Vanguard economic and market outlook for 2022: Global summary

Page created by Ivan Ayala
Vanguard economic and market
outlook for 2022: Global summary
The global outlook summary highlights the top-level findings of Vanguard’s full
economic and market outlook, to be distributed in mid-December.

The global economy in 2022:                                                         More importantly, labor markets will continue
Striking a better balance                                                           to tighten in 2022 given robust labor demand,
                                                                                    even as growth decelerates. We anticipate
Our outlook for 2021 focused on the impact                                          several major economies, led by the U.S., to
of COVID-19 health outcomes on economic                                             quickly approach full employment even with
and financial conditions. Our view was that                                         a modest pickup in labor force participation.
economic growth would prove unusually                                               Wage growth should remain robust, and
strong, with the prospects for an “inflation                                        wage inflation is likely to become more
scare” as growth picked up. As we come to                                           influential than headline inflation for the
the end of 2021, parts of the economy and                                           direction of interest rates in 2022.
markets are out of balance. Labor demand
exceeds supply, financial conditions are
exceptionally strong even when compared                                             Global inflation: Lower but stickier
to improved fundamentals, and policy
                                                                                    Inflation has continued to trend higher across
accommodation remains extraordinary.
                                                                                    most economies, driven by a combination of
Although health outcomes will remain                                                higher demand as pandemic restrictions were
important in 2022, the outlook for macro­                                           lifted and lower supply from global labor
economic policy will be more crucial as                                             and input shortages. Although a return to
support and stimulus packages enacted to                                            1970s-style inflation is not in the cards, we
combat the pandemic-driven downturn are                                             anticipate that supply/demand frictions will
gradually removed into 2022. The removal of                                         persist well into 2022 and keep inflation
policy support poses a new challenge for                                            elevated across developed and emerging
policymakers and a new risk to financial                                            markets. That said, it is highly likely that
markets.                                                                            inflation rates at the end of 2022 will be
                                                                                    lower than at the beginning of the year given
The global economic recovery is likely to                                           the unusual run-up in certain goods prices.
continue in 2022, although we expect the
low-hanging fruit of rebounding activity to                                         Although inflation should cool in 2022, its
give way to slower growth whether supply-                                           composition should be stickier. More
chain challenges ease or not. In both the                                           persistent wage-based inflation should
United States and the euro area, we expect                                          remain elevated given our employment
growth to normalize lower to 4%. In the U.K.,                                       outlook and will be the critical determinant
we expect growth of about 5.5%, and in                                              in central banks’ adjustment of policy.
China we expect growth to fall to about 5%
given the real estate slowdown.

 For institutional and sophisticated investors only. Not for public distribution.
Policy takes center stage:                                                              Global equities: A decade unlike the last
The risk of a misstep increases                                                         A backdrop of low bond yields, reduced policy
The global policy response to COVID-19 was                                              support, and stretched valuations in some markets
impressive and effective. Moving into 2022,                                             offers a challenging environment despite solid
how will policymakers navigate an exit from                                             fundamentals. Our Vanguard Capital Markets
exceptionally accommodative policy? The bounds                                          Model® fair-value stock projections, which explicitly
of appropriate policy expanded during the                                               incorporate such varied effects, continue to reveal
pandemic, but it’s possible that not all these                                          a global equity market that is drifting close to
policies will be unwound as conditions normalize.                                       overvalued territory, primarily because of U.S.
On the fiscal side, government officials may need                                       stock prices. Our outlook calls not for a lost
to trade off between higher spending—due to                                             decade for U.S. stocks, as some fear, but for
pandemic-driven policies—and more balanced                                              a lower-return one.
budgets to ensure debt sustainability.
                                                                                        Specifically, we are projecting the lowest 10-year
Central bankers will have to strike a delicate                                          annualized return projections for global equities
balance between keeping a lid on inflation                                              since the early 2000s. We expect the lowest ones
expectations, given negative supply-side                                                in the U.S. (2.3%–4.3% per year), with more
shocks, and supporting a return to pre-COVID                                            attractive expected returns for non-U.S. developed
employment levels. In the United States, that                                           markets (5.3%–7.3%) and, to a lesser degree,
balance should involve the Federal Reserve raising                                      emerging markets (4.2%–6.2%). The outlook for
interest rates in 2022 to ensure that elevated                                          the global equity risk premium is still positive but
wage inflation does not translate into more                                             lower than last year’s, with total returns expected
permanent core inflation. At present, we see the                                        in the range of 2 to 4 percentage points over
negative risks of too-easy policy accommodation                                         bond returns.
outweighing the risks of raising short-term rates.
Given conditions in the labor and financial                                             For U.S. investors, this modest return outlook
markets, some are likely underestimating how                                            belies opportunities for those investing broadly
high the Fed may ultimately need to raise rates                                         outside their home market. Recent outperformance
this cycle.                                                                             has only strengthened our conviction in non-U.S.
                                                                                        equities, which have more attractive valuations
                                                                                        than U.S. equities. Although emerging-market
The bond market: Rising rates                                                           equities are above our estimate of fair value, we
won’t upend markets                                                                     still expect higher returns than the U.S. and
                                                                                        diversification benefits for investors. Within U.S.
Despite modest increases during 2021, govern­                                           markets, we think value stocks are still more
ment bond yields remain below pre-COVID levels.                                         attractive than growth stocks, despite value’s
The prospect of rising inflation and policy                                             outperformance over the last 12 months.
normalization means that the short-term policy
rates targeted by the Fed, the European Central                                         IMPORTANT: The projections and other
Bank, and other developed-market policymakers                                           information generated by the Vanguard Capital
are likely to rise over the coming years. Credit                                        Markets Model® (VCMM) regarding the likelihood
spreads remain generally very tight. In our outlook,                                    of various investment outcomes are hypothetical
rising rates are unlikely to produce negative total                                     in nature, do not reflect actual investment results,
returns, given our inflation outlook and given the                                      and are not guarantees of future results.
secular forces that should keep long-term rates low.                                    Distribution of return outcomes from VCMM are
                                                                                        derived from 10,000 simulations for each modeled
                                                                                        asset class. Simulations as of September 30,
                                                                                        2021. Results from the model may vary with each
                                                                                        use and over time.

