Virtual legality Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Legal Issues - Dentons

Page created by Brandon Elliott
Virtual legality Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Legal Issues - Dentons
Virtual legality
Virtual Reality and
Augmented Reality –
Legal Issues
Virtual legality Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Legal Issues - Dentons
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Virtual legality Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Legal Issues - Dentons
With predictions that the impact of Virtual Reality (VR)
and Augmented Reality (AR) is comparable to the impact
of the internet1 Dentons, as part of its on-going TechTalk
series, thought it was timely to examine the legal issues
associated with this relatively new technology. The hype
is real at least. There are predictions of the AR and VR
sectors generating $90 billion by 2023.2

This article aims to get you                  Are VR and AR the                             AR
comprehensively up to speed and
up to date. It will be of particular          same thing?                                   By contrast, Augmented Reality
interest to anyone in sectors such                                                          (AR) supplements the real world.
                                              First – some definitions.
as media, retail, hotels, education,                                                        The user sees the real world but
manufacturing, finance and                                                                  with the addition of computer
                                              VR                                            generated images which are
                                              Virtual Reality (VR) uses software            overlaid onto various real objects.
Read on if you need a “VR and                                                               Augmentations can be sound,
                                              and devices to show (usually
AR 101” session which gives you                                                             video, graphics or data.
                                              realistic) images, sounds and
an overview and covers the legal
                                              other sensations (such as scent)3
issues. This article provides you                                                           AR achieves this by adding
                                              to replicate real or imaginary
with what you need to know                                                                  computer vision and object
                                              environments and to map the
right now about:                                                                            recognition to data about the real
                                              user’s physical presence in them.
                                                                                            environment surrounding the user.
1. What are VR and AR?                        VR’s aim is to be realistic and
                                                                                            AR presents that content overlaid
                                              immersive, and to simulate a
2. How does the VR/AR                                                                       onto the user’s real world view.
                                              three dimensional environment
   technology work?                                                                         The AR information itself can be
                                              and experience. VR does this
                                                                                            either virtual or real data.
3. Who is who in the world                    by interactive software and
   of VR and AR?                              hardware which is controlled and              AR devices range from
                                              experienced by movement of the                smartphones and tablets (say,
4. Key legal issues associated
                                              human body, head or eyes. A VR                for playing games like Pokémon
   with VR and AR.
                                              user can move or look around                  Go) to windscreens in vehicles
5. he future of VR and AR.                    and interact with the technology              (for example, to display satnav
                                              via a screen or headset/goggles               information) or HMDs worn
                                              (called a head-mounted display                by the user (such as a harness,
                                              or HMD).                                      helmet or eyeglasses).

1. See “Digital Trends: Why 2017 Will Be Shaped By VR, AR, AI and Personalized Digital Assistants” published by
3 January 2017 at

2. According to “Augmented And Virtual Reality To Hit $150 Billion, Disrupting Mobile By 2020” dated 6 April 2015 by Tim Merel
from @DigiCapitalist at

3. Both scent and taste are current developments. See, for example, the VR experiment to taste virtual sushi and donuts which is
described in the article “We Sampled The Gastronomic Frontier Of Virtual Reality” dated 29 January 2016 at

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Virtual legality Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Legal Issues - Dentons
The AR device displays the                                                                  a three dimensional space).
AR content by projecting through                                                            6DoF systems plot the user’s
or by reflecting off the surfaces                                                           movements along x, y and z axes
of the device.                                                                              to measure in every direction.

In short, the main differences                                                              VR systems use a few mechanisms
are that AR enhances reality                                                                to plot movement. These range
whereas VR replaces reality with                                                            from light emitting diodes (LEDs)
a simulated one. In doing so,                 Image of Sony PlayStation                     and cameras, to infrared sensors,
there is a difference in the level of         VR © 2016 Sony Interactive                    magnetometers, gyroscopes
immersion of the user experience.             Entertainment LLC                             or accelerometers. The aim
                                                                                            is to minimise lag between
How do AR and VR                              The experience of immersion                   user physical movements and
                                              depends on how wide the display               image changes. The process of
actually work?                                view is. A 360 degree display                 converting a user’s motion into
VR and AR technology works in                 would be more immersive than                  commands in the VR computer
slightly different ways. What they            the 100 or 110 degree displays                software is vital to the sense of
generally have in common is the               which are currently most common               immersion. A low latency in terms
need for a user to buy a device               in VR HMDs.                                   of lag is crucial to the quality
and to download an app to it                                                                of the VR experience. Latency
                                              The headsets refresh the views as             is usually measured usually in
to get started.
                                              the user moves around. Users will             milliseconds.
                                              feel disoriented and sick however
VR                                            if the field of view does not refresh         VR systems mainly use one of two
In VR, getting the maximum sense              often enough. Companies such                  methods to track body motion.
of immersion is key to a good                 as Sony impose standards on                   These are either optical tracking
experience.                                   its game developers to meet                   (using imaging devices to track
                                              certain frame rate per second                 body motion) or non-optical
VR works by feeding video from                (fps) requirements or they will not           tracking (using other sensors
a computer to the HMD or                      be certified on the PlayStation               attached to the body such as
smartphone/tablet —either by                  system.4 At least 60 frames per               magnetic fields or sound waves).
cable or wirelessly. The headsets             second is needed to avoid user
take the video feeds and send                                                               Optical:
them to a single display or to two
                                                                                            A user will wear optical markers
displays (one for each eye).                  How is motion tracked?                        (such as dots of highly reflective
Sometimes the lenses in an HMD
                                                                                            material) on parts of their body,
are adjustable to match the                   VR devices track the user’s head
                                                                                            the HMD or handheld controller
distance between a user’s eyes.               or arm/hand/body movements
                                                                                            and a camera maps their
This helps the image to be as                 and through the software shift
                                                                                            movement to three dimensional
focused and shaped as possible                the picture in the headset display
and facilitates a “stereoscopic”              as the user moves around. VR
three dimensional image (created              devices constantly trace and                  Non-optical:
by angling the two separate two               retrace the real world movements
dimensional images to simulate                through a process called spatial              A user will wear equipment
how human eyes have small                     mapping. Tracking is measured                 (such as an exoskeleton motion
differences in the way each one               according to a “six degrees                   capture suit system or HMD) or
views images).                                of freedom” (6DoF) system (a                  use a handheld controller which
                                              reference to the freedom of                   contains micro-electromechanical
                                              movement of a rigid body in                   sensors (such as accelerometers,

