Page created by Hugh Pope
Photography Credits:
Page 26. Lake Condah
Page 28. Castlemaine State Festival Opening Night (2013)
Photo: Michael Nix
Page 60. A Local Elder Participating in the Community
Performance for the Shepparton Festival in 2013
Photo: Speed Shop Photography

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PREMIER’S MESSAGE                                                                 6

MINISTER’S MESSAGE                                                                7


REGIONAL PARTNERSHIPS                                                            12
The case for change                                                              14
Regional Partnerships: bringing regional priorities to the heart of government   14
Everyone has a role to play                                                      17
Turning ideas into action                                                        18
What does this mean for existing regional leadership groups?                     18
What’s next                                                                      18

GETTING ON WITH IT IN REGIONAL VICTORIA                                          20

REGIONAL JOBS FOR A GROWING ECONOMY                                              24
Funding our future                                                               24
Agriculture                                                                      25
Tourism and events                                                               26
Renewable energy                                                                 27
Small business                                                                   27
Racing                                                                           27
Creative industries                                                              27
Water                                                                            28
Planning                                                                         30
What’s next                                                                      30

TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE FOR GROWTH                                          32
Regional rail                                                                    32
Regional Network Development Plan                                                33
Regional buses                                                                   33
Freight rail                                                                     33
Regional roads                                                                   34
Road safety                                                                      34
Telecommunications                                                               34
What’s next                                                                      35

Early childhood                                                                  36
Schools                                                                          37
Skills and training                                                              38
What’s next                                                                      39
Improving health in the regions                                  40
Ambulance                                                        41
Aboriginal health                                                41
Mental health                                                    42
Children and young people                                        42
What’s next                                                      43

SAFER REGIONAL COMMUNITIES                                       44
Family violence                                                  44
Police and emergency services                                    45
Tackling the ice crisis                                          46
What’s next                                                      46

Environment and climate change                                   48
Local councils: the backbone of rural and regional communities   49
Sport                                                            49
Aboriginal communities                                           50
Multicultural communities                                        50
Equality                                                         50
Women                                                            51
Veterans                                                         51
What’s next                                                      51

REGIONS                                                          52

BARWON                                                           54
CENTRAL HIGHLANDS                                                56
GIPPSLAND                                                        58
GOULBURN                                                         60
GREAT SOUTH COAST                                                62
LODDON CAMPASPE                                                  64
MALLEE                                                           66
OVENS MURRAY                                                     68
WIMMERA SOUTHERN MALLEE                                          70

         I was raised in regional Victoria.                           We need to invest more in transport and infrastructure
                                                                      to make food and fibre more competitive in the overseas
         Let me make one thing clear: no government should
                                                                      markets and regional tourism more accessible to our
         ever take the people of regional Victoria for granted.
                                                                      growing number of tourists. These are two rapidly-growing
         Families here deserve a government that works as hard
                                                                      export sectors and its where regional Victoria’s
         as they do, and that’s what this Regional Statement
                                                                      future lies.
         is all about.
                                                                      It’s also about making regional Victorian cities and
         It starts with more jobs, in industries new and old.
                                                                      communities better places to live. The basics first:
         We’ve hit the ground running since coming to office,
                                                                      Supporting local paramedics, police and emergency
         creating more jobs, reducing unemployment,
                                                                      services. Helping families overcome the plague of
         saving Victoria’s TAFE system and establishing the
                                                                      ice. Working with community groups to embrace the
         $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund.
                                                                      diversity that makes our state great.
         This is just the start.
                                                                      But after all, this is your voice, your region and your
         Education is the key to the future of regional Victoria.
                                                                      state. Governments shouldn’t try to tell you precisely
         Instead of cutting funds to our TAFE system, we’re
                                                                      what you need. They should listen to what you want,
         saving it. We’re building the Education State in regional
                                                                      because you know best. That’s exactly what we’ve
         Victoria, delivering the single biggest injection of funds
                                                                      done, consulting with families and businesses and
         to the education system in our state’s history.
                                                                      councils across Victoria.
         More jobs and a better education system mean more
                                                                      At its heart, this Regional Statement is about more jobs,
         opportunities for the next generation. Families shouldn’t
                                                                      more security and a better start for young people right
         have to be forced to watch their kids move away from
                                                                      across our state. I truly believe that Victoria can’t be the
         home just to get a job or start a career. Every young
                                                                      best place in the world unless its regional communities
         person deserves the same chance, no matter where
                                                                      are the most successful in the nation. So we’re getting
         they live.
                                                                      on with it.

                                                                      The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP

6   Victoria’s Regional Statement

In February this year, the Government commissioned     However, this statement goes well beyond the Review’s
an independent review into Regional Economic           focus on economic development and acknowledges
Development and Services (“the Regional Review”),      the changes impacting on regional communities and
led by former Victorian Premier, John Brumby.          the urgent need to tackle pockets of entrenched
                                                       disadvantage and disparity in some parts of Victoria.
We wanted to give regional communities a say about
what matters. We wanted to hear about their hopes      It sets a new approach that will change the way
for the future and the role government can play.       government works with regional Victorians. We
                                                       don’t have all the answers. No government can
I was delighted by the interest, energy and
                                                       ever promise that. But we can pledge to ask the
enthusiasm brought to this process.
                                                       right questions and consult with as many families,
Throughout the course of the Regional Review,          workers and business owners as possible.
almost 700 regional stakeholders provided their
                                                       We can promise to work hard and come up with
views. A taskforce was established across the nine
                                                       a fair plan for our future – one that gives regional
government departments to develop a co-ordinated
                                                       Victorians a real voice and a true sense of ownership
approach to regional policy and governance and
                                                       over their future. And that’s what we’ve done.
respond to the Regional Review. And, I chaired
a Ministerial Working Group to consider the            It’s a clear way forward that’s about working directly
government’s response. The culmination of this         with local communities to build on regional Victoria’s
work is the Regional Statement.                        strengths and tackle the issues that matter most.
I would particularly like to make mention of the       I’m proud to call myself a country Victorian. It’s
dedication and hard work volunteered by each           such an exciting time to live and work here, and I
member of the External Advisory Board that             look forward to working with you to take up these
oversaw the Regional Review. It was outstanding.       opportunities and to secure not only a bright future for
                                                       our regional communities and businesses, but also
They travelled all over the state to participate
                                                       to deliver the substantial benefits generated for all
in meetings, sought and considered input from
                                                       Victorians by a strong and prosperous regional Victoria.
hundreds of individuals, communities and businesses.
The Regional Review has played a key role in the
development of Victoria’s Regional Statement.

