Page created by Ruth Patel

GOVERNMENT                       SCHOOL

                          INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Timetable ................................................................................................................................................... 5
School Map ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Mission, Vision & Values ............................................................................................................................ 6
   OUR MISSION - ....................................................................................................................................... 6
   OUR VISION - .......................................................................................................................................... 6
   OUR MOTTO - ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Core Expectations ...................................................................................................................................... 6
International Student Program 2020 ......................................................................................................... 7
   Semester Dates ...................................................................................................................................... 7
   Public Holidays ....................................................................................................................................... 7
   School Holidays ...................................................................................................................................... 7
   Final Dates for Students Attendance ..................................................................................................... 7
   International Program Staff ................................................................................................................... 7
Welcome .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Visa Regulations for International Students .............................................................................................. 8
   Attendance............................................................................................................................................. 8
   Results .................................................................................................................................................... 9
   Contact Details ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Fees .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Health Cover ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Legal Details ............................................................................................................................................. 10
   Driving .................................................................................................................................................. 10
   Drugs and Alcohol ................................................................................................................................ 11
How to read your timetable..................................................................................................................... 11
   General Information ............................................................................................................................ 11
   Subject, Teacher & Room..................................................................................................................... 11
   Other Timetable Information............................................................................................................... 12
What to do if? .......................................................................................................................................... 12
   I get lost… ............................................................................................................................................. 12
   I am given a SWOOP ticket… ................................................................................................................ 12
   I am sick… ............................................................................................................................................. 12
   I am away from school… ...................................................................................................................... 12
   I need to leave early… .......................................................................................................................... 13
   I arrive late to school (after roll mark – 8.50am)… .............................................................................. 13

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

   I am not wearing the correct school uniform… ................................................................................... 13
   I am late for class…............................................................................................................................... 13
   I have lost something… ........................................................................................................................ 13
   I get a detention… ................................................................................................................................ 13
   I drive to school… ................................................................................................................................. 14
   I want a drink during class... ................................................................................................................ 14
International Students ............................................................................................................................. 14
   Meetings .............................................................................................................................................. 14
   Holiday Travel ...................................................................................................................................... 14
       Travel Form Example ....................................................................................................................... 14
   Course Extensions ................................................................................................................................ 15
   Visa Extensions..................................................................................................................................... 15
   Tourist Visa’s ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Text Books/ Stationery Requirements ..................................................................................................... 15
Student Identification .............................................................................................................................. 15
   School internet and password ............................................................................................................. 16
   Uniform ................................................................................................................................................ 16
House System........................................................................................................................................... 17
Canteen .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Who can Help? ......................................................................................................................................... 17
   Problem Visa Issues- Help Contacts ..................................................................................................... 17
   Problem Homestay Issues- Help Contacts ........................................................................................... 17
   Problem Subject Difficulties- Help Contacts ........................................................................................ 17
   Problem Learning English- Help Contacts ............................................................................................ 17
   Problem Health Issues-Help Contacts .................................................................................................. 17
   Problem Study Skills / Coping Skills- Help Contacts ............................................................................. 18
   COMPLAINT/GRIEVANCE ..................................................................................................................... 18
   Guidelines for Living in HOMESTAY ..................................................................................................... 18
   Curfew agreement ............................................................................................................................... 18
   Part-time work ..................................................................................................................................... 19
   Meal Times ........................................................................................................................................... 19
   Study Guidelines .................................................................................................................................. 19
Use of Electronic Dictionaries .................................................................................................................. 19
Homestay Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Guidelines for Evenings and Weekend Outings ....................................................................................... 20
   Overnight Visits .................................................................................................................................... 20

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

   Changing Homestay ............................................................................................................................. 20
Transport.................................................................................................................................................. 21
   Bus Enquiries:....................................................................................................................................... 21
   Bicycles ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Telephone and Internet ........................................................................................................................... 21
Medical..................................................................................................................................................... 21
General..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Culture Shock…. ....................................................................................................................................... 22
   Australian Families are not all the same!!.... ....................................................................................... 23
   Everyone Helps….................................................................................................................................. 23
   Expressing Emotions….. ....................................................................................................................... 23
   Australian Homes …. ............................................................................................................................ 24
   Insects…. .............................................................................................................................................. 24
   Beaches….. ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Communicating in Australia ..................................................................................................................... 24
IMPORTANT CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................................................................... 25
Appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 26
   Notice to Vacate................................................................................................................................... 26
   Complaint/Grievance Process .............................................................................................................. 27
   Record of Complaint ............................................................................................................................ 28
   Translink- Queensland Rail- Cleveland Line ......................................................................................... 30
   Translink Train Zones ........................................................................................................................... 41

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A


School Map

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Mission, Vision & Values

 As Wellington Point State High School embarks on an exciting new era of leadership,
    learning and innovation, our entire school community is on a strong trajectory of
           improvement through its high expectations with high support culture.

