Page created by Fernando Norman
The Official Publication of Kerbela Shriners

VOLUME LXXVII           JULY/AUGUST 2020                       NUMBER 4
Page 2                                                            POTENTATE'S PAGE                                             July/August 2020 Kerbela Knews

              KERBELA KNEWS
        Published by and under the auspices of
                                                                  Nobles, these are some very difficult
                                                                                                       Message for August. Please do what
                   Kerbela Shrine
               315 Mimosa Avenue, SE
                                                              times for us at Kerbela and our                                        you can to help sell papers for
              Knoxville, TN 37920-2140                        Nation as a whole. The coro-                                              your Shrine Club. Put forth
             C. Wayne Burkett, PP, Editor                     navirus has resulted in the                                                 your best effort to raise
                   (865) 573-1901
                                                              cancellation of just about                                                    money for the hospitals we
      e-mail address: office@kerbelashriners.org              every activity planned up                                                      support.
                 Published Irregularly                        to this point. The bus trip                                                       Membership, we con-
        Imperial Dromedary Award Publication
                                                              to Greenville Hospital,                                                         tinue to struggle with
                   Elected Divan                              planned for August, has                                                         membership. We need
         Illustrious Potentate-Jeffrey P. White               been cancelled. As of                                                           candidates. The black
            Chief Rabban-Douglas A. Young
            Assistant Rabban-Donny Reece                      now the circus is still go-                                                    camel continues to pass
           High Priest & Prophet-Wil Waugh                    ing to happen as in the past.                                                 by and we need everyone’s
       Oriental Guide-Goldman "Dusty" Carroll                 Please help us sell circus ads                                               help in keeping our mem-
            Treasurer-Rodger D. Ricker, P.P.
            Recorder-C. Wayne Burkett, PP                     for the coloring book. This                                                bership strong. Our member-
                                                              will help your unit/club and our                                        ship meeting is on the 4th Monday
     Representatives To Imperial Council                      temple.                                                        of each month and every noble is invited
            Jeffrey P. "Jeff" White-Potentate
        Douglas A. "Doug" Young-Chief Rabban
                                                                  Nobles, we have had some major                             to attend. I encourage you to attend your
                      Bart Iddins, PP                         repairs to our building. We had to get a                       Blue Lodge and seek new members for
               Robert L. "Bobby" Vann, PP                     new boiler installed to replace the one                        our temple.
          William L. Grigsby, PP (Emeritus)
              Leonard Smith, PP (Emeritus)
                                                              that was sixty years old. The cost of the                          At the July stated meeting we will
            Robert H. Bailey, P.P. (Emeritus)                 boiler was $57,527.99. The roof has                            again do two very important things.
        Bart Iddins, PP (Emeritus) - Colorado Corp.           been patched and repaired many times.                          Checks from the paper sale will be pre-
         Representatives To S.A.S.A.                          After evaluations of our roof from dif-                        sented and we will recognize our Nobles
              Jeffrey P. White-Potentate                      ferent roofers, we were advised that                           who have become 50 year members. If
            Douglas Young-Chief Rabban                        our roof was beyond repair and needed                          you know a noble who will be getting
           Donny Reece-Assistant Rabban
          Wil Waugh-High Priest & Prophet                     to be replaced. The cost for the roof is                       his fifty-year certificate and pin, please
       Goldman "Dusty" Carroll-Oriental Guide                 $209,000.00. I am very thankful that                           contact him and see if he might need a
           C. Wayne Burkett, PP-Recorder                      we had the money in our building fund                          ride to the temple as many of them do
            Rodger Ricker PP (Emeritus)
       Leonard W. Smith, PP (Legal Chairman,                  to pay for these repairs. However, the                         not drive at night.
           Representative, Parliamentarian)                   funds in the building maintenance ac-                              In closing, I want to thank each
                                                              count needs to be replenished. I am ask-                       Noble for all you do for your Temple.
                   Appointed Divan                            ing every Noble to donate to the building                      Remember this pandemic will pass. Call
       First Ceremonial Master-Howard Farrington              maintenance account, I am asking you                           your friends and neighbors that you have
      Second Ceremonial Master-Stacy Worthington              to give as you have been blessed to do.                        not seen lately and let them know that
                   Director-Ron Taylor
             Captain of the Guard-Andy Libby
                                                              I remember that I promised to help, aid,                       you do care about them.
              Marshal-William "Bill" Reece                    and assist when asked, I’m asking you                                                    Jeffrey P. White
           Outer Guard-Christopher O. Madison                 to do the same.                                                                                  Potentate
                Chaplain-Darrell L. Cook
                                                                  The paper sale is ongoing, we have
                                                              some shrine clubs that sold on the stan-
                           Staff                              dard paper sale weekend and others are
   Executive Advisor – Charles M. “Charlie” Clawson, PP
                   Chief Aide – Billy Brown
                 Commander – Carl Huckaby
           Deputy Commander – Bobby G. Pierce
       Aides Emeritus – Bill Burt, Sherman A. Morton
                                                                                                     Table of Contents
        Paper Sale Chairman – William L. “Bill” Reece
            Circus Chairman – Douglas A. Young
                                                              Potentate's Message.......................................................................................... 2
             Circus Director – Wayne Burkett, PP
        Fun Fest Chairman – Goldman “Dusty” Carroll
                                                              From the Desk of the Recorder ........................................................................ 3
                Legal Advisor – Carl Eshbaugh
               Legal Advisor – Wesley D. Stone
                                                              Unit News ........................................................................................................ 5
          Parade Marshal – William A. “Bill” Pavlis
                 Photographer – Tim Webster
                                                              Sick & Shut Ins ................................................................................................ 7
                Photographer – George Webster
           Membership Chairman – Carl Huckaby
                                                              Club News......................................................................................................... 8
  Public Relations/Public Information Officer – George Bove
    Webmaster/IT & Social Media – Kerbela Office Staff
                                                              Other New......................................................................................................... 9
                                                              Peition............................................................................................................. 11
                                                              Calendar.......................................................................................................... 15
Kerbela Knews July/August 2020                  RECORDER'S PAGE                                                              Page 3
Recorder’s                                  foresight of former leaders who saw to

