WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za

Page created by Heather Wright
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za
#MYNWU – WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE.................................................................... 3
               WHO IS THE NWU?..................................................................................................... 3
               THE NWU HAS EIGHT FACULTIES................................................................................ 4
               PROTECTION SERVICES............................................................................................... 7
               HEALTHCARE CENTRES............................................................................................... 9
               LIBRARY.................................................................................................................... 11
               OUR IT SERVICES...................................................................................................... 13
               STUDENT COUNSELLING AND DEVELOPMENT.......................................................... 15
               OPTIMISING YOU!.................................................................................................... 17
               INTEREST INDEX....................................................................................................... 18
               BURSARIES AND LOANS............................................................................................ 19
               ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES:............................................................. 21
               EDUCATION.............................................................................................................. 22
               ENGINEERING........................................................................................................... 23
               HEALTH SCIENCES.................................................................................................... 24
               HUMANITIES............................................................................................................ 25
               LAW ....................................................................................................................... 26
               NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES................................................................. 27
               THEOLOGY............................................................................................................... 28
               WE DID NOT INVENT STUDENT LIFE, WE PERFECTED IT!........................................... 30
               ACCOMMODATION – A PLACE TO LEARN AND A PLACE TO CHILL!.......................... 32
               MAHIKENG CAMPUS................................................................................................ 33
               POTCHEFSTROOM CAMPUS...................................................................................... 35
               VANDERBIJLPARK CAMPUS....................................................................................... 39
               OUR THREE CAMPUSES............................................................................................ 43
               SPORT ...................................................................................................................... 45
               NWU ARTS............................................................................................................... 47
               COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT.................................................................................... 49
               UNLOCK YOUR NEW NWU WORLD ON SOCIAL MEDIA!........................................... 51

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 italic text - it indicates                            Twitter link                                           Click to view
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WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za

We join you in your excitement about a new chapter in your life – being a student! The
NWU is just the right place for you to get ready to start out in a professional career.
Here we prepare you to reap the fruits of hard work for the rest of your life, and to be
even more than you envisaged.

                                                            WHO IS THE
                                                            The NWU, with its
                                                            three campuses in
                                                            Vanderbijlpark and
                                                            Mahikeng, was established
                                                            in 2004. The NWU
                                                            offers more than just an
                                                            education: we offer people
                                                            a place in the world. Our
                                                            academic offering provides
                                                            students with a large
                                                            choice and flexibility, and
                                                            enables them to realise their
                                                            full potential and to start
                                                            preparing for their careers.
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za

  FACULTIES                   Click on the numbers below

Economic and
Management Sciences

       offers an enormous
              variety of
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za
Across the NWU we accommodated more than 64
contact and distance-learning
                 students in 2019.
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za
CLICK on the photo to watch the video of each faculty

Economic and Management Sciences           Humanities

Health Sciences                             Engineering

Natural and Agricultural Sciences          Education

 Law                                        Theology
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za
We want to ensure that our students achieve success, and that is why we make sure
that, in addition to numerous other support services, you have access to academic
support, libraries, computers, bursaries, health and welfare services and a career
centre. To bring these services as close to our students as possible, the departments
providing them are in most cases located on the campuses.

Our support staff are all there to support you and to care for you. Please use the services we
offer. Feel free to come and discuss any challenges with us. We are here to help.


                                                           Your safety as a student at
                                                           the North-West University
                                                           is our biggest priority. This
                                                           enormous responsibility rests
                                                           on the shoulders of the NWU’s
                                                           Protection Services. They
                                                           ensure that traffic is flowing,
                                                           crime is combated, and crime
                                                           investigations are carried out by
                                                           specialist staff to punish criminals
                                                           as soon as possible.

         Your   safety as a student at the North-West University
                      is our biggest priority.
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za
HEALTHCARE                 will ensure that you will
CENTRES                    quickly be fit as a fiddle
                           and healthy to continue to
All of us feel under the   be a student.
weather every now and
then – whether it is       All health issues, from
due to that horrible flu   physical to mental, acute
virus or a more serious    to chronic, are dealt         All three of the
medical emergency that     with here by a dedicated        campuses of
unexpectedly besets you    multidisciplinary team of     the North-West University
on campus. You and your    experts. Appointments for
parents can rest assured   consultations can be made          is equipped with a
that each of the three     telephonically, but walk-in     healthcare
campuses of the North-     patients are also welcome.        centre
West University has a
healthcare centre that
WHERE YOU CAN BE MORE - studies nwu ac za
The following
services are offered
     to all students:

  Voluntary counselling
   and testing for HIV/
       AIDS (VCT)

   Health counselling,
    promotion and

        services          Consultations         Whether you have a
                                                medical aid or not, you
                             are offered at a   are welcome to use the
                          minimal fee           services of the healthcare
                                                centre. Consultations are
                                                offered at a minimal fee.


