What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens

Page created by Patrick Craig
What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens
What’s new in
                                                 Solid Edge 2021
                                                 All the features you want.
                                                 All the value you need.


                                       Mechanical design                              • Enable novice users to experience
                                       Design at the speed of creative thought          command predictions based on use by
The latest version of Solid Edge®
                                       with new subdivision modeling, light-            experts
software from Siemens Digital
                                       ning-fast reverse engineering, a new user      Reverse engineering
Industries provides the speed you
                                       interface powered by artificial intelli-       • Speed forward in capturing a compre-
need to get the most out of your
                                       gence (AI) and an intelligent 3D model           hensive digital twin of your product’s
entire engineering process –
                                       search engine.                                   design with lightning-fast performance
maximizing your productivity while
decreasing your costs. With an                                                          improvements and deviation analysis
emphasis on usability enhance-                                                        • Compare 3D scanned data to existing
ments, Solid Edge 2021 users                                                            or other scanned data to detect devia-
experience productivity gains with                                                      tions in individual components
Solid Edge 3D CAD and Solid Edge                                                      Core CAD enhancements
CAM Pro. New capabilities in                                                          • Deliver productivity gains in areas such
Solid Edge Wiring Design enable                                                         as large assembly, sheet metal, parts,
users to prepare the layout of                                                          frames, drafting, translation of internal
industrial control panels, and new                                                      components, model-based definition
shape search and concept model-                                                         and support for decals
ing capabilities make finding exist-                                                  • Realize significant performance
ing components and developing          Subdivision modeling
                                                                                        productivity in the development of
new ideas faster and easier than       • Develop unique products based on
                                                                                        large assemblies with lightweight
ever before.                             organic shapes without the need for
                                                                                        mode for part location and copy/paste
                                         expert knowledge
                                       • Accelerate concepts using stylized
                                                                                      • Speed translation efforts by an order of
                                         design to create distinctive products
                                       Adaptive user interface                        • Create multi-edge flanges in a single
                                       • Improve productivity with new adap-            operation, then automatically trim
                                         tive user interface (UI) capabilities that     them
                                         harness artificial intelligence to predict
                                         next steps based on user behavior
What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens
Simulation                                  Manufacturing
Vendor catalog integration                   Optimize and validate designs digitally     Speed up computer numerical control
• Streamline and simplify the process for    with tighter integration between flow       (CNC) programming with a searchable
  finding 3D models using a unique           and structural simulation.                  postprocessor database, new fast roughing
  visual search engine, 3Dfindit.com                                                     and adaptive milling.
• Search for parts using sketch and
  shape search abilities on visual search
  engine for 3D models

Electrical design
Prepare layout of industrial control
panels with new cabinet layout capabili-
ties that enable fast and accurate 2D
panel assembly.
                                             • Add fluid pressure and temperatures to
                                               your design for a more accurate and
                                                                                         • Maximize machine-floor investments by
                                               comprehensive digital twin with even
                                                                                           getting the most out of manufacturing
                                               better integration between flow simu-
                                                                                           equipment with a new searchable online
                                               lation and structural simulation
                                                                                           database of postprocessors
                                             • Digitally validate and optimize parts,
                                                                                         • Remove material more quickly and
                                               assemblies and complete systems early
                                                                                           increase tool life with new fast roughing,
                                               in the design process, reducing the
                                                                                           leveraging high-speed machining with
                                               need for physical prototypes while sav-
Solid Edge Wiring and Harness Design                                                       5-axis adaptive milling
                                               ing time and costs
• Prepare customizable table-based view                                                  • Think outside the box and nest your
  of a terminal strip for electrical panel   • Select the best simulation tools for
                                                                                           designs on surfaces of any shape with 2D
  development                                  your individual requirements with
                                                                                           Nesting, allowing for printing on organic
                                               powerful, scalable solution offerings
• Automate the complete design-to-pro-                                                     materials such as leather and rough-cut
  duction flow to achieve greater wire       • Remove components from simulation           wood. Maximize your nesting capabilities
  harness manufacturing efficiencies           analysis with easy-to-use commands to       with new job-cost calculator and job
                                               speed testing                               multiplier
• Automatically route full signal paths,
  including junctions                                                                    • Deploy and learn the powerful manufac-
                                             “Solid Edge 2021 is, in my opinion,           turing solutions quickly and easily with
• Integrate electrical design efforts
                                              the best Solid Edge release in years!        built-in tutorials, templates and wizards
  into Teamcenter® software and/or
                                              There are a lot of things that will
  Capital™ software environments
                                              make the design process easier for         Technical publications
                                              our engineers. It’s a major update.”       More rapidly create high-quality documents
Solid Edge Electrical Routing
• Route wiring along irregular continu-                                                  and illustrations directly from your 3D
                                             Ricardo Espinosa
  ous geometric bodies                       R&D Engineering Manager                     models.

• Import files into any electrical com-      Kimball International, Inc.
  puter-aided design (ECAD) software
  using design interface file (DSI)
  format export

Solid Edge PCB Collaboration
• Import third-party IDX files into
  Solid Edge
• Automatically align and map 3D mod-
  els from any Mentor® software printed
  circuit board (PCB) product
                                                                                         • Open, save and revise data from
                                                                                           Teamcenter, Siemens’ powerful product
                                                                                           lifecycle management (PLM) solution,
                                                                                           with tight integration between Solid Edge
What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens
and Teamcenter to ensure you’re work-     Cloud-based collaboration
  ing with the right data every time        Expand your options with new tools for
                                                                                           Solid Edge is a portfolio of afford-
• Go from engineering to documenta-         cloud-based collaboration.
                                                                                           able, easy-to-deploy, maintain and
  tion quickly and seamlessly working                                                      use software tools that advance
  directly with Solid Edge 3D models                                                       all aspects of the product develop-
• Import or export Solid Edge section                                                      ment process – mechanical and
  views, including support for legacy                                                      electrical design, simulation,
  weldment files (PWD)                                                                     manufacturing, technical documen-
• Leverage the digital twin to ensure all                                                  tation, data management and
  changes to the original design are eas-                                                  cloud-based collaboration.
  ily incorporated into existing
  publications                                                                             Solid Edge, which is part of
                                                                                           Xcelerator, a comprehensive and
Data management                                                                            integrated portfolio of software
Take control of your data, saving time                                                     and services from Siemens Digital
                                            • Synchronize files with the cloud while
and money with new rapid concept                                                           Industries Software, provides an
                                              you work
modeling and shape search capabilities.                                                    innovative and comprehensive
                                            • Improve communication with col-              approach to product development
                                              leagues, customers and suppliers, in         for the mainstream market.
                                              turn accelerating decision-making            For more information, visit
                                            • View, measure and mark up any CAD            solidedge.siemens.com
                                              file on any device
                                            • Review designs in augmented reality
                                              (AR) on phones and tablets

• Rapidly create and evaluate multiple
  design scenarios with the concept
  modeling capabilities of Teamcenter
  as the backbone
• Easily search, manage and share prod-
  uct data efficiently and securely with
  Solid Edge data management solutions
• Find the data management tools that
  fit you, from built-in solutions to
  Teamcenter integration. The scalable
  set of Solid Edge tools can meet the
  varying needs of all manufacturers
• Search for parts based on shape, elimi-
  nate redesign and remanufacturing
  costs of an existing part

                                                                                           Siemens Digital Industries Software

                                                                                           Americas +1 314 264 8499
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                                                                                       be found here. Other trademarks belong to their respective
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What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens What's new in Solid Edge 2021 - All the features you want. All the value you need - Siemens
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