Vitamin D and HIV: Letting the Sun Shine In

Page created by Ronnie Johnston
IAS–USA         Topics in Antiviral Medicine

Vitamin D and HIV: Letting the Sun Shine In
Vitamin D is important for cell growth, immunity, and metabolism. Deficiency               time spent outdoors, use of protective
has classically been associated with rickets and decreased bone density and                clothing, body mass and percentage
more recently with increased risk and severity of autoimmune diseases,                     of fat (which are inversely related to
cancers, myocardial infarction, diabetes, and infectious diseases. How                     vitamin D levels), diet (specifically the
vitamin D can affect these diverse conditions is the subject of much research.             intake of fish oil, oily fish, and foods
The active form of vitamin D (vitamin D3 ) has been implicated recently                    with vitamin D supplementation), and
in an intracellular process known as autophagy. In addition to its role in                 vitamin D supplementation. Persons
maintaining cellular homeostasis during conditions of stress, autophagy                    with HIV infection frequently have low
plays an important role in the control of many intracellular microorganisms                vitamin D levels.3-6 Moreover, patients
including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Recent work has identified that                      treated with nonnucleoside reverse
HIV-1 reduces autophagy during permissive infection and that agents that                   transcriptase inhibitors and protease
induce autophagy, including vitamin D3 , can inhibit HIV-1 replication. These              inhibitors are at increased risk of vita-
findings help provide a biological explanation for the increased risk of more              min D deficiency.4,7-9 Thus, vitamin D
rapid disease progression observed in HIV-infected persons with low levels                 deficiency is common in HIV-infected
of vitamin D or with genetic variants within the vitamin D receptor that alter             persons regardless of treatment status,
binding to vitamin D. Controlled trials are needed to determine the potential              viral load, or CD4+ lymphocyte count.
for therapeutic benefit of vitamin D supplementation in HIV disease. This
article summarizes a presentation by Stephen A. Spector, MD, at the IAS−USA
                                                                                           Vitamin D and Autophagy
continuing medical education program held in Chicago in April 2010.
                                                                                           In 1903, Niels Ryberg Finsen was
                                                                                           awarded a Nobel Prize in Medicine and
Vitamin D is important for cell growth,         tes. Evidence indicates that vitamin       Physiology in part for showing that
immunity, and metabolism, and vitamin           D deficiency is also associated with       extensive exposure to sunlight was
D deficiency is common in developed             increased risk of HIV infection and dis-   frequently effective in treating “lupus
as well as developing countries. Despite        ease progression.                          vulgaris,” (ie, cutaneous tuberculosis
much research, there is still disagree-                                                    [TB]). This effect is now known to be
ment as to the optimal level of vitamin                                                    associated with the role of vitamin D
                                                Vitamin D Sources
D needed for health. 25-hydroxyvitamin                                                     in autophagy, a critical process in cell
D is the metabolite usually measured            Lanolin in the skin is converted to        death and survival. Under normal con-
in serum, with lower limits of “normal”         7-dehydrocholesterol, which is con-        ditions involving infection with many
considered to be between 20 nmol/L              verted to pre–vitamin D with exposure      intracellular pathogens, the organism
and 38 nmol/L. However, optimal bone            to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.     is taken into an endosome that joins
health may require levels of at least           Pre–vitamin D enters the circulation       with an autophagosome in the cyto-
50 nmol/L to 80 nmol/L (20−32 ng/mL)            and is metabolized to 25-hydroxyvita-      plasm of a macrophage. The autopha-
in adults.1 Vitamin D deficiency is clas-       min D, the major circulating form of       gosome fuses with a lysosome, acidi-
sically associated with rickets, which          the vitamin (which has a circulating       fying the autophagosome to form an
still occurs in developed countries             half-life of approximately 15 days). It    autolysosome; the autolysosome ex-
and remains an important problem in             is subsequently converted to the active    erts antimicrobial activity and kills the
resource-poor countries, and with de-           form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (called     microorganism.
creased bone mineral density. It is also        vitamin D3), in the kidneys. In addi-         In latent Mycobacterium tuberculo-
associated with increased risk and se-          tion to exposure to sunlight, vitamin D    sis infection, however, the organism
verity of bone diseases, autoimmune             sources include natural foods such as      impairs the recruitment of hepatocyte
disease, cancer (of the colon, prostate,        salmon and other “oily” fish, cod liver    growth factor–regulated tyrosine ki-
and breast), myocardial infarction, in-         oil, shiitake mushrooms, and egg yolk,     nase substrate (Hrs), which plays a cen-
fectious diseases, and possibly diabe-          as well as fortified foods and vitamin     tral role in late endosome sorting and
                                                supplements (Table 1).2                    autophagosomal maturation (Figure
                                                    The main factors affecting an indi-    1).10 This effect leads to the inhibition
Dr Spector is distinguished professor of pe-
                                                vidual’s vitamin D status are the extent   of autophagy and thus, the retention of
diatrics, chief of the Division of Infectious
Diseases, and director of the Mother-Child-     of sunlight exposure, degree of skin       live organisms in autophagosomes. Un-
Adolescent HIV Program at the University        pigmentation, use of sunscreen (with       der such conditions, autophagy in cells
of California San Diego and Rady Children’s     sun protection factor [SPF] ≥ 8), lati-    can be induced by certain means—
Hospital in San Diego.                          tude and season of the person’s locale,    for example, through cell starvation,

