Webinar How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-to-market for new banking product? - Deloitte

Page created by Edgar Dixon
Webinar How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-to-market for new banking product? - Deloitte
December 2021


How new cloud based core banking systems can
help to reduce time-to-market for new banking
Webinar How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-to-market for new banking product? - Deloitte

 Wojciech                     Wiesław                     Marcin
 Wróbel                       Kotecki                     Knieć
 Senior Manager, Digital      Partner, Deloitte Digital   Director, Cloud
 Banking Solutions                                        Engineering
 wwrobel@deloittece.com                                   mkniec@deloittece.com

2 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Webinar How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-to-market for new banking product? - Deloitte
Cloud Core Banking Academy – Webinar Series

             15 December 2021:
             How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-
             to-market for new banking product?

              23rd February 2022:
              Thought Machine

              April 2022:

              June 2022:

3 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Webinar How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-to-market for new banking product? - Deloitte

                              01   Trends on the market

                              02   Solution choice

                              03   Cloud - Cloud Native, Suppliers, Regulations

                              04   How much time it takes?

                              05   How much it costs?

4 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
                              06   Potential benefits
Webinar How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-to-market for new banking product? - Deloitte

       Early 2020 brought a number of challenges for banks, fast-tracking digital

                     Social lockdowns                 Loan defaults                        Interest rates reduction        Profitability hurdles        Global recession forecasts

          “Coronavirus: Digital                       “World’s Banks                  ”Negative Interest Rate              ”Banks may not be            ”World Bank forecasts
          banking is no longer                        Brace for Rise in                      May Not Help In               profitable until 2025        worst recession in
                     optional”                        Loan Defaults”                      Economic Recovery                even as major                eight decades on
                   April 14th, Euromoney              April 17th, US News
                                                                                             From COVID-19”                economies recover”           COVID-19”
                                                                                                     May 19th, Forbes      May 22nd, Business insider   June 8th, BNN Bloomberg

           April                                                            May                                                        June

                   ”41% of employees                               ”Coronavirus: will                                   ”'Phygital': a banking          ”COVID speeds up digital
                    likely to continue                             call centre workers                                   strategy for the new           banking revolution in 10
                      remote working                               lose their 'voice' to                                  isolation economy”            weeks not five years”
                      after pandemic”                              AI?”                                                    June 5th, World Economic     June 8th, The Sydney Morning
                           April 15th, Gartner                     April 22th, Financial Times                                                Forum     Herald

                          Remote working                           Process automation                                      Branches remodelling         Digitalization fast track

         Source: Press                           Customer preferences changes                    Revenue compression              Operating model transformation

       © 2020. Deloitte                                                                                                                                                                 5
Webinar How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-to-market for new banking product? - Deloitte

Covid-19 related restrictions triggered immediate actions
from banks
L I M I TAT I O N S D U E T O C O V I D - 1 9                                            NEW FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED DUE TO COVID -19

     of banks closed or shortened opening                                                                  41%                             34%                       25%
     hours of branches

                                                                                             of banks increased limit               of banks implemented        of banks introduced
                                                                                                  of contactless                    fully digital processes   appointment bookings
     11%                                                                                            payments                         (product opening etc.)         in branches
     of banks turned-off selected methods
     of account opening

                                                                                                           24%                             23%                       18%
     of banks suspended account openings or
     limited access to products for new clients                                                   of banks enabled                   of banks introduced        of banks launched
                                                                                                donations to NGOs,                  digital ID&V methods      contactless payment
                                                                                                 social actions etc.                                                methods

1.   Survey conducted in June-August 2020 in ’mystery shopper’ assessment on a sample of 256 banks participating in 2020 edition.

© 2020. Deloitte                                                                                                                                                                      6
Webinar How new cloud based core banking systems can help to reduce time-to-market for new banking product? - Deloitte

We benchmarked ~320 banks from 39 countries to understand who are
Digital Champions and how they perform
DBM index1

 Digital                                                   Digital                                                     Digital                       Digital
 latecomers                                                adopters                                                    smart followers               champions
                                                                                                                                                                     What defines Digital

                                                                                                                                                                     Digital champions offer a
                                                                                                                                                                     wide range of functionalities
                                                                                                                                                                     relevant for customers and a
                                                                                                                                                                     compelling user experience.

