Page created by Bradley Gill
The Canada
We Want In

#Can2020 Conference
 Ottawa Convention Centre
 October 2 – 3, 2014
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                      to our conference sponsors
              without whom none of this would be possible

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Welcome to the
#Can2020 Conference
When you registered, we asked you what kind of Canada you wanted
by the year 2020.

It is a compelling question, and one that we hope inspires you to think beyond
the normal boundaries of our policy and political cycle. And with an election on
the horizon, and the marketplace for new ideas open, now is exactly the time
to do that.

That is why is we are so happy that you are here. The ideas, issues and challenges
we are about to tackle together will only come to life through your questions, your
insight, and your openness to think in new ways.

Over these next two days, we will hear from some of the most well-known and
influential policy, business and thought-leaders from Canada and around the
world. As well, on our second stage, we will be learning the tools and tactics of
new organizing from some of the most experienced campaigners and advocacy
professionals operating today. This marriage of policy and politics is essential
for building a modern progressive movement in Canada.

Treat this book like your guide for the conference. It holds the full agenda, the
participant lists and their bios, a stage map, and more. And during the conference,
we encourage you to amplify what you see and hear through social media using
our hashtag #Can2020. Engage your networks back home, and bring some of
their questions and comments back here. Let’s get trending.

So once again than you very much for being here at the #Can2020 Conference.
We are so looking forward to working with you.


Tim Barber                        Matt Browne
Co-Founder, Canada 2020           Executive Director, Global Progress

Canada 2020 is Canada’s leading, independent, progressive think-tank
working to redefine the role of the federal government for a modern Canada.
We do this through hosting events (like this one), producing original research,
and starting conversations about Canada’s future. Founded in 2006, our goal
is to produce a progressive community of people and ideas that will move
and shape governments in the future.

CO-FOUNDERS                  Ailish Campbell               Emilie Potvin
Tim Barber                   Canadian Council of           Canadian Chamber
                             Chief Executives              of Commerce
Susan Smith
                             Diana Carney                  Michael Sangster
Tom Pitfield                                               TELUS
                             Kenneth Courtis
                             Themes Investment             Mark Stabile
                             Management                    University of Toronto
Don Newman
                             Kim Furlong
Chairman                                                   STAFF
                             AMGEN Canada
Robert Asselin                                             Andrew Balfour
                             Ian Mallory
University of Ottawa                                       Director, Public Affairs
                             Sea NG Corporation
John Brodhead                                              Alex Paterson
                             David McLaughlin
Evergreen Cityworks                                        Communications &
                             University of Waterloo
Matt Browne                                                Program Coordinator
                             Hon. Anne McLellan
Center for American                                        Laura Young
                             Bennett Jones LLP
Progress                                                   Event & Logistics
                             Howie Millard                 Coordinator
Mark Cameron
                             TD Bank Group
Hill + Knowlton
Strategies                   Peter Nicholson
                             Council of Canadian

      Global Progress is a collaborative
    program launched by the Center for
   American Progress in partnership with
   other like-minded think tanks in North
    America, Europe and beyond. Since
   the inaugural Global Progress hosted
     in Madrid, Spain in October 2009,
     their annual gatherings have been
      held in Berlin, New York, London,
       Copenhagen and Amsterdam.
Wednesday, October 1st, 2014
Conference Opening (Trillium Ballroom)
 TIME                    EVENT & LOCATION

 2:00 to 9:00 PM         Conference Registration
                         Ottawa Convention Centre
                         Second Floor, Rideau Canal Alcove

 6:00 to 10:00 PM        Present your conference ticket in exchange for your delegate kit
                         and conference pass

                         Opening Reception
                         Ottawa Convention Centre
                         Trillium Ballroom

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014
Canada 2020 Stage (Gatineau Salon, OCC 205 & 206)
 TIME       SESSION                  PARTICIPANTS            DESCRIPTION

 8:30       Conference               Tim Barber
 AM         Welcome                  Canada 2020
                                     Matt Browne
                                     Global Progress

 8:45       Polling                  Frank Graves            Kicking off the #Can2020
 AM         presentation             EKOS Research           Conference, Canada 2020
                                                             and EKOS Research present
                                                             brand new public opinion data
                                                             on the major policy challenges
                                                             (and solutions) of our time.

