pe-   Quinceañera exhibit at Ruiz-           great Mexican painters…reflected
   returned to Mexico to contem-       of Art Board of Directors and en-      dro Friedeberg, and Pedro Diego       Healy Art is Cesar Martinez, a         this light, the biodiversity, the
plate what she would do next. Her      rolled in the Masters’ art program     Alvarado-Rivera are also featured     popular San Antonio artist with        fruits, the men and their cultures
travels to numerous countries had      at UTSA. She visited all of the        in this 2021 show. Ruiz-Healy Art     roots in Laredo, Texas. Martinez       in their creations.”
impressed upon her the value of        major art galleries in Mexico City     also included the great photogra-     was also a Fellow at ArtPace in          One of the most famous
being bilingual. Thus when the         as a means of learning more about      pher Graciela Iturbide in her first   their Residency program in 1999.       Mexican artists featured in the
Governor of Sonora offered to pay      the art business. For her opening      show in 2006. Jesse Amado has         Since moving to San Antonio            Quinceañera, Graciela Iturbide,
a year of college as a reward for      of the Ruiz-Healy Art Gallery in       a long business association with      in 1971, Martinez has produced         initially studied cinematography
her superb representation of the       2006, she featured the works of        Ruiz-Healy Art, dating back to        some of the most popular Chicano       in Mexico City before becom-
state, she chose to study English      Rodolfo Morales and Graciela           2015.                                 Art Movement iconic paintings of       ing an assistant to the brilliant
in a language program in England       Iturbide. Ruiz-Healy continued            Jesse Amado participated in the    the region, including his border       Mexican photographer Manuel
near London.                           her quest for knowledge by enroll-     first residency class of Artpace in   “Bato” series, several of which        Alvarez Bravo in the early 1970s.
   While enrolled in her language      ing in the Latin American Studies      1995. Ruiz-Healy invited Amado        were exhibited at the McNay Art        She studied in Europe and credits
classes, Patricia also made time to    Ph.D. program at the University of     to show in San Antonio in 2015        Museum in the late 1990s. Mar-         Henri Cartier-Bresson, a legend-
visit the art museums of London.       Texas at Austin. She completed         and in her New York City gal-         tinez writes that “The Chicano         ary photographer, with greatly
In one of her first museum expe-       her doctoral studies in 2017. In       lery in                               Movement was a renaissance in          influencing her work.
riences, she visited the Courtauld     2013 she moved her gallery to             2020. Amado’s conceptional         thinking about us and in creat-          The Quinceañera exhibition is
Museum, noted for having an ex-        Olmos Drive and opened her New         piece in the San Antonio exhibit      ing those institutions and images      open throughout December and
traordinary Impressionist collec-      York gallery in 2019.                  conveys what he calls “the human      and writings that reflected who        closes on January 29, 2022. The
tion. It was there that she saw Ed-       Four of the artists in the          experience” featuring the border      we are.”                               Ruiz-Healy Art gallery presents
ouard Manet’s famous painting,         Quinceañera show at Ruiz-Healy         wall. The wall and food of the           Pedro Diego-Alvardo Rivera,         different exhibits throughout the
“A Bar at the Folies-Bergere.”         Gallery hail from the Texas bor-       border region are solidly based       also in the exhibit, trained in Mex-   year and is an amazing place to
She was so taken by the painting’s     der: Cesar Martinez and Ethel          in what he refers to as “anchored     ico’s prestigious Academia de          learn about contemporary Latino
beauty and execution she decided       Shipton from Laredo, Richard           in social realities, history, and     San Carlos and the famed French        and Latin American art.
19 de Diciembre de 2021                                 La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                       11

 Patricia Ruiz-Healy with Graciela Iturbide in Mexico City,
    circa 2005. Photo courtesy of Patricia Ruiz-Healy.

Pedro Diego Alvarado-Rivera, Vista del Río Loira, Francia.
  Photo of painting in exhibition, Ricardo Romo, 2021.

