Vessel density in early-stage primary open angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma: a comparative controlled optical coherence tomography ...

Vessel density in early-stage primary open angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma: a comparative controlled optical coherence tomography ...
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Vessel density in early-stage primary open angle
glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma:
a comparative controlled optical coherence
tomography angiography study
Densidade vascular no estágio inicial do glaucoma primário de ângulo
aberto e do glaucoma pseudoesfoliativo: estudo comparativo controlado
com angiografia por tomografia de coerência óptica
Ismail Umut Onur1, Ozge Pinar Akarsu Acar1                             , Ercan Cavusoglu1, Fadime Ulviye Yigit1
1. Ophthalmology Department, Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Bakirkoy, Istanbul, Turkey.

ABSTRACT | Purpose: This study aimed to compare the                                            angle glaucoma vs. control and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
vessel density of the optic nerve head and radial peripapillary                                vs. control, area under the receiver operating characteristic
capillary in the eyes with early-stage primary open angle                                      curve values for inside-disc vessel density of the optic nerve
glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma and control eyes.                                      head were 0.855 and 0.731, respectively (p-6.0 dB,                                     However, in discrimination of primary open angle glaucoma
54 eyes from 37 patients diagnosed with primary open angle                                     vs. pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, area under the receiver
glaucoma (n=18) and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (n=18) and                                      operating characteristic curve values for whole-image and
healthy controls (n=18) were enrolled in this cross-sectional                                  inside-disc vessel densities of the optic nerve head were 0.707
observational study. Retrieved from optical coherence tomo-                                    and 0.722 (p=0.034, p=0.023). Conclusions: Vessel densities
graphy angiography, vessel density for the optic nerve head                                    of the optic nerve head and radial peripapillary capillary were
and radial peripapillary capillary were analyzed according                                     significantly lower in eyes with primary open angle glaucoma
to the distribution of the data and appropriate tests. The                                     and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma compared to healthy control
diagnostic accuracy of vessel density parameters was also                                      eyes. In the early stage of glaucoma, the inside-disc vessel
assessed. Results: The whole-image vessel density of the radial                                density of the optic nerve head slab may be lower in eyes
peripapillary capillary and inside-disc vessel density of the optic                            with primary open angle glaucoma eyes compared to eyes
nerve head were significantly lower in eyes with primary open                                  with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma.
angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma compared                                         Keywords: Vessel density; Optic nerve; Glaucoma, open-angle;
to those in the control eyes (p
Vessel density in early-stage primary open angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma:
                              a comparative controlled optical coherence tomography angiography study

peripapilar radial e no interior do disco óptico nas imagens         XFS also affects the ocular vasculature, including the
inteiras foram significativamente menores no glaucoma primário       ophthalmic artery, ciliary circulation, iris vessels, central
de ângulo aberto e no glaucoma pseudoesfoliativo do que no           retinal vein, and vortex veins(6).
grupo controle (p
Onur IU, et al.

    Patients with best corrected visual acuity (BCVA)          and the average VD in this region is calculated by the
+3.00 diopter (D) or 50. We used the        interquartile range. Chi-square test was used to analyze
average, superior, and inferior parameters for the mean        the qualitative data. A p-value
Vessel density in early-stage primary open angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma:
                                       a comparative controlled optical coherence tomography angiography study

statistically significant. The diagnostic accuracy of the                                       medications. The IOP measurements were significantly
ONH and RPC parameters for discriminating POAG and                                              lower in the POAG and XFG groups than in the control
XFG (1), POAG and control (2), and XFG and control                                              group (p=0.012 and p=0.001, respectively).
(3) was evaluated by area under the receiver operating                                              Table 2 shows the GCC and RNFL examination results
characteristic curve statistics (AUROCs). The whole-image                                       for all groups. All GCC parameters (average, superior, and
and inside-disc image VDs for both ONH and RPC para-                                            inferior) were significantly lower in the POAG and XFG
meters (slabs) were used for this purpose. The intraclass                                       eyes than in the control eyes (p
Onur IU, et al.

wer in patients with POAG than in patients with XFG.                                                  the whole-image RPC VD between the POAG and XFG
However, no significant difference in inferotemporal                                                  groups (p=0.486). These RPC VD parameters did not
sector VD between patients with POAG and XFG was                                                      also show statistically significant inter-eye correlation
noted. These ONH VD parameters did not show statis-                                                   (p
Vessel density in early-stage primary open angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma:
                                     a comparative controlled optical coherence tomography angiography study

Table 4. Radial peripapillary capillary vessel density measurements of the study group

