Venezuela, the Region and the World

Page created by Eddie Lucas
Venezuela, the Region and the World
NO. 19 APRIL 2019             Introduction

Venezuela, the Region and the World
Steps for a Possible Way Out of the Crisis
Claudia Zilla

Since Nicolás Maduro took over as Venezuela’s president in 2013, the country’s gross
domestic product and oil production have fallen by more than 50 percent. Political
institutions, on the other hand, have doubled: there are two legislative bodies, two
Supreme Courts and, since Juan Guaidó’s self-appointment in early 2019, two com-
peting presidents. The international community is divided – many states stand
behind the regime, many others behind the opposition. Groups of states are address-
ing the Venezuela issue in various initiatives, without the participation of the parties
in the conflict. The EU and its member states should refrain from any action that
could increase the risk of military intervention and bloodshed. Instead, they should
exert diplomatic pressure to protect the population from repression, hunger and
disease, and to strengthen the opposition. Furthermore, they should support a con-
flict resolution process that is upheld by national actors and embedded in Latin
America, and which has democracy as a long-term goal.

At the beginning of 2019, a new dynamic          known, charismatic young politician of the
developed in the Venezuelan conflict over        Voluntad Popular party, which belongs to the
the change of government. After President        Socialist International. He is also backed
Nicolás Maduro was re-elected in May 2018        by numerous states that officially recognise
in an early vote that was neither free nor       him in his transitional role, that offer
fair, he took up his second mandate on           humanitarian aid and demand presidential
10 January 2019, for the period up to 2025.      elections. Challenged by these develop-
However, the opposition National Assembly        ments, the Maduro government has en-
(NA) withdrew his mandate. As a result,          trenched its repression and its discourse.
many actors in the international community
also refused to recognise Maduro as Presi-
dent of Venezuela. Moreover, the NA elected      Increased Repression
Juan Guaidó as its chairman. On 23 Janu-
ary, at a major rally in Caracas, he appointed   Ever since Juan Guaidó declared himself
himself interim president of the country.        interim president and the populace has
Opposition parties and the population            repeatedly demonstrated en masse, the
gathered behind the hitherto largely un-         Maduro government has been particularly
repressive towards its citizens. According       Parallel Institutions
                 to a report by the Venezuelan human rights
                 organisation Foro Penal, 988 people were         The power struggle between Maduro and
                 arbitrarily arrested in Venezuela between        Guaidó, which was triggered by the latter’s
                 21 and 31 January 2019. During the same          self-declared interim presidency, had already
                 period, 35 people were killed by firearms        been preceded by the doubling of the legis-
                 and at least eight extrajudicial executions      lative (2016) and judicial branches (2017).
                 are thought to have been carried out. It is          Venezuelan democracy was in fact laid
                 notable that this time the victims come pre-     to rest shortly after the parliamentary elec-
                 dominantly from poorer social strata and         tions of December 2015, when freedom of
                 that some of them are minors. Many took          choice was already restricted and the oppo-
                 part in protests for the first time, some        sition achieved a landslide victory. As a
                 were merely nearby. Most arrests (77 per-        result, the executive and judiciary, which
                 cent) took place on 23 January itself, not       were loyal to the regime, systematically and
                 during the demonstrations but after them,        drastically curtailed the competences and
                 when citizens were on their way home or          resources of the legislative branch. In 2016,
                 already back at home. By 20 January 2019         Maduro ensured that a constituent assem-
                 there were 273 political prisoners in Ven-       bly was elected under unfair and un-free
                 ezuela; by 31 January this figure had risen      conditions. However, the assembly did not
                 dramatically to 942. Among them are 58           draft a constitution, but was busy legislat-
                 military personnel and 11 minors.                ing. Since then, there have been two par-
                    These victims of the state apparatus are      liaments that do not recognise each other.
                 abused during their arrest and then tor-         That same year, the government refused to
                 tured in prison (including sexually). They       hold a referendum on Maduro’s dismissal,
                 are denied legal assistance, medical care        despite the fact that the opposition had col-
                 and often access to food and water. Similar      lected the necessary signatures. Many civil
                 practices were already documented in the         servants who had signed were dismissed.
                 2018 report of the United Nations High               In 2016 the showdown between the
                 Commissioner for Human Rights.                   government and the NA over the appoint-
                    In addition to militias, units of the         ment of judges ended with a co-opting of
                 armed forces and the police are responsible      the judiciary by the government. Independ-
                 for these human rights violations. The Ven-      ent and opposition lawyers were arrested
                 ezuelan security apparatus can count on          or fled the country. This did not prevent the
                 support from Cuba, the so-called G2 (Grupo       opposition-dominated NA from appointing
                 Dos), for reconnaissance and counterespio-       33 judges in July 2017, who now try to hold
                 nage. Military courts have also been crucial,    office in exile, mainly in Chile, Colombia,
                 particularly since 2014 – not only in trials     Panama and the USA. The so-called Supreme
                 against members of the armed forces, but         Court in Exile or Supreme Court Abroad
                 also against civilians accused of rebellion or   works virtually: members of the various
                 treason, as the International Commission         specialist chambers communicate weekly
                 of Jurists revealed in a report in 2018.         by conference call via the internet and pro-
                    Meanwhile, the Supreme Court in Ven-          cess complaints received via e-mail and
                 ezuela, which is loyal to the regime, has        their own website. A Twitter and Instagram
                 responded to a request by the Attorney Gen-      account also serve their public relations.
                 eral’s Office and frozen Guaidó’s accounts       The decisions of the Supreme Court Abroad
                 and forbidden him to leave the country. On       are neither recognised nor adhered to by
                 2 April 2019, the Constitutional Assembly        the Maduro government, such as a ruling
                 followed the request of the Supreme Court        on 29 October 2018 that sentenced Maduro
                 and lifted Guidó’s parliamentary immunity        to imprisonment and declared him deposed.
                 paving the way for his prosecution.                  To reunite these parallel worlds and
                                                                  overcome the recurring crises, two nego-