    Emergency care         Screening – blood     Supply of contraceptives and
                            pressure, blood      antenatal care as prescribed
                           sugar, pregnancy          and provided by the
                              tests, weight         Department of Health
The NWU’s                     Did you know that the NWU’s        libraries:
   Library and
  Services comprise
three campus libraries, namely    have thicker-than-usual        provide access to
 the Mahikeng, Potchefstroom        floors to be able to      about 51 000 scientific
                                   bear the weight of all      e-journals and about
  and Vanderbijlpark libraries.         the books?              250 000 e-books?

    If you regard the word            make old exam               have free Wi-Fi?
    “library” as a synonym            papers available
    for boredom, silence and           electronically?
    solitude, your view will
    undergo a drastic change
    next year. We would
    rather describe the NWU’s
    libraries with words like
    exciting, creative, and          have computer work        offer undergraduate and
    information overdose!          stations with up-to-date postgraduate support in
    The NWU’s Library and          software and additional      the form of expert staff
    Information Services          power outlets for your cell and up-to-date information
    comprise three campus              phone or tablet?               technology?
    libraries, namely the
    Mahikeng, Potchefstroom
    and Vanderbijlpark

    The main library on the
    Potchefstroom Campus,          have coffee shops on         have spaces for quiet
    also known as the               the Potchefstroom        study and seminar rooms
    Ferdinand Postma Library,       and Vanderbijlpark         for group discussions?
    has four branch libraries,          campuses?
    namely the Education
    Sciences Library, the
    Music Library, the Natural
    Sciences Library and the
    Theology Library.
                                     can make your             house a collection of
                                  unique class timetable       various valuable and
                                       available?               historical journals,
                                    provide copying,          newspapers, artefacts,
                                   scanning and email        books, literary works and
                                        services?                   paintings?
We could describe the NWU’s
  libraries with words like
exciting, creative, and
 information overdose!

  Feel free to contact one of the
  libraries to find out how you can
  benefit from their services. You can
  also visit the libraries on Facebook at
  NWU Libraries.
OUR IT SERVICES               any of the North-West          an IT service desk on
                              University’s three campuses,   every campus that can
These days, the world         we invest millions of rands    assist you with everything
revolves around a             every year in the most         concerning technology.
technological pivot of the    recent technology – and        If you experience an IT-
internet, smartphones, apps   everything is available to     related problem, you can
and digital communication.    you. One example of this is    use this walk-in service.
The mere thought of           free Wi-Fi access to you as
having to get along without   student, which is available
technology is probably        almost everywhere on the
terrifying to you!            campuses.

To help you to feel as much   Another benefit is the fact
at home as possible on        that we have established

             Contact details:
                       Mahikeng: Building A1, Room 130
                       Potchefstroom: Building F20, Room G49
                       Vanderbijlpark: Building 9, Room 105
                       Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Instapdiens
                       Web: http://services.nwu.ac.za/ithome
we invest millions of rands every year in the most recent
technology. One example thereof is free Wi-Fi access to
   you as student, which is available almost everywhere on the campuses.
With the large variety of study fields that the North-West
University offers you, it can sometimes be difficult to make
the right choice. Sometimes you have more than one field
of interest and you do not necessarily know which one
of the courses will be the best fit for you. Sometimes we
as individuals experience various crises and are looking
for emotional support or want to use the University’s
psychological/social services. The NWU has a Unit for
Student Counselling and Development that can assist you
in this regard.

                 The services provided by SCD include:

     Therapeutic          Social support          Career guidance                   Support for
  and counselling       services, including       and counselling                  students with
 services (including      HIV/AIDS and                                               disabilities
   individual and           community
  group sessions)          engagement

Life and leadership       Psychometric        Improving the first-                 Concessions and
skills and personal      assessments for        year experience                   additional writing
   development         prospective as well                                      time (Potchefstroom
                       as current students        (including adjustment to
                                                 campus life, and general        and Vanderbijlpark
                                              development for first entrants)         Campus)
Please note that services can vary depending on the NWU
campus concerned
                  POTCHEFSTROOM                         MAHIKENG               VANDERBIJLPARK
Contact          018 299 1777 (Thuso)                  018 389 2592            016 910 3195
number:          018 299 2893 (SCD)
Building:        Thuso: Building E14                   Building A3, Block B,   Hendrick van Eck Blvd,
                 SCD: Building F18                     Office 269, Student     Building 13, Split Level 3,
                                                       Centre Building         Office 331
                                                       Mmabatho: Unit 5
Website:         http://services.nwu.ac.za/af/student-counselling-and-
Social           https://www.facebook.com/
media:           groups/631885390584069/?ref=bookmarks
         At Student Counselling and Development (SCD),
     professional services are provided to
students by professional staff with qualifications
  in psychology, counselling, social work and psychometrics. Our
          aim is reflected in our motto: Optimising you!