                                                                          César A. Martínez. Bato Con Sunglasses, 2021.
 Jesse Amado, “I Am Not Your Mexican: Rhapsody in Blue,                        Photo of painting in the exhibition,
     Gazing North Beyond the Broken Fence,” 2021.
                                                                                      Ricardo Romo, 2021.
  Photo of painting in the exhibition, Ricardo Romo, 2021.
12   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   19 de Diciembre de 2021
19 de Diciembre de 2021                                           La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                   13

                             Red Sox destronó a Sultanes
                                    Monterrey SA
Por Sendero Deportivo                defensivamente tras no contar       de haber ganado varias tempo-       Sánchez y el scout Frank Tor-        Potranco 2021 estos fueron los
   La temporada Veteranos dedi-      en su alineación con peloteros      radas regulares", dijo Espinoza     res, éstos fueron los resultados:    resultados. En serie del playoff el
cada en honor del manager Ale-       de gran calibre, lo cual Red Sox    quién agradeció el respaldo de su   Tuzos blanqueo a Rangers 11-0        campeón Cardenales se impulso
jandro "Rábano" Becerra dueño        aprovecho con el pitcheo com-       coach Catarino, quién ha jugado     para clasificarse al playoff en      8-6 ante Charros Potosinos. En
del equipo Cachorrosde Nava"         binado de su lanzador abridor       un gran papel tanto cómo jugador    cuarto lugar.                        partido de clasificaron Rieleros
2021, con sus organizadores          el fro fronterizo Raúl Originales   y copatrocinador de Red Sox.          Astros de Pedro Espinoza y         derrotó a Desperados, con pizarra
Eloy Rocha y Simón Sánchez,          quién en el sexto episodio dejó       En la presentación de trofeos,    Catarino Obregón dejaron en el       de 10-2. Con victoria del lanza-
con el éxito deseado concluyo en     el partido con pizarra de 7-3 a     participó Rábano Becerra y el       campo a Dodgers de Macario           dor Orlando Barroso, y bateó de
el peleado playoff final entre los   favor dejando la responsabilidad    artista Eloy Rocha dueño del        Rosas.                               Reynaldo Castañeda y Nico Ri-
clubes el campeón Sultanes SA        al relevista izquierdo Alan Mow,    parque Potranco. Quiénes pre-         Tecos SA ganó 8-5 a Yankees        vera ambos conectaron dobletes.
de Gabriel Ruiz Sr y sus coaches     quién cerró el combate sin prob-    sentaron trofeos al campeón Red     SA en el clásico con victoria para     Éste domingo en playoffs
Antonio García y Ruperto Orte-       lemas admitiendo una carrera.       Sox. Subcampeón Sultanes, el        Chorejsd Chorejas Velázquez.         Cardenales actual campeón de
ga, Pedro Espinoza y Catarino           Por Sultanes Julio Aquino        campeón bateador José Espinoza        La postemporada sé jugará así.     Nacho García y Efrain Cruz
Obregón. Saliendo adelante Red       perdió teniendo relevó de Víctor    qué bateo promedio de .571 y        Tecos vs Tuzos con su primer         Franco a las 10 10am enfrenta
Sox con pizarra de 9 por 4 car-      López en el noveno episodio.        Brandon Palomo campeón en           partido el domingo 9 de enero.       a Potosinos. 1pm Los Tigres de
reras en la serie pactada a ganar        "Buena serie todos respondi-    jonrones ambos de Red Sox y el        Astros vs Yankees éste do-         Luis Cerros van contra Rieleros
dos de tres partidos.                eron. Raúl Originales domino y      lanzador derecho Julio Aquino de    mingo 19 a las 12pm sí el clima      de JP Reza.
   Sultanes logró forzar la serie    Alan Mow cerró fuerte. Gracias      Sultanes con marca de 3-0.          lo permite de acuerdo al scout         Los Playoffs en ambas ligas
al tercer partido. En calidad de     a ellos Red Sox es campeón del        En Liga Masters 50+ coordi-       Frank Torres.                        reanuda acción en 8 y 9 de enero
campeón sé quefo quedó cortó         playoff por primera vez, a pesar    nada por el presidente Simón          En liga Abierta dominical          2022. Fotos por Franco.
14                                                  La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                  19 de Diciembre de 2021