RESPECTFUL - We cultivate a safe and supporting environment

UNITED - We grow and learn together

SELFLESS - We consider others and share responsibility as a team

DYNAMIC - We are energetic, innovative and inspiring

DETERMINED - We are focused and committed to a path of continual improvement

OUR MISSION -              To empower students to be lifelong learners and responsible

global citizens

OUR VISION -               Every student succeeding in their chosen pathway

OUR MOTTO -                Aim High!

Core Expectations

Education Queensland is committed to provisions that ensure all young Queenslanders
have a right to and receive a quality education. Wellington Point State High School is
committed to providing a safe, respectful, disciplined and supportive school
environment where all members feel safe and are valued; where social and academic
learning outcomes are maximised for all through a quality curriculum, interpersonal
relationships and school organisation; where school practices are proactive rather than
reactive where appropriate and non-discriminatory language and behaviours are
defined, modelled and reinforced. This Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students is
designed to facilitate high standards of behaviour so that the learning and teaching in

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

our school can be effective and students can participate positively within our school

International Student Program 2022
Semester Dates
 Semester 1 - 2022
 Term 1                                       24th January- 1st April
 Term 2                                       19th April- 24th June
 Semester 2 – 2022
 Term 3                                       11th July- 16th September
 Term 4                                       4th October- 9th December

Public Holidays
26/01/2022 (Australia Day)
15/04/2022 (Good Friday)
18/04/2022 (Easter Monday)
25/04/2022 (Anzac Day)
02/05/2022 (Labour Day)
03/10/20202 (Queen’s Birthday)

School Holidays
 2nd April 2022- 18th April 2022                          25th June 2022- 10th July 2022
 17th September 2022- 3rd October 2022                    10th December 2022- 27th January 2023

Final Dates for Students Attendance
* Year 12 - To receive Senior Statement students MUST ATTEND up to and including
November 18th, 2022 (Year 12).

    o Final date of attendance for Year 10 and Year 11 is November 25th, 2022.
    o Final date of attendance for Year 7, 8 and Year 9 is December 9th, 2022.

International Program Staff
 Name                          Position                         Staff Room                      Phone
 Mr Ross McNichol              Principal                        Administration                  3820 4200
 Mrs Deanne                    Deputy Principal                 Administration                  3820 4200
 Ms Kim Herholdt               HOD- International               C Block                         3820 4223
 Ms Rosemarie                  International Student            C Block                         3820 4209
 Arthars                       Coordinator
 Ms Jan Drury                  Guidance Officer                 Administration                  3820 4200
 Ms Rosemarie                  Homestay                                                         3820 4209
 Arthars                       Coordinator

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

 Mr McNichol           Mrs Wallwork         Ms Herholdt           Ms Drury
 PRINCIPAL             DEPUTY               HOD           Guidance
                       PRINCIPAL            INTERNATIONAL Officer


Welcome to Wellington Point State High – Redlands high school of choice where every
student succeeds and graduates with qualifications. We are a school that is renowned
for its unique culture that instils optimism and inspires action.

Parents, students and stakeholders in our community will tell you that this is a great
school, with a commitment to personal excellence, high standards and a strong sense
of belonging. We like to think of our school as an extension of your family, where
students feel safe, cared for and respected.

We pride ourselves on our vales – respectful, united, dynamic, selfless and
determined. These underpin our daily thoughts, behaviour and actions. We provide
challenge, offer opportunity and entrust responsibility so every child leaves our school
having achieved their personal best.

                   We wish you every success during your time with us.

Visa Regulations for International Students

Your visa is conditional upon the following three factors being strictly maintained. If
any one of these conditions is not being met, it is grounds for the cancellation of your
visa and you will be sent home.

You are expected to attend every day and every lesson, on time and for the entire day.
The only acceptable reason for missing time from school is when you are sick and this
illness is covered by a medical certificate (valid only if presented at school within 5
days of illness). Therefore you must go to a Doctor and get a medical certificate that
day if you are too sick to attend school. All other absences (including late arrivals) will
be added together throughout the semester. Regular fortnightly checks will be made
on absences.

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Term 1
10 days absent permitted (explained or with doctors certificates) First Warning Letter
about Student Attendance is given to student after 5 days absent. An interview
With the Guidance Officer and discussion with International Student Coordinator is
required. Second Warning Letter is given to student after 8 days absent. An interview
with Deputy Principal and International Student Coordinator is required.