4. See Charlie Hall’s article for Polygon, “Sony to devs: If you drop below 60 fps in VR we will not certify your game. You
cannot drop below 60 fps. Period. Ever.” dated 17 March 2016 at

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gyroscopes and magnetometers).               through a camera, webcam
These sensors convert movement               or phone.
into electrical signals and so track
                                             There are two main types of AR:
motion. Some newer technology
                                             AR that is marker-based or AR that
interpret electrical impulses
                                             is marker-less or location-based.
directly from muscles to enable
gesture-based control of the                 Marker-based AR:
VR software.
                                             •   This type uses a camera and a
How are eyes tracked?                            visual marker to determine the
                                                 centre, orientation and range of
Eye tracking is a newer VR frontier              its spherical coordinate system.
and involves use of an infrared                  The AR device is activated when
sensor to monitor eyes and where                 an item (the marker) is placed
the user is looking inside the                   in front of a webcam (which is
HMD. This allows more precise                    connected to or embedded in
reactions in VR imagery and a                    the AR device). The webcam
depth of field that is more realistic.           captures a video feed (by
For example, the VR display might                taking lots of photos in quick
blur the foreground slightly if the              succession) and processing or
user is looking into the distance.               recognising the information and
– which is what naturally would                  patterns in the photos (such
occur when eyes are looking into                 as a barcode or symbol). The
the distance in the real world. This             AR computer then recognises              Image of Spyglass Compass and
feels more natural to the user as                that information and overlays            GPS navigation app for iPhone and
it replicates the way the human                  the marker with an image or              iPad © 2016 Happy Magenta UAB
brain works and so a user is less                animation. A classic example
likely to feel disoriented or dizzy.             is the world record line which           Who is in on the act?
                                                 is dynamically added across
Other senses:
                                                 the lanes to show the current            There are a number of key players
VR devices are now aiming to                     world record in a broadcast of           in the VR and AR sectors – either
increase the sense of immersion                  a sports race. When a camera             exploiting it, producing content
by adding aural/video technology                 points at the marker, the digital        or producing the hardware and
and apps that give the user the                  image is overlaid at that point          software.
sense that sound or scent is                     onto the AR device’s screen.
                                                                                          AR/VR Exploiters
coming from all around them and
                                             Marker-less or location-based
near and far away.                                                                        In 2016, the game, Pokémon Go,
                                                                                          was such a craze that Nintendo’s
AR                                           •   Marker-less or location-                 value doubled in a two-week
                                                 based AR actively tracks and             period.5 It worked by showing on
AR, being VR’s real world cousin,                recognises the real environment          a user’s phone or tablet where
works by a computer analysing                    without using markers. The               Pokémon characters could be
what is being viewed and the                     AR device records its position           “found” and then “caught”. The
position of it. AR applications                  in the real world and then               gamer had to visit the physical
superimpose two or three                         provides the data relevant               location of the character to catch
dimensional generated computer                   to that location (such as the            the character, which was seen on
imagery or descriptive information               names of landmarks being                 a device screen via the Pokémon
over real time images obtained                   viewed around a user).                   Go app when it was pointing in the