      Texas Sisters Launch Children's Book Sharing Latinx Comida,
      Cultura, and Familia with the Magic of NESTLÉ® ABUELITA™
Provided by                   males and the generations Texas on December 11,           Latinx families to become nasty in San Antonio, Texas.
Mexi-Modern LLC               of love passed down in each 2021.                         reintroduced to the tamalada
                              bite. The book includes kid-                              tradition in a fun and messy    Chef Cariño Cortez pur-
  Latinx sisters, Chef Cariño friendly recipes for families                             way at home," said Chef sued a culinary arts degree
and Paloma Cortez, launch to make together. (https://                                   Cariño.                       from the Culinary Institute
"Camilla la Magica Makes                                                                     of America before return-
Tamales," and announce a                                                                  "We wanted to share how ing home to Texas as the
festive collaboration with      Acknowledging those tra-                                our food can be a way to Project Manager with La
NESTLÉ® ABUELITA™. ditions, NESTLÉ® ABUEL-                                              remember loved ones and Familia Cortez Restaurants;
                              ITA™, the number one Mex-                                 bring people together. It's she manages menu develop-
  "Camilla la Magica Makes ican Hot Chocolate drink,                                    something we learned from ment, marketing, and the
Tamales," illustrated by na- collaborated with the Cortez                               our father and hope to carry company's new packaged
tive Texan Christopher Vela, sisters to help keep their                                 down to our children," said foods sold at HEB.
tells the story of a young culture alive through every-     "According to the Co-       Paloma Cortez.
magician, Camilla, and her day moments. NESTLÉ® operative Children's Book                                               Paloma Cortez is a Senior
pup Osito, helping Abuela ABUELITA™ recipes can Center, only five percent of              Chef Cariño and Paloma Designer and Art Director
make magical tamales. Care- be found in "Camilla la Mag- books published for young      Cortez are third-generation with a tenured history of
fully following each of her ica Makes Tamales" and readers are by or about              foodies who grew up de- working in corporate design
Abuela's steps, Camilla there will be a giveaway at Latinx people. I approached         signing the art of Tex-Mex and advertising. She co-
learns the true magic behind The Gran Tamalada holiday my sister, Paloma, with the      cuisine and traditions in the founded San Antonio's cre-
her family's traditional ta- activation in San Antonio, idea to write a kids book for   Cortez family restaurant dy- ative studio, Wide Awake.
19 de Diciembre de 2021                                             La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                    15
                                                           Comisión de Calidad Ambiental del Estado de Texas

                                                AVISO DE UN PERMISO FEDERAL PARA OPERACIÓN PRELIMINAR
                                                                      Permiso Preliminar Número: O2667

SOLICITUD Y PERMISO PRELIMINAR Intertek USA Inc., 5404 Bandera Road,                          petición por escrito es presentada dentro de los treinta días después de la publicación
San Antonio, TX 78238-1911, ha presentado una solicitud ante la Comisión de Calidad           del anuncio en el diario. La solicitud de audiencia debe incluir la base de la solicitud,
Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ, por sus siglas en inglés) para la renovación del Permiso            incluyendo una descripción de como la persona puede ser afectada por la emisión
Federal de Operación (en adelante denominado el Permiso) número O2667, Solicitud              de contaminantes atmosféricos del área de la solicitud. La solicitud también debería
núm. 31885, para autorizar la operación de Intertek Automotive Research, un laboratorio       especificar las condiciones del permiso borrador que son inapropiados o especificar
de pruebas. El área a la cual se refiere la solicitud está ubicada en 5404 Bandera Road in    como la decisión preliminar para expedir o denegar el permiso es inapropiado. Todos
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas 78238-1911 en la ciudad de San Antonio, Condado de           los asuntos razonablemente verificables deben ser planteados y todos los argumentos
Bexar, Texas 78238-1911. Este enlace a un mapa electrónico de la ubicación general del        razonablemente disponibles deben ser entregados a no más tardar al final del período
sitio o de la instalación es proporcionado como una cortesía y no es parte de la solicitud    de comentarios públicos. Si se concede una audiencia de aviso y comentario, todos
o del aviso. Para la ubicación exacta, consulte la solicitud.      los individuos que presentaron comentarios por escrito o una solicitud de audiencia
assets/public/hb610/index.html?lat=29.478888&lng=-98.592777&zoom=13&type=r                    recibirán confirmación por escrito de la audiencia. Esta confirmación indicará la fecha,
Esta solicitud fue recibida por la TCEQ el March 5, de 2021.                                  hora y lugar de la audiencia.

