What You Should Know About 15-Passenger Vans

Page created by Anthony Moore
What You Should Know
                                    About 15-Passenger Vans

Why should I read this guide?                               TO INFORM AND ASSIST
This document provides licensing, registration, and        NORTHWEST TERRITORIES
other safety information for owners and operators of       OWNERS AND OPERATORS
15-passenger vans in the Northwest Territories.             OF 15-PASSENGER VANS

                                                                    JUNE 2013
While recent high-profile collisions involving
15-passenger vans have focused public attention
on these vehicles, the Canadian Council of Motor
Transport Administrators has found them “to be as
safe as other highways vehicles.”                              Quick Facts
                                                       •   Under Northwest Territories
The safety of all people travelling on NWT roads
                                                           law, 15-passenger vans are
is the Department of Transportation’s top
                                                           considered buses.
priority. Driver training, regular vehicle
maintenance, and proper vehicle loading will
                                                       •   Schools, hotels, sports
support a safe driving experience for you and
                                                           teams, charities, church
your passengers.
                                                           groups, work sites, and other
                                                           community organizations
                                                           often use 15-passenger vans
                                                           to transport both passengers
                                                           and cargo.

                                                       •   If driven improperly, these
                                                           vehicles have increased
                                                           rollover risk, decreased
                                                           stability, and a tendency to
                                                           fishtail at high speeds.

                                                       •   However, with knowledge and
                                                           training, drivers can safely
                                                           maintain and operate these
                                                           vehicles both commercially
                                                           and privately.
Does the National Safety Code apply to 15-passenger vans?
If you operate a 15-passenger van for business purposes (including rented or chartered
vehicles), you must meet requirements under the National Safety Code (NSC), including hours
of service requirements, daily inspections, and record keeping. Private use of 15-passenger
vans, including use by community organizations, is exempt from NSC requirements.

I need to operate a 15-passenger
These vehicles are considered buses and require a
Class 4,3,2, or 1 professional drivers licence. They
cannot be driven by a Class 5 licence holder unless the
driver is learning how to drive a 15-passenger van. In
this case, the passenger accompanying the driver must
have at least a Class 4 licence with a minimum of three
years experience.

Operational Requirements for 15-Passenger Vans
                         Do I have to follow NSC            What classes       What is the
                              requirements?                of licence do I   minimum driving
                                                           need to drive a   age required to
                                                           15-passenger         operate a
15-Passenger Van
                                       No                    4,3,2, or 1           18
(Society Vehicle)
15-Passenger Van
(Rental, less than 30                  Yes
days)                    (responsibility of the rental       4,3,2, or 1           18

15-Passenger Van                       Yes
(Rental, 30 days or       (responsibility of the renter)     4,3,2, or 1           18
15-Passenger Van
                                       No                    4,3,2, or 1           18
(School Bus)
15-Passenger (Private)                 No                    4,3,2, or 1           18
                                      Yes                    4,3,2, or 1           18
My organization owns and operates a 15-passenger van.
 What do I need to know?

                                                     •   Choose fully-licensed drivers with
                                                         experience, proper training, and a
                                                         safe driving record.
                                                     •   Maintain policies and guidelines
                                                         for the operation and maintenance
The Canadian Council of Motor Transport                  of all fleet vehicles.
Administrators also recommends that                  •   Require supervisors to carry
organizations, including schools, create and             contact information and cell
maintain policies to ensure proper operation and         or satellite phones in case of
maintenance of these vehicles.                           emergency.
                                                     •   Provide a trip itinerary to parents
Such a policy could refer to required driving            or other contacts.
experience and training, insurance, or set out       •   Be prepared for adverse weather
criteria for the assessment of driver’s abstracts.       conditions.
Organizations should monitor drivers and             •   NWT road reports are available
vehicles to ensure policies are being followed.          online at www.dot.gov.nt.ca.

Contact your insurance provider to find out
insurance requirements for your 15-
passenger van. The Motor Vehicles Act also
contains information regarding basic
insurance requirements for any vehicle.

