Upcoming SELA Workshops & Administrator Academies 2020-2021 - IAASE

Page created by Marc Bailey
Upcoming SELA Workshops & Administrator Academies

                   Virtual Series - Free for all participants, registration required

Through A Different Lens: Understanding & Supporting Students
With Mental Health Issues - AA. 3729 (offered twice)
11/20/20 - 9:00am - 12:00pm               (with optional discussion related to COVID-19 from 1 - 2:00pm)

Presenters: Dr. Doug Bolton
This workshop emphasizes proposed changes that focus on practices and associated policies
that lead to creating a trauma responsive school community. School leaders will learn to identify
instructional strategies that encourage emotional regulation and its alignment to academic
achievement. Specifically, this workshop will also provide an essential foundation for developing
progressive school practices that reduce the reliance on punishment and exclusion as a response to
student behavior challenges and is aligned to the pending state changes. Given the collective trauma
associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, this workshop will also provide support for thinking through
the novel challenges of preparing for the next school year through a trauma-responsive lens.

Registration link: https://reg.abcsignup.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0057-0013-7c23c56078224322

                             Dr. Doug Bolton is a licensed clinical psychologist and former principal of
                             North Shore Academy, a K-12 therapeutic school for students with emotional
                             and behavioral disabilities in Highland Park, Illinois. Dr. Bolton graduated
                             from Bates College in 1986 and received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
                             from the University of Vermont in 1995. Dr. Bolton has spent his career
                             focused on developing engaged and connected school communities for the
                             most vulnerable students and has used the lessons learned from his work
                             in therapeutic settings to help schools to improve their ability to meet the
                             social and emotional needs of all students. Dr. Bolton currently maintains
Presenter: Dr. Doug Bolton   a private practice and consults to schools who are invested in supporting
                             the mental health needs of their students. Through keynote addresses,
                             professional development workshops, and individual consultations to
                             teachers and students, Dr. Bolton empowers educational teams to create
                             school communities that foster resilience for all students.

IDEA Grant Writing for New Administrators Workshop
12/15/2020 - 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Presenter: Julie Jilek, Assistant Superintendent; Chief School Business Official,
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Federal Special Education Entitlement Grant
provides funds to ensure that eligible students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public
education. During this workshop, new Administrators will be provided with a focus on the preparation,
coordination, submission and maintenance of the IDEA flow-through and preschool grants. This
presentation will cover the topics of: writing the IDEA grant, permissive use of funds, limitations of
expenditures, excess cost requirements, maintenance of effort, coordination of early intervening
services, audits, and more. Useful tips in writing your IDEA grant will also be covered.

Registration link: https://reg.abcsignup.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0057-0013-aaa2e1f67fa34149be

                         Ms. Julie Jilek is the Assistant Superintendent/Chief School Business Official
                         for the Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization (NSSEO).
                         NSSEO is a special education cooperative that provides comprehensive
                         educational programs for students with disabilities from school districts in
                         the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Julie has worked in the field of education
                         for the past 30 years, with her entire career focusing on the education of
                         students with special needs.

Presenter: Julie Jilek

Student Confidentiality and Digital Privacy Administrator Academy
AA #3661
1/26/2021                ||   8:30AM - 3:30PM
Presenter: Teri E. Engler, Engler, Callaway, Baasten, and Sraga, LLC
This Administrator Academy is designed to provide vital information to special and general education
administrators and staff about the myriad of federal and State legal requirements related to student records,
confidentiality, and data privacy in schools, as well as how these requirements apply in the context of special
education policies, procedures, and practices. This Administrator Academy will offer intensive analysis of
common, and some unusual, student records and data privacy issues that arise in school districts and special
education cooperatives and practical solutions in handling these issues.

