Victoria Government Gazette - GENERAL - No. G 29 Thursday 15 July 2004 - reglii

Page created by Rose Espinoza
Victoria Government Gazette
      By Authority of Victorian Government Printer

   No. G 29 Thursday 15 July 2004


1922   G 29    15 July 2004                                      Victoria Government Gazette

                                   TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Private Advertisements                             Randles, Cooper & Co. Pty Ltd        1927
    Gary S. Fettes re SHADAC            1923       Rennick & Gaynor                     1927
    Colin Henry Madden re                          Ryan, Mackey & McClelland            1927
    RMBL Investments Ltd                1923       Septimus Jones & Lee                 1928
Dissolutions of Partnerships                       Trust Company of Australia Ltd       1928
    Peter James Elsom et al             1923   Sales by the Sheriff
    Dimitriadis Finch                   1923       Vince Antonelli                      1928
    Mirror Time Systems                 1923       Daniel John McLauchlan               1928
    Ms Monas                            1923   Unclaimed Moneys
Estates of Deceased Persons                        AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Limited    1929
    Aitken Walker & Strachan            1923       G. A. Thomson & Co. Pty Ltd          1960
    Armstrong Collins and Delacy        1924       Manningham City Council              1960
    Aughtersons                         1924       McDonough & Co.                      1961
    Basile & Co. Pty Ltd                1924       UBS Cash Management Trust            1961
    Borchard & Moore                    1924      City of Whitehorse                    1962
    Burke & Associates                  1924   Government and Outer Budget Sector
    Dwyer Mahon & Robertson             1924     Agencies Notices                       1963
    Garden & Green                      1925
                                               Orders in Council                        1985
    GWP Aarons & Co.                    1925
    Harwood Andrews                     1925
                                                         Flora and Fauna Guarantee;
    Hassall & Byrne                     1925
                                                         Local Government;
    James Kelleher                      1925
                                                         Victorian Plantations
    Kelly & Chapman                     1926
    Littleton Hackford                  1926
    McKean & Park                       1926
    Mills Oakley                        1926
    O’Brien & Galante                   1927
    Pietrzak                            1927

                                   Advertisers Please Note
                                    As from 15 July 2004
                  The last Special Gazette was No. 165 dated 13 July 2004.
                  The last Periodical Gazette was No. 1 dated 17 June 2004.

                                   How To Submit Copy
                       l   See our webpage
                       l   or contact our office on 9926 1233
                           between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday

   Copies of recent Special Gazettes can now be viewed at the following display cabinets:
              l   1 Treasury Place, Melbourne (behind the Old Treasury Building), and
              l   Craftsman Press Pty Ltd, 125 Highbury Road, Burwood 3125
                  (front of building).
Victoria Government Gazette                                      G 29    15 July 2004            1923

                              P R I VAT E A D V E R T I S E M E N T S
            Co-operatives Act 1996                         DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP
                    FORM 11                             The partnership between Elizabeth Dimitriadis
          Notice of Winding Up Order                 of 17 Valentine Grove, Armadale and SJF
         and Appointment of Liquidator               (Australia) Pty Ltd of 7 Walstab Street, Brighton
    In the matter of the Co-operatives Act 1996      East carrying on business as Dimitriadis Finch has
and Swan Hill & District Aboriginal                  been dissolved by mutual consent from 1 July 2004.
Co-operative Ltd (in liquidation) (“SHADAC”)         HD+Co, accountants & business advisors,
ABN 78 953 514 868.                                  PO Box 188, Oakleigh, Vic. 3166.
    On 8 June 2004, by an Instrument of
Appointment signed by the Registrar of
Co-operatives, Graeme M. Lawrie and Gary S.                DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP
Fettes were appointed joint and several                  Notice is hereby given that the partnership
liquidators of SHADAC.                               heretofore subsisting between Karen Barber of
Dated 6 July 2004                                    245 Cherry Swamp Road, Little River and
                             GARY S. FETTES          Justin Rough of 8 Holyhead Drive, Torquay
                                          Level 2    carrying on business as Mirror Time Systems
                         443 Little Collins Street   has been dissolved as from 30 June 2004.
                           Melbourne, Vic. 3000
                                                     Dated 5 July 2004
                                                     JUSTIN ROUGH,
            Corporations Act 2001                    8 Holyhead Drive, Torquay, Vic. 3228.
                    S 427(1B)
          Appointment of a Controller                     DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP
    On 3 June 2004, Colin Henry Madden of               Notice is hereby given that the partnership
RMBL Investments Limited, ACN 004 493 789,           between Stefanie Sampson of 39 Argyle Street,
of 40–42 Scott Street, Dandenong, Victoria, was
                                                     West Footscray and Elizabeth Lotter of 9
appointed as controller of the property situated
at 485 (Lot 7) Main Street, Bairnsdale, Victoria,    Stroner Avenue, Keilor East carrying on
487 (Lot 6) Main Street, Bairnsdale, Victoria,       business as Ms Monas has been dissolved as of
6 (Lot 8) Radford Place, Bairnsdale, Victoria        30 June 2004.
and 8 (Lots 9 & 10) Radford Place, Bairnsdale,       Stefanie Sampson, 12 July 2004
Victoria and more particularly described in
Certificate of Title Volume 10171, Folios 792,
793 and 794 and Volume 10234, Folios 549 and             Re: HUGH FRANCIS HARDWICK, late of
550 owned by Brunsin Corporation Pty Ltd,            47 Rae Street, Fitzroy North, consultant,
ACN 100 568 830.                                     deceased.
COLIN HENRY MADDEN                                       Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
RMBL Investments Limited,                            claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
40–42 Scott Street, Dandenong, Vic. 3175.            who died on 30 December 2003, are required by
                                                     the trustee, Mary Sila-Mato of 47 Rae Street,
     DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP                      Fitzroy North, Victoria, music teacher, the
                                                     domestic partner, to send particulars to the
   Notice is hereby given that the partnership
previously existing joining Peter James Elsom,       trustee by 16 September 2004 after which date
Fiona Moira Elsom, William George Elsom,             the trustee may convey or distribute the assets,
Joyce Lynnette Elsom and David William Elsom         having regard only to the claims of which the
has been dissolved as and from 30 May 2003.          trustee has notice.
HUNTER NEWNS, barristers & solicitors,               AITKEN WALKER & STRACHAN, solicitors,
77 Kennedy Street, Hamilton, Vic. 3300.              2nd Floor, 114 William Street, Melbourne 3000.
1924    G 29     15 July 2004                                          Victoria Government Gazette

    MARGOT JUDITH MARTYN, late of                    regard only to the claims of which they then have
“Keswick Park”, Old Lancefield Road,                 notice.
Woodend, Victoria, farmer, deceased.                 BASILE & CO. PTY LTD, legal practitioners,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         46 Wellington Street, Kerang, Vic. 3579.
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died on 24 November 2003, are required by            Re: MARY VERONICA THACKER, late of
the trustees, Philip Richard Martyn of 105           4 George Bass Court, Skye, Victoria, but
Carpenter Street, Brighton, Victoria, company        formerly of 6 Lancaster Court, Keysborough,
director, and Wendy Anne Duncan of 12A Rose          Victoria, home duties, deceased.
Street, Armadale, Victoria, businesswoman, to            Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
send particulars to them by 16 September 2004,       claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
after which date the trustees may convey or          who died on 1 March 2004, are required by the
distribute the assets having regard only to the      trustee, Bernard John Moore of 2 Ballina Terrace,
claims of which they then have notice.               Vermont South, Victoria, solicitor, to send
Dated 13 July 2004                                   particulars to the trustee by 24 September 2004
                                                     after which date the trustee may convey or
                                                     distribute the assets, having regard only to the
solicitors for the said trustees,
                                                     claims of which the trustee has notice.
143C Mollison Street, Kyneton.
                                                     BORCHARD & MOORE, solicitors,
                                                     44 Douglas Street, Noble Park 3174.
Unit 33, Cherry Tree Grove Retirement Village,
67-81 Maroondah Highway, Croydon, Victoria,              Re: BARRY JAMES HALL, late of 1–7 The
home duties, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and    Mount, Croydon, deceased.
others having claims in respect of the estate of         Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
the abovenamed deceased, who died on 13 April        claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
2004, are required by the executrix, Alison          who died on 7 June 2003, are required by the
Myrtle Palmer of 101 Banyule Road, East              trustee, Ronda Patricia Hall, of 1–7 The Mount,
Rosanna, Victoria, to send particulars thereof to    Croydon, to send particulars to the trustee C/-
her care of the office of Messrs Aughtersons,        Burke & Associates Solicitors of 1127 High
267 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood, within              Street, Armadale, 3143 by 13 September 2004,
sixty days from the date of publication of this      after which date the trustee may convey or
notice, after which the executrix will distribute
the estate having regard only to claims of which     distribute the assets having regard only to the
she has notice.                                      claims of which the trustee has notice.
AUGHTERSONS,                                         BURKE & ASSOCIATES, solicitors,
current practitioners for the executrix,             1127 High Street, Armadale, 3143.
267 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood 3134.
                                                         Re: Estate of FIONA FREEMAN.
    Re: Estate of LORNA MAY CROMBIE,                     Creditors, next-of-kin or others having
deceased.                                            claims in respect of the estate of FIONA
    In the estate of LORNA MAY CROMBIE of            FREEMAN, late of 14 Tobruk Street, Swan Hill
84 Pay Street, Kerang in the State of Victoria,      in the State of Victoria, legal secretary,
deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and all other       deceased, who died on 12 March 2004, are to
persons having claims against the estate of the      send particulars of their claim to the executor
said deceased are required by Garry William          care of the undermentioned legal practitioners
Crombie of 26 Second Avenue, Altona North,           by 1 October 2004 after which the executor will
Victoria and Tannia Elizabeth Cacopardo of 15        distribute the assets having regard only to the
Junction Street, Ringwood North, Victoria, the       claims of which she then has notice.
executors of the Will of the said deceased, to       DWYER MAHON & ROBERTSON,
send particulars of such claims to them in care of
the undermentioned solicitors within two months      legal practitioners,
from the date of publication of this notice after    Beveridge Dome, 194–208 Beveridge Street,
which date they will distribute the assets having    Swan Hill.
Victoria Government Gazette                                        G 29    15 July 2004            1925