5. See “Thanks to Pokémon Go, Nintendo’s Market Cap Just Doubled to $42 Billion” by Fortune dated 19 July 2016 at

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right direction using AR. At various          •   Marriott uses VR (Oculus Rift                  Card to reveal special offers
“Poke Stops”, players checked in                  headsets) to showcase its hotels               using AR. Lacoste has a virtual
and could gather items useful to                  to potential guests.                           try-on experience using AR
the game. Post peak-Pokémon-Go,                                                                  where users can share their
                                              Shopping Centres:
it is clear that the game exposed                                                                experience with their social
millions around the world to AR.              •   London’s Covent Garden used                    network via their phone.
                                                  AR for visitors to meet Santa              Children:
The game has sustained its
                                                  in an interactive grotto and
popularity, grossing US$176 million
                                                  embark on an AR treasure hunt              •   BiCKids has released a
in August 2019, Pokemon Go’s
                                                  to catch reindeer hidden in the                colouring book which uses
highest grossing month since
                                                  area. A giant Christmas tree was               an AR app to enable kids to
                                                  also digitally decorated with                  interact with the pages.
This has caught the attention                     special offers.
                                                                                             •   The British Museum uses AR
of brands who have started                    •   The Galeries Lafayette store in                to help children understand the
to capitalise on AR and VR.                       Paris uses AR to animate a polar               Parthenon gallery by enabling
Some notable examples are the                     bear wandering through virtual                 statues from the museum’s
following.                                        snow in a 360 degree view                      collection to tell stories.
                                                  in the store.
Retail and Leisure:                                                                          Other:
                                              •   The Australian Pacific Fair
•   McDonald’s launched an                                                                   •   Google developed Word Lens
                                                  beachside shopping centre
    AR app that showed the                                                                       as part of Google Translate.
                                                  provided an AR ‘12 Days of
    production process of its food.                                                              It enables a user to aim at
                                                  Christmas’ experience featuring
                                                                                                 a foreign sign and have the
•   Coca Cola and Spotify                         three sleeping koalas and
                                                                                                 text translated into their own
    partnered to let users listen                 eight shimmering seashells
    to the most popular songs by                  which came to life as shoppers
    holding their phone up to AR-                 shopped.                                   •   Siemens uses AR to showcase
    enabled Coca Cola cans.                                                                      its range of magnetic valves.
•   Häagen-Dazs uses AR to                                                                   For now, consumers are not
                                              •   A number of beauty brands
    entertain consumers while                                                                generally paying for their initial
                                                  have created AR apps to enable
    they wait for their icecream to                                                          AR and VR experiences other
                                                  virtual sampling and try-on,
    become soft enough to scoop.                                                             than through the download of
                                                  including Covergirl’s BeautyU,
    A virtual violin concerto is                                                             apps or the purchase of games
                                                  Sally Hansen’s ManiMatch, and
    projected onto the top of a tub                                                          – as is often the case with new
                                                  L’Oreal’s Makeup Genius app
    of icecream.                                                                             consumer-appealing technology.
                                                  which uses facial recognition
                                                                                             New technology is often
•   Tesco uses AR so that                         technology to allow people to
                                                                                             sponsored so that experiences
    customers can visualise sofas in              virtually apply products.
                                                                                             drive demand as consumers are
    their own home.
                                              Fashion:                                       exposed to it. This may change in
•   Yelp uses AR with a feature                                                              the future — Gartner’s research
    called Yelp Monocle to                    •   Rebecca Minkoff and Neiman                 analyst, Brian Blau, thinks that
    gives information about                       Marcus have AR powered                     consumers will be willing to
    local establishments when a                   interactive mirrors in their fitting       pay more for quality VR and AR
    smartphone is pointed at them.                rooms. New Look enables                    experiences in the future.7
                                                  users to use their phones to
                                                  scan their New Look Student

6. See “People Still Play That? ‘Pokémon GO’ Just Made $176 Million In August, #1 In The World“by Paul Tassi September 21 2019 at

7. See the article on AR Blog Augmented Reality marketing resources, trends, videos and case studies: “5 top Virtual Reality
& Augmented Reality technology trends for 2016” by Joe Bardi on 22 April 2016

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AR/VR hardware                        •   Magic Leap is another              images and other information
                                          significant player who makes       using AR. There is also speculation
producers                                 HMD virtual retinal displays       that Apple will augment Maps
                                          which superimposes imagery         for iPhones.
Top VR and AR hardware
                                          over real world objects by
producers are Google Glass, the
Facebook-owned Oculus Rift, HTC
                                          projecting a digital light field   AR/VR content
                                          into the user’s eyes.
Vive, Samsung Gear VR, Microsoft                                             producers
HoloLens, Google Daydream             •   AMD has launched Sulon Q,
View. Another key category is the         a spatially aware headset that     VR content and applications are
branded headsets which pair with          combines VR and AR.                being released as consumer grade
Sony PlayStation VR and Microsoft                                            VR and AR products come down
                                      •   Samsung produces the               in price and mobile phone-based
Xbox One.
                                          relatively affordable Samsung      VR platforms bring greater ease of
There is a wide range of devices          GearVR headset which retails       use, lower cost and a wide range
and price points. More affordable         around $50.                        of apps. VR and AR are expected
devices are now proliferating         •   Google is another key innovator    to rapidly expand to become
although HMDs can still range             – it has released a three          a primary tool to interface with
from as little as ten to thousands        dimensional visual tracking        social media and the internet.
of dollars.                               device for mobile phones           Originally content production
                                          and a VR HMD called Google         for VR and AR was led by video
•   Oculus Rift VR is one of the
                                          Daydream View which retails        games but that is broadening.
    leaders at present as they were
                                          for around $80. Google also        Sony PlayStation VR is a smash
    early innovators with major
                                          produces the Google Cardboard      hit but newer content is coming
    game developers. The headsets
                                          – an extremely low cost item       through now also from marketers
    retail around $500.
                                          which is a headset that pairs      and other corporate creators.
•   HTC Vive retails for around           with a smartphone and uses
    twice the price of Oculus.                                               Some notable content producers
                                          the phone as its screen.
                                                                             are listed below:
•   Microsoft HoloLens is a
    wireless Windows 10 device                                               •   YouTube – which has a 360 VR
    with holographic capability                                                  video channel with a rapidly
    which integrates data from the                                               growing catalogue of videos to
    sensors, handling tasks such                                                 watch.
    as spatial mapping, gesture                                              •   Sports organisations – this
    recognition and voice and                                                    sector was one of the first to
    speech recognition.                                                          enter with the use of AR during
                                                                                 live broadcasts. NextVR has
                                                                                 partnered with FOX Sports,
                                      The Google Cardboard headset               Live Nation, NBC Sports, HBO/
                                                                                 Golden Boy, Turner Sports,
                                      Cardboard is designed specifically
                                                                                 and CNN to provide scheduled
                                      for using VR apps on Android
                                                                                 programmes and highlights
                                      smartphones and Google
                                                                                 in VR (using either a Google
                                      encourages developers to make
                                                                                 Daydream View or Samsung
                                      and sell VR apps for Google Play.
                                                                                 Gear VR). A user can now
                                      Apple is said to be working on             move to the action – such as to
                                      developing several prototype VR            behind the goal posts or onto
                                      headsets and they are rumoured             the basketball court and game
                                      to be developing a set of smart            statistics can be displayed live
                                      glasses that would connect                 on their devices.
                                      wirelessly to the iPhone like the      •   The New York Times and other
The Oculus HMD                        Apple Watch. These would display           companies such as Vrse and