El propósito de un Permiso Federal de Operación es mejorar el acatamiento general             Comentarios públicos por escrito y/o peticiones para una audiencia de
con las normas que gobiernan el control de la contaminación atmosférica, claramente           aviso y comentarios deberían ser presentados a la Comisión de Calidad
definiendo todos los requisitos aplicables como están definidos en el Título 30 del Có-       Ambiental (TCEQ), Oficina del Secretario Oficial (Office of Chief Clerk),
digo Administrativo de Texas § 122.10 (30 TAC § 122.10, por sus siglas en inglés). El         MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, o por internet al www14.
permiso preliminar, si es aprobado, codificará las condiciones bajo las cuales el área debe, dentro de treinta días después de la fecha
operar. El permiso no autorizará construcción nueva. El director ejecutivo ha concluido       de publicación en el periódico de este aviso. Si se comunica electrónicamente
la revisión técnica de la solicitud y ha hecho una decisión preliminar para preparar el       con la TCEQ, favor de notar que su correo electrónico, tal como su dirección de correo
permiso preliminar para la revisión y comentario público. El director ejecutivo de la         doméstico, formarán parte del archivo público de la agencia.
TCEQ recomienda la expedición de este permiso preliminar. La solicitud de permiso,
la declaración de base y el permiso preliminar estarán disponibles para ser revisados         Un aviso de la acción final propuesta que incluye una respuesta a los comen-
y copiados en la Oficina Central de la TCEQ, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building (Edificio)        tarios y denotando cualquier cambio al permiso preliminar, será enviado a
E, First Floor (primer Piso), Austin, Texas 78753, y en la (Insert the Regional Office        todas las personas que hayan presentado comentarios públicos, una solici-
Name and address) y (Insert the Public Location and address), empezando el primer             tud de audiencia o que hayan solicitado ser incluidos en la lista de correo.
día de la publicación de este aviso. El permiso preliminar y la declaración de base están     Este envío de correo también proveerá instrucciones para hacer peticiones públicas a
disponibles en el sitio de la TCEQ:                          la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés), para solicitar que la
                                                                                              EPA se oponga a la expedición del permiso preliminar. Después de recibir una solicitud,
En la oficina central y la oficina regional también puede revisar y copiar documentos         la EPA solamente podrá objetar a la expedición de un permiso que no cumple con los
pertinentes para el permiso preliminar, así como los permisos para la Evaluación de           requisitos aplicables o los requisitos del 30 TAC Capítulo 122.
Nuevas Fuentes que han sido incorporados por referencia. Cualquier persona que ten-
gan dificultades obteniendo estos materiales debido a restricciones para viajar pueden        LISTA PARA ENVÍO DE CORREO. Aparte de entregar comentarios públicos,
comunicarse con la sala de archivos de la Oficina Central al teléfono (512) 239-2900.         usted puede solicitar ser incluido en una lista para envío de correo con respecto a esta
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COMENTARIOS/NOTIFICACIÓN PÚBLICA Y AUDIENCIA. Cualquier per-                                  a la dirección antes mencionada. Los que se encuentran en la lista para envío de correo
sona puede entregar comentarios públicos sobre el permiso preliminar.                         recibirán copias de avisos públicos futuros (si hay) para esta solicitud enviados por
Comentarios relacionados a la exactitud, lo completo, y lo apropiado de las condiciones       correo por el Secretario Oficial.
del permiso pueden resultar en cambios al permiso preliminar.
                                                                                              INFORMACIÓN. Para más información con respecto a esta solicitud de permiso o el
Una persona que podría ser afectada por la emisión de contaminantes at-                       proceso de permisos, favor de contactar a la Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
mosféricos del área del sitio del permiso puede solicitar una audiencia de                    (Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas), Programa de Educación del Público (Public
aviso y comentarios. El propósito de la audiencia de notificación y comentarios es para       Education Program), MC-108, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 o llamar sin
proporcionar la oportunidad para entregar comentarios sobre el permiso preliminar. El         cargo al 1-800-687-4040.
permiso puede ser cambiado en base a si los comentarios relacionados con el permiso
permiten el cumplimiento con el Título 30 del Código Administrativo de Texas, Capítulo        Puede obtener más información sobre Intertek USA Inc. llamando a Sr. Tim Halleran
122 (ejemplos pueden incluir que el permiso no tiene todos los requisitos aplicables que      al teléfono (626) 390-1721.
correspondan o que no se cumplieron los procedimientos de aviso público). La TCEQ
puede otorgar una audiencia de aviso y comentarios con respecto a esta solicitud si una       Fecha de Expedición: December 9, 2021
16   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   19 de Diciembre de 2021
19 de Diciembre de 2021                  La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   17