                                            it that this account was properly funded.
                                            However, even with our preparedness,
                                                                                            VITAL STATISTICS
                                            the building fund could use some replen-     NOBLES CREATED
                                            ishment. Please, if you feel lead, make      1 Noble created May 19, 2020
                                            a donation to the building fund to help
                                            rebuild this account. Remember, this is      NOBLES RESTORED
                                            your building and we all need to help,       Jimmy Ray Loyd
                                            where we can, to keep it maintained. If
                                            you cannot help financially, join us on      NOBLES SUSPENDED
Greeting Nobles and Ladies,
                                            our next workday. There is one sched-        Fred A. Crawford/NPD
    I hope this correspondence finds
                                            uled for October.
you all well and enjoying this beautiful
                                                 I want to thank everyone for your       Membership as of 6/15/20....... 1504
summer weather. I cannot believe we are
                                            continued prayers and support during
half-way through the year. We have had
                                            my illness. I am working on regaining
to cancel several events but hopefully
                                            strength, feeling stronger every day.
we will be able to still have some of the
                                            Thank you for all the calls and cards.
upcoming scheduled events. Be sure to
                                                               Stay well and be safe.
check the calendar for any updates.
    It is almost Circus Time in Tennes-
see. I hope you are starting to collect
your circus Ad $$s and seek out “New”
                                                              C. Wayne Burkett, PP
                                                                                                             S hare
                                                                                                             Care        in the
Circus sponsors. Nobles, this is our main
fundraiser that directly supports our
Temple. Please, please, please, SELL                                                             Willie V. Hensley
those Ads and make plans, now, to come
out and work and support the Circus.
                                                                                                 Eugene Summers
    We will be honoring our 50-year                                                            100 Million Dollar
members on July 21st, at our July Stated
meeting. Please, reach out to anyone
                                                       Birthday                                 Club Members
who you know who may be honored, and
offer to give them a ride to the meeting.
                                                  All Nobles having a
Remember all of our brothers who are
                                                  birthday for the month
                                                                                          Kerbela has 910 members in
sick and the family of those bereaved,                                                  The 100 Million Dollar Club—
in your prayers.                                  are invited to celebrate
    Please remember to pray for our               their birthday with a                 give $100 and feel like a million
Military, emergency and police person-            free dinner on the 3rd
nel during these trying times. Remember
our Countries leaders, as they work to
                                                  Tuesday at 5:30pm.                              CIRCUS AD
financially and emotionally heal our              This is Stated Meeting                           PRICING
country, in your prayers. These are dif-          night so come and enjoy
ficult times and we need to band together                                               AD SIZE...............................PRICE
                                                  a free meal before the
for the good of our fellow man and our            meeting.                              1/8 Page.............................. $ 55.00
country. As a Shriner, we need to set an
example, showing compassion to our
                                                       All Nobles who have              1/4 Page............................$ 90.00
fellow man.                                       birthdays in                          1/3 Page............................. $100.00
    We have had to make some signifi-                   July & August
cant repairs to the building this year, a                                               1/2 Page - B&W............... $150.00
                                                  your free birthday dinner
new boiler and a new roof were installed.         will be at the Stated                 1/2 Page - Color................ $200.00
These replacements have dipped into our
Building fund. We are so thankful for the
                                                  Meeting on:                           Full Page - B&W..............$250.00
                                                     July - July 21, 2020               Full Page - Color.............. $400.00
                                                  August - Aug 18, 2020
                                                                                        Inside Front - Colored....... $500.00
                                                  RSVP the Temple Office
                                                          573-1901.                     Inside Back - Colored....... $500.00
                                                                                        Back Cover - Colored....... $600.00
                                                                                         Deadline Friday, Aug. 28, 2020
Page 4                                        July/August 2020 Kerbela Knews

