Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021

Page created by Rick Mcgee
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
In March 2020 based on the
                    COVID Pandemic, USDA
                   provided a waiver to allow
                   Child Nutrition Programs to
Wellness Report     utilize the Summer Food
                   Service Program instead of
     Card          the national breakfast and
 Boone County            lunch programs.

   Schools        This program provides meals
  2020-2021        for free to anyone 18 years
                  old and younger. This waiver
                   has been extended and the
                   SFSP program will continue
                        through June 2021.
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
Safety Protocols for                                           child
                   COVID-19                                                 nutrition
Enforce Hand Washing:
                                        Disinfect Surfaces:
Ensure all students and staff are
                                        We are disinfecting common area
washing their hands regularly but
                                        and frequently used surfaces
especially before and after meal

Grab and Go Options:                    Lunch Service:
We are providing grab and go options    We are providing single serve
for breakfast in the classroom and      meals, with disposable
serving meals in classrooms as needed   containers and plastic ware. No
                                        self service food stations or
                                        condiment stations are available.
Meeting Individual School Needs:
Cafeteria managers will work with
                                        Safety Measures and PPE:
principals to determins eating and
                                        Our staff follow standard
serving arrangements to maximize
                                        operating procedures regarding
social distancing based on available
                                        food safety and COVID-19 safety
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
schools new to CEP

                                                                                                                                 Kelly Elementary
          this school year
                 What does CEP do?
 CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) status allows
schools and local educational agencies (LEAs) located
  in low-income areas to provide free breakfast and
                lunch to all students.

It also eliminates the burden of collecting household
     applications to determine eligibility for school
                    meal programs.

                      All Boone County Schools that are CEP: Goodridge Elementary, Kelly Elementary, Boone County High School,
                           Yealey Elementary, RA Jones Middle, Collins Elementary, Florence Elementary, Ockerman Elementary
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
Around the District                                                      The
 Mindfulness training. Stress                                                                                       daily
                                                                                                                          phys          have
    management training.                                                        Health & Physical                 with          ical a
                                                                                                                       their          ctivit
 Alignment of SEL curriculum                                                   Education offered to
                                                                                                                   with      teach           y
                                                                                 each grade level                       2 ses       er, a
 to guidance classes. Anxiety                                                                                                 s            long
                                                                                                                     the P     ions
  groups with outside entity                                                      Fuel Up to Play 60                       E tea      w  ith
(Ethan's Purpose,) PBIS Tier 2                                               OPEN National Field Day
  plan for reducing student
           anxiety.                                       Active Bobcat                  Intramurals
                                         School Smiles: Program offered for in house
                                                           dental care.                                Basketball (4th & 5th
                                           Healthy Challenge through Northern KY
                                                       House department.
                                                                                                         Grade Boys/Girls),
                                              Hygiene discussion with 4th grade.                       Jump Rope for Heart,
                                           Sex Education discussion with 5th grade,
                                                                                                          Fitness Testing
                                                          school nurse.
        tu  d e  n  ts                                                                                   during PE Classes
      S                                        Dental health month in February
               ti c ip  a  te
             r                            Healthy Heart month in February focusing
   will pa
            fit n  e  ss                       on heart disease and prevention.
        in                        the       Nutrition unit in Spring for all students:
                       u lf il l
      n  g a  n df                       Myplate, nutrition bingo exercise board, lead
 testi                     a  t io  n,

                                                                                                        physical activity
              l e  du    c                             up nutrition games
         ic a
  phys                  a  n  d             Body System units: Focused monthly….
                 th   ,
         heal                     m  .
                                            skeletal, nervous, muscular, circulatory,
                   rri  c u  lu                             digestive
       S E L  c u
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
staff wellness
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
Goals Met for 2020-2021

              Nutrition Education Collaboration Within Schools
              Continue to work on providing more health and physical activity education
              to all students and staff members across the district. Look for opportunities
              to utilize resources and technology available to all members in our

                              Promotion of Wellness by Staff in Schools and District Wide
                The District may implement other appropriate programs that help create a
                   school environment that conveys consistent wellness messages and is

                                         conducive to healthy eating and physical activity.

summary    Nutrition and Physical Activity Education Opportunities
           Continue to work on providing more health and physical activity education
           to all students and staff members across the district.
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
Goals for 2021-2022

Increasing meal participation at all schools
Our goal is to increase participation of breakfast and lunch
at all schools with new menu ideas and utilizing the CEP
                                                               wellness goals
provided at more schools in 2020.

Wellness Committee Collaboration
Work with staff in schools to grow and strengthen the
wellness committees that have been
created. Include the school level wellness policy in the
annual updates needed at each school.

Promotion of Wellness by Staff in Schools and
District Wide
The district may implement other appropriate
programs that help create a school environment
that conveys consistent wellness messages and is
conducive to healthy eating, strong mental health and
ongoing physical activity.
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
Stephanie Caldwell, FSD, SNS

Boone County Food Service Department
Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021 Wellness Report Card Boone County Schools 2020-2021
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