SWP Comment 19
April 2019

tiation attempts between the government           or mental incapacity, dismissal by referen-
and the opposition were launched in 2016          dum and neglect of office. As one might
and 2017/18, and were accompanied by              expect, they do not include the current con-
internationally respected public figures          stitutional conflict. Since there is no consti-
from other states. However, the negotia-          tutional provision regulating the current
tions broke off unsuccessfully after a few        situation, the NA refers to an analogous
months.                                           case in which Article 233 could be applied.
                                                  If the head of state is absent before taking
                                                  office, under Article 233 presidential elec-
Constitutional Acrobatics                         tions shall be held within 30 days. During
                                                  this period, the NA chairman shall take
Repression, the enforced conformity of the        over the affairs of government. Guaidó took
organs of government, and the duplication         on this role with the NA’s support via his
of institutions prove that the 1999 consti-       very public swearing-in ceremony in Janu-
tution, drafted under the government of           ary 2019. According to the NA’s decision,
Hugo Chávez, is no longer the basis for gov-      he now has the threefold task of ending the
ernment action. Unlike the Latin American         usurpation of the presidency by Maduro,
military dictatorships of the 1960s to 1980s,     forming a transitional government, and
Maduro has tried to underpin his policies,        organising free and transparent elections.
repressive measures and manoeuvres with               On 5 February, the NA adopted the
state institutions, by invoking the constitu-     statute governing the democratic transition
tion and elections. This democratic façade        and the restoration of the Constitution.
is likely to be a typical feature of modern       Among other things, it makes the 30-day
authoritarian regimes. It does not necessarily    deadline of Article 233 of the Constitution
make them more harmless, but it does              more flexible: this now refers to the period
render them tolerable for longer, both for        beginning with the (unspecified) end of
the local population and the international        usurpation and ending with the formation
community.                                        of a transitional government. Elections
    Guaidó is also making legalistic efforts to   should be held as soon as possible and at
legitimise his self-appointment as interim        the latest within one year.
president. When the NA did not recognise              On 15 January, shortly before the tran-
the presidential elections of May 2018 as         sition statute was adopted, the NA enacted
democratic nor Maduro’s assumption of             the so-called amnesty law. The opposition
office in January 2019 as legitimate, it passed   thus altered its strategy vis-à-vis prosecuting
a legislative act on 15 January declaring the     Chavists and Madurists. The law offers the
country’s presidency vacant and Maduro a          prospect of impunity to those civilians and
usurper. This situation enabled it to apply       military loyal to the regime who are willing
three constitutional articles. Article 333        to change sides and contribute to the demo-
entitles citizens (with or without office or      cratic transition. After Guaidó had been
mandate) to enforce the Constitution if it        sworn in, the text of the law was distributed
has been violated or disregarded. Article         to police and military services in front of
350 grants the people the right to rebel          the international media. Guaidó did not
against regimes, laws and authorities that        even exclude Maduro from the group of po-
undermine democratic values and prin-             tential beneficiaries. The USA supports the
ciples, and violate human rights.                 opposition’s offer, which is as generous as
    While these two articles refer to viola-      it is vague, while human rights organisa-
tions of the Constitution and the resulting       tions, such as Human Rights Watch, criti-
right to resist, Article 233 regulates the        cise the fact that it does not specify either
absence of any president. Several cases           the crimes to be considered or the imple-
are described, namely death, resignation,         mentation process. They argue that due to
deposition by the Supreme Court, physical         this ambiguity, the amnesty law contradicts

