Washington Health Benefit Exchange - Cascade Care Discussion WSHIP Board Meeting

Page created by Andre Swanson
Washington Health Benefit Exchange - Cascade Care Discussion WSHIP Board Meeting
Washington Health Benefit Exchange
          Cascade Care Discussion

            WSHIP Board Meeting
              September 25, 2019
        Molly Voris, Chief Policy Officer
Washington Health Benefit Exchange - Cascade Care Discussion WSHIP Board Meeting
Washington Health Benefit Exchange
▪ Quasi-governmental entity
▪ Governed by 11-member bipartisan board
▪ Runs Washington Healthplanfinder, which serves one in four
  ▪ Single integrated online portal for both MAGI Medicaid (1.5
    million) and commercial individual market coverage (200,000)
▪ Offer financial assistance through Medicaid and tax subsidies
  for low- and middle-income individuals in private insurance

Washington Health Benefit Exchange - Cascade Care Discussion WSHIP Board Meeting
Individual Market Covers 4% of Washingtonians

  Office of Financial Management
  Forecasting & Research Division
Washington Health Benefit Exchange - Cascade Care Discussion WSHIP Board Meeting
Washington Health Benefit Exchange - Cascade Care Discussion WSHIP Board Meeting
80% of Individual Market Obtains
Coverage Through Washington Healthplanfinder

       Office of Insurance Commissioner: February WA Individual Market Enrollment

Cascade Care
Response to rising premiums and deductibles and declining
enrollment in the individual market and failure to enact reinsurance

   Standard Plans: Goal to make care more accessible by lowering
    deductibles, making cost-sharing more transparent, and providing
    more services before the deductible.

   Public Option Plans: Goal to make more affordable (lower
    premium) options available across the state, that also include
    additional quality and value requirements

   Subsidy Study: Goal to develop and submit a plan for
    implementing premium subsidies through Exchange for
    individuals up to 500% FPL (report due Nov. 15, 2020)

Public Option Details: Standard Plans
▪ HBE can establish up to three standardized benefit plans for
  each metal level
▪ Starting in PY 2021, QHP carriers must offer at least one gold
  and one silver standardized plan, and one bronze
  ▪ Carriers may also offer non-standardized plans
  ▪ HBE, with the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, required to
    study the impact of offering only standard plans - due to the
    Legislature by December 1, 2023
▪ State procured public option plans must incorporate
  standardized benefit design
▪ Annually, HBE can update standard benefit design; must
  provide notice to carriers by January 31 and include a public
  comment period

Public Option Details: State Procurement
▪ The purchasing authority, in consultation with HBE, required to
  selectively contract with carriers to offer bronze, silver, and
  gold state procured QHPs for plan year 2021
  ▪ Contracts require OIC approval and HBE Board certification complete

▪ Carrier participation in the public option is voluntary
  ▪ Study required on impact of linking carrier and provider participation in
    the of publicly procured QHPs, with participation in public employee
    programs (due December 1, 2022)

▪ Provider reimbursement rates are tied to Medicare rates,
  expected to lower premiums
▪ Carriers must meet additional requirements focused on
  increasing quality and value
  ▪ Including Bree recommendations, care coordination and chronic disease

Public Option Details:
      Reimbursement Rate Requirements
▪ Aggregate Cap: Total amount carrier reimburses providers and
  facilities cannot exceed 160% of Medicare
▪ Primary Care Physician Floor: Reimbursement for primary care
  services (defined by HCA) may not be less than 135% of
▪ Rural Floor: Reimbursement for services provided by rural
  hospitals (critical access hospitals or sole community hospitals)
  may not be less than 101% of Medicare (allowable costs)

Three Different Types of Health Plans in the Exchange in 2021:
                         Non-Standard Plans, Standard Plans, and Public Option Plans
                                                                                Non-Standard   Standard Plans   Public Option Plans
                                                                                Plans                           (Standard Plans Plus)

Offered through the Exchange and eligible for federal tax subsidies                                           

Subject to full regulatory review by OIC, including network adequacy and rate                                 
review requirements

Adheres to 19 Exchange certification criteria for QHPs                                                        

Meets federal actuarial value requirements for metal levels                                                   

Includes Essential Health Benefits                                                                            
Uses plan design with deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance amounts set by                                    
Exchange for each metal level (bronze, silver, gold)

Some services guaranteed to be available before the deductible                                                 

Allows consumers to easily compare plans based on premium, network,                                            
quality, and customer service

Procured by HCA (Could result in one or more plans per county)                                                  

Required to incorporate Bree Collaborative and Health Technology Assessment                                     
program recommendations