Term 2, 3, 4
First Warning Letter about Student Attendance is given to student after 4 days absent
for Years 10/11. An interview with Guidance Officer and discussion with International
Student Coordinator is required. First Warning Letter about Student Attendance is
given to student after 3 days absent for Year 12. An interview with Guidance Officer
and discussion with International Student Coordinator is required. Second Warning
Letter is given to student after 6 days absent Year 10/11. An interview with Deputy
Principal and International Student Coordinator is required.
Second Warning Letter is given to student after 5 days absent Year 12. An interview
with Deputy Principal and International Student Coordinator is required.

          ***Please note***

               •   Returning late from holidays or leaving before the official holiday
                   dates counts towards your absentee total.
               •   Arriving late, leaving early or missing a single lesson counts for a
                   half day absence.

It is important that you make satisfactory progress in your schoolwork as a condition
of your student visa. Steady improvement should be noted over the duration of your
time at Wellington Point State High School aligned as English language proficiency
improves. This means you must do homework and study every night and practice your
English all the time.

Many people can help you to succeed at your studies. Your teachers will willingly
answer your questions and give you extra help – ask them. Ms Herholdt is the HOD
for International who can help you with your studies. Mrs. Wallwork can assist you to
find the help you need with your subjects (Office). Also the Guidance Officer can assist
you with study skills, subject choice/review and tertiary study queries.

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Contact Details
At all times, the Immigration Department must know your current address (the
school advises them of this). You must never change address before seeking
permission from Mrs Wallwork / Ms Herholdt / Homestay Coordinator. If you do
change address without permission, it is grounds for cancellation of your Visa.


Your tuition and homestay fees are all due in advance as per the EQI offer of a place.
   ➢ Students will be receiving a school laptop. Parents must be made aware they
       students will be responsible for the first $100 for any repairs to the laptops if
Late payment of fees will not be tolerated and will result in:
   • Parental contact made
   • Withdrawal of services and resources
   • Contacting EQI
   • Possible cancellation of enrolment
N.B If special circumstances exist; fee payments may be able to be negotiated only in
consultation with EQI.

Health Cover

All International Students must be covered by Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
This fee is listed on your invoice. Some students after fee payment may receive a
Medibank card via the school.
Please collect your card from Ms Arthars in C Block. This should always be kept current
(check the date on your card). The date and number listed on your card must be given
to Ms Arthars for recording.
Students are required to open a bank account for any refunds should the students
need to see a doctor during their stay in Brisbane. We suggest opening a
Commonwealth Bank Account.

Legal Details

The legal driving age in Australia is 17. International students can drive on an
International licence for 3 months, but then must take the test to obtain a Queensland
licence. Heavy fines apply for students found to be driving on an International Licence

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

after 3 months. If you are riding a bicycle you MUST wear a bike helmet or you will be

Drugs and Alcohol
The legal age for drinking in Australia is 18 years.

EQI specifies you are not allowed to drink alcohol. All non-doctor prescribed drugs
are illegal (e.g. marijuana, speed, ecstasy etc.). Your visa may be cancelled if you are
caught in the possession of drugs.

How to read your timetable

General Information
Your timetable tells you a lot of general information as well as what subject, teacher
and room you are in each lesson of the day. All students study 6 subjects. Some
subjects are compulsory and others are electives. Subject selection booklets detailing
information on each subject will provide you with the information you need when
choosing your subjects.

List of Terms
Compulsory subjects:      a subject or group of subjects you must study
Elective subjects:        a subject or group of subjects you choose to study
General subjects:         year 11/12 subjects that contribute to entry into university.
Applied subjects:  subjects that do not contribute to entry into university.

If you choose Home Economics or Hospitality subjects there is a requirement of that
subject to purchase items for preparing class activities. The student will be required to
purchase these items as food cooked during the class can be taken home. Please
discuss this with your homestay parent.

If you choose a non-curriculum sport or extracurricular activity where a cost is involved
the student will be required to pay these costs (i.e. Futsal competition, volleyball

If for any reason books borrowed from the Library and they are returned damaged
(including library books and text books) the cost to replace these books will be
charged to the student.

Subject, Teacher & Room
Each box on the timetable tells you three things (written in code):

Subject, teacher and room for that lesson

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A


1. Subject ENG 08A is English for class 8A
2. Teacher BROWRU is Ms Ruth Brown
3. Room G08 is in Block G, Room 08
Room numbers are above each classroom door, school map- see Student Planner.
Students walk from room to room for their classes.

Other Timetable Information
Assembly The whole school meets in the MPS, two Mondays per term.
Each year level has assembly on different days throughout the week.
In terms 1, 2 and 3 either you can play interschool sport or you can join a
Studies group where you learn various skills to improve your studies. After
interschool sport finishes, the school timetable alters – the school will inform you of
these changes.
A school planner will be provided to each student

What to do if?

