Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting - October 15, 2020 As of 12pm on 10/15/20 - BoardDocs

Page created by Daniel Potter
Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting - October 15, 2020 As of 12pm on 10/15/20 - BoardDocs
Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting
            October 15, 2020    As of 12pm on 10/15/20.   1
Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting - October 15, 2020 As of 12pm on 10/15/20 - BoardDocs
Back to Better

  Phase 1                                Phase 2                                Phase 3                Phase 4
        Aug. 20                                Sept. 10                               Sept. 15               Oct. 19

All students in virtual               Students served                        Students who selected   Interactions and student
learning. All teachers                primarily in                           on-campus learning      mobility throughout
teach virtually.                      self-contained Special                 return to on-campus     campuses increase.
                                      Education settings                     learning.
                                      return to campus.

*All staff return to work             *All other students                    *All other students     *Parents may still choose
on campus September 8.                remain in virtual                      remain in virtual       to keep their students in
                                      learning.                              learning.               virtual learning.

  * Moving to next phase is contingent on current health conditions
  * If transmission levels spike, the district may need to return to an all-virtual environment.                                 2
Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting - October 15, 2020 As of 12pm on 10/15/20 - BoardDocs
2nd 9 Weeks On-Campus Student Numbers: Cedar Ridge LC

Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting - October 15, 2020 As of 12pm on 10/15/20 - BoardDocs
2nd 9 Weeks On-Campus Student Numbers: McNeil LC

Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting - October 15, 2020 As of 12pm on 10/15/20 - BoardDocs
2nd 9 Weeks On-Campus Student Numbers: Round Rock LC

Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting - October 15, 2020 As of 12pm on 10/15/20 - BoardDocs
2nd 9 Weeks On-Campus Student Numbers: Stony Point LC

2nd 9 Weeks On-Campus Student Numbers: Westwood LC

Teaching & Learning Update
●   Supporting Teachers
    ○   Schoology 101 and Beyond Course

    ○   T&L Talk Newsletter
    ○   Weekly Lesson Planning Support
    ○   On-Demand Support on PD Days
    ○   Technology
         ■ Interactive Flat Panels
         ■ 1:1 Chromebooks
    ○   Reading Academy Launch
Teaching & Learning Update
●   Supporting Parents and Students
    ○   Parent Guide
    ○   FamilyNet Support (8:00-5:00)
    ○   Virtual Webinars
    ○   SAT Testing
    ○   Monitoring Student Progress
●   Preparing for Virtual Opportunities in 2021-2022
    ○   Legislative changes needed
    ○   Round Rock ISD TVSN Provider Courses
Financial Update

●   The Texas Education Agency announced it will extend the current minimum
    funding guarantee (Hold Harmless) for an additional six weeks.
     ○   Ensures school districts will receive anticipated funding through the first 18 weeks of the
         school year regardless of changes in enrollment/attendance.

     ○   Estimated benefit to Round Round Rock ISD: $4.3 million

●   Williamson County approved funding from the CARES Act to reimburse
    school districts in the county for COVID-related expenses.
     ○   Grant funds provide $100 per student.

     ○   Estimated benefit to Round Rock ISD: $4.1 million

Facilities and Safety
NEW Website for RRISD Health and Safety Protocols for COVID-19
 ● For families and the community to stay informed
 ● Increase awareness of RRISD protocols
 ● Keep current on new updates

 1. Campus Contacts
    Screening, Training, Updates
 2. Signage and Floor Decals
 3. Personal Protective Equipment
         Masks, Gowns, Gloves, Plexiglass in reception areas
 4. Cleaning and Disinfecting Procedures
         Handwashing, Sanitizer, Cleaning supplies
 5. Ventilation
Facilities and Safety
 1. Notifications
     a. Positive and *probable cases
    b. Close contacts (Lives in household or Elsewhere)
     c. Class/Group/Team
    d. Symptomatic
 2. District COVID-19 Data: RRISD Incidence Rate as of Oct. 12
                      # of Remote Learners that                            # of Positive/Probable Remote
    # of On Campus     come for extracurricular   # of Positive/Probable       Learners that come for
     Learners (OC)          activities ONLY       Cases of OC Learners     extracurricular activities ONLY

        11602                   3079                   13 (0.11%)                    21 (0.68%)

Resources: CDC, APH, WCCHD, TX Med Assoc, TEA                                                                12
District Metric Update

Austin Public Health - Stage 3, allowing on-campus population up to 50%

    Incidence Rate: 6.5 people / 100,000 population as of 10/13/2020

    Positivity Rate: 4% positivity as of 10/3/2020

WCCHD - Phase 2 (Yellow), on-campus allowed using WCCHD
recommended safe-opening principles

    Incidence Rate: 4.4 people / 100,000 population as of 10/13/2020

    Positivity Rate: 2.9 % positivity as of 10/12/2020

District COVID Dashboard

●   District and Campus Data
     ○ Positive cases and close contacts
          ■ Current - Student and employee cases that week
          ■ Cumulative - Total active and inactive student and employee cases

●   Updated every Friday
     ○ Reflects records from September 10, 2020, to the present

●   More than 70,300 page views to date

Student, Family and Staff Check-in Surveys

As requested during the Board discussion of August 27, we are launching a
monthly Check-in Surveys to help monitor the health of the District throughout the
2020-21 school year.

Topics include:
 ● COVID-19 Health and Safety protocols
 ● Technology Access and Use
 ● Adjustment to and Quality of the Learning Experience
 ● Student and Parent Access to Teachers
 ● Student, Parent and Staff Well-being


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