    Happy Belated 101st Birthday (May 4th)
                  to Noble Marion Brock


         2020 Potentate's Ball
                     has been rescheduled to
              Saturday Sept. 26, 2020
         Details to follow in the next issue of Kerbela Knews

                 Annual Spaghetti Dinner
                     has been rescheduled to
                  Saturday Oct. 24, 2020
Kerbela Knews July/August 2020                                                                                           Page 5
Corvette Unit                                lustrious Sir Wayne Burkett.
    First off I want                             Notes on major events that have                 Application for Membership

to apologize for not                         been rescheduled:
getting an article                           Potentate’s Ball Saturday September 25th
for the Corvettes in                         Van Driver’s Appreciation Dinner Sat-

the last issue. Well, summer is definitely   urday October 3rd at 6:30
upon us and boy is it sure hot and humid.    Annual Spaghetti Dinner Saturday Oc-
                                             tober 24th
I’m sure glad that we are finally get-
ting back into some form of normalcy.            Nobles it’s time to get ready (weather
I personally hope that the shrine clubs      permitting) for SASA (September

that missed out on a patient ambassador      17th-20th) at Myrtle Beach. I know the
visit from Elliott will get to have one if   Corvettes are always excited about this
it’s possible. However, with so many         event and parade. If your unit can at-          Yes I (we) want to Share in the
events not counting shrine and lodge         tend please do. It will help Kerbela to          Care of SHRINERS HOSPI-
events that have been rescheduled or         have good showing, plus we are #6 in             TALS FOR CHILDREN.
even cancelled, it is really hard to say.    the parade line-up this year and that’s         I have previously made a Will
I hope that everyone had a wonderful 4th     awesome.                                         leaving a Bequest (of $100 or
of July and had plenty to eat and shot           As hard as it may be to believe the          more) to the Shriners Hospitals
off plenty of fireworks. Also hope all of    most hectic and fun 3 days of the year           for Children endowment fund.
the dad’s had a wonderful Father’s Day.      are quickly approaching, it’s almost            I have added a provision in my
The picnic and “All Units Night” were        circus time again. Remember nobles this          Will leaving a Bequest (of $100
both huge successes thanks to everyone       is the biggest fundraiser for Kerbela so         or more) to the Shriners Hos-
that took the time to come out and join      sell those ads and come to the circus and        pitals for Children endowment
in the fun, fellowship (that we all missed   help work the line rides or sell coloring        fund.
dearly), and festivities.                    books, all help is greatly appreciated.         I prefer to make a cash donation
    Congratulations to all the new nobles    Look forward to seeing you all at the            at this time (of $100 or more).
that joined our wonderful philanthropy       beach!
at the June stated meeting. Please seek                              Fraternally yours,
out and join a unit that is the best way                               Phillip Drinnon    Make your check payable to:
to keep yourself active in Kerbela.                                            Reporter   SHRINERS HOSPITALS
    Please keep all of our sick and shut-                                                 FOR CHILDREN
ins in your thoughts and prayers. If
you haven’t seen or heard from a noble          WELCOME NEW NOBLE
reach out and see how they are doing.           Created May 19, 2020                      Signed
Sometimes just a kind word or gesture
is all it takes to brighten someone’s day.          Brian K. Miles                        Temple Member?
Especially, let’s all keep praying for Il-       Knoxville, TN 37924