 9:15       Panel:                   Don Newman*             Responding to Canada 2020’s
 AM         CBC Insiders             Canada 2020             polling numbers, the CBC
                                     David Herle             Insiders Panel discusses the
                                     Gandalf Group           political implications and
                                     Kathleen Monk           realities of the data.
                                     Strategic Consultant
                                     Jaime Watt
                                     Navigator Ltd.

 10:00      Keynote                  Justin Trudeau, MP
 AM                                  Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada

 10:30 AM                           NETWORKING BREAK

*Panel Moderator

 11:00      Panel: Income       Diana Carney*          The consensus among
 AM         security            Canada 2020            mainstream economists is
                                Advisory Board         that income inequality is a
                                Dr. Miles Corak        reality. For government policy
                                University of Ottawa   makers, it presents complex
                                Heather Boushey        challenges as our understand-
                                Center for             ing of the causes evolves
                                Equitable Growth       and possible policy solutions
                                Bill Morneau           are developed and debated.
                                Morneau Shepell        Moving beyond a one size fits
                                Mark Cameron           all prescription, this panel will
                                Hill + Knowlton        discuss what policy solutions
                                Strategies             are best suited given different
                                Lord Stewart           forces at play along the
                                Wood                   income spectrum.
                                House of Lords

 12:15      Luncheon,           Hon. Kathleen Wynne
 PM         Trillium Ballroom   Premier of Ontario

 1:45       Panel:              Paul Wells*            Canadian cities and provinces
 PM         Infrastructure      Maclean’s Magazine     are facing a $171 billion infra-
                                John Brodhead          structure deficit. And with little
                                Evergreen CityWorks    public interest in raising taxes,
                                Robert Prichard        it is clear new ways of sharing
                                Metrolinx              risk and sources of funding
                                Jennifer Keesmaat      are required. What do these
                                City of Toronto        arrangements look like and
                                Don Iveson             how can governments work
                                Mayor of Edmonton      with the private sector to close
                                Jim Watson             the infrastructure deficit?
                                Mayor of Ottawa
                                David Dodge, OC
                                Bennett Jones

 3:15       Keynote             Jean-Marc Fournier, MNA
 PM                             Quebec Minister responsible for
                                Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs
                                and the Canadian Francophonie

 3:45       Keynote             Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP
 PM                             Minister of Employment &
                                Social Development

*Panel Moderator

 4:15       Panel: Skills &      Hon. Perrin            Getting North America’s
 PM         Labour               Beatty*, PC            skills-development system
                                 Canadian Chamber       right is essential to maintaining
                                 of Commerce            economic competitiveness over
                                 Hon. Monte             the next decade and beyond.
                                 Solberg, PC            So where do we start? What
                                 New West               are the essential elements to a
                                 Public Affairs         continental skills framework?
                                 Sean McGarvey          And how do governments and
                                 North America’s        the private sector work together
                                 Building Trades        to build a training system that
                                 Unions                 is nimble, adaptive, and keeps
                                 Rosemary Sparks        investment flowing?

 5:30 PM                         END OF DAY 1

 8:00 to 11:00 PM                Conference Social, Nate’s (152 Sparks Street)

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014
Progressive Training Stage (Room 201)

 1:45       Panel:               Don Lenihan*           How do we communicate
 PM         Communicating        Public Policy Forum    complex policy challenges
            Complex Policy       Elisabeth Jacobs       and issues to the public –
                                 Center for Equitable   issues, for example, like
                                 Growth                 income inequality where
                                 Susan Delacourt        multiple forces underpin
                                 Toronto Star           the problem?

