Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022

Page created by Clarence Porter
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Welcome to the Naples Airport
Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Naples Airport (APF) Overview
                                                                                            Naples Airport Layout

                                                       117,593 operations (takeoffs
Naples Airport located on 732 acres
                                                        and landings) and 43% jet
   and has two paved runways:
                                                          operations in CY 21.
  Runway 5-23 and Runway 14-32

            Naples Airport is Home to:
            •   Flight Schools
            •   Aircraft Charter and Sales
            •   Air Ambulance
                                                   Financially self-sustaining – NAA
            •   Corporate Aviation                  receives no local tax dollars and
            •   Civil Air Patrol                         generates revenues by
                                                     hangar/land rent and fuel sales

                           Public Services:
                           • Collier County MedFlight
                           • Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) /
                             City of Naples Fire Station #3
                           • Collier County Sheriff’s Office Aviation Unit
                           • Collier Mosquito Control District

             Total Expense and Capital                                    $8.7 million
              Budget of $34.5 million.                                 invested in noise
             Annual economic impact                                       abatement
               of approximately $440                                    measures since
              million in 2019 (FDOT).                                        2000.

                           Naples Airport Authority (NAA) initiated a Part 150 Study in February 2020 to enhance
                                land use compatibility and to mitigate noise impacts to the extent possible
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Naples Airport (APF) Overview
• Aircraft departure flight corridors are more dispersed shortly after take-off from runway ends
• Aircraft arrival flight corridors are more concentrated as aircraft are aligned on final approach further away from runway ends
• Jet operations are the primary drivers of noise exposure based on FAA-approved modeling programs

                                  Jet Departures - All Runways                                 Jet Arrivals - All Runways

                 Note: Based on Calendar Year 2019 data                    Note: Based on Calendar Year 2019 data
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Looking From the Northeast Towards Runway End 23                Looking From the Southwest Towards Runway End 5

Runway End View                                                 Runway End View
 14         23                                                   14         23

 5          32                                                   5          32

             Looking From the Northwest Towards Runway End 14                Looking From the Southeast Towards Runway End 32

Runway End View                                                 Runway End View
 14         23                                                   14         23

 5          32                                                   5          32
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Part 150 Overview
Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 150 (Part 150) provides a formal process that airport operators can voluntarily undertake to
address compatibility of aircraft operations with surrounding communities

Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs) – Phase 1                                             Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) – Phase 2
  • Determined existing (2021) and projected (2026) noise                          • Evaluate noise abatement, land use, and programmatic
     exposure conditions at Naples Airport                                            measures to reduce noise exposure
  • Final NEM Report submitted to the Federal Aviation                             • FAA will approve/disapprove the recommended measures
     Administration (FAA) in August 2021                                           • A measure must reduce noncompatible land uses to be
  • APF NEMs were accepted by FAA on December 9, 2021                                 approved by the FAA

                                                                                                           NAA is currently
                                                                                                           evaluating noise
                                                                                                       abatement, land use, and
                                                                                                      programmatic measures to
                                                                                                        reduce noise exposure

                                                            Accepted by FAA on
                                                             December 9, 2021

                      NAA is leveraging the Part 150 Study process to explore opportunities to both improve
                        compatibility and reduce annoyance outside of the Noise Exposure Map contours
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Regulation of Airport Noise

                             Regulatory Framework                                         Role

                       Federal law sets aircraft noise standards,    •   Control aircraft while in flight
Federal Aviation       operating rules, the compatibility planning   •   Control noise at its source (i.e., aircraft
Administration         process, and limits an airport’s ability to       engines)
                       restrict aircraft operations                  •   Certify aircraft and pilots

                       State law sets forth zoning compatibility     •   Promote compatible land use through
                       planning guidelines                               zoning
State and Local
                                                                   •     Require real estate disclosure
Governments            Local noise ordinances set noise standards,
                       but aircraft are exempt                     •     Mandate sound-insulating building