                                                                                           • 7
RYOT (which is owned by The               new that laws may struggle                     a favourite brand’s logo on it
    Huffington Post) are producing            to keep up.                                    which is created by the user for
    VR films, documentaries and                                                              their avatar to wear online? The
    news. Vrse produces VR music              Intellectual Property                          owner of the logo would consider
    videos, films, documentaries                                                             that it owned the copyright and
    and comedy. NYT VR produces
                                              issues                                         trade mark rights in the logo
    VR reports where, for example,            With the market for AR and VR                  on the virtual T-shirt. The usual
    viewers can be taken to the               growing, the stakes are high – as              intellectual property protection
    surface of Pluto.                         indicated by numerous court                    laws would be expected to apply
                                              proceedings dealing with the                   in the VR world. In that case,
•   Google’s TiltBrush (for HTC
                                              intellectual property rights in AR             VR system providers would act
    Vive) is a very popular VR art
                                              and VR technology. In February                 as facilitators to allow users to
    creation app which enables
                                              2017 for example, Facebook                     virtually import or incorporate
    virtual painting with light.
                                              was ordered by a US court to                   music, photographs, and brand
•   Jaunt is a VR app which mixes             pay $500m to a US video game                   names or logos into their virtual
    films and videos from live                company called ZeniMax after                   experiences. Both the VR platform
    concert performances.                     Facebook’s Oculus VR headset was               and its users would need the
•   Pornhub needs a mention too               found to have infringed ZeniMax’s              permission of the brand owner
    – it launched a VR category               intellectual property rights.9                 to use the logo virtually.
    in 2016 and this has since                                                               IP legal issues get trickier,
                                              After this figure was later reduced
    experienced growth in views                                                              however, when no such
                                              on appeal, Facebook and
    of 302%.8                                                                                permission has been obtained.
                                              Zenimax reached a settlement for
One development to watch will                 an undisclosed amount.10                       In this case, the rightful intellectual
be the streaming of VR content.                                                              property rights owner will want to
                                              Away from the litigation dealing               enforce its rights against the VR
Oculus for instance, has tested
                                              with the rights in the underlying              platform and its users.
a VR streaming site.
                                              technological developments, the
                                              legal issues relating to intellectual          A practical problem is that VR users
Key legal issues with VR                                                                     log in from all over the world. They
                                              property in VR and AR can be
and AR                                        categorised into two main areas:               are hard to identify and pursue.

The growth in VR and AR is                    i. those relating to real world                Another legal problem also
welcome and exciting but there                   intellectual property rights                surfaces because of the inherent
are a variety of legal issues and                and their role in the virtual               difference between virtual world
ethical challenges ahead. The                    or augmented world; and                     goods and the trade mark owner’s
legal issues include those that                                                              real world goods. Virtual world
                                              ii. those relating to virtual world
relate to intellectual property,                                                             goods are intangible. Real world
                                                  intellectual property and their
privacy, product liability, tax and                                                          goods are tangible. A trade mark
                                                  role in the real world.
crime – as well as issues which                                                              owner may well find the scope of
come about simply because of                  Real world IP rights in the virtual            its trade mark rights covers only
the inherent nature of the new                world:                                         real goods. Could the trade mark
technology and its ability to                                                                owner still sue for infringement for
influence user behaviours while it            Consider, for example, who might               the virtual T-shirt despite no actual
immerses them completely in the               own the intellectual property                  T-shirts being produced when its
experience. The technology is so              rights in a virtual T-shirt with               rights relate to actual T-shirts only?

8. According to “2016 VR Porn Statistics Say VR Is Hot “ dated 30 January 2017 by Steven Paterson at 360-Degree Movies at

9. See “Facebook ordered to pay $500m in Oculus virtual reality dispute” by James Titcomb dated 2 February 2017 at

10. See “Facebook settles virtual reality lawsuit with ZeniMax over alleged theft of company secrets” by Mishelle Castillo dated
12 December 2018 at