My organization would prefer to use a different kind of vehicle
for our passengers or cargo. What other vehicles can I use?
School buses are recommended for
transporting large  groups of  students
to and from school or for extracurricular
activities. School buses are one of the
safest available modes of transportation

Multi-functional activity buses (MFAB) also
meet national standards.  They are built
with all the safety construction features of
a school bus but without the traffic warning
devices required for school buses.
I drive a 15-passenger van. What do I need to know?

    Driving a 15-Passenger Van                       •   Avoid distractions. Remind your
                                                         passengers that their actions
                                                         may be distracting.
                                                     •   Be prepared for adverse
                                                         weather conditions. NWT
                                                         road reports are available
If you plan to operate a 15-passenger                    online at www.dot.gov.nt.ca.
van, participation in one of these courses           •   Take regular breaks. As with
is recommended.  Training specific to                    alcohol and other drugs, fatigue
15-passenger vans is available in the                    can impair your driving ability.
Northwest Territories.                               •   Use of handheld devices (cell
                                                         phones, GPS) is illegal while
Drivers must be aware that these large                   driving.
vehicles do not handle like everyday cars            •   Operate at a safe speed for
and trucks. Additional braking time is needed            weather and road conditions,
and abrupt steering should be avoided.                   staying within the speed limit.
                                                     •    Give yourself additional braking

                                                    Loading Passengers and Cargo

    •   Always fill the front passenger         Weight distribution can dramatically affect
        seats first.                            vehicle handling.
    •   Distribute the remaining cargo
        throughout the rest of the vehicle
        or on the floor near the front.
    •   Never carry more passengers
        than there are available seat belts.
    •   If the vehicle is not full, load
        passengers and cargo in front of
        the rear axle.
    •   Avoid roof racks, rear cargo
        boxes, and tow trailers as these        If you do not have an owner's manual,
        can negatively affect vehicle           contact your vehicle dealer.
    •   If you must use one of these
        storage devices, carry heavier
        cargo inside the vehicle and never
        exceed weight limits.
Regular maintenance makes my 15-passenger van safer.
  What do I need to know?
                  Seat Belts
Seat belts should be worn at all times while           •    Make sure seat belt is in proper
driving by all passengers.                                  working condition.
                                                       •    Make sure seat belt is worn
As a driver, you can face fines under the                   properly.
Motor Vehicles Act as well as demerit                  •    Never have more passengers then
points on your drivers licence for seat belt                seat belts.
infractions, including carrying more                   •    Always make sure passengers are
passengers than available seat belts. You                   properly restrained, using a seat
are also responsible to ensure passengers                   belt or car seat as required.
under 15 years of age wear their seatbelt.
                                                                  Tire Maintenance
  •   Make sure the tires are in good              Check each vehicle tire before driving and check
      condition.                                   tire pressure on a monthly basis.
  •   Check tire tread depth.                      Tire pressure is based on your vehicle’s weight
  •   Make sure tires are                          and design. It can be different in the front and in
      appropriate for weather and road             the rear of your vehicle, but is essential to vehicle
      conditions.                                  control and reducing roll-over risk.
  •   Manually check tire pressure once
                                                   Your vehicle’s owner’s manual will state tire type
      a month.
                                                   and required tire pressure.

  What is Electronic Stability Control?
 Electronic Stability Control can improve
 vehicle handling and reduce rollovers.

 ESC automatically applies the brakes when
 the gravitational pull to any side of the vehicle
 reaches a threshold that would cause the
 vehicle to roll onto its side.

 As of 2011, vehicles must be manufactured
 with ESC and it is recommended that you                     Questions or Comments?
 purchase or rent only equipped vehicles.
                                                             For more information regarding
                                                           15-passenger vans, please contact:

                                                           Road Licensing and Safety Division
                                                           NWT Department of Transportation
                                                                     4510 50 Avenue
                                                                      P.O. Box 1320
                                                                     Yellowknife, NT
                                                                         X1A 2L9
                                                                    PH: 867-873-7972
                                                                   FAX: 867-873-0120
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