Page created by Roy Le
Table of Cont ent s

Cont act I nform at ion & Map                        Page   3

Facilit ies                                          Page   4

Fees                                                 Page   5

Cerem ony                                            Page   6

Recept ion I nform at ion

            Access                                 Page   7
            Cat ering                              Page   7
            Guest Am enit y Fee                    Page   8
            Rehearsal & Wedding Send Off           Page   8
            Liquor Service                         Page   9
            Responsible Alcohol Managem ent
              & Sm oking                             Page   10
            Part y Alcohol Liabilit y I nsurance   Page   10
            2019 Bar Menu                          Page   11
            Special Event I nsurance               Page   12
            Audio Visual Equipm ent                Page   12
            Décor                                  Page   13 & 14

                                                                      Page 2
Cont act I nform at ion
Fa cilit y Eve n t Adm in ist r a t or :

Jane Graham
403- 851- 2561
j ane.graham

Adm in ist r a t ive Assist a n t :

Sharon Johnson
403- 851- 2562

                                           Page 3
Facilit ies
                                                                                         Ca pa cit y

                                                                              Sq. Ft .    Chairs       Dining/
Room N a m e & D e scr ipt ion                                                Approx       Only

Aspe n , Bir ch , a n d Ce da r : ( in dividu a lly) Great space t o hold a
sm aller event .                                                                1500         50           56

Aspe n & Bir ch : Use t wo of t he t hree room s t o accom m odat e your
m edium sized event .                                                           3000        100          112

Aspe n , Bir ch , a n d Ce da r : A large, funct ional space for a
recept ion, wit h full dance floor; ideal for t hose who like t o leave all
                                                                                4500        250          184
of t he t ables set up and st ill have plent y of room for dancing.

H a ll of Vision : The Hall of Vision is a beaut iful room wit h
hardwood floors and a large river- rock fireplace. Wit h windows on
bot h walls and access t o t he RancheHouse court yard, t his room is           2400        200          112
ideal for your cerem ony or recept ion, dinner and dance.

Ch inook D in in g Room : This beaut iful room is t he ideal set t ing for
a recept ion, dinner and dance. The large windows provide a
breat ht aking view of t he Cochrane Ranche. Access t o t he                    4000        200          184
RancheHouse court yard is an added feat ure.

Th e a t r e : Excellent space for m eet ings, lect ures, present at ions.
                                                                                 N/ A       209          N/ A

Sa ge & W illow : Bridal part y preparat ion room s.
                                                                                 200         15          N/ A

                   * Ove r n igh t RV pa r k in g a nd ca m pin g is n ot pe r m it t e d.
                 * Spe cia l Eve n t Lia bilit y in su r a n ce is r e qu ir e d for e ve n t s
                                                w it h live m u sic.

                                                                                                        Page 4
Fees ~ 2019

              Room N a m e                                      Ra t e
              Aspen                                            870.00

              Birch                                            870.00

              Cedar                                            870.00

              Aspen & Birch                                    1740.00

              Aspen, Birch, & Cedar                            2600.00

              Hall of Vision & East Recept ion                 4350.00

              Chinook Dining Room &
              East Recept ion
              Hall of Vision, East Recept ion &
              Chinook Dining Room

              Willow/ Sage Room s                             I ncluded

              Cerem ony ( Flat Rat e)                         $1000.00

* An in it ia l pa ym e n t of $ 1 0 0 0 .0 0 is r e qu ir e d t o con fir m t h e book in g.
    Th is a m ou n t is r e fu n da ble w it h 9 m on t h s ca n ce lla t ion n ot ice .
   * An a dm in ist r a t ion fe e of $ 5 0 .0 0 is a pplie d t o a ll ca n ce lla t ion s.

                                                                                           Page 5
Cerem ony
Ce r e m on y Se t - u p.

RancheHouse st aff will creat e an indoor or out door wedding cerem ony set - up
which includes guest chairs, a m arriage license signing t able & chair wit h
St andard banquet chairs are provided for indoor cerem onies and whit e
folding chairs are used in t he court yard.

Br ide a n d Gr oom pr e pa r a t ion r oom s a r e pr ovide d.

I f t he cerem ony is planned for t he court yard, a back- up space will be
reserved for you in case of inclem ent weat her.

We do not host cerem onies and recept ions in t he sam e room .

                Ceremony Only Celebra ons

     Th e H a ll of Vision is a va ila ble for ce r e m on y on ly ce le br a t ion s
                            N ove m be r t h r ou gh Apr il.

   The fee is $2000.00. This fee provides for chair set up, m arriage license
      signing t able wit h linen, and Bride and Groom preparat ion room s.

       All food and beverage m ust be ordered from one of t he Cochrane
                       RancheHouse preferred cat erers.