                                                                                                                                                                     Digital champions set key
                                                                                                                                                                     digital trends and have
                                                                                                                                                                     leading market practices,
                                                                                                                                                                     which makes them examples
                                                                                                                                                                     to learn from.

1.   DBM index measures maturity for channels and products offered by a bank. Data for 313 out of 318 banks which participated in 2020 edition.
2.   Selection of 31 banks defined as Digital champions.                                                                                             Defined as
                                                                                                                                                  Top10% of banks2
© 2020. Deloitte                                                                                                                                                                       7

Incumbent champions achieve better C/I (-4.0 p.p.) and ROE (+1.9 p.p.) on
average than incumbent peers

                                               Selected KPIs of incumbents: average difference to incumbent peers2, p.p.

   of Digital champions are Incumbents1
                                                 ROE                                                                                                                               1.9 p.p.

                                                 ROA                                                                                                                   0.2 p.p.

                                                 Cost/income                                                          -4.0 p.p.

© 2020. Deloitte                          1.    Incumbents – banks with long-established position on the market. Challengers – relatively small bank competing with large long-established banks.   8
                                          2.    Average difference to peers – peers are incumbent banks in the same country that were covered in the DBM survey.

To keep up with digital arms race, banks need to accelerate their
coverage of products and services in digital channels

% of banks offering end-to-end digital opening of selected products2                                                                            Others2                           Digital champions2

                           Transactional                                Saving & investment                                                                                Credit

                     84%                                                   85%                                                                                  84%

    2.1x       39%                                        1.7x       51%
                                                                                                                                              2.8x        30%
                              Debit card                                                Saving account                                                                         Cash loan
                     85%                                                   84%
    2.5x       34%                                        1.9x       45%
                              Credit card                                               Term deposit                                         3.5x         16%
                     61%                                                   69%
                                                          2.6x       27%                                                                                        32%
    2.7x       22%
                              Currency account                                          Mutual funds                                                      12%                  Car loan

                     51%                                                   58%
    2.2x      23%                                         2.9x       20%
                              Current account                                           Brokerage account                                                 6% 15%               Mortgage

                   Faster digitalization of banking products is essential to achieve financial results of digital champions

© 2020. Deloitte                                     1.    Customer research (CAWI) covered 4 900 respondents, mainly urban affluent, from 33 out of 39 benchmarked markets.                       9
                                                     2.    Data for 313 out of 318 banks which participated in 2020 edition, including 31 champions and 282 other banks.
Core banking system in a cloud?
How to use new cloud native core banking
systems for faster delivery of new products
Choosing the right approach
Many factors have to be considered

                                        (Saas/BaaS/PaaS)                              Overall strategy / IT strategy
                                                                                      / sourcing model

                                                                                      Partners’ ecosystem

                                                                                      Existing applications

                                     Customer proposition                             Regulations

       Legacy core
                                                            New cloud based core
       (functionality,                                                                Cloud platform vendors
  implementation, support                                                             and data centers
                                                            implementation, support

  11 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Types of implementation of innovative products
Most common transformation archetypes exercised by Banks and Financial Institutions                                                                 Legacy              Existing             New Banking
                                                                                                                                                    Ecosystem           Biz / Core           Ecosystem

  01      Digital Wrapper                         02     Legacy Powered               03     On the Edge                   04    Spin-off                       05   Fresh Start

                                                                   Considerable                           Minimal
                                                                   capability                             systems
                                                                   overlap                                overlap

 Digital wrapper around                           Separate core with shared           New banks on the edge                Spin off banks                       Challenger banks
 legacy core                                      infrastructure & applications

 Build an interoperability layer (e.g., APIs,     Build a new core, new front-end     The new digital bank runs on a new   The new bank will be a spin off.     Challenger banks do not have any
 microservices) wrapping around the legacy        and new business processes,         core and new front-end with          It will have a new core, front-      legacy cores or technology debts. They
 core platforms, and stand up digital             but share some legacy               limited overlap with the legacy      end, and processes, and will         will either build or use a vendor digital
 banking capabilities via the interoperability    infrastructure and applications     except enterprise GL. The new        likely operate under a separate      core to build a digital bank from
 layer                                            (e.g., item processing,             bank may become target for           organization and charter             scratch
                                                  payments)                           migration.