                                                       The Hon. Jaala Pulford MP
                                                       Minister for Regional Development

                                                                                      Victoria’s Regional Statement   7

8   Victoria’s Regional Statement
Victoria’s Regional Statement   9

          The Andrews                             It’s also why the Regional Jobs
                                                  and Infrastructure Fund was the
                                                                                          the top priorities on a year-by-year
                                                                                          basis. These will be published
          Labor Government                        first major fund we established on      and Partnerships will be publicly
          understands the                         coming to government.                   accountable for getting things done.

          enormous contribution                   It’s why we asked regional leaders –    To support this new approach
                                                  including a former Premier – to build   we will significantly strengthen
          regional Victoria makes                 on previous Labor Government            the seniority of regional executive
          to Victoria’s economic                  strategies for regional Victoria and    leadership in Regional Development
                                                  undertake an independent Review         Victoria (RDV).
          strength and way of life.               into regional economic development
                                                                                          The Partnerships will recognise that
                                                  at the very beginning of this term.
                                                                                          the opportunities and challenges
          We understand that every                The Review was a very important         facing regional communities are
          region is different. From dryland       step in developing this Statement       complex and intertwined, and that
          to irrigated farming; and from          for regional Victoria.                  a narrow, sectional view of the
          big cities to small towns. From                                                 world will not take us where we
          economies reliant on food and fibre,    The Statement is about creating
                                                                                          need to go.
          to tourism, manufacturing and           jobs, providing a better start for
          natural resources. Some regions are     young people, and supporting            Partnerships will recognise that
          experiencing significant population     a brighter future for families          government needs to change how
          growth, while others are facing         and communities.                        it operates to respond to the needs
          population adjustment and decline.                                              of communities, and not the other
                                                  The Regional Statement’s
          Regional communities have their                                                 way around.
                                                  centrepiece is the establishment
          own character, their own aspirations,   of nine new Regional Partnerships       Communities have said they want
          and their own common sense              across the State that will direct       a greater say and to see a clearer
          understanding of the challenges and     regional priorities straight into       link with government actions.
          opportunities that they face.           the heart of government. This           Through this Statement we will
          We want to put government back          will make sure that more than           deliver a louder voice for regional
          to work for regional Victoria.          ever, government is working for         communities in government
                                                  regional communities. Not those         decision-making.
          Regional Victoria deserves a            with the loudest voices – but the
          government that is responsive to                                                The Andrews Labor Government
                                                  families, workers and communities
          its diverse strengths, opportunities                                            looks forward to working with you
                                                  that are the heart and soul of
          and aspirations. A government                                                   on the next exciting chapter,
                                                  regional Victoria.
          that acts on local opportunities                                                building stronger, more resilient,
          and challenges.                         The Partnerships will look at           and more prosperous rural and
                                                  the strategic priorities regional       regional communities.
          That’s why we took to the election      communities have identified
          last year a clear commitment to         themselves – across economic,
          grow jobs in regional Victoria,         social and environmental issues –
          rebuild schools and reinvigorate        and oversee implementation of

10   Victoria’s Regional Statement
Regional development since 1999
The Regional Infrastructure           Since its election in 2014,               This Statement sets out the next
Development Fund Act 1999 was         the Andrews Labor Government              steps and flags future directions
the first legislation passed by the   has continued to make regional            for regional development policy to
Bracks Labor Government. The Act      Victoria our priority. Our first budget   get government back to work for
was the foundation on which Labor     was focused on the skills, jobs           regional Victoria.
has continued to build on through     and infrastructure investments that
the years. Investing in regional      matter to regional Victorian families.
people, in regional infrastructure,
and regional economies.

  Rebuilding                 Moving Forward                Regional Strategic          Regional Statement:
  and restoring              (2005–2008)                   Planning and the            Your Voice, Your
  confidence                                               Regional Blueprint          Region, Your State
  (1999–2005)                                              (2008–2010)                 (2015)

  • Regional                 • Improving industry          • Long-term strategic       • Embed Regional
    Infrastructure             competitiveness.              approach to                 Partnerships as core
    Development              • Skills development.           managing growth             leadership entities in
    Fund – rebuilding                                        and change                  regional Victoria
                             • Attracting more
    infrastructure,                                        • Development of            • Strengthen links
                               people to live,
    developing new                                           integrated regional         between regional
                               work and invest in
    facilities and                                           planning                    planning and State
                               regional Victoria.
    services and                                                                         Government policy
                             • Resourcing regional         • Empowerment
    creating jobs.                                                                       and budget decisions
                               communities and               of regions to set
  • Regional                                                 priorities based on       • Stronger community
                               councils to plan
    Development                                              local assets and            engagement and
                               for the future,
    Victoria – a                                             opportunities               investment in regional
                               improve amenity
    dedicated                                                                            leadership
                               and community               • Place-based
    statutory body
                               well-being; and,              approach in               • Prioritise jobs,
    to facilitate
                             • Economic recovery             State-level                 education,
    regional economic
                               from natural                  interventions               communities and
                               disasters.                                                regional infrastructure

                                                                                          Victoria’s Regional Statement   11

12   Victoria’s Regional Statement
Victoria’s Regional Statement   13

          Adapting to change                       The case for change                     • Creating opportunities for local
                                                                                             communities and individuals to
          through community                        Through consultation conducted            have a greater say about the
          participation and                        during the Regional Review, many          issues of importance to them.
                                                   regional Victorians said they           This is the model that regional
          leadership is not                        didn’t see a clear pathway into         Victoria asked for through the
          new to rural and                         government decision-making              extensive consultation conducted
                                                   for the priorities and problems
          regional Victoria.                       they identified in their
                                                                                           earlier this year as part of the
                                                                                           Regional Review.
          Many successful                          Regional Strategic Plans.
          projects have been                       The Review also noted that there        Regional Partnerships:
                                                   were some limitations in the
          driven by local action.                  ability of the current governance
                                                                                           bringing regional priorities
                                                   arrangements to deliver better          to the heart of government
          A common ingredient to success is        outcomes for regional communities.      The Regional Partnerships will bring
          a lot of hard work and commitment.       This needs to change.                   together representatives from local
          But the people involved have             That’s why we have developed a          business, education, social services
          said that, too often, their hard         new approach that will enhance          and community groups with the
          work doesn’t pay off because             regional leadership and give            three tiers of government.
          government isn’t really listening.       regional communities more say and
          We want to change that.                                                          The new Partnerships will build
                                                   build stronger connections with         on the work already done by
          We genuinely want to hear from           government by:                          existing regional leadership groups,
          community about the aspirations          • Connecting regional priorities        including Regional Strategic Plans.
          and goals they have for their regions.     and regional investment               The work of the Regional
          We want people to feel enthusiastic        opportunities directly with the       Partnerships will encompass all
          but also empowered to improve              Victorian Government’s                these areas. Everyone will have
          their region. And we want people           decision-making processes.            an opportunity to contribute.
          to feel confident that the actions       • Ensuring all ministerial portfolios
          they drive are delivering the results      across government – from
          they desire.                               education to transport, health,
          To make this happen, we are                justice and planning – are
          changing the way the Victorian             addressing rural and regional
          Government works with the regions.         problems, with a strong focus
                                                     on creating jobs and tackling