                                                                                                    SWP Comment 19
                                                                                                         April 2019

the constitution and the international obli-     a violation of the ban on intervention and
                 gations of the Venezuelan state. The num-        can exacerbate conflicts. This is particularly
                 ber of deserters in question has so far been     true of present-day Venezuela, since Guaidó,
                 limited to about 700 – in a state with some      as the president recognised by several
                 2,000 generals alone and numerous mili-          states, could now ask foreign countries for
                 tary leaders heading ministries, state com-      military assistance. Although Guaidó’s in-
                 panies, and regional executive branches.         ternational backing reinforces his political
                 There are also a number of diplomats from        weight, the diplomatic step of officially
                 Venezuela’s embassies who have spoken            recognising his interim presidency further
                 out in favour of Guaidó.                         foments the conflict. By their explicit par-
                                                                  tiality, the recognising states unnecessarily
                                                                  restrict their room for manoeuvre, e.g. for
                 Excessive International Zeal                     mediation.

                 Although in Venezuela lawfulness has long
                 been a mere political veneer, and Article        The Politicisation of
                 233 of the Constitution is the weakest pillar    Humanitarian Aid
                 of Guaidó’s empowerment, many govern-
                 ments around the world have emphatically         The international-law principles of state
                 followed the legalistic argument derived         sovereignty and non-interference are in
                 from it. They were ready, either immediate-      tension with the humanitarian principle
                 ly or after an eight-day ultimatum during        of human protection, which has been en-
                 which free elections were supposed to be         hanced by the concept of Responsibility to
                 announced, to officially recognise Guaidó’s      Protect since 2005. This legitimises, under
                 interim presidency and demand that presi-        strict conditions, military measures for
                 dential elections be held. Furthermore, the      the purpose of humanitarian intervention.
                 USA and other Latin American countries              The political struggle for humanitarian
                 welcomed the ambassadors sent by Guaidó.         aid in Venezuela and its connection to
                 Guaidó also visited Colombia, Brazil, Para-      regime change is currently caught in this
                 guay, Argentina and Ecuador in late Feb-         tense relationship. While the president
                 ruary and early March 2019.                      systematically violates human rights, the
                    By extending their political commitment       interim president is not in a position to
                 from the legitimacy of Guaidó’s interim          protect citizens from these practices. While
                 government to its official recognition, these    Maduro denies the existence of a humani-
                 states effectively gave Venezuelan constitu-     tarian crisis, rejects support from abroad
                 tional law precedence over international         and closes the borders, Guaidó leads the Aid
                 law. On the one hand, it is part of the inter-   and Freedom Coalition for Venezuela. This
                 national legal tradition and the recognition     recruits aid workers from among Venezue-
                 procedure of most states not to recognise        la’s population and non-governmental orga-
                 persons or governments, but rather states.       nisations, and gathers aid supplies from ab-
                 On the other hand, according to inter-           road (especially from the USA) in neighbour-
                 national law, recognition is based on the        ing regions across the Venezuelan border.
                 actual exercise of power in a state, meaning        On 23 February, the test of strength be-
                 effective control over its armed forces,         tween government and opposition surround-
                 administration and territory. The recogni-       ing humanitarian aid reached a headline-
                 tion of a government under international         grabbing peak when Guaidó took the lead
                 law goes hand in hand with a number of           in a convoy of lorries carrying relief sup-
                 privileges and obligations, whose use and        plies that started in Cúcuta, Colombia. Fur-
                 fulfilment presupposes government effec-         ther aid transports were organised from
                 tiveness. The premature recognition of a         Roraima in Brazil. What had begun with an
                 revolutionary government can be seen as          international aid concert and speeches by