                                                                                          State        Zip
                                                                                          You may give a $100 Million
                                                                                          Dollar Club Membership in
                             5911 Weisbrook Lane
                                                                                          another person’s name as a
                              Knoxville, TN 37909                                         special anniversary birthday or
            We offer many services to save                                                appreciation gift. Please have
                you time and money                                                        the member certificate read
                 Tabbing • Folding • Inserting
       Sealing/Metering • Direct Imprinting • List Rental
             Database Management • Mail Merge
                  Poly bagging • OCR/SORT                                                 Mail to:
                                                                                                 Kerbela Shriners
                           Phone (865) 584-6245                                                  315 Mimosa Ave
                            www.dirmailtn.com                                                  Knoxville TN 37920
Page 6                                                UNIT NEWS                           July/August 2020 Kerbela Knews
Kerbela Engineers.                          Kerbela Motorcycle                           by hook or crook got logged in. We
                                                                                         even went international and connected
    May 30th was maintenance and
clean up on Elmo the little Shrine Train.   Unit                                         with our wayward brother, Irving, while
Thanks to Engineers CJ Ooten, James             The Fossil coming at you. After the      he and Encar are still stuck in Spain.
Couch and Pete Moore for coming out         big bang and party time at our Non-Fun       Thanks Capt. Mike, for your support.
and making Elmo smile. He is excited        Fest gathering, things for the Unit have        The “Rise from the Ashes” Run
and looking forward to June 13th for        quieted down. Gosh, we had to rest up        down to Arab, AL. (and if you’ve never
his first gig of the year. He sure misses   a little.                                    been to Arab, AL., you’ve never been
all the kids at the Bible Schools due to        I sure had hoped that by this time       anywhere!) is up for grabs. Again, we
them being cancelled or rescheduled.        of the year the Unit would have made a       will let you know as soon as we find
Please pray for our Country, our leaders,   few rides to parts unknown and out of        something out.
our Military and each other as we all go    the way places but here we sit broken           A few pictures to remind us of good
forward during these trying times.          hearted.                                     days gone by.
                     God Bless America,         I hope that everyone is staying             Ok Tramps, until the next time, be
                      CJ Ooten, President   healthy and taking care of each other.       safe out there.
                       Ken Sheffield Sec.   Seems like I am getting really comfort-                       Ride Safe, Ride Proud,
                                            able up on my little hill, but I can feel       Remember to wear a mask. The life
                                            some cabin fever and restless leg syn-                       you save might be mine.
Kerbela Patrol                              drome sneaking in.
                                            Our Ride to Lake Lure/ Chimney Rock
                                                                                                   Take good care of each other.
                                                                                                                      The Fossil
Greetings from
the Patrol                                  for June was cancelled and the unit’s an-
    I hope this                             nual fish fry at Gordon’s has been post-
finds you well.                             poned to maybe later in the fall. It will
It has been a                               be nice in the fall, down at Gordon’s.
crazy year. We                                  Head Tramp, Capt. Mike, is working
are missing our                             on a couple of day trips. Just a couple of
activities. We did get some of the Jeeps    short little putts to get some wind in our
out for a few minutes and rode them         faces and some butt time in the saddle.
around the neighborhood.                    We will let you know more about the
    Hope everyone has a great 4th of        plans as soon as they are made.
July.                                           One of the new things the Tramps
    If you would like to join an active     are trying to do to keep in contact with
group give us a try. Our meetings are       each other during this shut-down time is
on the first Tuesday of each month but      to have virtual Unit meetings on Zoom.
January and July at the Temple at 7pm.      The Tramps have a nice Unit room but
	  If anyone needs help repairing your      there is no way we can social distance
Jeep, I’ll be happy to help. Give me a      during a meeting. The room is too small
call (865) 256-4831.                        or the Unit is too big (but that’s a good
	  Happy Birthday and/or Happy              problem). So, on June 2 the Unit had
Anniversary to all Nobles and Ladies        their first ever virtual meeting. It was
that have one in the months of July and     interesting to say the least and kind
August.                                     of funny. Think about it, a bunch of
    May God Bless You and Keep You,         old gray beards all trying to get on the
               Be Proud to be a Shriner     computer. Well, for the most part it went
                    Captain Mike Smith      very well and most of the Tramps either