                                                                     •   Manage facilities and infrastructure
                                                                     •   Implement capital improvement projects
Airport Proprietors/
                       No regulatory authority                       •   Identify and promote voluntary noise
NAA                                                                      abatement measures
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Day Night Average Sound Level (DNL) Overview
• FAA requires the use of Day Night Average Sound Level (DNL) for airport noise assessments performed under Part 150
• DNL represents the weighted average noise level over a 24-hour period
• Reflects increased noise sensitivity at night by making one flight at night equivalent to 10 flights during the day
• FAA considers annual average day DNL 65 dB as the noise exposure level above which is considered noncompatible for
  noise sensitive land uses
• Seasonal variations in noise exposure are often not well represented in the average conditions reflected in noise contours

                               The City of Naples and Collier County has adopted DNL 60 dB for
                                                 land use planning purposes
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Welcome to the Naples Airport Part 150 Study Open House: January 2022
Supplemental Analysis – Seasonal Contours

                                                           Supplemental contours were developed at the request of stakeholders to better understand
                                                                                        these operational conditions

                                                                                                                                   Supplemental DNL 60 Contours for 2021
    Naples Airport experiences large
   fluctuations in aircraft activity that
  correspond to the change of seasons

                     2018 ‐ 2021 Monthly Takeoff and













                                                 Itinerant             Local
Source: FAA ATADS,

  Aircraft operations peak during ideal-weather
    months, which is also when residents are
   outside more often, elevating awareness of
                aircraft overflights

                                                                    For informational purposes only. Supplemental analysis cannot serve as the basis of
                                                                                    determinations or decisions under 14 CFR Part 150
Population Density of Naples Area

                   Population within 4-mile ring

 Quadrant Permanent Seasonal                                         Peak         Future    Total

 Northeast                22,300                 6,000             28,400          600     29,000

 Southeast                31,800                12,600             44,400         2,400    46,800

Southwest                  9,900                 6,500             16,400          900     17,300

 Northwest                17,800                 9,700             27,500          800     28,300

     Total                81,800                34,900            116,700         4,700    121,400
• Future totals are estimates based on projected land use changes/developments.
• Totals by quadrant include Peak and Future only.
• Rounded to nearest 100; values may not add up due to rounding.

                                                                                                     •   4-mile ring encompasses areas where aircraft may generally be below 1000’. This area is provided for population purposes only and does not indicate specific noise impacts .

                                                                    NAA initiated a detailed land use and population study of areas surrounding APF.
                                                                                              For informational purposes only
Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) Overview

                                Measures are explored and evaluated that have the potential to improve
                                    the compatibility of the airport with the surrounding community

                   • Noise abatement flight tracks
                   • Run-up enclosures             • Preferential runway use                    NCP measures must consider:
Noise Abatement    • Use restrictions              • Arrival/departure procedures
   Measures                                                                         • Reduction of existing noncompatible land use and prevention
                                                                                      or reduction of future noncompatible land use
                                                                                    • Safety and efficiency
                   Examples                                                         • Consistency with the powers and duties of FAA
                   • Land use controls             •   Real estate disclosure       • Avoidance of unjust discrimination against certain aircraft
                   • Zoning                        •   Land acquisition               types
   Land Use        • Building codes                •   Sound insulation
                                                                                    • Measures cannot impose an undue burden on interstate
   Measures        • Comprehensive plans           •   Aviation easements
                                                                                    • The ability to meet both local needs and national air
                                                                                      transportation system needs
                   • Implementation tools          • Reporting
 Administrative/   • Promotion, education,         • Other stakeholder
 Programmatic       signage, etc.                   recommendations
   Measures        • Monitoring

                                FAA will not approve NCP measures that do not reduce exposure to noise of
                                                           DNL 60 and higher
Noise Abatement Measures Suggested for
                                                                        Evaluation in the NCP