 3:00       Panel: Progressive   Giles Gherson*         In the past, governments were
 PM         Growth               Ontario Ministry       comfortable reallocating wealth
                                 of Economic            through taxes and other social
                                 Development &          and economic policy tools.
                                 Infrastructure         The challenge for modern
                                 Will Marshall          governments is how to create
                                 Progressive Policy     more and sustained growth
                                 Institute              and wealth across broader
                                 Ruma Bose              segments of the economy.
                                 Author and             This panel will discuss new
                                 Entrepreneur           policy tools governments have
                                 Matthew                to work with going forward.
                                 Mowat Centre
                                 Paul Boothe
                                 Richard Ivey School
                                 of Business

*Panel Moderator
Friday, October 3rd 2014
Canada 2020 Stage (Gatineau Salon Rooms 205 + 206)

 8:30       Panel: Privacy &   Hon. Anne              Recent revelations have given
 AM         Cybersecurity      McLellan, PC*          us unprecedented insights into
                               Bennett Jones          the mindset and capabilities
                               Karen Neuman           that Canadian, U.S. and other
                               US Department of       western intelligence agencies
                               Homeland Security      have employed since 9/11. But
                               Hon. Stockwell         do existing laws strike the right
                               Day, PC                balance between individual
                               McMillan LLP           freedoms and the state’s ability
                               Fen Hampson            to ensure our national security?
                               CIGI                   How can government more
                                                      effectively protect our national
                                                      security while guaranteeing our
                                                      civil liberties and respecting the
                                                      rule of law?

 9:30       Keynote            Joe Natale
 AM                            President and CEO, TELUS

 10:00      Panel: View        Don Newman*            Canada’s parliamentary press
 AM         from the Hill      Canada 2020            gallery deliver their view from
                               John Ivison            the hill as we head into one of
                               National Post          the most important election
                               John Geddes            years in a generation.
                               Craig Oliver
                               CTV News
                               Jennifer Ditchburn
                               Canadian Press

 10:45      Keynote            Ian Bremmer            “Every nation for itself: winners
 AM                            Eurasia Group          and losers in a G-zero world”

 11:15      Panel:             Roland Paris*          After more than a decade
 AM         International      University of Ottawa   of bloody and unpredictable
            Security           Vikram Singh           conflict, to quote Madeline
                               Center for American    Albright, “The world is a mess.”
                               Progress               And as G7 leaders settle into
                               R.H. David Miliband    the new normal of global
                               International Rescue   conflict - where networked
                               Committee              terrorist organizations and
                               H.E. Louise Hand       other non-state actors drive
                               Australian High        uncharted political, economic,
                               Commissioner to        or religious ends - what tools
                               Canada                 do western governments have
                               Morris Rosenberg       to manage an increasingly dan-
                               Trudeau Foundation     gerous and multi-polar world?

*Panel Moderator

 12:30      Luncheon Keynote    Hon. Jean Charest, PC
 PM         Trillium Ballroom   McCarthy Tétrault

 1:30       Panel: North        Hon. John Manley*,       Over the past decade, North
 PM         American Energy     PC                       America’s energy landscape
            & Environment       Canadian Council of      has shifted dramatically.
                                Chief Executives         Rapid development of shale
                                Hon. Jean Charest,       gas deposits, continued oil
                                PC                       sands expansion, and massive
                                McCarthy Tétrault        investments in renewables
                                David McLaughlin         and electricity infrastructure
                                University of Waterloo   have, as a result, created an
                                Brenda Kenny             energy market of abundance.
                                Canadian Energy          Yet as integrated as the North
                                Pipeline Association     American economy is, we still
                                                         lack a comprehensive frame-
                                                         work that deals with energy
                                                         and environment together.
                                                         This panel will discuss creating
                                                         that framework.

 2:45       Panel: CBC          Andrew Coyne             The conference concludes
 PM         At Issue            Postmedia                with the CBC At Issue Panel
                                Chantal Hébert           tying together various themes,
                                Toronto Star             lingering questions and areas
                                Bruce Anderson           of further exploration.
                                Anderson Insight

 3:45       Conference close    Don Newman
 PM                             Chairman, Canada 2020 Advisory Board

Friday, October 3rd 2014
Progressive Training Stage (Room 201)
 TIME       SESSION             PARTICIPANTS             DESCRIPTION

 8:45       Presentation:       Lauren Skelly            How advocacy professionals
 AM         Google for          Google Canada            can use Google tools to better
            Campaigns                                    operate their campaigns.