14   Victoria’s Regional Statement
Each Regional Partnership will            These changes form part of a
communicate directly with a Rural         broader shift in thinking across
and Regional Ministerial Committee.       government. The public sector
This means that priorities identified     is no longer the sole, or even the
by regional areas will have               major provider of many services and
a direct and clear pathway into           programs that deliver ‘public value’.
the resourcing decisions made
                                          There is knowledge, expertise,
by departments and Ministers.
                                          resources and experience held
The Government will work with
                                          across the public, private and
communities to design new policies
                                          community sectors.
and services. We will also share
more information so more groups           People from across these sectors
can contribute to problem-solving.        have many shared goals, and we
                                          can maximise our effectiveness
From 1 July 2016, Regional
                                          if we all work together. Regional
Partnerships will be formed in nine
                                          Partnerships will apply this thinking.
regions in rural and regional Victoria.
                                          It’s a fundamental shift.
Boundaries for the nine regions
better reflect the real communities-
of-interest that exist throughout
regional Victoria and will ensure that
decisions and plans made take into
account the aspirations and goals of
each community. The membership
of Regional Partnerships will reflect
this new vision.


                                                                                                                                                                            Central Highlands



                                                                                                                                                                            Great South Coast
                                                                                                                                                                            Loddon Campaspe
                                          Swan Hill

                                                                                                                                                                            Ovens Murray

                                                                                                                                                                            Wimmera Southern Mallee

                                                                                                                                                                            Local Government Area (LGA)

                                          Buloke                                                                                          Wodonga
           Hindmarsh                                                                                      Moira

                                                                                     Campaspe                                             Indigo
                                                                Loddon                             Greater                                             Towong
                                                                                                  Shepparton                  Wangaratta

  West                                    Northern                                                                  Benalla
 Wimmera          Horsham                 Grampians                          Bendigo                  Strathbogie

                                                                         Alexander         Mitchell
                                                                                 Macedon                  Murrindindi
                                                                                  Ranges                                                                        East Gippsland
                Southern               Ararat                 Ballarat
               Grampians                           Pyrenees

 Glenelg                                                                                                                                  Wellington
                                                          Golden Plains Geelong
                                                                                                                    Baw Baw
                                                                     Surf                                                       Latrobe
                                                        Colac                 Queenscliffe
                                                        Otway                                                         South
                       Warrnambool                                                                                  Gippsland

                                                                                                       Bass Coast
Everyone has a role to play                All Ministers and government
                                           departments will have
The Regional Partnerships will ask         an interest, and will be visible
communities about their biggest            and actively involved.
issues and what matters most.
                                           The membership of Regional
Every Victorian should have the            Partnerships will reflect this
opportunity to have their voice            new vision.
heard by government, and to
participate in decisions that              The Government also recognises
impact their lives. We want to             the strategic leadership role that
have a proper conversation with            rural and regional councils play in
communities – not just talking,            contributing to the prosperity and
but listening.                             wellbeing of Victoria.

They will use existing networks            For local government, the
and build new opportunities for            Partnerships will be a new
communities and individuals to             vehicle to get things done and to
have a greater say.                        make sure the diverse needs and
                                           experiences of rural and regional
Annual Summits in each region              councils are heard in Melbourne.
will bring a range of local leaders        We will work cooperatively with
together – including elected officials     local government to address
– to identify priority areas for action.   the differences that can arise in
Our goal is to ensure that each            service provision by utilising the
region has a strong voice in               Regional Partnerships to capitalise
government and that the concerns           on local strengths and knowledge
and aspirations of regional                through the development of
Victorians are heard and considered        shared services and directly
in all major government decisions.         informing the government on
                                           region wide priorities.

                                                                                 Victoria’s Regional Statement   17
Turning ideas into action              means of organising in regional         WHAT’S NEXT
                                                 Victoria. We thank members of
          Interest from locals, a wide range     these forums for their participation    Through the new Regional
          of stakeholders, an active and open    and enthusiasm over many years.         Partnerships, regional Victorians
          process, a channel to the heart of                                             will have:
                                                 The Regional Development Australia
          government – all this only matters
                                                 Committees which operate as             • A simple and effective way to
          if the results are realised. That’s
                                                 critical leadership groups and            influence the priorities of their
          why the Regional Partnerships
                                                 provide a pathway for regional            communities – getting the filters
          will be open and accountable for
                                                 Victoria into the Commonwealth            and delays of bureaucracy out of
          their work.
                                                 Government will work closely              the way.
          The Partnerships will build on         with Regional Partnerships in
                                                                                         • A direct channel to identify new
          existing Regional Strategic Plans      each region through co-ordinated
                                                                                           opportunities and get them
          and, each year, will agree actions     support from RDV.
                                                                                           in front of State Government
          and outcomes to progress
                                                 Other regional leadership,                decision makers – giving life
          economic and social priorities.
                                                 governance or service delivery            to the region’s creative and
          These will be available publicly and
                                                 groups, such as Children                  entrepreneurial thinkers.
          the Partnerships will report on how
                                                 and Youth Area Partnerships,            • A better way to collaboratively
          they are going. Transparency will be
                                                 will continue unchanged.                  solve problems – no more
          a key factor for success.
                                                 We recognise that a ‘one size fits        us and them, these are our
                                                                                           problems to solve.
          What does this mean for                all’ approach often doesn’t work.
                                                 We will continue to work with           • A greater influence on the
          existing regional leadership           regional leaders before any changes       decisions that affect their lives.
          groups?                                are bedded down to ensure the
                                                                                         In part this will be achieved by
                                                 plans and boundaries in each
          Partnerships will build on and                                                 bringing communities closer to
                                                 region are the best fit for each
          complement existing regional                                                   Victorian Government decision
                                                 local community.
          leadership groups and will form                                                makers, including the Premier
          relationships with relevant groups     Expressions of Interest to be part of   and Ministers, through the new
          in each region in whatever way         the Partnerships will open in early     governance arrangements and
          works best.                            2016. Information sessions will be      transparent consultation.
                                                 held in the New Year, but for further
          Regional Partnerships will replace
                                                 information, contact your local
          Regional Management Forums as
                                                 RDV office.
          the Victorian Government’s primary