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A hurdle to the brand owner                    their rights to the intellectual                has gone so far as to question
obtaining damages for                          property created by them to the                 whether VR experiences may ever
infringement also presents itself              VR platform. In a few cases, the                be “safe” from an ethical point
where sales of real goods are not              VR system will agree that users will            of view.11 Madary calls for further
impacted by the virtual goods.                 own their VR creations but grant                research into the psychological
How is damage to be proved?                    back to the VR platform a wide                  effects of long-term immersion
It may be easier to rely on the                licence to be able to exploit the               in VR experiences and the way
common law principles of passing               user’s intellectual property created            avatars can be used. Madary
off claiming consumer confusion                through the VR platform. It should              has concerns about individuals
about the association of the trade             be borne in mind however that                   who strongly identify with their
mark for the real goods with the               users log in to VR platforms from               own avatar and the “powerful
virtual world goods.                           all over the world – and their local            unconscious influence” of VR
                                               jurisdiction may have laws that                 on user behaviour. VR does and
Virtual IP rights in the real                  override the agreement between                  can induce particular kinds of
world:                                         the VR platform and the user and                emotions and can cause suffering
Generally, under intellectual                  govern the ownership and use of                 as users will experience VR as real
property laws, a creator of content            the intellectual property.                      even if they know they are in a
owns the intellectual property in                                                              virtual environment.
                                               As VR facilitates the creation of
it. There are some exceptions, but             very personal virtual worlds by the             It is these inherent qualities of
this is the usual position unless the          user –users’ creations of different             VR that causes a reconsideration
creator has, by written agreement,             identities and an alternate world               of the traditional approaches to
varied from it and assigned his or             have the potential to be really                 crime in the VR world. There are
her intellectual property rights in            novel. Clarity about the ownership              numerous notorious examples.12
their creation to someone else.                of virtual assets in terms of use
                                               agreements with users is critical.              A female player called Jordan
A legal issue arising from AR
                                               Because of the deeply personal                  Belamire playing a VR game called
relates to who owns the rights to
                                               nature of virtual experiences and               QuiVr had her avatar’s virtual
geo-tag real world locations. An
                                               the capacity of users to identify               crotch grabbed by another player
owner of a famous landmark may
                                               with their virtual worlds, there                named BigBro442 while shooting
well want to claim rights as to how
                                               may be pressure in the future for               zombies.13 For Ms Belamire, the
that landmark is to be identified
                                               intellectual property laws which                virtual groping was the same as
or have a grievance if false
                                               rebalance the standard allocation               being groped in real life due to the
information is given about it.
                                               of the respective VR platforms’ or              psychological trauma inflicted.
There is no doubt however that                 users’ intellectual property rights.            The criminal code would not treat
VR, rather than AR, has excited                                                                virtual assaults in the same way as
                                                                                               real life assaults involving actual
more comment about the                         Virtual crimes
complex intellectual property                                                                  physical contact. This may change
issues as VR allows users greater              The inherent nature of VR is said               in the future as the VR technology
scope to create images, virtual                to lead to ethical challenges which             develops in sophistication. Body
property or other content by                   in turn an create fresh legal issues            suit technology is developing
through the VR system.                         when it comes to assessing                      to the point where the user may
                                               virtual crime.                                  feel a kick or punch. VR content
Most VR platforms will have terms                                                              providers are already considering
of use where users agree to assign             A blogger for the European                      whether to provide in their
                                               Commission, Michael Madary,

11. See “Are Virtual Reality experiences safe from an ethical point of view?” by Michael Madary dated 9 March 2016 at

12. See “Sexual harassment in virtual reality feels all too real – ‘it’s creepy beyond creepy’” by Julia Carrie Wong dated 26 October 2016
writing for The Guardian at

13. See, for example, “My first virtual reality groping” by Jordan Belamire dated 21 October 2016 at

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software code solutions against               of thefts of virtual currency and             expect to see more regulation in
virtual harassment. Possibilities             digital assets. Popular games such            this area in the future.
include virtual shields, expanded             as Second Life and RuneScape
super powers or extended                      allow ‘residents’ to buy and sell             Taxing the virtual
personal safe havens to prevent               new virtual land, run businesses
cyber assault.                                and trade with virtual currency               Although virtual assets are difficult
                                              that can be converted to and from             to deal with under traditional
In 2013, an English game player               real currency.                                criminal laws, that does not stop
named Steven Burrell was                                                                    governments looking to tax them.
convicted after he “stole” virtual            The European Union Agency                     The United States of America’s
property.14 Burrell stole virtual             for Network and Information                   tax authority (the IRS) has issued
items (such as swords, capes,                 Security (ENISA) which is the                 guidance on the treatment of
gold and armour) which were                   centre of network and information             digital currencies in 201417 which
virtually valuable in a game called           security expertise for the EU has             clarified that the IRS treats digital
RuneScape after he hacked into                called for regulation following               currencies as capital assets which
gamers’ profiles.He then sold                 the proliferation of “crypto-                 are subject to capital gains taxes.
these virtual assets for money                currencies” — that is digital virtual         Similarly, Russian authorities
in fan forums for the game. He                currencies such as Litecoin,                  have also produced guidance
was convicted, however, for                   Dogecoin, Ripple and Bitcoin.                 relating to digital currencies18
hacking rather than theft as the              Bitcoin is a decentralised peer-              as has Japan.19 Other countries
items he stole only existed in the            to-peer payment system from                   are grappling with the issues of
virtual world of the game. The                Hong Kong-based “crypto-                      virtual transactions too - such as
virtual victims lost their gaming             currency” exchange Bitfinex                   Australia who recently ended sales
resources but had no redress.                 where electronic payments                     tax on digital currencies following
                                              are performed by generating                   a policy decision to encourage
In 2017,15 two men pleaded guilty             transactions that transfer Bitcoin            investment by treating Bitcoins as
to running an illegal betting                 coins (BTCs) among Bitcoin peers.             a form of barter arrangement.
website connected to a FIFA                   The regulatory environment is still
VR game called FUT Galaxy.                    grappling with how and whether                The popularity of Pokémon Go has
They let players transfer virtual             these crypto-currencies are to be             led to growing calls for AR and VR
currency out of the game and                  recognised as a form of money.16              transactions to be taxed although
use that to bet on real-life football                                                       some thorny legal issues remain to
                                              As illustrated by the Burrell case
games. Winnings would then be                                                               be worked through:
                                              discussed above, they are not a
transferred back in the gamers’               form of real property which can
accounts in the FIFA game – so                                                              •   How should AR/VR content
                                              be stolen – the issues are complex
the FIFA virtual currency ended up                                                              and transactions characterised
                                              when they are not legal tender
having real world value.                                                                        for the purpose of tax – as
                                              of any government or generally                    software, a digital product,
The ability to purchase digital               issued or controlled by centralised               a service or intangible or
assets that might have real world             bodies. As existing criminal laws                 something else?
value that has led to a growth                do not cope well with VR, we