    Re: Estate of JOHN JOSEPH O’LOUGHLIN.              deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others
    Creditors, next-of-kin or others having claims     having claims in respect of the estate of the
in respect of the estate of John Joseph                deceased, who died on 15 November 2003, are
O’Loughlin, late of 26 Railway Avenue, Sea             required by Warrick Dudley Nelson and Patrick
Lake in the State of Victoria, pensioner,              Francis Sweeney, the executors of the
deceased, who died on 23 May 2004, are to send         deceased’s Will, to send particulars to them care
particulars of their claim to the executrix care of    of the undermentioned lawyers by 15 September
the undermentioned legal practitioners by              2004 after which date the executors may convey
24 September 2004 after which the executrix            or distribute the assets having regard only to the
will distribute the assets having regard only to       claims of which they then have notice.
the claims of which she then has notice.               HARWOOD ANDREWS, lawyers,
DWYER MAHON & ROBERTSON,                               70 Gheringhap Street, Geelong 3220.
legal practitioners,
Beveridge Dome, 194–208 Beveridge Street,
Swan Hill.                                                 PEGGY ALICIA SMITH, late of 36
                                                       Gwynne Street, Hamlyn Heights, Victoria,
                                                       retired, deceased.
    Re: CONCETTA FEDELE, deceased.                         Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having           claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,       who died on 9 January 2004, are required by
who died on 3 February 2004, are required by           Warrick Dudley Nelson and Patrick Francis
the trustee, Anthony Fedele, to send particulars       Sweeney, the executors of the deceased’s Will,
to the trustee by 23 September 2004 after which        to send particulars to them care of the
date the trustee may convey or distribute the          undermentioned lawyers by 15 September 2004
assets, having regard only to the claims of which      after which date the executors may convey or
the trustee has notice.                                distribute the assets having regard only to the
GARDEN & GREEN, solicitors,                            claims of which they then have notice.
4 McCallum Street, Swan Hill 3585.                     HARWOOD ANDREWS, lawyers,
                                                       70 Gheringhap Street, Geelong 3220.
of Room 403A, Central Park, 101 Punt Road,                 Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
Windsor in the State of Victoria, home duties.         claims against the estate of JEAN MAVIS
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having           DORAN, late of Goonawarra Gardens, 19-21
claims in respect of the estate of the                 Andersons Road, Sunbury, Victoria, who died
abovenamed deceased, who died on 31 March              on 6 April 2004, are required by the executor,
2004, are required by the executor of the Will of      Equity Trustees Limited (ACN 004 031 298) of
the deceased, William Donald Douglas Dunford           Level 2, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne, to send
of 58 Ian Grove, Mount Waverley in the State of        detailed particulars of their claims to the said
Victoria, to send particulars of their claims to his   executor C/- Hassall & Byrne, solicitors of
solicitors, GWP Aarons & Co. of Level 9, 224           216 Charman Road, Cheltenham, 3192 by
Queen Street, Melbourne in the State of Victoria       15 September 2004 after which date it will
by 13 September 2004 after which date the              proceed to distribute the said estate having
executor may convey or distribute the assets           regard only to the claims of which it then has
having regard only to the claims of which he           notice.
then has notice.                                       HASSALL & BYRNE, solicitors,
GWP AARONS & CO., solicitors,                          216 Charman Road, Cheltenham 3192.
Level 9, 224 Queen Street, Melbourne,
Victoria 3000.
                                                          ESTELLE FLORENCE HUGHES, late of
                                                       17 Mendip Road, Reservoir, Victoria, home
   Re: JOHN MALCOLM McNEILL, late of                   duties, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and
23 Mercer Parade, Newtown, Victoria, retired,          others having claims in respect of the estate of
1926    G 29      15 July 2004                                          Victoria Government Gazette

the deceased, who died on 4 April 2004, are           MARTINUS LAUKENS, late of Glenwood, 70
required by the trustees and executors, Jeanette      Henry Street, Traralgon, Victoria, retired
Doreian of 1 Rockaway Drive, Viewbank,                carpenter, deceased, who died on 23 April 2004,
Victoria, home duties, and Arvon Noel Hughes          are to send their claims to the trustee, Garth
of 25 Sandra Court, Knoxfield, Victoria, driver,      Milson Reese-Hackford of 115 Hotham Street,
to send their particulars to them at the address      Traralgon,     Victoria,      care      of      the
appearing below by 30 September 2004 after            below–mentioned solicitors by 13 September
which date the trustees and executors may             2004 after which date he will distribute the assets
convey or distribute the assets having regard         of the deceased having regard only to the claims
only to the claims of which they have notice.         of which he then has notice.
JAMES KELLEHER, legal practitioners,                  LITTLETON HACKFORD, solicitors,
75 Main Street, Romsey 3434.                          “Law Chambers”, 115-119 Hotham Street,
                                                      Traralgon, Vic. 3844.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of MARJORIE
                                                          Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
DONNELLA TOWNSEND, late of 349 North
                                                      claims in respect of the estate of THOMAS
Road, Caulfield South, deceased, who died on
                                                      NEWPORT FAULKNER, late of 1 Breedon
4 June 2004, are required by the sole executor,
                                                      Street, Traralgon, Victoria, retired farmer,
namely Andrew John Townsend of 503
                                                      deceased, who died on 21 June 2004, are to send
Waverley Road, East Malvern, to send
particulars of such claims to the solicitors acting   their claims to the trustees, Nola Joy Blythman
for the said executor, namely Kelly & Chapman,        of 142 Wallace Street, Bairnsdale, Victoria and
300 Centre Road, Bentleigh, by 21 September           Leonard Thomas Faulkner of 9 Brookes Street,
2004 after which date the said executor may           Traralgon,      Victoria,     care     of    the
convey or distribute the assets of the deceased,      below–mentioned solicitors by 13 September
having regard only to claims of which he or his       2004 after which date they will distribute the
solicitors then have notice.                          assets of the deceased having regard only to the
                                                      claims of which they then have notice.
KELLY & CHAPMAN, solicitors,
300 Centre Road, Bentleigh 3204.                      LITTLETON HACKFORD, solicitors,
                                                      “Law Chambers”, 115-119 Hotham Street,
                                                      Traralgon, Vic. 3844.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of DOROTHY
NANCY BURNET, late of Unit 1, 15 High                     Re: SYDNEY GRAHAM RICHARDSON,
Street, Traralgon, Victoria, home duties,             late of 5 Harwood Street, Brighton, Victoria,
deceased, who died on 1 June 2004, are to send        deceased.
their claims to the trustees, Allan James Burnet          Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
of 20 Piccadilly Crescent, Keysborough,               claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
Victoria and Margaret Anne Burnet of                  who died on 15 November 2003, are required
42 Clarence Street, East Brunswick, Victoria,         by the trustee, Roland Hugh Richardson, to
care of the below-mentioned solicitors by             send particulars to the trustee care of the
16 September 2004 after which date they will          undermentioned solicitors by 30 September
distribute the assets of the deceased having          2004 after which date the trustee may convey or
regard only to the claims of which they then          distribute the assets, having regard only to the
have notice.                                          claims of which he then has notice.
LITTLETON HACKFORD, solicitors,                       McKEAN & PARK, lawyers & consultants,
“Law Chambers”, 115–119 Hotham Street,                405 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000.
Traralgon, Vic. 3844.