• Reduce flights during nighttime quiet hours                                                           • Disperse arrivals to Runway 5
• Modify/restrict operation of Stage 3 aircraft that likely don’t meet                                  • Limit landing and take-offs to no more than three in one direction at a
  Stage 4/5                                                                                               time
• Increase use of Runway 14-32                                                                          • Modify 2,000-foot hold down to allow aircraft to fly higher, faster
• Modify Runway 14-32 to increase use (e.g., extend runway)                                             • Promote use of NBAA noise abatement procedures, or equivalent
• Create better procedures to Runway 14-32                                                                manufacturer procedures, by general aviation jet aircraft
• Analyze population receiving overflights under 1,000 feet                                             • Implement offset approach procedures for Runway 5-23
• GPS procedures along the center of Gordon River for both arrivals                                     • Maintain min. altitude of 1,000' at 2 miles from landing on Runway 23
  and departures                                                                                        • Set standard glide slopes to 4 degrees for incoming aircraft to
• Consider approach to Runway 23 from south over Gordon River                                             Runway 23
  instead of Old Naples                                                                                 • Direct departures on 23 to go down Naples Bay
• Modify Runway 5-23 as the preferred runway for operators                                              • Delay Runway 23 departure turn to 270 heading until 1,000 feet
• Maximize use of compatible areas and corridors – alternate departure                                  • Alternate the calm wind runway
  headings                                                                                              • Incorporate nighttime curfew in master plan
• Use brake lock to achieve higher departure altitudes                                                  • Enforce a mandatory flight curfew
• Implement slot reservation system                                                                     • Require 060 turn at lift off on Runway 5 and maintain heading until I-75
• Conduct a departure noise analysis study                                                              • Require flight schools to move to other Collier airports

•   Does not represent an exhaustive list
•   Federal law greatly limits an airport sponsor’s ability to restrict aircraft operations

                                                                 Suggestions for evaluation do not represent an endorsement or recommendation
Land Use and Programmatic Measures
                                                                          Suggested for Evaluation in the NCP

                                                        Land Use Measures                                                   Programmatic Measures

 • Promote real estate disclosure                                                                       • Institute a landing fee
 • Restrict growth through land acquisition                                                             • Monitor airport operations to determine need for NEM and/or NCP
 • Create a residential and nonresidential sound insulation program to                                    updates
   address eligible residential and nonresidential units                                                • Monitor implementation of updated Noise Compatibility Program
 • Adopt expanded airport noise overlay zone                                                            • Design and implement a “Fly Quiet” program
 • Consider adopting DNL 55 as the threshold for land use compatibility                                 • Implement pilot recognition program
 • Amend building codes to meet interior noise levels                                                   • Conduct pilot and passenger education/outreach
 • Encourage comprehensive planning for compatible land uses and                                        • Collaborate with users to raise awareness of noise curfew, such as a
   adoption of the NEMs                                                                                   postcard to give every arrival/departure, stickers on catering/
 • Require avigation easement/disclosure with new construction                                            newspapers, in the rental car, signage at the gate, and/or a tailored
                                                                                                          owner communication.
 • Amend zoning for compatible use
                                                                                                        • Conduct additional outreach to master associations
 • Restrict growth between approaches
                                                                                                        • Improve education to pilots, owners, and passengers on voluntary
                                                                                                        • Publish names of current violators
                                                                                                        • Implement noise monitors

•   Does not represent an exhaustive list
•   Federal law greatly limits an airport sponsor’s ability to restrict aircraft operations

                                                                 Suggestions for evaluation do not represent an endorsement or recommendation
Examples of Suggested Noise Abatement Measures to Evaluate

                                                       Promote use of NBAA noise abatement               Consider flight track to/from
               Modify 2,000-foot hold down                 procedures by GA jet aircraft                Runway 5-23 over Gordon River

   Current Hold at 2,000’


                                                                                                  Note: For demonstration purposes—arrows do not depict proposed arrival and departures procedures

• Currently, departing aircraft are frequently given
  direction to depart to 2,000’ and maintain 2,000’                                               • This measure was recommended by
  until given clearance from air traffic control to                                                 several stakeholders to potentially
  climb further.                                                                                    reduce noise impacts in Old Naples and
• This suggested measure would increase the                                                         5th Avenue.
  current hold down of 2,000 feet to allow for                                                    • Additional procedures would be
  aircraft to reach a higher altitude more quickly                                                  developed to route aircraft arriving to
  and potentially reduce noise impacts.                                                             Runway 5 or departing from Runway 23
• This would require coordination with FAA due to
                                                        Source: NBAA, 2022                          over the Gordon River; also referred to
  potential airspace conflicts.                                                                     as “down the bay”.
                                                       • Provides noise abatement departure and
                                                         arrival procedures suitable for any
                                                         aircraft type and airport operating