                                   Norm Watson
                                   celebrating his

                                Happy Birthday!
Kerbela Knews July/August 2020                                                                        Page 7

                   Sick & Shut-Ins
   The following Nobles have been reported to the Temple office as being sick at home or in the
   hospital. A visit phone call or card would be most appreciated.
 Sick at home:
 Gil Anderson               James M. Hughes              In the hospital:
 Don Ball                   W.Gary Lee                   NONE
 Alfred Ballard             Gene Livesay
 Raymond Barger             Kermit Lowe
 Wayne Bell PP              Edward McCoy                 In a nursing home:
 Hugh Bowman                Joe R. Moore                 Marion C. Brock - Beverly Park Place
 Jerry L. Brackett          Orville R. Phelps            Hugh T. Christie - VA Hospital
 Jefferson Breazeale        Herschal J. Sharp            Lynch B. Coffey - Morning Side, Springfield, TN
 C.Wayne Burkett, PP        Don Simmons                  James Ferguson - NHC - Harriman
 Kermit B. Campbell         Greg L. Smith                Eugene Hatfield - Ben Atchley
 Roger D. Cline             Leonard W. Smith PP          Kenneth McCarty - Cumberland Village, LaFollette, TN
 Murriel C. Dean            Duie Swicegood               PGM Esco Owens - Assisted Living Elmcroft of Halls
 Paul H. Derrick            Joseph E. Thomas             Benny Walker - Ben Atchley
 Cisco Dockery              Bill Vermillion              Norm Watson - Morning Pointe-Westland Dr.
 Clinton F. Ferguson        William Weeks
 Carl M. Finney             Frank T. Witt
 Bill Grigsby PP            Jerry Wolfenbarger
 Wade Harrison              John N. Wright

                  2020 S.A.S.A. CONVENTION
                                 September 17-20,2020
                 Temple Headquarters: Compass Cove, Ocean Front Resort
                Individual Reservations maybe made by call 1-855-861-9550
                        Let them know you are with Kerbela Shriners.
                    Deadline for Room Reservations is August 17, 2020
                              Nobles Registration: $15.00
                       Deadline for Pre-Registration: Sept 1, 2020
                       Late Registration: SASA Registration Desk is $20.00
                       Online and Mail in Registration opens July 15, 2020
              For online registration and more information about this event go to:
          https://southatlanticsa.org/ For assistance with registration you may contact
          Mary Newton at (843) 209-6511 or e-mail her at registerforsasa@gmail.com
              Remember that all events and parade require a registration badge
                           GET YOUR REGISTRATION IN EARLY!
Page 8                                                CLUB NEWS                         Kerbela Knews July/August 2020

Morristown Shrine                                              Oliver Spring Norwood
Club and                                                       Grammar School Parade
Kerbela Engineers
    Greetings fellow Nobles, it feels like
summer is here with these 90-degree
days. Another Paper Sale has come and
gone and sad to report our sales were
down approximately 40%. Considering
the loss of 3 of our normal sales loca-
tions, roadblocks and many Shriners not
comfortable being in the public we did
sell 60% of our goal. We thank every
Noble that did brave the covid-19 and
                         Ken Sheffield