 Investing in a robust interoperability           New core platform with separate     Proposition runs on a new core and   The new bank and platform can        Challenger are building their
 capability to deliver “on the glass” features.   front-end and business processes,   new front-end with limited overlap   be a spun-off. It can have a new     cores from scratch or using a
 Enabled from legacy core platforms and           while leveraging shared legacy      with the legacy except temporary     core or Gen2/Gen3 vendor,            Gen-3 vendor to drive
 biz applications                                 infrastructure and capabilities     critical components. The new bank    front-end, and processes, and        acceleration.
                                                                                      operated under the same              business capabilities.
                                                                                      organisation and charter

12 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Major steps and factors for choosing and implementing a core banking

Definition of business goals         Choosing the right cloud based      Implementation                    Operate / DevOps
and new products                     core banking solution

• Business requirements and          • Overall architecture              • Choosing the right              • Implementation of DevOps
  specification of new products /                                          implementation partner            processes
  customer segments                  • Choosing the right cloud based
                                       core banking system               • Preparation of own internal     • Continuous improvements /
• Is it possible to implement and                                          resources                         delivery
  maintain them efficiently in the   • PoC
  existing core banking system?                                          • Agile cloud-based development   • Cultural change
                                     • IT strategy / sourcing model

                                     • Cloud adoption - Choosing cloud

                                     • Data processing strategy

                                     • Regulatory considerations

13 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Main solutions available on the market

                                           Choosing a cloud based core banking system
                                         • It’s not easy to compare different systems, as they have
                                           different characteristics / value propositions

                                         • Functionality (what is out-of-the-box)
                                         • Implementation model
                                         • Support model
                                         • Integration with existing & planned Apps
                                         • Architecture
                                         • Compatibility with preferred cloud platform vendors
                                         • Licensing model & cost
                                         • PoC
                                         • Compliance with regulations

14 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Cloud Native, platform providers, regulations
Cloud technology is constantly changing

2010                             2015         2020
Virtual Machines                 Automation   Serverless

  16 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
The Cloud Market is also changing and becomes more mature

                                             Multi-Cloud    Container Management
                Cloud Service Expense Management
                                                                   IoT Platform
                           Cloud Managed Services
                                                                      Machine Learning
                             Hyperscale Computing
                                Edge Computing

                Immutable Infrastructure
                         Cloud Tethering
                                                                                  API Economy
                                                                                   Cloud Native Application Architecture
                     Serverless PaaS
                                                                                      Hybrid IT                                                                               Infrastructure-as-a- Cloud Security
Cloud to Edge Development Support                                                                                                                                                                                   IaaS+       SaaS
                                                                                                                                                                                            Service Assessment
                                                                                                                                                                Cloud Testing Tools & Services
                                                                                         Cloud Marketplaces
                                                                                                                                         SaaS Administration & ERP
             Blockchain PaaS
                                                                                             Cloud Networking
                                                                                                                                         Cloud Office           Public Cloud Storage
                                                                                              Software Defined Networking                                   Private PaaS
          Site Reliability                                                                                    Integrated IaaS & PaaS     Cloud Center of Excellence
       Engineering (SRE)                                                  Hybrid Cloud Computing
                                                                                                                                   Cloud Migration
                                                                                 Cloud Service Brokerage                     Cloud Management Platforms
                                                                                                       Cloud bursting   Private Cloud Computing

                 Innovation                         Peak of Inflated                                 Trough of                                                          Slope of                                             Plateau of
                   Trigger                           Expectations                                 Disillusionment                                                    Enlightenment                                          Productivity
     17 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Cloud Native – technical aspects influencing your business
Why should we care?

                                     Efficiency                Resilience
                               (response speed,                (self-healing, design for failure).