SWP Comment 19
April 2019

Guaidó and the presidents of Chile, Colom-       passed a resolution that did not recognise
bia, Paraguay and the Secretary-General of       the result of the presidential elections and
the Organisation of American States (OAS)        noted a breach of the constitutional order
in Cúcuta ended a few kilometres beyond the      in Venezuela. The process of withdrawal
border crossing in a clash between the con-      from the OAS, which Venezuela initiated
voy and Venezuelan military and police. Ac-      with its application in 2017, has now been
cording to Foro Penal, about 60 people were      interrupted, after many OAS member states
injured and at least two killed. Guaidó          recognised Guaidó as the legitimate presi-
stopped the “humanitarian avalanche”. Via        dent and after he sent a special representa-
Twitter, he officially informed the interna-     tive to the OAS. The meeting of 14 Latin
tional community that, since Maduro had          American countries held in August 2017 in
prevented the import of aid, all options         the Peruvian capital gave rise to the Lima
should now be kept open to liberate Ven-         Group, which is working to find a peaceful
ezuela.                                          solution to the Venezuela crisis. In the
   Unlike the USA, Latin American and            course of its summit meetings, the group
European countries, which are on Guaidó’s        has intensified its demands on the Maduro
side, unequivocally rule out a military          government. In its February 2019 statement
option. However, they call on the Maduro         in Bogotá, it declared that Maduro’s hold on
government to allow humanitarian aid and         power was a threat to peace and security
to organise new elections or else resign.        in the region, and it called on actors in Ven-
Given their two-pronged approach, Maduro         ezuela and abroad to officially recognise
views foreign humanitarian aid as a Trojan       the Guaidó government. In September
horse intended to change the balance of          2018, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
power, i.e. as an instrument for regime          Paraguay and Peru demanded that the
change. Against this backdrop, the United        International Criminal Court investigate
Nations, the International Committee of          the crimes against humanity they claim
the Red Cross and the national Red Cross         have been committed in Venezuela since
societies associated with it have refused to     February 2014.
participate in relief operations organised          The USA, the main buyer of Venezuelan
by Guaidó. Their justification is that the       oil, has been imposing increasingly harsh
principles of international humanitarian         sanctions against Venezuela since 2015.
law – impartiality, neutrality and inde-         These include visa restrictions, the freezing
pendence (from political objectives, for         of property and assets, and a ban on U.S.
instance) – are not being observed. More         citizens and institutions from conducting
and more non-governmental organisations          transactions with persons listed on the Spe-
are raising their voices against the politici-   cially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons
sation of humanitarian aid to Venezuela,         List. Canada followed the US measures
for which they hold the government and           against Venezuela in September 2017, as
the opposition equally responsible.              well as their tightening in May 2018.
                                                 On 28 January 2019, the US Department
                                                 of State and the US Department of Finance
International Sanctions Policy                   cancelled the oil deliveries by Venezuela’s
                                                 largest oil company PDVSA. They also trans-
Yet many Latin American states, the USA          ferred control of its Texas-based subsidiary
and the EU have been steadily increasing         CITGO, and of Venezuelan government
the pressure on the Maduro regime since          accounts on US territory, to Guaidó’s interim
2017. In August of that year, Argentina,         government.
Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay excluded                The EU has had an arms embargo in
Venezuela from Mercosur, the common              place against Venezuela since November
market of the South, by applying the             2017. In addition, the assets of persons con-
democracy clause. In June 2018, the OAS          sidered to be key actors in the repressive