Vitamin D and HIV Volume 19 Issue 1 February/March 2011

by drugs, and from environmental                        distinction to apoptosis (which is con-     1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 binding to
stress—so that the autophagosome                        sidered programmed cell death-1, or         the vitamin D receptor (VDR), which
containing the bacteria fuses with the                  PCD-1), although some believe that          promotes the formation of the PI3KC3
lysosome, forming the autolysosome                      once cells are programmed for death,        kinase complex and leads to autopha-
and resulting in bacterial killing.                     autophagy and apoptosis are indis-          gosome elongation and subsequent fu-
   Autophagy is often referred to as                    tinguishable. Under conditions of in-       sion of the autophagosome with a lyso-
programmed cell death-2 (PCD-2), in                     fection or other stress, cells proceed      some. In the second pathway, after
                                                                        down one of the PCD         binding of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
                                                                        pathways. The apop-         to the VDR, there is upregulation of
                                                                        tosis pathway invari-       the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin,
Table 1. Dietary, Supplemental, and Pharmaceutical
                                                                        ably leads to cell death.   resulting in the fusion of autophago-
Sources of Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3
                                                                        However, the autopha-       somes with lysosomes. The induction
                                  Approximate Vitamin D                 gy pathway is primarily     of autophagy through both pathways
                                  Content                               involved in processes of    ultimately leads to the elimination of
                                                                        adaptation and survival     microorganisms such as Mycobacterium
 Natural Sources
                                                                        through the recycling       species.
  Salmon                                                                of cytoplasmic proteins
    Fresh, wild (3.5 oz)          600–1000 IU of vitamin D3             and organelles in an at-
    Fresh, farmed (3.5 oz)        100–250 IU of vitamin D3 or D2
                                                                                                    Vitamin D and HIV
                                                                        tempt to promote cell
    Canned (3.5 oz)               300–600 IU of vitamin D3              survival and function.      There is growing recognition of an as-
  Sardines, canned (3.5 oz)       300 IU of vitamin D3                  Too much or too little      sociation between vitamin D deficien-
                                                                        autophagy in response       cy and the pathogenesis and course of
  Mackerel, canned (3.5 oz)       250 IU of vitamin D3                  to challenges can result    HIV disease. Vitamin D deficiency is
  Tuna, canned (3.6 oz)           230 IU of vitamin D3                  in cell dysfunction and     common in HIV infection. It is present
                                                                        eventually cell death.      in 25% to 75% of infected persons and
  Cod liver oil (1 tsp)           400–1000 IU of vitamin D3                 In addition to play-    has been associated with more rapid
  Shiitake mushrooms                                                    ing a role in innate im-    disease progression. Infants born to
    Fresh (3.5 oz)                100 IU of vitamin D2                  munity by clearing or       HIV-infected women with vitamin D
    Sun-dried (3.5 oz)            1600 IU of vitamin D2                 destroying intracellular    deficiency are at increased risk of in-
