Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...

Page created by Shane Robertson
Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
Volume 2021 | Issue 01

 Dear DSP School Community!                                               Naude (German, Afrikaans), Mr Christian Schmidt
                                                                          (Mathematics, Chemistry).
For our teachers the week from 11 - 15 January was                        This term we also introduced our official Instagram
marked with a comprehensive introduction and in-                          page! Stay connected with us on our social media
house training to prepare them for the school year                        channels despite social distancing. Follow us on our
2021.                                                                     official Instagram page @dsp_school.
For our learners, as a result of the exponentially                        Congratulations were in order for the following staff
increased number of COVID-19 infections, the school                       members, who with a total of 85 years of service are
year 2021 did not start with classroom-based                              a real inspiration at the DSP: Mrs Frauke Müller (30
education on 18 January but with distance teaching.                       years), Mrs Greyling (15 years), Mrs Paul (15 years),
                                                                          Mrs Beisiegel-De Klerk (5 years), Mr Chepape (5
Due to emotional, social and pedagogical reasons an                       years), Mrs Löwe (5 years), Mrs Tshabangu (5
introduction day was held during the first week of
                                                                          years), Mrs Venter (5 years). Time and again,
school for each class from Pre-school to Grade 12.                        learners are amazed at your perseverance,
                                                                          resourcefulness and expertise!
On 3 February and 15 February the Primary School
and Secondary School respectively returned to                             It is furthermore with great appreciation and precious
classroom teaching.
                                                                          memories that we bid goodbye to our vice-principals
                                                                          Mrs Helene Share and Mr Marlon Ponnen, as
A special word of welcome to our Grade 1 learners                         mutually agreed in a restructuring of the school top
whose school career began quite unconventionally                          management.
with distance learning!
                                                                          The pandemic caused a rather late release of the
                                                                          matric results but on 19 February the wait was finally
                                                                          over for our Class of 2020.

                                                                          This promising group consisted of 46 learners who
                                                                          boast a 100% pass rate.          They achieved 76
                                                                          distinctions as well as 93 B-symbols and 100 C-
                                                                          symbols. 96% of these learners passed with
                                                                          admission to study for a Bachelor’s degree. Our Abitur
                                                                          class of 2020, consisting of 13 learners achieved an
                                                                          outstanding average of 2.0.

                                                                          We congratulate our top-achievers:
                                                                          Lisabeth Hasse and Max Mühr - 8 distinctions
                                                                          Janina Hettasch, Maike Kabutz and Sabrina
In this year our team of teachers has been                                Lamos - 6 distinctions
strengthened by this group of competent educators:                        Thomas Schulz, Benjamin Spanaus and Julia
Ms Daniella Dedekind (English), Ms Stefanie Jani                          Wagner - 5 distinctions
(Mathematics, Physics), Mrs Valeria Krüger
(German), Mr Juan Meyer (Geography), Mrs Ursula

IMPRESSUM: Herausgeber: Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria | Simon Vermooten Rd, Die Wilgers, Pretoria
P O Box 912-727, Silverton 0127, South Africa | Tel: 012 803-4106/7/8 | dsp@dsp.gp.school.za | www.dspretoria.co.za
Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
organised an interesting day and a varied programme
                                                          with school tours, subject stands and information on
                                                          entry opportunities. Over 70 families, of which we
                                                          hope to welcome suitable candidates as new learners,
                                                          visited us on that morning.

                                                          On 18 March the International Kangaroo Maths
                                                          Competition took place with 95 DSP learners taking

                                                          In order to enhance our welcome culture a Buddy-
                                                          initiative has been started: New learners as well as
                                                          their families receive support from families who have
                                                          their children at our school. The SEV cooperates and
                                                          supports the school management in this initiative. A
                                                          few families have already enjoyed the benefit of such
                                                          a supportive relationship. Many thanks to the DSP
                                                          families who assist us in this!

With their dual school-leaving certificate, the Kombi-
Abitur, which comprises of the German International
Abitur and the National Senior Certificate (NSC) from
the Independent Examination Board (IEB) these
graduates can apply for academic studies in Germany
or anywhere in the world.

Not only our final year class showcased excellent
results but the Kultusministerkonferenz confirmed that
our Grade 10A from 2020 received the laurel for the
best centrally assessed class paper in mathematics in
the whole of Southern Africa! Congratulations!

                                                          In line with our mission statement theme for 2021: our
                                                          ethical standards based on our Christian values; the
                                                          department for religion and ethics has set values for
                                                          each quarter. Our first value, charity, played out on
                                                          social media with a series of interviews our SV
                                                          conducted with staff and learners about their thoughts
                                                          on the topic. It culminated with a tour to some partner
                                                          schools in Eersterust and Mamelodi.

                                                          Here, Dr. Martin Schäfer from the German Embassy
                                                          accompanied by our NSek Team Mrs Gabriele
                                                          Müller-Sonder and Mrs Olga Appel handed over a
                                                          generous donation of ball sports equipment to the
                                                          schools. During the visit we also met a former learner,
                                                          Chandler Jacobus, who is originally from Nantes
                                                          Primary School and could benefit from our NSek
On 13 March 2021, all those interested and curious        programme. Chandler, who completed his Matric at
had the opportunity to take a closer look at the DSP at   the DSP in 2020 with 4 distinctions, hopes to start his
our Open Day. Our team of teachers, student               studies in Potsdam, Germany this year.
representatives (SV) and administrative staff

                                                                   Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria | News@DSP | 2
Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
Raise funds for our school

                                                       Do not forget that while you are doing your shopping,
                                                       you can help us to raise money for our school by
                                                       registering with the following shopping outlets’ school

                                                       Woolworths My School (www.myschool.co.za)

                                                       Dischem School Days (www.schooldays.co.za),

                                                       or download the mCard App from Makro,
                                                       (www.makro.co.za/mcard) click on the M=Educ8
                                                       banner and choose the DSP as your school of choice.
We sign off on a further high note by congratulating
Nina Ehrich and Juliette van der Walt who are the
proud recipients of the prestigious Neitz bursary in     Important dates in the 2nd Term
2021. They receive this honour in recognition of
outstanding academic performance and exceptional       13 April
commitment to the class and school community.                First day of school

                                                       20 & 21 April
                                                              School photographs (Pre-School – Grade 12)

                                                       11 June
                                                             Last day of school

                                                       All dates subject to change or possible

                                                         DSP Shop window

                                                       If you would like to promote your brand, service or
                                                       product to a captive DSP audience through
We wish you a restful Easter break and look forward    advertising in our quarterly newsletter contact Anja
to welcoming everyone back in the second term.         Schlüter on 012 803 4106 or Email
Stay safe!                                             marketing@dsp.gp.school.za.

                                                       We look forward to hearing from you!

                                                       News@DSP is available in printed format on request at

                                                                Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria | News@DSP | 3
Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
DSP Shop window

                  Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria | News@DSP | 4
Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ... Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ... Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ... Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ... Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ... Volume 2021 | Issue 01 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
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