A FREE measuring instrument that establishes
the career interest of high school learners.
You can also download the Interestindex free on
your cell phone at:

                                                           Complete the survey
                                                           and immediately receive
Thinking about your future career can sometimes            a personal report with
be a very exciting yet overwhelming process.               information that can assist
The South African Career Interest Survey, sponsored
by the NWU, offers learners assistance by linking
                                                           *Please note that many factors affect
possible careers and fields of study with their specific   these decisions, including aptitude,
interests. As a first step, the Interest Index helps       personality and interest. This service is
                                                           not intended to replace professional
learners from Grade 8 to Grade 12 to identify possible     career guidance.
subjects, tertiary training and careers.
Academic scholarship – All full-time first years and
BURSARIES AND                      seniors (second-, third- and fourth-year students)
LOANS                              automatically receive this bursary if they are within
                                   the minimum duration of the qualification for which
You probably have a number         they register in their first year and comply with certain
of concerns about your             academic requirements.
future. Where to study, what
to study, where you will find      Family discount – Is your older brother or
accommodation, etc. How            sister already studying at the NWU? Well, thanks
you are going to pay for your      to them you can apply for a family discount!
academic future need not be        Depending on whether you are the second,
one of these concerns, as the      third or fourth child in your family to attend the
NWU has various bursary and        NWU, 15% or more of your university fees can be
loan opportunities available to    deducted! Just another reason why it is nice to be
you!                               the youngest child in the family!

The Department of Financial        Leadership bursaries – that head boy/head girl
Support Services was               title you were awarded in Grade 12 still holds a
established to provide financial   benefit for you … Thanks to this once-off bursary
support to hardworking             you can get an additional discount on the costs of
students who dream of              your first study year.
obtaining tertiary-education
qualifications, but simply         Arts and Culture bursaries – Were you more
cannot afford the full cost of     into culture at school? Well, if you managed
this.                              exceptional achievements in the arts from Grade
                                   8 to Grade 12, you possibly qualify for an Arts
South Africa offers a wide         and Culture bursary. The bursary has specific
variety of bursaries and loans,    requirements and applications are assessed by the
but finding the option that        Department of Arts and Culture. Apply here.
best matches your needs
and studies and that is also       Support bursaries – The NWU also offers
accredited with the institution    bursaries to prospective students with physical
of your choice can be a            disabilities or who come from the orphanage/
stressful procedure. That is why   foster-care system. You have to apply only once.
the NWU has compiled a list of     Make sure that you attach all the necessary
the bursaries and loan schemes     documents.
accepted at our university for
you, and of the bursaries and      Sports bursaries – NWU Sport awards bursaries
financial support the university   only to contracted students. Prospective Students
has in place to facilitate your    with Provincial Colors can apply for a sport bursary
journey from first year to         in the Major sports codes. Visit http://sport.
graduate.                          nwu.ac.za for more information on sport at the
External bursaries
The NSFAS bursary scheme offers financial support
to students with academic potential who are financially     Who would have thought
disadvantaged. Only households with a joint income of       that there are so many
less than R350 000 per annum will be considered.            different types of bursaries
                                                            available? To view a
To find out more about the requirements for your            complete list of possible
application, please visit http://www.nsfas.org.za/          bursaries and loans on
content/bursary-scheme.html. Please note that               each campus of the NWU,
the NSFAS policy stipulates that NSFAS students may         visit the NWU website at
receive NO other bursaries. This includes academic merit    http://studies.nwu.ac.za/
bursaries and all other NWU bursaries mentioned above.      studies/bursaries-and-
Funza Lushaka teaching bursary – Become a teacher
and inspire the leaders of the future! This bursary was
established for South African citizens who dream of a
teaching qualification with a focus on foundation-phase,
intermediary-phase and senior-phase teaching, or further      Now that you know the
education and training (FET). You are just one click away
from your dream: http://www.funzalushaka.doe.
                                                              path to the
gov.za/.                                                    pot of gold, make
                                                             sure you submit
Other external bursaries – Naturally, the list does not
end here! There is still a variety of other bursaries and     your completed bursary
loans to get your academic career rolling. Every bursary      applications
has its own requirements. Make sure that you read the
information carefully before you apply. Find the perfect       before the due date.
bursary for your circumstances, interests and passions
                  Excellence through collaboration and innovation
The Faculty of Economic   corps. We have a footprint    fields of accounting,
and Management Sciences   on all three campuses: in     management and
was established over 70   Potchefstroom, Mahikeng       marketing, human
years ago, but boasts     and Vanderbijlpark.           resources, tourism and
a very young, industry-   We offer more than            economics. Our aim is
relevant, dynamic staff   30 programmes in the          to be an internationally
                                                        recognised, innovative
                                                        faculty that strives for
                                                        excellence by unlocking
                                                        human potential.