  Hopefully everyone
 is getting the weekly
  updates on the can-
 cellations and activi-
  ties that have been
   postponed. If you
 are not getting them
 please go to Kerbela                        Left to right.Kevin”Fireball”Lawson,Jeff
  Shriners web page:                         W h i t e , D o u g Yo u n g , D u s t y
                                             Carroll,Bill Pavlis, Dennis Ferguson,
   and sign up for the
     weekly email.
Kerbela Knews July/August 2020                          OTHER NEWS                                                       Page 9
Kerbela Chaplain                                        (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED –
                                                 06/08/2020-6AM-PHOTOS COURTESY
    Over the past few days, my computer
and I have had a little conflict.  It doesn’t               OF JIMBO BURTON)
seem to want to do what I want it to. It        JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – “He can run
can’t conceivably be operator error, yet        and play like any other kid now,” said Craig
I am reminded of the adage “Garbage             Griffin’s grandfather, Jimbo Burton. Craig,
in, garbage out.                                who is four- years- old, was diagnosed with
    Our lives can be like that, what            bilateral clubfoot before he was even born.
comes in normally, sooner or later finds            Craig’s journey to walking, running and
a way out. In German this saying is an          playing like other children began at the first
interesting play on similar words: “Man         doctor’s appointment following his birth.
is what he eats.” I suggest it is important     His mother, Kendra, wanted to take Craig
to look at that not just as physical food,      to Shriners Hospital for Children from the
but also spiritual food.                        beginning. However, she was talked out of
    When we stood in the northeast cor-                                           it by Craig’s doctor. The first surgeries did
ner, we were told (paraphrased) tonight                                           not end successfully. That’s when Craig
you started a new journey, you have laid                                          was then taken to Lexington to Shriners
a foundation, a cornerstone on which to                                           Hospital for Children.
build your spiritual life. A journey, not
a destination, an on-going process that                                               The always smiling Craig Griffin is
requires that we take in spiritual food.                                              checking out the story and photos of
    As a Shriner we need not to forget                                                himself in the latest Shrine Paper.
our masonic background and the lessons
taught therein. Starved bodies do not                                                      The Shrine Paper sale was this week-
grow or survive, neither can we expect                                                end around Campbell County. If you made
starved minds or spirits to thrive. “Man                                              a donation and have this year’s paper, take
is what he eats” physical and spiritual.                                              a look at the young man on Page 2.

       Remember                                  Pappy Jimbo Burton and Craig
                                                dropped off water to the Shri-

                                                ners working in front of Food
                                                City Center at Woodson Mall
                                                on Friday morning. Pappy

     Paper Sale                                 said, “It was a way for us to
                                                pay forward.”

       Money                                       The little boy, who is ready to
                                                soon start Pre-K at Jacksboro El-
    is to be                                    ementary School, has done his
                                                part in becoming more mobile.

  turned in by
                                                “He’s learned to walk again, at
                                                least five times, after his surger-
                                                ies,” said Pappy Burton.
 July 21, 2020

                      Kerbela Temple 2020 Parades
Sept 12                Baileyton Celebration, Exit #36 on I-81, Line up 9am, Step off 10am
                       Shrines park at Ill. Sir Bob Bailey's office beside Aprex bank
Sept 19                SASA Fall Festival Parade, Myrtle Beach SC, Line up #17 11th Avenue
                       South 12 noon. Must have registration bade to parade.
Page 10                                              OTHER NEWS                            July/August 2020 Kerbela Knews
Daughters of the Nile                        Cabiri                                       Kerbela Hillibilly
Greetings from the Nile.                         As I write this, I’m just back from
    I hope that this update finds you all    a trip to Dallas, TX. It’s a long way to     Unit Clan #24
well. From wearing masks to the all          Dallas, 878 Miles to be exact. Only one      Howdee from the clan,
elusive search for hand sanitizer and        turn, change interstates at Little Rock.        I hope this finds you all well. We
toilet paper, we continue to tread along.    This takes a little over 13 hours to drive   have nothing to report. It’s been a crazy
Of course, we are all in hopes that life     (note, pumping gas is not driving).          year. So hope all is well.
will become normal again soon.                   The trip reminds me of our year.                               Keeper of the cob,
    In April of this year, Abdiel Temple     We started out refreshed and ready for                                    Mike Smith
#147 installed all line offers via a Zoom    a great year. Then Covid-19 arrived and
meetings.  The new officers are excited      we had to completely change our direc-
and eager to begin a great year. Our         tion. We have made the turn and are on         Let's Celebrate!
new line officers for the 2020-2021 year     the next leg of the journey.
are as follows: Queen - Lisa Holloway;           Like so many times before, our world
Princess Royal - Nahalia Carmack;
Princess Tirzah - Becky Smith, PQ; and
                                             has changed. It changed December 7,
                                             1941, it changed November 22, 1963,
                                                                                             Kerbela Shrine
Princess Badoura - Michelle Butcher,         it changed September 11, 2001, and it            will honor our
PQ.  Additional officers will be installed   has changed most recently due to the
soon.                                        Pandemic. Every time, we have met the             Fifty-Year
    We would also like to remember           challenge and risen to a new high.
the passing of our dear Supreme Queen            While in the military we were taught           Members
Dale Obernolte. However, we look             to Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome.
forward to meeting our new Supreme           This holds true now. Once you feel
                                                                                                   at the
Queen Heather K. Lambert, who stepped
into her new role earlier than expected.
                                             comfortable with the “new normal” I
                                             encourage you to reconnect with the
                                                                                            Stated Meeting on
We plan (and hope) to host our Supreme       activities which give you, and others,           July 21, 2020
Queen on Saturday, August 8th, with the      purpose. Your Lodge needs you, The
ceremonial at 4:00 p.m. and banquet at       Shrine needs you, and the children we
7:00 p.m.                                    support need you.                               Come join us as we
    As always, please keep all first re-         If the Cabiri can assist you with any
sponders and healthcare professionals        concerns, please feel free to contact me
                                                                                              honor those who
in prayer. If you know of anyone in          or any member. Now, I need to get help          have helped make
need of prayer or comfort, please contact    folding the map back to the way it came.
Princess Chaplain PQ Judy Olinger at                                    Jimi Duke, PP          Kerbela strong.
865-387-6601.                                                         Cabiri President      This is a special time
                            In Nile Love,
                           Princess Royal                                                     to celebrate our
                        Nahalia Carmack
                                                                                             50-year members.