                                                                                        Page 6
    Access t o t he facilit y is at 12: 00 pm ( Noon) on t he day of your event .
      I t is t he responsibilit y of t he client t o plan t heir t im eline around t his
      access t im e.
    Day before decorat ing access m ay becom e available t wo weeks prior t o
      t he event dat e, pending availabilit y.
    Wedding rehearsals are arranged based on facilit y availabilit y; t here is
      no day before guarant ee.

     An Affa ir To Re m e m be r                Gou r m e t To Go:
     Phone:    403- 245- 5774                   Phone:     403- 855- 1043
     Em ail:   st            Em ail:    info@gt gcat
     Websit e:                 Websit e: gcat

    One of these caterers must be contracted to provide all food and beverage
      service, including the bartending.
    The client is responsible for making these arrangements directly with t he
    The caterer's pay a 15% service charge on your total food and non‐alcoholic
      beverage costs to the Cochrane RancheHouse.
    This % will be noted on your catering invoice.

                                                                                      Page 7
Guest Amenity Fee
In addi on to the room rental there is a Guest Amenity Fee of $10.00 per
person charged. The following items are included in this fee.

    White linen tablecloths                    White linen napkins

    So Drinks                                  White table skir ng

    Podium & Microphone                        SOCAN Fee

    LCD Projector                              Flatware and Dinnerware

    Projec on Screen                           Glassware

    Tables and Chairs                          Room Set‐up/take‐down
    Café Ligh ng installed in either           Café Ligh ng is not provided in
      the Chinook Dining Room or the               the ABC rooms.
      Hall of Vision.                            Up ligh ng is provided in the ABC

                           Wedding Send Off
                   M u st be a ppr ove d by t h e Ra n ch e H ou se .
              Ba lloons, Pa pe r la n t e r n s, Fir e w or k s, Bir dse e d,
                   Rose pe t a ls a n d Rice a r e n ot pe r m it t e d.

              W e ddin g r e h e a r sa ls a r e a r r a n ge d ba se d on fa cilit y
             a va ila bilit y; a s a r e su lt of m u lt iple book in gs t h e r e is
                                  n o r e h e a r sa l gu a r a n t e e .

                                                                                        Page 8
Liquor Service
   All liquor is provided by t he Cochrane RancheHouse.

   The client m ust cont ract t he preferred cat erer t o provide bar service.

   The preferred cat erer will charge t he client direct ly for bart ending
     fees; t his will be included in your cat ering invoice.

   A Cash or Host Bar opt ion is available. A Host bar would require a
     credit card pre- aut horizat ion.

   The Cochrane RancheHouse will provide t he liquor license.

   A $2 m illion Part y Alcohol Liabilit y insurance policy is required.
     I nsurance m ay be purchased t hrough your own agent or at

   A Special Event s Liabilit y policy which includes Part y Alcohol Liabilit y
     coverage is required if live ent ert ainm ent is used. I nsurance m ay be
     purchased t hrough your own agent or at

   2019 RancheHouse m enu and bar pricing will apply.

   Table wine m ay be pre- purchased from t he RancheHouse for
     placem ent on guest banquet t ables; a m ax of t w o bot t les per t able is
     perm it t ed. Table wine is $30.00 per bot t le. Choices are not ed on 2019
     Bar Menu.

   Shot s, shoot ers and doubles are not perm it t ed.

   Twoonie bars are not perm it t ed.

   S   Special order liquor is not perm it t ed.

   Non refundable Cochrane RancheHouse liquor t icket s will be available
     for pre- purchasing at $5.50 per t icket . Guest s m ay redeem t he t icket
     at t he Bar for t he alcoholic beverage of t heir choice including wine
     and scot ch.
                                                                                    Page 9
Responsible Alcohol Management
Th e Coch r a n e Ra n ch e H ou se pr a ct ice s a r e spon sible a lcoh ol
m a n a ge m e n t pr ogr a m in a n e ffor t t o pr ovide ou r D ut y of Ca r e a n d
e n su r e t h e sa fe t y of ou r gu e st s.
This program allows all em ployees of t he Cochrane RancheHouse t o m onit or
and cont rol t he service of alcoholic beverages in a safe and responsible
m anner.
Clie n t s a r e n ot pe r m it t e d t o con su m e a lcoh ol out side of t he
con t r a ct e d ba r t e n din g se r vice . Th is in clu de s r e h e a r sa ls, se t - u p, a n d
a n yt im e ou t side spe cifie d ca t e r in g se r vice .
Bart enders reserve t he right t o cease service t o any individual in
accordance wit h Albert a Server I nt ervent ion Program ( ASI P) regulat ions.
Sh ot s, Shoot e r s a n d D ou ble s a r e n ot pe r m it t e d.
Client s are responsible for t he conduct of t heir guest s. Misconduct m ay
result in t he guest being rem oved from t he facilit y or t erm inat ion of event .