 9:30       Welcome             Alex Paterson            Welcoming remarks from
 AM                             Progressive Training     the Progressive Training
                                Institute                Institute and veteran
                                + others                 campaign organizers.

*Panel Moderator

 10:00      Panel: People,      Bryan Whitaker*       Before a campaign, how do
 AM         Training and        NGP VAN               you recruit, train and retain
            Recruiting          Dirk Wiggins          top-tier campaign talent?
            Campaign Talent     Code for Progress     During a campaign, how do
                                Anne Johnson          you create start-up activists,
                                Generation Progress   grassroots organizers and
                                Ryan Adam             community change-makers?
                                Government            And what tools do they all
                                of Alberta            need in order to thrive?

 11:15      Panel: Data &       Ben Fuller            Lessons on how to build
 AM         the Analytical      CIVIS Analytics       and execute a winning,
            Campaign            Bryan Whitaker        data-driven campaign.
                                NGP VAN
                                Azam Ishmael

 1:30       Panel: The Future   Bryan Whitaker        When it comes to organizing
 PM         of Campaigns in     NGP VAN               with 21st century tools and
            Canada              Ryan Adam             tactics, Canadian progressives
                                Government            are still playing catch-up to our
                                of Alberta            U.S. counterparts. How do we
                                Anne Johnson          leap-frog that development
                                Generation Progress   process, learn from mistakes
                                Azam Ishmael          south of the border, and
                                                      embrace the future of
                                                      progressive campaigning?

