Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..

Page created by Dwight Cross
Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..
Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc
                      District 23, Area 2, Club 993
                       Chartered December 1981

                 Welcome Back Melanie
                                                The club members were excited and
                                                pleased to welcome Melanie Roberts back
                                                as a member at our January meeting.
                                                Melanie had previously been a member of
                                                the Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders for from
                                                2006—2010. As is the case with many
                                                enthusiastic Zontians we often find that life
                                                events occur that cause us to take time off
                                                for a while. However some members like
                                                Melanie return when there life settles
                                                again.. Melanie mentioned that she was
                                                delighted to be back with Zonta and keen
                                                to get back into the work of Zonta.
Jill Welsh, Melanie Roberts & Heather Smigiel

                                        February 2020
Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..
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Message from President Heather


Greetings to all club members and friends of Zonta Adelaide
Flinders club

This month my focus has been on Service Activities; first, the delivery of our second three
workshop series in The Food for Thought program and second, working with Carolyn
Palmer our service director and a small committee to recommend funding for our service
projects this year.

The acting CEO of Zahra Kae Martin once again gave us a great deal of support for Food for
Thought by contacting clients to attend the workshop and attending each workshop to talk
with us and the participants. This series of workshops was capably led by Lindy Berketa and
Lorraine Omond. On the first day we had a brief meeting with participants to discuss
their cooking interests and needs before the cooking began. As with last year we also
conducted a pre-workshop survey and a post survey to determine success and areas for
improvement and overwhelmingly, this group were very happy with the three workshops and
enjoyed talking with others and with our volunteers and loved the recipes. This year they
also talked about developing confidence in cooking and with themselves. We also noted on
the last day that several of the participants were swapping emails and phone numbers and
planning to catch up in future. I am looking forward to our next series in April and know we
will see some of the same faces. This is not what we intended but although we are making
every effort to get a new cohort each time we run the workshop series what we are finding is
that many of the women want to return because they find it so worthwhile.

Making decisions about funding service projects is always difficult and the amount available
relies very much on success of fundraising in the previous year. This year we had seven
very worthwhile applications and will be discussing the committee’s recommendations at our
February Dinner meeting.

I would like to conclude this report with some exciting news: The Honourable Vicky
Chapman MP has agreed to speak on Women in Poverty at our Handover dinner on May
20th. I am so pleased that she is available and willing to speak. Of course we will plan a very
special evening and invite other clubs to attend. It should be a wonderful evening and as it
is my last dinner meeting as President, I look forward to a very positive conclusion to my
past two years.

Dr Heather Smigiel
Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..
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January dinner meeting - Celebrating Amelia Earhart
This first dinner meeting for 2020 was a special event which
included a welcome back to Melanie Roberts who was
reinstated As a member, the presentation to Sarah
Cunningham of her badge for 25 years as a member of Zonta
and the special focus on Amelia Earhart with a special guest
speaker, raffle to raise funds for the Scholarship and a dun
Amelia Earhart quiz. Thanks to Pauline Glover for making
the arrangements , organising the quest speaker and writing
the quiz. Unfortunately because of her other international
charitable works Pauline was unable to be there,
                                                                       Sarah Cunningham received her
however all those in attendance had a great time of
                                                                       badge of recognition of a 25 year
fellowship. Our speaker for the evening was Annie
                                                                       membership of Zonta
                                    Herring, ( seen right with
                                    President Heather, a long serving Qantas ‘air hostess’ (which is
                                    what she was called when she started out) who shared some
                                    great stories about what this career was like and the special
                                    rules of dress and how and where they were educated. She
                                    also shared stories of interesting people she encountered over
                                    her 40 year work history employed at various Australian
                                    domestic and regional airlines. Annie was very engaging and
                                    relaxed in her approach giving us a great insight into her long

Note from the Editor:

This newsletter has a number of functions, it records events of the month for future reference and for
distribution to other Zontians and friends. It shows all of our readers what we are about and how committed
we are to the Vision and Goals of Zonta. The articles can assist also in setting down historical information and
memories of the involvement of our members and friends. I would like to encourage as many people as
possible to contribute to this club newsletter. I am happy to receive articles with related photos of events and
activities that can assist in telling our story. Please send them to me at lesleyhills.lhs@gmail.com

Best wishes Lesley Siegloff, Editor Flinders Facts
Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..
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                   Centenary Project—Food for Thought
     February Series —Report from the cooking demonstrators