  Egg yolk                        20 IU of vitamin D3 or D2             organisms, autophagy        fection and have decreased survival.
                                                                        is important in adaptive        Persons in resource-limited regions
  Exposure to sunlight, ultravio-                                       immunity by assisting       often have low vitamin D levels. In ad-
  let B radiation (0.5 minimal    3000 IU of vitamin D3
  erythemal dose)
                                                                        with major histocom-        dition, darkly pigmented skin reduces
                                                                        patibility complex class    the amount of UV light available in
 Fortified foods                                                        I and II antigen presen-    the skin for production of pre–vitamin
  Fortified milk                  100 IU/8 oz, usually vitamin D3
                                                                        tation.11,12 Microorgan-    D. Numerous studies of black people
                                                                        isms under the control      in the United States and Africa have
  Fortified orange juice          100 IU/8 oz vitamin D3                of autophagy include        shown an increased risk of vitamin D
  Infant formulas                 100 IU/8 oz vitamin D3
                                                                        numerous bacteria, such     deficiency, suggesting that insufficient
                                                                        as M tuberculosis, and      levels of vitamin D may be one of sev-
  Fortified yogurts               100 IU/8 oz, usually vitamin D3       viruses, including, Dr      eral other risk factors contributing to
  Fortified butter                50 IU/3.5 oz, usually vitamin D3
                                                                        Spector and colleagues      the severity of HIV disease in persons
                                                                        believe, HIV-1 (Table 2).   living in many developing countries.
  Fortified margarine             430 IU/3.5 oz, usually vitamin D3         Vitamin D plays an          A number of studies have indicated
  Fortified cheeses               100 IU/3 oz, usually vitamin D3
                                                                        important    role in the    associations between low vitamin D
                                                                        killing of microorgan-      levels and HIV disease. One such study
  Fortified breakfast cereals     100 IU/serving, usually vitamin D3    isms through autopha-       performed in white injection drug us-
                                                                        gy.13,14 The induction of   ers with HIV infection in Spain showed
                                                                        autophagy by 1,25-di-       that persons with vitamin D receptor
  Prescription                                                          hydroxyvitamin D3 is        variants associated with reduced vita-
     Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)  50,000 IU/capsule                     the subject of much         min D binding (ie, people homozygous
     Drisdol (vitamin D2) liquid                                        investigation. At least 2   for the BB allele) had a statistically
                                  8000 IU/mL
     supplements                                                        overlapping pathways        significant increased risk of progres-
  Over the counter                                                      appear to be involved       sion to AIDS (adjusted hazard ratio
     Multivitamin                 400 IU vitamin D (D2 or D3)           with the induction of       [HR], 1.7; P =.036) and were statisti-
     Vitamin D3                   400, 800, 1000, and 2000 IU           autophagy by vitamin        cally significantly more likely to have a
Adapted from Holick.2                                                   D. The first involves       CD4+ cell count less than 200/µL (HR,