I get lost…
Go to the nearest staffroom and ask for directions to my classroom as listed on my
timetable. If my class is not in the scheduled room, report to the office and someone
will assist me to find where my class has gone.

I am given a SWOOP ticket…
Congratulations, you have been recognised for your correct behaviour and you are
eligible for extra rewards and prizes. Show your SWOOP ticket to your welfare teacher
to enter on the computer, then hand it to your Head of Year. The SWOOPS are
provided to the Head of Year to be eligible for prizes.

I am sick…
I tell my teacher who will write in my school planner. I then take this to staff in Student
Services who will let me lie down in the sick room. If I am really unwell they will ring
my parent/caregiver/ emergency contact to come and collect me. Students are not
permitted to contact parents using mobiles to make their own arrangements.

I am away from school…
My homestay parent rings the school office on 3820 4266 on the morning of my
absence or I can bring a note or medical certificate to the relevant Welfare teacher or

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

the Student Services Office the next day I am at school. If I am away from school for a
few days my parent/caregiver should ring the school advising of my absence. If I am
away for three or more days, I must bring a medical certificate.

I need to leave early…
Before school I take a note from my parent/caregiver to Student Services. The staff in
the Student Services Office will issue me with a permission slip to leave the school
grounds. I show this to the teacher at the beginning of the lesson during which I have
to leave.

I arrive late to school (after roll mark – 8.50am)…
I must present myself to the Student Services Office with a note from my
parent/caregiver advising the reason for being late. The staff in Student Services will
issue me with a late slip which I will give to my teacher. Students arriving prior to
8.50am are to report directly to their roll class and explain their lateness.

I am not wearing the correct school uniform…
I must bring a note from my parent/caregiver and liaise with the Head of Year to
borrow a uniform. The note is to be presented to the relevant Head of Year. With some
minor breaches I will be issued with a uniform slip which I must show to teachers when
requested. Uniform detentions are issued to students out of uniform except under
extenuating circumstances.

Students who receive five uniform detentions will face further consequences. Continual
non-compliance, or not attending detention, will result in suspension.

I am late for class…
I must get a note from the teacher of the class from which I was late to sign out of
class. I give this note to the teacher of the class to which I am arriving late.

I have lost something…
I should check the area where I was last. I should check the lost property box in the
Student Services Office. I should make sure that all my school possessions are clearly
marked so if I lose something it can be returned to me.

I get a detention…
I may be given a detention for a number of reasons, including being out of uniform or
late to school without reason, or other teacher or administration issued consequence.
Detentions are supervised by Heads of Year and are held at lunch breaks and after
school. Detentions from a Head of Department or teacher for receiving a Behavioural
Expectation Referral/ or other infringement will be issued at the discretion of the

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

I drive to school…
As a student driver, I must register my vehicle with Administration. I must NOT park in
the school grounds, except in designated spaces with registered car details and school
specified conditions. The policy relating to leaving the school grounds applies to me
also. Under no circumstances am I to offer “lifts” to other students without the
knowledge of their parents and this information must be confirmed in writing to the
school administration.

I want a drink during class...
I am permitted to bring a water bottle to class. I will not be released from the
classroom during teaching time to get a drink, except under teacher supervision
during sport.

International Students

Students will have a meeting on a weekly basis in the International Room. Ms
Herholdt and Mrs Wallwork will regularly check with students on their progress,
attendance and Homestay situation. Ms Herholdt is available by appointment.

Holiday Travel
If you would like to travel home during the holidays, you must seek permission from
Mrs Wallwork and Ms Herholdt and fill the appropriate travel forms which are
available online at www.eqi.com.au or from the ISP team. A letter of permission from
your parents must accompany this form and all travel details are to be included, e.g.
name of airline, flight numbers, departure times and arrival times. As a courtesy you
should give your Homestay Parents at least two weeks’ notice of your intention to
travel home and provide them with all travel details as above.

Travel Form Example


The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Course Extensions
If you would like to extend your enrolment at Wellington Point SHS your parents should write
a letter of request, stating the dates for which they would like your enrolment extended, the
name of the school they would like you to attend for the extended enrolment and the reason
for the extension. If the request is approved a new offer and invoice will be issued. A new COE
(Confirmation of Enrolment) will be issued upon payment to EQI.

Visa Extensions
If you extend your enrolment you may also need to extend your visa. If your visa is due to
expire before you complete your school enrolment you should request a visa extension. You
can do this online at www.immi.gov.au . You should do this 3-4 weeks before your visa is due
to expire.

Firstly check if you will need a health check at http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/health-
requirements/ and if so, book your appointment and undertake the check before you lodge
your application! This will make things much faster.