14. See “Computer hacker stole virtual property from online fantasy gamers to pay off REAL gambling debts” by Dan Bloom of Mail
Online dated 6 December 2013 at
15. BBC News Online “YouTuber admits Fifa gambling offences” dated 6 February 2017 at
16. As noted in “What The Heck Is Bitcoin? The Law Struggles For An Answer” by Daniel Fisher of Forbes dated 26 August 2016 at
17. At
18. As reported in “Bitcoin legal by default in Russia, confirms new federal tax document” by Cryptocoins News on 1 December 2016 at
19. See “To tax or not to tax? Japan debates how to handle bitcoin” by Toshihisa Kinouchi dated 1 March 2016 at

10 •
•   What exactly is being                     exchange of Bitcoins as a pure                At the same time as there are
    purchased and how in the                  payment instrument was sales                  more stringent privacy laws,
    virtual world e.g. software,              tax exempt.21                                 the advertising and business
    virtual currency, digital assets                                                        models of many companies are
                                              Digital activities are growing.
    or something else?                                                                      increasingly relying on obtaining
                                              Additionally intellectual property            a unified profile of a user. VR
•   Where precisely do transactions           owning entities in the VR and AR              platforms store and process
    take place for tax purposes               space have attracted negative                 substantial amounts of personal
    when the identity or location             publicity for shifting revenues into          data about individual users. Some
    of the user, owner of the                 low tax jurisdictions. It seems likely        data may be more sensitive than
    intellectual property is not              that there will be a reassessment             others. Consider, for example,
    clear or where the user may               of the tax rules for VR and AR.               if a user’s reaction times or ease
    download in one jurisdiction but          Future taxing authorities may well            of movement could be sensitive
    transact virtually in another?            take the position that an extensive           health data or if facial recognition
It is still unclear how the European          collection of personal data in                data could be sensitive personal
Union will progress matters of tax            a country triggers a taxable nexus            data under data privacy laws.
of the digital world. In 2014, the            in that country — irrespective                Eye tracking would be considered
European Commission established               of whether digital products,                  more intrusive than click
a High Level Expert Group on                  streamed content, virtual currency            tracking or cookies.
Taxation of the Digital Economy               or other types of virtual assets
to examine ways of taxing the                 are involved.                                 VR and AR providers will need
digital economy in the EU.20 One                                                            to assess if they are excessively
of the legal issues considered was            Virtual privacy                               collecting, using, and sharing
whether the collection, processing                                                          a wide range of users’ personal
                                              With the coming of reform of the              information without the
and monetising of data should
                                              privacy laws in the European Union,22         appropriate consents in place.
be reflected in the definition
                                              the legal consequences of data                Many VR games and applications
of a taxable nexus. By way of
                                              collection and sharing practices,             focus on shared experiences
background, a taxable nexus
                                              user location tracking and privacy            – which means that users may
means that there is a taxable
                                              practices and policies associated             be sharing their details, such
presence to which profits could
                                              with AR and VR are significant. It            as location, with other users.
be attributed and so taxes
                                              is important to get this area right           Can a user’s VR footprint be
could be levied.
                                              – the new General Data Protection             linked to their real identification?
The Group’s report recommended                Regulation in the European Union
no change to the current tax rules            imposes significant fines and                 Difficult choices are ahead.
because they then considered the              penalties for breach. Hardware,               Insufficient or excessive
VAT systems would adequately                  software and content providers will           restrictions on VR and AR users
address revenue concerns of                   need to assess the impact of VR               can lead to backlash. Witness how
countries where digital services              and AR on the privacy of users and            Facebook has needed to adjust
and products are consumed.                    ensure that adequate safeguards               its privacy settings for users many
However, that assessment was                  are put into place for the type of            times in recent times. In 2016,
made before the 2015 Court of                 personal data being processed so              The Independent newspaper
Justice of the European Union                 that they are compliant with the              claimed that Oculus Rift’s terms
decision which held that the                  relevant privacy laws.                        and conditions allowed Facebook
                                                                                            to monitor users’ movements and

20. See

21. In case C-264/14 Skatteverket v David Hedqvist (22 October 2015) where the CJEU held that the purchase and sale of Bitcoin units
were exempt transactions.

22. See the Dentons article “EU Data Protection Reform: Political Agreement” by Nick Graham on 16 December 2015 at http://www. and his accompanying blog at http://

                                                                                                             • 11
use it for advertising.23 Oculus VR          platform developer or provider?               standard for VR despite the fact
responded at the time that it didn’t         VR or AR system providers usually             that violent and sexual content
share any information with its               ensure that their licences do not             can have a greater impact on
owner, Facebook, but expressed               permit users to break the law                 the VR user than other modes of
that it may have a desire in the             and they usually disclaim the                 content such as ordinary video.
future to do so.                             platform’s own liability if users do          The VR industry has some self-
                                             so. It remains to be seen if more             regulation. For example, Oculus
We expect sensitivity about this             would need to be done by the AR               pre-approves VR apps and gives
issue will continue to grow and              providers to avoid liability. There           experiences a “comfort” rating
the issues will be more complex              have been reports of distracted               in its app store according to how
because of VR and AR. It is not              gamers walking in front of vehicles           terrifying or sickening the content
hard to imagine a situation where            to catch Pokémon characters or                will make a user feel.
a house is geo-tagged by an AR               mobile phones being stolen while
user in a global database without            gamers were in unsafe locations
                                                                                           We would not be surprised to
the home owner’s permission.                 which they were encouraged to
                                                                                           see extensions of the current
Imagine if the house was                     travel to when playing the game.
                                                                                           classification standards regime
previously occupied by a criminal                                                          to deal with the inherent nature
                                             AR users playing at sensitive
and the geo-tagger was reckless                                                            of VR experiences and to ensure
                                             sites (such as churches or war
or malicious in applying the old             memorials) have also attracted
                                                                                           that this is taken into account
information about it being the               negative publicity.
                                                                                           when content is rated. The
home of a criminal to it? Current                                                          addictive nature of VR may also
data protection in the European              VR and AR systems should in                   cause regulators in the future to
Union provides data subjects                 the meantime, at the minimum,                 consider regimes, such as those
with a right to rectification of or          incorporate appropriate warnings              established for the gambling
erasure of their incorrect personal          and health and safety notices.                industry, to require VR and AR
data – but could that extend to              Policing of virtual locations and             companies to identify and help
processing data about a location             acting on trouble spots may be                problem users.
itself which is only coincidentally          also necessary – or VR providers
associated with an individual?               may risk claims being made                    What does the future hold?
Current privacy legislation does             against them for negligence.
not expressly deal adequately                                                              For VR and AR, two clear
with these issues.                           Classification of VR                          megatrends are emerging.