      Our aim is to be an internationally recognised,
     innovative faculty that strives for excellence by unlocking
                              human potential.
           Teachers present the past, reveal the present, and create the future!
Teacher training at the       through the faculty’s          business leaders, artists,
North-West University         postgraduate offerings         scientists, entrepreneurs
(NWU) boasts a proud          reflect the excellence of      and doctors.
history dating back as far    and trust in the NWU.
as 1919.                                                     In terms of research, the
                              Graduates with an              faculty is held in high
The high demand for           NWU qualification in           regard for its long-
entrance to the BEd           education find themselves      standing contribution
professional teaching         at the forefront of their      to the expansion of
qualifications and            profession, educating          the knowledge base of
the fact that so many         the next generation            human rights education
qualified teachers choose     of workers, including          with regard to diversity,
to upgrade their skills       teachers, politicians,         literacy theory practice,
                                                             self-directed learning,
                                                             education leadership
                                                             and management,
                                                             and community-based

        The faculty’s postgraduate offerings reflect the excellence of
                             and trust in the NWU.
                      We do not run from challenges – we run towards solutions!
The NWU’s Faculty of           growth. We want our           edge and innovative
Engineering functions as a     graduates to have a solid     research, and focuses
dynamic training hub for       academic foundation and       mainly on integrated
world-class, versatile and     experience in the practical   energy solutions, while
innovative engineers.          application of their          contributing to the
                               knowledge in the world of     ever-expanding Fourth
We believe in changing         work.                         Industrial Revolution. We
the world for the better                                     are a partner in the BRICS
by developing exceptional      All engineering               University Network, and
engineers. We do this          programmes at                 ground-breaking research
by creating an industry-       the NWU are ECSA              and the commercialisation
relevant environment           accredited, which open        of our expertise – both
based on cutting-edge          up opportunities for          locally and abroad – have
research and academic          graduates to work both        always been top priorities
excellence. Here we care       locally and abroad.           for us.
about our students and         The faculty prides
are deeply invested in their   itself on being at the
academic and professional      forefront of cutting-
HEALTH SCIENCES                                       adheres to the standards
                                                            set by the World Health
              The future of healthcare, today!              Organisation (WHO),
                                                            but also trains health
The Faculty of Health         largest of its kind in the    professionals who
Sciences was established in   country.                      champion good health
1999 and is the youngest                                    and overall well-being.
faculty in the North-West     With a distinct focus
University (NWU) family.      on holistic and               The faculty is made up
Since its inception it has    multidisciplinary teaching,   of five academic schools
grown to be one of the        the faculty not only          offering undergraduate
                                                            training, postgraduate
                                                            study and research in
                                                            several specialised fields in
                                                            the health sciences sphere.

   The faculty not only adheres to the standards
                                     set by the World
      Health Organisation (WHO), but also trains health
 professionals who champion good health and overall well-being.
                 Advancing human understanding for a better tomorrow
As one of the oldest         who possess imagination,     understanding, addressing
disciplines in the history   insight, mental agility      and mitigating the local
of higher education, the     and analytical skills.       and global challenges
Faculty of Humanities        These are sought after       facing humanity.
at the NWU is a leading      attributes, especially as    We are home to some
and dynamic centre for       we enter into the Fourth     of South Africa’s
teaching, learning and       Industrial Revolution and    most celebrated
research. The faculty        the industry is looking      intellectuals, artists
consists out of six          for individuals who          and highly respected
complementary schools        think out of the box.        researchers. We need
namely: Communication,       In acknowledging the         visionaries, innovators
Languages, Government        impact of technology         and entrepreneurs who
sciences, Music,             on all aspects of society,   can help create the
Philosophy, as well as       our programmes               unthinkable and make
Social Sciences.             foster an intersection       a difference in our
We aim to produce            between humanities           communities and daily
exceptional young people     and technology in            lives. We invite you to
                                                          become part of our elite
                                                          group of specialists and
                                                          make a positive change in
                                                          the world.
                    Quality in Teaching-Learning, Research and Service Delivery
The Faculty of Law           and skills that they will      constitutional democracy.
provides quality legal       need in their professional     We offer law programmes
education, undertakes        lives, and also to expand      across our three
focused research and is      the science of law             campuses, including
involved in the community.   through the research our       Law Clinics in Mahikeng
The Faculty’s goal is to     staff and postgraduate         and Potchefstroom. We
equip law students with      students conduct in the        therefore have a presence
the knowledge, ethics        service of justice and our     in, and understanding
                                                            of, urban and rural