                                                         BRIAN LAURENCE CHATFIELD, late of
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          55 Olive Grove, Sunbury, Victoria, aircraft
claims in respect of the estate of KAREL              engineer, deceased.
Victoria Government Gazette                                      G 29    15 July 2004            1927

    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         or distribute the assets having regard only to the
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,     claims of which the executors then have notice.
who died on 24 May 2004, are required by the         PIETRZAK, solicitors,
executor, ANZ Executors & Trustee Company            222 La Trobe Street, Melbourne.
Limited (ABN 33 006 132 332) of 530 Collins
Street, Melbourne, Victoria, to send particulars
to it by 15 September 2004, after which date it          Re: MARY THERESA ADAMS, late of
may convey or distribute the assets having           477 Albert Street, West Brunswick, Victoria,
regard only to the claims of which it then has       gentlewoman, deceased.
notice.                                                  Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
MILLS OAKLEY, lawyers,                               claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
121 William Street, Melbourne.                       who died on 22 August 2003, are required by the
                                                     trustees, Douglas James Adams of 8 Tunbridge
                                                     Street, Rhyll, Victoria, retired, the son and
    RAYMOND JOHN PAYNE, late of 2/36                 Glenice Margaret Millar of 20 Doveton Avenue,
Maribyrnong Road, Moonee Ponds, Victoria,            Doveton, Victoria, administration officer, the
retired, deceased.                                   daughter, to send particulars to the trustees by
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         15 September 2004 after which date the trustees
claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed    may convey or distribute the assets, having
deceased, who died on 8 January 2004, are to         regard only to the claims of which the trustees
send particulars of their claims to the executors,   have notice.
Jacqueline Margaret Killgour and Paul Brian          RANDLES, COOPER & CO. PTY LTD,
Alec Killgour care of the undermentioned             solicitors,
solicitors by 16 September 2004 after which date
                                                     636 Sydney Road, Brunswick 3056.
the said executors will distribute the assets
having regard only to the claims of which they
then have notice.                                        CORNELIUS JOSEPH CAREY, late of
O’BRIEN & GALANTE, solicitors,                       Ripplebrook Aged Care Facility, 21–25 Inverness
27 Norwood Crescent, Moonee Ponds.                   Street, Clarinda, Victoria, retired, deceased.
                                                     Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims
                                                     in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         on 20 November 2003, are required by the
claims in respect to the estate of FRANK RUS         executor, David Anthony Rush of 431 Riversdale
(also known as Franciszek Rus), late of 3            Road, Hawthorn East, Victoria, to send particulars
Percival Street, Bayswater in the State of           to him care of the undersigned by 15 September
Victoria, pensioner, deceased, who died on 28        2004 after which date the executor may convey
June 2004, are required to send particulars of       or distribute the assets having regard only to the
such claims to the executor care of the              claims of which he then has notice.
undermentioned solicitors by 13 September
2004 after which date the executor will convey       RENNICK & GAYNOR, solicitors,
or distribute the assets having regard only to the   431 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn East.
claims of which the executor then has notice.
PIETRZAK, solicitors,                                    Re: KEVIN RICHARD COOKE, late of
222 La Trobe Street, Melbourne.                      11 Hobson Street, Greensborough, Victoria,
                                                     retired, deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having             Creditors, next-of-kin and all other persons
claims in respect of the estate of STANISLAW         having claims against the estate of the said
KAZALA, late of 3 Percival Street, Bayswater         deceased are required by Sandra May Venn, the
in the State of Victoria, pensioner, deceased,       executor of the estate of the said deceased, to
who died on 24 June 2004, are required to send       send particulars of such claims to her care of the
particulars of such claims to the executor care of   undermentioned solicitors by the date being two
the undermentioned solicitors by 13 September        calendar months from the date of this
2004 after which date the executors will convey      advertisement after which date they will
1928    G 29      15 July 2004                                          Victoria Government Gazette

distribute the estate having regard only to the       of a flat and carpark known as 3/40 Egan Street,
claims of which they then have notice.                Richmond.
RYAN, MACKEY & McCLELLAND,                                Registered Mortgage No. AC304471B affects
solicitors,                                           the said estate and interest.
65 Main Street, Greensborough.                        Terms – Cash/Eftpos
                                                      (Debit Cards only. No Credit Cards).
    Re: EILEEN MARY LYNCH, late of
1 Clayton Street, Balwyn, retired, deceased.          Dated 8 July 2004
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having                                               V. PARKIN
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,                                       Sheriff’s Office
who died on 24 November 2003, are required by
the trustee, Kathleen Burnett of 18 Harris Road,        In the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria
Dural, New South Wales, married woman, the                       SALE BY THE SHERIFF
niece, to send particulars to the trustee within 60
                                                          On Wednesday 11 August 2004 at 2.30 p.m.
days of publication hereof after which date the
                                                      at the Sheriff’s Office, 8–20 King Street,
trustee may convey or distribute the assets,
                                                      Oakleigh. (Unless process be stayed or satisfied).
having regard only to the claims of which the
trustee has notice.                                       All the estate and interest (if any) of Daniel
                                                      John McLauchlan of 2 Frye Street, Watsonia,
SEPTIMUS JONES & LEE, solicitors,                     joint proprietor with Veronica Terese
Level 5, 99 William Street, Melbourne 3000.           Farid of an estate in fee simple in the land
                                                      described on Certificate of Title Volume 8192,
   JOHN REUBEN BENHAM, late of                        Folio 005 upon which is erected a house known
Coronella Aged Care Hostel, 163-165 Central           as 314 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough.
Road, Nunawading, Victoria, retired farmer,               Registered Mortgage No. X242148E affects
deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others           the said estate and interest.
having claims in respect of the estate of the         Terms – Cash/Eftpos
deceased, who died on 24 February 2004, are           (Debit Cards only. No Credit Cards).
required by Stephen Paul Benham of                    SW-04-001851-7
20 Dampier Grove, Mitcham, Victoria, the              Dated 8 July 2004
executor, to send particulars to him by
22 September 2004 after which date he may                                                  V. PARKIN
convey or distribute the assets having regard                                          Sheriff’s Office
only to the claims of which he then has notice.
151 Rathdowne Street, Carlton South.

 In the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria
   On Wednesday 11 August 2004 at 2.30 p.m.
at the Sheriff’s Office, 8–20 King Street,
Oakleigh. (Unless process be stayed or satisfied).
   All the estate and interest (if any) of Vince
Antonelli of 4/40 Egan Street, Richmond as
shown on Certificate of Title as Vincent
Antonelli, proprietor of an estate in fee simple in
Unit 3 and Unit 14 on Strata Plan No. 8599 and
being the whole of the land described on
Certificates of Title Volume 9178, Folio 037 and
Volume 9178, Folio 048. The property consists
Victoria Government Gazette                             G 29   15 July 2004        1929

                               Unclaimed Moneys Act 1962
Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by the —
                                                           Total                 Amount
                                                         Amount     Description     first
                                                          Due to    Of Unclaimed became
Name of Owner on Books and Last Known Address             Owner     Money        Payable
                         AXA ASIA PACIFIC HOLDINGS LIMITED
A & B Management Pty Ltd,
PO Box 2186, Fortitude Valley, Qld                         605.93    Cheque      05/04/02
A & B Management Pty Ltd,
PO Box 2186, Fortitude Valley, Qld                         383.76      ”         01/10/02
Abba Bay Pty Ltd,
52 The Esplanade, Sylvania Heights, NSW                    224.10      ”         05/04/02
Abba Bay Pty Ltd,
52 The Esplanade, Sylvania Heights, NSW                    141.93      ”         01/10/02
Mr Faramarz Abdollahian, PO Box 106, Westgate, NSW         712.50      ”             ”
Mr Max Adam & Mrs Iris Adam,
“The Adam Super Fund A/C”, PO Box 85, Foster               166.54      ”             ”
Mr Michael Paul Adams, 15 Baronbali St, Dundas, NSW        148.88      ”         05/04/02
Mr Stanley Leslie Adler,
8 Cambridge Ave, North Rocks, NSW                          207.08      ”            ”
Mr Stanley Leslie Adler,
8 Cambridge Ave, North Rocks, NSW                          106.15      ”         01/10/02
Mr Stephen John Ainsworth,
15 Crescent St, Hunters Hill NSW                           115.38      ”            ”
Ms Rosemary Margaret Allen Compton,
Via Mount Gambier, SA                                      273.23      ”         05/04/02
Ms Rosemary Margaret Allen Compton,
Via Mount Gambier, SA                                      140.05      ”         01/10/02
Mr Zoltan Gabor Almady, 734 Hodge Street, Albury NSW       159.60      ”         05/04/02
Mr Zoltan Gabor Almady, 734 Hodge Street, Albury NSW       101.08      ”         01/10/02
Mr Frank Almond, 15 Centre St, Sunshine                    151.35      ”         05/04/02
Mr Colin Edward Altmann, PO Box 118, Ceduna, SA            114.30      ”             ”
Mr Brian Walter Amies, 9 Seaforth Cl, Albany Creek, Qld    110.93      ”             ”
Mr David Rex Anderson, Royal Hotel,
Byron St, Inverell, NSW                                    100.89      ”         01/10/02
Estate Late Ermes Andrighetto, C/- Noyce Salmon & D’Aquino
Solicitors & Conveyancers, PO Box 1022, Griffith, NSW      162.98      ”         05/04/02
Mr Mark William Annear,
21 McWhirter Way Karratha, WA                              113.62      ”         01/10/02
Mr Enrique Antonio, 17 Younger St, Coburg                  122.10      ”         05/04/02
Mr Kenneth Alexander Apthorpe,
9 Bulimba St, Bulimba, Qld                                 211.05      ”             ”
Mr V. J. Archer, PO Box 7, Armadale, WA                    119.70      ”             ”
Mr Brian Michael Arnold, 2/32 Hazelwood Rd, Morwell        166.50      ”             ”
Mr Lawrence David Artridge, PO Box 35, Patterson Lakes     136.76      ”         01/10/02
Mr Graeme Ashby, 16 Asquith St, Reservoir                  135.45      ”         05/04/02
1930   G 29    15 July 2004                                    Victoria Government Gazette