                               2021 Bexar County Business Conference
By Ramon Chapa Jr.
  Congratulations to Renee
Watson on a successful 2021
Bexar County Business Con-
ference! Great Job as always
and La Prensa Texas honored
to be in attendance.
18                                                     La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                        19 de Diciembre de 2021

            The Bicycle:
          A Christmas Story
by Sonny Melendrez             chain guard were the words,
  I remember it like it was “Custom Deluxe.”
                                 It was stunning!
  I was in 5th grade at St.      Price tag: $24.95 A lot of
Michael’s Academy, an money back then.
elementary school located
a few blocks from down-          All I could do was dream.                                                        Public Notice
town San Antonio. When           I visualized r iding
                                                                                              Owner of 1974 Plymouth Duster VIN number RH41G48209815
the 3 o’clock bell rang, I through the neighborhood
would gather my books as people on the sidewalk                                               must call 210-314-3656. Vehicle was impounded on November
and head for town, where shouted out compliments                                              16, 2021. Impounded fee is 176.10, daily storage fee 21.64,
I’d walk from store to store, when I proudly cruised by.
window-wishing, before I could feel my younger                                                condition report 20.64, 50.00 notification fee, 120.00 for public
dropping my nickel in the brother, Ricky, on the rear          this new chariot through       notice plus tax. You have 45days from this notice to claim your
Nolan Street bus and head passenger seat, holding on           the neighborhood, hearing
                                                               all the compliments I’d               vehicle and you must show proof of ownership.
for home.                      tight with his little arms
                               wrapped around my waist.        imagined?
  It was on one of those
school day afternoons in         When I got home, I told         Af ter huggi ng mom
late October that I saw it for my mom all about it. She        and dad and repeating
the first time.                listened and smiled. She        “Thank you!” over and
                               knew exactly what I was         over, I turned to Ricky
  The department store at about to ask and told me that        and showed him where he
the corner of Alamo and it was something we just               could ride along. He shook
Commerce Streets in Al- couldn’t afford right now.             his head from side to side.
amo Plaza had put up its It was true. As she always
Christmas displays. As I would offer a bit of hope,              I later found out that the
walked by, I couldn’t be- no matter the situation, she         day after I had excitedly
lieve my eyes. There, in said, “One day, son. One              described the bike to my
the main window, was the day.”                                 mother, she went down-
most beautiful bicycle I’d                                     town and placed it on lay-
ever seen.                       Week after week, I’d stop     away with a dollar.
                               and gaze into the store
  I will never forget, stand- window.                          My dream was her dream.
ing in awe, admiring ev-
ery detail of this bright        T he n , on C h r ist m a s     When you’re 10 years
and shiny ride. The body morning, there it was! I can          old, having a new bicycle
and fenders were jet black, still see it parked in front       is like the thrill of your
against the rich red leather- the refrigerator in our tiny     first car.
like seat and matching rub- kitchen.
ber handle grips with plas-                                      And, for the parents who
tic streamers, finished off      I stood speechless, my        sacrificed to make it pos-
with a bright white head- mouth wide open. Was this            sible, the memory is price-
light. Painted across the a dream? Would I really ride         less.
19 de Diciembre de 2021      La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   19

              Files For Re-Election
By Ramon Chapa. Jr.
  Bexar County Precinct
4 Commissioner and La
Prensa Texas Board Mem-
ber Tommy Calvert filed
for re-election last week.
Please make sure you are
registered to vote.
20                                              La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   19 de Diciembre de 2021

     Han estado con nosotros en cada paso,
     y estamos orgullosos de representar
     a nuestra querida ciudad
     Creando campeones académicamente,
     en investigación y en los deportes
     “No pudimos haberlo hecho sin ustedes, San Antonio.
     Gracias por creer en UTSA”

     “Lo hicimos por la ciudad de San Antonio.
     De eso se trata— del 210”

     “La gran cantidad de apoyo de la
     comunidad para nuestros Roadrunners
     es realmente una lección de humildad.
     Estamos muy orgullosos de ser la
     universidad de San Antonio”

     UTSA vs. San Diego State
     Tropical Smoothie Cafe Frisco Bowl
     21 de Diciembre | 6:30 p.m. CT
You can also read