       The faculty’s goal is to equip law students with the knowledge,
                      ethics and skills they will need.
                   Quality in Teaching-Learning, Research and Service Delivery

The Faculty of Natural and        Our academic staff are          and life skills to make a
Agricultural Sciences offers      diligent and committed          success of their careers.
diverse and interesting           to students and research        We offer quality training
qualifications, characterised     activities. Some of our staff   that includes the general
by relevant and integrated        also enjoy international        moulding of the student,
training. Here, students          recognition. The Faculty of     personal attention, quality
develop life skills that enable   Natural and Agricultural        equipment and meaningful
them to handle challenges         Sciences strives to equip       outcome-based academic
in the workplace.                 students with knowledge         programmes.

    Our academic staff are diligent and committed to students and research activities.
   Some of our staff also enjoy international recognition.
                   Inspirational theology from a Reformational foundation
The Faculty of Theology        by enhancing the Christian    Syriac, Ugaritic, and
practises the science          faith, the reformation of     Aramaic.
of theology from a             the church, and the moral
Reformational foundation.      renewal of society.           Degree courses are
This implies recognition                                     offered on the Mahikeng,
that the Word of God, the      The School of Ancient         Potchefstroom and
Bible, originated through      Languages and Text            Vanderbijlpark campuses.
the inspiration of the Holy    Studies, which is housed      The faculty’s cooperation
Spirit and that the Bible      in the faculty, is mainly     with the Unit for Open
is therefore inspired and      concerned with studies        Distance Learning creates
authoritative, yet also        of the Ancient World, its     the opportunity to provide
originated in historical and   languages and its material    theological education
other contexts.                culture. The school houses    for all without students
                               leading authorities in        having to relocate to an
In its practice of theology,   classical Latin, ancient      NWU campus. This is a
the aim of the faculty is      Greek and the languages       unique and creative way in
to serve the church and        of the ancient Near East,     which students determine
society, both nationally and   specifically the Aramaic      the place, time and
internationally, within the    and Hebrew of the Tenach,     tempo of their theological
unique nature of theology      but also Arabic, Akkadian,    studies.
Did you know that only about 6,7%
of people around the world have a tertiary

     But what makes it so 		         If someone has told you that being a student is the
     memorable?                      best time of your life, they were 100% on target!
                                     Being a student is not just about late nights in front
•   A lively atmosphere on           of your books, attending classes and writing exams. It
    campus and where you live        is also about a unique experience that very few young
•   The diversity of students        people are privileged to have.
•   Modern sports facilities and
    equipment                        It is an absolute honour to be able to be part of the
•   A great variety of leisure       NWU, and we have established various initiatives and
    facilities                       support departments to make sure that your student
•   Expert lecturers                 years are an unforgettable experience!
•   Crisis and counselling support
    in emergencies                   As you already know, the NWU has three campuses.
                                     Whether you spend your free time under the plane
                                     trees of the Potchefstroom Campus, or on the banks
                                     of the Vaal River, or in the busy economic mother
                                     city of North West, we assure you there is a vibrant
                                     student life!

    Click, on the video
    right to see the reception
     of the 2020, first years.
If someone has told you that being a student is the best time of
             your life, they were 100% on target!

There is an old saying:        the smooth running of the      life to our students. Your
“Home is where the heart       residence complexes on each    residence will quickly
is.” We are sure that the      of the three NWU campuses      become a “home”. It is a
NWU will settle very deeply    in Mahikeng, Potchefstroom     place where friendships are
in your heart very quickly.    and Vanderbijlpark.            formed and strengthened
That is why we offer you                                      and cultural differences are
an enormous variety of         We also ensure a safe,         discovered and nurtured.
accommodation on and off       hygienic and well-
the campuses. We would         maintained residence
like to help you to find the   environment that promotes
perfect home away from         teaching and learning. Your
home.                          campus residence will play a
                               major role during your years
The NWU’s Residence            as a student. Residences are
Services is responsible for    the heartbeat of student

                          “Home is where the heart is.”