*Panel Moderator
Participant Bios                                Regulatory & Financial. In that role, she
                                                led the development of CEPA’s Integrity
                                                First program, an initiative designed
                                                to continuously improve member
Andrew Coyne
                                                performance in the areas of health,
                                                safety and the environment.
A National Post original, Andrew Coyne’s
journalism career has also included posi-
                                                Bruce Anderson
tions with Maclean’s, the Globe and Mail
                                                Anderson Insights
and the Southam newspaper chain. Coyne
                                                Bruce Anderson is one of Canada’s leading
is also a long-time member of the CBC’s
                                                commentators on trends in public opinion
popular At Issue panel on The National.
                                                and politics. He is a regular member of
                                                Canada’s most watched political panel,
Anne Johnson
                                                CBC’s At Issue, and writes a blog for
Executive Director, Generation Progress
                                                the Globe and Mail, Canada’s national
Anne Johnson heads up Generation
Progress, the youth division of the Center
for American Progress. Prior to joining CAP
                                                Bryan Whitaker
Anne was a senior campaign specialist at
                                                Chief Operating Officer, NGP VAN
the National Education Association.
                                                Bryan Whitaker, Chief Operating Officer,
                                                NGP VAN - One of the most respected
Azam Ishmael
                                                people in the progressive technology
Liberal Party of Ontario
                                                ecosystem, Bryan Whitaker previously
As a national political organizer he has held
                                                served as Head of Technology for the
senior positions on the Kathleen Wynne
                                                Democratic National Committee. As
election team, the Nova Scotia Liberal
                                                COO of NGP VAN, Bryan has overseen
provincial campaign, the Justin Trudeau
                                                the growth and development of the
Federal Liberal Leadership campaign, the
                                                organizing platform that now powers
Sandra Pupatello Ontario Liberal leader-
                                                nearly every major democratic campaign
ship campaign and the Chrystia Freeland
                                                in the United States.
campaign for Toronto Centre.
                                                Chantal Hébert, OC
Ben Fuller
                                                National Affairs Writer, Toronto Star
Director of Business Development,
                                                Chantal Hébert began her career in the
CIVIS Analytics
                                                seventies covering Queen’s Park, and has
Ben is a 10-year veteran of political
                                                since reported in French and in English
campaigns and issue advocacy. He joins
                                                on major Canadian policy and political
Civis Analytics after being the National Data
                                                stories including Canada’s constitutional
Manager for the 2012 Obama campaign,
                                                and referendum wars, the 1988 free-trade
where he was responsible for a team of
                                                debate as well as the more recent rebirth
100 data staffers around the country as
                                                of the Conservative movement. Chantal is
they applied data and analytics to the
                                                a regular member of the CBC’s At Issue
                                                panel on The National.
Bill Morneau
                                                Craig Oliver
Executive Chair, Morneau Shepell
                                                Chief Political Correspondent and Co-Host
Bill Morneau has served as an advisor
                                                of CTV’s Question Period, CTV News
to several Government of Ontario boards
                                                In his work at CTV, beginning in 1972,
including the Technical Advisory Group
                                                Oliver has done it all - serving as the
on Retirement Security and the Ontario
                                                network’s director of news and current
Pension Advisory Board.
                                                affairs, producer of Canada AM’s inaugural
                                                episodes, and as political correspondent in
Brenda Kenny
President and CEO,
Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
Prior to her appointment as President,
Brenda was CEPA’s Vice President,
David A. Dodge, OC                             Don Iveson
Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones                  Mayor of Edmonton
As a Senior Advisor at Bennett Jones,          Don Iveson was elected Edmonton’s 35th
David Dodge advises clients on the national    mayor in the fall of 2013. As Mayor, he
and international economic developments        chairs City Council’s Executive and Audit
and their effect on businesses in Canada       Committees, and sits on the boards of
and abroad. Previously, Mr. Dodge was          Edmonton Economic Development and
appointed the Governor of the Bank of          the Capital Region Board.
Canada, effective 1 February 2001 for a
term of seven years, retiring in January       Don Lenihan
2008.                                          Senior Associate, Public Policy Forum
                                               Dr. Don Lenihan is a Senior Associate
David Herle, LL.B.                             at the Public Policy Forum, and is an
Principal Partner, Gandalf Group               internationally recognized expert on
David Herle has been a nationally              democracy, public engagement, open
recognized leader in public opinion            government and service delivery.
research, strategic advice, and
communications strategies for                  Don Newman
almost twenty years.                           Chairman, Canada 2020 Advisory Board
                                               Don Newman is a trusted and respected
David McLaughlin                               public affairs advisor and a distinguished
Faculty of Environment,                        journalist, broadcaster and author.
University of Waterloo
David McLaughlin is the former president       Elisabeth Jacobs
and CEO of the National Round Table            Senior Director for Policy and Academic
on the Environment and the Economy             Programs, Washington Center for
(NRTEE), and is a leading public policy        Equitable Growth
expert in Canada with more than 25 years       Her research focuses on economic
of top-level experience including as a chief   inequality and mobility, family economic
of staff and deputy minister at both the       security, poverty, employment, social
federal and provincial levels of government.   policy, social insurance, and the politics of
                                               inequality. Prior to joining Equitable Growth,
R.H. David Miliband                            she was a Fellow in Governance Studies
President and CEO,                             at the Brookings Institution, and a co-
International Rescue Committee                 founder of Brookings’ popular Social
David Miliband is the President and CEO        Mobility Memos blog.
of the International Rescue Committee.
He oversees the agency’s relief and            Fen Osler Hampson
development operations in over 40              Distinguished Fellow, Centre for
countries and its refugee resettlement         International Governance Innovation
and assistance programs throughout the         Fen Osler Hampson serves as director of
United States. From 2007 to 2010, Miliband     CIGI’s Global Security & Politics program,
served as the youngest U.K. Foreign            overseeing the research direction of the
Secretary in three decades.                    program and related activities. He is also
                                               co-director of the Global Commission on
Diana Carney                                   Internet Governance.
Advisory Board, Canada 2020
Diana Carney is currently based in London,     Frank Graves
UK where she has recently co-edited a          President, EKOS Research
book, Making Capitalism More Inclusive.        As founder of EKOS Research Associates
Previously she served as Vice President of     Inc., Frank Graves is one of the country’s
Research at Canada 2020.                       leading applied social researchers,
                                               directing some of the largest and most
                                               challenging social research assignments
                                               conducted in Canada.
Giles Gherson                                 Hon. John Manley, PC, OC
Government of Ontario                         President and CEO, Canadian Council
Giles Gherson is Deputy Minister and          of Chief Executives
Associate Secretary of the Cabinet, Policy    Mr. Manley is a former Deputy Prime
and Delivery, in the Cabinet Office for the   Minister of Canada. He was first elected
Ontario government.                           to Parliament in 1988, and re-elected
                                              three times. From 1993 to 2003 he was
H.E. Louise Hand, PSM                         a Minister in the governments of Jean
Australian High Commissioner to Canada        Chrétien, serving in the portfolios of
Taking up her appointment in January          Industry, Foreign Affairs, and Finance, in
2012, Ms Hand is a senior career officer      addition to being Deputy Prime Minister.
with the Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade. Ms Hand has previously served as       Hon. Monte Solberg, PC
Ambassador for Climate Change, Minister       New West Public Affairs
in Jakarta and Ambassador to Cambodia,        As Member of Parliament (Medicine Hat)
with earlier postings to Geneva and Vienna.   from 1993-2008, Monte served as Minister
                                              of Citizenship and Immigration, and as
Heather Boushey                               Minister of Human Resources and Social
Executive Director and Chief Economist,       Development. Today Monte is a columnist
Washington Center for Equitable Growth        for Sun Media, frequently appears on
Heather Boushey’s research focuses on         television as a political commentator.
economic inequality and public policy,
specifically employment, social policy,       Hon. Perrin Beatty, PC
and family economic well-being.               President and CEO, Canadian
                                              Chamber of Commerce
Hon. Anne McLellan, PC                        Perrin Beatty serves as President and
Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones                 CEO to the Chamber of Commerce,
The Honourable A. Anne McLellan joined        Canada’s largest and most representative
Bennett Jones after a distinguished career    national business association.
in federal politics from 1993-2006. During
her political career, Ms. McLellan served     Hon. Stockwell Day, PC
as - among other roles - Deputy Prime         McMillan LLP
Minister of Canada, Minister of Public        The Honourable Stockwell Day joined
Safety and Emergency Preparedness,            McMillan’s Vancouver office as a Senior
Minister of Health, Minister of Justice       Strategic Advisor in 2011. Previously,
and Attorney General of Canada.               Mr. Day spent over 25 years in senior
                                              government roles - including as the former
Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP                     Minister of International Trade, the former
Minister of Employment and                    Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and
Social Development                            the former President of the Treasury Board.