           Party Alcohol Liability Insurance
    Liquor Liabilit y insurance is m andat ory for all event s serving alcohol.
    A $ 2 m illion dolla r Pa r t y Alcoh ol Lia bilit y policy w it h t h e
      Coch r a n e Ra n ch e H ou se n a m e d a s a ddit ion a lly in sur e d m u st be
      pr ovide d.
    This insurance can be purchased t hrough your own insurer or on- line
      at w w w .pa lca n a da .com . Proof of I nsurance m ust be provided t o
      t he Cochrane RancheHouse t wo weeks prior t o event .

The Cochrane RancheHouse is non- sm oking facilit y. Sm oking t obacco is
perm it t ed out side. The consum pt ion of cannabis is banned from all public

                                                                                               Page 10
2019 Wedding Bar Menu

                                 Beer ‐ $6.00
Canadian, Coors Light, Kokanee, Alexander Keith’s, Heineken, Corona, Wild Rose
 Wraspberry Ale, Toolshed People Skills Cream Ale, Big Rock Grasshopper Lager

                          Coolers/Cider/Tea ‐ $6.00

      Palm Bay Ruby Grapefruit, Rock Creek Apple Cider, Twisted Iced Tea

                                Spirits ‐ $6.00
            Absolute Vodka, Canadian Club Rye, Bacardi Light Rum,
             Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum, Bombay Sapphire Gin

                                Scotch $7.00
                             Glenfiddich 12 Year

                               Red Wine $7.00

                         Inniskillin Merlot (Canadian)
                  Lehmann Layers—Shiraz Blend (Australian)
                        Kaiken—Malbec (Argentinian)

                              White Wine $7.00
                    Mission Hill 5—Pinot Blanc (Canadian)
                     Inniskillin—Chardonnay (Canadian)
                Lehmann Layers—Semillon Blend (Australian)

                     Menu choices subject to change.
                                                                           Page 11
Special Event Insurance

A Special Event Liabilit y I nsurance policy is required for all
event s where live m usic is used; t his policy m ust also provide
for t he required $2 m illion part y alcohol liabilit y coverage. for m ore det ails.

        Audio Visual Equipment

   I t em                               Cost
   CD Player                            I ncluded

   32” TV/ DVD/ CD                      I ncluded

   32” DVD/ VCR                         I ncluded

   Decorat ive Easel x2                 I ncluded

   LCD Proj ect or                      I ncluded

   Podium & Microphone                  I ncluded

   Screen                               I ncluded

        * Fog M a ch in e s a r e n ot pe r m it t e d.
            * Ph ot o Boot h s a r e pe r m it t e d.

                                                                     Page 12
   All decor m ust receive approval by Cochrane RancheHouse Adm inist rat ive st aff.
   Cont ract ed Decor com panies m ust be WCB com pliant and m ust also carry
     General Liabilit y I nsurance.
   Cont ract ed Decor com panies m ust supply t heir own set up equipm ent and work
     wit hin t he Noon - 2: 00 am set up and t ear dow n t im e- line.
   Rent al chairs m ust be delivered, set up and rem oved by a WCB com pliant
     Décor or Rent al Com pany. RancheHouse approval required.
   Candles, confet t i, bird seed, rice and rose pet als are not perm it t ed.
   Any fabric used for event s m ust follow t he Albert a Fire Code regulat ions and is
     subj ect t o waiver signat ure.
   The Cochrane RancheHouse is not responsible for any lost or dam aged it em s.

   Cochrane RancheHouse will provide whit e floor lengt h t ableclot hs,
     whit e napkins and t able skirt ing for t he head, cake, gift , guest book, regist ry,
     bar, and buffet t ables.
   Client s m ay provide t heir ow n linen. Client s are responsible for t he placem ent
     and rem oval of t his linen.

Ceiling Decor:
   Client s are not perm it t ed t o inst all t heir own ceiling décor.
   A Decor com pany wit h WCB com pliance and General Liabilit y I nsurance m ust
     be cont ract ed t o inst all ceiling décor.
   Café Light s are provided in eit her t he Chinook or Hall of Vision. Café light s are
     not provided in t he ABC room s. Up light ing is provided in t he ABC room s.

                                                                                     Page 13

Décor Accent pieces:
   Client s m ay provide t heir ow n décor accent pieces.

   The RancheHouse st andard banquet chair will be included in t he facilit y
     rent al and m ay be used for indoor cerem onies and recept ions.
   Whit e folding chairs will be provided for court yard cerem onies.

Chair covers and sashes:
   Client m ay provide t heir own chair covers and sashes.
   Client s are responsible for t he placem ent and rem oval of chair covers and

Rental/Decor Items:
   The delivery, set up and rem oval of all rent al it em s m ust be coordinat ed
     by t he client or Cont ract ed Décor or Rent al Com pany on t he day of t heir
     event .
   Rent al it em s m ust be approved by t he Cochrane RancheHouse.
   All rent al it em s m ust be rem oved im m ediat ely following t he event .
   The Cochrane RancheHouse is not responsible for any lost or dam aged
     it em s.

                                                                                   Page 14
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