                                                                                                   SWP Comment 19
                                                                                                        April 2019

regime have been frozen. These people have         Members of the Venezuelan opposition
                 also been banned from entering EU coun-        also fuel the domino theory. Julio Borges,
                 tries. These measures were extended and        member of the NA, confirmed during a
                 prolonged in March 2018. European coun-        press conference in the USA that the cur-
                 tries such as Switzerland and Norway joined    rent struggle is not only about Venezuela,
                 the EU sanctions with similar measures.        but also about Cuba and Nicaragua, and
                                                                freedom in the whole region. He also used
                                                                the metaphor of a Berlin Wall that had not
                 The Domino Theory                              yet fallen in Latin America, implicitly
                                                                referring to a new Cold War.
                 For years, Latin America regarded the dis-         Domino theories and Cold War analogies,
                 mantling of democracy and the rule of law,     however, have a devastating effect on con-
                 and the aggravation of the humanitarian        flict resolution because they broaden the
                 situation in Venezuela as a purely national    circle of parties in the conflict and promote
                 matter. Only as a result of several changes    the hardening of positions and thus con-
                 of power in the region, the drying up of       frontation. It is true that other foreign
                 Venezuelan money that flowed into friendly     actors besides the USA are also involved
                 states, and the exodus of around four mil-     in the Venezuela conflict, above all Cuba,
                 lion Venezuelans have Latin America’s          China and Russia. However, their role is
                 countries become willing to regard the         likely to remain limited due to narrowly
                 “Venezuela problem” as regional.               defined priorities. Havana is likely to with-
                    In the meantime, however, the Venezuela     draw its security experts from Venezuelan
                 crisis has become more complex not only        institutions as soon as “21st century social-
                 at home but also abroad. Some actors inside    ism” is no longer Venezuela’s state ideol-
                 and outside Latin America suspect that the     ogy. China is Venezuela’s main creditor,
                 USA’s engagement in Venezuela hides a          and its key concern is contractual security,
                 more comprehensive regime change strat-        meaning the repayment of its loans. Mos-
                 egy which, in the longer term, will also       cow, on the other hand, has a strong inter-
                 encompass Cuba and Nicaragua.                  est in keeping US interference in Venezuela
                    This so-called domino theory is lent        to a minimum.
                 credence not only by statements from the
                 US President, his Vice President Mike Pence
                 and his national security advisor John Bol-    Dialogue instead of Violence
                 ton. In January 2019, the Republican Elliott
                 Abrams, who had already held foreign           The international engagement in the Ven-
                 policy positions under Ronald Reagan and       ezuelan conflict should give priority to
                 George W. Bush, was appointed US envoy         humanitarian protection, contribute to de-
                 for Venezuela. Abrams is a highly contro-      escalation, focus on the Venezuelan actors,
                 versial figure in inter-American relations.    and ensure that any dialogue process is em-
                 Serious accusations are associated with his    bedded in Latin America. Europe would
                 name, such as the concealment of human         have a role to play in supporting the regional
                 rights violations and the arming of groups     framework.
                 in the Central American conflicts during          Humanitarian protection. The international
                 the 1980s. In addition, Senator Marco          community should work towards the Maduro
                 Rubio, the son of Cuban emigrants and          regime refraining from repressive measures,
                 a proponent of a tough policy towards          releasing political prisoners, and allowing
                 Havana, acts as an informal foreign policy     humanitarian aid by neutral actors. For his
                 advisor (and sometimes government spokes-      part, Guaidó should refrain from politicis-
                 man) on Latin American issues. Rubio rep-      ing it. Simultaneously, his physical integ-
                 resents the state of Florida, which has a      rity and freedom must be strictly protected.
                 large Latin American electorate.               The path to holding democratic new elec-