Registration link: https://reg.learningstream.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0057-0013-332795a10c624439b8d

                         Teri E. Engler concentrates her school law practice at Engler Callaway Baasten & Sraga
                         in the areas of special education/disability law and other student issues. Ms. Engler is a
                         long-standing associate member of the IAASE and is currently a member of the IAASE’s
                         Legislative Committee and Chair of the Illinois Council of School Attorneys. She has
                         served as a member of the Illinois Attorney General’s Special Committee on Special
                         Education, the National Louis University Special Education Advisory Board, and numerous
                         other professional committees and organizations in the fields of law and education.
Presenter: Teri Engler

                         Cynthia M. Baasten concentrates her school law practice at ECB&S in the areas of special
                         education/disability law, other student issues, and labor and employment law. She lectures
                         frequently on special education and other student matters and employment issues at
                         conferences, seminars, webinars, and training programs across Illinois.

Cynthia M. Baasten

                         Luis Rodriguez has concentrated his school law practice in the areas of special education/
                         disability law and other student-related matters for over 20 years. Prior to joining ECB&S,
                         Mr. Rodriguez uniquely served in both legal and high-level administrative roles with the
                         Chicago Public Schools (CPS) special education department. His tenure with CPS included
                         representing the district in special education litigation, serving as the lead legal advisor
                         for all CPS special education legal matters, and holding the role of the special education
                         department’s Deputy Officer/Executive Director.
Luis Rodriguez

What Went Wrong? Analyzing and Strategizing to Prevent District
Losses in Special Education Litigation
AA #1886
1/12/2021 - 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Presenter: Christina Sepiol, Asst. Superintendent at IPCUSD #204

Registration link: https://reg.learningstream.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0057-0013-f5b9c456651c4dbd860

This Academy is designed to inform and educate school staff in the topics and practices that
frequently involve special education litigation. By analyzing critical factors that contributed to the
conflict, as well as the outcome, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the practices and
policies that need to be created or revised. This Academy will broaden that awareness of all school
staff into the current trends in litigation, including topics that have special education implications such
as transgender issues, discipline, and responding to school crisis. By analyzing and learning from the
outcomes in case law, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how to avoid. procedural and
policy issues that lead to conflict

                   Christina Sepiol is the current Assistant Superintendent at IPCUSD #204. Prior to
                   her position, she served as district and cooperative levels. Christina’s experiences
                   also include representing school districts throughout the state of Illinois as a
                   partner in the Scariano law firm, serving as a building principal of a therapeutic day
                   school, and teaching at the high school level.

Christina Sepiol

Through A Different Lens: Understanding & Supporting Students
With Mental Health Issues - AA. 3729
2/19/21 - 9:00am - 12:00pm                    (with optional discussion related to COVID-19 from 1 - 2:00pm)

Presenters: Dr. Doug Bolton & Dr. Dan Cates
This workshop is a customized version of the AA with two esteemed co-presenters who bring
experience, wisdom and district level practices and review. This workshop emphasizes proposed
changes that focus on practices and associated approaches that lead to creating a trauma responsive
school community. School leaders will learn to identify classroom and school-wide strategies that
encourage emotional regulation and its alignment to academic achievement. Specifically, this
workshop will also provide an essential foundation for developing progressive school practices that
reduce the reliance on punishment and exclusion as a response to student behavior challenges and
is aligned to recent and pending state changes surrounding student discipline. Given the collective
trauma associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, this workshop will also provide support for working
through the many challenges districts face navigating a tremendous year of change through a trauma-
responsive lens.

Registration link: https://reg.learningstream.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0057-0013-664320bbedf0471fb0

                             Dr. Doug Bolton is a licensed clinical psychologist and former principal of
                             North Shore Academy, a K-12 therapeutic school for students with emotional
                             and behavioral disabilities in Highland Park, Illinois. His complete bio is listed

Presenter: Dr. Doug Bolton

                             Dr. Daniel Cates began his career in education as a school psychologist and later
                             earned his license in clinical psychology. He then served as a special education
                             administrator for 10 years. Upon becoming an associate superintendent, Dr. Cates
                             was instrumental in implementing restorative discipline practices throughout one of
                             the largest high school districts in Illinois. During his six years as superintendent, Dr.
                             Cates drew upon close collaboration with staff members, parents and students to
                             implement trauma responsive practices and consistently increase enrollment in AP
                             and dual-credit courses, particularly among underrepresented student demographic
Presenter: Dr. Dan Cates

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