IAS–USA         Topics in Antiviral Medicine

                            Hydrolyzed                                                                 Potential Effects                                   sufficient autophagy for cell survival.22
                              ubiquitin                                                                of Vitamin D on                                         Regarding other potential effects
                                                                                      M tuberculosis   HIV-1 Infection                                     of autophagy in HIV disease, Spector
                                                                                                                                                           and Zhou hypothesize that toxins pro-
   NFκB              NFκB                                              The viral products re-                                                              duced by HIV replication in microglial
                                                                       leased by HIV-infected
                                                                                      Autophagosome                                                        cells (eg, viral products, neurotoxins,
                                     Lysosome                          CD4+ lymphocytes                                                                    and cytokines) cause increased au-
           1,25D3 VDR
                                                                       (eg, gp120) induce                                                                  tophagic dysfunction and eventually
                                                                       programmed cell death                                                               cell death of neurons, which plays a
                                                                       of uninfected lympho-                                                               role in HIV neurocognitive impair-
                                                                       cytes. In fact, during                                                              ment.23 This premise is supported
                Antimicrobial                    Autophagy             acute infection, by-                                                                by postmortem findings that brains
                                                                       stander lymphocytes                                                                 of patients with HIV encephalopathy
 Cathelicidin                Autolysosome
                                                                       are killed more rap-                                                                contain higher levels of indicators of
                                                                       idly than infected                                                                  autophagy than do those of HIV-sero-
Figure 1. A simplified schematic of a macrophage, showing the          cells.18 Although pro-                                                              negative persons or HIV-infected per-
role of vitamin D in the killing of microorganisms. 1,25-dihy-         grammed cell death                                                                  sons without HIV encephalopathy.24
droxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3) binds to the vitamin D receptor (VDR)         through apoptosis has                                                               These findings suggest that aberrant
and through mechanisms not fully identified upregulates the            been the mechanism                                                                  autophagy may be important in the
production of cathelicidin and transcription factors that pro-
                                                                       most commonly de-                                                                   pathogenesis of HIV-associated neu-
mote autophagy. In infections with Mycobacterium tuberculo-
sis, an endosome (autophagosome) containing the organism               scribed,  recent studies                                                            rocognitive disorders.
is induced to fuse with a lysosome, leading to acidification of        suggest   that autopha-                                                                 It thus appears that HIV controls
the fused autophagosome–lysosome complex (autolysosome),               gy may play an impor-                                                               autophagy in infected macrophages
resulting in killing of the M tuberculosis organism. Cathelicidin,     tant role in bystander                                                              and, to some extent, in infected lym-
an antimicrobial peptide, also contributes to mycobacterial kill-      CD4+ cell death.19-21                                                               phocytes. That is, the virus, by alter-
ing. NF-kB indicates nuclear factor kB.                                   In contrast to CD4+                                                              ing autophagy within the cells, allows
                                                                       lymphocytes that are                                                                the lymphocyte to survive longer than
2.1; P=.004) than were those with al-               killed during HIV-1 infection, infected                                                                uninfected bystander cells undergo-
leles Bb or bb, which are associated                macrophages are productively infect-                                                                   ing programmed cell death from viral
with better binding.15                              ed by HIV-1 but not killed by the virus.                                                               products. Moreover, the drug rapamy-
    A recent study in HIV-infected wom-             Based on Dr Spector and colleagues'                                                                    cin, which induces autophagy (via in-
en in Tanzania who gave birth showed                recent laboratory findings, it appears                                                                 hibition of the mammalian target of
a striking relationship between lower               that HIV infection of macrophages                                                                      rapamycin [mTOR] pathway), inhibits
vitamin D levels and increased risk                 and CD4+ T lymphocytes results in a                                                                    HIV replication in monocytes.22 Simi-
of HIV disease progression and all-                 downregulation of autophagy that per-                                                                  larly, calcitriol, the active form of vitamin
cause mortality (Figure 2).16 Among                 mits viral replication but also allows                                                                 D3, can also inhibit viral replication.
infants born to women
with low vitamin D levels
                                    Incidence Rate Ratio of HIV Disease Progression

in this study, multivariate                 1.5
analysis showed a statisti-
                                           to Stage III or IV During Follow-up

                                                                                                                       Incidence Rate Ratio of All-Cause

                                            1.4                                                   1.75
cally significant increased
                                                                                                                          Mortality During Follow-up

risk of HIV transmission                                                                          1.50
through breast-feeding                      1.2
among children known                        1.1                                                   1.25
to be HIV uninfected at
6 weeks of age (relative                                                                          1.00
risk [RR], 2.03; P = .03).                  0.9
It also showed a statisti-                  0.8                                                   0.75
cally significant increased                 0.7
risk of HIV infection at 24                                                                       0.50
months (RR, 1.46; P< .01),
death among live births                     0.5                                                   0.25
                                                0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80                          0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
(RR, 1.61; P < .01), over-
all mortality (RR, 1.58;                          Vitamin D Levels at Baseline (ng/mL)                   Vitamin D Levels at Baseline (ng/mL)
P < .01), and overall HIV
infection or mortality (RR,         Figure 2. Association of vitamin D status with HIV disease progression (left) and all-cause mortality (right) in
1.50; P < .01).17                   HIV-infected women in Tanzania. Shaded areas represent confidence intervals. Adapted from Mehta et al.16