                                Suggestions for evaluation do not represent an endorsement or recommendation
Examples of Suggested Land Use Measures to Evaluate

                                                                     Create a sound insulation program to
       Consider adopting DNL 55 as the                                  address eligible residential and
                                                                                                                                   Promote real estate
          threshold of compatibility                                  nonresidential units within DNL 60

                                                                                                                              • Airport-related disclosures
                                                                                                                                generally require potential
Note: Not an official noise exposure map                            Note: Not an official noise exposure map
                                                                                                                                buyers be informed of proximity
                                                                                                                                to an airport, potential for
                                                                • Sound insulation programs mitigate aircraft noise             aircraft noise, and information
• The City of Naples and Collier County both
                                                                  exposure inside homes or other noncompatible                  about aircraft noise prior to
  adopted the DNL 60 as the threshold for
                                                                  structures within the DNL 60 contour.                         purchase.
• This measure would decrease that level to                     • In residential sound insulation programs funded, at
  DNL 55 dB, which would increase the                             least in part by FAA Airport Improvement Program
  possible number of noncompatible land                           (AIP) grants, a dwelling unit is eligible for sound
  uses that could potentially be addressed                        insulation only if it meets the criteria set forth in the
  through future mitigation.                                      AIP Handbook, Appendix R.
• It would also restrict future noncompatible                   • Contingent on the availability of FAA funding.
  development within this area.

                                           Suggestions for evaluation do not represent an endorsement or recommendation
Examples of Programmatic Measures to Evaluate

   Collaborate with users to raise              Enhance the existing Fly Safe Fly             Implement a pilot recognition
    awareness of noise curfew                           Quiet Program                                  program

                                                           ATC and Pilots/


                                                                           Education        • Initiate a recognition program to
                                                                                              award pilot(s) for compliance with the
                                                                                              Fly Quiet program.
                                             • A Fly Quiet Program is a voluntary program   • Celebrate recipients with recognition
                                               that encourages pilots and air traffic         such as a press release, luncheon,
• This measure would focus on
                                               controllers to use designated noise            etc.
  collaborating with airport users to
  increase awareness of the voluntary          abatement procedures and practices in        • Can be incorporated as part of a Fly
  noise curfew (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) by          cooperation with the NAA, the operators,       Quiet program or implemented as a
  possibly creating postcards to give          and the air traffic controllers.               stand-alone initiative.
  every arrival/departure, stickers on the   • The program could be an education and
  catering/newspapers, in the rental car,      recognition program designed to encourage
  signage at the gate and/or a tailored        operators to comply with noise abatement
  owner communication.                         procedures, use quieter aircraft, and take
                                               voluntary measures to reduce noise when

                          Suggestions for evaluation do not represent an endorsement or recommendation
APF Part 150 Study
• Please provide measures that you would like evaluated during development of the NCP by emailing your
  comments to naplespart150@garthsolutions.com
• Comments can also be mailed to:
                             Naples Airport, Aviation Department - Part 150 Study
                                160 Aviation Drive North, Naples, Florida 34104
• Comments must be submitted by February 4, 2022
• Your comments and suggested measures will be reviewed and considered in the development of the NCP

                                        General Timeline (Subject to Change)

Fall/Winter 2021                  Winter 2021–Spring 2022           Summer–Fall 2022                   Winter 2022–Early 2023
• Submit NEM Report to FAA        • Initiate NCP Phase              • Complete Draft NCP Report        • Complete Final NCP Report
  (August 26, 2021)               • Conduct public open house         and release for public             and submit to FAA for review
• FAA acceptance of NEM             for input from stakeholders       comment                            and findings
  Report (December 9, 2021)       • Analyze measures to reduce      • Conduct formal public open       • Implementation of
• Award contract for NCP            noise exposure that are           house and public hearing           recommendations TBD
  Phase                             suggested by the public and
• Complete supplemental             stakeholders

                      NAA also encourages all interested parties to monitor the project website for the latest
                        study information and announcements at https://www.flynaples.com/noisestudy/
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