Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School

Page created by Jason Patel
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School
week 4 Term 1
Year 3   Monday 1st March – Friday 5th March
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School
Distance Learning Guidelines for Whanau
                                Year 3, Week 4

Dear Parents,

As teachers we appreciate your concerns as to how the                   recent    coronavirus

outbreak might impact schools and your child’s learning, so we will continue to provide you

with some ideas to help you continue your child’s education during school closures.

We also are aware that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at home

is not easy and your children may be feeling anxious or unsure at this time. We

have prepared activities for your child that can be completed both independently

and with adult support. Students may complete as many or as few of the

suggested activities within a week of learning as is appropriate for them.

We appreciate your continued support during this time.
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School

       Listen to your child read each day - ask questions about what might happen next or to recount what they have read
       Read the Junior Journal article called “The Bird of the Year” by Iona McNaughton
       Answer the comprehension questions and activities
       Watch a video of the Conservationists in action, as they look for Kokako’s, click here
       Have a go and complete your own survey, click here
       Complete the Takehe quiz, click here
       Play a fun game called “Whio Bootcamp Challenge”, click here
 Home Reading Activities                                                                                   Websites:
       Listed below are some suggestions to help facilitate discussion and understanding after reading.
                                                                                                               https://www.getepic.com/
       Listen to your child read each day - ask questions about what might happen next or to
        summarise the story in their own words                                                                 https://storytime.rnz.co.nz/
       Read with your child and discuss the characters in the story
       Ask your child to retell the main events of the story in order
       Complete a chart or poster of new words learnt
       Find the definition of new vocabulary
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School

Creative Writing

   1. Thinking about the seasons and days. Take some time to write about your favourite time
      of day.
         Look through the Favourite Time of Day pictures
         Talk about what time of the day you like the most and why
         Explain how it makes you feel, what do you think about, what do you notice at that
          time of the day
         Read through some of the exemplars
         Now, write your own story about your favourite time of day – send a copy or
          picture to your teacher, we would love to read your story!

                2. Using the picture planner here, take some time to talk about the zebra and add
                    your ideas to the planner.
                       Write a paragraph to describe the zebra in detail
                       Write a second paragraph to explain what the zebra is doing and thinking.
                        Have some fun with this paragraph. Think about what the zebra is smiling at,
                        why his teeth are not very clean, what he might be saying and come up with
                        some ideas on who he is with. (I think he looks a bit mischievous!)
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School

         Click on the link to access your spelling words.

         Book F Unit 2 – click here       Book 1 U nit 2 – click here   Book 2 Unit 2 – click here      Book 3 Unit 2 – click here

         Choose one spelling activity from the list below to complete each day.
                 Write 5 – 10 words into sentences
                 Write the definition for 5 - 10 of your words
                 Write as many words as you can using letters from one word. Do this
                  for 3 of your words
                 Break 5 - 10 of your words into syllables. e.g.su/per/mar/ket
                 Finding rhyming words to go with 2-5 of your words
                 Put list words into alphabetical order

 Create a Mini Zen Garden!                                                                       Materials:
     Fill a serving tray or paper plate with
                                                                                                  A small tray or paper plate with sides
      sand from the beach
     Paint some rocks from your garden using                                                     Sand from a trip to the beach
       a variety of sizes                                                                         Small rocks from your garden
     Raked the sand around them using a small                                                    A fork     (this function as the miniature rake)
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School
   Number Bonds
   Click here to test your knowledge of subtraction number bonds.

B Basic Facts
G Go to Prototec and practise your basic facts. Write different basic facts including addition,
  subtraction, multiplication, or division on cards/paper. Write the question on one side and the         Subtraction Grids Click here
  answer on the other. Now practice reading and answering these questions as quickly as possible.         Hit the button facts Click here
  Can you time yourself? Can you beat your time? Get a member of your family to test you and
   when you cannot get any faster, challenge yourself with harder questions.
                                                                                                          Ordering numbers Click here
                                                                                                          3d shape names Click here
   Problem Solving                                                                                        Basic Facts https://maths.prototec.co.nz/
   Click here to test your problem-solving skills.