                                             content                                       1. Mobile phone based VR
Virtual liability                                                                             platforms will continue to grow
                                             VR and AR are no different to                    as they are easier to use, lower
An interesting aspect of AR is
                                             the real world insofar as their                  cost and there is a proliferation
that the virtual and the real are
                                             potential for products with                      of applications.
linked which raises the legal issue
                                             sexual or violent uses. VR has
of who is responsible for injuries                                                         2. More users will use AR to
                                             embraced teledildonics — a
or trespass associated with the                                                               access existing content and
                                             method for communicating touch
use of the technology. This is a                                                              services such as email or
                                             electronically. The sex content
more significant issue if users can                                                           checking the best route to a
                                             provider, PornHub, recently
interact with each other. Could                                                               location —and enjoy having
                                             announced a VR product which
they threaten or hurt each other?                                                             dynamic AR data delivered
                                             is a “twerking butt” which creates
                                             the illusion of sex for a user.                  directly to their device.
Pokémon Go was criticised for its
potential to encourage trespass                                                            Below we list the top five forces
                                             Such developments serve to
onto private land. Could a user’s                                                          that we think will shape events
                                             highlight that, at least in the UK,
trespass incur liability for the VR                                                        in the VR and AR sectors in the
                                             there is no separate classification
                                                                                           near term.

23. See The Independent’s article “Oculus Rift terms and conditions allow Facebook to monitor users’ movements and use it for adver-
tising” dated 4 April 2016 by Andrew Griffin at

12 •
I. Bandwidth demand: The                           In part, the move to 5G may                     humans who are capable of 120
   coming of the VR and AR era                     assist to grow VR as this will                  pixel per degree, 230-degree
   requires responsive media                       involve speeds that will be up                  field of view and a variable
   which changes content                           to 100 times faster than most                   focus.29 The future will involve
   dynamically to fit a user’s                     existing 4G networks, although                  better lenses, less distortion
   situation and engagement.                       there remain some concerns                      and a marked increase in eye
   Because of this, it is relatively               about how far the signals                       tracking and focus to take into
   easy to predict that there                      can travel or propagate. Fibre                  account the way the human eye
   will be significant issues with                 networks may continue to                        changes shape to focus when
   bandwidth requirements.                         deliver content. However, it is                 looking at different distances.
                                                   traffic management solutions,                   Current research is focusing
   Without moving your head, your                  compression algorithms and                      on “foveated rendering” which
   eyes can move across a field                    investment in low latency, high                 mimics human vision by only
   of view of at least 150 degrees                 throughput networks28 that are                  focusing on a small part of an
   horizontally and 120 degrees                    likely to come into their own as                image. In the same way future
   vertically within 100 milliseconds.             the key for “last-mile” networks                VR will render pixels in the area
   This means the ultimate display                 to cope with the demands of                     of focus only.
   will need around 720 million                    VR and AR.
   pixels for full coverage. Adding                                                                At present, streaming data to
                                               II. Wireless: Wireless is the next
   head and body movement                                                                          headsets wirelessly in high
                                                   big thing. Today’s premium VR
   exponentially increases the pixel                                                               resolution video through
                                                   HMDs, such as the Oculus Rift
   requirement – even for a static                                                                 existing wireless systems such
                                                   and HTC Vive, use cables to
   image.24 A Forbes blogger, Bo                                                                   as Wi-Fi is problematic as
                                                   send high definition video to a
   Begole,25 calculates there will                                                                 there is a need to compress
                                                   user which limits movement.
   be a need for 5.2 gigabits per                                                                  data to fit into the available
                                                   VR users are demanding free
   second of network throughput                                                                    bandwidth to ensure there
                                                   hands, bodies and heads to
   soon to deal with VR.26 Begole is                                                               is no lag. Constraints with
                                                   use as manipulators of the
   not alone raising flags about VR                                                                bandwidth cause lag and that
   being the next major bandwidth                                                                  kills the immersive effect. There
   issue.27 This need also comes                                                                   is some research however into
                                                   This will happen at the same
   at a time when competition                                                                      the application of a different
                                                   time as improvements in field
   for bandwidth is intensifying                                                                   wireless technology (called
                                                   of view, resolution and pixel
   because of the internet of                                                                      millimetre wave or mm Wave)
                                                   density. At present, most HMDs
   things (IOT) and the number of                                                                  which is in a higher band of the
                                                   deliver around 15 pixels per
   connected devices and general                                                                   frequency spectrum than that
                                                   degree, a 90-degree field of
   move to streaming. Demands                                                                      used by Wi-Fi.30
                                                   view and a fixed 2m depth
   will continue to grow for more
                                                   of focus – which is inferior to
   bandwidth at faster speeds.