OCT                       POAG (n=18)                      XFG (n=18)                 Control (n=18)
angiography             (from 13 subjects)            (from 14 subjects)             (from 10 subjects)                       P*                   P*                   P*
%                   Median       Q1     -   Q3      Median     Q1    -     Q3      Median   Q1     -   Q3       PK     POAG vs. XFG        POAG vs. control      XFG vs. control
Whole                 53.4      50.8    -   54.7     54.0     52.3   --
                                                                          56.1      57.1    54.8   -   58.7   0.001         0.486                0.001                0.002
-Nasal                60.8      54.3    -   64.4     61.6     56.8   -    64.3      61.5    58.4   -   65.0   0.724
-Inferonasal          63.6      60.0    -   67.3     69.9     65.4   -    71.0      64.7    62.7   -   68.1   0.052
-Inferotemporal       62.2      60.3    -   68.2     64.5     58.8   -    71.2      68.7    67.0   -   71.0   0.072
-Superotemporal       63.2      58.6    -   69.4     70.7     61.3   -    74.6      69.7    63.7   -   71.9   0.052
-Superonasal          60.9      57.6    -   63.5     66.0     59.0   -    68.7      61.6    55.5   -   64.5   0.057
-Temporal             62.8      54.5    -   65.9     66.3     62.1   -    68.4      65.2    61.7   -   66.9   0.160
OCT= optical coherence tomography; RPC, radial peripapillary capillary; POAG= primary open angle glaucoma; XFG= pseudoexfoliation glaucoma; Q1= first quartile; Q3= third quartile.
  P-values are based on the Kruskal-Wallis test (*Mann-Whitney U test) (controlled by intraclass correlation coefficient for inter-eye correlation).

Table 5. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC)                      with reduced flow in both the lamina cribrosa and rim
values of vascular parameters
                                                                                             area, but not in the PPR(22). Conversely, Ocakoglu et al.
                               AUC                 95% CI                 P-value
                                                                                             reported that XFS was associated with reduced ocular
                                                                                             blood flow in both the ONH and PPR in their study on
    ONH whole                  0.707        0.533      -    0.881          0.034
                                                                                             22 patients with XFS with the same device(23).
    ONH inside                 0.722        0.551      -    0.893          0.023
                                                                                                 Yuksel et al. used color Doppler imaging to investi-
    RPC whole                  0.568        0.376      -    0.760          0.486
                                                                                             gate the orbital blood flow velocity in patients with XFG
    RPC inside                 0.503        0.309      -    0.697          0.975
                                                                                             and POAG(24). Despite no significant difference in the
POAG vs control
                                                                                             mean blood flow parameters between POAG and XFG,
    ONH whole                  0.840        0.711      -    0.968          0.001
                                                                                             the authors reported that the blood flow velocities of
    ONH inside                 0.855        0.729      -    0.981          0.000
                                                                                             the retrobulbar vessels were decreased in patients with
    RPC whole                  0.833        0.702      -    0.964          0.001
                                                                                             XFG and POAG than in the control subjects. Martinez
    RPC inside                 0.827        0.682      -    0.972          0.001
                                                                                             and Sanchez also used color Doppler imaging to study
XFG vs control
                                                                                             the hemodynamic parameters in the ophthalmic artery
    ONH whole                  0.710        0.537      -    0.883          0.031
                                                                                             and short posterior ciliary arteries in patients with XFG
    ONH inside                 0.731        0.556      -    0.907          0.018
                                                                                             and POAG(25), and it showed lower blood flow in patients
    RPC whole                  0.796        0.653      -    0.939          0.002
                                                                                             with POAG. One point that should be kept in mind is
    RPC inside                 0.793        0.640      -    0.947          0.003
                                                                                             that previous studies mentioned above directly exami-
AUC= area under the curve; POAG= primary open angle glaucoma; XFG= pseudo-
exfoliation glaucoma; ONH= optic nerve head; RPC= radial peripapillary capillary;            ned orbital blood flow velocity, whereas we measured
CI= confidence interval.
                                                                                             retinal VD.
                                                                                                 Suwan et al. were the first to use OCT-A ONH images
                                                                                             (4.5 × 4.5 mm) to study 43 eyes with XFG and 31 eyes
higher AUROC values. Figure 2A and 2B shows the AU-
                                                                                             with POAG matched for VF MD to 33 eyes with XFS and
ROCs of the POAG and XFG groups compared with the
                                                                                             45 control eyes. They reported a significant decrease in
control group.
                                                                                             VD of the RPC in eyes with XFG compared to eyes with
                                                                                             POAG and eyes with XFS compared to control eyes(20).
DISCUSSION                                                                                   They also mentioned, as a limitation of their study, that
    The ONH blood flow can be affected by the accu-                                          a relatively high proportion of older patients were inclu-
mulation of pseudoexfoliation material, especially in                                        ded in the XFS and XFG groups and that advanced age
the posterior ciliary arteries(21). For example, Harju et                                    could affect the microvasculature around the optic disc.
al. used LDF to study blood flow in the lamina cribrosa                                      However, another study by Park et al.(26) compared the
region, rim area, and PPR in 50 patients with XFG or                                         peripapillary RPC VDs (4.5 × 4.5) in age matched 39 eyes
ocular hypertension with XFS in one eye and reported                                         with XFG and 39 eyes ewith POAG using a swept-source
that advanced glaucomatous damage was associated                                             OCT-A device and reported lower mean VDs in all sec-

6          Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2021 – Ahead of Print
Onur IU, et al.