Mr Anthony Leigh Austin,
11 Berthandra Court, West Footscray                          110.48     ”             ”
Mr John Richard Austin, 75 Neuparth Rd, Croydon North        165.53     ”             ”
Mrs Narelle Margaret Austin,
“Estate of D. F. Austin”, (Estate of K. H. L. Austin A/c),
26 Warrington Avenue, Killara, NSW                           358.95     ”             ”
Mrs Narelle Margaret Austin,
“Estate of D. F. Austin”, (Estate of K. H. L. Austin A/c),
26 Warrington Avenue, Killara, NSW                           227.34     ”         01/10/02
Mr Colin Keith Bailey, Goldfields Motor Inn,
Mayne Street, Gulgong, NSW                                   140.93     ”         05/04/02
Mr Warren Frank Bailey, Mrs Deborah Anne Bailey,
“De Wal Super Fund A/C”,
25 Rickard St, Ryde, NSW                                     190.00     ”         01/10/02
Mr Steven Peter Baker, 11 Cottle Rd, Bullaburra, NSW         102.70     ”             ”
Mrs Valma June Baker,
1/22 Weybridge St, Surrey Hills                              132.34     ”             ”
Mr Heimir Barkarson,
17 Linsley St, Gladesville, NSW                              118.28     ”         05/04/02
Mr Alan Theodore Barker & Mr Colin Frank Barker,
“Lyndhurst”, Lovedale Rd, Lovedale NSW                       173.48     ”             ”
Mr Alan Theodore Barker & Mr Colin Frank Barker,
“Lyndhurst”, Lovedale Rd, Lovedale NSW                       109.87     ”         01/10/02
Mr Stuart Brendan Barnett,
34 Ridgewood Crs, Eleebana, NSW                              120.15     ”         05/04/02
Mr Michael John Beauchamp &
Mrs Terry Daile Beauchamp,
12 Molakai Drv, Mountain Creek, Qld                          127.50     ”             ”
Mr Nigel Earle Beeson,
Rosebank, Rosevears Drv, West Tamar, Tas.                    122.25     ”             ”
Mrs Veronica Beeson,
167 Rosevears Drive, West Tamar, Tas.                        121.35     ”             ”
Mr Gregory John Beeton,
9 Patterson St, Edgeworth, NSW                               270.23     ”             ”
Dr Kevin Walter Bell, 66 Adelaide Street, Armadale         1,590.02     ”         01/10/02
Mr Norman William Bell,
13 Lucasville Rd, Glenbrook, NSW                             145.43     ”         05/04/02
Mr Dario Joseph Bella, 4 Anzac St, Sarina, Qld               105.53     ”             ”
Mr Trevor William Bellinger & Mr Andrew Michael Knott &
Mrs Janis Robin Klemm & Mr David Brian Knott,
PO Box 61, Hopetoun                                          101.25     ”             ”
Mr Robert Richard Benhiam,
PO Box 149, Kangaroo Valley, NSW                             211.33     ”         01/10/02
Mr Gregory Gordon Bennedick, 55 King St, Moura, Qld          258.75     ”         05/04/02
Mr Gregory Gordon Bennedick, 55 King St, Moura, Qld          163.88     ”         01/10/02
Mr Michael William Bennett,
4A Stanhope Road, Killara, NSW                               108.08     ”         05/04/02
Estate Late Sten Einar Bergman,
C/- Ellinghaus Weill, PO Box 12035, A’Beckett St, Melbourne 127.13      ”             ”
Dr David Hylton Bernstein,
30 Dillwynia Avenue, Lower Templestowe                       101.25     ”             ”
Mr Peter Raymond Berry,
PO Box 617, Esperance, WA                                    128.03     ”             ”
Victoria Government Gazette                                  G 29   15 July 2004     1931

Mr Brian Richard Billings, 4 Pituri St, Bracken Ridge, Qld     262.05      ”           ”
Mr Brian Richard Billings, 4 Pituri St, Bracken Ridge, Qld     165.97      ”       01/10/02
Mr John Bruce Bingeman, QC,
“Yarra Edge”, PO Box 711, Lilydale                             169.35      ”       05/04/02
Mrs Susan Bingeman, “Yarra Edge”, PO Box 711, Lilydale         145.80      ”           ”
Bird And Stirling, Superannuation Pty Ltd,
PO Box 773, Fyshwick, ACT                                      646.50      ”          ”
Bird And Stirling, Superannuation Pty Ltd,
PO Box 773, Fyshwick, ACT                                      330.45      ”       01/10/02
Mrs Angela Jane Bird,
30 Wahroonga Ave, Wahroonga, NSW                               119.18      ”       05/04/02
Mr Robert William Birse,
17 Terragong Road, Lansdowne, NSW                              129.08      ”          ”
Mrs Gwenda Yvonne Bisby,
60A Creek Reserve Rd, Boolaroo, NSW                            160.70      ”       01/10/02
Mr Wayne Bishop & Mrs Laurel Bishop,
“W & L Bishop S/F A/C”, C/- KRA Financial Group P/L,
Level 1/180 Albert Road, South Melbourne                       187.50      ”       05/04/02
Dr Alexander John Roberts Black,
770 Lake Rd, Connewarre                                        379.50      ”          ”
Dr Alexander John Roberts Black,
770 Lake Rd, Connewarre                                        194.35              01/10/02
Mr David Leslie Black, 5/40-48 Gerard St, Cremorne, NSW        114.81      ”           ”
Mr Nicholas Scott Blake, 116 Shields St, Flemington            111.58      ”           ”
Mrs Maureen Allison Bligh,
56 Bamford Ave, West Meadows                                   119.10      ”       05/04/02
Mr Phillip Craig Bolger, PO Box 471, Toodyay, WA               144.00      ”           ”
Mr Gerard Sylvester Bolton, PO Box 1680, Townsville, Qld       107.18      ”           ”
Mr Charles Bosgra, 46 Glover Street, South Melbourne           187.13      ”           ”
Mr Jonathan Bourner, 15301 Oconto Drive,
Austin TX 78717 USA                                            123.75      ”           ”
Mr William Mark Bowran, RMB 1070, Tallangatta                  108.30      ”       01/10/02
Ms Jane Louise Boyd, C/- 50 Harrow Road, Stanhope, NSW         150.00      ”       05/04/02
Estate Late Evan Kenneth Boys,
C/- Mrs Irene M. Boys, PO Box 1470, Broome, WA                 100.95      ”          ”
Mr Ralph Boys & Mrs Qona Boys,
“Boys Super Fund A/C”, PO Box 346, Maffra                      225.00      ”          ”
Mr Wayne Anthony Bradley,
502 Poictiers St, Deniliquin, NSW                              282.53      ”          ”
Mr Wayne Anthony Bradley,
502 Poictiers St, Deniliquin, NSW                              178.94      ”       01/10/02
Mr Fred Walter Brand, 190 Townsend Road, Moolap                102.08      ”       05/04/02
Mr Michael James Brand,
11 Spencer St, Gladesville, NSW                                112.58      ”          ”
Mr Ian Jeffrey Bray,
25 Comara Tce, Crescent Head, NSW                              105.98      ”          ”
Mr Brian Norman Brayshaw,
MS 544, McGovern Road, Clifton, Qld                            146.33      ”          ”
Dr John Bernard Brennan,
Suite 10A, 210 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg                     185.55      ”          ”
Dr John Bernard Brennan,
Suite 10A, 210 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg                     117.52      ”       01/10/02
1932   G 29    15 July 2004                                  Victoria Government Gazette

Mr Denis Breslin,
23/133 South Pine Road, Enogerra, Qld                      104.48     ”         05/04/02
Breton Pty Ltd, “Allocated Pension A/C”,                   375.00     ”             ”
PO Box 1402, Camberwell East                               237.50     ”         01/10/02
Mr Michael Stephenson Brewin,
C/- Post Office, Maryknoll                                 106.80     ”         05/04/02
British International Trading Pty Ltd,
97A Church Street, Castle Hill, NSW                        651.08     ”             ”
British International Trading Pty Ltd,
97A Church Street, Castle Hill, NSW                        333.35     ”         01/10/02
Mr Andrew George Broadbent,
Bayside Village, 28 Lorenzo Way, Aspendale                 100.73     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Beverley May Brodie, 3 Homer Pl, Caringbah, NSW        103.43     ”             ”
Mr Gavin Donald Brook,
9 Cleveley Ave, Kings Langley, NSW                         150.98     ”             ”
Mr Leo Albert Broomhall,
219 Humphries Road, Frankston South                        103.27     ”         01/10/02
Mr Ian Alexander Brown, 96 Dillon Street, Westcourt, Qld   116.70     ”         05/04/02
Mr Ian Thomas Brown, PO Box 832, Griffith, NSW             109.05     ”             ”
Mr Trevor Ernest Brown, PO Box 1198, Crows Nest, NSW       123.15     ”             ”
Mr Wayne Ruben Brownlie, 61 Glenfield St, Parkinson, Qld   138.00     ”             ”
Mr William Andrew Bruce, 6 Lorica Cove, Hillarys, WA       109.88     ”             ”
Mr William Paul Bryan,
21 Prince Edward Street, Gladesville, NSW                  113.48     ”             ”
Mrs Ailsa Theresa Buckley,
13 Robina Place, Port Macquarie, NSW                       141.08     ”             ”
Mr Ronald Maurice Buckley,
13 Robina Pl, Port Macquarie, NSW                          235.05     ”             ”
Mr Ronald Maurice Buckley,
13 Robina Pl, Port Macquarie, NSW                          148.87     ”         01/10/02
Robert Andrew Woollett Burns,
286 Heatherhill Road, Frankston                            157.28     ”         05/04/02
Burrell Nominees Pty Ltd, “Staff Super Fund A/C”,
C/- Mr S. Burrell, 8 Vanity Court, Dandenong               120.98     ”             ”
Mr Arthur Burt, PO Box 3600, Manuka, ACT                   121.95     ”             ”
Mr Robert Archie Burt,
PO Box 3039, Broadway, Nedlands, WA                        120.68     ”             ”
Mr Peter Gerard Burton, 7 Kenrose Street, Carina, Qld      125.00     ”         01/10/02
Mr John Thomas Burvill, 21 McNairn Road, Traralgon         251.18     ”         05/04/02
Mr Lorne James Bussell, 5 Spyglass Cir, Canning Vale, WA   157.13     ”             ”
Mr Graham Buttenshaw, 1 Matipo Cl, Duncraig, WA            637.28     ”             ”
Mr Graham Buttenshaw, 1 Matipo Cl, Duncraig, WA            403.61     ”         01/10/02
Mr Geoffrey Thomas Byers, PO Box 638, Kalgoorlie, WA       114.68     ”         05/04/02
Mr Christopher Phillip Byrt,
5 Mokari Ave, Somerton Park, SA                            181.73     ”             ”
Mr Christopher Phillip Byrt,
5 Mokari Ave, Somerton Park, SA                            115.10     ”         01/10/02
Mr Mervyn Edward Bywaters, C/- Post Office, Kalannie,WA    136.95     ”         05/04/02
Mr Bryan Caddick, 48 Forrest Street, Narrogin, WA          339.60     ”             ”
Mr Bryan Caddick, 48 Forrest Street, Narrogin, WA          215.08     ”         01/10/02
Mr John Raymond Cahill, 36 Ash Grove, Duncraig, WA         180.38     ”         05/04/02
Mr Francesco Paul Calcino,
‘Joylands’, PO Box 311, Charleville, Qld                   161.10     ”             ”
Mr Francesco Paul Calcino,
‘Joylands’, PO Box 311, Charleville, Qld                   102.03     ”         01/10/02
Victoria Government Gazette                                G 29   15 July 2004     1933