To lodge online you need your new COE, your current visa still needs to be valid and you need
to make your payment of $600. If you pay by credit card with your COE and you complete the
form you, will instantly be granted a Bridging Visa.

Tourist Visas
If you wish to travel at the end of your study abroad program you will require a Tourist Visa
(Sub Class 600), the cost is approximately $440.00 (subject to change) and YOU MUST submit
your visa application 4-2 weeks.

Text Books/ Stationery Requirements
Once your subjects have been selected with the Deputy Principal, you will be able to
collect your textbooks from the Text and Resource office located in the Book Room.
These books are ‘on loan’ to you and must be returned at the end of the year.

You will need to purchase your own stationery as per the requirements of the subjects
you choose. These stationery requirements will be outlined by your teachers. Your
student fees cover the cost of these books and one ID card.

Student Identification) Card
Each student is issued with a student identification (ID) card after school photos have
been taken. This card includes the name of the student, a photo of the student, their
ID number and date of birth. It should be carried with you at all times even when you
are not at school. This card may give you opportunities for student discounts on
transport and entertainment. If this card is lost there will be a cost (approx. $10 per

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

card) for replacement of this card. If you have missed school photos, you will need to
present yourself to the student services window to have your photograph taken to
enable an ID Card to be produced. As this takes up to two weeks to produce, a letter
of your enrolment at school will be provided to you after the first couple of days.
IDs are issued upon enrolment. A proof of enrolment letter will be provided to new
students prior to issue of the ID cards. This ID is also used to borrow books from the
library. Students who enrol during the year should request an ID Card from the school

School internet and password
Once all your enrolment paperwork has been completed and entered onto the school
system a ‘user’ name and password will be issued within 24 hours. Please come to the
student services counter who will advise you of your user name and password and will
explain how to change your password.

At all times, the uniform MUST be worn according to school uniform policy. The
school has a STRICT uniform policy that must be adhered to.
New uniforms can be purchased from the Uniform Shop located at the Canteen

It is recommended that students buy at least 2 Dress Uniforms and a Sports Uniform.
Dress Uniform must be worn every day except your sport day and your uniform can be
worn on this day. On other days if you are studying physical education, you will need
to bring your sports uniform and change.
If you are unable to wear the uniform correctly for a day, you must bring a note from
your Homestay parents explaining this. The note gets handed to the HOY Hub, where
you will be provided with a “loan uniform” for the duration of the day.
Students must wear correct shoes as per the school uniform guide located in your
student diary.

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Senior Day Uniform                      Junior Day Uniform                       Unisex Sports Uniform

House System
Wellington Point has a ‘House’ system and every student and teacher is allocated to
one of these. Throughout the year, student achievements, participation in academic
competitions, sports carnivals, lunchtime activities etc. will attract points towards the
Champion House trophy awarded each year.

The Canteen is located next to C Block. At lunchtime you can buy healthy food and
drinks. A variety of foods from different cultural backgrounds are available as well as a
wide variety of ‘Australian’ foods.

Who can Help?
There are lots of people on hand at Wellington Point to help you with any problem.
This is a guide to some of these people:
Problem Visa Issues- Help Contacts
    o Mrs Wallwork (Deputy Principal)
    o Ms Herholdt (International Room)
    o International Student Officer (Ms Arthars)
Problem Homestay Issues- Help Contacts
    o Homestay Coordinator
    o Mrs Wallwork (Deputy Principal)

Problem Subject Difficulties- Help Contacts
    o    Subject Teacher
    o    Head of Department
    o    Head of Year
    o    Guidance Officer

Problem Learning English- Help Contacts
    o    International Student Coordinator- Ms Herholdt
    o    Subject Teacher
    o    Homestay Parent/s
    o    Your Friends
Problem Health Issues-Help Contacts
    o Sick at school > tell the teacher and get a class note; go to student services
      window in the HOY Hub to lie down. If you are too sick to remain at school your
      Homestay parents will be contacted to take you home.
    o School Nurse

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

    o Confidential advice on any health
Problem Study Skills / Coping Skills- Help Contacts
    o    Guidance Officer
    o    Mrs Wallwork & Ms Herholdt
    o    Your Teachers
    o    Homestay Parent/s

 ** At school, if you are lost or don’t know what to do, go to the Student Services
counter in the administration block where there will always be someone available
                                     to help you**
If you have a problem about issues such as Homestay, other students, teachers you
should complete a complaint/grievance form and give it to the International Student
Coordinator (Ms Herholdt).
5.11 Disciplinary Action
The course of action for misbehaviour at school, non-attendance, unsatisfactory
academic standard, inappropriate behaviour in homestay:

Step 1 Counselling with Deputy Principal/Guidance Officer
Step 2 One warning letter given to students (copies to EQI and parents)
Step 3 Counselling as above
Step 4 Final letter from school asking student to show cause why they should stay at
the school

Guidelines for Living in HOMESTAY
Please respect your Homestay family, their belongings and the house rules e.g.: no
food in the bedroom; put your dirty clothes in the basket provided; keep your room
clean, treat other people’s belongings and other people as you would like to be
treated in your own home; always advise the homestay of your whereabouts at all
times; who you are going out with; what time you will be home; provide your
homestay families with friends mobile numbers.