                             Automation                        Monitoring
                    (infra & applications))       Principles   (access to logs, metrics…)

                 Elasticity, Scalability                       Automated deployments
                 (auto-scaling, plenty of                      (shorten time to market for new
                   services and choices)                       versions and features)

18 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
What could this mean for YOUR business?

          Secure Your                        Move Beyond                                 Innovate
         Business Value                       Limitations                                 to Win
 Technology resilience, disaster       Modernization of legacy platforms,     Leveraging a market-leading stack of
recovery, data privacy. Enterprise     enablement of rapid functionality       cloud services to rapidly build new
                                     releases, exceptional user experience,
  security and compliance with                                                 business, reducing the cost income
                                          enhanced data analytics and
     regulatory guidelines.                   predictive modeling.            ratio by 3x, improving time to market
                                                                              for new products and services by 5x.

19 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Which cloud provider should you choose?
What about the cloud strategy?

                                 Private Cloud

                                  Public Cloud

                                  Hybrid Cloud


20 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Cloud Strategy – related with Business Strategy
     Implementation of a cloud strategy has comprehensive effects, not limited to enterprise IT

 T                                    P                                  O                         G                                F
          Technology                          Processes                          Organization                                               Finance

IT Architecture                     IT-Broker Role                      Cloud Competence Center   Cloud Governance                Costs Structure Change

Cloud Capabilities                  Continuous Integration + Delivery   New / Extended Roles      Compliance / Cloud Proof Gov.   Adapt Business Case

     21 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Future Workspace                    Updatated / New processes           Cloud Operating Model     Cloud Playbook                  Using Cloud Benefits Levers
Cloud - related legal topics
This is where we can help as well
                                                                                               We identify the applicable
                                                                                               L&R landscape and assist in
                                                                                               effectively managing L&R
                                                                                               changes. ​We advise on Cloud
   Deloitte Legal’s experienced                                                                strategy and management
   practitioners bring a practical                                                             from a L&R perspective​.
   focus to Cloud solutions that                                             L&R Strategy
   help clients manage                                                           and
   increasingly rigorous
   regulations and local
                                                                                                New, Cloud-
                                                                                              based, Business
                                      Property & Trade
   We assess the impact of                                                                     Models and E-
   moving to Cloud on the                  Secrets
   organization’s IP, data and                                                                  commerce
   trade secrets strategy,
   ownership and management​.
   We provide tailor-made
   solutions on how to safeguard
   these valuable assets. ​
                                                                            Cloud Contracts

                                                                                                                              We support and set up new,
                                     We assist in reviewing, negotiating,                                                     Cloud-based, business models
                                     drafting and modifying Cloud                                                             and coordinate new digital
                                     contracts and ensure appropriate                                                         enabled business structures, in
 22 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital        back-to-back arrangements​.                                                              terms of multiple existing and
                                                                                                                              new and unprecedented L&R
Summary – how much time it takes

Many factors impacting project duration                Sample duration: 6-8 months

•     Project scope                                    •   For simple products (np. retail lending)​

          •     Complexity of products                 •   Standard out-of-the-box implementation,
                                                           configuration without customisation
          •     Complexity of Technical solution
                                                       •   First full release (vs. MVP, friends and family)
•     Internal resources
•     External resources – quality and experience of
      implementation partner

23 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Summary – what is the cost

Typical factors impacting scope and cost of the           Total Cost of Ownership for X years

•     Complexity of products (requirements)               •   Implementation

•     Technical debt                                      •   Maintenance and development

•     Scope related to cloud adoption                     •   Licencing

•     Availability and capability of internal resources   •   Services

•     Short-term (tactical) vs. long-term (strategic)
•     Licencing model
•     Maintenance and development model

24 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Summary – benefits

Financial benefits                            Business and technology benefits

• Reduced total cost of ownership (lower      • Shorter time-to-market
    maintenance, internal resources)          • Better customer experience         customer satisfaction
• Improved C/I and ROE                        • Flexible solution     flexibility for development in the
• Scalable (more efficient) licencing model     future
                                              • Improved flexibility and agility of organisation (e.g.
                                                reacting to market or regulatory changes)
                                              • Development of partners ecosystem (APIs)

25 |© 2021. Deloitte Digital
Thank you.

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