Ms Ariane Judith Caley,
C/- Mr N. D. Caley, 23 Cammeray Road, Cammeray, NSW          139.65      ”       05/04/02
Mr Bradley Allan Cameron,
52 Cousins Rd, Beacon Hill, NSW                              102.12      ”       01/10/02
Mr Peter Robert Camm, Ashvale, MS 232, Bowenville, Qld       400.80      ”       05/04/02
Mr Peter Robert Camm, Ashvale, MS 232, Bowenville, Qld       253.84      ”       01/10/02
Miss Anna Christine Campbell,
RMB 2036C, Beechworth Road, Leneva                           152.76      ”           ”
Mr Garry Phillip Campbell, Warrawee, Gunnedah, NSW           105.00      ”       05/04/02
Mr Gregory Dean Campbell,
65 Websdale Drive, Dubbo, NSW                                111.38      ”           ”
Mr David Gillingham Candy, 92 Hancock Rd, St Agnes, SA       150.00      ”           ”
Ms Connie Caputo, 97 Gowrie St, Glenroy                      104.25      ”           ”
Mr Peter Carbone, 4 Moriac Street, Warriewood, NSW           113.85      ”           ”
Mr Harry Caredes, 24 Gilbert Street, Dover Heights, NSW      421.28      ”           ”
Mr Harry Caredes, 24 Gilbert Street, Dover Heights, NSW      266.81      ”       01/10/02
Mr Alan Victor Carr, PO Box 27, Blackall, Qld                106.73      ”       05/04/02
Mr Malcolm Claude Carr, 44 Longford Crs, Coolaroo            143.85      ”           ”
Mrs Kaye Maria Carter,
22/40 Cotlew Street East, Southport, Qld                     110.18      ”          ”
Mr Mycheal James Carter,
26 Old Burleigh Rd, Surfers Paradise, Qld                    149.93      ”          ”
Mr Andrew John Cartledge, 56-60 Ash Road, Leopold            110.18      ”          ”
Mr Francis Casey, 6 Laurel Hill Drv, Eltham                  110.25      ”          ”
Mrs Glenys Rosalind Casha, 10 Falconer Crt, Keilor           100.95      ”          ”
Mr Angelo Bruno Castaldini,
30/24-36 Eldridge Rd, Bankstown, NSW                         161.63      ”          ”
Mr Angelo Bruno Castaldini,
30/24-36 Eldridge Rd, Bankstown, NSW                         102.37      ”       01/10/02
Mr Kenneth William Cathie, 14 Garden St, Warrnambool         117.45      ”       05/04/02
Mr Darrin John Cavanagh,
‘Bundaleer’, Queen of the Valley Road,
Moongan, via Mount Morgan, Qld                               123.90      ”          ”
Mr Phillip Will Chaloner, Box 276, Halls Creek, WA           133.05      ”          ”
Dr Michael Herbert Chandler, 16 Palmer Ave, Balwyn           126.45      ”          ”
Mrs Dawn Michele Chappell,
16 Arundel Court, 34 Arundel Street, Fremantle, WA           102.30      ”           ”
Mr Costas Charisiou, 91 King Arthur Drive, Glen Waverley     210.38      ”           ”
Mr Costas Charisiou, 91 King Arthur Drive, Glen Waverley     133.24      ”       01/10/02
Mr Stephen William Charleston,
11 McCleery St, Kalgoorlie, WA                               107.26      ”           ”
Mr John Raymond Charlton, PO Box 204, Casula Mall, NSW       116.62      ”           ”
Mr Peter Charman, PO Box 184, Dubbo, NSW                     104.48      ”       05/04/02
Mr Liang Chen, 23 Ross Street, Epping, NSW                   126.35      ”       01/10/02
Mr Louis Charles Cherote, 2 Kanangra Crescent, Ruse, NSW     239.85      ”       05/04/02
Mr Louis Charles Cherote, 2 Kanangra Crescent, Ruse, NSW     151.91      ”       01/10/02
Mr Donald Chiu, 237 Darling St, Balmain, NSW                 330.68      ”       05/04/02
Mr Donald Chiu, 237 Darling St, Balmain, NSW                 169.43      ”       01/10/02
Mr Leslie Norman Church, 170 Texas Road, Jensen, Qld         207.38      ”       05/04/02
Mr Leslie Norman Church, 170 Texas Road, Jensen, Qld         106.34      ”       01/10/02
Mr Peter Ciavarella, 57-59 Killara Road, Campbellfield       113.93      ”       05/04/02
C. K. Clothing Pty Ltd, 13-17 Hillwin St, Reservoir          470.33      ”           ”
C. K. Clothing Pty Ltd, 13-17 Hillwin St, Reservoir          297.88      ”       01/10/02
1934   G 29     15 July 2004                                 Victoria Government Gazette

Mr Robert Alan Clark, 56 Gilbert Rd, West Preston          142.65     ”         05/04/02
Ms Prue Elizabeth Clarke, 119 Summerhill Rd, Glen Iris     150.00     ”             ”
Mr Peter Robert Cluse, 119 Southern Tce, Holden Hill, SA   105.98     ”             ”
Dr Michael John Clutterbuck & Mrs Sandra E. Clutterbuck,
C/- Mr M. J. & Mrs S. E. Clutterbuck,
PO Box 324, Buddina, Qld                                   143.10     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Anna Cocks, 50 Dorset Rd, Croydon                      338.33     ”             ”
Mrs Anna Cocks, 50 Dorset Rd, Croydon                      214.28     ”         01/10/02
Mr Sergio Collalto, 4 Koolkuna Ave, Doncaster              119.40     ”         05/04/02
Mr Maxwell Lloyd Collins,
39 Alma Road, Mount Lawley WA                              113.72     ”         01/10/02
Mr Amerigo Colonico, 16 Waltham Way, Morley, WA            119.10     ”         05/04/02
Mr Ian Thomas Comans, 20 Parkview Close, Kew               161.10     ”             ”
Mr Ian Thomas Comans, 20 Parkview Close, Kew               102.03     ”         01/10/02
Complete Tape Solutions Pty Limited,
“Super Fund A/C”, Complete Tape Solutions P/L,
PO Box M77, Monash Park, NSW                               148.73     ”         05/04/02
Complete Tape Solution Pty Ltd, “Super Fund A/C”,
Box M77 Post Office, Monash Park, NSW                      258.23     ”             ”
Complete Tape Solution Pty Ltd, “Super Fund A/C”,
Box M77 Post Office, Monash Park, NSW                      163.55     ”         01/10/02
Mr David Compton, 12 Lemnos St, Lithgow, NSW               241.88     ”         05/04/02
Mr David Compton, 12 Lemnos St, Lithgow, NSW               153.19     ”         01/10/02
Mrs Suzanne Elizabeth Conners,
12/301 St George St, Sydney, NSW                           168.60     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Suzanne Elizabeth Conners,
12/301 St George St, Sydney, NSW                           106.78     ”         01/10/02
Mrs Kaye Marie Quin-Conroy, 85 Swan Rd, Attadale, WA       134.85     ”         05/04/02
Mr Terrence George Quin-Conroy,
85 Swan Rd, Attadale, WA                                   151.65     ”             ”
Mr Raymond Thomas Considine,
Unit 16, 2 Cerberus Avenue, Parkwood, WA                   159.83     ”             ”
Mr Collin Constantine Contos,
9/114-116 Central Ave, Inglewood, WA                       122.98     ”         01/10/02
Mr Peter Douglas Cook,
65 Schlich Street, Yarralumla, ACT                         128.40     ”         05/04/02
Russell Cook, 1/30 Mitford St, St Kilda                    225.00     ”             ”
Russell Cook, 1/30 Mitford St, St Kilda                    115.50     ”         01/10/02
Mr Ivan Graham David Cooke
28 Dema Street, Sunnybank, Qld                             140.03     ”         05/04/02
Mr Peter Clive Cooke, 80 Bellata St, The Gap, Qld          123.75     ”             ”
Mr John Anthony Cooper, 4 Gordon St, Beaumaris             156.90     ”             ”
Mr Paul Ashley Cooper                                      161.10     ”             ”
C/- Freehill Hollingdale & Page,
101 Collins Street, Melbourne                              102.03     ”         01/10/02
Cope Musgrave Pty Ltd, 41 Garden St, Eastlakes, NSW        182.85     ”         05/04/02
Mr Anthony James Copeland,
“Escape Super Fund A/C”, PO Box 254, Busselton, WA         202.50     ”             ”
Mr Michael Ashley Coppins, 9 Korangi Rd, St Ives, NSW      103.89     ”         01/10/02
Mr Andrew James Corbett, 20 Lantana St,
Macquarie Fields, NSW                                      107.78     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Sherrie-Kaye Corbett,
19B Pacific Palms Circ, Hoxton Park, NSW                   102.30     ”             ”
Victoria Government Gazette                                G 29   15 July 2004     1935