18   Victoria’s Regional Statement
The new Regional Partnerships
will be tasked with undertaking
meaningful engagement with
their communities – not just
elected officials, community
leaders or the loudest voices.
The onus will then be on the
Government to respond quickly
and report back to communities on
the progress of medium and longer
term matters.
Supporting this new approach will
be a program of face to face and
online activity to ensure each of the
new regions has the opportunity
to engage directly with the Premier
and other members of the Cabinet
on issues the community identifies
as important.
          ON WITH IT IN

20   Victoria’s Regional Statement
Victoria’s Regional Statement   21

          Our regions are                          Regional population growth is
                                                   a great vote of confidence in
                                                                                           • Changes to the way government
                                                                                             works with regional Victorians
          an integral part of                      the quality of life that regional         to determine and implement
          Victoria’s culture and                   Victoria offers. Population growth,       regional priorities.
                                                   if managed well, can bring              • Growing the food and fibre,
          economy – in many                        significant opportunities through         and tourism sectors, including
          ways, the most integral                  new skills and economic activity.         by attracting investment into
          part. That’s what this                   For these reasons, this plan reflects     the visitor economy and adding
                                                                                             more value to primary products
                                                   our aim for strong regional growth,
          Regional Statement is                    but in a way that preserves and           and services.
          all about.                               strengthens the unique qualities        • Improvements to the productivity
                                                   of our regional communities.              of the road and rail network
                                                   Equally it recognises the complex         to benefit regional producers,
          The Andrews Labor Government is          and dynamic nature of the                 and better access to ICT in
          committed to delivering the services     unique challenges facing rural            regional areas.
          and infrastructure that regional         and regional Victoria.
          Victorians need to prosper.                                                      • Expanding access to early
                                                   The independent Regional                  childhood education, and
          Work is already underway on              Economic Development and                  stronger pathways from
          hundreds of projects to address          Services Review (‘the Regional            school to work.
          these needs, and more are on             Review’) was developed with             • Stronger, place-based
          the way.                                 extensive whole-of-government             approaches to addressing
          We want to be a government for           input, and was the product of             disadvantage.
          all Victorians. A government that        significant stakeholder consultation
                                                                                           This Regional Statement takes
          listens, responds and gets on with it.   across business, community and
                                                                                           into account the recommendations
                                                   local government.
          This Statement for regional                                                      of the Review and the views
          Victoria outlines our priorities,        The Regional Review contains            of stakeholders. It also provides
          policies and projects funded so far.     61 recommendations to drive             an overview of the significant work
          The Statement also details our           regional economic growth,               underway across government to
          vision for a new, more collaborative     including:                              invest in services and policies for
          approach to regional government.                                                 the benefit of the regions.

22   Victoria’s Regional Statement
Since coming to office, we’ve
developed new plans and invested
in regional cities and communities.
We’re proud of that, but it can’t
end here.
Every Victorian deserves access to
high quality government services,
wherever they live and whatever
their personal circumstances.
And we want to work with regional
and rural businesses to create jobs
and drive growth.
The following section of the
Regional Statement details how
we are getting on with it.
Further information on these and
other government initiatives in
regional Victoria can be found at

                                      Victoria’s Regional Statement   23

          The regional Victorian     The Andrews Labor Government
                                     wants to ensure our regions are
                                                                           Funding our future
          economy was worth          made up of strong communities.        The $500 million Regional
          $66.9 billion in 2014      For communities to thrive regional    Jobs and Infrastructure Fund
                                     Victorians need access to good        (RJIF) is growing jobs, building
          and is responsible         local jobs.                           infrastructure and strengthening
          for about a third of       Victoria’s economy would be
                                                                           communities throughout regional
                                                                           Victoria. As a dedicated regional
          Victoria’s $36 billion     nothing without our regions.
                                                                           development fund, RJIF addresses
                                     From food, fibre and wine to
          export trade. Over         tourism, innovation and renewable
                                                                           key challenges and opportunities
                                                                           to unlock regional Victoria’s
          650,000 regional           energy, it’s where the traditional
                                                                           growth potential.
                                     and the new come together.
          Victorians are
                                                                           RJIF is complemented by other
          employed across            The way we work and the things
                                     we produce in regional Victoria       statewide funds that focus on
          the State.                 are changing. Back in 2005,           jobs and growth:
                                     manufacturing was the largest         • The $508 million Premier’s Jobs
                                     employing industry in regional          and Investment Fund will drive
                                     Victoria. It is now fourth, behind      economic growth, create stable
                                     healthcare, agriculture and retail.     jobs in Victoria and help foster
                                     Government and local communities        new, innovative businesses.
                                     need to work together to deliver      • The $200 million Future
                                     the projects and services that will     Industries Fund will support the
                                     bring more jobs and families to         six high-growth industries that
                                     regional Victoria, so businesses        will define our economic future,
                                     can maximise opportunities              including food and fibre and new
                                     and succeed.                            energy technology.
                                                                           • The $100 million Back to Work
                                                                             Scheme will give businesses an
                                                                             incentive to hire unemployed
                                                                             youth and the long-term
                                                                             unemployed. It’s a real plan to
                                                                             reduce youth unemployment.