           It is a place where friendships are formed and strengthened
                      and cultural differences are discovered and nurtured.
The Mahikeng Campus
has 11 residences that are
all located on the campus
and that can house a total
of approximately 3 000
students. You will have
internet access at each one
of these residences. The
residences comprise:

•   Dr Nelson Mandela
    1 for first-year
    female students, and
    residence 2 for first-
    year male students
•   Khayelitsha for first-
    year male students
•   Hopeville for first-year
    female students

For more information
on the residences on
the Mahikeng Campus,
contact Freedom Gwele
at 018 389 2923 or
CLICK on the logo of each hostel to read more about the hostel.
                      MAHIKENG RESIDENCES



      BIKO                      MBADA             NGAKA MODIRI MOLEMA

    SEBIDENG                 SOL PLAATJIE            DR JAMES MOROKA


     11 residences that are all located on the campus and that can
         house a total of approximately 3 000 students.
CAMPUS                             Because there is not enough room in campus
                                   residences to accommodate all students who
On the Potchefstroom               study at the NWU’s Potchefstroom Campus,
Campus there are different         many students also use private accommodation.
types of accommodation             To facilitate your search for a home, this campus
available. This comprises          has launched an initiative that will help you to get
residences on the campus,          the perfect private accommodation. Pukki-verblyf
town residences and private        provides a solution to this problem through a
accommodation.                     website and an accommodation office on campus.
                                   Feel free to contact them at 018 100 0040 or visit
Here you will find a variety       www.nwupukkiverblyf.co.za for more information.
of 11 ladies’ residences and
nine men’s residences on

                               For general enquiries about accommodation on the
                               Potchefstroom Campus, contact Caro Bamberger at 018
                               299 1188 or caro.bamberger@nwu.ac.za.
CLICK on the logo of each residence to read more.


  EIKENHOF                    HEIDE                HUIS REPUBLIEK

   KARLIEN                   KASTEEL                 KLAWERHOF

  MINJONET                 OOSTERHOF               VERGEET-MY-NIE

WAG-’N-BIETJIE               WANDA

   Potchefstroom - has a variety of 11 ladies’ residences and
               9 men’s residences on campus.
CLICK on the logo of each residence to read more.


           CAPUT                     EXCELSIOR                    DE WILGERS

          HOMBRÉ                      LAUREUS                   OVER DE VOOR

           PATRIA                 RATAU LEBONE                      VERITAS

Are you wondering what       campus, but in rooms, flats,   residences function just like
the difference between       outside rooms or at home       ordinary residences and
a town residence and         participate in organised       are organised in the same
a campus residence is?       student life by becoming       way as residences on the
Well, students who do not    a member of one of the         campus.
live in a residence on the   “town residences”. Town

 BELLATRIX               DINKI                       LAVARIA


  HEIMAT              THABA JAH                     VILLAGERS


               Pukdorp is comfortable accommodation located on the
               Potchefstroom Campus. There are nine two-bedroomed
               flats that each has its own kitchen and bathroom.


               Soetdorings is comfortable accommodation that is
               within walking distance of the Fanie du Toit sports
               grounds, the HPI gym and the Potchefstroom Campus.
               Both Soetdorings and Pukdorp join in the normal
               residence life of the NWU, therefore they also
SOETDORINGS    experience the total student life.


  OPPIRIF      Oppirif is a residence for seniors located on the NWU’s
               Potchefstroom Campus and offers accommodation to
               504 residents. The residence consists of 42 blocks, with
               six units and two single rooms in each unit.
The campus offers 12
residences, five of which
are located on the campus
and five in Vanderbijlpark.
The two day residences are
for day students who live
at home but commute to
campus every day.

For more information on
accommodation on the
Vanderbijlpark Campus,
contact Karin Venter at
016 910 3308 or Venter.
Tumi Mambo can also
be contacted at 016 910
3051 or 22903798@
CLICK on the logo of each residence to read more.


BOLALE VILLAGE              EBUKHOSINI                   FARANANI

   JASMYN                     KUMBA                     LONGFELLOW

MOAHI VILLAGE                THUTUKA                    VERGELEGEN


                     The two day residences
                     are for day students who
                     live at home but commute
                     to campus every day.

   ACACIA                                                   ORYX


                     The Horizon residence is modern accommodation
                     that provides 84 postgraduate students and
                     postdoctoral fellows with place to live on campus. The
                     accommodation consists of two-bedroomed units in
  HORIZON            separate blocks for male and female students.
Our aim is to excel in
                                                              learning and
                                                              pioneering research