     For institutional and sophisticated investors only. Not for public distribution.
The VCMM projections are based on a statistical                                         empirical foundation for the Vanguard Capital
analysis of historical data. Future returns may                                         Markets Model is that the returns of various
behave differently from the historical patterns                                         asset classes reflect the compensation investors
captured in the VCMM. More important, the                                               require for bearing different types of systematic
VCMM may be underestimating extreme                                                     risk (beta). At the core of the model are estimates
negative scenarios unobserved in the historical                                         of the dynamic statistical relationship between
period on which the model estimation is based.                                          risk factors and asset returns, obtained from
                                                                                        statistical analysis based on available monthly
The Vanguard Capital Markets Model® is a                                                financial and economic data from as early as
proprietary financial simulation tool developed                                         1960. Using a system of estimated equations,
and maintained by Vanguard’s primary                                                    the model then applies a Monte Carlo simulation
investment research and advice teams. The                                               method to project the estimated interrelationships
model forecasts distributions of future returns                                         among risk factors and asset classes as well as
for a wide array of broad asset classes. Those                                          uncertainty and randomness over time. The
asset classes include U.S. and international                                            model generates a large set of simulated outcomes
equity markets, several maturities of the U.S.                                          for each asset class over several time horizons.
Treasury and corporate fixed income markets,                                            Forecasts are obtained by computing measures
international fixed income markets, U.S. money                                          of central tendency in these simulations. Results
markets, commodities, and certain alternative                                           produced by the tool will vary with each use and
investment strategies. The theoretical and                                              over time.

     For institutional and sophisticated investors only. Not for public distribution.
Vanguard global economics team
Joseph Davis, Ph.D., Global Chief Economist

Americas                                                 Europe
Roger A. Aliaga-Díaz, Ph.D.,                             Peter Westaway, Ph.D.,
Chief Economist, Americas                                Chief Economist, Europe
Joshua M. Hirt, CFA                                      Shaan Raithatha, CFA
Andrew J. Patterson, CFA                                 Roxane Spitznagel, M.Sc.
Asawari Sathe, M.Sc.                                     Griffin Tory, M.Phil.
Adam J. Schickling, CFA
                                                         Capital Markets Model Research Team
Maximilian Wieland
                                                         Qian Wang, Ph.D., Global Head of VCMM
David Diwik, M.Sc.
                                                         Kevin DiCiurcio, CFA
Amina Enkhbold, Ph.D.
                                                         Daniel Wu, Ph.D.
Asia-Pacific                                             Ian Kresnak, CFA
Qian Wang, Ph.D.,                                        Vytautas Maciulis, CFA
Chief Economist, Asia-Pacific                            Olga Lepigina, MBA
Alexis Gray, M.Sc.                                       Akeel Marley, MBA
Beatrice Yeo, CFA                                        Edoardo Cilla, M.Sc.
                                                         Lukas Brandl-Cheng, M.Sc.
                                                         Alex Qu

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                                                                                                                                             ISGFBY 062021

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