Ms Janette Jill Corrie, 191 Oates Avenue, Holland Park, Qld   121.35     ”          ”
Mr Gregory Mark Cotton,
4/10 Portarlington Rd, Newcombe                               100.50     ”          ”
Mr Robert George Couch,
RMB 1220, Couch’s Lane, Nullawarre                            122.78     ”       05/04/02
Mrs Sheila Mary Court, 15 Poidiven Place, Dubbo, NSW          105.83     ”           ”
Mr Ronald Charles Cowie,
204 Kissing Point Rd, Dundas, NSW                             191.85     ”          ”
Mr Ronald Charles Cowie,
204 Kissing Point Rd, Dundas, NSW                             121.51     ”       01/10/02
Mrs Grace Nancy Cox,
48 Spowers St, Bongaree, Bribie Island, Qld                   486.90     ”       05/04/02
Mrs Grace Nancy Cox,
48 Spowers St, Bongaree, Bribie Island, Qld                   308.37     ”       01/10/02
Mr Russell Banks Coyles, 29 Amanda Drv, Surrey Downs, SA 117.30          ”       05/04/02
Estate Late N. L. Coyne,
8 Williamstown Rd, Doubleview, WA                             158.33     ”           ”
Mr Jack Crabtree, 25 Amazon Place, Werribee                   283.28     ”           ”
Mr Jack Crabtree, 25 Amazon Place, Werribee                   145.41     ”       01/10/02
Mr Alan Armstrong Crawford,
C/- Grant Thornton, PO Box 1029, Parramatta, NSW            1,248.30     ”          ”
Mr Alfred Eddie Crisp,
36 Brodzig Rd, Chuwar, via Ipswich, Qld                       218.85     ”       05/04/02
Mr Alfred Eddie Crisp,
36 Brodzig Rd, Chuwar, via Ipswich, Qld                       138.61     ”       01/10/02
Mrs Brenda Eve Crisp,                                         218.85     ”       05/04/02
36 Brodzig Rd, Chuwar, via Ipswich, Qld                       138.61     ”       01/10/02
Mrs Fay Crooks, 350-356 Holloway Rd, Chambers Flat, Qld       114.75     ”       05/04/02
Mr Jeffrey Wayne Crowe, 35 Amiens St, Lithgow, NSW            106.43     ”           ”
Mr Mark Dennis Crunkhorn, 6/353 Barkly St, Ararat             127.35     ”           ”
Miss Leanne Coleen Crutchfield,
3/23 Lee Avenue, Mount Waverley                               150.00     ”           ”
Mr Donald Joseph Cullen, 41E Herbert Street, Middle Park      113.78     ”           ”
Mr Gordon John Curtis, PO Box 997, Traralgon                  110.11     ”       01/10/02
Mr Carl John Daggers, 31 Leach Hwy, Wilson, WA                138.98     ”       05/04/02
Mr John Robert Dale, 78 Treehaven Way, Maleny, Qld            173.33     ”           ”
Mr John Robert Dale, 78 Treehaven Way, Maleny, Qld            109.78     ”       01/10/02
Mr Dennis James Daley, 18 Sundale Rd, Warrnambool             107.25     ”       05/04/02
Mr Graham Halstead Danzic, PO Box 588, Port Lincoln, SA       101.99     ”       01/10/02
Ms Lesley Robyn Davis, PO Box 152, Camperdown, NSW            161.10     ”       05/04/02
Ms Lesley Robyn Davis, PO Box 152, Camperdown, NSW            102.03     ”       01/10/02
Mr John Charles Death,
31 Charnley Street, Toowoomba, Qld                            180.45     ”       05/04/02
Mr John Charles Death,
31 Charnley Street, Toowoomba, Qld                            114.29     ”       01/10/02
Delform Pty Ltd, PO Box 405, Albion Park Rail, NSW            107.55     ”       05/04/02
Mrs Anna De Montignie, 3 Longstaff Street, Carnegie           129.90     ”           ”
Dental Creations Pty Ltd, “Lettas Super Fund A/C”,
Level 10, 100 Collins Street, Melbourne                       142.50     ”           ”
Mr Keith Norman Dernelley, PO Box 51, Elmore                  102.23     ”           ”
Mr William Bennett Deuchar, 36 Taylor Rd, Nedlands, WA        160.17     ”       01/10/02
Mr Rodney David Diamond, PO Box 241, Bondi, NSW               179.10     ”       05/04/02
Mr Rodney David Diamond, PO Box 241, Bondi, NSW               113.43     ”       01/10/02
1936   G 29     15 July 2004                                     Victoria Government Gazette

Mr Noel Balangue Diaz, PO Box 54, Rozelle, NSW                 112.29     ”             ”
Mr Sebastian Anthony Dibartolo, 42 Atherton Cir, Kirwan, Qld   128.40     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Angela Di Blasi, 10 Brighton Crt, Avondale Heights         131.25     ”             ”
Mr Jim Dimitrious, 28 Patton Pl, Sunnybank Hills, Qld          128.10     ”             ”
Mr Patrick Dineen, PO Box 46, Mourilyan, Qld                   102.07     ”         01/10/02
Mr Huynh Viet Dinh, 179/240 Wellington Street, Collingwood     153.90     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Kathryn Ann Di Pasquale & Mr Gaetano Di Pasquale,
C/- Mr G Di Pasquale, 12 Sandpiper Drv, Taylors Lakes          102.15     ”             ”
Mr Geoffrey James Dixon, 4/37 The Esplanade, Balmoral NSW      180.79     ”         01/10/02
Mr Bernard J Docherty, 5 Van Ness Ave, Glen Iris               220.20     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Deborah Gail Docherty, 12 Darri Road, Wyongah NSW          101.33     ”             ”
Mr William Alexander Doherty,
1/37 Phillipson Road, Charters Towers, Qld                     108.30     ”             ”
Mr Adrian James Donaldson, 25 Gotha St, Cleveland, Qld         136.88     ”             ”
Mr Norman William Donaldson,
2 Avenel Crt, Wyndhamvale                                      149.85     ”             ”
Mr Christopher Daniel Dougherty,
49 Sheridan Court, Summerhill, Tas.                            102.18     ”         01/10/02
Mr Vincent Robert Dowling, 8 Moran St, Hughenden, Qld          100.73     ”         05/04/02
Mr Gordon Victor Doyle, Miles St, Jundah, Qld                  164.18     ”             ”
Mrs Noreen Marguerita Doyle,
15 Canton Beach Road, Toukley, NSW                             222.60     ”             ”
Mrs Noreen Marguerita Doyle,
15 Canton Beach Road, Toukley, NSW                             113.98     ”         01/10/02
Mr Raymond Patrick Doyle,
24 Grosvenor Rd, Terrigal, NSW                                 127.65     ”         05/04/02
Mr Alan Drake, 15/10 Minkara Road, Bayview, NSW                140.27     ”         01/10/02
Mr Martin Anthony D’Souza,
102 Hill End Rd, Doonside, NSW                                 134.93     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Judith Anne Duggan, 5A Darangan Close, Waterfall, NSW      186.68     ”             ”
Mrs Judith Anne Duggan, 5A Darangan Close, Waterfall, NSW      118.23     ”         01/10/02
Dr David Ross Duncan, 34 Park Pl, South Yarra                  121.56     ”             ”
Mr Jan Dworak, 11 Wyalong Street, Sunshine                     300.00     ”         05/04/02
Mr Jan Dworak, 11 Wyalong Street, Sunshine                     190.00     ”         01/10/02
Mr Andrew Joseph Dyster, 34 Day Street, Leichhardt, NSW        225.00     ”         05/04/02
Ms Carolyn Jo Eagle, Unit 1, 16 Laurel Bank Parade, Geelong    229.28     ”             ”
Mrs Michelle Susan Eamer,
8 Sutherland Avenue, Kings Langley, NSW                        118.88     ”             ”
Mrs Jennifer Earnshaw & Mr Graeme Earnshaw,
28 Kyeema Crescent, Bald Hills, Qld                            129.98     ”             ”
Mr Daryl John Eason, 12 Aquila Crt, Ballarat                   185.93     ”             ”
Mr Daryl John Eason, 12 Aquila Crt, Ballarat                   117.76     ”         01/10/02
Mrs Jo-Anne Elizabeth Eason, 12 Aquila Crt, Ballarat           112.43     ”         05/04/02
Mr Stephen Grant East, 203 Gap Rd, Sunbury                     128.48     ”             ”
Mr Robert Anthony Eastham, 48 Parkwood Way, Traralgon          207.08     ”             ”
Mr Barry John Edwards, PO Box 5558,
South Windsor NSW 2756                                         161.10     ”             ”
Mrs Paula Edwards, 2 Malakua St, Whalan, NSW                   124.65     ”             ”
Mr Steven Edwin Edwards,
85 Duncan St, Whyalla Playford, SA                             149.10     ”             ”
Mr Paul Frank Charles Edwick, Blueys Beach Newsagency,
199 Boomerang Drive, Pacific Palms, NSW                        108.98     ”             ”
Mrs Dawn Margaret Eggert, 43 Soames St, Everton Park, Qld      120.98     ”             ”
Victoria Government Gazette                                  G 29   15 July 2004     1937