 Candidates are
    Have you
Kerbela Knews July/August 2020   OTHER NEWS   Page 11
Page 12                                                                       July/August 2020 Kerbela Knews

             Arch Degree Production
             Saturday October 3, 2020 • 6:00 pm
                                     The Arch Degree
                  The Arch Production is a performance the candidate and his Lady, visitors,
          non-Masons, and Masons will cherish forever. The program allows everyone to
          experience an impressive and everlasting positive image of the Shrine and Shriners
                  The production orchestrates Masonic family, Scottish Rite, York Rite, youth
          organizations and Shrine principals, features and values into a forty-five minute
          educational and entertaining production. Modern day language and interpretations
          are used.
                  The program is open to invited guests (yes, you invite your guest). Those in
          attendance will acknowledge the Shrine as a premier international organization. The
          Arch Production will enhance Shrine image and recruitment opportunities.
                  Area of concentration the construction of our new second unique 12 1/2 foot
          tall arch, stone by stone, while ritual cast in ancient attire narrates the script support
          by music, lighting and special effects. The main attraction will feature our Poster
          Child who has been treated at one of our 22 Shrine Hospitals for Children.
                            All Masons and Nobles Welcome!

  Come out and help support                                Kerbela Motor Corp
   the Daughters of the Nile
      Abdiel Temple 147                                         Music
                                                              & Dancing
                                                           August 15, 2020
                                                           7:00pm - 11:00pm
 What:      Country fried steak dinner
 When:      Sept 5, 2020
 Time:      5pm-8pm
                                                                $10 per person
 Where:     Kerbela Temple
 Price:     $9 per plate                                        Light Hor d'oeuvres
            $4.50 for refill plate                                 served • BYOB
 Children ages 10 and under are FREE
Page 24 Knews July/August 2020
Kerbela                                             March/April 2020 KerbelaPage 13

                                 Kerbela Shriners
Page 14                                                                                     July/August 2020 Kerbela Knews

                                In                 SHRINE CLUB & UNIT MEETING DATES
                                               BLOUNT COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Shoney's, Maryville 6pm
                              Memoriam         CAMPBELL COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Campbell Co Lodge #778
                                               LaFollette 7pm
                                               CLINCH VALLEY SHRINE CLUB-3rd Monday, Shoney’s 2405 Andersonville Hwy. 6pm
                                               COCKE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-3rd Monday Shrine Bldg. Newport 7pm
 “Es Selamu Aleikum”                           GRAINGER COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-4th Monday Down Home Restaurant Rutledge
                                               6pm dinner 7pm meeting
 Life is a story in volumes three
                                               GREAT SMOKY MTN. SHRINE CLUB-2nd Thurs. Puckett's Restaurant, Pigeon Forge,
    the past the present the yet to be.        Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm
 The first we’ve written and laid away.        GREENE COUNTY HILLBILLY UNIT-1st Thursday, Lodge Hall #463, 7pm
 The second we’re reading day by day.          GREENE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Thursday, Harvest Restaurant, Greeneville 7pm
 The third and last of the volumes three..     GREEN COUNTY ROADRUNNER PATROL-1st Thursday, Homestead Restaurant, 7:30pm
 Is locked from our sight                      HILLBILLY CLAN 24-4th Thursday, Covered Dish, Kerbela 6:30pm
     and God keepeth the key.                  KERBELA ENGINEERS-2nd Tuesday, Davy Crockett Restuarant, Morristown, 7pm
                                               KERBELA KLOWN KORP-1st Tuesday Kerbela Temple 7pm
    Bennett W. Adkins Sr. PP                   KERBELA ROANE SHRINE CLUB - 1st Thursday, Jamestown Nursing Home, Dinner
          Alfred Ballard                       6pm Meeting 7:15pm
         C.H. Helms M.D.                       KNOXVILLE SHRINE CLUB-3rd Tuesday Kerbela Temple Knoxville 6:30pm
   Eugene "Blake" McDCampbell                  KERBELA ROAD RUNNERS-3rd Tuesday Kerbela Temple Knoxville 6pm
       Ralph H. Norman Sr                      LOUDON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-5th Thursday 6:00pm Avery Lodge #593 Lenoir City