The North-West University focuses on becoming an          Students are enrolled
internationally recognised university in Africa that is   for under- as well as
known for its scholarship, social responsiveness and      postgraduate programmes
an ethic of care.                                         and are trained by
                                                          experts. The NWU delivers
Our aim is to excel in innovative teaching-learn-         competent graduates to
ing and pioneering research in order to serve the         the entire South Africa
community through knowledge. We offer a variety           – graduates who make
of degrees and courses in various disciplines across      a major contribution to
eight faculties:                                          the region’s social and
                                                          economic growth.
•   Economic and Management Sciences
•   Humanities                                            The NWU community has
•   Health Sciences                                       embraced the following
•   Engineering                                           brand properties:
•   Natural and Agricultural Sciences
•   Education                                             •    Academic excellence
•   Law                                                   •    Social responsiveness
•   Theology                                              •    Resilient students
                                                          •    Relevant graduates
                                                          •    Value-driven focus

                                                          The colour purple is
                                                          associated with wisdom,
                                                          dignity, ambition, pride,
                                                          independence and
                                                          passion, and therefore
                                                          works very well with the
                                                          NWU’s brand identity.
                                                            Fact: Eagi is a one of a
                                                           kind NWU-eagle fashioned
                                                             on traits of the Fish
                                                           Eagle, Bateleur
                                                             and African
                                                           Crowned eagle.

                                                           importance of honesty and
                                                           truthful principles binding
                                                           with the value driven
                                                           nature of the NWU.

                                                           The eagle (king of
                                                           birds) represents
                                                           positive attributes and
                                                           characteristics that fit
                                                           perfectly with the NWU
                                                           strategy and objectives.
                                                           i.e. Success, Aspiration,

                                                           Courage, Expansion,
                                                           Renewed life, Leadership,
                                                           Freedom, etc. It also has
                                                           positive meaning across
                                                           many cultures.

The NWU prides itself       as we endeavor and             Eagi is a visionary, pushing
in offering quality         creatively approach            the limits of self-discovery,
programmes and a            life daring greatly to         a born leader and
vibrant student-life.       soar above the rest.           sometimes impatient with
There is no better symbol   Like the NWU, Eagi is          its mascot brothers and
than Eagi to represent      always looking to new          sisters tending to be a
the brand attributes and    opportunities and seeks        bit more serious focusing
ambition of the unitary     to continuously improve.       strongly on excellence and
NWU. Summoning Eagi         Eagi is also symbolic of the   academics.

                                                        The campus in
                                                        Vanderbijlpark is located
                                                        in a proclaimed nature
                                                        reserve on the banks of the
                                                        Vaal River, and has a diverse
   Mahikeng Campus
                                                        student profile in a unique
                                                        environment. A variety of
                                                        game species graze on
Vir Senior e.                                           the campus grounds. The
                                                        campus, which had 7 546
POTCHEFSTROOM               MAHIKENG                    registered students in 2019,
CAMPUS                      CAMPUS                      focuses on contributing to
The Potchefstroom           Mahikeng, the capital       the skills and knowledge
Campus is the biggest       of North West, houses       of the Gauteng region and
and oldest NWU campus,      the second biggest of the   acts as catalyst for economic
with 44 903 students        NWU’s three campuses,       growth.
who registered in 2019.     with 13 486 enrolled
                                                        You will grow in expertise
The campus is also          students in 2019. The
                                                        where the willows
responsible for most        location of the campus
                                                        abound or the thorn
of the NWU’s research       is ideal for academic
                                                        tree spreads its shade
outputs and is the home     programmes that focus on
                                                        (University song).
of the most National        rural development.
                                                        Welcome to the North-
Research Foundation-rated
                                                        West University!

                 Contact details:                       Whatapp number:
                 0860 169698 (0860 1mynwu)              +27 60 070 2606
SPORT                                                Sports codes
                                                         that are supported by the
                                                               NWU include:

Various world-quality coaches
                                                        •      Atletiek
  in different sports codes and excellent               •      Athletics
                  facilities                            •      Cricket
                                                        •      Netball
If sport is your thing, NWU Sport can be just the       •      Rugby
right place for you. With various world-quality         •      Soccer
coaches in different sports codes and excellent         •      Water sports
facilities located in Potchefstroom, Mahikeng and       •      Racquet sports
Vanderbijlpark, we strive to deliver competitive        •      Indoor sports
teams to participate in league and USSA competi-        •      Outdoor sports
tions in all the forms of sport.                        •      Cycle races
                                                        •      Golf

CLICK on the numbers to see some of the NWU accomplishments.