Hon. Jean Charest, PC                         Honourable Kathleen Wynne, MPP
Partner, McCarthy Tetrault                    Premier of Ontario
Jean Charest is a Partner in the Montréal
office, previously serving in public office   Ian Bremmer
for over 30 years, most recently as Premier   President and Founder, EURASIA Group
of Quebec.                                    Ian Bremmer serves as President at the
                                              Eurasia Group, the leading global political
                                              risk research and consulting firm. He is
                                              also the founding chairman of the World
                                              Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council
                                              on Geopolitical Risk. Bremmer earned a
                                              PhD in political science from Stanford Uni-
                                              versity in 1994 and was the youngest-ever
                                              national fellow at the Hoover Institution. In
2007, Bremmer was named a Young Global          Joe Natale
Leader of the World Economic Forum.             President & CEO, TELUS
                                                Joe Natale is the President and CEO
J. Robert S. Prichard                           of TELUS, a world-leading Canadian
Chair, Metrolinx                                telecommunications company. Joe joined
J. Robert S. Prichard is Chairman of Torys,     TELUS in 2003 as president, Business
a leading international business law firm, as   Solutions.. In the last 11 years, Joe has
well as Chairman of Bank of Montreal, and       played an integral role in building a
Director of Onex Corporation and George         national communications company that
Weston Ltd. Mr. Prichard is also past           is recognized worldwide for its financial
President and Chief Executive Officer of        performance and corporate social
Torstar Corporation and President               responsibility practices.
Emeritus of the University of Toronto.
                                                John Brodhead
Jaime Watt                                      Executive Director, Evergreen CityWorks
Executive Chairman, Navigator Ltd               John leads CityWorks, a new initiative
Jaime Watt specializes in complex public        designed to engage the public in building
strategy issues, serving both domestic          better cities. Prior to joining CityWorks,
and international clients in the corporate,     John was Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy
professional services, not-for-profit,          and Cabinet affairs for Premier Dalton
and government sectors.                         McGuinty.