Vitamin D and HIV Volume 19 Issue 1 February/March 2011

Table 2. Microorganisms Under the           of decreased bone mineral density in                     5. Rodriguez M, Daniels B, Gunawardene S, Rob-
                                                                                                          bins GK. High frequency of vitamin D deficien-
Control of Autophagy                        HIV disease.25 A study of vitamin D                           cy in ambulatory HIV-positive patients. AIDS
                                            as supplementary treatment for TB                             Res Hum Retroviruses. 2009;25:9-14.
 Bacteria                                   in HIV infection showed no benefit,                      6.   Van Den Bout-Van Den Beukel CJ, Fievez L, Mi-
                                                                                                          chels M, et al. Vitamin D deficiency among HIV
   Brucella abortus
                                            although the dose used in the study                           type 1-infected individuals in the Netherlands:
                                            (100,000 IU of cholecalciferol at base-                       effects of antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Res Hum
   Chlamydia trachomatis                    line, 5 months, and 8 months) is con-                         Retroviruses. 2008;24:1375-1382.
   Coxiella burnetii                                                                                 7.   Bouvier G. Protease inhibitors can inter-
                                            sidered likely to be too low to provide                       fere with vitamin D metabolism. HIV Clin.
   Legionella pneumophila                   a therapeutic response.26                                     2009;21:9-10.
                                                In addition to improved bone                         8.   Conesa-Botella A, Florence E, Lynen L, Cole-
   Listeria monocytogenes                                                                                 bunders R, Menten J, Moreno-Reyes R. De-
                                            health, the potential benefits of vita-                       crease of vitamin D concentration in patients
   Myobacterium tuberculosis                min D supplementation in HIV dis-                             with HIV infection on a non nucleoside reverse
   Porphyromonas gingivalis                                                                               transcriptase inhibitor-containing regimen.
                                            ease may include improved control                             AIDS Res Ther. 2010;7:40.
   Salmonella species                       of HIV replication, increased CD4+                       9.   Welz T, Childs K, Ibrahim F, et al. Efavirenz is
   Shigella flexneri
                                            cell count, slower rate of disease pro-                       associated with severe vitamin D deficiency
                                                                                                          and increased alkaline phosphatase. AIDS.
                                            gression, improved control of oppor-                          2010;24:1923-1928.
   Staphylococcus aureus                    tunistic infections, decreased risk of                  10.   Vieira OV, Harrison RE, Scott CC, et al. Acquisi-
   Streptococcus pyogenes                   HIV-related neurocognitive impair-                            tion of Hrs, an essential component of phago-
                                                                                                          somal maturation, is impaired by mycobacte-
                                            ment, and improved overall survival.                          ria. Mol Cell Biol. 2004;24:4593-4604.
 Viruses                                    It remains unclear what the optimal                     11.   Münz C. Antigen processing via autophagy—
                                            dosage of vitamin D supplementa-                              not only for MHC class II presentation any-
   Coxsackievirus                                                                                         more? Curr Opin Immunol. 2010;22:89-93.
                                            tion might be to provide some level of                  12.   Schmid D, Münz C. Innate and adaptive immu-
   Cytomegalovirus                          benefit for prevention or treatment of                        nity through autophagy. Immunity. 2007;27:11-21.
   Dengue virus                             HIV or other infectious diseases. Cur-                  13.   Levine B, Kroemer G. Autophagy in the patho-
                                                                                                          genesis of disease. Cell. 2008;132:27-42.
   Herpes simplex virus                     rent recommended dietary allowances
                                                                                                    14.   Shin DM, Yuk JM, Lee HM, et al. Mycobacte-
                                            (RDA) of vitamin D are 600 IU for per-                        rial lipoprotein activates autophagy via TLR2/1/
                                            sons 1 year to 70 years old and 800 IU                        CD14 and a functional vitamin D receptor sig-
   Influenza A virus                        for individuals older than 70 years. An
                                                                                                          nalling. Cell Microbiol. 2010;12:1648-1665.
                                                                                                    15.   Barber Y, Rubio C, Fernández E, Rubio M,
   Poliovirus                               adult therapeutic dose of cholecalcifer-                      Fibla J. Host genetic background at CCR5
                                            ol could be as high as 10,000 IU daily.                       chemokine receptor and vitamin D recep-
   Respiratory syncytial virus                                                                            tor loci and human immunodeficiency virus
   Varicella zoster virus
                                            Controlled clinical trials are needed to                      (HIV) type 1 disease progression among HIV-
                                            determine the optimal dosage of vita-                         seropositive injection drug users. J Infect Dis.
 Parasites                                  min D supplementation and its poten-
                                                                                                    16.   Mehta S, Giovannucci E, Mugusi FM, et al. Vi-