        The NWU hockey
       team – national Varsity Cup
          champions of 2019!
We strive to deliver competitive teams to
 participate in all the forms of sport.
NWU ARTS                                                           NWU Arts nurtures and
                                                                   encourages artistic talent
                                                                   and adds value to student
                                                                   life by offering students
                                                                   exposure to a rich,
The arts serve as a universal     NWU Arts is driven by the        rewarding world of arts.
language. This language           creation of high-quality         Students can participate in
builds bridges between            platforms for, opportunities     all the various arts activities
people, enriches the lives of     for participation in, and        like talent fests, serenades,
our students and adds value       exposure to the rich,            debate, concerts, dancing,
to student life. At NWU           encompassing and                 script writing, movie nights
Arts this is exactly what we      flourishing world of the arts.   and beauty pageants,
focus on, and what we are                                          or join the different arts
passionate about. NWU             NWU Arts encompasses             societies such as the NWU
Arts creates and supports         many components                  Choir, singing ensembles,
a variety of platforms            like the Institute for           the symphony orchestra,
on each campus to add             Arts Management and              debating teams or various
value to every student’s          Development, Alabama             dancing and cultural
development.                      Productions, art galleries,      groups.
                                  the permanent art collection
Through the arts we allow         and student-life activities.     Through NWU Arts we
our our students to develop       It also includes facilities      maximise the value of
a sense of global citizenship     management and ad hoc            student life at the NWU and
and become well-rounded           art projects such as musicals,   we invest in students who
human beings with the sure        productions, concerts for        are committed to achieving
knowledge of the role that        arts festivals or programmes     success, but we also give
the arts play in everyday life.   specifically produced for        recognition to students
The arts on our campuses          national and international       who excel in the arts while
are inclusive and innovative      tours by a choir or an a         studying.
and foster artistic excellence.   cappella group.
NWU Arts creates and supports a variety of
platforms on each campus to add value to every
      student’s development.
                               More importantly, though,   firmly believe that neither
           Our                 we acknowledge that         knowledge generation nor
commitment                     had it not been for the     knowledge sharing should
                               generous support and        be a one-sided affair.
       towards our             rich material generated
communities                    by the very communities     Therefore, as much as
                               we serve, we would          we share our research
                               not have been able to       findings and innovative
                               gain recognition as an      ideas with society in
As a leading teaching-         institution of higher       general, we make it our
learning and research          learning that harnesses     business to engage with
institution with a footprint   diversity and pursues       our communities to learn
that spans two of South        innovation with the         from and be taught by
Africa’s provinces, the        specific intent of making   them. In fact, the NWU
North-West University          a meaningful difference     currently drives more than
(NWU) recognises that          in South Africa and the     100 community-based
it has a responsibility to     world.                      projects that help our
ensure that the wealth                                     communities to be more
of knowledge generated         Furthermore, as much as     self-sustainable in their
via the University’s three     the University’s academic   search for prosperity.
campuses is harnessed          pursuits can and will
to the benefit of the          benefit its communities
communities we serve.          and society at large, we
            HOW TO APPLY
                                              •   Hockey
                    ONLINE IN 5 EASY STEPS    •
                                              The North-West University
                       GETTING A              welcomes applications from

                        STUDENT               people of all backgrounds
                        NUMBER                and we support diversity and
                                              equality in admission to our
                                              programmes. Applying for
                                              studies at the North-West
                                              University is easier than you
                                              think. Follow these simple
                                              steps to become part of the

                                              NWU family:
                         LOG IN
                                              Please note that, owing to
                                              specific capacity constraints,
                                              the University reserves the
                         WHAT DO              right to select candidates for

                        YOU WANT              admission to certain fields
                        TO STUDY?             of study. This means that
                                              prospective students who
                                              comply with the minimum
                                              requirements will not
                                              automatically be admitted
                                              to the courses in question.
                       UPLOAD                 Because of the capacity

                     SUPPORTING               limitations and the high
                     DOCUMENTS                demand from students for
                                              admission to particular fields of
                                              study, students will be selected
                                              on the basis of their final grade
                                              12 marks for admission to
                                              these fields.

                        SUBMIT                        Enquiries:
                      APPLICATION                  018 285 4320 or
                                                   Whatapp number:
                                                   +27 60 070 2606


                                                            North-West University.
                           You will soon be entering        However, we also offer a
     Make sure you         a new world of making            digital experience. If you
                           friends, a bubbling              do not already follow
   follow the NWU on       atmosphere of good               one of the NWU’s social
  Facebook,                spirits and excitement,          media platforms, you are
   Twitter,                access to expertise,             missing out! A variety
  Instagram                new environments and
                           the privilege of being a
                                                            of news, photos, videos,
                                                            events and activities are
         and               student! All this is a reality   communicated on these
   YouTube.                that awaits you as soon
                           as you arrive at one of the

                           three campuses of the

 FACEBOOK:             TWITTER:                YOUTUBE:             INSTAGRAM:
@NWU – North-          @theNWU               NWU – North-               my_NWU
WestUniversity,                              West University

       Want to know even more - complete the form for more information at
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