Lorraine and I ran the 2nd Food for Thought session at 19 on Green, Brompton in
                   We were ably assisted by many club members who did a stellar
                   job of keeping the mountain of dirty dishes we created under
                   In the first class , we made Vietnamese chicken cold rolls with a
                   peanut dipping sauce and ham, cheese and
                   tomato savoury scrolls. These were hugely
                   popular, especially the cold rolls as it was
                   40degrees C that day!
                   Feedback from the attendees showed they
                   really wanted to know how to make salads and
                   healthy, easy one pan dinners which are
                   suitable for freezing.
                    During the 2nd week we had an ambitious
                    menu - Chorizo, tomato and spinach Risoni
                    with a pear, rocket and parmesan salad; Basic
Bechamel sauce which we turned into Cauliflower and Broccoli
Gratin and Bliss balls. We were very busy but all dishes were
completed and very successful.
The final week‘s menu was Lamb, feta and mint Kofta with Greek salad and Tzatziki
and Carrot cake with lemon frosting . Again, a busy and satisfying 3 hours with all
                  dishes a hit with the women!
                  It was wonderful to see the rapport building between the
                  attendees (and our members) and seeing them so proud of their
                  efforts, with many selfies being taken.
                  We are looking forward to our next session in July / August and
                  really wanting to acknowledge and thank the amazing members
                  who assisted in making this session so successful. A few
                  members have requested the recipes so if you would like them too
                  please just let me know.

                  Lindy Berketa and Lorraine Omond
Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..
                                                                       TO OUR ANNUAL

                                                               MOVIE NIGHT
“I am Woman” brings the life of 1970s superstar singer and
activist Helen Reddy to the big screen. From its world premier
at the Toronto Film Festival and directed by Australian
filmmaker Unjoo Moon, the movie charts the life and career of
this feminist trailblazer, taking the title song as its cue.

Reddy propelled herself to stardom through sheer will and
persistence, despite patronizing sexism and her frustration
with record company salesmen who would not give her the
opportunities her talent demanded.

This uplifting biographical drama, which hums along at a
pleasing pace, stars Adelaide’s own Tilda Cobham-Hervey.
Willowy and stylish, she gives a empathetic lead performance
and captures Reddy’s easy striding swagger on stage and
ages convincingly from her 20s to her 40s with just subtle hair
and makeup assistance.

Also stars the talented Danielle Macdonald as fellow Australian
breaking into music journalism and Evan Peters as her talent
agent, who whisks her off to LA. He subsequently becomes
her second husband, who eventually leaves her with a
mountain of debt, but Reddy makes it through this nightmarish
marriage and comes out unbroken.

Slick vitality enhances the performance interludes from
Helen’s tours, Vegas appearances and TV shows and the
luminous Cobham-Hervey has you in the corner of this smart,
pragmatic quietly-driven woman all the way.

                                           SUNDAY 17 MAY 2020
                                REGAL THEATRE, 275 KENSINGTON ROAD

                                              ALL TICKETS $25
                                       (Bring a few extra dollars for our raffle)

                                       REFRESHMENTS SERVED AT 5.00PM

                                         MOVIE STARTS AT 6.00PM SHARP

         “Tilda Cobham-Hervey gives a breakout performance as Helen Reddy in Unjo Moon’s
          admiring bio-portrait of the Australian vocalist whose string of 70s hits included the
                  unofficial anthem of the feminist movement” - Hollywood Reporter.

               Tickets from Club members or contact Jill Welsh – 0412 262 949

                All proceeds support Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders projects
Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..
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    February Birthdays

   Constance Price 14th

   Carolyn Colquhoun 23rd

   Heather Smigiel 24th

Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..
Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders                                      Page 7

                  Board for 2019 –2020
President: Heather Smigiel (2018-2020)
Vice President: Lesley Siegloff (2019-2020)
Secretary: Lorraine Omond (2018—2020)
Treasurer: Lesley Siegloff (2019—2020)
•      Marianne Kidd 2018-2020, Membership Liaison
•      Carolyn Palmer 2018 -2020, Service, Advocacy and Awards Coordinator
•      Constance Price 2018-2020, Program Coordinator
•      Susan MacDonald 2019-2020, Fundraising Coordinator
•      Catherine Middleton 2019-2020, PR & Communications Coordinator

                                Diary Events
•      February 20th Dinner Meeting Service Program Planning for 2020 –2021

•      March 6th International Women’s Day Breakfast Convention Centre, Bookings Required

•      March 19th Dinner Meeting

•      April 16th Membership fees due by Wednesday 16th, 5pm.

•      April16th Meeting—AGM

•      May 7th Combined Board Meeting
                                               Please Note:
•      May 17th Movie—Club Fundraiser
                                               February 20th meeting. West
•      May 20th—Handover Dinner Meeting        Adelaide Football Club. Will the
                                               planning meeting

    Contact us:
                                         Please contact Isobel McFarlane if
                                               you are an apology for the meeting
    Find us on line:
                                               or are bringing a guest. ,
Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc.. Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc.. Welcome Back Melanie Chartered December 1981 - Zonta Club of Adelaide Flinders Inc..
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