SWP Comment 19
April 2019

tions would then have to be smoothed              question of whether Guaidó should be
in talks between government and opposi-           recognised. Mexico and Uruguay are pur-
tion – a presidential election is essential,      suing a middle course with the proposed
but parliament or regional executives could       “Montevideo mechanism”, which is also
be elected at the same time. This would           supported by Caribbean states and Bolivia.
mean moving away from political maxi-             This mechanism is a four-phase process to
mum goals in favour of immediate humani-          overcome the crisis – comprising dialogue,
tarian protection for the population.             negotiation, commitments and implemen-
    De-escalation. International pressure on      tation – whereby new elections are not a
authoritarian regimes can certainly con-          prerequisite for talks, but a possible out-
tribute to their erosion and give the oppo-       come. The emphasis on building trust and
sition some protection. However, a policy         an openness to results was one of the
of regime change from outside only leads          strengths of the concept; it did not, how-
to sustainable democracies in exceptional         ever, develop any momentum. Neither the
cases, even if the call for help came from        two main countries nor the three personali-
inside the country. It is therefore impera-       ties who were supposed to promote rap-
tive to avoid a situation where US engage-        prochement between the conflict parties
ment on the Venezuela issue supplants             were able to develop the necessary diplo-
the role of Venezuelan society and Latin          matic traction.
America, giving the whole process the                EU support for a Latin American group of
character of an externally imposed regime         states. While the EU is divided on the ques-
change. If the conflict escalates, US support     tion of recognising Guaidó’s interim presi-
for Guaidó must also be prevented from            dency, it has nonetheless been able to form
leading to military intervention. The risk        an international contact group, which joined
of violent chaos with an impenetrable net-        in a meeting with other Latin American
work of numerous state, para-state, social        countries in Uruguay on 7 February. The
and criminal actors would be extremely            governments of Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecu-
great.                                            ador, France, Germany, Italy, the Nether-
    National focus. In early 2019, the Venezue-   lands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the
la conflict became highly internationalised.      United Kingdom were represented.
A constructive approach to tackling the              The divergent positions could provide a
crisis requires a focus on national actors.       resource for forming a politically balanced
Guaidó’s fresh and dynamic charisma was           small group of Latin American states,
decisive in upgrading the NA and convinc-         whose involvement is acceptable to both
ingly representing it in public as well as        sides and which opens a first channel of
remobilising the population. For the initial      communication between the government
phase of dialogue with the regime, it is im-      and opposition. The expectations and con-
portant to keep the circle of participants        ditions to be established in this way should
small. During the transition process, how-        not cover regime change, but the launch
ever, other national actors (such as trade        of a dialogue process between the conflict
unions, associations, churches, the student       parties. Such an initiative would not be the
movement, representatives of a critical           first, but the context would have changed.
Chavism) should also be involved so as to         This time the talks could be more confiden-
lay eventual foundations for the social           tial and involve Cuba as a guarantor. The
anchoring of democracy and reconstruction         group should present itself to the Maduro
in good time.                                     government and the armed forces support-
    Latin American embedding. Latin America       ing it as a “peaceful alternative” to the
is today divided between those governments        menacing option of a US intervention. The
that stand behind the Maduro regime and           negotiations would have to specify con-
those that are pushing for change. In the         cessions to the regime, which would cer-
latter group, there is no agreement on the        tainly include more than a vague promise

                                                                                                 SWP Comment 19
                                                                                                      April 2019

of amnesty. It should be clarified which
                                 countries will accept the amnestied actors.
                                 The EU should intensively facilitate such a
                                 dialogue process, and provide advisory and
                                 technical assistance to the Latin American
                                    Finally, those actors within the Venezue-
                                 lan opposition and the international com-
                                 munity who reject both military interven-
                                 tion and negotiations should be reminded
© Stiftung Wissenschaft          of a simple principle: anyone who is for
und Politik, 2019                change and does not want to fire a weapon
All rights reserved              must speak out. This is the only real alter-
                                 native to civil war.
This Comment reflects
the author’s views.

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ISSN 1861-1761
doi: 10.18449/2019C19

Translation by Tom Genrich

(English version of
SWP-Aktuell 14/2019)

                                 Dr Claudia Zilla is Head of The Americas Division at SWP.

       SWP Comment 19
       April 2019

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