Curfew agreement
As a part of your EQI Study Abroad Program you are to adhere to strict curfew hours that
have been put in place for your safety and duty of care.
These hours are as follows:

    o    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday you are to be home by 7:00pm at night.
    o    Friday and Saturday evening by 10:00pm at night if you are under 15 years old. If you
         are over 16 years old you must be home by 10:30pm.

If you are for some valid reason going to be a little late you must communicate this with
your homestay family. If you choose to abuse your curfew times and not follow them, this
will result in you receiving a written warning letter. If you receive 2 written warnings for

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

your behaviour, and choose to abuse your curfew again you then be referred to the Director
of International Programs within EQI.

Part-time work
Under visa regulations there are restrictions on the number of hours you are able to
work part time. It is requested that your homestay family has knowledge of your
workplace and the hours you work each week. If your school results suffer because of
the amount of time you work you will be required to attend an interview with Mrs.
Wallwork. See fact sheet included.

Meal Times
    o Usually the evening meal is between 6pm and 7pm but check with your family.
    o Let your family know if you are not going to be home for a meal and let them
      know what time you should be home. Please ensure that you have enough
      credit on your phone to keep in contact with your homestay family.
    o Your Homestay family will provide you with 3 meals / day including a packed
      lunch for school.
Study Guidelines
Each day you will be given homework to do from most of your teachers. Each evening
it is important that you do your homework, revise and learn what has been taught
during the day and spend time on assignments. Therefore you should be spending at
least two – three hours each night on your schoolwork. To study effectively, you
need to be well rested, therefore from Sunday night to Thursday night you should:

    o If you work part time details of your part time work place must be provided to
      the school office and also to your homestay.
    o NOT sleep away from your home unless proper travel paperwork has been
    o Go to bed at a reasonable time

Use of Electronic Dictionaries
Students may use electronic dictionaries in class and as part of their homework or
assignment preparation. Students may use these translators as a study aid prior to
exams, but they are not to be used during exams.

Homestay Issues
If you have any worries about living with your Homestay family you should:
    o First, discuss and try to resolve these issues with your Homestay family.
    o Next, if you still have concerns, talk to the Homestay Coordinator –Ms Herholdt
       or Mrs Wallwork.

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

    o In emergency situations ring the Emergency Homestay Coordinator’s mobile
      number ……………..– It is available 24 hours. Keep this number with you at all
    o Last, if you are not happy with your Homestay situation after trying the above
      process and you wish to move, you MUST speak again to the Homestay
      coordinator who will attempt to find you a more suitable place to stay BUT
      please note that this may take some time to find a more suitable homestay.

Guidelines for Evenings and Weekend Outings
1. Sunday – Thursday nights, students in most cases should be at home for dinner,
unless there is a special event or pre-arranged function.

2. On Weekends and during holidays, students should advise their host parents of any
outings, giving details of:
          - where and when
          - estimated arrival time at home
          - phone contact number (if possible)

3. For night time outings, students need to consult with their host parents and advise:
           - where they are going
           - what time they will be home*
           - phone contact number
           - who they are going out with
*(Host families will discuss appropriate curfews with students in their care)

Overnight Visits
All host parents have a duty of care and must know the whereabouts of students living
with them. New travel policies are in place for overnight stays. The Homestay
Coordinator or International Student Coordinator must be advised by text if a student
changes plans for overnight stays (weekends)

If arrangements for any outing change, the student should immediately contact (text
or phone) their host family and advise them of these changes.

The emergency contact number if required is Mrs Wallwork (Deputy Principal) mobile:
0429 895 884
Changing Homestay
TWO (2) WEEKS notice must be given to your Homestay family if you intend to move
(and this has to be arranged by the Homestay Coordinator). The school will give you a
‘Notice to Vacate’ form to fill out and give to your Homestay at this point. When you
move to a new Homestay, this new address will be forwarded to EQI and DIMIA by the
6.6 Homestay Fees

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Your homestay fees are payable in advance with your tuition fee. This invoice is sent to
your parents and should be paid prior to your arrival in Australia. This fee covers:
   ➢ All meals (this includes a packed lunch each day)
   ➢ All sheets and towels
   ➢ Use of the washing machine (and dryer in wet weather)
   ➢ A clean, safe and happy environment
6.7 Holding Fee
When you are living away from your Homestay family (e.g. on holiday, returning home)
you are required to pay a ‘holding fee’ to ensure your room is available for you on
your return. The fee for 2019 will be $50.00 per week. This payment is due prior to you
leaving for your holiday (This is subject to change).