Caps aggregate provider reimbursement at 160% of Medicare                                                       

Subject to a floor on reimbursement for primary care services (135% of                                          
Medicare) and reimbursement of rural hospitals (101% of cost)

Requires carriers to offer a bronze plan (in addition to silver and gold)                                       

Carriers required to offer to participate in the Exchange                                                       10
Interagency Cascade Care
                                               Implementation Timeline

      June 2019   July 2019   August 2019      September 2019       October 2019                  December 2019     January 2020                       May 2020                    September 2020

                              First draft of                                                          Finalize
                                                 Stakeholders       Second draft
                                standard                                                             standard         Federal AV calculator                                           Board
   Standard                                      discuss policy      of standard
                    Begin     plan designs                                                              plan        finalized; standard plan                                         certifies
      plan                                        issues using      plan designs        Public
                  standard    presented to                                                            designs          designs updated if                                             2021
  stakeholder                                     first draft of    presented to       Comment
                    plan      stakeholders                                                              and                 necessary                                                 plans
     group                                           SPs and        stakeholders        Period
                   design          and                                                                present
  commences                                         feedback        and feedback
                                feedback                                                             for Board
                                                     received         received
                                received                                                             approval

      June 2019                                September 2019           October 2019             December 2019    January 2020                         May 2020                      September 2020

                                                                                                                                                                          Review RFP submissions
                                                Develop RFP criteria including value, quality, care management,                                                          and negotiate contracts for
                                                                                                                                      HCA procurement process
                                                and reimbursement rate requirements, in consultation with HBE                                                             2021 public option plans

                                   Participate in standard plan stakeholder group

      June 2019                                September 2019           October 2019             December 2019    January 2020     March/April 2020    May 2020                     September 2020

                                                                                                                                      Publish filing      Filing
                                                                                                                                                                     Review and approve
                                                                                                                                      instructions      deadline
                                                                                                                                                                         2021 plans
                                                                                                                                       (tentative)     (tentative)
                                   Participate in standard plan stakeholder group
Standard Plans: Number of Standard Plans at
             Each Metal Level
▪ First drafts of standard plans include 2 plans per metal level for
  comparison purposes
               Gold                Silver              Bronze
               Range: 76%-82% AV   Range: 66%-72% AV   Range: 56%-65% AV

  ▪ Two standard gold plans – high actuarial value (81% AV) and low AV (77% AV)
  ▪ Two silver plans – a 70% AV and a 71% AV
  ▪ Two bronze plans – high AV (65% AV) and mid AV (62% AV)

▪ Goal was to provide meaningfully different plan designs at each
  metal level
▪ Exchange could identify one or more plans at a metal level as
  required, and could make some plan designs optional
▪ Expect to finalize 1-2 standard plans per metal level
Standard Plans: Services Before Deductible
▪ Draft plans place outpatient services before deductible to
  drive appropriate utilization to the extent possible, including
  office visits and some prescription drugs
  ▪ Generic and preferred brand drugs before deductible in all
    metal levels
  ▪ Silver plans includes primary care visits, specialist visits,
    mental/behavioral health and substance use disorder
    outpatient services, urgent care, and physical therapy
  ▪ Bronze plan includes access to some services before deductible,
    including primary care, specialist, and urgent care visits
  ▪ High-AV gold plan designed for a higher utilizer; e.g., includes
    pre-deductible coverage of outpatient surgery and all Rx

Estimated Premium Impacts of Standard Plans
   ▪ Wakely estimated how standard plan designs could
     impact current plan premiums
   ▪ Premium impacts across range of current plans
     estimated to result in:
     ▪ Decrease of 9.7% to an increase of 4.8% at the gold level
     ▪ Decrease of 2.2% to an increase of 1.6% at the silver level
     ▪ Decrease of 3% to an increase of 5.2% at the bronze level

   ▪ For context, % of current enrollees in each metal level:
     ▪ Bronze - 37%
     ▪ Silver - 51%
     ▪ Gold - 11%

Standard Plan
Designs Overview

•   Alternate 1 includes a per admission co-pay and
    Alternate 2 includes a per-day, limit of 5
•   Services shaded in blue not subject to the
Standard Plan
     Designs Overview

Notes: Inpatient Hospital Services is a per day co-pay, 5 days
Services shaded in blue not subject to the deductible.

Standard Plan
   Designs Overview

         •   Services shaded in blue not subject to the
         •   $300 cap on specialty drugs in alternate

Public Option Implementation Challenges
       Defining benchmark
                                 Carrier participation
       calculation (160%)

       participation/network     Premium impact

       Ongoing federal and
       regulatory activity and
       impact on consumers

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