                                            tial benefits for HIV-infected persons.                       tamin D status of HIV-infected women and its
   Schistosoma haematobium                                                                                association with HIV disease progression, ane-
                                            Presented by Dr Spector in April 2010. First                  mia, and mortality. PLoS One. 2010;5:e8770.
                                            draft prepared from transcripts by Matthew              17.   Mehta S, Hunter DJ, Mugusi FM, et al. Perina-
                                            Stenger. Reviewed and edited by Dr Spector                    tal outcomes, including mother-to-child trans-
   Controlled trials of vitamin D sup-      in March 2011.                                                mission of HIV, and child mortality and their
                                                                                                          association with maternal vitamin D status in
plementation have yielded favorable                                                                       Tanzania. J Infect Dis. 2009;200:1022-1030.
                                            Financial Disclosure: Dr Spector has no rel-
outcomes in patients with bacterial                                                                 18.   Alimonti JB, Ball TB, Fowke KR. Mechanisms of
                                            evant financial affiliations to disclose.                     CD4+ T lymphocyte cell death in human im-
infections such as TB (in 3 of 4 stud-
                                                                                                          munodeficiency virus infection and AIDS. J Gen
ies) and Helicobacter pylori (in a single                                                                 Virol. 2003;84:1649-1661.
study); viral upper respiratory tract in-                                                           19.   Espert L, Biard-Piechaczyk M. Autophagy in
fection (in 2 of 4 studies) and influenza   References                                                    HIV-induced T cell death. Curr Top Microbiol
                                                                                                          Immunol. 2009;335:307-321.
(in a single study); and parasitic infec-    1. Fischer PR, Thacher TD, Pettifor JM. Pediat-        20.   Espert L, Denizot M, Grimaldi M, et al. Autoph-
tion with Schistosoma haematobium (in           ric vitamin D and calcium nutrition in devel-             agy is involved in T cell death after binding of
a single study). Favorable outcomes             oping countries. Rev Endocr Metab Disord.                 HIV-1 envelope proteins to CXCR4. J Clin Invest.
                                                2008;9:181-192.                                           2006;116:2161-2172.
have not been detected, however, in          2. Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med.      21.   Espert L, Denizot M, Grimaldi M, et al. Au-
patients demonstrating immune re-               2007;357:266-281.                                         tophagy and CD4+ T lymphocyte destruction
                                             3. Dao CN, Patel P, Overton ET, et al. Low vita-             by HIV-1. Autophagy. 2007;3:32-34.
sponses to hepatitis B virus or influ-
                                                min D among HIV-infected adults: prevalence         22.   Zhou D, Spector SA. Human immunodeficien-
enza virus vaccines.                            of and risk factors for low vitamin D levels in a         cy virus type-1 infection inhibits autophagy.
   There are few data on the use of             cohort of HIV-infected adults and comparison              AIDS. 2008;22:695-699.
                                                to prevalence among adults in the US general        23.   Spector SA, Zhou D. Autophagy: an overlooked
vitamin D supplementation in HIV                population. Clin Infect Dis. 2011;52:396-405.             mechanism of HIV-1 pathogenesis and neuro-
disease. One study showed that the           4. Mueller NJ, Fux CA, Ledergerber B, et al. High            AIDS? Autophagy. 2008;4:704-706.
combination of alendronate with cal-            prevalence of severe vitamin D deficiency in        24.   Zhou D, Masliah E, Spector SA. Autophagy is in-
                                                combined antiretroviral therapy–naive and                 creased in postmortem brains of persons with
cium and vitamin D supplementation              successfully treated Swiss HIV patients. AIDS.            human immunodeficiency virus type1-associ-
is safe and effective for the treatment         2010;24:1127-1134.                                        ated encephalitis. J Infect Dis. 2011: in press.

IAS–USA           Topics in Antiviral Medicine

25. McComsey GA, Kendall MA, Tebas P, et al.               Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009;179:843-850.
    Alendronate with calcium and vitamin D             27. Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board.
    supplementation is safe and effective for the          Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vita-
    treatment of decreased bone mineral density            min D. Washington, DC: The National Acad-
    in HIV. AIDS. 2007;21:2473-2482.                       emies Press; 2010.
26. Wejse C, Gomes VF, Rabna P, et al. Vitamin D as
    supplementary treatment for tuberculosis: a dou-   Top Antivir Med. 2011;19(1):6-10
    ble-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.   ©2011, IAS–USA

                                                                           Manifestations of
                                                                          HIV Infection in Africa
                                                                         Resource Card
                                                                                                   Cards Available
                                                                                 Based on the Topics in HIV Medicine
                                                                                article from February/March 2010,
                                                                               this folding card is available on
                                                                              request by visiting
                                                                             Included are brief descriptions of
                                                                            selected dermatologic manifestations,
                                                                           along with their differential diagnoses
                                                                          and treatment options.

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