Jean-Marc Fournier, MNA                         John Geddes
Minister responsible for Canadian               Ottawa Bureau Chief, Maclean’s Magazine
Intergovernmental Affairs and the               John Geddes is Ottawa bureau chief at
Canadian Francophonie                           Maclean’s and has covered federal policy
                                                for more than two decades.
Jennifer Ditchburn
Senior Parliamentary Correspondent,             John Ivison
The Canadian Press                              Columnist, National Post
Jennifer jumped into political reporting        Mr. Ivison joined the Post in 1998 from
in 1997, joining CP’s Ottawa Bureau.            The Scotsman newspaper in Edinburgh.
Jennifer has also worked for CBC TV,            He worked on the Financial Post for five
and is a two-time National Newspaper            years, becoming deputy editor, before
Award winner (2010, 2013), and the              moving into politics, first at the Ontario
recipient of a special mention from the         legislature in Toronto and then on
Media Awards on Health Reporting (2010).        Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Jennifer Keesmaat                               Justin Trudeau, MP
Chief Planner, City of Toronto                  Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
Over the past decade Keesmaat has
worked in municipalities across Canada          Karen Neuman
on the development of site plans, urban         US Department of Homeland Security
design guidelines, official plan reviews,       Ms. Neuman was appointed Chief Privacy
corridor studies, culture plans, secondary      Officer and Chief Freedom of Information
plans and university campus master plans.       Act (FOIA) Officer in October 2013. Ms.
                                                Neuman is responsible for evaluating
Jim Watson                                      department-wide programs, systems,
Mayor of Ottawa                                 technologies and rule-makings for potential
Jim Watson was elected Mayor of the City        privacy impacts, and for providing mitigation
of Ottawa in the fall of 2010. Mayor Watson     strategies to reduce any privacy impact.
has dedicated most of his career to public
service in Canada’s Capital. First elected
as a Councillor in 1991, he was re-elected
in 1994. Three years later he was elected
as the youngest Mayor in Ottawa’s history.
Kathleen Monk                                    Matthew Mendlesohn
Strategic Consultant                             Director, Mowat Centre
Kathleen Monk has served as a strategic          Matthew founded the Mowat Centre at
adviser to the New Democratic Party,             the University of Toronto’s School of Public
the Broadbent Institute and can be seen          Policy & Governance in 2009. It delivers
weekly on CBC’s Power & Politics with            research-driven recommendations on
Evan Solomon as a member of the                  Canada’s most challenging policy problems
Insiders Panel.                                  and serves as Ontario’s independent voice
                                                 on public policy.
Lauren Skelly
Senior Policy Analyst, Google                    Dr. Miles Corak
Lauren Skelly serves in a policy analyst         Graduate School of Public &
capacity with Google, as well as presenting      International Affairs, University of Ottawa
to and training Canadians advocacy pro-          Dr. Miles Corak is trained in labour eco-
fessionals about how use online tools to         nomics and one of the world’s foremost
organize more efficiently. Previously,           authorities working on child rights, poverty,
Lauren worked with the Federation of             immigration, social and economic mobility,
Canadian Municipalities.                         unemployment, and social policy.