24   Victoria’s Regional Statement
• The $200 million Agriculture                     Agriculture                           • Supported our fruit growers
  Infrastructure and Jobs Fund                                                             to export through the global
  will drive growth, create jobs                   Agriculture and farming families,       Now! In Season promotion –
  and boost exports from paddock                   firms and workers are at the heart      a joint initiative with Austrade
  to port.1 We will work with the                  of rural and regional Victoria.         and industry to promote our
  Victorian Farmers’ Federation                    In 2014-15, Victoria’s food and         citrus, table grapes, stone fruit,
  and other regional stakeholders                  fibre exports reached a record          apples and pears.
  as we design and roll out                        $12 billion. We want to ensure
                                                                                         • Invested in the projects that
  the fund.                                        Victorian exports continue to grow
                                                                                           underpin farming jobs, such
                                                   and that regional businesses have
                                                                                           as irrigated water, ICT and
                                                   the best access to global markets,
    Sovereign Hill by day                          particularly in the Asian region.
                                                                                           safer rural roads and bridges.
    and night                                                                              Producers and councils will be
                                                   That’s why we have:
                                                                                           able to share in $200 million of
    More than half a million people                • Established the $20 million           funding for these projects from
    visit Sovereign Hill each year.                  Food Source Victoria program,         the Agriculture Infrastructure and
    Sovereign Hill contributes                       to help agri-food businesses          Jobs Fund.2
    more than $228 million of                        work together to grow exports,
    economic activity each year to                                                       • Begun growing the next
                                                     create new jobs and promote           generation of farmers, producers,
    Ballarat and Victoria, creating                  their unique products to
    and sustaining 1422 full-time,                                                         exporters and innovators
                                                     the world.                            through the Upskill and Invest
    casual and part-time jobs. The
                                                   • Kicked off our program of             Young Farmers Scholarship
    Andrews Labor Government’s
                                                     inbound trade missions to             program and the Young Farmers
    $8 million commitment to
                                                     regional Victoria connecting          Ministerial Advisory Council.
    upgrade the Sovereign Hill by
                                                     global buyers with our
    day and by night will further
                                                     best regional producers.
    boost Sovereign Hill as a
                                                     Just recently, we hosted
    driver of economic growth
                                                     visits by 150 international
    and tourism. The project
                                                     buyers from Asia, Europe
    will create a new sound and
                                                     and the Middle East to Victoria’s
    light show night experience,
                                                     21 wine regions, followed by
    enhanced play space and
                                                     Food and Beverage Trade Week,
    indigenous areas, a new
                                                     hosting over 240 international
    costume school and a 32-bed
                                                     buyers and investors,
    accommodation facility.
                                                     to sample our world class
                                                     food and beverages.
1,2 The Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs
Fund is subject to the successful passage of
the Delivering Victorian Infrastructure (Port of
Melbourne Lease Transaction) Bill 2015.

                                                                                                    Victoria’s Regional Statement   25
Tourism and events                       The Government will also invest       • Enhanced marine infrastructure
                                                   $3 million to embark on an              with $13.5 million allocated for
          Victoria has the best of everything.     ambitious regional marketing            the Portarlington Safe Harbour
          Regional Victoria attracts over          campaign, highlighting regional         Development.
          13 million domestic and over             Victoria’s treasures and showcasing   • Committed $1 million to develop
          400,000 international visitors           our regions.                            the Harcourt Mountain Bike Park.
          each year and its tourism and
                                                   A new Ministerial Advisory
          events industry already generates
                                                   Committee will work closely
          110,000 jobs each year, but we                                                   Budj Bim
                                                   with industry experts in fields
          want to grow tourism across
                                                   such as international education,        Aboriginal culture and heritage
          regional Victoria by stimulating
                                                   arts and culture, and sport to          also presents a growing
          new investment, improving the
                                                   develop an action plan to attract       regional tourism opportunity,
          visitor experience and helping
                                                   tourism investment and visitors to      opening up new prospects for
          with marketing and product
                                                   regional Victoria.                      generating jobs and income
                                                   That’s why we are supporting            for regional and Indigenous
          The new Brand Victoria will                                                      communities. For example,
                                                   investment in appropriate nature-
          showcase what our state has to                                                   Budj Bim in Victoria’s south-
                                                   based tourism that helps Victoria
          offer, selling our cultural diversity,                                           west hosts the only remains
                                                   to preserve and protect our natural
          world-class events, natural                                                      of Aboriginal stone houses
                                                   environment while enabling people
          attractions and landscapes and                                                   found in Australia, as well
                                                   to visit and enjoy our wonderful
          diverse regions to Australia and                                                 as a sophisticated system
                                                   natural landscapes. We have also:
          the world.                                                                       of channels, fish traps and
                                                   • Provided $19 million from the         weirs used for farming eels.
          Following the Visitor Economy
                                                     RJIF to complete stages two           That’s why the Government
          Review, we have created Visit
                                                     and three of the 145 kilometre        has recommended Budj Bim
          Victoria and tasked it with driving
                                                     Grampians Peaks Trail, expected       as Victoria’s number one
          tourism and events across the
                                                     to create 35 full-time jobs and       priority for UNESCO World
          State. Bringing together Tourism
                                                     boost the local economy by            Heritage listing. If successful,
          Victoria and the Victorian Major
                                                     $6.4 million each year.               Budj Bim will be the first place
          Events Company and a new
          conventions division, the new entity     • Invested $25 million to revive        to be recognised in Australia
          aims to grow regional Victoria’s           the Ballarat Station precinct to      for exclusively Aboriginal
          $11 billion visitor economy.               revitalise Ballarat’s CBD into a      cultural values.
                                                     commercial and cultural hub.
          Visit Victoria will have a distinct        The redevelopment includes
          Regional Division, with its own            a proposed hotel and
          General Manager, designed to               convention centre.
          work directly with Regional Tourism
                                                   • Provided $30 million for the next
          Boards and operators to grow
                                                     stage of the Geelong Performing
          tourism in Victoria’s regions.
                                                     Arts Centre.
          The new entity will also be charged
          with growing regional Victoria’s
          enviable calendar of events.
          It means a more resilient tourism
          and events industry – and that
          means a stronger State.