Mr Harry Ehrenberg, “Est Eugenia Ehrenberg A/C”,
36 Spring Road, South Caulfield                                112.73      ”          ”
Mr David James Elkington, 44 Wittenoom St, Kalgoorlie, WA      150.00      ”          ”
Elliot Ashton Pty Ltd, “Elliot Ashton Super A/C”,                                     ”
C/- Hartleys, PO Box 8555, Perth BC, WA                        202.50      ”
Miss Bernadette Mary Elliott, 23 Redesdale Rd, Ivanhoe         107.55      ”           ”
Mr Craig Elliott, 20 Howitt Street, Glen Iris                  750.00      ”           ”
Mr Craig Elliott, 20 Howitt Street, Glen Iris                  383.00      ”       01/10/02
Mr Neil Henry Elliott & Mrs Doreen May Elliott,
“Dorneil Pension Fund A/C”,
C/- Pasa, PO Box 13026, Law Courts                             173.89      ”       01/10/02
Mrs Nita Elliott, 194 Brunker Rd, Adamstown, NSW               138.23      ”       05/04/02
Mrs Frances Therese Ellis, 13 Victoria St, Pyramid Hill        135.30      ”           ”
Mr Peter Howard Ellis, 13 Trenouth Rd, Bridgewater, SA         109.65      ”           ”
Mr John Devon Kemdal Ellison, 4 Turana St, The Gap, Qld        141.30      ”           ”
Mr Peter John Ellson, 37 Moore St, Bacchus Marsh               131.63      ”           ”
Mr Douglas Brendan Elsum, 10 Timbarra Crt, Grovedale           236.33      ”           ”
Mr Douglas Brendan Elsum, 10 Timbarra Crt, Grovedale           149.68      ”       01/10/02
Mr William Percy Emms, 19 Appledore St, Beckenham, WA          109.43      ”       05/04/02
Rev Dougall Guy Seccombe Ethell,
St Georges College, Mounts Bay Road, Crawley, WA               103.17      ”       01/10/02
Mr Barry James Euston, 114 Golf Links Rd, Buderim, Qld         109.20      ”       05/04/02
Mrs Delma May Evans, 27 Butler St, Toowoomba, Qld              107.12      ”       01/10/02
Eyles Nominees Pty Ltd T/As Processed Forest Products,
PO Box 181, Granville, NSW                                     262.92      ”          ”
Mr William Eyre & Mrs Sally Miller,
117 Mitchell Street, Northcote                                 103.51      ”           ”
Mr Thomas John Eyval, 84 Helen Road, Ferntree Gully            120.83      ”       05/04/02
Mr Barry Newnam Fay, 95 Algoori Street, Morningside, Qld       141.83      ”           ”
Mr Gary Douglas Ferguson, PO Box 126, Northgate East, Qld      238.65      ”           ”
Mr Gary Douglas Ferguson, PO Box 126, Northgate East, Qld      151.15      ”       01/10/02
Mr Daniel Ettore Ferlazzo, 11 Stanfell St, Oxley, Qld          117.75      ”       05/04/02
Mr Robin John Kup-Ferroth,
8 Royena Court, Indooroopilly, Qld                             122.55      ”          ”
Mr Ross Fidler, PO Box 1202, Thuringowa Central, Qld           113.10      ”          ”
Mr Lindsay Robert Fiechtner & Mrs Jennifa May Fiechtner,
20 Kurrajong Street, Toowoomba, Qld                            130.35      ”           ”
Mrs Carmel Mary Field, 81 Manoa Rd, Budgewoi, NSW              135.08      ”           ”
Mr Keith Finney, 14 Gosfield Road, Hurstbridge                 156.47      ”       01/10/02
Mr Ralf N Fischer, C/- Leslie Alps,
13 Burgess St, Penrith, NSW                                    108.08      ”       05/04/02
Mr Christopher John Fisher,
212 Lyn Avenue, Milpitas CA 95035 Usa                          131.78      ”          ”
Mrs Verna Beverley Flanagan, C/- 8 Jevington Dr, Wodonga       107.25      ”          ”
Mrs Sandra Jean Flannery,
PO Box 975, Murwillumbah, NSW                                  193.66      ”       01/10/02
Mr Alan Flitcroft, 160 Queen St, Melbourne                     117.75      ”       05/04/02
Mrs Gabrielle Mary Florence, 8 Ormiston St, Gladstone, Qld     126.83      ”           ”
Mr Alan Lance Foers, RMB 4340,
Strathbogie Nth Road, via Euroa                                115.80                 ”
Mr John Ken Fok, 31A Semaphore Rd, Semaphore, SA               189.45      ”          ”
Dennis Douglas Fontaine & Ruth Heather Fontaine,
PO Box 656, Sarina, Qld                                        112.50      ”          ”
1938   G 29    15 July 2004                                 Victoria Government Gazette

Mrs Neralie Ann Forbes, 11 Peppermint Close,
Greenwith, Adelaide, SA                                   120.83     ”             ”
Mr Glenn Wayne Ford, 18 Fraser Rd, Killcare, NSW          227.40     ”             ”
Mr Glenn Wayne Ford, 18 Fraser Rd, Killcare, NSW          144.02     ”         01/10/02
Mr Peter J. Ford, 30 Rhodes St, Kalgoorlie, WA            161.10     ”         05/04/02
Mr Peter J. Ford, 30 Rhodes St, Kalgoorlie, WA            102.03     ”         01/10/02
Mr John Murray Foreman, 10 Acton Avenue, Bentley, WA      114.32     ”             ”
Mr Quentin Foung, PO Box 134, 5 Boroko, Papua New Guinea 127.80      ”         05/04/02
Mr Kevin John Fowler, Shanley Rd, Mardella, WA            164.45     ”         01/10/02
Mr Albert Walter Henry Francis,
31 Gaynor Crs, Glen Waverley                              135.15     ”         05/04/02
Ms Wendy Janine Frere, 7/6 John Street, Waverley, NSW     241.65     ”             ”
Ms Wendy Janine Frere, 7/6 John Street, Waverley, NSW     153.05     ”         01/10/02
Mrs Meriel Anne Fritsch, Unit 32 Surfers Greens,
Bronberg Crt, South Port, Qld                             115.29     ”             ”
Mr Jose Nicolas Furnari, 22 Messenger Rd,
Fulham Gardens, SA                                        111.45     ”         05/04/02
Mr Dragoljub Gacesa,
Flat 1, 9-15 Hume St, Wollstonecraft, NSW                 198.98     ”             ”
Mr Dragoljub Gacesa,
Flat 1, 9-15 Hume St, Wollstonecraft, NSW                 126.02     ”         01/10/02
Ms Barbara Gallagher, C/- BDO Kendalls,
GPO Box 457, Brisbane, Qld,                               150.00     ”         05/04/02
Mr John Paul Gallagher,
9 Borrowdale Street, Red Hill, ACT                        198.98     ”             ”
Mr John Paul Gallagher,
9 Borrowdale Street, Red Hill, ACT                        126.02     ”         01/10/02
Mr Michael Bernard Galland,
8 Macquarie St, Goulburn, NSW                             136.28     ”             ”
Mr Richard Francis Gallard,
Allambie, Kjoller Rd, Clergate, NSW                       153.45     ”         05/04/02
Mr Russell Wayne Gardener,                                243.83     ”             ”
45 Power St, Wavell Heights, Qld                          154.43     ”         01/10/02
Mrs Kay Diana Gardner,
24 Boulter St, Aspley, Qld                                248.55     ”         05/04/02
Mr Ronald Gordon Garlick                                  188.85     ”             ”
4 Domain Ct, Bella Vista, NSW
Mr Guiseppe Garro, 802 High St, Epping                    106.73     ”             ”
Mrs Dorothy Margaret Gategood,
34 Bellevue Crs, Terrigal, NSW                            283.28     ”             ”
Mrs Dorothy Margaret Gategood,
34 Bellevue Crs, Terrigal, NSW                            179.41     ”         01/10/02
Mr Robert Theodore Gauld,
19 Rochester Tce, Kelvin Grove, Qld                     1,087.13     ”         05/04/02
Mr Robert Theodore Gauld,
19 Rochester Tce, Kelvin Grove, Qld                       555.52     ”         01/10/02
GCEES Pty Ltd, “Super Fund A/C”,
25 Barkly Street, Fitzroy North                           262.50     ”         05/04/02
Mr Anthony William Geary, 10 Medway Ct, Bacchus Marsh     112.73     ”             ”
Ms Carol Geisler, 34 Gold Street, Brunswick               153.90     ”             ”
Mr Alan William Gerloff, “Gerloff Family Account”,
19 Campbell Road, Deepdene                                161.10     ”             ”
Mr Hans Paul Geyer, PO Box 17, Crafers, SA                138.23     ”             ”
Victoria Government Gazette                                  G 29   15 July 2004     1939