24. See “Why The Internet Pipes Will Burst When Virtual Reality Takes Off” dated 9 February 2016 by Bo Begole at Forbes at
25. Bo Begole is Vice President and global head of Huawei Technologies’ Media Lab.
26. As per footnote 22 above.
27. See “ARRIS Gives Us a Hint of the Bandwidth Requirements for VR” at The Online Reporter dated 17 June 2016 at
28. See “Virtual Reality Is A Good News, But Telecom Operators Still Have A Road Long To Travel” dated 16 February 2016 by Alexandre
Pelletier (Head of innovation at Tata Communications) at Gizmodo India at
29. See “This is what virtual reality will (probably) look like in 2021” 7 October 2016 by Hugh Langley at Wareable at
30. See “How high-end virtual reality headsets could lose the cables” by the New Scientist author, Hal Hodson, dated 14 November
2016 at

                                                                                                                • 13
III. VR and AR for the enterprise:               simulated movement in three                   range of the sensation-inducing
     As VR and AR are concepts that              dimensions. Simply, humans can                nozzles and their face is blasted
     many people get excited about,              interpret the available data in VR            with hot air when near a virtual
     they will become common in                  more easily.                                  fire or with water if near a
     the corporate setting.31 AR and                                                           virtual waterfall. FEELREAL has
     VR are no longer just for gamers            All this means headaches and                  removable smell cartridges in
     and consumers. Layering                     greater investment for the                    seven basic odours: Jungle,
     contextual information over                 average Chief Technology                      Burning Rubber, Flowers,
     a physical environment for a                Officer – not just in dealing with            Ocean, Fire, Gunpowder and
     presentation is an attractive               an explosion of online learning.              Aphrodisiacs or FEELREAL will
     business proposition. AR                    CTOs need to be thinking now                  custom make a smell for you.
     is relatively low cost and                  about their organisations’ future
     being used in a lot of training             needs for VR and AR content                   The potential is mind boggling.
     applications. VR will become an             creation, bandwidth needs and                 In 2011, the University of Tokyo
     aid to collaboration and analysis           integration with legacy systems.              conducted an experiment and
     in companies. Imagine people                                                              found that a VR scent system
                                              IV. Integration of VR and AR –
     remotely joining a meeting by                                                             fooled the flavour sense.36 The
                                                  “Mixed Reality”: The future
     virtually including their avatar to                                                       University concluded that what
                                                  will also mean Augmented VR
     exchange information and ideas.                                                           you see and smell is what you
                                                  (sometimes called Mixed VR or
                                                                                               taste. The experiment involved
                                                  Hybrid VR) – where virtual and
   Ford Motor Company is using                                                                 a VR system which was able to
                                                  real are mixed. Mixed VR will
   VR for designing vehicles at                                                                trick people eating a plain biscuit
                                                  enable the virtual world and the
   the company’s Immersion Lab.                                                                into thinking the biscuit was of
                                                  real world to combine so that an
   VR’s business applications                                                                  another flavour. Similarly another
                                                  artificially generated world will
   will accelerate with “Big Data”                                                             VR experiment, called Project
                                                  be superimposed on the real
   initiatives.32 NewVantage                                                                   Nourished, fooled people into
                                                  environment. Imagine remote
   Partners’ 2016 Big Data                                                                     thinking they were eating sushi
                                                  colleagues joining your real
   Executive Survey of Fortune                                                                 although it was only gelatine
                                                  meeting as an avatar and that
   1000 companies,33 noting the                                                                cubes – because a smell
                                                  they appear solid in front of you.
   push in large companies for                                                                 atomiser misted scent while they
                                                  Or if you could pin, move, hold,
   more analytic tools, predicted                                                              were eating and looking at the
                                                  shrink or enlarge or flip or flop
   that VR will have an impact.                                                                “sushi” with their VR headset on.
                                                  virtual items in a real room in
   This is because there are
                                                  front of the group.”
   inherent limitations in the                                                                 VR may well be the next big
   amount of data that humans                 V. Senses: Finally, VR hardware will             thing for dieters and gourmet
   can absorbed through a flat                   allows you to “feel” or “smell”               experiences. VR could dispose
   computer screen. That can be                  in the VR world.34 One gadget,                of unwanted side effects from
   overcome by immersing a user                  called “FEELREAL”,35 attaches                 foods – such as allergens or
   in a digitally created space with             to a HMD. The user then puts                  kilojoules – yet still allow them to
   a 360-degree field of vision and              his or her nose or mouth within               be enjoyed to the full.

31. See “Augmented and virtual reality make a play for the enterprise” by Nicole Laskowski at TechTarget dated February 2016 at
32. According to “Beyond Entertainment: Enterprise Big Data Modeling with Virtual Reality” dated 20 May 2016 by Meg Cater’ a blogger
with Signiant at
33. See NewVantage Partners “Big Data Executive Survey - An Update on the Adoption of Big Data in the Fortune 1000” at
34. See “FeelReal Is An Oculus Rift Add-On That Lets You Smell Virtual Reality” by Josh Engen dated February 2016 at
35. See
36. See “Virtual-Reality Scent System Fools Flavor Sense” by John Boyd dated 18 April 2011 at

14 •

In summary, the future for AR and VR looks bright
and interesting although there are a number of legal
issues to overcome. We will continue to update this
article and suggest you bookmark the Dentons web
page for updates.

If you have any queries or need advice or assistance in understanding the legal issues
associated with VR or AR or any other technology, please contact:

Robyn Chatwood
D +61 3 9194 8330

                                                                                • 15

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