Your Homestay family will initially show you how to get to school and make sure you
are familiar with the bus or train timetable.
(N.B. For safety, try not to travel at night, but if you do always try to travel with a group
of friends).

Bus Enquiries:
Brisbane Transport 13 12 30 www.translink.com.au
Students must be in school uniform to be identified as “a student.”
Redland City Council public transport has a “Go Card” system which is a pre-paid card
system. Students will require a school ID card to be able to purchase this card. Please
check details on the public transport GO CARD system on the following link:
*** Please refer to appendix for up to date public transport timetables for the
Cleveland train.

It is required by law that cyclists wear helmets and that bicycles are roadworthy.

Telephone and Internet Use
As part of the homestay agreement students must provide their own devices and
organise their own personal internet and mobile phone plans to suit their
requirements. There are 3 main providers of Internet and Mobile phones in Australia,
they include Telstra, Optus and Vodafone, however they are free to choose whichever
provider they like.

    o If you feel sick or need to go to the doctor please talk to your Homestay family.
      They will look after you and advise which Doctor to see.

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

    o If you feel sick at school, tell your teacher and they will allow you to go to
      Student Services (HOY Hub) where you will be allowed to lie down for a short
      while and then return to class or your Homestay parents will be contacted to
      arrange for you to go home.
    o If you are too sick to attend school after a period of two days you MUST SEE A
      certificate must be given to the office immediately on your return to school.
    o You are required to pay the medical bill but this can be claimed against OSHC.

Teachers please discuss the necessity for Evacuation Procedures with your form class.
Procedures are as follows:
1. The evacuation alarm is a continuous sounding of the alarm system, for no more
than one minute duration;
2. The first teacher to observe the emergency sends:
     ➢ Two (2) students to alert the rest of the wing;
     ➢ One (1) student to the office so that the alarm system can be sounded and the
        fire brigade advised.
3 As each class is notified of the emergency, the teacher should take charge
immediately and see that:
     o Windows are left as they are (no time to close them)
     o All doors are closed but not locked (to allow fire fighter access)
     o Electrical appliances are switched off (don't endanger yourself)
     o Science, Manual Arts, Home Economics and Art rooms are rendered safe.
4. Students are to be evacuated from rooms, then moved AS A CLASS GROUP without
bags/possessions, around the edges of the school (see map) and assembled in
WELFARE GROUPS with their Welfare teacher on the Basketball courts. Welfare Rolls
are to be marked. Students MUST be seated in WELFARE GROUPS and monitored by
all teachers.
5. Students will be dismissed to return to class only by the Fire-Warden or Principal.

Culture Shock….
The confusion that goes with living in a new country is called CULTURE SHOCK. It is a
reaction most people experience when they are removed from their familiar
surroundings. Culture shock is not always easy to notice because it usually builds up
slowly and the signs are not always obvious. People experience culture shock to
different degrees. Some don’t notice it at all, while others are affected very much.
Some people go through it in the first month, while others don’t notice it until months
later. This is a normal reaction!

Here are some signs of culture shock:

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

    o You begin to dislike you host country, the school system and your host family.
    o You begin to spend a lot of time alone in your room
    o You are easily upset, can’t concentrate at school and sleep a lot.

What you can do about it?
  o Talk about how you are feeling with your host family, friends, or Mrs Wallwork.
  o Try to keep busy
  o Be aware that this is a normal reaction and talk it over with other international

Australian Families are not all the same!!....
Australian families, like families everywhere, differ from each other in many ways. This
is especially so because Australia is a multi-cultural country. It has been settled by
people from all over the world, including Europe and Asia. There is freedom of religion
in Australia and people practise many different religions (for example, Christianity,
Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism).

In general, Australians live in nuclear families (that is, mother, father and children)
rather than with grandparents, uncles and aunties, although they often have regular
contact with their relatives. In recent years, the number of single parent families (one
parent and children) and childless families (husband and wife only) has increased.

Everyone Helps….
In Australia families do not normally have household help and frequently both parents
work. Therefore, it is usual for all members of the family to be expected to help with
household chores/tasks. These might include helping with food preparation and clean-
up, keeping their own rooms clean. In many families, the children prepare their own

Expressing Emotions…..
Australians tend to express their emotions openly. They are usually not embarrassed
about showing others that they are angry, happy, sad, etc. Many Australians find it
quite acceptable to openly disagree with another person’s opinion, as long as this is
done in a non-aggressive, reasonable manner. In
most cases, it is also considered acceptable to discuss personal problems with other
people, especially friends, family and trained professionals (e.g. guidance officers in
schools). Australian parents encourage their children to say ‘please’ and ‘thankyou’
when they ask for something and to apologise (say ‘I am sorry’) when they upset

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Australian Homes ….
Most Australian homes have a kitchen, living room, family room, bedrooms, laundry
and bathroom.