Mr Nazareno P. Giarrusso, 30 Davidson St, Reservoir            120.30      ”          ”
Mr Christopher Gibson, PO Box 523, Broome, WA                  142.20      ”          ”
Mr John Charles Gilbert, 32 Andreas St, Petersham, NSW         137.55      ”          ”
Mr Gerard Richard Gilhooley,
62 Kingfisher Road, Mount Cotton, Qld                          166.02      ”       01/10/02
Mr Gavin Buchanan Gillespie, 187 Dugan St, Kalgoorlie, WA      114.38      ”       05/04/02
Mr Harold Gilliland, 146 Scotchmer Street, North Fitzroy       104.63      ”           ”
Mr Auner Golani & Mrs Vicky Golani,
22 Clarke Ave, Caulfield South                                 150.00      ”           ”
Mr Richard E Gooch, 12/44 West Parade, West Ryde NSW           300.00      ”           ”
Mr Richard E Gooch, 12/44 West Parade, West Ryde NSW           154.00      ”       01/10/02
Mr Allan Gothmann, 13 Alexander Ave, Roma, Qld                 120.83      ”       05/04/02
Mrs Lola Gotlib, Jeena Partners,
Level 16, 390 St Kilda Road, Melbourne                         162.64      ”       01/10/02
Dr Nelson Sai Fong Gow, 9 Culross Ave, Myrtle Bank, SA         397.28      ”       05/04/02
Dr Nelson Sai Fong Gow, 9 Culross Ave, Myrtle Bank, SA         251.61      ”       01/10/02
Mr Andrew Phillip Hume,
Ross-Gowan, 21 Tathra Rd, Lambton, NSW                         100.13      ”       05/04/02
Mrs Catherine M. S. Graham,
PO Box 59, Kaviene, New Ireland, PNG                           111.45      ”          ”
Mr Alexander Peter Granich & Mr John William Roberts,
PO Box 52, Merredin, WA                                        100.65      ”          ”
Mrs Dianne Mildred Grant,
10/32-38 Dutruc St, Randwick, NSW                              108.68      ”          ”
Mrs Margaret Gray, 43 Andover Street, Carlton, NSW             110.40      ”          ”
Mr Graham Kenneth Greaves,
144 Campbell St, Kalgoorlie, WA                                231.53      ”          ”
Mr Graham Kenneth Greaves,
144 Campbell St, Kalgoorlie, WA                                146.64      ”       01/10/02
Miss Kathryn Anne Green,
10 Coreen Cl, North Nowra, NSW                                 118.28      ”       05/04/02
Mr Victor Walter Green, 45 Outlook Drv, Glenroy                102.46      ”       01/10/02
Mr Eric John Greenaway, RMB 3300 Jack River, Via Yarram        195.98      ”       05/04/02
Mr Peter Greenfield, 272 Woongarra Scenic Dr, Bargara, Qld     114.15      ”           ”
Mr Neville William Greenwood,
85 Brown Pde, Dorrington, Qld                                  117.19      ”       01/10/02
Mr Terence William Grey, PO Box 231, Clifton Hill              123.38      ”       05/04/02
Mr Peter Derek Grindley, 6 Petersen Crt, Karratha, WA          121.73      ”           ”
Dr Bryan Davy Grogan & Dr Deanna Amy Grogan,
“B & D Grogan Super Fund A/C”,
25 Dulwich Avenue, Dulwich, SA                                 284.70      ”          ”
Mr Robert Groombridge, 11 Johnson Pde, Ormeau, Qld             107.78      ”          ”
Miss Karen Anthea Guest,
19a Kaikoura Ave, Hawthorn East                                152.03      ”          ”
Mr Paul Anthony Gunning,
Unit 25, 336 Boundary Street, Springhill, Qld                  175.65      ”          ”
Dr Quoc Huan Ha, 158 Chapel Rd, Bankstown, NSW                 118.73      ”          ”
Mr Desmond Walter Hagan, 2 Hamersley St, Geraldton, WA         105.60      ”          ”
Estate Late Fred Halchenko, 28 Austin Rd, Somerville           123.08      ”          ”
Mr Boyd Walter Hall,
Cnr Derra & Moffett St, Gravesend, NSW                         111.23      ”          ”
Mr Kevin John Hall, 14/4 Pearson Pl, Floreat, WA               117.98      ”          ”
Mr Wayne Robert Hall, PO Box 108, Moonah, Tas.                 114.23      ”          ”
1940   G 29    15 July 2004                                    Victoria Government Gazette

Dr Peter Robert Hamilton, 6 Edgewood St, Carnegie            102.98     ”             ”
Hon. Kenneth Nigel Hampton,
Chief Justices Chambers, PO Box 11, Nuku’alofa, Tonga 78     498.08     ”             ”
Hon. Kenneth Nigel Hampton,
Chief Justices Chambers, PO Box 11, Nuku’alofa, Tonga 78     278.45     ”         01/10/02
Ms Eleanor Iris Margarete Hancock,
39 Rosenthal St, Campbell, ACT                               131.15     ”             ”
Mr Brian David Hanks, 291 Guildford Rd, Maylands, WA         106.43     ”         05/04/02
Mr John Joesph Hanley, 13 Mestrez St, Earlville, Qld         113.48     ”             ”
Mr Frederick Thomas Harbour, 6 Links Ct, Invermay Park       127.28     ”             ”
Miss Maree Cathryn Harcourt, C/- 19 High Street, Trentham    300.00     ”             ”
Miss Maree Cathryn Harcourt, C/- 19 High Street, Trentham    154.00     ”         01/10/02
Mr Christopher Warren Frederick Harder,
PO Box 1283, Mossman, Qld                                    103.11     ”             ”
Mr Brian Harman,
24-26 The Boulevard, Narre Warren South                      181.13     ”         05/04/02
Mr Brian Harman,
24-26 The Boulevard, Narre Warren South                      114.72     ”         01/10/02
Mr John Francis Harrison,
36 Deloraine Drv, Springwood, Qld                            115.43     ”         05/04/02
Mr John Arthur Harrop & Mrs Ritva Leena Harrop,
27 Webb Ellis Court, Pelican Waters, Qld                     392.64     ”         01/10/02
Mr Stuart Heath Hartley,
2/1-3 Therry St, Strathfield South, NSW                      150.00     ”         05/04/02
Ms Lisa Jane Hartmann, PO Box 1173, Toowoomba, Qld           430.13     ”             ”
Mr David Andrew Nesbitt Harvey,
PO Box 358, Marden, SA                                       113.48     ”             ”
Mrs Margaret Francis Hatch,
558 Horsley Drv, Smithfield, NSW                             188.93     ”             ”
Est Neil David Hatton, C/- Mr Glen Hatton,
8 Milner Place, Thornlands, Qld                              220.88     ”             ”
Miss Betty Claire Hauser, C/- Messrs Rigby Cooke,
Attention Stuart Morgan, PO Box 182, Malvern                 210.53     ”             ”
Miss Betty Claire Hauser, C/- Messrs Rigby Cooke,
Attention Stuart Morgan, PO Box 182, Malvern                 133.34     ”         01/10/02
Mr Colin Wayne Havers,
2 Raymond Avenue, Whyalla Stuart, SA                         134.18     ”         05/04/02
Mr Wade Albert Hawker, C/- Hungerford Financial
Services Pty Ltd, PO Box A2578, Sydney South, NSW            226.20     ”             ”
Mr Wade Albert Hawker, C/- Hungerford Financial
Services Pty Ltd, PO Box A2578, Sydney South, NSW            143.26     ”         01/10/02
Mr Leslie Alfred Hawkins,
74 Rose Street, Chippendale, NSW                             124.73     ”         05/04/02
Mr Leonard Oliver Hayhow,
28 Hampden Street, Kalgoorlie, WA                            122.85     ”             ”
Mr Joseph Maria Hazendonk, 1117 Lydiard St Nth, Ballarat     115.13     ”             ”
Mr James Alan Helman, PO Box 235, Adamstown, NSW             360.24     ”         01/10/02
Hengsons Pty Ltd, 26 Rankin Way, Booragoon, WA               150.00     ”         05/04/02
Mr Brian Andrew Hennessy, C/- Railway Quarters, Alpha, Qld   210.23     ”             ”
Mr Brian Andrew Hennessy, C/- Railway Quarters, Alpha, Qld   108.15     ”         01/10/02
Mrs Kathleen Mary Hennig, 2 Handley Crt, Frankston           181.58     ”         05/04/02
Mrs Dorothy May Henry, 104 Marah St, North Wagga, NSW        152.33     ”             ”
Mr D. T. Herbert, Carroboblin Bedgerebong, NSW               212.93     ”             ”
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