26   Victoria’s Regional Statement
Renewable energy                         Small business                          We have committed $86 million
                                                                                 over four years to upgrade racing
Victoria is taking the lead on climate   Regional Victoria is home to around     infrastructure and facilities for
change action and becoming a             28 per cent of our small businesses     patrons, particularly at racing and
low-carbon economy. We want to           which make up by far the largest        training venues in regional areas.
support regional Victorians to take      proportion of businesses in regional    Key projects funded include:
advantage of the significant job         Victoria, providing jobs and
                                                                                 • $3.4 million for the reconstruction
opportunities expected to emerge         contributing to social cohesion and
                                                                                   of the Seymour Course.
in the new energy industries that will   export growth.
drive this transition.                                                           • $407,000 to upgrade the
                                         The Small Business Festival Victoria      harness tracks at Mildura
The Government’s Renewable               is the Government’s annual small          and Horsham.
Energy Roadmap sets out our plan         business month comprising an
                                                                                 • Supporting the re-opening of
for accelerating development of          extensive program of events aimed
                                                                                   the Traralgon greyhound track
renewable energy generation in           at providing ideas and information
                                                                                   and the Traralgon Cup.
Victoria to reduce emissions, create     to start and grow a business.
jobs and put downward pressure on                                                • Track fencing upgrades at
                                         This year, almost half of the events      Donald and Bairnsdale.
energy prices.
                                         were hosted in regional Victoria
                                                                                 • Raceday attractions including
The $20 million New Energy Jobs          and access to the festival’s regional
                                                                                   the Anzac Day Races at Avoca,
Fund will support Victorian-based        events continued to expand with
                                                                                   and Australia Day races at tracks
new energy technology projects           the addition of two new regional
                                                                                   across regional Victoria.
that create or preserve long-term        festivals in Shepparton and Mildura.
sustainable jobs. It is also aimed       They joined existing regional
at increasing the uptake of              festivals in Geelong, Ballarat,         Creative industries
renewable energy generation,             Bendigo, North East Victoria,
reducing greenhouse gas emissions        Gippsland, and along the Great          A thriving arts and cultural scene
and driving innovation in new            South Coast.                            helps make rural and regional
energy technologies.                                                             Victoria a great place to live
                                                                                 and visit.
We have also launched an initiative      Racing
to use our energy purchasing                                                     Regional Victoria is famous for
                                         Victoria is the proud leader of         the number and quality of its art
power to source renewable energy
                                         Australian racing, generating more      galleries and its local artists are
certificates from new projects in
                                         than $2.8 billion in economic           known internationally.
Victoria, bringing forward around
                                         activity and supporting more than
$200 million of new investment                                                   This year, the Ballarat Art Gallery is
                                         26,500 full time jobs.
in renewables.                                                                   the exclusive Victorian host of the
                                         Country racing alone contributes        2015 Archibald Prize exhibition and
We will continue our leadership in
                                         almost $940 million in annual           the Government is looking at how
this area, building a strong future
                                         economic output, and regional           we can pursue similar opportunities
for our state in renewable energy
                                         Victoria is home to around 80 per       for regional Victoria through the
that will deliver major benefits for
                                         cent of trainers and breeders.          development of Victoria’s first
regional Victoria.
                                                                                 creative industries strategy.

                                                                                            Victoria’s Regional Statement   27
Events like Castlemaine State                                                Water
          Festival, which is Australia’s oldest    Ararat Arts Precinct
          regional state festival, attract large   Development                         Water is central to our social fabric
          numbers of visitors who flock to                                             and fundamental to supporting a
          the town for this biennial event.        Built in 1898, the Ararat           healthy environment, prosperous
          The 2013 festival attracted record       Town Hall is a Western              economy and healthy thriving
          breaking crowds and box office           Victorian landmark. The Ararat      communities now and into the
          numbers and partnered with               Regional Art Gallery and the        future. Victoria has established
          35 local industries and business and     Ararat Performing Arts Centre       strong foundations to help us
          70 sponsors, philanthropists and         have been co-located in the         realise opportunities to improve
          government bodies. The calculated        building since 1978.                water management across
          economic contribution for the            $3.7 million is being provided      our state. However, Victoria is also
          2013 Castlemaine State Festival          through the Regional Jobs           facing challenges of climate change,
          was $2.48m.                              and Infrastructure Fund for         population growth and changing
                                                   the $5.29 million Ararat Arts       economic conditions. We require
          We have invested $20 million to
                                                   Precinct revitalisation project     a new statewide framework to
          support arts and cultural hubs
                                                   that will improve the Gallery       realise these opportunities to
          across Victoria, and it’s already
                                                   and Performing Arts spaces.         improve water management
          bringing results.
                                                   It will also include works to       and address the challenges
          For example, our $2.8 million plan       provide café and bar spaces         facing Victoria.
          for small town transformations will      and improve the public              The Victorian Government is
          help places with a population less       interface of the facilities.        developing a new plan for water
          than 2000 bring the community
                                                   This new project will maximise      management that will set the
          together through large-scale
                                                   long term investment in             strategic direction for water in
          art projects.
                                                   the arts, enhance the visitor       Victoria for decades to come.
          Through the Major Events Fund            experience offered by both          The focus of the water plan
          we have secured the renowned             facilities and enable the           will be on enhancing our social
          international Marilyn Monroe             gallery to present its nationally   fabric through:
          Exhibition for the Bendigo Art           important textile art collection    • Supporting jobs and economic
          Gallery which will attract visitors      and major exhibitions as              productivity across the state.
          from across Australia.                   unique tourist drawcards.
                                                                                       • Improving the health of our
                                                                                         waterways and catchments.
                                                                                       • Enabling water management
                                                                                         to play an essential role in
                                                                                         our health and wellbeing
                                                                                         to improve liveability and
                                                                                         recreational opportunities.

28   Victoria’s Regional Statement
• Supporting Aboriginal values.        During this time, we saw                  We also need to think about how
• Preparing for drought, flood         communities come together and             we better physically move our water
  and climate change.                  become innovative in terms of using       through our water grid and the rules
                                       every drop of water wisely.               and processes that control how our
• Realising the potential of
                                                                                 water can be traded and delivered.
  Victoria’s water grid and markets.   Since 1 January 2015, there has
                                                                                 Clear information about our water
• Delivering safe, reliable            been below average rainfall across
                                                                                 system is important for people to
  and affordable water and             Victoria. The picture on just how
                                                                                 make their own decisions so that
  sanitation services.                 dry it is going to be is changing
                                                                                 we all share the benefits of this
                                       quickly. Science tells us that
Our water plan will also build                                                   precious resource.
                                       average temperatures will continue
on and improve the statewide           to increase – there will be hotter and    Through the water plan we will look
framework to realise these             dryer spells but also more intense,       at all options for how to optimise
opportunities to improve water         extreme rain.                             our water grid. The Government
management and address the                                                       will continue to work with the
challenges facing Victoria.            These conditions are already
                                                                                 Commonwealth Government
                                       affecting parts of our state. This will
Better engagement with local                                                     and water corporations to
                                       be the second consecutive poor
communities is fundamental to                                                    improve security of supply for
                                       season for most farmers in Victoria’s
improving water management                                                       the community, the environment
                                       north west. Some are facing their
across Victoria and enhancing                                                    and to promote regional
                                       third poor season.
our social fabric. The Andrews                                                   development opportunities.
Labor Government is committed          In the short term, we have acted
to engaging broadly with our           to support those that have been
stakeholders and local communities.    hardest hit by fast tracking drought
                                       support for farming communities.
We all know the incredible impact      We are keeping a close watch
of the Millennium drought. Our water   on the situation and will assess
storages dropped to unimaginably       the need for future support as
low levels and crops failed across     conditions unfold.
the state. Our sporting fields were
rock hard, gardens were brown
and our children playing under the
sprinkler was a forgotten image.
Our lakes emptied – not only
did it impact on our economy but
on the health and wellbeing of
our communities.