Lord Wood of Anfield                             Paul Boothe
House of Lords                                   Professor of Business, Economics
Stewart Wood (Lord Wood of Anfield)              and Public Policy, Richard Ivey School
is shadow cabinet minister without               of Business, University of Western Ontario
portfolio and an adviser to Ed Miliband          Paul Boothe was appointed Professor and
in the leader’s office. He is a fellow of        Director of the Lawrence National Centre
Magdalen College, Oxford University,             for Policy and Management at the Ivey
and was an adviser to Gordon Brown               Business School, Western University in
at the Treasury and in Downing Street            September 2012, and has served as a
from 2001 to 2010.                               Deputy Minister in both provincial and
                                                 federal governments.
Mark Cameron
Senior Vice-President & Deputy                   Paul Wells
Energy Leader, Hill + Knowlton Strategies        Senior Columnist, Maclean’s Magazine
As senior vice-president and deputy              Paul Wells is one of Canada’s foremost
energy practice leader of Hill + Knowlton,       political commentators. He is the author
Mark provides strategic advice to clients        of Right Side Up: The Fall of Paul Martin
in the oil, natural gas, nuclear, coal, hydro,   and the Rise of Stephen Harper’s New
and renewable sectors. Mark Cameron              Conservatism and his most recent title,
previously served as senior advisor to           The Longer I’m Prime Minister: Stephen
Prime Minister Stephen Harper.                   Harper and Canada, 2006-.

Matt Browne                                      Robert Asselin
Senior Fellow, Center                            Associate Director, Graduate School
for American Progress                            of Public and International Affairs
Matt Browne is a Senior Fellow at Center         at the University of Ottawa
for American Progress and Executive              In February 2014, Robert Asselin was
Director of Global Progress, an initiative       appointed Public Policy Scholar at the
working on building trans-Atlantic and           Woodrow Wilson International Center
international progressive networks.              for Scholars in Washington where he will
                                                 reside from April to June. Robert served
                                                 as Advisor and Speechwriter to the Prime
                                                 Minister of Canada and to the Leader of
                                                 the Official Opposition. He is also a
                                                 member of Canada 2020 Advisory Board.
Roland Paris                                  Tim Barber
University Research Chair in                  Co-Founder, Canada 2020
International Security and Governance,        Tim Barber is the Co-Founder and
University of Ottawa                          driving force behind Canada 2020,
Roland Paris is University Research           Canada’s leading, independent,
Chair in International Security and           progressive think-tank.
Governance at the University of Ottawa,
founding Director of the Centre for           Vikram Singh
International Policy Studies, and Associate   Vice President, National Security
Professor in the Graduate School of           and International Policy, Center
Public and International Affairs.             for American Progress
                                              Prior to joining CAP, Vikram Singh served
Rosemary Sparks                               as the deputy assistant secretary of
Executive Director, BuildForce Canada         defense for South and Southeast Asia at
Rosemary Sparks has devoted her career        the Pentagon, where he advised senior
to providing labour market solutions, first   leadership on all policy matters pertaining
in the Ontario government, and then with      to development and implementation of
the Construction Sector Council and now       defense strategies and plans for the region.
BuildForce Canada.
                                              Will Marshall
Ruma Bose                                     President and Founder,
Global Entrepreneur’s Council,                Progressive Policy Institute
United Nations Foundation                     PPI was established in 1989 as a center
Ruma Bose is a consultant, serial             for political innovation in Washington, D.C.
entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist        In this capacity, Will Marshall has been
and author of the international bestselling   one of the chief intellectual architects of
book, “Mother Teresa, CEO”.                   the movement to modernize progressive
                                              politics for the global age.
Ryan Adam
Director, Government Relations,
Government of Alberta
Prior to joining the Alberta Government,
Ryan served as a senior communications
advisor and volunteer coordinator on
President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign.

Sean McGarvey
President, North America’s Building
Construction & Trades Union
Sean McGarvey represents North
America’s Building Construction and
Trades Unions to the American Federation
of Labour, as well as serving on several
other union construction industry
labor-management committees.

Susan Delacourt
Senior Writer, Toronto Star
Susan Delacourt is the Toronto Star’s
senior writer in Ottawa and has covered
federal politics for more than two decades
as a reporter and bureau chief.
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