       James "Bob" Carter                      MONROE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Thursday Tellico Lodge #80s Madisonville 7pm

       James Alan Johnson                      MORRISTOWN SHEIKS-4th Tuesday Morristown Lodge #231 6:30pm

        Robert J. Carter                       MORRISTOWN SHRINE CLUB-2nd Tuesday, Davy Crockett Restaurant, Dinner 6pm,
                                               Meeting 7pm

       ATTENTION                               NORTH KNOX SHRINE CLUB-2nd Wed, Shoney's Emory Rd at I-75 Powell; Dinner
                                               6pm Meeting 7pm
        Check Your                             ROCO KLOWNS - 1st Tuesday Kerbela Temple 8pm

        Dues Card                              SCOTT COUNTY SHRINE CLUB-1st Thursday Oneida Lodge Oneida 7pm
                                               UNION COUNTY SHRINE CLUB - 3rd Thursday J.C. Baker Lodge Maynardville 7pm
       Make sure your Dues                     WEST KNOX SHRINE CLUB-2nd Tuesday West Knox Shrine Club Bldg. 916 Olive Rd,
         Card is current.                      Concord, Meeting 7pm
          There are still
         who have not paid
         their 2020 dues.
                                             Publication Dates
      Dues can be paid with                  The following dates are proposed for the publication of the Kerbela Knews. We will
       Visa, MaserCard or                    try to stay as close to them as possible.  If material is submitted to the office by the
       American Express.                     deadline date it should make it into the Kerbela Knews to be published approximately
         Or on Kerbela's
      website https://www.                   1 1/2-2 weeks later. Dated material and announcements of events should be submitted
      kerbelashriners.org/                   at least two months prior to the event to ensure that it will be published in time.
        pay-membership-                      Issue                              Deadline                      Publication Date
              dues/                          Sept/Oct                           August 4                           Late August
                                             November                           October 6                        Late October
        Contact the Office.                  December                           November 3                     Late November
Sunday              Monday               Tuesday
                                                      July 2020    Wednesday       Thursday              Friday          Saturday
                                                                               1              2    Office Closed   3    Independence Day   4

              5                     6    NO Unit Meeting
                                                              7                8              9                    10                 11

              12                    13                        14           15                 16                   17                 18

              19                    20   7pm Stated Meeting
                                                              21           22                 23                   24                 25

              26   No Membership    27                        28           29                 30                   31

     Sunday              Monday
                                             August 2020
                                              Tuesday              Wednesday       Thursday              Friday          Saturday

              2                     3    4pm Divan Meeting
                                         7pm Unit Meeting
                                                              4                5              6                    7                       8

              9                     10                        11           12                 13                   14                 15

              16                    17   7pm Stated Meeting   18           19                 20                   21                 22

              23   6pm Membership
                                    24                        25           26                 27   CIRCUS AD       28                 29

30                  31
THE KERBELA KNEWS                   TIME DATED                                                                        Non-Profit Org.
                                                                                                                       U S Postage
 Official Publication of
 KERBELA SHRINERS                    MATERIAL                                                                             PAID
                                                                                                                       Knoxville TN
   315 Mimosa Ave
                                                                                                                      Permit No. 603
  Knoxville TN 37920


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