                    A                                                B

                    C                                                D

                  Figure 2. A) Area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROCs) showing the diagnostic
                  accuracy for discrimination between XFG vs control and POAG vs control using whole-image and
                  inside-disc vessel density of ONH (A-B). B) Area under the receiver operating characteristic curves
                  (AUROCs) showing the diagnostic accuracy for discrimination between XFG vs. control and POAG vs.
                  control using RPC VD of the whole image and inside disc (C-D).

tors (significant in some) of the XFG and POAG groups.                 of older patients were included in POAG group compa-
Similarly, Rebolleda et al. used the same OCT device                   red to that in the XFG group. The contrast between our
(AngioVue) but 4.5 × 4.5-mm scans and also reported                    results and those of aforementioned studies might result
significantly lower mean peripapillary VD of the ONH in                from disease severity discrepancies of the eyes included
patients with XFG than in those with POAG(27). Although                in the studies; that is, we only enrolled eyes with very
we found a significant decrease in the whole-image VD                  early-stage disease. However, a recent study by Pra-
of the RPC in the eyes with XFG and POAG compared to                   dhan et al., which compared severity-matched 39 eyes
control eyes, we did not find a significant difference in              with XFG and 39 eyes with POAG, found no significant
the peripapillary sector VD of the RPC between patients                difference in peripapillary VD (4.5 × 4.5) of the RPC in
with POAG and XFG as mentioned above. We conversely                    contradiction to previous studies(28). Another factor that
found a significantly lower peripapillary VD of the ONH                might explain the difference between the results of these
of inside-disc image in the POAG group compared to                     studies and those of our study is the size and resolution
that in the XFG group. Although there was no significant               of the area captured on OCT-A, which was 3 × 3 mm
difference in mean age, in our study, a high proportion                (higher definition) in our study. Of note, distribution of

                                                                                         Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2021 – Ahead of Print   7
Vessel density in early-stage primary open angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma:
                             a comparative controlled optical coherence tomography angiography study

optic nerve disc size (disc area) of the eyes in our study          tations. One is the limited number of patients, which
was appropriate for 3 × 3 evaluation (Table 1).                     may affect the power of our results. A prospective study
    Regarding diagnostic accuracy, previous studies showed          that includes large groups of patients would provide
high AUROC values for RPC VD or whole-image VD                      more reliable results. The borderline significance values
of the ONH, thereby allowing discrimination between                 for RPC VD on sectors were low, which likely resulted
healthy controls and eyes with glaucoma. With respect               from the suboptimal power of the study. Another limi-
to peripapillary VD, Liu et al. reported AUROC value of             tation is that our use of the 3 × 3 scans, despite being
0.938 for discrimination of normal eyes and eyes with               better for imaging details, may have yielded suboptimal
glaucoma, in which glaucoma subtypes were not men-                  results when compared with 4.5 × 4.5 or 6 × 6 scans
tioned(12). However, Chen et al. found AUROC value of               for assessments of the peripapillary zone.
0.93 for peripapillary whole-image VD in discriminating                 Therefore, similar to previous studies, we demonstra-
eyes with POAG and healthy eyes(13). In discriminating              ted reduced average values for ONH and PPR VD using
eyes with early-stage glaucoma (MD > −6.0 dB) and                   with quantitative OCT-A in patients with POAG and XFG
normal eyes, whole-image and inside-disc VDs showed                 compared to those in controls. However, the findings of
AUROC values of 0.830 and 0.566, respectively, in the               lower VD in eyes with POAG compared to that in eyes
study by Chung et al.(15). Similarly, these former and lat-         with XFG may suggest that vascular insufficiency plays a
ter values were 0.740 and 0.756, respectively, in eyes              more significant role in the pathogenesis of early POAG
with early-stage POAG and normal eyes by Kurysheva                  than XFG. We found OCT-A to be useful as a noninvasive
et al.(29). Moreover, Chihara et al. showed AUROC va-               method for the evaluation of microvasculature in and
lue of 0.832 for the RPC VD in the POAG and control                 around the ONH. This study showed a reduction in the
groups(30), as whole-image and inside-disc VDs showed               ONH and PPR VD in patients with early-stage glaucoma.
AUROC values of 0.90 and 0.73, respectively, in eyes
with POAG and normal eyes in another study(14). In the              REFERENCES
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