                                                           Number Knowledge
                                                                   Learn the number of   10s in 3-digit numbers – 532 = 53 tens
                                                                                1000
                                                                    Order numbers up to

                                                                    103 609 519 701 909
                                                                   Recall double and halves facts

                                                           Click here for the doubles and halves game. You will need a family member to play this game with.
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School
ISTEAM                          Your challenge this week is to plan, design and build a
                                      simple maze for a marble to roll through.

Gather materials from around your house to create a maze (e.g muesli bar boxes,
toilet tubes, straws, popsicle sticks, Lego).
    You must design and draw a draft of your maze first. On your plan, you
      need to include…
         o A beginning and an end
         o Labels showing what materials you plan to use for the different
           parts of your maze

    Points to remember
         o Make sure the marble will travel through the maze
         o Keep the surface flat
         o Most of the lines in your maze will be straight
         o You can add as many pathways or dead ends as you want

    Take a photo of your draft and finished product. Write down any
      challenges you have encountered while making your maze.

    Reflect on the questions below …
         o What did you find tricky?
         o What would you change next time and why?
         o Did you follow your plan layout? Why/why not?
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School
          How do plants absorb water?
                Understanding how a plant’s root system work:

                For this activity, children will create their plant stems and root systems using
                absorbent paper towels Click here.
                   o   Roll three paper towels and tape the middle of each one
                   o   Keep one paper towel whole (taproot), cut another in strips (fibrous
                       roots), and make one with no cuts/roots
                   o   Place taproot and fibrous roots in cups
                   o    Fill a cup with rice
                   o   Fill the third cup with rice and press stem with no roots slicing into the
                   o   Pour coloured water evenly into the three cups
                   o   Observe how the coloured water travels up the ‘stems’ of the taproot
                       and fibrous roots
                   o   Ask your child how do they compare to the stem with no roots?

          Extension: Answer these questions related to parts of a plant - Click here.
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School

Flax was the most important plant to Māori in New Zealand. Māori used flax
to make clothes (kakahu), plates (pereti), mats (Whāriki), baskets (kete), and
fishing lines (hī ika) just to name a few. Floats and rafts were made of
                                                                                      Have a go at making your own flax inspired artwork.
bundles of dried flower stalks.                                                       Follow the link for instructions.
                                                                                      Step by step paper weaving instructions
                                                        Translation box

                                         To help with pronunciation you can use the
                                         Maori Dictionary

                                         English                  Maori

                                         Flax                     Harakeke

                                         Plant                    Whakato

                                         Clothes                  Kakahu

                                         Plates                   Pereti

                                         Mats                     Whāriki

                                         Basket                   Kete

                                         Fishing line             hī ika
                                                                                      The teachers would love to see a picture of you working
                                                                                      hard on your paper weaving or the finished piece of work.
Week 4 Term 1 Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March - Owairoa Primary School
Here are a few simple games you can play with your
Health and P.E        family and have fun!
                      You will need: a skipping rope, string or pieces of
                      How to play Across the line: Create a range of lines on
                      the floor or in the garden. You can choose to gallop,
                      skip, hop or jump
                      but you must get over the lines without touching them.

                        Traffic Lights
                       Play this game with your family. Ask one person to be the traffic conductor. The conductor must say
                       ‘red light’ or ‘green light.’ Gallop forwards or around the space when the conductor says ‘green light.’
                       If the traffic conductor says ‘red light’ then you must stop. Swap positions and play the game again.

Values       Kindness is being friendly, generous, and considerate to others
             and yourself. This is an important value that can be shown in
             many ways.

             Click here, read the different acts of kindness, and decide which
             act of kindness you will show to others each day.
Distance learning is an innovative type of learning designed to
best meet the needs of your child at this time. We understand
that achieving some of the activities may be difficult-just do
your best! Remember learning can be fun too :)

Should you have any queries or concerns regarding your
child’s learning, please contact their classroom teacher via
email Monday to Friday between the hours          9 am and 3.00
pm. It is expected that you will receive a reply within a 24-
hour time frame.

                   Happy Learning,
                   Year 3 Teachers
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