The bathroom usually contains a bath or shower or both. Sometimes the toilet is also
located in the bathroom and toilet paper, not water is used. When Australians bathe,
they usually do so in the bath or shower cubicle so water does not splash on
the bathroom floor. If there are many people in the family and in times of drought,
water is scarce and family members must limit the length of time they spend bathing.

Many Australian families have insects called cockroaches in their homes. Cockroaches
are difficult to eliminate from homes as the Queensland climate is a perfect habitat for
cockroaches. Seeing a cockroach is not a sign that a home is dirty.
Sandflies and mosquitos are also insects that are common in Queensland. During the
summer months around dusk, mosquitos and sandflies are most noticeable. Insect
repellent applied to the uncovered skin will help prevent bites.

Queensland has great beaches and experiencing them will be a great part of your stay.
Australian beaches are often very rough compared to many overseas beaches. Below
are some helpful hints to make your day at the beach as safe as possible:
          o Read all the warning signs on the beaches
          o ALWAYS swim between the red and yellow flags – not outside.
          o Always swim with other people.
          o Beware of your ability in the water….. the surf can appear safe but can
             change dramatically.
          o If you get into trouble, don’t panic. Stay calm, float with the current and
             raise your hand so a lifeguard can see you.
          o The sun in Queensland is very strong, always wear a shirt, hat, sunglasses
             and sun screen lotion at the beach.

Communicating in Australia
Examples of how to begin the sentence when:
Offering to help or do something
Do you mind if I ….
May I ….
Would you like me to ….

Asking for help
Excuse me, can you help me ….
Excuse me, could you explain ….

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Talking Politely
Excuse me – (before you do or ask something)
Sorry – (after you do something) – apologising
Please – (to ask for something)
Thank You – (to express gratitude)

Class Requests Examples:
Excuse me, may I go to the toilet, please?
Excuse me, can I please come to see you at lunchtime about my assignment?
Excuse me, I didn’t understand that last time.
Can you please explain it again for me?

ISP (Mrs Wallwork) After Hours and Emergency Phone Number:
Mobile: 0429 895 884

Wellington Point State High School:
Phone: 3820 4222
Fax: 3820 4200
Email: admin@wellpoinshs.eq.edu.au
Student Absence Line: 3820 4266

Guidance Officers
Mrs Jan Drury- (07) 3820 4200
School Health Nurse
Nikki- (07) 3820 4285
Mrs Emma Clamp- (07) 3820 4285
Ms Tarla Grist (Teacher Aide) - (07) 3820 4214
Counselling Support
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Lifeline 131 114
Headspace 1300 851 274
Brisbane International Student Centre
Telephone (within Australia): 1800 316 540
Telephone (outside Australia): +61 7 3513 5301
E-mail: EQInternational@qed.qld.gov.au

Alcohol and Drug Service- 1800 177 833
Princess Alexandra Sexual Health- (07) 3176 5881
Emergency- 000

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Redlands Hospital- (07) 3488 3111
Financial Support
Centrelink- 131 021
Austudy-132 490
Capalaba Police Station- (07) 3433 3333

Australia – Wide Emergency Phone Number
(Police / Ambulance / Fire Brigade): 000

Other Useful Contacts
EQI 3224 6952
DIMIA 1318810
Q Rail & BCC Bus Information 131 230
Medibank 132 331

Useful websites of interest…….
http://www.ourbrisbane.com/see-and-do (Brisbane City Council site with loads of information
on the suburbs and in and around Brisbane. Also advises “What’s On” in and around Brisbane.
http://www.translink.com.au/ (Public transport information site – enter home address and
destination i.e. Brisbane City and the site will offer differing options on how to reach
prospective destination).

http://www.translink.com.au/go.php (Go Card information for travel on public transport in and
around Brisbane and also services access to the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast for day trips)

http://www.veoliatransportqld.com.au/index.php?id=364 (School Bus service and route
information – Go Card is not able to be used on this bus service)

Local Cinemas based in Victoria Point – low cost cinemas compared to cinemas located at
Carindale Shopping Centre or Brisbane City Centre

Local shopping centre with numerous shops and eating areas, banks. Also a major “bus
exchange” centre.

Access the local weather for Brisbane

Notice to Vacate

The Queensland Department of Education trading as: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
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