                                                                                           Victoria’s Regional Statement   29
Planning                                                                     WHAT’S NEXT
                                                    Geelong Authority
          Victoria’s population is forecast                                            • We will invest up to $25 million
          to grow by 2.2 million people to          We established the Geelong
                                                                                         from the Agriculture
          7.7 million by 2031. But we know          Authority to advise the
                                                                                         Infrastructure and Jobs
          that growth in regional areas will        Minister for Planning on major
                                                                                         Fund3 to identify opportunities
          be uneven.                                planning applications to
                                                                                         to support the competitiveness
                                                    create jobs and growth and
          Forty per cent of all regional                                                 of local agriculture, improve their
                                                    ways to attract investment in
          population growth over that                                                    access to markets and attract
                                                    central Geelong.
          period is forecast to occur in the                                             investment through better co-
          regional cities of Greater Geelong,       It’s all about giving local          ordination of planning for industry
          Bendigo and Ballarat.                     residents and leaders a real         development and by upgrading
                                                    voice in the future of their         ‘first and last kilometre’ routes
          Some areas are forecast to suffer         city – cutting through the red       across Victoria. We will work
          significant population falls, including   tape and bureaucracy to get          with industry and local councils
          in the shires of Buloke, Gannawarra,      things done.                         to identify and prioritise
          Corangamite and the Southern                                                   these opportunities.
          Grampians.                                Vision 2 is a plan to renew
                                                    Geelong’s CBD, with a new          • Back to Work Central Goldfields
          A stronger planning system will           city square, major street            and Back to Work Shepparton
          help councils manage growth.              enhancements and a new               will focus and co-ordinate efforts
          In particular, the Government             direction to attract investment,     to improve job prospects for
          is committed to supporting the            jobs and growth.                     disadvantaged job seekers.
          more productive uses of regional                                               These trials will bring all tiers of
          non-urban land through a planning         But the plan has struggled to        government together with local
          system that facilitates growth            get off paper. The Geelong           employers and combine Back
          of primary production and rural           Authority will advise the            to Work initiatives with other
          industries. We’re therefore providing     Minister on what council and         employment, training and social
          direct guidance with planning             local businesses need to             services to help people find and
          scheme amendments, with                   make Vision 2 a reality.             keep good local jobs.
          planning officers located throughout                                         • An $80 million package to bring
          regional Victoria.                                                             more major events to regional
          We’re also helping support                                                     Victoria and Melbourne, along
          smaller rural councils to become                                               with $11 million to upgrade
          more sustainable and develop                                                   buildings, toilets, paths and
          the local economy, providing                                                   roads and build new facilities
          $3.5 million for the Networked                                                 in parks across the state.
          Rural Councils program.

                                                                                       3 The Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs
                                                                                       Fund is subject to the successful passage of
                                                                                       the Delivering Victorian Infrastructure (Port of
                                                                                       Melbourne Lease Transaction) Bill 2015.

30   Victoria’s Regional Statement
• We will develop a contestable     • We will finalise strategies for each   • A new Water Plan for Victoria,
  pipeline of the ten most            of the six high-growth sectors           to drive water efficiency and the
  significant regional tourism        under the $200 million Future            best use of our water resources.
  projects to fully realise the       Industries Fund and ensure that        • We will use our $200 million
  economic potential of iconic        each supports the growth and             Agriculture Infrastructure and
  assets (e.g. Budj Bim, and          development of these sectors in          Jobs Fund to invest $20 million
  activating rail trains in the       rural and regional Victoria.             into the next stage of the
  North East).                      • We will boost visitation and             Macalister Irrigation District
• We will improve the way we          expenditure in regional Victoria         project as a co-investment with
  support rural and regional          by working more closely with             Commonwealth Government
  businesses by transitioning our     Regional Tourism Boards to               and industry.
  Regional Development Victoria       identify specific regional             • We will support more
  (RDV) offices into Regional         tourism segments (such as                productive use of non-urban
  Business Centres, beginning         food and wine, cultural or               regional land by trialling new
  with Bendigo, Ballarat, Geelong     nature-based tourism) and                systems to assist businesses
  and Traralgon. The Centres will     develop unique products, events,         looking to expand through the
  provide a one-stop-shop for         branding and marketing.                  Agribusiness Development
  businesses looking to grow,       • We will identify projects that are       Facilitation model.
  and will house new trade and        of State or regional significance      • Establishing a new Animal
  investment teams, economic          where government consideration           Industries Advisory
  development specialists from        of the need for intervention             Committee to report on how
  across State Government             (e.g. exercising Ministerial             the planning system could
  departments, and will work          ‘call-in’ powers) may be able            deliver clearer rules and
  with local and Commonwealth         to fast-track appropriate                greater confidence for farmers
  governments to access grant         developments that boost jobs             and councils around animal
  programs and advice.                and local economies. We will             husbandry, while balancing
• We will work with Regional          have criteria and processes in           environmental outcomes and
  Partnerships to identify            place within six months.                 community expectations.
  investment and infrastructure     • A Renewable Energy Action
  opportunities and promote           Plan setting out a series of
  regional Victoria as an             initiatives to capture Victoria’s
  investment destination.             share of the estimated
• We will continue to partner         $14.7 billion in renewable
  with relevant agencies,             energy investment expected
  service providers and industry      in Australia by 2020, including
  associations to build export        actions to support the uptake of
  capability in regional Victoria     energy storage.
  through an Export Skills and
  Training Program.

                                                                                       Victoria’s Regional Statement   31

          For regional                              Regional rail                            • $257 million for 21 new VLocity
                                                                                               regional carriages to be built in
          Victorians, reliable                      The Regional Rail Link project             Victoria, including $115 million
          public transport is                       opened this year. It was the largest       for new train stabling and
                                                    public transport infrastructure            maintenance in Waurn Ponds.
          about connecting                          project ever undertaken in Victoria,     • $90 million for five new X’Trapolis
          communities to                            with 90 kilometres of new track,           trains to be built in Ballarat.
                                                    new and upgraded stations, major
          sporting events, jobs,                    bridge works and two level crossing
                                                                                             • We have released a 10-year
                                                                                               plan for purchasing new trains
          regional centres                          removals.
                                                                                               and trams, which includes a
          and education                             The project provides dedicated             significant expansion of the
                                                    tracks for regional trains from            regional fleet. It’s Victoria’s
          opportunities.                            Melbourne to Geelong, Ballarat and         first-ever rolling stock strategy.
                                                    Bendigo, boosting the capacity             The strategy outlines our plan to
          We are improving safety for               and reliability of services from these     commission the next generation
          regional Victorians by upgrading          major regional centres.                    high capacity regional trains,
          the regional road and rail networks,                                                 to cater for strong patronage
                                                    In addition to key infrastructure,
          reducing travel times for freight and                                                growth and more peak services.
                                                    the Andrews Labor Government is
          making it easier for visitors to get to   also committed to building trains        • We’re also working with
          regional Victoria.                        and trams in Victoria to support           the TAFE sector to develop
          Investing in road and rail                local jobs and provide education           programs for apprentices in the
          infrastructure is also about              and training. The 2015-16                  rolling stock industry, training the
          creating jobs and building stronger       Victorian Budget invested more             next generation of engineers.
          regional communities.                     than $2 billion in a pipeline of
                                                    rolling stock. This includes:

32   Victoria’s Regional Statement
Regional Network                      During the consultation, a range         Freight rail
                                      of issues and challenges that
Development Plan                      passengers are experiencing on the       Our Government is boosting
The Regional Network Development      existing network as well as many         investment in rail infrastructure to
Plan will move Victoria away from     ideas for better outcomes and            lower the cost of getting critical
ad hoc service improvements,          solutions into the future were raised.   grains, minerals and other produce
towards a more coordinated                                                     exports to port.
                                      This information will be fed back into
regional public transport network     a plan to address the short, medium      We are progressing the $416 million
where train and bus services work     and long term regional infrastructure    Murray Basin Rail Project, which will
together to get people where they     needs of communities.                    fully standardise and upgrade the
need to go quicker and safer.                                                  entire Murray Basin rail network.
For the first time, regional          Regional buses                           The Government has provided
communities were consulted on                                                  up to $220 million in the
the specific public transport needs   As part of the Government’s $100         2015-16 Victorian Budget for
of their region.                      million investment to improving bus      the project, with $5 million fast-
                                      networks across Victoria, stronger       tracked in February to get work
A Regional Transport Advisory         bus networks will be developed in
Group was established to                                                       started on critical maintenance
                                      regional areas. We will work with        and safety works.
oversee an extensive community        communities and councils to plan
consultation period held from         new bus routes, fix the missing links    Major works are expected to
23 June until 11 September.           and add more services.                   commence in the second half of
Community and stakeholder                                                      2016 and 270 jobs will be created
workshops were held in regional       A new bus network has been               during construction.
cities and towns across Gippsland,    introduced in Geelong and the
Grampians, Hume, Loddon-Mallee        Bellarine, providing better bus          This project will make supply chains
and Barwon-South West.                connections to trains. We have           more efficient, give businesses a
                                      consulted with the local community,      greater choice of ports to export
More than 1,400 community             bus operators and council on the         their commodities and sustain
members and stakeholders              future Bendigo bus network. We           and create jobs in agriculture
attended workshops and over           will develop future bus networks in      and construction.
15,000 pieces of feedback were        Ballarat and the Latrobe Valley.
collected through the online survey
and online discussion tool.           Consultation with communities and
                                      local councils will be central to bus
                                      planning for the future.

                                                                                          Victoria’s Regional Statement   33
It is estimated that it will reduce      • $106 million has been committed                  • $50 million in the Safer Country
          the number of truck trips to port          to construct the Drysdale                          Crossings Program, boosting
          by 20,000 due to the higher axle           Bypass, which is crucial for the                   safety at 52 priority roads and
          loading and improved standard of           wellbeing of the town and will                     crossings which carry high
          the track.                                 support local jobs.                                speed passenger trains or a
                                                   • Subject to the successful                          high number of heavy vehicles.
          It’s all about boosting the safety,
                                                     passage of the Port of                             The upgrades will include works
          capacity and reliability of freight
                                                     Melbourne lease legislation, our                   to install flashing lights and
          services in Northern Victoria
                                                     new $200 million Agriculture                       boom gates. $2 million was
          and better connecting primary
                                                     Infrastructure and Jobs Fund                       fast-tracked to begin works on
          producers to the State’s major
                                                     will enable key freight routes to                  three level crossing upgrades:
          ports in Portland, Geelong and
                                                     be upgraded to accommodate                         at Springhurst near Wangaratta,
                                                     heavier vehicles. This will drive                  Gnotuk near Camperdown and
                                                     economic growth, create jobs,                      Pirron Yallock near Colac.
          Regional roads                             boost exports and support
                                                     Victorian farmers from paddock                   Telecommunications
          We are taking action to improve the
          safety and productivity of Victoria’s      to port.4
                                                                                                      Information and telecommunications
          rural and regional road network.                                                            are critical for regional business
          This is vital for locals, visitors and   Road safety                                        competitiveness. In an increasingly
          businesses alike.                                                                           “online” world, they are also vital
                                                   It’s not just about economic
          • The Government has committed           productivity, it’s also about keeping              to supporting children’s education,
            $1 billion to upgrade and repair       people safe on country roads.                      providing quality healthcare
            unsafe and congested roads and         That’s why we’re also upgrading                    and community activities. But
            bridges in regional communities.       the local roads that families use                  broadband and mobile coverage is
            This commitment recognises that        every day. We are investing:                       variable across regions, restricting
            local communities and industry                                                            business productivity and the ability
                                                   • $87 million to resurface unsafe,                 of communities to fully participate.
            needs to be better supported
                                                     deteriorating road surfaces
            and Government will continue                                                              These limitations also affect how
                                                     across the state, to give families
            to work with councils to identify                                                         easily people can connect with one
                                                     more peace of mind.
            their infrastructure needs and                                                            another, and put them at risk during
            allocate funding accordingly.          • $3 million to improve traffic
                                                     and safety on High Street in
          • We are investing $76 million to
                                                     partnership with the communities                 The Government has co-invested
            strengthen bridges on key freight
                                                     of Drysdale and Portarlington.                   $21 million with Testra to the
            routes to increase the overall
                                                                                                      Commonwealth Government’s
            safety of the road network and
                                                                                                      Mobile Black Spot Programme
            reduce travel time for heavy
                                                                                                      securing an $86 million investment
            vehicles. Work is expected to
                                                                                                      for Victorian regional communities.
            commence this year on the first
            stage of the program, which
            will focus on 17 priority bridges
            that have deteriorated to such
            an extent that semi-trailers and       4 The Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs
            B-doubles cannot use them.             Fund is subject to the successful passage of
                                                   the Delivering Victorian Infrastructure (Port of
                                                   Melbourne Lease Transaction) Bill 2015.

34   Victoria’s Regional Statement
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